Rise To Power Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#2 of Rise To Power

"Are they all like this?"Flameria asks her shipyard manager as she looks at the metal part of a pully in her hands. These pullys are ment for her ships's sails so the sailers who will man them one day can adjust the sails as nessecary, but these are such poor quality that they would barely survive one voyage before needing replacements.

"Yes ma'am every single one I check before getting ahold of you."

"Great" Flameria thinks."Now all the shipbuilding will have to be delayed thanks to this." Ouyload she asks."Do you have any good ones left from the last shipment?"

"Enough to complete one ship ma'am." She nods and tosses the defective pully with the others of its shipment.

"Get the ship closest to it's due date and finish it with the remaining pullys and send these back and warn them if we get another shipment like this! We'll be getting a new supplier." The manager salutes her as she leaves makeing her smile abit. Early on she earn the repect of her workers by doing grunt work herself when either they were short handed or in a crunch period for a project. She showed them that she thought their work was important, and it is to her. As a result she always gets 110% effort from them. When things like this happen it annoys her to no end for after the run out of the good pulls they will have to wait for a new shipment before doing anything else. She doesn't have the money to pay them for sitting around doing nothing for what could be a week, so they don't get paid which angers them and her. The manager will make sure she doesn't get blamed for that so she doesn't have to worry about riots directed at her. Then there's the attempted assasination. Despite her inqures she hasn't figured out who's behind it other than a rival. She sighs "I need something to cheer me up." As se walks through the market area on her way home she glances around to check out the wares. When she passes a vendor selling leather items a light snaps on in her head."Oh yes it's been three weeks since a captured my toy." A big smile appears on her face and she almost squeals with glee. For the past three weeks she occastionally had her cyrstal ball tuned to viewing the former assasin. The first week you still saw some sign of resistance in the horse but the past two weeks the only things the horse tired was thrusting her cock in the air and moan and groan in frustration that she couldn't orgasm. It's been really entertaining to watch for Flameria. Two lovely senerio's come up in her mind the horse will finally give her the information she desires or the horse will continue to endure this treatment another 3 weeks. Either way it will be entertain though Flameria hopes for the first option. She finally reaches home and diarms her away wards and arms her at home wards. Since the attack she has made two styles of wards for her home, one while she was away from home the other while she is home. It's some of her finest work. After she drops off her stuff she heads to the basement. with a flick of her wrist the mage lights turn on and she walks to the door at the end of the basements hallway. She opens the door and observes her captive.

The hermaphrodite horse apears barely awake, her body still trying to thrust her impressive cock at an invisible pussy. Flameria loves watching that cock. It's among the biggest cocks she's ever seen. One big difference she notices is that the horses balls have greatly increased in size almost matching the horses breasts. Flameria snaps her fingers and the vibrators stop after three weeks of constant stimulation. Flameria kneels down and removes the cock gag in the horses mouth and hold the horses muzzle so they can see eye to eye."Let's see if your attitude has improved." After a minute awareness slowly reapears in the horses eyes. Then her eyes bulge and she tries to get away screaming with a hoarse voice.

"No! No! Get away from me! UUUUUGGGGGHHHH! I need to cum!" Flameria's glad the horse now fears her, but she needs to be calm.

"Calm Down!" The horse whimpers but complies."Now are now going to tell me your name?"

"C...cole." Flameria smiles at the answer.

"Good that's a start. Now your going to tell me who hired you." Cole hesitates to answer."Tell me and I'll let you cum, don't and I'll put the gag back in turn the vibrators back on and try again in three weeks." Cole whines loudly at this and finally admits it's not worth it.

"Rahor....Rahor of the Red Mountain Clan."

"good girl." Flameria wirls her wrist then snaps her fingers. The cock ring detaches and the other vibrators go on full. Coles screams but in seconds she finally cums. It sprays from her cock so hard that it's splattering all over her belly. It took Cole 10 minutes to finally stop spraying her seed. Her cum started from the bottom of her muzzle to her knees and even more amazing she had passed out despite the necklace. Flameria vowed to her self that she'll do this to Cole for a week then have have Cole cum inside her. She unbound the sleeping horse then tied Coles wrist together behind her back and carried her up to the first floor to clean her. Arriving at the main bathroom Flameria set Cole down and strip herself, when that was done she once again picked up Cole and carried her into the pool that was the main bathtub. There she gently cleaned Cole's fur of her seed paying special attention to the breasts and intimite areas. Cole stay unconsious throughout the entire process for Flameria toned down the ruby. After she was down she lift Cole out of the water and layed her down on the floor. Flameria then chanted a spell that clean the pool so it would be ready the next time she needs it. Since Flameria can breathe fire she can produce hot air easily (Insert pun here) she slowly blows the hot air over Cole's body drying the fur in minutes. When Cole's fur is dry she lifts her up and out of the bath room.

