A Lion's Lament - Chapter 1: Meeting

Story by LeonLion on SoFurry

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"Only 190...? UGH! I'm never going to get anywhere at this rate..."

Hearing the outcry, many furs would think one of two things. The first was that the voice speaking, a deep baritone, was one of someone trying to lose weight. 190 was a pretty respectable weight but some liked to have their standards a bit lower. The other was that the owner was probably some kind of bodybuilder, working hard to build up his muscle mass. Most strong furs were on the heavy side in terms of weight, after all. Neither was one anyone would give much thought to, aside from thinking that the speaker was being too loud, probably enough to wake the whole neighborhood without trying.

However, if anyone knew what the voice really meant, they would probably be shocked. After all, what the slightly heavy-set lion standing before his mirror had no intentions of losing any weight, and he certainly didn't have any build to suggest that he was working out. Leon, as the lion was called despite the many groans his corny name gave him, was actually an "abnormality" to the public. See, Leon's goal wasn't to lose weight, or to gain muscle; it was actually to put on weight, to be fatter. Few people understood it, but the large feline was what was referred to as a "gainer," and he was proud of the distinction despite whatever anyone else thought about him as a result.

A gainer was a fur who actually aimed to put on weight, who wanted to be fat. This was incomprehensible to most; who wanted to be fat? After all, studies showed that it was unhealthy, it lowered life expectancy, and that it was just plain unattractive. The first two might be true back in the days when technology and stronger genetics made it impossible to live a fairly normal lifestyle at those heavier weights. Now, however, it was only said out of habit, despite the fact that being overweight had no detrimental health effects anymore, and was actually fairly free of medication except for one or two pills that were weekly at worst.

Health effects aside, the stigma that heavier furs were unattractive was nothing more than a common stereotype. It was true to the extent that many "normal-sized" furs found those of a much wider waistline to be unattractive and even a bit disgusting to some extreme individuals. However, there were also many who embraced the larger sizes, enjoying either to gain or to encourage others to gain, enjoying the size that they would reach and always striving to go for more. Of these two categories, Leon fell in the former; he didn't want to stand by and watch someone else's body become that beautifully curved round shape that he both admired and longed after.

No, he wanted a body like that for himself! He wanted to experience those wide hips with the wide, tire-like love handles sagging over his sides. The lion wanted a great massive belly, the folds of fat hanging down past his legs if possible, the golden fur stretched over that monolith of pure fat. He wanted that gigantic rump, the one that would have all the others chasing after him at the slightest wiggle as it fought free of its confining clothing, those thigh thighs that rubbed against each other, those heavy moobs that squished against his belly to accentuate it all the more...! He wanted it all, Leon did, he wanted to be absolutely huge, the biggest lion that anyone had ever known!

Unfortunately, in the last three months since he had started gaining, he had shown a weight increase of no more than ten pounds. Leon had spent hours searching the internet, looking for the best ways to gain at a low budget and with as many visible results as possible. Every method he had followed diligently, from the tested weight gain powders that were supposed to work the most effectively to starving himself through breakfast at lunch in order to slow down his metabolism for an enormous dinner. Every method tried and researched, many acclaimed in stories of gaining success, and all Leon had to show for it was a measly ten pounds.

One-ninety barely began to show on his frame, which for him was a rather large build. All of the gainers that Leon had met had told him that his bigger natural size meant that he had a lot of room to grow, and that he would have much higher limits than a lot of other furs that gained naturally like him. Of course, there were always ways to bypass biological limits, but most of those were expensive, and in the end they just weren't worth it. However, Leon apparently had the body type that could really get massive once he managed to gain, and he'd be able to support it all too. That had only fueled his dream even more, the dream of becoming the world's fattest lion.

But sadly, his body hardly displayed any weight. The lion looked practically in shape, maybe a tiny bit curved around his belly. His chest was flat, without any signs of the sagging mobs he wanted hanging off of his body. Even the pink nipples looked small against his golden fur, hardly standing out at all. His body actually narrowed at the waist, a travesty for him; his body should look the exact opposite, rounding out more and more as it got further down! His legs showed a little tone to them, though that was because he had to walk everywhere; Leon had never bothered to get his license, and as a result he couldn't drive. His rump was completely flat, much to his horror; it showed none of the curvaceous plumpness that he wanted so desperately.

In other words, Leon's gaining was a failure so far. His shape was all wrong, his weight was low, and he was starting to feel like it was hopeless. Maybe it was a silly dream, something he could never attain. After all, his metabolism could just be too fast even for his methods to keep up with, or maybe the fact that he walked everywhere was just burning calories too quickly. Either way, something was wrong, and he wondered if he'd ever be able to be truly and utterly fat, just like he had wanted for years.

