Pack Mentaility Chapter 15
#15 of Pack Mentaility
It's been 6 months since Jezeca and Silverback became mates and some final rifts in the pack seemed to have healed with Jezeca's group sleeping with the rest. Today however Jezeca, Silverback, and Nadia wake up in her old room on the bed. The reason becomes clear when you notice the fact both Jezeca and Nadia have round bellies, Jezeca's a little more so since she concevied earlier. When it became clear Jezeca was pregnant it was thought that is you be a good idea for them to use her old room's bed. seeing how easier it was on the to pregnant wolves the pack decided at a cetain point all prgnant wolves were to use the bed. Jezeca walks over to the desk which now holds painted figures of Pat, Lela, Veli, Debie, Nadia, Rachel, and Jezeca's parents. On the desk is a rolled up paper. In the months since the ceremony Jezeca has shown her influence on the running the pack. She reestablished her investments in town so Silverback or any of the others wouldn't have to look for work in town to get something. Debie's family handled the day to day operations and send letters to Jezeca for her insight. Pack members rotate shifts on check the drop off then drop it off at her desk. She un rolls the paper and starts scanning it's contents."Honey hurry up and finish that we need to eat and go." She looks up and over to her mate.
"We have to go to a multi pack meeting. We have one every five years."
"And why do I have to go?"
"All Alphas, male and female are required and your not to far along not to make the trip."
"How do you know? You haven't carried this." She rubs her rotund belly."And there's still at least three months left."
"Well I've had you on top a couple of times so yes I do know." He has a mischevious twiggle in his eyes and a smirk on his face.
"Haha!" She replies and goes back to the paper as her mate leaves chuckling. Nadia is just starting to get out of bed shaking her head.
"He's in a mood today."
"Yup." Jezeca replies still reading the paper. Nadia groans as she gets up and rubs her back.
"Who ever thought a pup would be this heavy allready?"
"Well your the one who wanted pups. Who did have to become his submate." Nadia glares at the back of Jezeca's head and walks to get breakfast. After a few minutes Jezeca finishes her work on the paper and heads out as well to breakfast. Upon arrival she hands the paper to Raceh who will take it to the drop off. Pup sees her sister and waves her over.
"Jezi! Come over and sit that plump butt over here." Jezeca does head over and knocks Pup on the head.
"Wait until your pregnant. Your the one who got us together." Rubbing her head Pup retorts.
"I can't wait to have my own mate and have him fill my belly with your endorusment." Jezeca drops her face in her paws.
"I fell right into that one didn't I?"
"Yup." Pup says grinning and Jezeca chomps into this morning's pig breakfast.
"You've raised a little terror there haven't you?" Silverback comments chuckling at the banter.
Glaring Jezeca points out."She's now as much your responsiblity as she is mine." Silverback bangs his paw against his head.
"Oh No! Two of you. How will I surive?" Both Jezeca and Pup stick out their tongues at him.
After breakfast Jezeca and Silverback head out for the meeting. The meeting itself won't take place until tommorrow but it will take that long for them to reach it. Despite being heavily pregnant Jezeca made good time but at dusk she was tired so the stop to eat. After supper Silverback tries to have alittle sex before bed."Nope! No sex for you tonight.Sleep over there" Jezeca states pointing to the other side of the fire.
"I haven't forgotten your comment this morning about this." She rubs her belly. Silverback leans closer and gropes her enlarged breast.
"Oh come on! Think of it as an apology." His groping comes to a sudden stop as he feels a strong grip on his malehood. Jezeca has an evil smirk and gleam and answers.
"Would you like to join Brutus?" He shakes his head drasticly.
"Good boy. Now get over there." She let goes of his second greatest treasure (his first of course is Jezeca). Whimpering he heads over to his assign sleeping spot.
The next day the reach the meeting place late morning. Jezeca found a nice rock to sit on and rest with Silverback standing next to her. In all there are 9 alphas present. A black furred wolf called Nightrider starts the meeting."Welcome all alphas how have gathered here today. May this meeting bring prosperity to our packs." The meeting it self focus on the packs dealing with encroaching human expansion. Many different alphas thre in or threw out idea's. After listening for a while Jezeca decides to jump in.
