Jay-Jay Finds His Way Home Chap 1

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#1 of Jay-Jay Finds His Way Home

Another re-edit and re-post of one of my favorite stories. In this sci-fi story Jay-Jay has gotten into a lot of trouble and now he has to navigate his new home and family. Chapter 2 and 3 will follow up shortly.

Jacob slumped into a yellow plastic chair and folded his arms over his chest. The young human had that look about him of a child in time out, grumpily pouting. The chair he was sitting in looked like it belonged in a daycare and should have been about half its size. Feeling like death warmed over, he rubbed his head, wishing the room would stop spinning. He was obviously trying not to look the stern-looking boar across from him in the eye. Two sentries waited behind him, ready to usher him back to his shuttle if his meeting didn't go as planned.

The hybrid sighed as he set a briefcase on the table separating him from the smaller human. Pulling out a sheaf of printouts, he spread them out on the table. Jacob raised an eyebrow. The boar was old-school, it seemed. Who wasted their time and resources making printouts?

Then again, the boar was a walking anachronism. He wore a suit that looked straight out of history books. It was a three-piece pinstripe suit with a blood-red tie and a pocket watch tucked into his vest. He even had a pocket square neatly folded and tucked into the breast pocket. At just over six and a half feet tall, he was pleasantly fat and carried the extra weight well.

"You must be Jacob Brower. My name is Byron, and I am going to be your sponsor. It is my pleasure to meet you," the boar said as he spread out the printouts for Jacob to look at. It was his criminal records and a psych profile written up in his former home, Armstrong station.

"Don't I get to know your last name?" Jacob asked, feeling petulant. It was self-destructive, but what did he do that wasn't these days?

"You can call me Mr. Hammond, but Mr. Byron also works if you prefer. If you sign, you will be staying with me in Hammond House," the big boar said. He smiled, ignoring the boy's petulance.

Jacob looked at the boar and snickered. "Hammond? Really? A bit on the nose, isn't it?" It was probably best not to piss off his new sponsor, but he couldn't let that slide.

"It is a bit of a joke, truth be told. When I took on sponsor duties, a new house was founded for me here at the station. It was my own sponsor's idea; the cantankerous old hare thinks he is clever. We use our house as our last name here. So, you will be a Hammond, too," Byron said with a laugh.

"D-does that mean I am going to be a boar too?" Jacob asked a bit nervously. He wasn't exactly thrilled with that idea. Before the boar could respond, he blurted out, "Wait, you had a sponsor?"

"Yes, I did have a sponsor. I am living proof our system works. And no, you won't be a boar, not at all. All citizens must undergo a series of procedures to align with station guidelines. That means becoming a hybrid, but we will get to more of that later."

The young man wasn't sure how to respond. Getting certified for correctional sponsorship was no small feat and took years of dedication. "C-cool, I guess."

"Did you have time to look over your contract? As I understand it, we were not the only station that offered to take your rehab case," Byron asked before pulling out a copy of the rehab contract. Jacob had only bothered skimming it on the transfer over.

"Yeah, there was a lot in there I didn't understand, though. I-I turned down the other offer." Jacob said a bit bashfully. It wasn't that he was dumb, just that the contract was over a hundred pages of the densest legalese he had ever seen. The other station that had offered to take him in was a military-style rehab program that would have been nothing but 4 years of grueling physical labor and training. The clauses about extreme corporal punishment helped him make up his mind quickly.

"Well, our program is slightly more unconventional than others, but it works well. We also have a very high rate of permanent residency. Only about 30% of our boys...." The boar paused and corrected himself. "Sorry, our enrollees ever decide to leave. You get automatic permanent residency upon completion of the program if you desire."

"O-oh. I don't have to stay, Do I? I mean, this is a... you know," Jacob asked the boar, not wanting to say what he was thinking out loud.

"A hypnotic age regression program?" Byron asked with a raised eyebrow, a smirk curling his mouth. When Jacob nodded, he chuckled and snorted. "Yes, it is, but I can't say much about that part; it can influence your rehabilitation. I can tell you that you will be well taken care of. The contract stipulates that we will only ever use punishments on this listed on your contract," Byron said as he slid the paper across the table. "Please initial and sign at the bottom when you are done. You missed a few pages when you were signing.

Jacob's eyes went wide as he read through the list. He had already signed the contract before he'd been transferred to the shuttle on the way over. Jacob hadn't realized that he had to sign more than the last page and had skimmed over most of it.

The list was nothing too extreme by correctional rehabilitation standards. Hypnotic suggestion and body modifications caught his eye, but he assumed that was part of the hybridization and age regression. Corporal punishment was allowed, but only open-handed swat to the bottom and no more than 50 swats at a time. He had expected as much after reading what little information he could find on the Roosevelt Station Rehab program.

However, the rest of the list made him blush as he read. Time outs, getting sent to bed without dinner, losing privileges, public shaming, or humiliation. There was a whole list of sexual punishments as well, chastity, orgasm control, and bathroom control. It was clearly spelled out that all sexual contact would be completely consensual.

"H-holy shit, you want me to sign this? Really? Fuck," Jacob was about to direct that explicative at Byron when a withering glare forced his mouth shut with a snap.

"First off, you will not speak like that here, to me or anyone else. Is that clear? If you cannot keep a civil tongue in your mouth, it would be best to say nothing. I shouldn't have to remind you that you are still under Roosevelt Station jurisdiction even though you have not signed your contract. While you are here, everything in that list is on the table until I decide you are fit for our program...." Byron warned gravely.

"But... the offer, you can't take it back now, can you?" Suddenly Jacob was feeling very worried. He had never thought that Roosevelt station would pay to shuttle him out here only to send him right back. All his rough edges were an act. In his own mind, Jacob had already signed himself over to this boar for the next four years, and it was a done deal. If no stations would take him in... Jacob didn't even want to think of that option. Four years uploaded into a mining drone in the outer system while his body was suspended; it was hard to even contemplate that fate.

"After you sign, you still need my final approval before you are accepted into the program. Don't worry, though. It would take a lot to have me rescind the offer. I only felt it was right to tell you what was at stake." Byron adjusted his vest over his chubby belly, letting the irritation drain from his face.

"I-I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise." Jacob muttered, feeling strangely small. He grabbed a cup of water sitting on the table and took a sip. It had a null-g cap, which was strange for a station with artificial gravity. He sucked on the straw. It reminded him of the juice boxes he used to drink as a kid. He sincerely hoped the cool water would make him feel better.

"Apology accepted. I know this is stressful for you. If we can, we try to make accommodations for new arrivals in your situation. Still, some rules are more serious than others," Byron said with a slight grin. "Swearing is just something we take seriously. There are many adult cubs here, and such language is not something they need to be exposed to simply because a new arrival has a potty mouth."

He looked up bashfully as he sipped the water. Jacob knew he must look like a scolded, pouting child, but he just didn't know what else to do with himself.

The boar never took his eyes off him as Jacob pretended to skim through the rest of the contract. He couldn't focus, let alone think. His head was swimming, and the words just didn't make sense. The truth was he didn't have a choice, not really.

Byron sighed and pulled a pen out of his pocket. "Sign the papers, Jacob." It wasn't an order. It sounded more like a frustrated parent trying to negotiate with a child. "Then we can see about getting you through customs and naturalization. Signing is just a formality at this point. I know the alternative, and neither of us wants to see that happen. Think of it as an extended vacation from being an adult."

Jacob picked up the pen and held it like it might bite him at the slightest provocation. Eventually, he let it settle into his grip and signed quickly, trying not to think about what he was doing.

"That's a good boy. Now here, and here as well... Then initial here." Byron shuffled through the stack of papers, having him sign all the parts that had been missed the first time.

"I-I don't know what this all means...." Jacob said hesitantly, hating to admit that he wasn't sure what he was getting into. He felt dizzy and strange. His sense of equilibrium was not liking something.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of you. I promise," Byron said as he stacked the now-signed papers and stuffed them back into his briefcase.

"A-aren't you going to sign it too?" Jacob asked, looking nervous. The room was spinning, and he didn't know why. He hadn't felt ill like this in years. People just didn't get sick anymore.

"Not quite yet. Just a few more tests to determine your suitability for the program." Byron turned to the sentries and snorted in disgust. They were out of place on a station like Roosevelt. He seemed almost offended by their presence. "You are no longer needed. Please wait at the docking station. I am taking possession of the offender. We will transfer him back to your care if he fails the tests."

The floating security drones knew when they were being dismissed. In the Star Band security hierarchy, someone like Byron outranked them by leaps and bounds, even if he was from a different station.

Jacob watched them leave, then turned back to look at Byron, feeling very unsure. His head was still spinning and throbbing.

"You look unwell. I should get you to the infirmary. Come along, Jacob," the boar said, getting up and leaving through a different door than Jacob had arrived.

The young man took more than one try to get up from the table. His legs felt very unsteady. "I-I think I am just tired. I-is there any way I can lay down or something? I didn't get my sleep on the way here," He said truthfully. The trip had been very stressful, and Jacob had gotten only a few hours of rest over the past few days.

"I am sorry, sweetie, but we must get you in to see the doctor. You will have plenty of time to sleep after," the boar said. He put a big strong, protective arm around the much smaller human.

It was strange hearing his jailer sounding so paternal. Right then, he didn't mind either. Having someone that cared, even a little, made all the difference. Byron led him down a long hallway painted with bright colors and serene cartoon landscapes. It reminded him of the crèche where he had spent much of his childhood. Everything seemed totally abandoned, though. No one was in the corridors.

"Where is everyone?" Jacob asked a bit nervously.