"I'm just going to go back out... may as well stop by the store again, grab some food... I'm hungry anyway."

Grumbling to himself, Leon grabbed his clothing off of his bed. As always, he had stripped down completely to examine his less-than-satisfactory body, leaving his body bared in the privacy of his room. He slipped his boxers on first, leaning forward so that he could tuck his tail through the hole in the back first, and then pulling the soft material on over his fur. Glancing again at the tall mirror he used for examining his body, the lion grimaced, looking at himself again. He didn't have any luck it seemed; though he had the frame for being heavy, he didn't have any weight on him, and to make matters worse, he couldn't get any compensation downstairs to make up for it, either. His boxers hardly showed the slightest curve of a bulge, another shame for him. He just couldn't win with his body, it seemed.

Sighing again to himself, Leon slipped into his jeans, torn at one knee to expose the golden fur beneath. At least in those he looked reasonable... for a slim fur. If he wanted to look normal, he could lose the slight pot-belly he had gotten and probably pass by as "handsome" by the social norm. He looked like an average lion, golden-yellow fur coating every inch of his body, with a deep brown mane curled around his neck and shoulders, left to hang free rather than tied back like the current style. The same brown showed up in a patch of fur on his chest that made its way down his nearly-flat stomach in a thin trail, all the way down to merge with his pubic fur. His eyes were a beautiful sapphire-blue, standing out from the golden fur around them, almost piercingly blue.

It didn't matter though. Leon didn't care in the least about what was "socially accepted" for things like his appearance. He knew what he wanted to look like, and he was going to keep trying no matter what it took. Maybe his body was still settling into the cycle of weight gain he was trying so hard to follow. Yeah, that had to be it; any day now, his body would show some serious growth, with his weight skyrocketing. In a few weeks, he'd have the start of his gut, and that'd be the first step forward towards the weight gain that would last him the rest of his life. Clearly, that had to be the case.

Leon, you're just kidding yourself... just keep at it, maybe it'll happen, but don't invent excuses...

The lion shook his head once more before tossing on his shirt, a baggy hoodie right over top that, the hood left down. Slipping his paws into the pocket in front, Leon headed for the front door of his small apartment, grabbing his keys and phone from the counter before slipping out. The door was locked firmly behind him, and the feline headed down the pavement, merging with the noonday crowd as he headed towards the grocery store a few blocks down.

As he strode through the crowd, Leon sent his glance back and forth. It was a habit of his whenever he went out, and his eyes always searched for one thing. Every time he found another large guy, preferably more on the obese side rather than just plain overweight, he would follow them for a few minutes, and for multiple reasons. First of all, he tried to observe them, to see if they were gay like he was. After all, he loved fat males for more than just the looks; they were very attractive, after all, and it wouldn't be the first time he had made a friend off of a random gainer he had met on the street. And those hot nights spent with them, those were definitely worth it. Especially when he found those rare dominant fat furs, the ones that would lay atop him while they had sex, that big belly pressed against his back, those wide hips and the fat around their body making it difficult to hilt all the way as he was ridden...

The lion blushed as he realized where his train of thought was going, trying to derail it. He was getting a reaction out of his erotic daydream, and even with his size it showed an obvious bulge at the groin of his pants. Leon couldn't help it though; heavier furs really turned him on. That was the second reason he followed behind any particularly massive guy he found; he got to watch the most mesmerizing eye candy in the form of a pair of enormous jiggling cheeks, huge asses barely managing to be contained in whatever clothing dared make the attempt. It was usually sweatpants, but now and again there were varieties, like a pair of tight jeans, or at best, a mouth-watering pair of spandex shorts that were unable to cover a third of those swollen globes...

Gasping at the thought, Leon ducked into a nearby building, praying it had a bathroom. He had gone from "slightly aroused from a daydream" to full blown "I gotta get off now!" Fortunately, he had dived into a clothing store with a large restroom in the back, with several stalls he could use. Thanking the cashier and ignoring their pointed look at the very obvious bulge in his pants, the lion barely restrained himself from running to the restroom He chose the biggest one in the back, locking the door behind him and sliding his pants down almost immediately, letting out his aching arousal with a long sigh of relief.

