The Halloween Bash Pt. 1

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#1 of Tell a Tail Series

The first part for my Tell a Tail series. Caylem gets to go to a Halloween party his school is hosting, but it gets cancelled last minute and is relocated to an abandoned warehouse.

It was Halloween night, my favorite day of the year. A day where anything can happen, and it did. It was my first year at a new school, but my newly best friends Sam and Kaz told me that every year, the school throws this Halloween mega bash party. It all sounded so formal, I've never been to a school that did anything like that for the students. Needless to say, I was terrified at first--to be around so many people, but Sam reassured me countless times that it was going to be fun and exciting. She was always great for that, anytime any of us were down, she would always be there to pick you back up. Kaz was going too. He was probably way more excited than any of us, mostly because going to this party was an opportunity to hit on guys. Typical, but I love him for it. My best friends; and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

It had gotten late and we scrambled to finish putting on our costumes. Sam went as your typical sexy witch, with a super short skirt and quite the revealing top. Kaz on the other hand decided on going as an Arabian dancer. It was cute, he kinda looked like a genie; with mesh pants and an open vest that revealed his chest. Sam and I giggled every time he moved because of all the jewelry and chains he had on. Fitting though, he was pretty good at dancing so it kinda made sense. It also occurred to me that this schools dress code was pretty lenient with what could be worn--perhaps a little too lenient. Then there's costume was pretty much me paying homage to my favorite visual novel character. Pretty basic but, I was able to find everything I needed fairly easy. A light blue t-shirt and a pair of tan colored cargo shorts. For some flair, I even managed to find a prop camera that I could wear around my neck, and to top it off a goatee. I guess I looked pretty good aside from my antlers, and lack of a thick tail, but I made it work.

Finally it was at that moment Sam got a text, letting us know that the normal spot for hosting the party was canceled, and was moved to an alternate location. No one knows why--nobody bothered to explain, except that the school on short notice set up the party in an old abandoned warehouse. I couldn't believe it. It sounded so unprofessional, but it was allowed. We all just excepted it and finally made our way out of the house to begin our journey there. Sam received another text providing the location of the warehouse through GPS. Sadly we had to walk, non of us had a car so we just hoofed it. We made our way down the normal street until we happened upon a dirt road that the coordinates directed us to. We glanced at each other thinking it wasn't right, but just shook it off and proceeded.

The path seemed to go on for ever. It was dark and creepy. We only had the dim light of the moon as it shone above, but it didn't really help. It was also very quiet and occasionally we would get spooked thinking we heard something. Finally at what looked like the end of the dirt path was some jack o lanterns that were lit. Seemingly to say 'This Way' to the party. We all spotted them, and I couldn't help the pit in my stomach--thinking something didn't seem right. As we got close we could faintly hear the music that was playing from outside. It sounded strange--nothing we've ever heard before. We stop at the entrance to the lot, before us were giant metal gates that looked old and rusted. There was also some more minor decorations haphazardly thrown about, and a sign that was tied to it that upon reading apologized for the inconvenience and that all the students should make their way into the building. I couldn't believe what I saw. It didn't make any sense at all. How was this even allowed. I glanced over at Sam and Kaz and said that maybe we should forget it. But alas her determination to attend this party was not deterred by the sad display of the schools redemption of hosting the party. Kaz looked a little nervous but, I could tell that he wanted to stay as well. So with that we proceeded to open the gate but were stopped when we heard some rustling coming from the bushes just to the side of us. Thr fur on my neck bristled--the thought of someone following us had me worried. Sam however took charge and walked over to the bushes and demanded that who ever was playing around, to stop immediately. No answer--of course. At this point, Kaz had gotten closer to me, wrapping and arm and his long tail around my waist slightly quivering. It's adorable how he scares so easily I thought and proceed to return the embrace. Although I was feeling a bit uneasy myself.

