Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 5

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#5 of Lover's Endless Rivalry

I think it's time to turn things up a notch and have our first sexy time! Leave those comments! I want to see what you all think of the story so far! All the views and favorites and watches are nice, but nothing compares to the words you leave to describe your thoughts. And hey I don't mind constructive criticism so if there are things you think needs improving or things you don't like then that's fine with me as long as it's constructive and not hateful. Anyways enough rambling! Enjoy yourselves to the fullest my lovely sols~~~!

After about an hour, the two felt ready to get back up and out on their feet. Literally for the Zangoose but metaphorical for the Seviper. They stepped out of the shelter for the second time today and went into the small clearing right in front of the cabin, the two taking their place apart and facing the other as if a duel was about to begin.

"This is going to be enlightening. I'm ever curious how you could claim to train me on how to fight in less than a day and in a way that's not as savage as the rest of my species that works for me," Severus called out to Zane with a smirk but Zane had a blank expression with no witty response to return. Severus tilted his head as his smile faltered. "Zane?"

Without warning, Zane zoomed forward and prepared his Crush Claw attack as he swiped at Severus who managed to sidestep and slide to the left of the attack as Severus looked at the Zangoose in shock but then noticed the smirk that formed on the face of his teacher.

Severus couldn't help but smile back, understanding the intention was to show not tell as he got himself ready for the next attack.

He felt the air get tense from how long Zane was taking to strike again but he remained unwavering as he remained observant. The anticipation was palpable as he looked to Zane's foot as it remained still. But then it swiftly propelled Zane at Severus with a speed Severus had a more difficult time picking up on, but it wasn't fast enough as Severus curved his body back, contorting his body in half to duck under the swipe as Zane stumbled forward after missing his attack.

Zane then went to stab down at Severus who unfolded his body before blocking the strike with the flat side of his poison tail. Zane pushed against the hardened end as he tried to overpower his opponent's defense and he felt the Seviper's strength waiver under his own as he pressed down harder. However, he did not think this would be intentional as Severus jerked his body to the side before turning his tail away from him to force the pressing claw against his tail strike away from his body.

With the amount of pressure Zane was applying, he immediately lost his balance when his claw slipped off the turn of his opponent's tail before he stumbled forward and grunted as he collided hard on the ground. Severus smirked with confidence as he awaited the next strike. Yet he felt his confident grin slowly dwindle when he didn't move at all.

"Zane? You doing okay?" Severus slowly approached him with bated breath as Zane remained unmoving and stone-faced. "Okay, you've had your fun. S-Stop messing around and get up! This isn't funny anymore, kid!"

Immediately Severus yelped as he was grabbed onto and thrown to the ground in a dazing slam. Zane straddled his body and held him down by his throat before raising a claw and jabbing down towards the snake's skull, making Severus gasp in horror before closing his eyes in anticipation.

When nothing happened, Severus peeked an eye open and looked to see Zane had stopped his attack just like the first time they met but this time Zane smiled at him before he lifted his head up by his neck and heard him whisper, "Stop calling me kid already, you old reptile." Zane let go of Severus, whose head dropped back to the ground with a light thud as Zane got off of him and walked a few paces.

Severus felt an exhilaration in his body from the ordeal. Something about their training felt right to him as his mind thought of the thrill of being at an advantage in the fight, the adrenaline of keeping himself on guard for his opponent's movements and defenses, the devilish feeling of Zane's soft and warm fur rubbing against his bare skin as he was straddled by him and...

Severus gawked in shock as he shook the last thought out of his head, his cheeks flaring up to turn his face into a giant tamato berry. He couldn't believe his mind drifted like that as he gulped air down a now incredibly dry throat, trying to futility rehydrate himself and calm down. The last thing he needed was to do the one thing he couldn't do right now. Yet as he thought that he felt something down below as he gasped, horrified that what he feared would happen had just happened regardless.

"I was impressed with your movements down at the lake, but you still had many surprise defense tactics I couldn't even imagine a Seviper using so skillfully," Zane said as he began turning around but froze as he looked back at Severus, blinking. "You good?"

Severus was coiled tightly into himself as he seemed to look constipated with a weak smile directed at Zane. "Oh yeah. I'm totally chill." Zane raised an eyebrow at this but then shook his head dismissively, just figuring this unusual Seviper was just being his usual self.