Leon grasped his shaft with one paw, letting the soft pads on his paw rub against the pink length. Only a modest six inches fully hard, the lion was disappointed in his cock, wishing that something of his was bigger! Still, he stroked at the length, biting his lip to bite back a pant. His strokes were still slow, deliberate, teasing; despite how hard he was just from his vivid fantasies and memories, he wanted anything but to get off too quickly. After all, there was much more pleasure in drawing it out. So instead Leon kept his strokes slow, relaxed, and calm, his soft chest rising and falling with each deep breath.

Each stroke was like a jolt of lightning running through him, some making him arch his back slightly in pleasure, while others caused but a brief rumble through his loins. It was all about where his paw touched; the underside of his shaft was more sensitive than the rest, and when the pads on his fingers briefly brushed against it, it was like a moment of euphoria. That bliss was gone all too quickly, but was replaced again by another tease only moments later. God, it felt good!

Leon's whole body was shaking with a mix of pleasure and lust, his mind running through images of some of his past experiences. Pre beaded at the head of his shaft as the lion remembered a particularly large hyena he had gotten into bed about a week past; the male had been pretty large, not the largest Leon had seen, but pretty damn big nonetheless. That huge, spotted gut pressing against the bed, lifting up his back paws slightly so that only the toes touched the sheets, the thick, hefty thighs brushing against each other despite being spread, and that beautiful round rump wiggling for him had just been one incentive after another for him. Even that natural giggle that the hyena possessed as part of his species had been stimulating, breaking in between the pants and moans, picking up in pitch as Leon had gotten faster and rougher.

Remembering that experience, Leon let his head fall back, his mane resting lightly on his shoulders. His stroking was coming faster now as he remembered thrusting into that gigantic ass, the cheeks like pillows as his hips slammed up against them, causing them to shake and wobble lightly. He had gotten a large pawful of one in his paw, the fat squishing between his fingers like dough, while the other paw was doing similarly with the hyena's wide gut. The only sounds at the time had been muffled grunts, whines of pleasure from the hyena, several moans from both, and dominating growls from Leon.

The lion didn't realize that he was stroking faster now, pumping his hips slightly in time with his memory. He forced down another moan, though it nearly escaped, a garbled sound emerging from his throat. Leon closed his eyes, his jaw clenched as he tried to breathe as calmly as he could through his nose, trying to keep himself from being discovered. It was a public restroom, after all, and even through the fog of lust clouding his mind, he knew that it could be at best embarrassing if someone found out. Still, his paw never left his throbbing length, the pink head dripped with the clear pre-fluid almost copiously now.

Leon could feel the pressure building, his climax drawing close, and he almost wanted to pause, edging himself along. If he were at home, he would have. However, he was aware of his situation, and he knew he couldn't prolong things much longer, especially since he had been in the stall for a short while already. With a grunt of concession, he started stroking harder, faster, his hips pumping quickly, his breath coming in and out rapidly, causing his flat chest to swell and fall almost as quickly as his hips were. The pressure was there, building up in his balls, and he squeezed his cock tighter as he continued his fast pumping.

It didn't take long, and it seemed like only a second passed before he reached his climax, his paw jerking even more erratically as he threw his head back, doing all he could to keep himself from roaring in pleasure. His shaft jerked, twitched in his paw, as small strings of cum spurted out, dripping onto the tiles of the bathroom floor, before one last squeeze produced one much larger shot that went about an inch past the first two, splattering against the floor. Finally he was done, sitting there on the toilet, the head of his cock still dripping slightly, his load all across the floor, and his fur slightly matted with sweat from the exertion.

Taking a deep breath, trying to fight off the pleasure-filled haze of the afterglow, Leon sat up and proceeded to take a long strip of toilet paper from the roll, using it to clean off his shaft before tucking his softening member back into his boxers. Blushing as he noticed the mess on the floor, he quickly bent to clean it up, hoping that no one had heard the splatter. Peeking under the stall doors, he noticed one other set of feet, but they were over by the far urinal... he was probably safe. Suppressing a sigh of relief, he finished cleaning up, tossing the used paper into the toilet and flushing it away.

Breathing slowly to try and calm himself down (and rid himself of some of his blush), Leon straightened his clothes before unlocking the stall and heading out, back into the clothing store. He snuck past the front counters to avoid getting noticed by the clerk he had asked for directions from, and quickly was back out onto the street. Once he was clear he let out another sigh of relief and quickly headed down the sidewalk back in the direction of the store. That had been an unexpected little side trip, and not one he would usually get himself into. He was starting to go red again; after all, the lion had let himself get that caught up in his daydreams! How embarrassing!