When Cole finally wakes up she finds her self supended vertially this time in a large bedroom. Her arms are raised with her wrists tied to a ring in the ceiling and her legs spread apart allow full access to her privates with her ankles tied to rings on the floor."Oh good your wake." Cole turns to the voice and finds her target walking in to the room."Now you have a big choice to make Cole." Flameria walks close to Cole."You have two choices ahead for you. Your employer will not be among the living for long, so your not going to get paid even if you find away to escape. So you can either be my slave to be used for anything I desire which will mainly be sex. Your other choice is to endure what youv'e been through the past three weeks with only the rare occasion to cum. Your choice."

"Can't you just let me go?"

"No. You tried to take my life so yours is mind to do as I see fit. Be thankful I'm offering you a choice. what do you chose." It doesn't take long for Cole to decide, dropping her head she answers."I will submit."

"Good choice." Cole feels her bonds loosening and for the first time in weeks she's standing on her one hooves."Let's go over the rules. You will call me Lady or Mistress. You will remain naked at all times. Any attempt to escape will be dealt with harshly. Punishments will vary depending on your disobediance, among them however is the 3 Week Denial you just went through." Coles shutters thinking of that."Any questions Cole?"

"Yes,.M..Mistress. What if I know a better or safer way to do something?"

"Then ask I wll always keep an open ear. Oh one final thing I will occastionally put you in bondage and denial but nothing more than a week for denial except in punishment. Do you have any skills besides those for assasination?"

"Yes I can cook a decent meal but nothing fancy and I can do lowlevel blacksmithing for basic tools and weapons."

"Good you can be my cook then and you can learn the fancy dishes overtime. A forewarning though, my magic training allows me to dectect poisons and neutralized them before the have an affect. Any further assasination attempts will put you back into the Orgasm denial and it will depend greatly on my whim if you ever get out. Understood." Cole drops her head and reolies.

"Yes, Mistress." Flameria then gave Cole a tour of the mansion. Besides the main bedroom, throne/office room, bathroom, and the denial room the place had an additional 3 bedrrooms, a decent size kitchen, a small ballrom, a magic lab, and two other bondage rooms. When they were done both notice growls coming from her bellies.

"Well it looks like it's time to eat. Go cook us something and bring it to the office." Cole bows and heads for the kitchen while Flameria smirks as she heads for her office."Yes she will make a great slave a long as she behaves. She reaches her office and takes out the crystal ball. The ball has many functions and the one she's using now is a two way commuincation. The ball glows before revealing the face of a dark blue and purple dragon. This dragon is Thunder head of the Sparkle Clan who mainly mine their mountain territory for precious metls and gems. He's also among the few who are still friends with her clan.

"Flameria! what brings me this honor. You finally found a mate?"


"Hey, I have to look out for you now that your parents are dead. So have you?"

"No, I'm calling for something else."

"What can I do?"

"The assasin a captured has finally broked and revealed her employer." Thunder's smile and cheerfulness leaves his face and he leans closer to his ball.

"Who was it?"

"Rahor of Red Mountian." Thunder launched into a series of curses that were long,load,and inventive.

"So you called me to take care of him."

"I want you to capture him and bring him to me. As payment you get dibs on the next line of ships I'll be constructing." thunder just waves that away.

"No, I owe your clan.I should tried harder to defend your parents but I didn't. My mistake, one I will correct. What are you going to do about the assasin?"

"I'll keep her. She knows the price of trying to kill me again and she's halfway broke as is. Let me at least treat to a fine meal then instead of a ship." Thunder starts laughing out loud.

"Flameria you live dangerously and I'll tke the meal." Thunder goes serious again and finishes. "Becareful my young flame. I would hate it if something happened to you." The cyrstal goes dark as he breaks the connection.