Now isn't the time for scares and we seem to be pretty far from where we'd consider being safe in our little town. Sam's failed attempts at getting a response however finally gets her to stop. She shook her head and sighed and we go to turn and once again make our way beyond the gate. Until a giant hooded cloaked figure suddenly leaps out at us. We all jump and scream, Kaz being the loudest I've ever heard him. He clings to me tightly and I feel like were going to tumble over. Thankfully I catch us before we can go down and we all looked at the dark figure standing before us. He made terrible sounding ghost noises, as if to tease and make fun. Sam's ears perked and her eyes squinted. She marched over to the tall cloaked figure and pulled off the shroud in annoyance, revealing a kangaroo--Sam's ex. He was cute and a bit goofy at times but was always so childish.

"Ben? What the _fuck_are you doing?" She screamed while tossing the robe to the ground.

"Sheesh, relax babe it was only in good fun. It's Halloween after all." He waggled his brows and smiled sheepishly.

Sam's eyes widen and over come with anger she approaches him.

"First of all, don't call me babe, we're not together anymore, second you're a fucking asshole for trying to scare us." She slaps him on the arm which does little to faze him.

Things were certainly getting heated. I haven't seen Sam this upset since they broke up and that was only a few months ago. They were dating when I first started attending school but they're relationship seemed to spiral shortly after that. It was on edge for awhile she told me. I guess I just arrived at the ending.

"Look, I'm sorry OK? I didn't mean to upset you." His playful demeanor deflates as he regrets what he did. He turns to Kaz and I and waves.

"What are you even doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside? She says scolding him.

He shrugged. "Well I came outside for some fresh air and I spotted you guys coming up so.." He scratches the back of his head giving a pleading look.

"So you decided to be a jerk? Sam folds her arms in disgust giving him a glare. "And then you wonder why Ben."

I clear my throat and step forward.

"Look, can we just...go inside it's kinda creepy out here and it's pretty dark." Ben proceeds to pick up the robe Sam tossed on the ground just moments ago.

"Sure, although it's a lot weirder in there." He points a thumb back at the warehouse behind him.

"Oh yeah? How so?" I asked as we opened up the gates. Ben turns to me and shrugs.

"The music for one, it feels like you're in some kinda cult...or something" He shakes his head. "This whole party just seems off some how."

With the gates closed behind us we make our way through the lot. Kaz and I are walking side by side while Sam lags just behind us and Ben just behind her.

Kaz then makes a retort.

"Well yeah it is a bit odd that this place was secured last minute. Let's just hope we can enjoy the party." He said smiling back at Ben.

Ben chuckles then looks at Kaz.

"Whatever you say man."

Kaz and I finally make it to the entrance. It's also decorated with your typical décor in the windows--lights adorn the archways--orange, purple, and green. It's kinda nice I guess. It certainly takes away from the fact that this place is worn down and decaying. But it's still noticeable. I turn to look behind me only to notice that Ben is reaching for Sam's paw. She stirs a bit as he grabbed her and halts her there. She turns around whipping her paw from his then looks up at him.

"Hey Sam, can we talk? He says in a pleading voice.

Kaz and I are not far enough away to not hear them. We feel bad kinda listening in but we're waiting for them.

"We did talk Ben, what more is there to say?" She crosses her arms again clearly bothered by his attempt to rekindle.

" talked Sam. It was completely one sided and you didn't even give me a chance." His voice sounded shaky and apologetic. "That's not fair to me."

Sam rolls her eyes then turns her gaze to us as we stand there intruding on their conversation.

"Oh you guys can go on in we'll be there in a bit." She musters a smile and waves us on but clearly shes not in a good mood.

We both nod and then open the doors. Kaz goes in first and I follow after.

As we enter it's clear that who ever did the decorations focused more on the inside than anything. The long stretch of a hallway dimly lit with ambient lighting mostly from the pumpkins that radiate a warm soft glow. As I look up there are spider webs dangling from the rails and pipes with spiders hanging menacingly. Low hanging fog creeps along below ominously drifting its way across the floor. There are also giant sized props of various monsters and villains that hug along side the walls. It's kinda creepy how life like they all are and how they seem to be looking back at you. I shudder at that. We make our way further down the hall to another archway. This one also has lights adorned along the sides and slightly torn cobwebs that dangle from the top.