"It is very late here. Station time is just after 10 p.m. With a few exceptions, everyone is in bed," Byron replied, making Jacob scoff.

"Really? 10 O'clock, and everyone is in bed?" Back on Armstrong, he wasn't sure he had gone to bed that early in years.

"We take bedtimes very seriously. It keeps cubs happy and well-rested," Byron said, trying not to grin. He was sure that the boy would learn to adjust, eventually.

After a short stroll, they stopped in front of the clinic. Floor-to-ceiling glass doors were marked with smiling teddy bear faces and a medical cross. "This is it. Now, there might be other boys here, so try to behave. Understand?"

Jacob nodded slowly, standing a bit straighter, so he wasn't leaning on the big boar when he walked into the clinic. There was a big plush doggy caretaker behind the receptionist's desk. It was just like the robotic babysitters and caretakers in the children's crèche back on Armstrong. Only two other people were in the waiting area, a lion and a little wolf curled up in his lap. The wolf wore only a t-shirt and a huge poofy diaper. The poor thing looked sick; Jacob tried not to stare. It was a bit of a challenge because this was the first "adult cub" he had seen on Roosevelt. It was clearly not a child, but at the same time, the wolf was around 2 feet shorter than his lion "daddy."

The plush receptionist smiled and waved them over. "Hello there? Have someone to check in?"

Byron stepped forward, making Jacob come with him. "Yes. I have a new arrival I am sponsoring. Everything will be coming out of my account. He needs to go through naturalization and his final testing."

The plush just nodded, and a holo-screen flashed, adding them to the waiting list. "Please take a seat. The doctor will call you soon. "

Jacob looked at the seats but paced instead of sitting. He was not feeling well, and the stress was getting to him. He watched Byron take a seat and pat the spot next to him on the couch. "Come sit... No use wearing a hole in the carpet. Here, they have coloring books," Byron said helpfully.

Jacob wanted to fume and swear but seeing the poor little wolf hybrid curled up in his Papa's lap, he decided it wasn't best to make a scene. Grumpily, he plopped down next to Byron and tried to play with his comms. He had all sorts of games and things he could keep himself amused with. When he couldn't get anything to connect, he let out a frustrated sigh. Seeing a vending station in the waiting room, he tried to pay for some sort of confection called a tiger tail. It looked overly sweet, but it would keep him distracted. The vending machine wouldn't take his credits, rejecting his account.

Jacob was about to start cursing at the machine when Byron walked up behind him and frowned. "First off, give me your comms. You will not need it. We use our own currency here, and it isn't something you need to worry about. Secondly, boys are not allowed data access on Roosevelt. If you want to use a terminal, you will have to ask," Byron said, holding out his hand and waiting to see if the human would comply with his order.

On Armstrong Station, your comms was your single most valuable possession. The small device had his whole life inside, holo recordings, entertainment, and even his credit wallet. Everything was tied into it. Not to mention all of his contacts! Not that anyone had been answering when it displayed a message saying Armstrong station security would review communications anytime he pinged someone.

"But can't I transfer everything off it first? I mean, I have almost twenty years of stuff on it," Jacob protested weakly. He was still feeling dizzy and light-headed. "You can't do that! I am an adult! You can't just cut me off from data!"

The little wolf stirred and watched as the human started to tantrum. "Now, Jay-Jay, I am not going to ask twice," Byron said with his palm still outstretched and waiting.

"No!" Jacob was fuming now, but he suddenly paused. "Wait? How do you know my childhood nickname?" Even angrier than before, Jacob started to make a scene. "You don't get to call me that! My name is Jacob! Even Armstrong Security wasn't assholes enough to take my comms away! Can't you just restrict it?"

The prospect of four years without access to entertainment, information, or even basic communication with the outside world left the young man on the brink of a breakdown. He didn't care if people were watching or if he caused a scene, fuck them! He only realized his mistake when the boar's snout flared with a snort, and his eyes widened in anger.

Before Jacob could fight, the huge boar grabbed him by the collar, marched him over to the sofa, and bent him over the arm. "I told you what would happen if you spoke to me like that again!" With an experienced paw, Byron unfastened the smaller human's belt and yanked down his underwear right along with his pants. Suddenly naked and exposed from the waist down, Jacob sputtered, unsure how to react. Jacob would have found it amazingly hot if it had been a different day and in a different situation. Having a big strong dom take the reins and punish him for misbehavior was a real button pusher for him.

He could hear the wolf giggle as his pants were yanked down. Jacob was so stunned he didn't know how to react. The boar sat on the sofa and hauled the fussing boy's pink bare ass over his lap. "Jacob, I am very disappointed with you. You gave me your word you would clean up your potty mouth and behave, but the first time you got angry, it all came spilling out!"

The words stung in a way Jacob had not expected. Byron was disappointed in him. Jacob wasn't sure anyone had ever cared enough to even have expectations of him. Maybe his parents, but he had not seen or talked to them in years. His head was swirling with confused emotions and a rather dark streak of arousal despite it all. His cock was actually starting to plump up a bit as it ground into Byron's trousers.

"Lemme fucking go! I am not a child! You can't just... OW! OW OW!" Jacob started crying as his pert round bubble butt got smacked hard again when he swore. Only the big boar did not stop at one swat. His paw rained down hard swats on Jacob's ass again and again. Kicking and screaming did nothing, and neither did all the swearing coming out of the young man's mouth. The more he swore, the harder the swats. All the while, the lion held his little pup and watched as the young human was punished. Both were more amused than upset.

"You get twenty more every time I hear you use that language!" Byron scolded as he turned the boy's ass a nice shade of red with his hand. Truthfully, he had expected the boy to put up more of a fight. When Jay-Jay finally broke and the jagged sobs started, Byron slowed and waited for the boy to work everything out of his system. He was learning an important lesson, not that Daddy was a tyrant but that actions have consequences.

Jacob had never been so humiliated in his life. Not even when security pulled him out of his home and dragged him off to stand trial was as bad as getting paddled like a child in public. He wasn't even sure when the crying started; it was all too much. Too much to handle, too much to take in at once, and something had snapped. The whole world was spinning out of control, and he was lost and adrift.

"I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry!" He blubbered when it was finally all over. He was somehow standing again and wrapped in Byron's arms, his legs weak and shaky. The boar pulled up his underwear for him.

"Hush. I know. Daddy knows," Byron said as he hugged tightly onto Jacob.

"I-I... I'm...." Jacob tailed off as he melted into that hug. He was exhausted physically and emotionally. He just wanted to curl up and sleep for days. Something was still wrong, though. He was just so dizzy. The hug helped and made him feel safe when everything else was wrong. Part of Jacob wanted to rebel. This was the man that just paddled his butt like he was a naughty toddler.

How fucked up must I be that I feel safe around him now? The thought bubbled up into Jacob's mind, but he tried to ignore it. He was still sniffling and crying as the big boar pulled him up into his lap and snuggled with him.

Wrapping his arms around that big belly, Jacob clung to Byron and squeezed tightly. It was like he thought this would all go away if he was hugged hard enough. He only started to loosen his grip when big hands gently stroked his back and sides. Finally surrendering, the young man melted into the boar's big belly and just let it happen. He couldn't fight anymore. Not today.

Jacob drifted off in the boar's big strong arms after sobbing his way to exhaustion. He was just so tired... When he woke, Byron was nudging him gently with his snout. He wandered half-dazed into the doctor's office. A bull wearing a lab coat over a button-down green shirt and khaki trousers greeted them.

"Hello there, Jacob. My name is Dr. Magnus. How are you tonight?" the bull asked, helping Jacob onto an examination table.

"Been better...." Jacob responded grumpily. "Byron said you have to do some test or something? Can we just get this over with? Turn me into fuzzball; I don't even care at this point. Do your worst, Doc...."

The bull just laughed. "Well, there is more to it than that. I am going to have to take a small blood sample and do a urine test," Dr. Magnus said with a chuckle.

"W-wait, what the h...." He paused when he saw Byron waiting for him to finish the swear. The boy seemed oddly nervous. "Why do you need a urine sample?"

"Well, it's a simple test to check if there is anything in your system we should know about." Dr. Magnus said with a rumble. "Now, let's get you undressed. I need to take a look at you."

Jacob was in no mood to argue the point further. Byron helped with getting off his socks and the slip-on shoes he had been given. The bull pulled off his shirt and then had him lay back on the table before unbuckling his belt and sliding down his pants. Jacob was relieved that he was left with at least his underwear.

There was a chill in the air that only someone without fur could feel. Goosebumps spread over Jacob's exposed body, making him shiver. He could feel his sack tighten and his cock trying to hide. The bull was already examining him before he could even try to cover the pouch of his underwear.

"Don't be shy. I have seen lots of men naked. You don't have anything I haven't seen." The bull said with a grin. He checked Jacob's eyes and mouth, then worked down Jacob's body from head to toe, checking out every part of the young man's body.

Jacob was a bit shy when the bull got to his bit of a tummy. He had always meant to go in and get his metabolism adjusted but actually liked how his pot belly looked on him. He felt like it was something that made him different.

"Okay, we don't need these anymore," the doctor said as he slowly tugged down Jacob's underwear, letting his flaccid uncut cock flop free. He could feel Byron's eyes on him. He couldn't tell if it was a lust-filled look or a paternal one. Either way, it made his stomach flutter to know the big boar was watching.

Jacob gasped loudly when the bull's cold, gloved hands gently lifted his penis and carefully pulled back his foreskin. Before giving Jay-Jay a testicular exam, he ran a finger around the head and checked the piss slit. "Sorry, I know that is cold."

"It's all right," Jacob said, trying to think of anything besides the hands on his package. He could tell his member was starting to firm up. "S-Sorry..."

