Turn this dinosaur into a siege weapon (Torvanskir commission)

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#7 of Commissions

WHOA that's a big dino! But... could he be... bigger...??? We go live to Venatu, kroxigor extraordinaire, as he hunts down an expert on the subject. Venatu, could you please fill us in on exactly how big this dino can be? Of course, as a shameless self-insert, the vendor for their solution is... a little ol' me.

Thanks again to Torvanskir for a wonderful commission. He is an absolute pleasure to work with, making the process delightful and devious. If you want to commission something, I'm open! Prices on my profile page. Alternatively, if you just want to support me and the things I do, check out my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/siberdrac) where you can vote on topics of the month, and my Ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/siberdrac) where you can keep me fully caffeinated and creating weird, kinky vore stuff for you to enjoy. I also love hearing from you, either here, on Twitter @DarkDooks, or! come hang out at the Gilded Chasm and the Lily Boutique themselves on my Discord (https://discord.gg/epU8yzzeu4)! Enjoy.

*A/N see "This is how I collect on debts paid" for more giganto-lizard size fun!

(Venatu & Styx belong to Torvanskir, Lily to SiberDrac, and kroxigor to Warhammer 40K)

"Here is my payment. I require a truly explosive amount of growth."

There was a beat, and an exchange of glances. "I, too, need something explosive."

Venatu quirked an eye ridge at the little merchant's acerbic tone. He answered, "Your talents and... attitudes have gained renown elsewhere in the universe, Alchemist Lily. However, my currency is, by intent, accessible only in cases of a job done completely and done well."

The alchemist tried to glare with convincing ire, but it was hard to do so from his perspective. For clarity, his perspective was several meters down from Venatu, who wrinkled one corner of his mouth in a smirk. It did not help the smaller man that, though he was the same height as an average human, he was, instead, an anthropomorphic ermine, which came with all the maleficent aura of a particularly sharp slinky. He gestured with both hands towards the referenced currency. "You 'OH YEAH' your way into my place of business and then hand me a rock."

"The monetary value of this rock will pay for repairs and... necessary upgrades," Venatu responded after a meaningful pause. "Your world has steel girders and concrete. Why are you working in a wooden hut?"

"Because I am perpetually destitute because my customers pay me in rocks sometimes!" the excitable man raged while he clenched his fists and hopped side to side. He then abruptly stopped as though stunned, blinked his amethyst eyes, and mumbled, "Did you say I have universal renown?"

Venatu shrugged. He was... large. And his mount was large. And both were reptilian hulks far outstripping the sizes to which this planet had grown accustomed. Venatu was a forest green kroxigor with aquamarine striping or, as this place might view him, a crocodile on two legs, and a big one at that. He stood at roughly three meters from his feet to the crown of his head. His tail was the length of his torso to his snout and was thick and muscular enough that it alone seemed able to give the footstool-sized boulder he'd dropped on the alchemist's floor - cracking the wood, naturally - a run for its implied money. Despite his bulk, the coloring made him terrifyingly well-suited for amphibious ambushes. The man's entire body bespoke the kind of muscle that flung people out of the way and savaged vehicles: everything broad and dense, like too much power packed into too small a vessel, and the vessel was not, by this world's standards, small. The body was nude, and yes, what hung between his legs was on-theme with the rest of him. Despite his indisputable nudity by Earth customs, he was cordially draped in ornamental, crimson ropes adorned with golden medallions, bells, and large teeth, as well as a golden bracelet on the right wrist that Lily reckoned he himself could have used as a cummerbund.

Dwarfing Venatu, then, was his mount, whom he had introduced as Styx. Styx was a... Styx was a lizard, walking on two... Styx was an ash gray, reptilian...

Styx was a Tyrannosaurus motherfucking rex. The king of the dead. The emblem of the lost species from the last Mass Extinction on Earth. If Lily hadn't been the precise person he was at the precise level of mental instability at which he was precariously balanced, it would have broken his mind to behold this prehistoric titan, not only alive and well, but also halfway through his wall and done up in riding gear so that Venatu could use him as transport. Styx had full personhood, as was made clear by his current careful examination of the home's interior and interest in a collection of books. He was a lichenous color of grey, with greener horizontal stripes across his back and creamy ventral coloring not unlike Venatu's. He was four and a half meters at the hip and twelve from tail tip to nose. Given the stature, it was clear he had been gentle with the alchemist's house. Even so, Venatu had a need for this mount, and one that could not be acquired on his homeworld. Besides, the alchemist had a reputation for making exchanges like these... titillating. And so Venatu, intrigued, had arranged transport.