At this point the music is blaring and this is clearly the way into the hall. Kaz goes to reach for the double doors but suddenly jumps back as they swing open to someone coming out. He waved at us asking if we were going in to which we nodded and agreed. He held the doors open for us and we thanked him. He smiled and winked as we made our way in but I stopped suddenly as he called out.

"Hey you're that guy from that Visual Novel right?" I turned back to look at the canine and smile.

"Yeah it's not the greatest but I tried." I said sheepishly shrugging my shoulders.

"Nah, you look good, clearly I could tell." He says checking me out.

I smile back at him. "Oh well thank you. It's my favorite one, and my favorite character."

His eyes widen in excitement. "Mine too!" He exclaimed. He gave me a thumbs up before slipping away from holding the doors.

I turn around only to find Kaz looking at me a smug grin plastered on his face.

"What?" I say timorously. "Dude, come on he was only complimenting my costume."

Kazs' grin grew wider as he continued looking at me.

"You sure that's all it was?" He said teasingly. "I saw how he was checking you out. You really shouldn't let something like that go to waste."

I shake my head at the otter my ears suddenly feeling hot.

"Would you stop? It was nothing." I say flustered.

Although maybe he was right I was always terrible at picking up on people flirting with me. I guess on account of it not really happening to me much.

"Sure, what ever you say." He gives me a wink and turns around but not before he whips me on my rear with his long tail.

I flinch from the slight impact--while it doesn't hurt the sudden force of it causes me to nearly jolt. I forget how easily he can do that.

When we turn around I am instantly shocked by what I see. We stand there looking around at how this place is so well decorated. To say the hallway was when we first came in looked amazing was simply an understatement compared to the main hall. My eyes are immediately fixated in the center of the room. A giant cauldron sits perfectly in the center. There's lights that flicker under it giving it the illusion of a burning fire. From the top fog pours out as if to simulate something cooking. I look up to see various props hanging in such a way that it tells a story. A witch flying on her broom kissing the night sky--bats that flutter across the full moon and a starry night that stretches the entire ceiling. When I look around the room I can see more of that ominous mist that hugs the floor. Then there's the lights--so many lights. They mostly outline the trims of the hall some hang from pipes and railings others make up curtains that give an elegant look. There's also food and snacks displayed on a table in case anyone gets hungry. Lastly the attendance. There are so many people here I'm wondering if the entire school came. Although--everyone seems to be in a daze it's kinda unsettling--the contrast of the decorations compared to the overall mood.

Kaz then turns to look at me.

"So what do you think? Not bad for your first party?" He asked playfully while lightly slapping my arm with the back of his hand.

"This is pretty crazy Kaz, did they always do it like this?" I asked in amazement.

"Pretty sure, although there does seem to be some new stuff." He gesticulates around the room.

"Is it a little weird though? I mean..why isn't anyone dancing or doing anything?" I give him a concerned look then gaze around the room.

Kaz begins to look around too mostly at the other students. He notices this too and shrugs.

Suddenly the door into the hall opens and we both turn to look. It's Sam who peers around as if looking for something. She finally catches our gaze as we both wave to her to come over to us. Ben follows in shortly.

"Hey, everything...OK?" Kaz asked looking back at Ben who had just walked in.

I look back at him too. Then Sam.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Her voice is a little shaky but determined. We all just stare at him and I can't help but feel bad.

He stands there for a moment with a longing look in his eyes then slowly makes his way over to a group of students. Sam turns back at us and smiles.

"So what did I miss?" She peers around the room as if looking for something. "And nobody is dancing.." She squints her eyes and cocks her head back confused.