"Ha! You think you are the first boy who has gotten a little hard while I gave them an examination?" Dr. Magnus said, patting Jacob's stiffening cock teasingly. "I was going to ask if you have any issues getting or maintaining an erection, but I guess we know now, huh?"

"Y-yeah," Jacob said, covering his face and looking humiliated but drawing attention to his growing erection had just made him even harder.

"Okay, roll over for me. I have to take your temperature." The bull rumbled as he patted the boy on the butt.

"H-hold o-on!" There was his damn stutter gain. "Can't you take it in my ear or something?"

"Due to differences in species here, ears and muzzles are not always the most accurate," the doctor said, getting a bit more insistent. He wasn't giving Jacob much of an option and gently manhandled him like a fussy toddler until he was face down on the table and his rump was in the air. "Don't worry, this one is warm," the doctor said, sliding the instrument into Jacob's upturned rump. It wasn't so much uncomfortable as it was humiliating. He could barely feel the thin thermometer, but he was intensely aware that it was in his backside. He let out a sigh of relief when the bull plucked it from his rear and let him roll back over and sit up. Once again, he tried to cover his erection, but the doctor simply laughed. "I thought I told you that you don't have to be shy, cutie."

"I'm not cute! And stop treating me like a kid!" He protested, but it just fell on deaf ears as both of the big men chuckled. Feeling huffy and irritated, he flopped back onto the table, which made his boner even more apparent as it pointed straight up to the ceiling. Fuck them. If they wanted to tease him, they could deal with looking at his erection.

"Okay, this part is never fun, but it will be quick. It is time to get your inoculations. I am going to give you a shot, and while I do that, you are going to look at this screen for me, sweetie," the bull said, swiveling a large video panel over the table.

Jacob scoffed when it started to play a cute cartoon clearly intended for a small child. This was the same type of crap his pediatrician had done when he was small. Distract the fussy boy as he gets his shots. The bull took so long getting the series of injections ready that he couldn't help but watch it. The video was right in front of his face, and the audio getting beamed so only he could hear. The cartoon was stupid and predictable, but he was entranced, unable to look away.

He never even felt the needle as his mind drifted away into a happy dreamlike state. Once he was fully under the effects of the hypnotics, the bull turned to Byron and smiled, holding a finger to his lips. They let the machine do its work. Along with the chemical cocktail they had given him, the hypnotics would slowly strip away some of the boy's inhibitions and lay bare his inner thoughts.

They laid a blanket over him and gave him a stuffed toy to hold onto. Both had been brought from Byron's home, where they had picked up his scent. Jacob needily grasped for the stuffy in his happy daze and buried his face into it.

In a sea of happy thoughts, Jacob began to dream. He was back in the crèche, and his old robotic caretaker, Danny, was holding him. The big soft plush kept him safe and cradled him in his arms like an infant. In his dream, he was little Jay-Jay again, and Danny was always there for Jay-Jay. It didn't matter if it was a scraped knee that needed a bandage, help with his schoolwork or even a big hug. The big teddy bear never failed to have just the right thing to help.

Only Danny didn't smell like the big stuffed teddy bear he remembered. The wonderful scent of baby powder and whatever tasty treats he baked clung to his fur. Jay-Jay's favorite had always been the chocolate chip cookies that Danny baked every Sunday. In his dreams, Danny didn't smell like cookies or baby powder. It was something more... alive.

There was a hint of musk mingled with a gentle cologne. The big plush had always been soft and warm, but slowly Jacob realized the belly he was clinging to had heft and the substance. He blinked as he looked up, finding himself gazing into Byron's smiling face.

"It is okay, cubby. Daddy has you. Daddy will always take care of you," the boar rumbled as he hugged the boy to his chest. For just a moment, Jay-Jay fought back against the sudden change. He tried to pull away, but the warm embrace was too strong, too loving. It felt wrong to fight it. "It is okay, baby boy. Daddy is here. Shhhhh."

The boy surrendered himself to the big boar, clinging tightly and burying his face into his chest. He felt a hand on his bare ass stroke and kneed his plump rear. Strong, gentle hands began to stroke his body. "Let Daddy make you feel good."

"Y-Yes, Daddy," Jay-Jay answered in a tiny voice. He was warm and safe. Daddy was with him, protecting and guiding him. Byron was his Daddy now. Always.

Dr. Magnus and Byron watched as Jacob worked himself up again and again under hypnosis. The treatment didn't force anything on the boy but allowed emotions and desires to bubble up to the surface. This test would let them know if he could accept Byron as his Daddy. So far, the boy was passing with flying colors.


Jacob woke slowly, his head still foggy, and everything was spinning again. "W-what happened?"

"You took a little bit of a nap, cutie. We didn't want to wake you. I know you had a long trip. We should get you dressed, though." Byron said, helping the young man sit up. He was still nude but was covered under a soft baby blanket, and a stuffed toy was lying on the table next to him.

"I-I was getting a shot, wasn't I?" Jacob asked, rubbing his head. "I don't...."

"Do you remember the tests we had to do? You passed, sweetie. Now I am going to take you home. Okay, little polar bear?" Byron said, rubbing his back comfortingly. The doctor was nowhere to be found.

"P-polar bear?! What?" Jacob asked, sounding panicked as he looked under the blanket to check his body.

"Don't worry too much about that. You have to be a hybrid to live here; you remember that, don't you? Before falling asleep, you picked a polar bear for your species. It takes a while for you to change, though. It will probably be a couple of days. Don't you worry. Daddy is here to take care of you," Byron said, telling a bit of a white lie. Jacob had made the choice while deep under hypnosis.

Byron said as he helped Jacob to his feet and started dressing him in white briefs and plain red pajamas that looked like something a toddler would wear to bed. The boy was in too much of a daze to argue. Jacob certainly didn't remember choosing to be a polar bear. He didn't even mind the ridiculous clothing. It beat being naked, after all. The underwear did feel oddly thick in the crotch, far poofier and softer than his usual underpants.

Jacob tried to take a step towards the door and nearly toppled over. His legs were very shaky, and almost all his strength was gone. "Whoa there! Let Daddy help; you are going to be pretty wobbly for a few days," Byron said, taking Jacob's arm to hold the boy up while they walked.

Strangely, Byron seemed even bigger than before. "C-Can we stop at the bathroom? I have to pee...." Jacob asked, trying very hard not to do a potty dance.

"Sure thing. It's this way," Byron led the boy out into the now empty clinic. Only the teddy bear receptionist was waiting out front. Jacob blushed hotly as he walked past in only his pajamas. Byron led him into the bathroom and up to a full-length urinal. "I don't think you should do this on your own unless you want to get piddle all over yourself."

"I'm an adult! I don't need help peeing," Jacob said, clearly irritated that he had to keep reminding the boar of that fact. Then he tried to pull down his pajama bottoms to free his pecker, and he nearly fell over again.

"See? You are too wobbly, Jay-Jay. Let Daddy help." It was an order, not a request. The boar steadied his younger charge and pulled his pajama bottoms and training pants down around his ankles. Without skipping a beat, Byron took hold of his penis and tugged back Jacob's foreskin until the tip was exposed. "There we go. Now we won't make a mess. Go ahead, sweetie."

Jacob was too shocked to even react at first. He needed to pee so badly that he couldn't stop himself from going while Byron held his pee-pee like a toddler. His stream started flowing while his cheeks turned a deep shade of red. It was beyond humiliating. Jacob couldn't even remember the last time someone had helped him pee like that.

Byron noticed Jacob was still tensing up despite his quickly emptying bladder. "Don't be shy. I do this for your brothers all the time." Sensing the boy's nervousness, he added. "Do you think you can take over?"

Jacob blushed hotly. That just made him want to ask even more questions. Nodding slowly, he unsteadily took over. He was still wobbly, though, and he ended up sprinkling the front of his legs and onto the pajama bottoms. "I have brothers?"

"Here, let Papa help," Byron said as he wrapped his big hands over Jacob's to help steady his aim. It was strange how good it felt to have the big boar helping him with such a simple task. He was a grown man. He shouldn't need help using a damn urinal. "You have three, actually. You will meet them tomorrow. Everyone is going to be in bed when we get back."

"T-thanks," Jacob muttered after he finished emptying his bladder and shook off the last drips. "I-I could have done it on my own.

"I am sure you could, sweetheart, but isn't it better when Daddy helps?" Byron asked, giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

Jacob blushed an even deeper shade of red as his tummy got butterflies. "I-I can do things on my own. I'm a grown-ass man," he sulked, trying to tuck himself back into his pajama bottoms.

Byron swatted him on the ass and did it for him. "Language, mister man. I thought we had already been over that."

"I can't even say ass?!" he asked huffily, pretending he didn't enjoy the feeling of the boar's thick hands handling his package. Of course, it got him another swat on the rump, but Byron was grinning.

"Only if you want to get your butt paddled," the boar said, giving his new boy a hug. He was pleased Jacob had not questioned him about calling himself Daddy.

"T-That isn't fair...." Jacob said with a fake pout, but he couldn't hide his smile. It was funny. Just having Byron near made it hard to keep a grumpy face. "It's one of my favorite words."

"Then you better pick some new ones quick before my arm gets tired," Byron said with a chuckle. "About time we hit the road Jay-Jay, it is a bit of a walk, and we have one stop to make first."

"My name is Jacob, not Jay-Jay..." the young man fussed. Jacob was so tired he just wanted a bed, and getting teased wasn't helping. He let Byron lead him out of the clinic, still dressed in only pajamas, and they walked out into the darkly lit parks that made up most of the section. "Can't we just go in the morning?"