"If you say so. You're definitely strong with your defenses being able to make extremely swift dodges, hold your own in a battle of pure muscle, and finding ways to use your opponent's boons against them. But that won't be enough if you ever find yourself in a position where a group is attacking you. Your fast movement is the only thing that can help you stay alive in a fight against multiple opponents but if they coordinate to where you have no way of getting past one without getting caught by someone else then you're as good as dead."

"Th-Then what do you suggest I do?"

"Well as I mentioned, your defense can be your greatest offense. When you compress your body in half to dodge me, you had an opening in which I was unable to attack. Just as I was when you redirected my claw to swipe past you and threw me off balance and even back at the lake when you squished yourself flat on the ground to dodge and then lightly threw my balance off when you slithered your way underneath my legs.

You can use their strength and balance against them the way you have with me to get big enough opportunities to strike at them with a Poison Tail or a Poison Fang attack depending on which end is closer. There are so many other ways we can try to make your offense shine through your defense! I can see many ways we can utilize this! Shall we get started?"

"I-In a moment. I... I could use a bathroom break right now," Severus stuttered.

Before Zane could answer back Severus flattened his chin against the ground before slithering his body down to the ground, unmoving himself as he slipped into the bushes and disappeared from sight. The young Zangoose was beyond comprehending how awkward the Seviper had been acting as he thought about if he was hiding something. He certainly noticed this bizarre behavior which the Seviper did not play off well as Zane began making his way towards the area he saw Severus go to.

Zane was careful in his following of the Seviper, knowing he was fully capable of smelling Zane coming with that tongue of his. It took a minute of walking in the direction he assumed the Seviper had to have taken before he heard a muffled cry and felt himself grow concerned. What if Severus was lying and now consuming a poor, tiny Pokémon? What if he was lying to him this whole time? What if he was hurt?

Zane's anxiety grew as he tip-toed closer to where he heard the sounds coming from. He saw a clearing through the bushes and a disoriented view of Severus in between the branches. He looked like he was pretzeled in on himself and the fear of him eating a Pokémon or him writhing in agony made Zane pull back some branches as he got a clear view of Severus. He was not prepared for what he witnessed as his jaw dropped and his eyes dilated at the sight.

Severus was bent in half like before but this time with his face smashed into his body as his mouth was open and his head was bobbing up and down on his two engorged pink lengths, deepthroating himself with ease. Zane couldn't believe what he was witnessing! He'd never seen such an explicit display before. Sure, he was taught at a young age how mating worked and how one can pleasure themselves when they go into adulthood and the heat season without a partner, but he never thought this was something that could be done. He shouldn't have been surprised given the Seviper body type but then again how could he not when this was not something he was expected to witness!

Severus was obviously trying to keep quiet to not alert anyone to his position, but Zane could still hear obscene and desperate moans as his tongue and mouth were tightly wrapped around his two cocks. His throat bulged when he swallowed his dicks whole down to the base and back up to see what Zane assumed was saliva, precum, or a mixture of both drooling heavily out as he quickly filled his mouth with light wet slurping heard as he moved at a steady pace.

Zane's mind was dead for the first time ever, unable to stop himself from looking away. He couldn't rationalize how insanely inappropriate this was to spy on someone during a private moment. He tried to comprehend anything as he had to assume this action was happening because the Seviper's heat cycle was now in play. He certainly wouldn't see this for any other reason, he was sure.

However, his attention deviated when he felt a familiar sensation and looked horrified as he realized his own, red-knotted length had emerged from his sheath, fully erect and throbbing. His cheeks flared up as he felt pre leak out of his tip and he bit his lip with the need to touch himself increasing.

"It's not because it's a Seviper, it's because what he's doing is sexy," Zane rationalized the reason for his sudden horniness. With this in mind, he looked back at the hot action in front of him before wrapping his paw around his length and began to stroke himself, murring in his throat to keep quiet.

Severus let out a needy whine through his stuffed mouth as he sucked himself harder and faster as he swallowed more pre that was rapidly spurting into his opened gullet. Zane wedged both of his lips tightly shut between his teeth as he suppressed his moans the best he could as he masturbated himself faster, his own pre leaked heavily all over the ground in front of him as he never let his eyes wander from Severus sucking himself off.