"That's what I said. Maybe Ben was right." I say this wondering if any of this was a good idea. "At least the place looks nice." I gesticulate around the room.

We all kinda stare at each other for a moment taking in the awkwardness of it all.

Kaz breaks his gaze from us as he looks around at the other students.

"You looking for something?" I asked wanting to know what he was up to.

He turns back to me.

"Just scoping the room. I see some potentials here so I might try my luck." He grins the entire time hoping that I pick up on the suggestion.

"You mean you're scouting for boys? I say sneeringly grinning slyly.

Kaz's expression drops to a look of confusion as he catches my grin.

"What's up with the cheeky smile Caylem? He asks.

I turn to Sam and lean into her ear. I whisper an idea that I have and she giggles. We then both look at the otter and giggle.

"What? He asks again still not sure of what's going on.

"Got a little dare for you otter, think you're up for it?" I say tauntingly.

"Dude, come on you know I don't back down from a challenge." He says pridefully.

Sam and I look to each other again then back to Kaz.

"OK." I say smiling. "I dare you to hit on Jacob." I point to the tall jock on the other side of the hall and we all look to where he's standing, then back at each other.

"J-Jacob?" He says stuttering nervously. "Why him, he doesn't even like me."

Kazs' confidant expression melts away realizing the task before him.

I chime in.

"Aw, come on Kazzy, you're not afraid are you?" I tease and prod at him but it makes him uncomfortable and now I feel bad for having done it.

Sam on the other hand continues to egg him on shamelessly provoking him.

"Hey it's okay just forget it. You don't have to do it." I place a paw on his shoulder trying to reassure him rubbing in circles.

Sam on the other hand teases him some more.

"Come on Kaz, where's all that confidence? This should be easy for you."

"OK fine. I'll do it." He swallows hard and makes his way over to the jock.

Jake's back had been facing toward us so he didn't see Kaz approaching him from behind. Once he gets there he hesitates a moment then taps him on the shoulder.

Jacob turned around giving the otter a rather bemused look as if his time was being wasted.

"Yeah?'s you. What do you want Kazeeq?" He says staring down at him.

Kaz replies nervously "C-Cool costume this year. I really like it."

Jake glances himself over than back at the otter.

"Dude, I wear this every year, what are you talking about?"

I can see Kaz is nervous trying to talk to him but why. That's unlike him.

"Well I mean, I've n-never really told you that y-you look good wearing it." Kaz replied.

Jake grimaces at that and gives him a look.

"Oookay--so what? Where is this going? Why would you even need to tell me that? We don't hangout and we certainly aren't friends."

Jacobs demeanor grows colder towards the otter it's clear he wants him to leave and not be bothered.

"I know b-but I-"

"Wait a second. Are you trying to hit on me? Is that what this is all about?

He says in anger and disgust. Kaz shaking his head in protest.

"N-no It's just that--"

Again the otter is cut off by Jake's rather angry interjection.

"Are you fucking kidding me, I'm not into guys bro! He yelled in disdain.

"Look, I think you need to leave, I'm with my friends here and I don't associate with losers."

The otters heart sank at the sudden rejection and lets out a timid squeak but he didn't want to anger him any further. So he nodded and made his way back to us.

"Hey.." I say in a deflated tone.

This was my fault and I feel terrible. I dared my best friend to hit on a guy that didn't even like him and it crushed him. I don't know what to say. Sam gives him a hug then turns to me with a stern look wanting me to say something. I clear my throat then place a hand on his shoulder.

"Kaz I'm sorry."

He doesn't say anything, he just stands there with a lost look on his face.

"That was a horrible idea and I feel terrible for it."

I lean in and embrace him giving him the warmest hug that I can placing my head in the crook of his neck.

His fur is soft and warm and he smells really good. I can't help but nuzzle him.

He returns the hug and we stay like this for a moment before I turn my head and kiss him on the cheek.

I pull away from our embrace and his face lights up.

"Wow what was that for?" He asked stunned by the peck I left on his cheek.