"We have to drop this off, make things official," Byron said as he held up his briefcase with his contract. "It will only take a second, I promise."

True to his word, his next stop was only a few buildings down. It was what Jacob could only describe as a small post box. He had never actually seen one in person. No one mailed dead trees anymore. Byron opened his briefcase, pulled out an envelope, and extracted the sheaf of papers.

Using his briefcase as a desk, he quickly added his signature to the contract's last page, then carefully put it back in its envelope. Jacob watched as a knot formed in his stomach; this was it... This was his life for the next 4 years.

"Do you want to do the honors?" Byron asked, handing his new boy the large envelope. "Just put it in that slot, and you will be registered with the station as my boy."

"W-what happens i-if I don't?" Jacob asked meekly.

"You know what happens, sweetie. You don't want that. I know you don't," Byron said, putting a big strong hand on Jacob's shoulder. "Come on, Jay-Jay, just let me take care of you. You will be happy here, I promise."

Audibly gulping, Jacob slid the envelope into the slot and watched it drop inside. The box was solidly built. There was no way he would ever be able to take it back. It was finally done. Weirdly it was almost a relief. It was out of his control now. No more hard decisions. He was at this kind boar's mercy, and part of him didn't exactly hate the idea. "C-Can we go home now?"

"Of course, sweetie. I will call a transport. I don't want you walking, poor thing. Usually, we walk almost everywhere, but it is about a kilometer away," Byron said, tapping his wrist comms. Jacob felt a flash of anger, remembering that his own comms had been taken away but... Byron had said boys weren't allowed to have them. It felt strange knowing that he was nothing more than a child as far as the station was concerned. It wasn't a thought he relished.

When the transport rolled up, it was a silly-looking thing, brightly colored and look similar to a small school bus from 200 years ago but was clearly just an open cabin cart. The thing probably couldn't do more than 20 kph downhill. Was everything on the station so... strange? It was like they were purposely backward. Jacob didn't complain, though. Despite the transport's outer appearance, it was comfy inside and could hold about 6 people if needed. Byron insisted on buckling him into one of the bench seats, which was embarrassing for a transport he could probably outrun on foot.

Byron's insistent look kept him in line, and soon the small silly transport was whisking them off towards his new home. It was hard to see much in the dark, even with the lights that ran along the paths and wandered throughout the parks. Nearly all of the buildings seemed to be dark. A strange thought drifted through his head when he saw a few lights still on. He was looking at houses. He had never actually seen one. Everyone on Armstrong lived in apartments. To build a house on a station was extravagant in ways he couldn't even think about.

"H-how can you afford houses here on a station? That is crazy!" Jacob asked with a mixture of confusion and excitement.

"Roosevelt was founded with a rather sizeable endowment from the people who built it. Now we are mostly funded through medical tech. You don't need to worry about that. Cubs don't have to worry their cute little heads about silly things like credits," Byron explained as the transport rolled up to a large two-story home. It was dark inside. Only a pair of porch lights lit the exterior.

Jacob's fingers fumbled with the clasp as he struggled to unbuckle himself. "Let Daddy," the big boar said, having come around to help him out. Every time the boar called himself that, it sent flutters through Jacob's tummy. It didn't help that he'd had more than one lover back on Armstrong who insisted that he call them Daddy.

Making his way on wobbly legs up to the front porch, Jacob leaned on Byron to keep steady. Before they made it even halfway to the door, it swung open. A huge plush rabbit waddle-hopped out to greet them. "Jasper, I would like you to meet Jay-Jay," Byron said, introducing them.

Jacob blushed hotly and squirmed. "My name is Jacob...." The young man corrected, but it sounded half-hearted. He was far too tired to argue.

"It is nice to meet you, Jacob. I'm Jasper. I am Hammond house's caretaker. You can think of me as another Daddy," the bunny said, giving Jacob a big hug.

Jacob almost gasped. The big bunny was just like his childhood plush Danny, only somehow different. He seemed smarter, quicker, more alive. It was uncanny how realistic the big plush rabbit's speech and conversational skills were.

"Wow! What generation of AI is it? He seems so real...." Jacob asked Byron, who scowled.

"Jasper is a he, not it, and I am sure he would prefer you don't speak out to him like he isn't here." Byron chastised.

Looking up at the big plush, Jacob started to stutter again. "I-I-I'm sorry, Jasper!" From the look on his face, it was clear he was embarrassed by his faux pas.

Jasper knelt and held out a paw. "It is okay, cutie. We are a lot more advanced here than you are probably used to. It is a bit of a necessity with so many cubs running around. Don't worry. I don't mind you being curious. We use a unique system here. You won't find it anywhere else."

"How about we head in?" Byron said as he ushered everyone into the house. "Did you get the pull-out bed ready?"

"Everything is all set up, and the boys are all sound asleep," Jasper said to Byron before turning to Jacob. "We are going to have you sleep on the pullout bed tonight. We don't want you waking everyone up. They will just get all excited and won't let you get any sleep," he said as he turned on a light in a large living room. There were toys scattered about, but they were all carefully put to the side so no one would trip. The sofa had a pull-out bed with a nice thick mattress.

"I-I don't get my own room?" Jacob asked, sounding worried. He wasn't sold on having to share.

"All of our boys sleep in the same room. The same bed, actually. Though you are just a tad big right now." Jasper said to an increasingly concerned Jacob. "Don't worry about that tonight, though."

Byron pulled back the blankets. "If you need to use the potty, it is down the hall. I should probably warn you that you are going to be going through a lot of changes soon. Your body will make a lot more piddle than normal to help flush things out. Now I can put you in a nice thick overnight diaper if you don't want to get up a bunch tonight."

Jacob was horrified and shook his head no quickly. "I-I don't need a diaper! I'd rather camp out in the bathroom!" he said, burning with embarrassment.

Byron patted him on the head and rubbed his back. "Just don't make too much noise. If you need anything, we are in the third room down that hallway," he says, pointing down a large dark hallway.

Byron and Jasper gave him a hug and a smooch on the top of his head before tucking him in. "See you in the morning, sweetie."

"T-thank you. I will be okay, really. Sleep well." He said. He wasn't entirely sure if the plush rabbit slept, but they headed back to the master bedroom together.

Alone for the first time in months, Jacob tried to sleep. Despite being exhausted, he tossed and turned for over an hour. His mind kept swirling with thoughts of what his new life would be like, and Byron. He kept coming back to the massive boar. The way he hugged and held him. How his big hands had felt on Jacob's cock. Worst of all, he kept returning to whatever the boar was packing between his legs. It had been impossible not to notice that impressive bulge in his trousers. Jay-Jay was bisexual but leaned hard toward older men with big cocks and bigger guts... How was he going to manage 4 years under such a handsome hog...

Realizing he was too worked up for sleep, he tried masturbating. He was halfway to climax when his bladder started to protest painfully. It felt like he was going to piss the bed! Giving up, Jacob wandered down the hall, looking for the bathroom. As he passed the master bedroom, he heard a soft moan coming from inside. Feeling embarrassed but deathly curious, he snuck closer to their door. It was shut tight, but the sounds of tender lovemaking were easily recognizable.

Too timid to sneak a peek, Jacob hurried the rest of the way to the bathroom and pulled his underwear down. He started to drain his bladder, moaning in relief. Jacob tried to be careful not to make too much noise, but he couldn't stop peeing. It just kept coming and coming. When his stream finally petered out, he quickly went to work, trying to rub one out. Wrapping his hand around his cock he imagined what was going on behind that closed door and began to jerk himself off. He conjured up the image of Byron's broad back and ass as he railed that big fat plush. His massive bulk squishing into Jasper's soft body as his cock sunk into that overstuffed rump.

Jacob was just about to pop his cork when there was a sudden rap on the door. It creaked open, and Jasper stood in the open doorway, catching Jacob mid-stroke. The boy yelped and tried to tuck himself away. Still, Jasper let himself into the bathroom before he could even pull up his pajama bottoms. Using both hands, he cupped his package and tried to hide it as best he could. "What are you doing? Get out!" Jacob hissed, knowing there would probably be hell to pay if he woke the other boys.

"Hush now. You don't need to be shy, Jay-Jay. I'm your caretaker, and I have seen plenty of boys playing with themselves over the years. I heard you get up, and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay."

"B-but I was... I wasn't... I don't need help!" Jacob tried to fib, but pretending he wasn't up to anything was stupid. His erection was nearly impossible to hide.

The big bunny stepped a bit closer and gave him a hug. It was awkward, but when his cock pressed into the bunny's soft fat belly, he couldn't help but moan. "There's a good boy. If you had asked Daddy, he would have helped you before putting you to bed. We know how pokey a boy your age can get," the bunny teased as he reached down and put his soft, warm paw on Jacob's member. "You sure you don't need any help?"

"W-what are you doing?" Jacob asked incredulously but not pulling away. "I mean, are you supposed to do that?"

"Didn't you have a caretaker on Armstrong? I thought most boys played with caretakers when they got to a certain age," Jasper giggled as he gently tugged back Jacob's foreskin and teased his knob.

"W-well, yeah, but I... got too old... I mean, you aren't supposed to when you are older," Jacob stammered, trying to explain to Jasper.

"What a silly rule that is! Caretakers are there to help boys with whatever they need. Right now, I think you need this to go away before you can get any sleep," Jasper said as he positioned himself behind Jacob and hugged him tightly. The bunny's big soft paw wrapped around the young man's member and gently stroked him.

"That is my good boy. Look how worked up you are. Don't worry. We will make you feel extra good and then tuck you back in bed," Jasper whispered softly, teasing and stroking Jacob's stiff, leaking member.

