Tina's Story II -Chapter 1 - As if we never said goodbye

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina II- As if we never said goodbye - A Gray Muzzle story

I don't know why I'm frightened

I know my way around here

The cardboard trees, the painted seas, the sound here,

Yes, a world to rediscover

But I'm not in any hurry

And I need a moment

I've spent so many mornings, just trying to resist you

I'm trembling now, you don't know how I've missed you

Missed the fairy tale adventure

In this ever spinning playground

We were young together

I don't want to be alone

That's all in the past

This world's waited long enough

I've come home at last!

And this time will be bigger

And brighter than we knew it.

So, watch me fly, we all knew I could do it

Could I stop my hand from shaking

Has there ever been a moment

With so much to live for?

The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways

So much to say, not just today, but always

We'll have early morning madness

We'll make magic in the making

Yes, everythings as if we never said goodbye.

** Norma Desmond**

** Sunset Boulevard**

Tina paced her office like a caged animal. Things had not been the same since she had been named Director of Operations for the state motor vehicle department. The advancement, the promotions, the march up the chain of command had been so intoxicating. Each time, it was an affirmation for Tina; that she WAS somebody, that she mattered. Now, at age thirty, she ran the operational side of a major state agency. Not just the youngest person ever to have such a job, but a young hybrid. Tina felt that responsibility accutely. She was keenly aware that when she was growing up, such a thing would have never been considered. Still, there were those who fought the newcomers. Tina knew she would be watched closely.

"Tina, the commissioner wants your input on these contracts ASAP...."

K.C. had followed Tina on her rise through the department. Wherever she went, K.C. soon followed. It was more than just the enjoyment of her company. K.C. had her back. She was friendly and outgoing in a way that Tina felt she could never be. As such, She was tuned into the office grapevine. K.C. knew EVERYTHING in the department. More importantly, K.C. knew it first. What K.C. shared with her had helped Tina make tough decisions on more than one occasion.

"Uh, OK. But it won't be today. I'll take it home. Gotta leave early. We're picking the kids up from their first day of school. "

"First day? That's so AWESOME!" K.C. enthused. "Can I get you something? Have you eaten at all?"

The truth is, Tina hadn't eaten since that protein bar after her morning run. This wasn't unusual. Tina was extremely conscious of her appearance. Some days she wouldn't eat a thing in twelve hours.

"No....thanks." Tina shook her head, as she reached for the phone.

"Let me know...." K.C. offered, wiggling her cute little Cocker butt, barely covered by the plaid pleated skirt she wore.

It was 2:45 when Tina met Ray in the lobby.

"You OK?" Ray inquired "School's out in fifteen minutes"

Tina nodded

"Uh huh. Just busy'

This was the first day of school for their children. They had decided to send them to an exclusive Jewish school in a nearby suburb. In the end, Stan and Georgette decided to send their two children there as well, mostly so all of them could be together. That's right, Georgette's two children. That day in heat, where She had seduced Stan in the pool, Georgette had gotten pregnant again. Now, five years later, they had all gone off to the first day of class together.

Stan had had their car brought up. With the Scion too small, they had purchase a big black three seat Suburban from Ray's friend Jason, when Jason decided to get something with a bed.

School had just let out, when Ray pulled to the curb at the Miriam Goldstein Hebrew Acadamy. It was named for Ray's late mother, who had funded it. Ray and Tina got out, just in time to see the kids....

"MOMMA! DADDY!" little Stan squealed, running toward them with open arms. The twins followed, arm in arm, close as they always were.

"I met my teacher, an I got picked as hall monitor, and we played dodge ball and I was almost the last one, an we had PIZZA for lunch!"

"Slow, down, champ!' Ray counseled "We've got plenty of time to hear EVERYTHING."

Ray helped Stan into his seat. Stan was so cute in his school uniform, a little yarmaluk on his head. Tina put the girls in . They, too had uniforms- little plaid jumpers, with white blouses.

"Did you have a good day?" Tina asked.

The girls just smiled, and nodded, still smiling, and holding hands.

Ray was now helping Stan and Georgette's kids into the Suburban. What they would call Ray and Tina was the subject of some discussion. In the end, they decided on 'Ms Tina' and 'Mr. Ray' In time, they figured, they would work it out.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Stan just walked in to the poolhouse. They still lived there, but it had been added onto, making it a full time home, instead of the bachelor apartment it was when Ray stayed there.

"I'm home, Honey!' Stan shouted, as he walked in the door.

He walked into the bedroom, looking for Georgette. Georgette had just taken a shower, and came out of the bath, wearing nothing but pink cotton bikini panties. She approached her husband, kissing him, and backing him toward the bed.

Stan was caught off guard, when Georgette began to kiss him

Mmmmmm. Nice. Have I got plans for you......"

As georgette kissed him, she rubbed her front against him provocatively. She could feel Stan leave his sheath as she did.