I guess he wasn't expecting it but I laugh and shrug my shoulders and just smile at him.

He smiles back and his cheeks flush turning an ever so slightly shade of pink.

"But no it's fine Caylem, I'm fine." He says shaking his head as if coming out of a daze.

"In the end it was my decision to go through with it and--I did it knowing what might happen."

I'm hit with a wave of guilt and I still feel bad. I didn't really want to do it but I figured I was just playing into Kazs' game.

"Caylem, it's fine don't worry about it." He says reassuringly. "But--if you really still feel guilty about it then-"

He goes silent for a moment before whipping me in the rear with his tail.

"There, feel better now?" He teases folding his arms.

It's not as strong this time--rather more playful but I still jump.

"Yeah..., yeah." I say bashfully, giving him a smile.

"Lame..." Sam says rolling her eyes playfully. "Are you guys done being gay?"

She flips her hair then crosses her arms and giggles.

We all laugh and come into a circle for a group hug. When we do the music changes and we all perk up. It's still kinda dreary but has a melancholic vibe to it. I'm not sure who picked out the soundtrack to this party but you'd think there were vampires here.

Strangely enough though people move to the center of the room and start dancing. Lights get activated that hang above and emit a strobe effect and more fog pours into the room. And just like that it's like a rave.

"Hey come on guys let's go dance!" Sam shouts while grabbing both of our wrists. The music is blaring fairly loudly and all I can see are bodies moving to the rhythm.

She pulls us along into the gathered dancing crowd and it's very dizzying with all the flashing lights. She finally lets us go and Kaz and Sam are already dancing. I take a minute to gather my bearings. The flashing lights aren't helping and the strobing effects make everyone I look at move in slow motion. I don't know what's going on but something feels weird.

"SAM!" I call her name and even though shes right near me, she doesn't answer. She just continues to dance almost as if I wasn't there. I call her name again and she still doesn't answer me. I go to reach out for her but am struck with overwhelming nausea. My vision starts to blur and I'm feeling dizzy. I place my hand over my stomach holding it from the sudden discomfort. As I do Kaz spots me and he immediately rushes at my side. He calls out my name but it's muffled. I feel like I'm in a daze or a very messed up high.

"Caylem! CAYLEM!" He shouts again holding my cheeks in his paws. "Jeez Caylem, what's happening, are you alright?!"

Sam hears him this time and turns around to us. She stops and rushes over to me.

"Oh my god, what's wrong what happened?" She asked in a panic.

"I don't know, I just happened to catch him like this." The otters voice is shaky and afraid--their voices sounding further and further away.

I start to feel weak unsure if I'll be able to stand much longer. That's when Sam grabs me from my side supporting me.

"Let's get you outside, maybe some fresh air will help." She says still in panic.

They both take up each side and help me out of the room and into the hall. We pass by some other students, but they don't seem too concerned at us passing by.

We make it to the entrance doors and when they open I'm immediately hit with cool crisp air. It feels good compared to the stuffiness inside. Luckily there's a stone square slab just to the side of us and they both set me down there. Kaz sits down beside me laying me down to rest on him while Sam paces back and forth not sure what to do.

I take deep breaths and my dizziness starts to subdue and my vision slowly starting to return. With my vision back I look up and I can see the clear night sky. There are so many stars tonight. Since I've moved here I haven't really looked up at the night sky all that much. It's so much different than being in the city. Views like this just don't exist. I stare and marvel at the tranquility and it brings me peace. It calms me down and my nausea subsides. Kaz starts petting my head and looks up at the night sky with me. We rest like this for a little while in the cool night air.

Sam finally stops pacing and turns to us. She walks over and kneels down beside me.

"Hey, you okay? I thought we were going to have to rush you to the hospital or something." She frowns and grabs my paw. She was worried they both were and I'm not even sure I know what happened.