Trying to calm himself down, Leon tried to think of other things. Like his gaining; how badly he was doing certainly put a damper on his libido. The lion's ears drooped slightly as he was reminded once again that he couldn't seem to put on hardly any weight despite his every effort, essentially just wasting his time and money. What he wouldn't give for some miracle powder or feeding method or anything that could help him out! All he wanted were some results, something that said he wasn't trying in vain. All he wanted, more than anything else, was to be fat like those colossal furs he longed and lusted after? Was it really so hard?

Lost in his thoughts, the lion didn't even notice where he was going. His gaze had dropped down to the ground, and he was absently watching the shadow of his mane swish back and forth while he continued to wish that he couldn't even see that shadow. Distracted as he was, there was no way he would have been able to see what was looming in front of him. Suddenly, Leon's face connected with something very large, his vision obscured by a mass of color as he pressed against it. Whatever he had run into, it was soft but firm, giving way a bit before practically springing back with a wobble. The lion stumbled back, surprised at the impact, immediately berating himself for not watching where he was going. He looked up to see what he had hit... and his jaw dropped, immediately.

What he had run into would be the subject of wet dreams for nights to come. As he looked forward, he would have had to crane his head back in order to see the entire object before him. As it was, Leon's gaze was fixed on one particular spot, the one he had run into in fact. What stood before him was an absolutely immense tiger. No, immense would not begin to describe this corpulent feline; to say he was a monumental behemoth of obesity wouldn't quite do it either. He was just fat beyond reason! For Leon, it was like looking at an image of what he wanted to be reflected onto some lucky tiger. And lucky for him, that tiger was turn, so that his gaze could be fixated onto that massive rear end that he had run into.

And what an ass it was! Two rounded cheeks like a pair of beanbags hung halfway out of a set of sweatpants that barely clung to their massive girth. A pair of boxers covered about half of what was exposed, but a good deal of black-striped orange fur spilled out freely, wobbling and shaking at the slightest movement, as well as impact. The latter had been triggered by Leon's careless strides, yet it was as a miracle for him, and it caused those heavy globes to shake and jiggle like Jell-o. It was almost mesmerizing, and for a moment, Leon thought he was going to drool at the sight.

Suddenly that bulk shifted, and the whole mass moved as the tiger moved around. If the back had been imposingly huge, there were no words for the front. Heavy moobs, each like a large pillow filled with water, sagged down against a black t-shirt straining to hold the massive tiger in. The outline of two huge nipples, like quarter-sized, were visible against the shirt. The set hung down heavily against a gut that looked big enough to contain Leon with room left over were this predator ever to consider the option. It pushed out in rolls and layers, rather than one solid mass, folding over itself again and again as it sunk down past the waistband of his tight sweatpants nearly to the tiger's wide knees!

Swallowing softly, Leon looked for words to speak, but none came out as he stared at one of the most beautiful felines he had ever had the pleasure of meeting. At the same time, this tiger was also one of the most attractive furs the lion had ever met. Even after his little... excursion... Leon found himself hard as a rock just looking at that massive gut hanging before him, just begging to be touched, rubbed, fondled. The smaller male's paws twitched, yearning for just one grab, one opportunity to hold that mass of blubber in them, but somehow he managed to keep them by his sides. How long that would last, he did not know.

"You okay, kid?"

Leon snapped out of his stunned daze by a deep voice, heavy just like its owner. Surprised, the lion merely swallowed, looking up at the gigantic tiger that he had run into. Suddenly a thousand doubts and fears ran through his mind. Oh god; what if the guy was offended by the smaller male running into him? What if he was straight? What if he was gay and taken? That last one was the worst, the most horrible tease to the poor lion's sensibilities. Suddenly he found himself licking his lips, cringing slightly. He hoped he hadn't caused offense. By running into that feline's massive ass, he could very well be taken in for sexual assault, or maybe...

"I take it that's a no?"

Once more the lion jumped, and the larger of the two scratched at one of his massive jowls as if confused. Leon realized how he was acting, quickly trying to smooth things over. "I-I-I'm sorry, I just wasn't looking where... and I... um... I didn't mean..." And he failed miserably in trying to do so.

"Heh, don't worry 'bout it, kid. You'd be surprised how often that happens in a day, considering that I'm a very visible roadblock. Now, was it an accident, or are ya one of the ones who want a feel at this big caboose?"

The tiger's comments made Leon even less sure of what was going on. Was that approval in the big male's voice? Did that mean he was welcoming another feel? Of course, there was also the chance that it was slightly condescending too, like he didn't want it but had that "oh, you probably couldn't help yourself" thought as well. Either way, the lion tried his hardest to try and make heads or tails of this whole situation. He prayed to every god of every religion he could think of that this guy was gay, available, and willing to settle for him. The brief religious fervor gave him the courage (or maybe it was the lack of inhibition) to make the next statement.

