DarkAngel's Night Cry

Story by Charrio on SoFurry

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#1 of Older Writing

DarkAngel's Night Cry

A DarkAngel Yiff Story, By Charrio (Charles Uriarte)

Waking up in the dark room the only sound is heavy regular breathing coming from her side. The whole long blurry night flashing clear for a moment in her still sleeping head, she had sex, she could feel the moist aftermath dampening the fur in her groin and rump area around her tail base. Taking a moment to replay the night in her head, grabbing her knees and pulling them in she lays and thinks. Her night started off normal, she had gone out to the Human city, to enjoy the luxuries human habitation always afforded. Being a canine fur she was easily accepted into Human areas and even some Elfin ones.

Born and raised by Foxkin she never had all the luxury of human technology. Being raised by Foxkin, she had a mundane childhood, well cared for and well fed, she still wanted more for as long as she could remember. Foxkin are a simple animal folk, keeping to nature and basic needs. Foxkin shy and skittish by nature, DarkAngel was nothing like them. DarkAngel was raised by Foxkin yes, but she was not one of them. Her mother had been but she was stolen and captured by demons. Taken deep into the shadows of Equine the demon's home world, she was ravaged and made into a slave and plaything. Abused and beaten she eventually wound up pregnant with child. Knowing she would be tortured or killed she begged and pleaded until a sympathetic harem slave using some stolen magic took and sent the unborn child which was thankfully near her birthing day, far off to the forests of Furegon where the Foxkin lived after moving to hide from further raids.

Now all grown up she moved away from the forests and into the suburbs bordering the Human city known as Birth Valley, the site of the first Human colony and the Human's largest city on Furegon. Being so close to humans fascinated her, most Animal-kin stayed away from human populated areas, well most except the Mousekin. They seemed to love the Humans and their technology. Mice were the first Animal-kin race the Humans encountered when they came to Furegon. Making a deal for tech for labor, the human's instantly had a work force army of labor and thus the Mousekin were thrown centuries ahead in their technologic evolution. The Humans brought with them their companion race, the Canines. Long ago they saw fit to genetically evolve their pet companions becoming a loved sub species of their original pets.

DarkAngel being sired by a demon and born from a Foxkin, she had the slender build of a fox but the bulk and power of darkness of her demonic roots. She was covered in a charcoal black fur with white chest and mask highlights, additionally she bore the white socks of Foxkin. She was almost always mistaken for a Human Canine in Human cities and she liked it like that. Far too many people took notice of a Foxkin if they did go to a Human city.

Her night started off as it was expected to, she went to a Human recreation area. These areas are places of wonder even to Humans, all sorts of pleasures are to be had, movies, music, art even temporal projections. Temporal projections, a new form of entertainment where one can view the past, You can't do anything but you can view any moment in the available areas. DarkAngel was walking out from a new movie she just enjoyed very much so, when she ran into HIM. Dark red fur, strong arms, a bright smile and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. Standing 5'2" his wide pink ears twitching and looking up into her own vivid purple ones. Standing there looking at each other he clears his throat and begins, "hello" he chirps and then mews, smiling. That was the beginning of her wild night. Taken with the genuine smile and those endlessly deep blue eyes, She could do nothing but nod when asked to join him in a walk. "My name is Nelwin" he offered and perked his large ears toward her seeking a reply. "DarkAngel" she managed, Nelwin was a blood red Mousekin, wearing a matching red cap and t-shirt which was obviously human made. They walked in silence for a short time, Nelwin hopping and mewing here and there, his pink tail whipping to and fro.

DarkAngel walked and managed small talk as they wandered the busy city streets full of Humans and Mousekin with some other animal races peppered here and there. She was wearing her usual, a purple skirt not too short but enough to make even Human males turn their heads, her top was a tight fitting tube top, to show off her ample breasts. Movement pulls her back to her current situation then it stops as they settle back down, his breathing becoming regular again.

