The Wishing Stone Ch.1

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#1 of Furry Tales in the Dark

The first chapter of The Wishing Stone is out. Liam gets to make his first wish, let's see what happens. I hope you enjoy~

The Wishing Stone

Chapter 1: The First Wish

Liam Bradley was a deer who didn't really have any friends. Living with his father, a single parent, he would often help out around the house as much as he could. It was hard having a single parent that often worked more than he should, but his busy schedule meant that he rarely got to see Liam, save for occasionally having dinner together. His father was an artist, and worked on some fairly decent projects but was never fully realized in the industry.

In his spare time, Liam enjoyed reading, and playing video games. Inspired by his fathers creative works, he got into art and spends his time drawing when nothing else. He also had no friends, he wasn't very popular and never really strove to socialize with anyone keeping mostly to himself.

It was his second year of high school and he managed good grades, but the stress of having to help his father, on top of keeping up with school was starting to catch up with him.

I get home from another day of school and make my way over to the kitchen. There's a note on the fridge.

Hey kiddo, sorry I'm working double shift tonight

so I won't be home to eat dinner with you.

I prepared something for you last night,

It's in the fridge. Also please remember to take

the garbage out from the garage later.

Love you son, Dad.

I don't know why but I start to tear up reading the note. I guess my father leaving notes for me to read has become more common place then I'd like.

"Love you too dad..." I say under my breath--wiping the tear from my fur.

I place the note neatly in a binder, a binder with the sole purpose of storing all of my fathers letters. I slowly close it up and place it on the table.

"Okay dad...let's see what you made me today." I say in a sigh.

I grab the handle of the fridge and open it up looking around to see what it is that he made. I spot a fairly big casserole dish sitting in the center and proceed to take it out. Placing it on the counter--I open the lid, and as soon as I do I'm hit the a distinct scent. The smell of tacos.

Inside is something my dad would make for me, it also happened to be my favorite thing to eat.

I smile when I see what it is.

"Yes! Taco Casserole!" I shout excitedly.

I've eaten this dish since I was a kid--my mother used to make it for me, but when she passed Dad took over making it for me. We used to eat it twice a week, as a kid those were the best days I had. As I got older though and things became tight, we had it less and less. Now It's more of a delicacy because there's really no time to cook much. Dad had a late start today which is probably how he was able to make it.

I put the casserole in the oven to heat it up--setting the temperature and the cook time. I then grab my book bag and the binder from the table and make my way to my bedroom.

I place the binder on a shelf and toss my book bag onto the floor next to my desk. I walk over to my bed and just plop down onto it--folding my arms behind my head and staring up at the ceiling.

I let out a sigh thinking of the events today, nothing unusual though just your typical day of getting bullied by the popular kids--mostly the jocks. Then there's the lab partnering that will announced tomorrow, that should should be fun.

I lay on the bed for some time closing my eyes--my mind starts to drift to a certain jock--Blake Tyler. The most popular jock at my school, he also happens to be on the swim and track team, which means means he has an amazing physique. Then finally there's my crush on him. I've had a crush on him since freshman year and surprisingly he's single. Having to constantly practice for two sports I guess doesn't really leave much room for a relationship.

I sigh as I continue to think about him--I imagine that he finally talks to me, we share interests, hold hands, and maybe even have my first kiss. As I fantasize about my crush, my body begins to feel hot and bothered, my crotch--particularly my balls start to tingle and I feel myself getting hard. I slide my paw down my chest slowly--caressing my belly until I finally stop at my crotch.

I undo my jeans revealing my bulge from my tight underwear. I squeeze my package as I bite my lip thinking about Brads body--his hovering over mine as he whispers into my ear. I move my paw into my trunks and grab my length now fully erect. I slowly pull it out letting the waistband hold my cock against my abs. With a finger I begin to slowly trace circles around the head.