"Ah, SOMEONE'S happy to see me!" she proclaimed, as she pushed his loose pants over his lean hips.

"But...but...." Stan protested, but in vain. Before the words came out, she had pulled his shorts down as well, and was stroking his exposed sex as they kissed. As he became harder, and his tip moistened, Georgette worked his sex against her own. If her own juices had not rendered her soaking wet, Stan's lubrication did.

"Come...." Georgette beckoned, pulling her spouse to the mattress. She attempted to pull him atop her. Stan finally caught his breath:

"Georgette! You're in heat!" he announced

She gave him a wicked smile.

"Uh huh. So what? Fuck me!'

Stan attempt to extricate himself from the source of the heat.

"Bur dear! Remember...in the pool? I KNEW you were pregnant...and you WERE! What if that happens again? What.."

Georgette pulled hin suddenly forward. Wasting no time, she pushed the front of her panties down enough to get Stan inside her. She took Stan's head in her hands.

"FUCK me my love. I'm in heat. I NEED your love! Do what you were meant to do.....quench my fire...fill me with your hot seed. Fill my womb, and give me puppies! I want it...I NEED it. GOD! I need to be fucked so badly......"

Georgette's kisses, and her thrusting pelvis quelled any protest that Stan may have raised By the time she came up for air, Stan was pumping her pussy furiously. Georgette coached him along.....

"Yesssssss. My lover. That's right. Put it right up to my cervix, and fill me with your seed....make me your own.....make me pregnant with your pups......keep me naked and pregnant.....your fuck slave.....fill me with your semen......"

Georgette's voice trailed, as she orgasmed, taking some of the edge off her heat. She was beginning to relax, as Stan came, his thick cum flooding her uterus. She tilted her pelvis, so that every precious drop found it's target. Stan collapsed onto the bed. While he rested, Georgette slipped to the bathroom. Moments later, she returned in high heel, a glass of water in her hand, and...a riding crop.

She offered him a pill.

Here. Stan; take your pill. I need....more.

Stan took the pill. He lay back.......

"Good. You relax. Your lover wil do all the work ......I just need your body.....God, I NEED you!

And the blue pill worked it's magic. Stan swelled from his sheath, with some careful ministrations from Georgette's tongue. When she climbed aboard him, Georgette was still wearing her panties. Again, she shoved them down abruptly, as she settled onto Stan's stiff cock.

"Mmmmmm. That's my baby.....feel how warm and wet I am? I am soooo hot for you. Doesn't that feel nice. Lay back.....I'm going to give you the fucking of your life!"

Georgette rocked on his erect organ. She pushed her panties aside to give him the needed access. She wore those panties, high heels and carried her crop, with which she flicked him as she ground her pelvis against him. She was fucking him hard, whacking him with the whip, when the door opened.

"Hi! Grandma! We're home!"

As Tina opened the door, she caught sight of her dad, with her mom, giving him the ride of his life. She slammed the door.

"Let's go see if we can find a snack in the kitchen, shall we? What would everyone like....?"

Stan looked uncertain.

"We'd better get dressed..."

Georgette stopped him

"No! .....Finish....." There was a hint of desperation in her voice.

Not waiting for an answer, Georgette rode her husbands flagging cock. She fought to keep him hard, to keep him inside. She squeezed her thighs to maximize the friction on his cock. Just as both were in danger of falling over, she felt the warmth of his ejaculation well up inside her. Rejuvenated, she started doing long, slow motions. As his cum began to leak from inside, Georgette rubbed his goo all over her, fully enjoying the experience. Smearing the cum all over her sex, Georgette orgasmed, falling in a heap on her exhausted husband.

"Can we....get up?" Stan inquired, hopefully

Georgette smiled too. She offered him a hand. Walking toward the bathroom, she swayed her round Poodle hips as she walked. Her pink sex was swollen and exposed, his ample ejaculate forming a river down her inner thigh.

"Just save me something for tonight...." She requested, as she shut the bathroom door.

Violet sat at a table on their tiny balcony, sipping her dark coffee. She started each day there, letting the sights and sounds of the city wake her up. Just five years ago, Violet fell in love with Paris while on vacation. Seeing how happy she was, Koji made some inquiries, and shortly found a position with the international New York Times. In the days that followed Violet found work as a hair stylist, and an exercise instructor. Then they came across this cute, but tiny apartment, blocks from the heart of downtown.

And there was one more thing. They adopted a teenage orphan. Cleo was a Cheetah hybrid, placed and returned multiple times, Koji had first brought up the idea. From the moment they met, Cleo and Violet shared something. They ran together, they shopped together, they were closer than most biologic mothers and daughters. The change in them both was immediate and obvious. Cleo, who had been mistrustful and sullen, softened, and opened up. Violet, for whom family was a painful topic, seemed to love her role as adopted mother. While Violet surveyed the city, Cleo flew in.

"Je vais a' l'ecole, Maman"

The tall lean, cat leaned over to kiss Violet.