Jacob wanted to protest and fight, but it was just like when he was younger and learning about his body with Danny. The warm, strong embrace made him feel safe and loved while teasing paws brought him to new heights of pleasure. Jacob rarely enjoyed masturbating as much as he did when he was with Danny all those years ago. Now Jasper was making him feel the same way, so safe and loved.

He came hard, a single stifled squeal escaping his lips as he painted the toilet with his cum. Jasper cooed happily. "Such a messy boy. Don't you worry. I will clean up here," the big plush lovingly milked out the last squirts of Jacob's seed. Jacob trembled while Jasper tenderly ensured his bits were clean with a wet-wipe before tucking him back into his undies and pulling up his pajama bottoms. "From now on, you need to ask permission to do that. It isn't as bad as it sounds. You will have lots of opportunities to feel good, I promise. Don't play with yourself without asking Daddy or me, okay?"

Jacob was in such a blissfully post-orgasmic state he almost missed what Jasper had said. "Wait. I have to ask if I want to jerk off?

"Of course! None of the rehab boys can play with themselves without asking." Jasper replied, like Jacob should have known already. "It was in the program charter... Didn't you read it all?"

Jacob felt a pit form in his stomach. "A-and what happens if I do it anyway."

"Well, Byron is fond of spankings and chastity for boys with misbehaving paws." The bunny said, patting him on the back. "You don't have to worry about that because you will be a good boy, aren't you, Jay-Jay?"

Strangely, Jacob did want to be a good boy for Jasper and Byron, even if it felt stupid and childish. He wasn't going to let them know that, though. He had his tough facade to keep up. "Yeah, something like that... But if you think you will lock up my cock, you two have another thing coming."

Jasper ignored his sass and just patted him on the butt. "Let's get you back in bed, sweetie. I can tuck you back in again."

"I-I can do it... I am not a child," he protested weakly, but Jasper took him by the arm and helped steady him as he hobbled back to the living room, feeling wobbly again. Back at the sofa bed, he climbed back in, hoping sleep would claim him. The big bunny made sure he was tucked into bed properly, nice and tight. It was a simple act, but Jacob could not help but get a fluttery feeling in his stomach when the plush rabbit kissed him goodnight for the second time.

"Night, night, sweetie pie..." Jasper said as he hopped off back to the master bedroom.

Once he heard the door close, Jacob threw back the covers and sat up. He held his head in his trembling hands and struggled not to panic. What Jasper said to him back in the bathroom was stuck in his head and playing on repeat. He wasn't allowed to even beat off when he wanted, and if he broke the rules, he would get a spanking or stuffed into chastity. What had he gotten himself into?

Worst of all, Byron hadn't been kidding when he had said Jacob would need to pee a lot. The young man had two get up two more times before he finally gave up on trying to sleep. Fortunately, the nosey plush didn't feel the need to interrupt again.

Jacob swung his legs over the edge of the bed and got up to pace a bit. He wanted to take a peek around the house, but there wasn't much to see. There was a holo-screen and the toys, but he couldn't bring himself to even look at the toys. They were already treating him like a child. He didn't need to fuel that fire.

Jacob grinned as he stumbled across something that looked like a liquor cabinet. It was locked, of course, but once upon a time, Jacob had been a half-decent technician. Even without his tools, it only took him a few minutes to figure out how to put the simple lock into debug mode. There was a soft whirr, and a click as the door swung open.

If nothing else, Byron had a half-decent taste in booze. Jacob grabbed a bottle of the cheapest thing he could find and flopped back down onto the sofa bed. Figuring that if he got caught, he wasn't drinking the expensive stuff. "Fuck, if this doesn't knock me out, nothing will," he said to the empty room.

The rest of the night was a bit of a blur as he took slugs straight from the bottle until he drifted off, trying very hard not to think about what tomorrow would bring.

When Jacob finally woke, his head was splitting. "What the fuck?" he said, feeling something warm next to him. Prying open his eyes, he suddenly realized he was face to face with a white-furred bull calf with a silvery nose ring. The smiling face leaned a bit closer. "Are you awake yet? You have been sleeping FOREVER..."

It took Jacob a moment to get his bearings, and he realized it had to be one of the other boys in the house. "Uuuugggh, just let me go back to sleep. It is too early for this shit."

The bull calf gave him a shocked look and then giggled. "You said two naughty words! You're lucky Daddy is not up yet. I'm Holt! What is your name?"

Suddenly the previous day came rushing back in lurid detail. The public spanking, threats of diapers, and Jasper jerking him off. "Crap... "

There was another giggle as a fat little silver-furred mouse boy climbed up onto the sofa bed too. "Plus, you wet the bed... a lot...." The little mouse said, tugging on the wet blankets.

Jacob bolted upright and felt the bedding. His head protested furiously at the sudden movement. "Oh no!! Shit, shit, shit! I am going to be in so much trouble."

He couldn't get up with the boys on either side of him pinning the blankets down. He struggled a bit, and eventually, the boys moved so he could survey the damage. The sheets and bedding were soaked, and his pajamas were wet down both legs. Jacob whimpered softly. He wanted to curl up and cry.

"Daddy probably won't be THAT mad..." the young bull said, rubbing him gently on the back. In his panic, Jacob barely even noticed the other two boys were in very wet diapers. Now with the bull calf right next to him, it was hard to miss.

"W-why are you wearing that? Aren't you too old?" He asked the 4-foot-tall bull calf.

"He certainly isn't too old, and it looks like you aren't either," Byron's booming voice called out from the hallway as he and Jasper herded a curly-tailed husky pup, with baby blue highlights in his fur, out into the living room. The pup's diaper crinkled loudly as he ran over and hugged the mouse. Byron wore a pair of boxers, while Jasper only wore his buttoned vest. Like the previous night, Jasper had been nude from the waist down, his smooth crotch as genderless as any plush Jacob had ever met outside of sexual education classes.

The big boar came over and gave the panicking boy a hug. "It's ok to have accidents. The bed is waterproof. You just got the sheets and your jammies wet."

Jacob melted into the boar and started to sniffle. "I didn't mean to! I-It was an accident... I had to pee so bad all night..." he whimpered, clinging to Byron.

Jasper made a sound like he was clearing his throat. "Byron dear, I may have found out why little Jay-Jay here piddled the bed," the rabbit said, holding up the empty bottle of booze that Jacob had polished off.

Byron pulled away from the hug and gave Jacob a sharp look. "Jay-Jay, did you get into Daddy's booze? Did you think that was a good idea?"

"My name is Jacob!" he snapped angrily back. "I-I couldn't sleep! A-and I'm an adult! Why can't I drink?" Jacob tried to protest. He was suddenly feeling very small next to the huge boar. Didn't he come up to Byron's shoulder before? Now he had to crane his neck just to make eye contact.

"No. You. Aren't! You are Daddy's cub now, remember?" Byron corrected, sounding more irritated than truly upset.

"B-But I-I am a big boy." That damned stutter was back again. Jacob hadn't had any issues with that in over a decade. What was going on?

"You are not a big boy Jay-Jay... I think your wet sheets are proof of that. Now I think we better put you into pull-ups for the rest of the day. But first, I think a naughty boy needs to get his butt paddled," the big boar said as he collared Jacob by the back of his pajama top.

The three diapered boys got quiet and moved closer to Jasper. Before Jacob could pull away, Byron stripped Jacob naked from the waist down and then marched him over to a big, stuffed armchair. The boys giggled when they saw his uncut cock flopping around while Daddy wrestled him out of his soggy pajama bottoms and now yellowed-stained cloth training pants. The young boy struggled and fussed the whole way, letting out an impressive stream of swearing. His head was pounding so hard from the hangover that he wasn't sure the spanking could be any worse.

"Fuck! Just let me go! I don't need this stupid fucking... OW! OW! What the fuck! OWWWWW!" Jacob squealed as the first swats landed on his bare ass.

Byron's attitude didn't improve with all the swearing. He delivered a far harsher swatting than he had given in the clinic waiting room. "I told you that we don't use that kind of language here. You already got spanked once, and you will keep getting spanked until you clean up that filthy mouth of yours, cub! You should also know better than to get into Daddy's liquor cabinet without asking! On top of it all, you pissed your bed. You certainly sound like a little cub to me!"

Jacob fussed and squirmed as Byron paddled him like a toddler in front of his new family. The swearing quickly stopped, but the boar kept spanking his ass until it was bright red and sore. "I am sorry, Daddy! I won't do it again! I am sorry I was naughty!" he cried, trying not to sob.

Byron silently counted out 40 swats to himself while the boy twisted and squirmed in his lap. The boar was a little worried he would have to go right up to the 50 swats he was allowed to dole out, but he finally relented when Jacob finally gave in, when it was clear he had learned his lesson. Standing the boy up, the fat boar stripped off the rest of his pajamas and pulled him into a big hug. "It is okay, sweetie. You will learn how to be a good boy."

Jacob was acutely aware that he was sporting some serious wood by the time his spanking was over. It was pressed into the big boar's belly fur as Jacob hugged him.

"I-I don't wanna wear pull-ups...." He complained softly, hoping the other boys couldn't hear. Jasper was trying to get Holt and Terry changed before they leaked. Eventually, he resorted to carrying them off toward the nursery.

"You need them, sweetie. You are going through a lot of changes, and you will start leaving puddles if you don't wear them," Byron said softly as he teased Jacob's new fluffy bear tail making the boy jump.

"What was that?!" Jacob said, spinning around, trying to look at the tuft of fur above his rump.