"Renown," the potion seller stated. "You said I had renown."

Venatu breathed deeply. Such arrogance. "I am lax enough with protocol at present to permit you to refer to me without my title, merchant, but demanding information...?"

Styx let out a subsonic rumble and moved his head close enough to Lily that the ermine could feel the heat of the thing. He quailed. "Right! Right. Well. Remind me of the ask, again...?"

"Styx is needed as a siege weapon. He is too small in his present form."

"And Styx wants to be a siege weapon."

The dinosaur rumbled in an articulate manner, so Venatu translated. "He receives parasexual excitement from the idea."

"He could already stomp my house! He almost did stomp my house!"

"Your house is... a fine... nascent structure. I need him to shatter ramparts. My understanding is that your preferences are perverse..."

"Ya gonna neg me into giving your dino buddy a happy ending on top of his embiggening?"

"Merchant, my patience for your impertinence is rapidly reaching its-"

"'Cuz obviously I'm going to, and I'm gonna sit in the corner and jack off like a proper pervert while it happens." He disappeared deeper into his abode, still shouting the occasional profanity. There was a series of whirring sounds like a blender, a flash of light, the distinct revving of a chainsaw, a Wilhelm scream and the bouncing of a dropped piece of metal, then a chanted malediction that could not have issued from the tiny man's throat and a clap.

Finally, the alchemist returned with a vial of opalescent goo that seemed to writhe in its container. "You're gonna wanna shove this down your dick," he said to Styx, addressing him directly, "which seems hilarious for me to watch with your stubby little arms. It's gonna turn those dino batter factories between your legs into nuclear power plants. Probably without the fallout, but I ain't a scientist."

In Lily's absence, Styx had clearly grown excited at the impending reality of his growth spurt. An opening that was a hybrid between a sheath and a slit, tucked up against the lizard's abdomen, had shoved forth a flaccid, but rapidly hardening cock the girth of Lily's torso. The merchant's breath caught as his eyes finally lit on it.

Venatu chuckled low, a sound like a steam engine. "Styx informs me you are granted the honor of decanting his treatment into him."

"It is wild to me that you trust me," Lily retorted, though his eyes lit with glee as he started moving underneath the dinosaur.

"Trust is a weaker form of certainty," Venatu proclaimed. He gamely jumped off the massive saddle and folded his arms to watch. "Neither your pride nor your greed allow you to act beyond your self-interest in this matter."

Lily sneered, but nonetheless pushed the still-growing cock up by its tapered, pink glans to stuff the vial inside its opening like a wine stopper.

The kroxigor mused, "What intrigues me about this form of treatment is both how readily you provided it and that you must plan to overcome anatomical protections against backflow."

"Flow? No, ain't nothing passive about this. The treatment's pseudo-sapient, so it's got pseudopods! Get it?" He grinned wickedly as the stuff drained from the vial and somehow seemed to push itself down Styx's shaft.

"What?" Venatu snorted. Styx huffed in agreement, but it was deepened and dampened by shivers through his massive frame as the stuff sank inside him.

"A few milliliters won't get you the growth you want. You said you wanted a siege weapon, right?" Lily massaged the belly of the enormous cock, helping ease the bolus of goop down its length, then up into Styx's abdomen, where it would travel through the prostate and down into the testes. A little of it dripped from the dinosaur's tip, shimmering in the light.

"We will need multiple dosages?"

"Nope, just a big enough single dose and the catalyst of giant dino balls. Make sure to drink it all once it's processed! Phase two starts now." Lily unceremoniously slapped the space where the root of Styx's cock met his body, just above where the internal testes showed as faint mounds. The dinosaur bellowed more in surprise than pain, before a thin filament of the pearly white stuff that had appeared to simply be dripping from Styx's slit went taut, like a wire being pulled, then grew rapidly thicker as more and more of whatever it was Lily had given him was yanked forcefully from a source deeper in the house and into Styx's body.