The air grew heavy around the two self-pleasuring Pokémon as the heat radiated off them as Severus' muffled cry was heard by Zane as he shoved his cocks up till his mouth was plastered around the base as Zane could see Severus' throat gulping over and over as he saw the Fang Snake Pokémon's cum overflowing and leaking out of his mouth. Knowing he was swallowing his own orgasm and cum, Zane was pushed over the edge as he smashed his free arm over his mouth to let his fur absorb the cries he made as his climax consumed him as his jizz began shooting out with powerful shots, coating the ground below him.

After a long silent moment, Zane sighed in his blissful aftermath after witnessing what had to be the hottest scene he'd ever seen. His eyes slowly opened again to see Severus hadn't moved with his cocks still lodged down his mouth, but Zane squinted his eyes to see something he wasn't sure he was seeing right.

However, this would not be the case as he could now see a frown on his stretched mouth and tears in his eyes as Severus began to weep. He slowly released his dicks from his jaw, but his tears and silent sobbing continued as Zane was puzzled once again by this.

Was he in pain from his orgasm? Did he hurt himself doing that? So many questions began racing through his head once more to try and decipher a possibility for why Severus would cry after what looked to be a mind-blowing orgasm. But he didn't have time to think on it as he saw Severus' cocks retract in his slit before he began slithering his way over to him.

In a panic, Zane just about bolted but stopped to kick dirt over his spilt cum, hoping to hide it from sight but more importantly cover the scent as he booked it back to the cabin. Once he was back, he quickly began pacing around, a look of patience on his face as he made it seem like he was waiting for the Seviper's return.

Soon Severus was seen breaching through the bushes as he smiled at the Zangoose. "Sorry for the wait. I spotted some juicy qualot berries that I didn't see during my first foraging trip, and I just needed to try a few."

"More like two juicy, elongated pecha berries," Zane thought to himself before speaking out loud, "No worries. There are still plenty of daylight hours left. We still have time to work on your training. Shall we pick up where we left off?"

Severus smiled before mockingly replying, "I'm ready, Master."

The two went at the training regimen for hours and soon the two were breathing heavily after resting for a minute. Zane had a grin on his face as he glanced over at Severus who looked exhausted and sore from the rigorous training.

"We should call it a day. If you keep pushing yourself anymore, you're going to collapse. But I gotta say, you're picking up on this offensive defense really well. You're a fast learner," complimented Zane.

Severus beamed happily at Zane as he spoke through his heavy breathing, "Thanks. It was how I could always remember the lessons my father taught me despite what my elders tried to teach me the old ways of our colony. I pride myself in being able to remember the lessons I wish to learn."

Zane nodded. "I agree. It's been useful for sure. Shall we call it a night?"

"But I still need to return the favor with me helping you," Severus argued.

"Isn't it getting a bit late?"

"There's still a few more dusk hours left before nighttime hits. I think I can manage to do what I have planned in the few hours we have left."

"You still haven't told me what it is you think I need help with."

"Just come with me and close your eyes."

"Exactly how am I supposed to follow if my eyes are closed? I'm not a Noibat. Echolocation isn't exactly in my blood."

"Just hold onto my tail and I'll guide you."

"Must I really have my eyes closed?"

"For now. Trust me, you'll need it."

Zane cooked an eyebrow at this but didn't have a clue what Severus could be referring to so he simply complied as he closed his eyes and held his paws out. He soon felt Severus carefully slip his tail in between Zane's paws before Zane took hold of it before being pulled as the two made their way through the Mirage Forest.

After what felt like an hour of walking, Severus stopped as he looked back at Zane, who managed to stop without walking into the point of his tail when he stopped. "Okay. You can let go and open your eyes."

Zane did as instructed before he released the poison tail and peeked his eyes open to see...

"The lake?"

Severus remained silent as Zane looked between the snake and the lake before the gears in his head clicked and his eyes widened in realization. "No. No no. No No nononononononono! NO!"

"Zane, please calm down!"

"You were just telling me about PTSD and now you want to trigger it again? How can I be calm?!"

"I'm not trying to trigger it! I'm trying to help you get over it!"

"How?! By shoving me in and hoping for the best!? I don't think so!"

"Of course not! I may be a Seviper but I'm clearly not that ruthless! I'd think you'd have learned that by now."

"Okay then explain how this is gonna happen?"

"Simple. I know you know how to swim but now I need to help you find the confidence to try and overcome your fear so you can swim again."

Zane felt his shoulders drop as he stared at the calm water with shaky eyes. "I... I don't know if I can do it."