"Get home early. I don't like what goes on in the streets." She cautioned.

"Jen e vais pas etre en retard. Ne vous inquietez pas tant! Bye!......"

As Cleo ran for the door, she almost ran into Koji, who was going out to see Violet.

"Bye, papa...."

Koji sat down at the small table. He was in his work clothes, his tie not quite where it should be. Violet fixed that.

"Where's our daughter off to" he asked.

"School. Late. As usual" Violet replied

"I'm amazed at how quickly she picked up French."

"She's young. They have the apptitude. Plus, she's motivated. She wants to fit in. Be part of things.....'

"If only it was that easy. I try to speak it, and the men sneer, the women laugh"

"I understand you, dear" Violet said, giving him his first kiss of the day. "Koji? There's something I'd like to talk about...."

"Uh huh...."

Violet took a long finger, pulling down the newspaper that now separated the two of them.

"Cleo is growing up. Our fifth anniversary is right around the corner. Koji, I want to have a baby. "

This was something that occurred on a regular basis. Violet asked, Koji stalled.

"Dear, we travel so much! Our apartment is small. It's not the right time....."

Violet frowned.

"If THAT were a reason, there'd be no babies in all of Paris!" she exclaimed in frustration "Why don't you want to have a child?"

Koji realized that he couldn't avoid it much longer.

"I was going to surprise you, but I've booked us a trip back to the US. That will give us a chance to talk."

Violet smiled

"You've dodged another bullet. Just don't think you're off the hook, Mister..."

Violet kissed him, and pushed him toward the door, as it was time for him to catch his train.

Felicia sat at her desk at work.

"Good afternoon! Rutgers department of Applied Mathmatics"

She pushed a few buttons, and the call was magically transferred.

"Somebody here to see you"

Kendo had gotten off work. Between classes, he had gone to the university school, and oicked up their daughter, and placed her on the desk.


On her desk was the cutest, tiniest hybrid Siamese girl anyone had ever see. In her little velvet dress, she looked like a china doll.

"My precious!" Felicia proclaimed, hugging her kitten tightly

"Coming home, mommie?' she asked hopefully.

"Not yet, kitten. Mom has school tonight. Soon, though.'

Felicia handed her back to Kendo, who kissed her.

"See you soon, dear. Wave 'bye' to mommie!'

And they were gone.

Before long, it was quitting time. Felicia punched out, and headed for the door. She left the Math building, going north toward the continuing education building. Going inside, Felicia took the stairs for the lower level. These took her to a long narrow hallway. Off the hall were tiny rooms, rooms big enough for one pupil, and one teacher. Inside the room was an elderly fox, with half glasses, who wore a vest and corded pants.

"He Felicia" he greeted her "Sit down"

Felicia sat down, and readied herself for her lesson. The instructor took out a book. He opened it, and handed it to her.


Felicia knew this day was coming. She inhaled deeply, as she took the book. Focusing on the page, she began:

"Sam looked at him, and said nothing. He turned and moved to the front edge of the roaring engine and raised himself on his rear legs - both bone and steel, his body upright like a sail, leaning forward, ears flowing backward into the morning's rising sun. The dachshund closed his eyes, his front paws pushed wide with the rushing wind, as if to embrace the sparkling city that sped closer...and a destiny darker than the other dogs suspected."

The fox took the book back, and closed it.

"We've reached the end of the road, Felicia; I've taught you as much as I can. I believe you can read."

Felicia looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Really, professor?"

"Really, Felicia. You read as well as any of my students. I hope this isn't the end of learning for you . I hope it's merely the beginning."


"Yes, Felicia"

"What was that book I just read from?" she inquired.

"It's 'Flawed Dogs' by Berkeley Breathed."

"I think I'd like to read it. I've never read a whole book before."

The professor handed her the book.

"My gift to you. May it be the first of many"

Felicia left the classroom, with a joy and a lightness she had never known. She wasn't stupid! She could read.....

Colleen stood at the stove, poking aimlessly at the contents of the 'Skillet Creations' bag she had just dumped into the pan. Colleen was not an inspired cook, but then, neither was Lydia. They tried, therefore to divide jobs as equally as possible. This was Colleen's week to cook. While she did, Lydia played with their little girl, while the boy sat absorbed in 'the Electric Company'. While Lydia played, and Colleen watched the frozen, pre cut meat and vegetables defrost, there came a knock at the door.

Now, a knock on the door isn't unusual, at least in most places. Since they had moved to a brick ranch in the suburbs some years ago, it was rare for anyone to call unannounced. Lydia jumped up and answered. Standing there was a man in a black suit, and an equally black bowler hat, which he removed at the sight of Lydia.

"Is this the Mc Cafferty residence?" he asked, in a proper British accent.

Lydia** nodded in the affirmative.**

"Colleen and Lydia Mc Cafferty?"

Again she nodded. The main raised his briefcase.

"Good then. I've come to speak to you of a matter odf some importance. May I come in?"