"I told you yesterday, Jay-Jay. You are going to be a cute little white polar. That means a cute little stub tail and fur." He gently rubbed his hand over Jacob's belly, feeling the downy fur starting to come in. "You are going to be very cute. "

"W-what? What do I look like?" Jacob said, starting to panic again. Byron took him by the paw and led him into the master bedroom, where there was a three-part full-length mirror.

At first glance, he looked totally normal. His skin seemed smoother and paler where his fur was growing in. It was hard to tell, but Jacob was certain he was a good 2-3 inches shorter than the day before, maybe more. Byron's height and the strangely proportioned house make it hard to tell. Everything in the home seemed sized to fit Byron and Jasper's considerable size, so it all seemed huge to the shrinking cub.

The only obvious change was a cute little stub tail above his rosy ass. He made it wiggle experimentally and couldn't help but laugh. It felt strange to have a new body part.

Despite it all, his cock was still mostly hard and quickly getting stiffer again as he looked at himself in the mirror. His hand went to his stiffy, and he blushed hotly; at least, it felt the same. He wanted to hate that he was getting changed against his will, but the tail was pretty cute, and he really liked polar bears.

"H-how long until... you know... I'm a polar bear all the way?" Jacob asked, trying to look at every nook and cranny on his body to check for changes.

Byron just laughed and gave him a kiss. "Try not to worry about it. It shouldn't be more than a few days. Bears are a fairly basic change, so it usually is on the faster side. No long tail or horns or anything. How about we give you a bath and then get you dressed in your pull-ups?"

Jacob wanted to protest, but he did smell like piddle after his accident. "C-can't I just take a shower?"

Byron just sighed. "Cubby, you don't have to fight me on everything. Daddy wants to give you a bath. Let Daddy give you a bath."

"B-but I am an adult; I can wash myself." He was sounding a lot less sure of himself now.

"But now you don't have to because Daddy is here to take care of you. You weren't doing such a good job taking care of yourself, Jay-Jay. That is why you are here. You need someone to guide you and watch over you. That someone is me," Byron said quietly as he kissed Jacob again.

"I-I... Yessir." Jacob said as he gave the boar a nervous hug.

"Now come on. Let's get your cute little tushie into the bath," Byron said, taking Jacob by the hand and leading him down the hall toward the bathroom. They poked their head into the boys' bedroom along the way, and Holt was kneeling on the changing table. Jasper had one of his soft paws wrapped around the calf's bull-hood milking him in long slow strokes.

The cute little white bull was bucking and huffing as the rabbit teased him. Terry and Collin watched from an oversized crib in nice thick fresh diapers. Both were eagerly rubbing their diaper fronts as they watched. "Someone was a good boy, it seems," Byron said with a chuckle.

"You are a very good boy, aren't you, Holt? You kept your hooves out of your diaper and didn't try to make a sticky all night." Jasper teased as he gently stroked Holt's throbbing member.

The calf nodded and let out a pleading moo. "Imma good boy! Please, Daddy Jasper... M-more..."

Byron put a big arm around Jacob, who was watching in awe as his new brother got jerked off and teased. "Watch this..." Byron whispered as he hugged Jacob tightly. It was encouraging that he seemed to want to stay and watch, and he was sporting some impressive wood in no time at all.

Jasper reached into a drawer on the changing table and got out a small cylinder. He gently slid it over the calf's cock, and it started to suck and milk the boy's member on its own. Then the big plush rabbit got out a big milk bottle and offered the nipple to the eager calf, who started to suckle hungrily. "That is a good calf... You needed a good milking, didn't you? I bet these are extra full," the plush said, fondling the bull calf's huge full nuts.

Holt whimpered around the nipple in his mouth and bucked hard to show how eager he was to blow his load. Jasper had to hold onto the milker to keep the over-eager calf from bucking out of it.

The baby bottle was nearly empty when Holt finally came hard, bull cum flooding into the milker as he bellowed out a long, happy moo.

Jasper gently led the boy's head around by his nose ring while he mooed happily, clearly spent as he followed the plush's paw. "Good calf... Very productive today..." the rabbit said as he slid the cylinder off and cracked it open. Inside, Japer retrieved a half-filled baby bottle with bull cum. The rabbit filled it the rest of the way with formula and gave it to Terry, eagerly making grabby paws for it. "Now, you share with Collin."

Byron guided Jacob to the spent bull calf and kissed him. "You knew just what your little brother wanted, didn't you, Holt?" he asked, rubbing the spent bull's soft belly while Jacob tried to hide his very stiff cock.

The calf beamed with pride as Jasper returned to the changing table and rolled him over. The big soft plush gently and lovingly cleaned up the messy bull and put him into a thick fresh diaper like his two brothers.

"What about you, Jay-Jay? Is it your turn?" Jasper asked, giving the boy a hug.

Jacob shook his head shyly and clung to Byron, feeling awfully vulnerable. "N-no, Papa said I have to take a bath first," he said, looking for an excuse not to be on display again in front of the other boys. His pride was still wounded after being reduced to tears.

Jasper grinned and patted Jacob on his sore rump. "That sounds like fun. I know a big piggy who needs one too!"

Byron frowned but laughed as he sniffed an armpit. "Guess I do need one too. Come on, Jay-Jay. Let's go take one together. It will be fun," the boar said, urging Jay-Jay towards the bathroom.

"D-Do we have to take it together? It's embarrassing," Jacob asked, still trying to cover himself with his hands as he was herded into the tiled bathroom. The tub was already full and steaming. It looked big enough for the whole family if they wanted.

The chubby boar just chuckled and stripped off his boxer shorts. His huge thick slab of boar cock flopped out, giving Jay-Jay an eyeful. He was clearly half-hard and not very shy about being naked in front of his boys. "If you don't want I can wait, but I would like to take one with you, little bear."

Jacob blushed and squirmed a little, trying to decide. Eventually, he gave in and nodded slowly. "W-we can take one together if you want," Jacob said, glancing at the huge flaccid cock swinging between Byron's legs.

Byron scooped him up suddenly in a big hug. He wasn't as small as the other boys, but the huge boar could pick him up if he wanted. It was totally humiliating to be treated like a child, but part of him was starting to like it a lot. "There is my brave boy. Now into the tub with you."

After Byron set him back down, Jay-Jay climbed up the step to the back and swung a leg over. Byron took a moment to appreciate how cute the little bear's rump looked with his new cute little tail. His cock started to stir as he toyed with it idly. Once Jay-Jay was in the tub, the boar climbed in after and pulled him in nice and close. "There we go. Isn't this nice?" Byron said, grabbing soap to start lathering up his new boy.

"Y-yeah, it feels warm... I don't know when I last had a bath like this. Isn't it wasteful? Armstrong only allowed for two-minute showers," Jacob said, letting Byron rub him with the soap. It felt very good to be touched and stroked caringly.

"As you have probably seen, we do many things differently here. There are a lot of other stations that think the same way. What is the point of all this if we deny ourselves simple luxuries?" he said, slipping his paw down further to bush against the boy's stiff pecker. "Still so hard. You must have liked watching Holt."

Jay-Jay nodded, and his cheeks turned a nice shade of red. "He is really cute and um... You are, um... Not so bad either."

Byron let out a deep belly laugh and gave the boy a tight hug. "Well, I am glad you think so. I heard Jasper helped you out last night with this," Byron said as he toyed with the boy's stiffness, making him moan softly.

Once again, Jacob felt totally embarrassed. He should have guessed there would be no secrets between Byron and Jasper. "Y-yeah, I couldn't sleep."

"Don't be shy about it. Jasper loves helping his family feel good. He was so worked up after helping you that he teased me with that big rump of his until we had round two," Byron said, wrapping his big hand around the boy's member and teasing him a bit more.

"I-I thought I heard you two... Having fun... I-Is that okay? I am sorry. I didn't mean to spy." He said truthfully.

"We aren't shy about it, cutie, though you could probably have guessed that after this morning," Byron said, giving Jay-Jay a kiss on the top of his head.

"Y-yeah, I didn't know that robots like Jasper could get worked up... I mean, does he like it?" Jacob asked quietly, not wanting to offend the rabbit plush should he overhear.

"He can get worked up just like you or me. The caretakers here aren't like the ones you are used to seeing. They are people with their own wants and desires. Jasper doesn't help us out because we own him or because he is forced to do it. He is with us because he loves our little family," Byron said, trying to explain the unique situation on Roosevelt. Leaning down to whisper, he added. "If you ever need to hump something, the big ole' bunny loves letting you boys under his fluffy tail. Just ask nicely, and I'm sure he will help you out."

Jacob listened quietly and pressed back into the big daddy boar. The whole conversation was making him embarrassed. "Jasper said he liked helping the boys. I didn't know he, um... had anything under his tail.

That made Byron let out a long belly laugh. "He sure does have something under there, and he loves helping you boys out."

"I-Is that what Holt was doing? G-getting help?" Jacob asked shyly as he was teased. "Jasper said we can't play with ourselves.

"Well, yes and no. Holt is a bit of a special case. Part of his rehab is those big bull nuts of his. They make him extra frisky. He needs to be milked a couple of times a day, or things get miserable. If he is naughty, he gets locked up and isn't allowed any relief," Byron said as he teased and stroked the cute little, soon-to-be bear cub.

"C-can I have big balls like that?" Jacob asked, hopefully with a huge grin. Having huge balls and a libido that wouldn't quit sounded like a ton of fun.

"No, you are a cute little bear, not a big beefy bull like him. Besides, I think yours are just about the right size," the boar said, fondling Jacob's ball sack, rolling them gently in his fingers.

Jacob looked down at his rock-hard package and blushed when he realized how small it seemed next to the huge erect boar cock that was jutting up out of the water. He reached down to play with himself, and things felt off, smaller, and tighter. His little coin purse was starting to get a little fuzz too.