Severus used the side of his tail to make Zane look away from the water and at his face instead. "Listen to me. You gave me the confidence to learn how to fight. I never wanted to learn because I don't want to hurt anyone, but you made me see that I can fight to simply defend myself and maybe others if the opportunity presents itself. This fear you've developed is still fresh and can be easily overcome if we put in the effort to stop it from festering and corrupting your judgment. Let me help you like you've helped me."

Zane blinked a bit but soon saw into the red eyes of his acquaintance as he found them calming his heartbeat. He sighed and batted the tail away before speaking.

"Alright. I'll try," Zane grumbled out.

"That's all I ask. Don't worry. I'll be right there to help you through this."

The reassurance Severus gave Zane was making him feel better than before, but that nervousness was not going away fully no matter what. Severus slithered into the water and looked back. "Let's start small and have you stand in the water up to where I am."

Zane nodded as he easily stepped forward and into the lake as the water reached his ankles when he stood next to Severus. Severus nodded his approval of how he was doing before sliding further into the lake as he began to float in the water more as it grew deeper. Zane took a breath as he slowly followed after him. The water level was now up to his waist as Zane waded over to Severus.

"Are you doing okay?" Severus checked up on him.

"So far, so good."

Severus smiled as he and Zane now drifted further out together, side by side. Zane smiled as he felt no fear as they continued with the water now reaching his chest as he felt more confident and began to run as fast as he could to get deeper.

"Hold up, Zane! Let's not rush this!" Severus called over to the Zangoose.

"You said the sooner I do this, the faster I can conquer it! Besides, I'm not even scared!" He hollered back, glancing over his shoulder but failed to notice a rock in the bottom of the lake as he approached it. His foot stepped and immediately slipped off of it as he tumbled forward and into the water.

A light flashed in his eyes again as the flashbacks came rushing once again as Zane immediately panicked and struggled to resurface. He soon saw Severus next to him who Zane leeched onto him without hesitation as Severus hoisted the struggling Zangoose back to the surface.

Zane gasped and coughed and began screaming, "Not again! I'm drowning! Oh Arceus, I'm drowning!"

Suddenly the top of Zane's head was smacked hard by the flat side of Severus' tail. "Knock it off! You are not drowning! You will if you keep struggling and drag me down with you! For Arceus' sake! Just hang onto me and kick your feet!"

The scolding Zabe received effectively quited Zane as he did as he was ordered. He tightly clung to a part of the snake's body underneath what would probably be considered his neck as he began to slowly kick his feet. He soon felt the difference as he felt his body begin to float above the water as he increased his pace to keep hie head and neck above the water.

Severus decided to try and around the deepest part of the lake as Zane held onto him. "See how calm this lake is? It's not anything like the river. No currents to yank you and throw you around. No force of nature trying to force you down underwater. This is fine."

Zane nodded as he tightly hugged himself against Severus who felt a heat flush his cheeks as he felt the grip of the scared Zangoose hug against his skin. Zane kept kicking his feet as he swam alongside of the gentle Seviper as he was simply carried to wherever he was taken to by the burly snake.

"Try releasing your left arm from me and start using it to paddle a bit. You can keep your right arm around me until you feel comfortable with letting me go completely."

Zane gulped as he complied and let his left arm slowly release as he began moving it in motion with the swim techniques his father taught him years ago. Zane was trying to repress the trauma he felt bubbling inside of him, threatening to burst out of him in short notice, as he struggled to keep himself afloat and closed his eyes tightly expecting the worst.

"Don't stop now, Zane! You're doing so well! Just keep swimming!"

The words of encouragement were uplifting Zane's discouragement as he did as Severus requested as he repeated the last statement over and over like an annoyingly catchy song.

"Just keep swimming. Just. Keep. Swimming." Zane whispered as he felt incredibly lighter all of a sudden but all he did was tighten his eyes more as he kicked and stroked harder to keep his head above water level.

"Hey Severus? H-How much longer are we gonna do this for?" Zane asked the Seviper but after a moment didn't hear a thing. "Severus?" He called out again but again got no response back.

Out of worry, his eyes opened as he immediately took notice that Severus wasn't next to him anymore! He then heard cheering as he peered behind him to see the now gleeful Seviper. "You did it! You're already swimming on your own!"