Again her thoughts go back but this time to further on alone and in her home. Kissing his large from incisors and ticklish twitching whiskers, the feel of his strong arms around her, his strong paw cupping her full breast through her top, the feeling of her own excitement as his paw feels her nipple through the fabric. Kissing back letting her tongue play with his, he sucks hers a moment before nibbling her lower lip, Her memories of the heated moment reigniting the fire inside her. Life and situations have always kept DarkAngel from a mate and the stigma of having a demonic parent had always kept her a lonely single girl when with the Foxkin.

After moving away she reveled in the outside world and the people who didn't know her or her past, taking great delight in sex and all its pleasures, provided they didn't want to know her. Her mind flicked back to the moment in the night, to when her tight top was raised and taken over her head, casually flung without care to the floor. Then there were those deep blue eyes looking back at her, from Nelwin's carefree child like smile. With slow deliberate movement he moved forward and took her large full breasts in his strong paws kneading them softly, her fur sliding through his paws. At the same moment leaning in for a hard passionate kiss, DarkAngel gasped, then and now she could feel her tingle of excitement she had felt then. Nelwin's paws rolled DarkAngel's full and very erect nipples in his fingers, giving them a tweak as he nibbled her neck.

Without being aware of herself doing it, she let out a shudder and moan, her tail moving involuntarily. Nibbling on her neck, her large breasts in paw, Nelwin moved his nibbles and attentions to her breasts, stopping to mew and look up at her flushed face, her vivid purple eyes watching back. Slipping her erect nipple into his eager maw he suckles wetly and with small smacking noises, his other paw gently tugging on the other. Moaning and arching her back she gently caresses Nelwin's ears as he greedily nurses her breast. DarkAngel could feel her excitement growing and had always loved having her breasts suckled and played with. Then again DarkAngel always liked to be in control, she nibbled and licked Nelwin's large ears making him shudder and stop. "Your turn Hon" DarkAngel whispered and with a quick move and using some strength flips Nelwin over and on his back, her on top, her large breasts hanging down over him.

Nelwin could only squeak and mew, his large ears folding back as DarkAngel's larger form dominated the situation. Holding him down with one paw, she slid her other down his thick shaggy furred chest to his maleness semi hard in his sheath. Pushing back the male sheath and exposing his thickening member, Nelwin raised his head and mewed his blue eyes wide. "Oh don't worry mousie, hurting you is the last thing on my mind." Taking his large member for a mouse, into her paw she slowly let it slide in her palm, which she had always loved, feeling in control and the hard warmth in her paw, though her actions had only made him fully erect now and even bigger in her paw and to her surprise.

With as much want as the subdued mouse under her she moved and quickly took a large portion of the grown erect mouse cock into her mouth, loving the musky salty taste. Unable to control himself Nelwin arched his back offering himself more as he moaned long and squeaked, his pink think tail whipping around. Taking his large member deep as she could letting it go into her throat, she caressed his large male balls in his red fuzzy sac, sliding his member out so she would breath and keep an eye on Nelwin's expressions which was panting and flushed wish a wide smile right now. Slowly and deliberately she began licking his cock from base at his sheath to the thick head at the tip, which made Nelwin moan and squeak. Movement in bed stole her back to reality, her own breathing noticeably faster. She could feel her wetness, she was exciting herself going over the nights activities. Soon the sleeping Nelwin's movements stopped and he fell back into his deep slumber. Without thinking about it she was back in her thoughts, DarkAngel straddling over Nelwin's large erect cock, glistening with wetness from her oral assault. Looking down at Nelwin, his face full of love and flushed with lust and want, with as much need as hers, Nelwin arched his hips up and entered her fiery slit, she was tight and yet so hot and receiving of his invading member.

DarkAngel yelped lightly as he entered, filling and opening her sex up to him, relaxing her muscles and letting her weight push him deeper inside. They both sat a moment enjoying the feeling of the other, slowly she raised sliding his large member almost all the way out, her tail lazily wagging side to side. Down again taking the large mouse cock deep back in making Nelwin mew and moan which made her smile darkly. DarkAngel loved being in control, to make a man weak and aching to serve her. On more then one occasion she slept with a lucky Human male or woman when the mood struck her. On one occasion a foolish man tried to take control and got rough, she promptly dislocated his shoulder showing a glimpse of her demonic strengths.