Once I'm getting off on that, I take my paw and begin to stroke and slowly move up and down, gliding behind the glands of my head. As soon as I do I'm over come with a sensation that I can only describe as someone rubbing peppermint oil on your skin then blowing on it. It's like a cooling effect and it feels amazing.

I do this for a while--thinking about Brad takes me closer to shooting my load until--.

_ Ding~ _

I jolt up jerking my paw away from pleasuring my self. I gulp at the loud noise thinking it might have been the doorbell, only to realize that it was the oven signaling that my food is done. With my heart now in my chest and thumping like crazy I fall back relieved that it was only the timer going off. I also realize that this whole time that I left to door open. Sure I was alone but, it still feels uncomfortable knowing that.

"Ugh..guess I'll finish later." I say begrudgingly, tucking my now deflating penis back into my underwear--redoing my jeans.

I sit up and get to my hooves--making my way to the kitchen. I inhale and as I do, I'm met with a heavenly smell. The smell of tacos and cheese fill my snout--causing me to salivate.

I grab the oven mitts from the wall and open up the oven. As I do the smell intensifies and I take in another breath deeper this time. My eyes roll and I reach in and grab the scolding hot glass dish. I carefully place it onto the table over a wooden coaster. I let it cool for five minutes before taking a generous amount and plopping it onto my plate. After I'm satisfied with my serving, I place the food back into the oven and set the dial to 'warm'.

I grab my plate and go to head back to my room but something catches my eye. I set the plate down and walk over to a flier that's pinned up on the message board. I take it down and read it.

Have a weird hobby, come visit our lobby.

We sell many a variety to tickle your fancy.

Old and New, you'll love it too.

Magic make you tick?, then we've got tricks.

Trinkets and books, you'll be hooked.

Stop by now, and look around.

Sardini's Magic Emporium.

"Neat." I say flipping the page over checking the other side.

"I'm totally going there when I'm done eating." I said excitedly. "Oh...and done with homework.." I fold the flier up and slip it into my pocket. Walking over to my plate of food, still warm, I grab it and make my way back to my room.

I place the food down on my desk, quickly rummaging my back pack for my home work. I place everything on my desk and proceed to work on it while eating. Forty long minutes later I finally finish my home work and my food.

With everything back in my back pack, I set it aside my desk. I lean back in my chair--belly full of food, and relax for a bit. I rub my belly--soothing it thinking I might have eaten too much. There's no discomfort but I definitely might have had a bit too much.


"There it is!" I say aloud--my tummy now feeling normal again.

I sit back up in the chair and get to my hooves, grabbing my plate and bringing it to the dishwasher. I set everything and turn it on, I turn off the oven, and with that out of the way, I make my way to the garage--grabbing all the trash that needed to go out for the night and set it outside.

Hmm maybe I'll ride my bike over. I say to my self as I walk over to it.

I grab my bike and make my way outside. I hop on and make my way over to the magic shop.

It only takes me about fifteen minutes to get there. I chain my bike to a bike rack outside and make my way inside.

When I open the door, a jingle can be heard as I enter. Strangely though I'm the only customer. I stop as the door closes behind me the bell jingling again as it closes.

Looking around I can see they were right about the stuff the sell in here. There seems to be something for everything. I make my way over to some of the stuff on display. I can see things like magic starter sets all the way up to advanced. There's a bunch of smaller things like your typical prank items. Whoopee cushions, finger traps, trick gum. It's all here.

I spend what probably feels like the next few hours fooling around with the stuff on the shelves. Feeling childish I inflate a whoopee cushion and squeeze it slowly--laughing at the most juvenile sound in all existence.

A fox suddenly walks out from a curtain.

"Come, come playtime's over." He says clapping his paws together to get my attention.

I jump at the sudden sound of his clapping, and seeing someone step out seemingly out of nowhere. He quickly approaches the counter clearly annoyed at my mischief as he swipes them and puts them away.

"Anyway..greetings young lad! Sardinis the name and welcome to my Emporium! If you want it, we have it!" He gestures wildly and his movements are flamboyant.