"Well, it was an accident, but if I had known I might have aimed for a feel."

Leon almost clapped his paws over his muzzle, berating himself in his head. That was stupid of him, stupid, stupid, stupid! Praying that he hadn't crossed the line with the tiger, the smaller quivered slightly in a mix of anticipation and worry. Fortunately, he was greeted with a deep, booming laugh, again matching the tiger's large body rather appropriately. The fat feline seemed... amused? Leon wasn't sure what was so amusing by his statement, but he felt his face go red nonetheless, and he shrank away lightly, embarrassed.

A paw caught him by the shoulder, one big enough that it engulfed the whole side of his body. Thick, plump digits rested against his chest slightly, and Leon could swear his pants had shrunken a size or two by how painfully tight they were on him now. The tiger had stopped him from backing away, and instead pulled him in close, bending over as far as he could with his massive gut to speak more quietly to Leon. The lion's face went beet-red again as he realized just how close the male was to him, how close that wide, wobbling gut and heavy moobs were to his face.

"Don't worry, kid, you can get all the feels ya want. Let's just get somewhere less public, 'kay?"

Leon thought his heart was going to stop. He had just been given full permission right there, as long as they found somewhere away from the public eye. The lion had to wonder if that "feel" would be going any further, but he didn't get a chance to think about it as his arm was suddenly gripped and he was dragged off towards a set of apartments. The tiger, whose name Leon had yet to get, moved fairly quickly for someone of his weight; the lion had to estimate his new friend to weigh in at the upper four hundreds at least. The two of them easily made their way through the crowd, most furs parting before the obese tiger since the only other option was to be trampled by his girth. In short order they were at the apartment buildings, and entering through a door on the first floor that the tiger had unlocked.

Once they were inside, the corpulent feline gave a grin, locking his door behind him. "Sorry 'bout the rush... it was getting a bit warm with the crowd, and you were practically radiating heat yourself with how red yer face has been going. In fact, it's still a bit warm, and y'know how easily those of a larger stature overheat... Lemme get comfortable."

Leon blushed again at the comment about his embarrassment, but his retort was cut off by his jaw dropping as the tiger reached down and started pulling up his shirt. A large white underbelly flanked by black-striped orange fur was revealed inch by inch, wobbling and shaking as each roll was released from its confines. The large, fat gut was soon revealed in all its glorious, sagging bounty, and Leon felt his toes curling in his shoes, the only visible sign aside from the tent he was pitching in his jeans of his barely-restrained need to pounce and play with the wonderfully huge tiger standing before him. The lion wanted to scream with longing at the sight of it, but he forced himself to remain still.

"So... Top or bottom?"

Leon blinked, still confused by the rapid flurry of events. All he knew was that he had gone from accidentally running into the body of his dreams to being hustled into that same tiger's apartment in minutes. Hardly able to get a word in for lack of knowing what to say, the lion swallowed and simply shook his head in confusion. "I... what...?"

The tiger didn't laugh this time, but there was a hint of an amused smile as he rolled his eyes. "Let's try again... do you wanna fuck me, or vice versa? I can smell the arousal on ya, kitten, and I know ya love this bod judging by how often yer jaw keeps dropping from looking at me. So... which do ya prefer?"

Leon's mouth gaped open for a moment before another laugh, booming and deep, caused him to blush in embarrassment. Well, he had never been one to turn down sex before, and he wasn't starting now. Plus, getting into familiar territory was bringing his confidence back. "Heh... I'm switch, though when it comes to fatasses like you, I prefer to bottom."

The tiger's eyes glittered with interest, and he smirked at the category he had been lumped into. "Fatass? Oh, you ain't nothing yet, ki-" he paused a moment. "Actually... before we get down and dirty, what's your name?"

"Leon. And yours, big guy?"

The tiger burst out laughing again. "I see my parents weren't the only uncreative pair! I'm Siber,

'cause I'm a Siberian tiger. How clever, huh?"

Leon laughed right back, starting to relax. Without waiting for further permission, he moved in close to Siber's body. His paws lifted to that massive belly, the wall of fat and fur that he had wanted to touch since he had seen it. The lion pressed the pads of his paws against the heavy gut, slowly letting them sink in, gripping slightly at it. Slowly he rubbed up and down, letting his claws slide out slightly to scratch gently up and down Siber's front, the blubber wobbling softly from his ministrations as he moved back and forth. It was almost like kneading a mass of jelly, and Leon was enjoying every second of it.