The alchemist cackled madly, then made himself scarce as the potion began taking effect. Venatu turned to observe his partner's changes closely. The first and most obvious was the rapid expansion of his testes. Like Earth saurians, Styx's ancestry had developed an internal pouch for storing the organs, but that pouch was already stretching as these two pulsed and throbbed with their changes. The strange potion forced its way up through Styx's prostate and down into his two nuts, which in Venatu's questing hands, warmed like a kindling fire as they grew. Cups, then gallons, crammed inside the two factories, which, once large enough to be fully visible, swayed with each throb of Styx's pounding erection.

Styx took a few steps back from the building. Leading to it was a simple dirt path through a woody mountainside, so there was little chance for witnesses to what was about to happen... unless, of course, anyone looked up. He rumbled low. It was the type of reptilian growl that made gravel clatter nervously in anticipation. His cock continued to pulse and swell with every immense heartbeat. Vasculature built up along its surface, pumping it ever bigger. The dinosaur himself wasn't growing, yet, but his testes had swollen to the size of large beach balls and Venatu could feel something moving inside them. At long last, whatever thing had been summoned or created finished its forced journey inside Styx's plumbing and, to Venatu's perspective, his partner's purpling cock looked like it gulped the final liter of it down.

The nuts visibly roiled once they'd finished taking in the potion as they went to work producing one of the things they made best: growth hormones. The scaled skin vibrated with vitality. The first round of growth had merely been from the invasion of the treatment itself, but this second one was from the promised second puberty, so now all the sex organs were visibly throbbing. Before Venatu's eyes, Styx's cock swelled from a relatively proportionate meter and a half of length to two. It hung pendulously down. Styx's breath came in low huffs as he sucked in air to remain standing on two feet while the sensations of heat and altered mass rippled through him, not to mention the all-consuming arousal. Precum dripped from the tip of his member in cups at a time to darken the dirt beneath him and release the funk of intense, reptilian arousal into the air.

As Styx looked down at his cock, harder than it had ever been and needier than he had ever felt, he at last realized: he couldn't reach it easily with his arms (the usual curse of the tyrannosaur), but it had grown so long that he could lean his head down, loll out his thick, muscular tongue, tilt himself precariously forward and... almost... almost... There! With his body flattening on the ground, he bent his neck down, wrapped the dick in his tongue, and lifted it upwards to catch and encase the thing in his maw. He trumpeted out a muffled sound of triumph and intense pleasure as it rubbed along the ridges at the top of his palate. He greedily stroked himself with his tongue, gathering up the globs of precum he was producing by the second and swallowing them down as he stood back up fully on his hind feet. Venatu watched in gleeful awe, himself aroused, but unwilling to participate in the hedonism. This was Styx's triumph, not his.

Tectonic, rumbling sounds of absolute bliss filled the mountainside. Styx used his tail as a prop and leaned back, finally able to fellate himself and soothe the burning sensations of need in his cock. Muscles tensed and relaxed. Leather straps began to strain against his bulk as the effects of his ramped up hormones packed musculature onto his already titanic size. Thighs that could already send automobiles flying swelled outwards in defiance of normal biological constraints. His chest, a normally underdeveloped region on a saurian, began to crease with definition as abdominals and pectorals throbbed with vitality. And all this was while leather and metal creaked rhythmically to the thrusting of Styx's body to cram his cock into his maw with increasing fervor. It drooled down the back of his throat, inches bigger at a time, until at last he gripped it to his chest with his clawed arms and dove his head down, taking it into his throat, and his body pulsed with the onset of orgasm.

The climax echoed something from the deepest, prehistoric recesses of a planet's infancy. Seed, like magma given a vent, erupted through Styx's cock and directly down his throat into his stomach liters at a time, in surges that never stopped, but simply pulsed thicker and thicker and thicker with each individual titanic squeeze of his internal musculature. It swelled out his belly in pounding overtures like a drum, pumping it out obscenely so that it sloshed with the massive flow of fluid, distending like a water balloon at a faucet.