Zane blinked in shock as he looked down as gulped, feeling his body tighten and his limbs slow to a halt. His mind was seeing the terrifying time in the river as he felt the water creep up to his neck as he began sinking.

"Zane? Zane!" The scream caused Zane to look sharply up as another panic attack hit him and he began fighting to stay afloat. Severus quickly swam up and circled around the Zangoose until Zane caught hold of him and lifted his head back out of the water.

"You're okay! I've got you! You're not drowning, Zane! I've got you!" Severus called over the splashing Zane was making to try settling the shocked nerves of the Cat Ferret Pokémon.

Zane was able to stop struggling as he looked back up into his colleague's eyes again and looked away in shame as he tried to hide the tears pooling in his own eyes.

Severus could see the disappointment Zane had toward himself as the Fang Snake Pokémon used a coil to rub his back, trying to soothe his soul.

"Let's call it a night. I didn't think this would improve immediately but you did extremely well for what you did do. You'll be able to swim again with no issue soon. I'm sure. We'll just need to find the right motivation that will help you."

The words were comforting but Zane could only feel humiliation for not being able to live up to Severus' full expectations while the snake had no problem doing exactly that when it came to Zane's fighting training. Severus swam them both out of the water and back onto shore but even then Zane refused to release his hold on Severus. The Seviper didn't mind as they began making their way back to the cabin before reaching it and heading inside once Zane was able to open the door.

Severus immediately broke away from Zane and grabbed the unused towel from the bathroom, pulling it off the rack with his mouth, and heading back to Zane before dropping it on his head. "Rub your fur down with that towel and dry yourself off. I'll use the one you gave me a few nights ago." Severus instructed him as he made his way over to the towel on the ground as he began rubbing his own body down by laying his head down and rotating his body in place to dry off a portion of his body before slowly sliding up the towel to the next length of his body before the rinse and repeat of the action.

Zane rubbed his towel all over his fur trying to dry himself off but his mind kept going back to the lake and how unsuccessful the whole endeavor was because he was too scared he would drown. He suddenly could hear the whispers of the pack again. Their harsh judgments ringing heavily in his mind as his ears could only hear his brother, mocking and scorning him every time Zane wasn't good enough or when he made a mistake. His hateful words became oppressive and Zane just stood still as his wet body shivered from the cold and the voices echoing all around him.

He jumped when he felt pressure on his side and let out a small yelp in shock, making Severus also jump in surprise who had a coil pushed up against the towel on the Zangoose. "Don't do that. You about gave me a heart attack with that scream."

Zane's ears flattened against his head as he looked down, mortified. "I'm sorry, Zander."

"You won't get dry by standing there so..." Severus caught himself as he realized the name Zane muttered. "Zander?"

Zane also realized what he said and shook his head. "I meant Severus. I apologize."

Severus looked unconvinced as he began rubbing the towel softly against the Zangoose's damp fur. "You apologize too much."

"Do I? Sorry."

"Seriously. You need to stop. You're acting like I'm mad at you. I don't know what's going through your head right now but I'm not upset."

"But I'm a failure. I couldn't do it. I couldn't swim in a puddle let alone a lake! I'm nothing but a weak, pathetic, and worthless disgrace! A poor excuse for a fucking Zangoose!" Zane began shouting now as he grabbed the towel off him, hurling it away from himself and then running over and with a scream of rage he charged at the wall and smashed his fist into it, splintering the wood as his harsh breathing began to settle down before the tears returned through gritted teeth from the now lingering pain in his paw and the everlasting pain in his heart.

Severus was taken aback at first but composed himself as he quietly collected the towel off the ground and approached Zane from behind as Zane remained unmoving. Zane only moved when the towel was once again wrapped around his form before he felt the Seviper wrap him again. This time in his coils as he gently hugged Zane close which caught him off guard.

"That couldn't be even remotely true. You are not close to being weak, pathetic, worthless, or even a failure. You may be young but no one is immune from making mistakes and not being able to accomplish great feats at the drop of a hat. These things take time and you have no reason to be beating yourself down like this."

Severus' whispers of comfort made Zane flinch. He was only used to his father trying to console him in that way so it felt weird that his supposed enemy of life was doing the same as someone he trusted with his life.

Zane's head drooped a bit. "You don't know for sure. You don't know the full extent of my past and what I've been through."