" was the lights. I mean..It was all really sudden so perhaps my body didn't like that." I chuckle at the horrible excuse but it kinda made sense seeing as how it happened shortly after. It's also the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. My first year into my new school and who knew that this would happen. On Halloween of all days.

"I'm just glad you're alright. You had us worried" She smiles but I can see she's trying to fight back tears.

"It's okay Sam, I think I'm fine now. My dizziness and nausea are gone, and I can see better now."

Just to prove a point I pull my self up off of the otters chest and sit up.

"See? I'm much better now." I turn to look at Kaz and he smiles. Then back to Sam.

She smiles again and nods.

"Okay but, just no quick movements yeah? You know, just in case."

I can tell she was still concerned but I really didn't want to be a buzzkill and ruin the night so I stand up and make my way to the door.

"Come on let's go back in--and see what we missed." I say determined to get back inside and enjoy the rest of the party.

Just before I open the door however it swings open and Ben comes out. He stops a second to look at everyone then back at me.

"Oh sorry, I seen you guys come out here and you looked pretty bad and...I wanted to make sure you were...alright."

While it was nice of him to check up on me it's certainly not something I expected. And I'm not sure if he's genuinely concerned or if he's trying to win someone over. I decide however to just go along with it.

"Thank you Ben, but..I'm fine now just needed a little fresh air is all."

I'm not entirely sure how to continue this conversation so I just tell him we were getting ready to head back in. He nods and glances over at Sam once more before heading back in himself.

"Ready?" I ask looking over at my friends.

They head over and I open the door and we all head back inside.

We make our way back through the hall and back to the main room. When we get inside surprisingly everyone is still dancing to vampire music so nothing has changed much. I also feel a bit peckish and glance over at the mini food court on the other side of the room.

"Hey you guys hungry? I ask. I want to check out what they got."

They both nod and we walk over to the mini buffet that's on display. There's a lot of food still here and it all looks really good. I glance over at behind the counter and find a cute little cheetah serving some food to people. I guess what ever isn't buffet style you have to get from him.

I make my way over to him glancing at my options. The cheetah looks at me and smiles.

"Hello! What can I get for you?" He shouts excitedly gesticulating to all the choices available.

I ponder for a moment looking over the various options that are available. Nothing really jumps out at me though. It all looks too heavy and I'm not sure I want to eat all this. I do happen to spot something that does look good however so I point at the food I'm curious about and ask him what it is.

"Oh! Those are vegetable empanadas! They're really good." He says gleefully.

I ponder for a moment before giving him my answer. They do sound good so I'll try them.

"Sure, I'll have some, uh two please." I say holding up two fingers.

The cheetah then grabs a foam container and places two of the empanadas inside. He smiles just before handing it to me and I thank him.

I'm just about to turn around and suddenly Kaz is standing next to me. He glances at what I have and frowns then returns his gaze to me.

"Is that all your going to eat dude? Look at all this food here." He cocks a brow.

"Uh yeah dude, most of this food is super heavy and I don't want to be bogged down."

"Oh that's right, I forgot you're a light eater." He says squinting his eyes.

He taps on my food before he glances over to the counter where the cheetah is and he smirks.

I look to the cheetah then back to him. Immediately knowing whats to follow.

"Don't you dare." I say to him sternly hoping that he doesn't hit on the cheetah serving food.

He doesn't listen.

Kaz looks back at me and smiles then walks over to the counter with the cheetah.

He smiles and asks the otter what he can get him. That very question seems to light Kaz up as he looks him up and down.

"I don't suppose you're on the menu cutie?" He leans on his paws over the counter giving the cheetah a rather seductive grin.

I bury my face in my paws feeling flustered for the both of us. The cheetah is taken aback and I can see the blush within his ears from here. He laughs sheepishly not knowing how to respond.

I place my container of food on the table and walk up to the otter. He continues to hit on the feline with highly suggestive terms and I shake my head at the otters' lascivious flirting.

"You know, I've never been with a cat before, I'm sure we can do some pretty amazing things."