It seemed Siber was too, closing his eyes and letting out a long, rumbling purr. At that sound, Leon grinned even wider, letting his paws slowly rub higher on the tiger's bulk. Soon he was right between those heavy, hanging moobs, squeezing one firmly and eliciting a gentle moan from his corpulent feline companion. One paw continued to rub at the tiger's broad belly, while the other continued to fondle Siber's fat chest. He added more to the foreplay then, leaning his head forward to run his rough tongue against the tiger's nipple, getting a jump and a much more eager sound of pleasure from the male.

Siber wasn't just sitting there, though. As he was being felt up, he immediately let his own thick arms lower to Leon's waist, keeping him close. Those doughy, swollen digits on each paw slowly crept further back, gripping the lion's ass firmly through his jeans, causing Leon to squirm slightly, his arousal in full force again. Siber slowly kneaded against those flat cheeks, lifting his paw up slightly to slide it into the back of the lion's jeans. It was a tight fit, but he managed to slide it in, fingers running through the soft golden fur before taking a firm grip on the male's ass, squeezing suggestively and forcing a gasp of pleasure out of Leon.

They were starting to get more passionate now, as the heat of lust started to overtake them. Leon's paw started dropping lower and lower on Siber's belly, suddenly dipping to the bottom of the heavy mass and tugging at the waistband of the tiger's sweatpants. His paw snaked inside, reaching down past all of the fat around the male's hips to squeeze at his cock. The lion wasn't disappointed; in fact, he was surprised! Siber had quite a few inches to him, and not just in the waistline! Judging by the feel of the hard length in his paw, Leon was going to say that Siber had about ten inches between his legs, proving him gifted both in his girth and his maleness. Some people had all of the luck!

At the first touch to his member, Siber let out a dominant growl, pushing his gut forward and using his bulk to pin Leon against the wall. Pressed against all of that fat, Leon let out a long moan of pleasure, his paw trapped around the tiger's hard shaft and pressed up against his own by their close contact. Siber grinned wider, thrusting his hips up against Leon's paw, his hard shaft rubbing up against the male's pads, dripping slightly with pre already. The lion couldn't move his paw in the least, pinned as he was, so he had to stay and wait for Siber to make the first move. His other paw was pinned at his side; even if he could reach around that massive gut holding him against the wall to squeeze his arduous playmate's gigantic, wobbling ass, Leon couldn't move in the slightest. And being held like that on its own, by someone so dominatingly huge, was a major turn-on in itself.

Suddenly, the pressure eased up, and Leon lost his grip as Siber suddenly slid back, a wider grin along his muzzle. He turned and headed towards a door on the far side of the room, likely his bedroom. Before he could reach there, though, Leon hurried after him and caught the tiger by his shoulder. Something was bothering him through the haze of lust in his mind, and it was starting to come into clear focus as their embrace broke. Something about having his paws on someone else's cock and his body pressed against another male did something with his thinking; now that he was away from it, the lion started to piece the picture together.

"Wait... wait a second, Siber... before we go any further, something's been bothering me..." He waited until he had caught the large tiger's attention before continuing. "I just... this feels weird. I ran into you, we barely met, yet you're already inviting me in for sex? It's not even enough to qualify as a one-night stand!"

Siber paused, quirking an eyebrow at Leon, but he only smiled. "I have mah reasons... I'll make ya a deal. No more complainin', let's have some fun, and I'll explain everything after, alright? I promise on this big ol' belly o' mine; may I lose it if I lie."

Lose that beautiful gut? Leon would rather die first than make the arousingly fat tiger lose weight! The lion quickly lifted his paws to discourage such a thought. "No, no! I believe you... and I don't blame you... I'm still hard as a rock myself!"

Laughing again, his belly and chest bouncing with every sound, Siber turned to the door he was opening, pushing it open and squeezing past the doorframe with a grunt. Leon was falling in love with that deep laugh, so powerful, so masculine... he was practically drooling over how perfect this tiger was. And a dom to boot! That was like the ultimate turn-on in the lion's book. He longed for the day where he was just as large, so that not only would he have the pleasure of being ridden by someone so massive, but that his own fat frame would be mashed against it, their perfect bodies shaking and wobbling, a thick cock pounding his fat ass...

"Leon, stop daydreamin' and get yer ass in here!"

Once again that blush of his lit up Leon's face; for being pretty far from a virgin, he was still easily embarrassed by the smallest things. Quickly the lion hurried over to the bedroom door, slipping into the room as his face started to cool.