The orgasm paused, then, with Styx heaving and panting and leaning awkwardly with his sagging belly... and then the third phase of this growth potion hit. Styx's other tissues drank in the potent brew like he was a sponge being hydrated. The shapeless bolus of cum in his stomach receded into the rest of his body. Muscle surged forth at the potion's call, wrapping his already enormous body in a dense armor of powerful tissue. It strained out painfully against his harness for mere moments, but nothing could contain this growth. Leather snapped and where it was too reinforced, metal buckles instead warped and popped free, sending fragments flying to embed themselves in walls and tree trunks. His abdomen, once the potion had begun to drain from his stomach, folded tightly against itself in striated layers of muscle. He spluttered and released his cock, where it fired blasts of cum for another minute of excessive output along the path. The spray dug trenches in the earth and left webbing sprayed across tree branches, cracking several, before at last beginning to peter out.

Free of the climax's overwhelming effects, Styx planted his feet - making permanent imprints in the dirt - threw his head back, and released a triumphant scream to accompany the final phase of his growth, as dirt and rock gave way in furrows to his expanding self and he simply grew, up, cresting treetops and towering over the surrounding woods. This place had seemed too small to him before. Now, it was puny. His seed drooled out from his maw to splatter on the ground, while bulbous strings of after-cum fell in ropes. The earth quaked with a strike of his enormous tail and dirt billowed in its wake, and at long last, his form settled into its size, standing three times his previous height and framed in musculature that made the prospect of his shattering keeps and strongholds, well... easy to imagine.

The little alchemist swaggered out, panting and obviously streaked with the output of his own orgasm. He looked Styx up and down, then hopped back inside and rolled the boulder containing his payment forward. "Wow! Really didn't think that would work. Certainly never worked on me! Anyway, long as that's in effect - no idea the duration, tee-bee-aitch - most compatible matter is now potential growth fuel for you s'long as you focus while you eat it. It was just funnier and hotter to use your own cum and bang-blast your balls, plus, I got to slap a T. rex's dick root. Now, if you would, your side of the bargain, dookdookdook!" He jumped up in the air and scrambled up the walls of his house like a squirrel when Styx's enormous skull came down to headbutt the stone into the dirt with a resounding crack. When Styx's pulled his head back, precious stone glittered in the crater of its aftermath. With a panicked breath, the ermine scrambled back down to investigate. A true rainbow of color awaited him. He gasped. "That's not... that's not diamond. I thought you'd pay me in diamond. Diamond sucks. But these, these are... these are..."

"Corundum," Venatu supplied, though his eyes had not moved off Styx, who was busily examining his own proportions with apparent satisfaction. "It is available in a greater spectrum where I come from. I imagined you might consider its optical properties worthy of study for their magical potential or, at minimum, sale."

Styx grunted something and lowered his head more delicately towards the ground in front of Lily. His breath came in hot gusts that blew back the man's fur.

Venatu translated, "Styx would like to show his additional appreciation for your excellent work. A tip."

"Yeah, uh-huh? That's fine." Lily was transfixed by his newfound immense wealth, and thus only looked up just in time for a cum-coated tongue far larger than his body to cover him completely and drag itself along his form, soaking him head to toe in semen and saliva. Once Styx pulled back with sounds of obvious relish, the man was sporting an equally obvious tent in his pants despite having climaxed moments ago.

The titanic dino chuckled. "He says your flavor is amusingly complex and that he will gloat about this experience to his kin."

"Great, great. Already have one giant reptile to deal with*."

"Your arousal gives your words their lie. I am unlikely to have a reason to return here, unless it is to grace you with my body for pleasure and give you a third." At Venatu's words, the ermine man's ears perked up with a splat against the warm mud where he lay. That brought another laugh. "Farewell, alchemist. Know that you have done admirable work, and your renown will spread."

"Take a business car-!" But, with a thunderclap of air filling a vacuum, the rider and his mount were gone.

They landed back on their homeworld and immediately exchanged knowing glances.

In their shared tongue, Styx rumbled, "He was delicious."

Venatu grinned toothily. "I am sure he understands the subtext. But if you like him so much, we can return to visit and... reinforce your feelings?"

The T. Rex grinned right back. His tail lashed in excitement and shattered a boulder. "Yes. For now, though, we have strongholds to flatten."

"Flatten," Venatu agreed, "and consume."