I look down and notice that the otters' tail is caressing the cheetahs' leg as Kaz perches himself over the counter. The feline seems to be uncomfortable so I but in.

"Hey Kaz maybe you shouldn't. I can see that he's not comfortable." I glare at Kaz hoping he gets the hint.

"Maybe also stop the tail thing." I tap on it for emphasis and he looks at me then his tail. He snaps his body back from the counter and whips his tail back from under it.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Kaz frowns feeling a little embarrassed.

The cheetah looks at Kaz with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm just not really seeking anything right now." He says confidently.

This seems to deflate the otter even more as he folds into himself.

" any case what's your name?" He asks.

"Oh I'm Alex. Maybe we'll see each other more around school." He shrugs.

"Maybe...we will." He waves at the cheetah before turning to me and smiling.

Walking back over to the table I grab the container with my food inside. I touch them to make sure they're still warm but to my dismay the food is cold. I take a few nibbles anyway not really caring if it'll still taste good cold. To my surprise it's actually pretty good and there is a ton of flavor.

I walk back to the otter still chewing my food staring at him. He gives me a face as he looks at my mouth chewing--slowly returning his gaze to me.

"Enjoying the food there Caylem?" He asked with a cocked brow

He continues to shift his gaze between my eyes and my mouth as I take bite after bite of my food.

"What?" I ask still chewing shaking my head a little.

"Nothing..." He says. He smiles contently--staring at me while I eat.

The otter is definitely enjoying this way too much so I say the only thing that comes to mind for a moment like this.

"You like watching me put things in my mouth?" I say teasingly.

That statement must have caught him off guard. He becomes flustered and chokes up a little at my statement.

"W-What? N-No come on bro I was just...watching" He says.

He stutters his words bashful of what I said. He turns to look away from me not wanting to make eye contact and stands there awkwardly grabbing his arm holding it.

I finish my food and close the container. Luckily we didn't go too far from the food counter as there was a garbage pale just to the side of it. I quickly inch over to it and toss the container away.

I turn my gaze back to Kaz and see that he still looks uncomfortable so I try to remedy the situation the best I can.

"Hey otter, I was just messing with you." I chuckle.

I playfully slap his arm hoping to reassure him that I was joking. Although seeing him become so flustered is kinda cute.

He finally looks back at me a small smile on his face.

"Sorry, I'm...just not used to you saying things like that." He says in a chuckle.

"Dude, I literally just kissed you on the cheek before, and this is what makes you uncomfortable?." I chuckle.

Kaz hesitates for a moment before he responds.

"I know. I'm so used to me doing all those things, so...I just surprised me is all." He shrugs timidly.

We stand there for a moment before the sudden realization hits me. I look around for a moment before turning back to the otter.

"Hey Kaz?" I ask quizzically. "Where's Sam?"

Kaz looks around before returning his gaze back to me.

"Uh..she came over with us didn't she?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we were all together." I say scratching my head.

With everything that just recently happened I didn't even realize she wasn't here. I ponder for a moment thinking of where she could have gone. Maybe to the bathroom but it's been a while and she hasn't returned either way.

I grab the otters wrist in panic and pull him along with me over to the entrance doors.

"Ack! Caylem wait!" He shouts.

We rush through the doors and make our way into the hall way still holding onto the otters wrist desperately looking for Sam but I don't see her.

"Caylem wait!" Kaz shouts again.

I turn to look at him with his wrist still in my grasp.

"Dude can you like let go, you're hurting me." He says pointing to my paw.

I look down at our paws mine grasping his wrist and as if breaking out of a trance I release my hold on him and let go. I shake my head looking back up at Kaz.

"Shit...sorry. Guess I panicked." I say deflated.

He takes his wrist back and rubs it with his paw then smiles.

"It's fine man." He says laughing.

I grab at his wrist again gently this time inspecting the damage I might have done. It looks a little red and his fur is parted where I held him.

He let's me look him over and he grimaces at my touch. I suck in air through my teeth as it looks like it might be swelling a bit.