He was greeted with yet another arousing sight, his cock throbbing against the confines of his jeans. Siber was lying across an extra-large bed, probably custom made for someone of his bulk, and he had lost his pants and underclothing at some point, leaving him completely bare. He lay with his feet and lower half towards Leon, giving the lion a perfect view of the fat tiger's cock and balls. Leon's estimate hadn't been far off; eyeballing the length, it had to be at least ten inches, and thick. He was huge, not to mention the egg-sized balls beneath, hanging heavily from his body.

Letting out a lusty purr, Leon immediately started shrugging out of his shirt in mid-stride towards the bed, intent on getting at Siber's body immediately. By the time he had made it to the bed, the distraction had been so much that he hadn't had enough time to remove his boxers, leaving the tented material clinging to the outline of his hard shaft, bobbing with each step. Before he could pull them off, the lion found himself suddenly grabbed and pulled onto the bed, pushed against the mattress, with a heavy bulk settling down atop him. Leon moaned loudly as he realized what that weight was, with Siber letting his heavy, sagging gut press down on the lion's back.

"Oh man... oh fuck this is so hot..."

The tiger laughed at hearing Leon's words, leaning forward even more, his moobs draping against Leon's shoulders. A rough tongue tickled at one of his ears, followed by the feeling of his teeth pulling gently at the tip. Leon was in ecstasy; there were two places he loved to feel another's teeth, and Siber had just hit one of them. Grunting softly, the lion pushed his back against the heavier male's, feeling the big gut squish and wobble against him. His hips pushed back as well, but due to Siber's extra height, the male's junk was a little bit lower than that. It wasn't like Leon was going to do more than tease, anyway, while his boxers were still an obstacle between his ass and the tiger's cock.

Siber continued his own foreplay, slowly moving down from Leon's ears to his neck, the other sensitive spot for the lion. His teeth bit into the flesh beneath the fur, and he let out another dominating rumble. His paws slowly moved around Leon's sides, rubbing gently at his hips. Leon moaned at every touch, every sensation, teased to the point where his cock was so hard it could cut diamond. And still Siber would not get on with the next part of their fun; the smaller lion loved it. He loved being teased mercilessly, the act drawn out to its utmost at the pleasure of the one topping.

Slowly, one of Siber's paws slid off of the bed, and grabbed a clear bottle off of his nightstand. Leon grinned; maybe the foreplay wasn't being drawn out as long as he thought it was. The fat tiger slowly pulled himself off of his "prey", laying on his side next to Leon as he popped the lid off of the bottle of lube. Siber leaned over the lion's rear, first tugging down his boxers without hesitation, then spreading his cheeks apart with two sausage-like fingers. Upending the bottle in his paw, he poured a liberal dollop of the liquid onto the smaller male's tailhole. Leon let out a yelp at the cold fluid as it touched his backside, the coolness invading the inside as well.

Siber's free paw put the bottle aside as he started rubbing the lube in, making sure that Leon's tailhole was nice and slick. A claw slid free, teasingly tracing the outline of the opening as the lion shivered under the playful touch. After a moment, the tiger let go, and soon his bulk was placed right back atop Leon's back, though centered lower. Siber pushed his belly forward, rather than letting it drape down over his member like it normally did, and used it as a balance while he lined himself up with Leon.

The lion was in expectant ecstasy, his eyes clenched shot as he tried to imagine how this looked. A largely overweight tiger, beautiful belly squashed against the middle of the smaller male's back, lining himself up to fuck him silly... it was almost enough to set him off right there. The only thing preventing him from doing so was that being pinned by Siber's weight made it impossible for him to touch himself, that last little bit of stimulation he needed in order to get off. Leon couldn't even thrust thanks to the tiger's girth, so all he could do was lie on the bed, his paws clutching a pillow he had found somewhere, his whole body quivering with excitement.

Siber didn't waste time now that the foreplay was over, fortunately. In a few moments he had lined himself up, the head of his shaft pressing against Leon's lubed tailhole. The lion let out another shuddering moan as he felt the length, the head alone already a sign of just how big the large feline's cock was. There wasn't much time to ponder though, as Siber roughly pushed himself forward. He didn't force the whole length in at once, but at the same time he wasn't going easy on someone who had clearly had experience in sexual interactions with other males. The first few inches of his tigerhood were quickly pushed into Leon's tailhole, and the lion clamped his jaws around the pillow he held in order to bite back a cry that suggested he was getting more pain than pleasure at the moment. He just had to get used to the size was all.