Severus frowned a bit but remained undeterred. "That may be true but I can confidently say that what I've seen in front of me for three nights and two days now is that you're not any of those negative titles you claim to be. You're the exact opposite. You're strong and honorable and highly exceptional. You're also brilliant and open-minded and dare I say strikingly handsome with your blue eyes."

Zane blinked up as he looked up at him. "I'm astonished you noticed that. It's weird isn't it? I have red fur like most of my species has but I have the blue eyes that those rare blue-colored Zangoose have instead of the red I should have. It's... not normal and that's coming from a Normal-type like me."

"Is it coming from you or from the others around you?" When Zane didn't answer and only looked away, that was all Severus needed to know. "Then those assholes don't know what they are talking about. It's a striking contrast to have those shiny, blue eyes seen with your red and white fur. You're gorgeous and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, you let me know and I'll knock some sense into their empty skulls and brains of mush."

Zane was now blushing brightly while Severus was rattling on. He felt his heart pick up in speed like never before as he felt his throat somehow get dried up. Before Zane could think on things more, a tongue was suddenly flapping in his face with a hiss as Zane jumped to attention before Severus did that hissing laugh again.

"Sorry. You spaced out there. Had to get your attention some way."

"Try saying my name next time instead of spitting in my face."

"I did yet you didn't seem to flinch when I did so. Also I did not spit on you so stop complaining, kid."

"I'm not..."

"A kid. I know. But you're throwing a tantrum like one."

Zane jerked his eyes away, huffing as he gave Severus the cold shoulder.

"Alright, I'm done teasing you. Let's just get you to bed."

Zane felt a yawn fester in his mouth but he locked his jaw to keep it trapped inside so as to not show how tired he had gotten. But he nodded at Severus to show he was in agreement with him. The two began making their way down the hallway before Zane opened the door to the bedroom.

Severus turned to Zane and pulled the towel off him and dropped it on the ground before pulling the bedsheets back with his mouth.

"There you go. Hop on in."

Zane was about to leap up in the human bed but his hands hesitated just as he was about to lift himself up. He looked over at Severus, his eyes trickling with concern.

"What about you?"

Severus was surprised by this question. "What about me?"

"That sofa is comfy sure but I don't think it's built for humans to sleep on."

"That's somewhat true."


"It's a bit complimentary to explain now but let's not worry about it. It's your turn for the bed and I won't let you interfere with this."

"But... surely you don't have to sleep out there. It's more comfortable here in this bed."

"That's correct but again it's your turn to sleep in it."

"But you deserve a good night's sleep too. Just sleep here with me."

Severus tensed up at the mere suggestion as his face grew hot and bothered. "E-Excuse me?"

"There's enough room on this bed for you to sleep on one side and me on the other. Just stay here and sleep on the bed. That way we both will be ready for another day tomorrow. And I won't take no for an answer either."

Before Severus could protest, Zane quick-attacked his way to the door and slammed it shut, effectively trapping the limbless Pokémon in the bedroom with him. Severus sighed with a roll of his eyes as he slithered his way underneath the sheets to the far side of the bed. His body was seen wrapping in circles before his head peeled out from underneath to rest on the plentiful pillows, lining the top of it.

"Well? Are you gonna hop in or just stand and sleep at the door?"

Zane smiled when he wasn't met with more protests as he then made his way back over and hopped up on the closer side as he scooted in closer to the center but stopped to ensure he gave Severus his space. The Zangoose cuddled himself into the pillow with his back facing the Seviper as he tried to sleep but a sudden feeling of the blanket adjusting over his frame didn't go unnoticed as his peripheral vision caught the Seviper overhead. He gently aligned the blanket to Zane's neck and somehow tucked it in with his head.

"Goodnight, Zane." Severus whispered before the shifting of the bed slowly came to a stop. Zane couldn't resist turning back to look at the snake who now had his back turned at Zane. Zane noticed the blanket now wasn't covering Severus much, most likely from him getting up to tuck Zane in. The Zangoose decided to return the favor as he pulled a paw out and grabbed the top of the blanket on the snake's side between his claw and palm before settling the edge at the base of Severus' head in the same manner that was done to him before. Using his claws, Zane carefully tucked the blanket under his neck, trying not to cut the blanket or Severus in the process. He then turned back around unaware that Severus was still awake and aware of what Zane did.

As he felt woozy with sleep, his mind faltered as it blacked out but not before he whispered back in a hushed voice, "Goodnight Severus."