"Does it hurt?" I ask concerned.

He looks up at me trying to hide the pain.

"It's's just sore." He waves his other paw dismissively. "Don't worry about it."

I finally let go slowly releasing his paw from mine. I shift my gaze all around the hallway trying to see if Sam is out here but I don't see her.

I turn to look back at Kaz.

"She's not out here either." I say shaking my head.

Kaz looks over my shoulder a figure catching his interest. He looks back to me and points his finger to something behind me.

I turn around seeing a familiar face. It's the male we ran into when we first made our way into the hall..

"Maybe lover boy knows where she might be." He says teasingly.

I roll my eyes glaring at him and shake my head.

"Come..on." I say in a heavy sigh.

We make our way over to him and he turns around.

"Hey it's you!" He exclaimed with a smile.

His smile soon falters and is replaced with concern.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Our friend Sam, we don't know where she is, and we were wondering if you might have seen her." I say.

The canines eyes widen seemingly knowing who we're talking about.

"Oh! You mean the fox?! He blurts out nearly shouting.

"Yeah, Sam, did you see her come out here at all?" Kaz asked.

The canine looks to the otter excitedly.

"I did, she was heading to the bathroom. Ben was there too, he was waiting for her to come out. Then they started talking, looked like she was upset, but she went with him somewhere." He explained.

"Did you happen to see where they went?" I ask.

The canine starts to shift and a nervousness comes about him.


He swallows hard and hesitates to speak.

I place a paw on his shoulder trying to reassure him.

"It's okay you can tell us. Do you want to go somewhere more secluded?" I ask. Trying to make him feel calm.

"No It's fine, there's no one really here anyway." He shrugs.

He explains in a hushed tone what he saw.

" after your friend Sam came out of the bathroom, Ben seemed eager to get her attention. They started talking and bickered for a few minutes then she followed him somewhere."

He continued.

"But just before they left I over heard Ben say something about a in a room just behind the main hall."

Kaz and I look at each other bewildered then turn our gaze back to the canine.

"A secret party?" Kaz asks confused.

"That shocked me too, I didn't know what to make of it." He says shrugging.

He continues.

"So anyway, my curiousness got the better of me, so I followed them, and sure enough they disappeared into a door behind the hall."

I turn my gaze to Kaz.

"I can't believe she went with him, that's so unlike her." I say confounded.

"Well, I think we might have to go after her then. It's been like an hour and they haven't come back yet. I'm a little worried."

Kaz does in fact look worried, and it's worrying me too. I just hope she's okay.

The canine shifts his focus to us. Concerned for our safety.

"If you're going back there, please be careful. I mean, who knows what's going on back there. Could be drugs, drinking, and who knows what else."

We both nod at the canine.

"Thank you...uh?"

I look at him expectantly realizing we never exchanged names.

" name is Aidan." He replied.

"Right...sorry, I'm Caylem and this is Kazeeq." I say gesturing to the otter.

"Well nice to meet you both." He says smiling.

The three of us make our way back to the hall, we enter through the doors and can see that the party is still very much alive. Aidan points a finger to the back of the room, showing us where we have to go. We thank him again and make our way discretely towards the back end even though no one really sees us anyway.

The first thing I notice is it's a lot darker back here the only light we have is coming from the hall so there's no further illumination. It's also where the decorations stopped in fact, the only things that I see back here are remnants of the broken down warehouse. Sheets drape over boxes covering them and there is a ton of dust. Rusted pipes line the walls along with broken glass on the floor. There's also graffiti all over the symbols.

Kaz lightly elbows me pointing to a door in the distance. I look and immediately notice that it's old and red. We make our way over and stand in front of it. Now up close I can see that it's fairly worn down with paint chipping off of it but it's mostly covered.

He turns to me.

"Ready?" He asks in a shaky voice.

I look at him and nod.


Kaz reaches for the handle and slowly opens the door revealing--

To Be Continued~