Meanwhile Cole is in the kitchen preparing a meal. She decides to make a meating pasta that is filling yet quick to make. While she gathers the ingredients her mind goes over the situation."Okay! For now I should only keep the Miss...Target pleased for her guard is up. Forget about killing her just escape and refine my skills." Twenty minutes later she's putting the pasta on two plates then set them on a tray with utensils and two cups of wine and the botle it was poured from. She chose a cheap wine from the wine basement so her Mis..Target wouldn't get mad at a wasted wine. When she enters the office she finds her Mis....Target looking over papers."Mistress, your food." Her Mi...Target looks up from the paper and licks her lips and sniffs deeply.

"MMMmmmm, That smells good." Flameria then pushes the papers to the side. As Cole places the plate on the desk. As Cole places the cup on the desk she states.

"Mistress I used a cheap whine for tonight. If this is an error forgive me."

'Don't worry I save the good stuff for parties." Cole nods and begins to turn away to sit on the floor and eat when is interputed."Where are you going Cole?" Stopping she slowly looks over her shoulder.

"To eat on the floor Mistress." Flameria waves that away.

"No your eating here there's plenty of room." Flameria said as she pointed to the desk. Cole then turns around and places her plate on the desk and begins eating. Flameria Finally takes a bite herself."MMMM That's tasty. vey good." She continues to dig in with vigor.

"Thank you Misstress.

When the meal was done Falmeria lean back on the chair and patted her belly."That was filling, make it again some time. Now go clean up the kitchen and return here." Cole bows and leaves with the dishes. After an hour she returns to the office where Flameria is writing something on a piece of paper. Cole stand in front of her Mis...Target's desk for a minute before her M..target speaks."Stand beside me until I say otherwise." Cole complies and stands to the right side of her Mis...Target. She stands her for hours while her Mis...Target went over money accounts, supply routes, material stockpiles, and ship designs. All of this revealed to Cole that her Mis...target was an resourceful and intelligent person and why her employer wanted her out of the way. Finally Flameria streches and smiles at Cole. "I think that's enough for today. Go to the bath room then wait for me in my bedroom." Cole nods and takes care of her business. She then fearfully waits in her Mis...Target's bedroom when Flameria came in."Go lie down on the bed Cole." Cole hesitates and shivers in fear. Flameria is angered by this and with her eyes now clearing glowing she says louder."I SAID LIE DOWN ON THE BED!" Cole finally complies and is face up on the bed and can't help but to whine in fear. Soon she finds herself tied to the four posts in spread eagle fashion. She can't control her whimpers and watches as Flameria strips out of her clothes. What Cole sees does impress her. Her Mis...target has a beautiful body with nice sive breasts and a slim but powerful body.Her cock immeditatly her cock starts to poke out. Flameria purrs in the dragon way and says. "Somebody likes my body." As she strokes Coles muzzle her other hand starts stroking Coles cock making it jump out more. Soon Flameria begins playing her Coles breasts groping them causing Cole to moan in pleasure. Falmeria then puts one tit in her mouth and starts sucking making Cole strain against the ropes. After going back and forth be tween the two breasts for a few minutes Cole's cock is fully erect and leaking precum. Flameria stops then impales herself on Cole's very large cock. Tahnkfully her dragonic heritage allows her to flex a bit to fit large cocks but this is the largest Flameria has even had."OOOHHH! You're so big Cole!" She finally manages to hilt her self on Cole and her belly's distended all the way up to her breasts. She begins to ride Cole causing both to moan in pleasure. Soon Flameria puts her tail in Cole's pussy and starts thrusting. Due to her Denial treatment Cole is very senitive and cums quickly. Flameria also cums for haveing such a big cock is too much for her. Flameria's belly begins to expand as it's filled with seed. After a few minutes rest Flameria licks coles cock wither very flexible tongue. Now unfortunetly Cole's Cock is to big for Flameria's mouth but she still manages to have fun anyway. She puts her pussy over Cole's muzzle and orders. "Cole eat my pussy." She hazy from the stimulation Cole complies without a thought using her large broad tongue to dig into Flameria's pussy. "Ahhh! Good girl." It takes 5 minutes for them to climax this time. They do another 5 rounds of sex before exhastion takes it's toll. Flameria collaspes on Cole with Cole's cock still inside her. Her belly stretch to the limit. Flameria licks Cole's muzzle and says. "Good night my pet.' Before falling asleep.

Rise To Power Chapter 3

Cole woke the next morning a little dazed. She felt a large but warm weight on top of her. She tried to shove it off but found her arms bound. Then she remeber where she was. She had to admit her Mistress was very good in bed. She could still feel her...

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