Tonight though, she was in control and loving it, faster and slicker their sex went on for a few intense minutes. DarkAngel had reached her first of many orgasms which set Nelwin off, his large member throbbing deep inside DarkAngel, letting spurts of his pre cum make her already wet sex splash down and around Nelwin's throbbing member. DarkAngel had another few orgasms though small were there as Nelwin filled her with his seed, in long plentiful spurts from his large member, flooding them both in a sticky musky mess matting their furs. Thinking he could rest a moment, Nelwin lay there panting with DarkAngel, but she had different plans. Moving herself off his spent member was heaven the way he felt sliding out and the flood of his musky seed gushing out, whish was always a part she loved. Nelwin was watching his mouth agape, loving the view. After a long lazy moment she dismounted him and moved her muzzle above the spent musky member, the fur matted down with the wet sex, taking the member in paw, which made Nelwin mew questioning. Sucking hard and deep, DarkAngel began lustfully and greedily nursing on Nelwin's member. Moans and squeaks are all that he could muster, his paws clenching fists of her black long hair, his tail whipping around. Soon his spent member thickened and hardened in its full size, making it hard to mouth completely from his size and thickness. Considering keeping on suckling the large member until her maw was filled with his hot musk, she fought it though she really wouldn't mind.

Sucking hard and letting it pop from her lips with a audible pop, she looked down at the flushed and panting mouse, "Now I want you to Fuck Me, in the ass." DarkAngel barked, ordering the shocked but smiling mouse. Moving off and taking a all fours classic doggy style position, with no hesitation and like a obedient mouse he positioned himself behind her, her tail moving to the side inviting him. DarkAngel's own musk mixed with his own filled his senses, her wet opening pink and flushed, the fur short and thin enough to see he skin in her private areas. Taking his hard thick member in his paw, he first quickly entered DarkAngel's se to we himself, a light moan and shudder was returned from her, then taking his fleshy knob and positioning at DarkAngel's quivering Tail hole.

Thrusting forward carefully he pushed his large cock head into her eager rear and tight ring, DarkAngel feeling his caution, she pushed back driving him deeper into her tail hole. Taking both paws, and gripping pawfuls of thick fur, he pulls his member out fully making DarkAngel look back at him as he drives himself back in to the hilt, this makes DarkAngel drop her ears and moan, her tail raising up more as if begging for more. In and out the pace quickens, DarkAngel letting pants and low yips which drive Nelwin on faster and harder.

Slick sex sounds fill the room though both hardly notice, DarkAngel was lost in the ecstasy of the rear invasion and Nelwin was enjoying her heat and tight tail hole just as much. Stopping after a deep hard thrust, Nelwin could feel his own climax dangerously near and was wanting to make this last when DarkAngel who was impatient clenched up hard around his sensitive member, making him almost lose control that moment and then when he felt her hot insides caress him inside as if was a paw with amazing control, then Nelwin squeaked and lost it. Which made DarkAngel very happy, she loved breaking a males self control. With slow spent thrusts Nelwin filled DarkAngel's welcoming tail hole which spasms and clenched around his fading member, as if milking him. Pulling out his spent member, her anus wide a moment then winking closed he sat back on his haunches, her tail hole dribbling his seed within.

DarkAngel could remember crawling and cuddling with this red mouse, though now that she thought about it, she had never seen a red Mousekin till now. She lay there in bed the sheets partially covering her, her legs tucked up and into her chest, her arms cradling them. She could smell the sex in the air, even now she could smell her own excitement remembering her sexual encounter, her sex wet and hot with desire, her loose tail hole and that feeling of gas which is a air bubble from recent sex. "Heck even a pink skinned Human could smell me" She thought to herself. Humans as all Animal-kin on Furegon know have worthless noses when scent was concerned.

"Oh to Hell with it!" DarkAngel barked and rolled over, to a now awake Nelwin with a big grin across his mousey face.


Artist Comments: This is an older Piece so forgive any spelling and grammer errors.