Soon enough, Siber had hilted his cock inside of Leon. He leaned forward, waiting, understanding the stiffness and the arched back that the lion was displaying; most people had problems taking his size, and despite his obvious experience it was clear that the smaller feline wasn't used to it. The corpulent tiger leaned close to Leon's ear, gently whispering into it to try and get him to relax a bit more, nibbling gently between words to help him adjust. "Mmph... not bad, kitten... yer so tight...! Yer doin' better than mosta the folks I fuck, at least..."

Leon released the pillow, managing a weak smile. Thanks to Siber, he was starting to calm down a bit, and the huge cock in his ass wasn't as much tearing him open as it was pushing him open more firmly than he would have liked. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried to relax further, to take the length more easily. No matter what, it wasn't really helping; it wasn't like his body would be able to adjust to it right away.

Siber decided that it was time to get things moving, maybe let Leon forget pain for pleasure. With a heavy grunt he lifted his hips back, slowly pulling his length out, inch by inch. The lion let out a yowl as he felt the shifting inside him, biting down so hard on the pillow in front of him that his teeth actually pierced the covering. However, before completely removing it, the tiger pushed forward again, his cock shoved roughly in. He continued his thrusts, keeping it at the same slow rhythm, his hips pressed up against Leon's rear before being withdrawn back and then pushed forward again.

They continued at the same steady pace for a few moments, with Leon constantly moaning and pushing his own hips backwards at every thrust, increasing the force at which Siber hilted. The lion's cock was drooling pre all over the bedsheets as he was mounted, that thick tiger's shaft buried deep inside his tailhole again and again drawing out the utmost pleasure. Within minutes, what little pain he had still consciously felt was overridden by carnal pleasure, and he let out a load moan. Siber quickly responded to those sounds, picking up the pace, letting his thrusts become more irregular and powerful, rough and rapid.

Each push of his hips caused Siber's round belly to press up against Leon's back anew, his heavy rump to bounce, his balls to slap against the lion's ass. Just imagining the sight was adding to the smaller male's pleasure, and he started panting heavily, thrusting forward with his hips and grinding his arousal against the bed beneath him. Every motion was drawing him closer and closer to the edge, and he could feel his balls tightening again. He didn't know how long it had been since his little session in the bathroom of the store; what seemed like minutes could have easily been an hour or more lost in lust. However, despite how long it was, he could feel himself drawing closer to the edge, just about over it already, his mind completely fogged up with a need to release his load.

However, despite his mindless carnal want, it was actually Siber who came first, letting out a loud roar, one that stunned Leon in surprise for a moment to the point where he missed the first jet of cum being released inside his tailhole. Only the warmth of the sticky seed told him that it had come, before a second shot, and a third came right after that. He moaned at the warm feeling, Siber's hard shaft throbbing inside of him. His own member hadn't released its load yet, and he hadn't been able to get over the edge, but he was just on the verge, and he wanted his own climax badly.

Siber could sense his need by the quivering in the lion's body, and smirked as he leaned against the smaller feline, panting heavily after his exertion while his thick paw snaked around Leon's body and gripped at his length. If Leon was completely conscious at the time, he probably would have been embarrassed; the tiger's massive paw completely dwarfed his six inches, and he could only make small strokes up and down. But the lion was so lost in his pleasure-filled haze that all he did was mindlessly grind against the paw wrapped around his shaft, thrusting in and out of it like another male's tailhole, panting and moaning in his lust.

Finally he came as well, the need to cum so powerful that he couldn't hold it back. With a smaller, less powerful roar of his own, Leon bucked his hips several times, splattering a fair-sized load of seed all across the bedsheet directly beneath him. He only had enough in him for one shot, after which he promptly collapsed onto the bed, staining the fur of his belly with the load he had just spent. The lion hardly noticed it at the time though, too tired to care and too lost in his bliss to focus his mind.

Siber, on the other hand, seemed to have some energy left in him. Delicately, he pulled out of Leon, careful not to disturb the exhausted lion too much. The fat tiger's face was flushed as well, and he looked just as tired if not more so after the work he had done with his heavy bulk, but he grinned as he finally pulled loose, collapsing next to Leon with a content purr. His arm reached over to wrap around the smaller feline's shoulders, drawing him in close to hold him in tight, almost comfortingly.

As he was sinking into the sleep-inducing afterglow of their fun, one thought managed to make its way through the haze of Leon's mind. "Hey... didn't you promise... to tell me why...?"

Siber gave a soft laugh; soft, for him, was still a fairly deep boom. "I said after... yer right... when I wake up, poke me enough so that I dun forget..."

Leon groaned, but he couldn't complain too much; he was tired too. "Fine... quick nap... then I want answers..."

"It's a deal, kitten..."