"I know of a solution."
"What do you have in mind...Uh?" asks Nightrider
"It's Jezeca. I know some places where there's plenty of land and prey with few humans. When we're done with the meeting those intrested can wait and i'll have a map brought to show you."
"How do you know humans will not be there?"
"Only a few warriors and explorers dare enter this area. Me being one of them. Werewolves would have little trouble there." Silverback decides to interupt shocked that Jezeca's being active in this.
"Jezeca why are you getting involed in this? You only came because your required."
"This will prevent fights between the packs and towns. Thus saving human lives and considering how we met my reasons so be clear to you." They hear a load snort from one of the alphas who came alone.
"It's bad enough to listen to a female in this, but she's also one of those made wolf's. This meeting should only be for born males. Not made females who should stay at the den pleasure their mates and raise the pups which is all there only duties." Jezeca's anger clearly shows on her face. Silverback moves to challenge him but is stopped by his mates paw.
"No he's mine." Looking into her eyes he nods and steps back. Jezeca leaps of the rock and confidently walks to the bigoted alpha. He laughs with contempt.
"OOOH! So the female wants a lesson. I'll be happy to do so."She just smirks at him. With a blurr she hits him in the chest then an uppercut to the head. He flies 5 feet before landing. he slowly gets up rubbing his jaw as she turns around to head back to the rock. The alpha tries to charge her. As he closes in she dodges to the left and elbows him in the chest. She then grabs his shoulders and knees him in the balls....twice. He finally collapses holding his smarting malehood whining in a clearly higher pitch than his normal. Jezeca calmly walks back to the rock and sits back down. All the Alpha Females are smirking at what had transpired while the Alphas show signs of respect. Two of the Alphas drag the bigoted one way and the meeting continues. The packs dicuss alliances with eachother, some even having a full pack to pack meetings for mating perpuses. Silverback's pack doesn't agree to any of these since they're 20 members strong while others are lucky to get to 12. In the evening the alpha's gather around and socialize except for one who's still recovering from his defeat. The next day the alphas break up to head home except for those who excepted Jezeca's proposal. Silverback quickly raced to the den to get the map and return so Jezeca could show them the area. They broke up a day later and Jezeca and Silverback finally headed home.
Three months later Jezeca has in hobbling into her old room reading the lastest stats on her stock. Both her and Nadia's bellies have grown again. As a result the barely go outside but Jezeca tries to stay as active as possible. The past three months have shown prosperity for the pack in influence. Jezeca's victory of the bigoted alpha won her some respect since she did it while heavy pregnant. The packs that took her proposal are now thriving in their new homes and had little to no contact with humans, thus greatly increasing the pack's influence on the others. nadia was on the floor with her back leaning against the bed resting when she heard Jezeca gasps and the sound of liquid hitting the stone floor. She looks over to find Jezeca holding her belly."Mistress are you allright?" Nadia asks.
"I..I think my water just broke." Minutes later Jezeca is on the bed with Pup, Silverback, and Moonlight with her. Moonlight is the packs nursemaid and coaches Jezeca to push while Jezeca moans, groans,whines,screams and growls trying to push the baby out. It takes her an hour to finally push the baby out only to have one more surprise. As Moonlight comes over to Jezeca she says.
"Congradulations Alpha Female! It's twins!" She reveals a male and female pups to their mother. Jezeca quickly cradles her children in her arms and they quickly find her breasts and start feeding. Silverback looks over with pride. The female has many silver fur with black fur running down her back reversed coloring of her father and her mother's red hair, while her twin has their mothers fur coloring and silver colored hair.
"What should we name them?" Silverback asks. After a moment of thinking Jezeca answers.
"Our daughter will be Sarah after my mother while this little guy will be Beacon."
"Hello Sarah and Beacon." Their father says. Two weeks from now Nadia will also give birth to a daughter that she named Tresa. As Jezeca looks around at those around her which have been joined by Argus and Raceh then at her two children. She who fought this place so hard and her wolf harder finally admits to herself and to her wolf that she's finally HOME.