"W-what happened? You shrunk my dick!" he cried out, alarmed and starting to fuss.

"Jay-Jay, you are shrinking all over. You are going to be about Collin's size when you are done turning into a cute little bear. Did you really think your pecker would stay the same size when you were turning into a little bear?" Byron teased as he once again stroked the boy's still-stiff cock.

"B-but... I was... big," he said, feeling humiliated and embarrassed. He had never been huge, but he was always proud that he was naturally above average.

"And you still will be big for a cub. But, you are going to be a cub. That means you will have a cute little wiener and sack," Byron said as he hugged Jacob tightly. "Don't you worry, little bear. You will be adorable."

Jacob wasn't sure how to respond. It was embarrassing to have his manhood shrunken like that, but what could he do? He fussed and pouted for a bit, but it was hard to stay mad when Byron was showering him with love and attention. The boar's huge member was a bit distracting as well. His thick tip poked up out of the water just enough to be seen, and Jacob was having trouble not staring.

Byron noticed the boy looking at his member and chuckled softly. "You can touch it if you want. You don't have to be shy."

Hesitantly, Jacob reached out and touched Byron's big member. It was far larger than he ever had been. "Wow! You are sooo big...." Jacob said softly, clearly envious.

Shifting in the bath, the boar lifted his hips out of the water so Jay-Jay could really get a good look. Byron let out a happy rumble when the boy positioned himself so he could compare cock sizes. "Oh? You want to compare with Daddy?"

The boy's cheeks blazed as he realized just how much size he had lost, but somehow, he still didn't hate the idea. Back on Armstrong, he would have jumped at the opportunity to play with someone this well-endowed. He was far too worked up and embarrassed about his "loss" to give a proper answer, so he just nodded and let out a needy whimper.

"That is my good boy. Come here. Daddy has you, cutie," Byron said as he wrapped his huge arms around the boy and let him settle in on his huge fat belly, their erections gently rubbing together as they hugged.

Slowly Jacob started to melt into the big boar, gently snuggling and kissing as he rocked his hips slowly. He snuggled into the big boar's belly and clung tightly, gently kissing and nuzzling. He felt safe and warm in those arms, lying on the boar's massive warm gut.

"You like Daddy's big tummy, don't you? Yours is pretty adorable, too," Byron said as he started to gently grope one of the boy's plump ass cheeks. "Your tushy is pretty darn adorable too."

Jacob flushed and whimpered. "I-I am too fat... or at least the guys back home thought so."

Medical technology advancements made it so that no one needed to be fat. Just a quick trip to the doctor, and your metabolism could be easily adjusted. More than a few of his partners back on Armstrong had tried to talk him into thinning down. "I-I do like yours, though. I-is that bad?"

"Hogwash! I think you are just perfect, and that is very nice of you to say cub. I think you might like more than my belly, huh?" the boar asked, making his huge cock throb and jump against the younger man's cock.

With a devious grin, Jay-Jay wiggled his new little tail. "I like hogwash.. or is it washing hogs? Maybe I should try both!"

Byron just raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh, really now? Here I thought I got in here to wash you, little bear cub," the fat boar said, handing Jay-Jay some soap.

Squirting some of the soap onto his hands, Jacob slowly started lathering up the boar's big belly. He wasn't quite certain what had possessed him to do such a thing but just being around Byron gave him strange feelings he couldn't quite pin down. Despite everything, all he could think about was making his Daddy happy.

Jacob's hands kneaded and rubbed the boar's plump belly worshipfully as he washed his new Daddy lovingly. Slowly, his naughty hands moved lower, and Byron made no move to stop them. He slid into the water until he was face to face with Byron's thick fat member. Jacob hesitantly wrapped both hands around it and was amazed that Byron still had plenty of cock to spare. Slowly he pulled back Byron's foreskin, exposing his fat knob; just the sight of it was making the young man tremble with anticipation. Setting the soap aside, he gave the underside a long loving lick before suckling the plump head. His whole body shuddered as he got his first taste of the boar; it was heaven. He had never felt like this before, not ever. He wanted to submit to that massive cock and worship it.

"Boy, you ask before doing that...." Byron's voice was low and even. He was clearly not mad, but he wasn't using his Dad voice, either.

"B-but... I thought..." Jacob looked up with pleading eyes. "I thought I was doing good."

"Cubby, you want to be a good boy, right? Good boys ask Daddy if they can do things like that. Now how do you ask nicely?"

"C-c-can I s-suck it?" Jay-Jay flushed as he realized his stutter was back again, this time with a vengeance.

"No. Good boys ask by saying. 'Daddy may I...' and then they finish with a please," Byron corrected, gently petting the boy's face. Byron thought he was so cute and eager. He just hoped he was not pushing too fast with the boy.

"D-D-D-Daddy, may I suck it, please?" Jacob's head was swirling. Why was he doing this? Less than an hour before, the boar had him over his knee paddling his ass! Now he was a whimpering mess, begging to suck his cock. It was all he could think about; the boar's masculine scent tickled his nose and drove him wild. "Please, Daddy! Aaaaaah!"

Before the boar could answer, his little balls tightened up, and he started to squirt a thick gooey load into the bathwater. It seemed to just keep coming and coming. Byron pulled him back up into a hug and held him tight. He could feel what felt like a pint of cum painting the boar's fat belly. "Shhhh, it is okay, sweetie," Byron rumbled as he gently fondled the boy's clenching ball sack.

"I-I wasn't touching it! I didn't mean to!" Jacob said nervously once he caught his breath. "I-I got you all sticky."

"That is just fine little bear. You just got a bit worked up; your body is going through a lot of changes, and you will have a bit of a hair trigger for a while. It is part of the reason I want you in training pants."

"Should I still... You know." Now that he was spent, the boy had trouble begging for the boar's fat cock.

The fat hog just chuckled. "What makes you think I was going to say yes, little bear?" Byron said as he gently washed the boy's soft downy fur.

"I just thought you wanted me to?" Jacob was feeling mightily embarrassed, but the big boar's tight arms around him were very comforting.

"Believe me, cutie, I wouldn't mind, but not right now. Okay? I am just happy we got you to make a sticky. I am sure you are feeling awfully pent up," Bryon said, gently spreading the boy's legs so he could gently wash up his spent bits.

Once Jay-Jay properly cleaned, Byron helped Jacob out of the bath and toweled him dry. The fat, naked boar showered him with kisses and tickles until Jacob squealed and giggled. It was stupid and silly, but he couldn't hate the boar for trying to make him smile.

"That is what Daddy wanted to hear! A happy little bear!" The boar said, beaming. "Uh oh, look out! We sprung another coolant leak!" Byron said after Jay-Jay let out an impressive shot of piss that squirted all the way across the bathroom. The boar quickly pointed him at an oversized toddler's training potty and helped him aim. This time Jacob didn't protest and let Byron hold his weenie for him while he emptied his bladder.

"That is my good boy. So, can you keep your training pants dry today?" Byron, after dabbing the boy's tip and then leading him back into the nursery. Both were still naked except for their towels. Byron held up a pair of pull-up training pants.

"I-I only wet because I was drunk... and you were tickling me. It isn't fair!" Jacob said, once again getting fussy and making the other three boys giggle. They were each wrapped in blankets while they suckled on bottles.

"Then prove to me you are a big boy. Keep these dry all day, and you won't have to wear them anymore," Byron said as he held them open for Jacob.

Jacob stepped into them reluctantly, and Byron pulled them up around his waist. He was ashamed to admit that the soft interior felt surprisingly good against his package. "I will keep them dry! I am not some little kid."

Byron just laughed and patted him on the back. "Okay, cub, prove me wrong," Byron said, clearly not convinced the boy could keep them dry for an hour, let alone all day. His tone made Jacob huff and pout, but the boar just ignored him.

"There is no school today, so I want you to get to know your brothers and have fun while you finish breakfast. After you have a full tummy, you boys can play all you want today," Byron lifted Jacob and hefted the oversized cub into the crib. He was still a bit large for it, but he could sit up and snuggle with his brothers just fine.

Jasper came over and gave him a sippy cup filled with something that looked like milk. "W-what is this?" Jacob asked, wrinkling his nose at it.

"It is a formula. It's nutritionally balanced to give you everything you need. Cubs here are on a mostly liquid diet. You get one big boy meal a day, but you can have as much formula as you want," the big bunny said, petting his head.

Liquid diets were not that unusual on certain stations that wanted to avoid sewage issues. Armstrong had been on one once for almost 6 months as a kid. Their sewage had needed to be ripped out and totally revamped. With the proper body modifications, you could only produce extra urine and no other waste.

Jacob looked at the cup dubiously before he took a sip. It tasted like cool, sweet chocolate milk, not too thick either, but he imagined it would be filling. "T-thanks..." He wanted to kick up a fuss over his breakfast, but he knew there was no getting out of this. Once he was sipping on it, Byron and Jasper headed into the living room.

The husky suddenly pressed in under Jacob's arm, nosing and nudging until Jacob had his arm around the pup. "Hi!"

Jacob couldn't help but laugh at the squirming silly pup. "Um, Hi... You're Collin, right?" he asked, starting to gently pet Collin. He found a collar under all that fluffy husky fur and tugged on it.

"Yeah! I'm a Husky!" He said, wiggling his curly tail and pressing in excitedly for more pets.

"They don't make you wear that collar, do they?" Jacob asked a tad nervously.

It was the mouse's turn to giggle as Holt held onto him from behind. "Collin LOOOVES being a puppy. Sometimes Daddy even lets him piddle outside like a real dog."

Collin blushed hotly and squirmed, licking up at Jacob's chin as if to distract from the current conversation. "Teerrrrry! No fair! I didn't tell him you like being a fat lil mousy!"

"I don't! I swear! Daddy just keeps feeding me!" the chubby mouse protested, trying to pull his shirt down over his plump belly.

Holt laughed and hugged the mouse. "Suuuure and your diaper just gets all pokey on its own when Daddy bottle feeds you!" the calf said, holding up a bottle, shaking it a little.

Terry harrumphed and pouted and had to work extra hard not to smile. It didn't last long once the calf ticked his plump belly.

"S-so um... I thought everyone here was in trouble... Why are they so nice and, um... well, sexual? I'm not complaining," Jacob asked as he hugged and petted Collin. It was hard not to pet him. He reminded Jacob, so much of a real dog it was just a reflex. It didn't help that the pup clearly loved the attention.

"We only get punished if we are naughty. Otherwise, we just have fun! It is really, really awesome here. Everyone is super nice, especially Byron and Jasper," Holt said, giving Terry a tight hug. "We heard you having fun with Papa. That is really okay! As long as you let them help!"

"This section allows sex play, but there are other sections where you aren't allowed to squirt. They are REALLY boring, though," Terry added with a giggle. "Trust me, it is way better here."

"I-Isn't it weird with Byron and Jasper? A-aren't they the ones keeping us here?" Jacob was still trying to figure this place out. It was so unlike what he had been expecting.

Collin gave him a kiss and giggled. "No way! They are awesome! Daddy Byron is really nice and soooo hung," the puppy said, holding his paws an improbable distance apart.

Terry blushed suddenly and gave Collin a look. "Have you seen Jasper's big one?"

Collin shook his head no and giggled. "He has the best attachments. I like his rump best, though."

Jacob was even more confused. "He lets you hump him, and you guys like it?"

Holt let out a moo followed by a giggle. "Jasper loves it too! He is so soft and snuggly. Why wouldn't you? They won't make you do anything naughty. They aren't like that. Terry didn't do anything naughty for almost 3 weeks."

Jacob took a long sip of his formula as he took it all in. He had been naughty with Jasper his first night and then again just now with Byron in the bath. Well, at least the other boys wouldn't think he was slutty if they all were getting stuffed. The bear cub squirmed a little in his training pants and then tried to lie down. He was still large enough that Collin had to end up on top of him, but he felt nice and warm. "This place is really weird...."

"Yeah, but it is awesome!" Collin said, giving him a lick and slowly grinding his diaper front against Jacob's training pants.

Letting out a happy growl, the soon-to-be bear cub hugged tight onto the pup and ground back. Holt moved over and rubbed and touched the other two boys. The boys were very well-behaved and kept their paws out of each other's diapers.

The grinding and touching had a very real effect on Jacob despite having just squirted. He was getting quite stiff all over again. This he was used to. Back on Armstrong, he was no stranger to a little group fun. It was so easy to fall back on his old habits. He had not realized how much he had missed just being hugged and lovingly touched. Even if he was dressed up like a damn overgrown toddler.

Papa Jasper let the boys snuggle for a long while before coming in to check on them. He was a little surprised to find them all still snuggling and grinding in a pile. "Okay, boys. Time to get up. Who wants to get dressed first?" he asked, separating the tangled-up boys. None of them seemed too eager to stop cuddling. "Not that you don't all just look adorable like that, but I think you boys can go play now."

Collin whimpered as Jasper grabbed and hoisted him out of the crib. "Seeing as I don't have any volunteers, you are the first puppy. You are always easy to get dressed," Jasper said as he pulled out a leash and clipped it into the Husky's collar. The other boys giggled, but Jacob wasn't quite sure why. Jasper folded up the leash and held it so Collin could hold it in his muzzle. Then the big rabbit untapped the boy's diaper and gave his diaper area rub down. "Okay, there we go. Go tell Daddy you are ready for your walk out back."

The plush rabbit swatted the pup on his bare butt and sent him off with a fresh diaper in his paws. "That is for after pup."

Next, it was Holt's turn. The calf didn't make any fuss as Jasper got him dressed in a little farmer's outfit with overalls and a onesie that looked like a t-shirt. Once he was dressed, he raced out to find Daddy too.

Terry was already making grabby paws for Jasper, wanting a hug. "Oh my, you are awfully soggy already, little mouse. Let's get you changed."

Jasper laid out the mouse on the changing table and quickly stripped him naked. Jacob couldn't help but watch curiously. The fat little mouse was very cute, and he didn't seem too shy about being naked as the plush cleaned him up. He giggled and squirmed as Jasper teased his stiff little weenie. Jacob was a little surprised at how small the mouse's bits were. It wasn't particularly hard to get an undersized package enlarged. If someone was that small, it was almost certainly by choice. Someone's choice, at least, Jacob thought morosely, his mind lingering on his own shrunken cock.

Jasper turned and winked at Jacob as he finished cleaning Terry up, putting him into a clean extra thick diaper. It was far thicker than the previous one. "Okay, let's see if you can keep this one clean for more than an hour or two," Jasper said before blowing a raspberry on Terry's fat belly. Like Holt, he was put into a onesie, but afterward, the bunny slipped a pair of soft mittens on Terry's paws. "Maybe these will keep you from stealing from the cookie jar...."

"I'll be good! I promise!" Terry squeaked pitifully as he squirmed.

"Good, like last time? When you tried to hide sweets in your stroller? I don't think so. You will wear these and be a good boy for once." The mouse fussed as the bunny wrestled a pair of shorts over the extra-thick diaper. "Okay now, Daddy should be out back. Be good mousey."

Terry flushed and whimpered, clearly not wanting to be treated so little, but he didn't argue. He just waddled off awkwardly with the extra thick diaper between his legs. Before reaching the door, the mouse gave up on walking and dropped to a crawl.

Turning to Jacob, the big plush smiled. "Okay, sweetie, you are last. Come on, let me help you up."

Jasper put down the side of the crib and helped Jacob crawl out. Much to his embarrassment, the bunny squeezed the front of his training pants and groped the erection hidden beneath. "Good boy, you used your training pants. You get a star for that and another for finishing your breakfast without a fuss," Jasper said as two stars appeared on the front of Jay-Jay's pull-ups.

Jacob was mortified. He hadn't even realized he was wetting. How could the training pants be wet? He started to tear up; Byron had said he could take them off if he kept them dry. He had barely made it even an hour. "I-I didn't wet! I swear!"

Jasper gently rubbed Jacob's belly comfortingly. "Hush now. It was just an accident. Cubs have accidents. You were a good boy and used your training pants like you were supposed to. You might be able to hold it later, but you are still changing, which means a lot of bear piddle."

"What do you mean stars? D-do I have to keep them on my pull-ups?" Jacob asked huffily, changing the subject.

"Cubs get to use them for rewards and treats. Think of them like good boy points. You earn stars to spend if you behave and don't cause trouble. The station keeps track of them. Some boys like the reminder that they have been good, so we put them on your diapers," Jasper said, rubbing him gently, slipping a paw into the front to see just how wet he had gotten them. "You aren't too damp. No reason to change you quite yet." Then the plush pulled them down just far enough to free the boy's stiffy. "So pokey too! Did those naughty boys tease you, little bear?" The rabbit cooed happily, playing with the bear's stiffness.

"W-what are you doing?" Jacob squeaked as the bunny continued to play with his cock. It felt amazing, but it had caught him off guard.

"I saw you were all tented and thought you would like some attention, cutie. Did you want to take care of that yourself?" Jasper asked, loosening his grip on the cub's cock.

Jacob was already humiliated about not being able to keep himself dry and now getting teased over getting an erection. It was all just too much.

"I-I um... I don't think I have to right now... You know. I mean, is that okay?" Jacob said before biting his bottom lip. It was surprisingly hard to say no to a big soft plush offering hand jobs. The last one the bunny had given him had been amazing.

"Of course, you don't have to right now," Jasper said, kissing him on the forehead. "But it is okay, sweetie. If you want to later, just ask," Jasper said, tucking the boy back into his training pants. "You are just a little damp. You will be okay. We can always change you if you soak those."

"I'm not going to soak them!" the little bear said grumpily and folded his arms over his chest. He was getting pretty tired of being treated like a pants-wetting baby.

The big stuffed rabbit lifted him up onto the changing table to get him dressed in a bright red t-shirt and baggy shorts despite his protesting. "That is my little man. Show Papa what a big boy you are!" Jasper said, not engaging with the boy's defiance. He would eventually find out he didn't have much choice in the matter.

Jacob stewed as the plush dressed him like he was a fussy toddler. "I can do it!" he finally said, trying to help pull up his shorts. Surprisingly the bunny let him finish pulling them up on his own.

"Such a big boy you are. Well, why don't you go find Papa out back if that is the case? You can play with the other boys," Jasper said, patting the boy on the top of his head.

Jacob squirmed a little. He was still getting used to the changes in his body. He felt awkward and clumsy as he waddled out of the nursery, looking for the backyard. It was odd, having grown up on stations, but he found Byron and the other boys in a fenced backyard after getting turned around a few times. It even had a few real trees, one of which Collin seemed to be having fun piddling all over with his leg lifted while Byron held his leash. Holt and Terry were playing with toy trucks and tractors in a sandbox.

With butterflies in his stomach, Jay-Jay stepped out to join them. He didn't really know what to expect. Everything was so strange here, but at the same time, his new family was kind, and Byron seemed dedicated to making him feel welcome, like family.

Holt waved and smiled from the sandbox. "Jay-Jay! Come play!"