"So! What can I get you? Here for anything specific?" He says in an excited tone.

He reaches under the counter for something before placing it on top.

"Have you seen our vomit? It's quite real! Or perhaps you're into casting spells, here take a look at our grimoire complete with bone powder!" He says grabbing a pouch and flashing it in front of me.

His demeanor changed so abruptly as if a switch had been flipped and his annoyed expression is now that of a cheerful one. His movements are dramatic and flamboyant as he presents the items.

Wanting to get a better look, I look up at him as he continues to show me different things. He seems pretty young maybe late 20s, he's wearing a rather unusual outfit, and has on a sly grin. My mind wonders where it shouldn't, but I have to admit that he's rather cute. I shake my head at that realizing how ridiculous that is. Not even five minutes and I'm already swooning over someone.

"Actually I'm just browsing." I say casually.

Once again his expression changes, now back to bemused. He squints his eyes at me as if I'm wasting his time.

"Ah..I see. Well window shopping is usually done out side? So buy now, or bye now." He says wiggling his fingers at me dismissively.

"Oh...okay. I'll just leave then." I say in a deflated tone.

"It's just that I seen the flier for your shop and wanted to check it out. There's a lot of neat stuff in here." I shrug.

I turn to make my way out before being stopped by him calling out to me.

"Just a second!" He shouts.

I turn back to him curious as to what he might want. When I meet his gaze, he squints at me as if thinking of what to say.

"You don't have any friends do you?" He asks.

I burst out with a laugh.

"Of course I have friends, what makes you say that?" I say folding my arms.

He gives me a look of disbelief, not convinced of my attempt to feign my answer.

" are in a hobby shop alone." He says sneering.

"Okay...fine I have no friends." I shrug lifting up my arms. "Or popularity for that matter."

"Well good thing you've come to the right place! I can help you with that!" He says with a sly grin.

"Help? How can you help? I quirk a brow. Unless you have something that can boost my confidence." I chuckle a bit then sigh.

"As a matter of fact I do!" He rushes over to what looks like a jewelry box.

He reaches in and pulls out a nice looking necklace with a red gem that hags from it. He brings it over to me and presents it.

"This!" He holds it up in front of me, as the gem dangles and sways.

"This? What is this?" I mock him gesticulating my paws.

"Oh right yes yes yes of course. It's an ancient uh Wishing Stone!" He exclaims.

"A Wishing Stone? Like a genie?" I ask.

"Sort of. This...amulet was used long um..grant people wishes, it can solve your problem of being alone!" He says confidently, pointing at me.

"Okay so how does it work?" I ask pointing at it.

"Well..." He grabs my paw and places it onto the stone. "You take it in your paw...just like that...then you..make your wish..then wham! You shall have it!" He says satisfied.

"Cool!" I say excitedly. "Let me try!"

" know, power like this doesn't come cheap." He says doubtfully.

He pulls the necklace away from me preventing me from holding it.

"Well what if I just don't believe it works then?" I turn to make my way to the exit--just before he stops me.

"Oh well maybe it does come cheap." He mutters his words in panic under his breath.

I turn around, looking at him once again.

"Okay how much?" I say expectantly.

"Well I think I'm generous when I say that you'd be getting it at a steal for say...fifty dollars?"

"FIFTY DOLLARS?!" I shout.

"Okay, okay fine twenty." He recants.

"Ugh, thanks all the same.." I go to turn away and make my way out of the store before he stops me again.

"Just a second!" He shouts frantically, grabbing my arm with his paw.

I turn around and look at him expectantly.

"How much have you got?" He says in a desperate tone, and squints at me slyly.

I reach into my pocket and pull out what ever I have.

"I have fifteen?." I say with the money in my paw.

He hesitates a moment contemplating something--all before snatching the money from my paw.

"I'll take it! But I'm losing on the deal." He points a finger at me to as if to emphasize that I bought the item from him at a great bargain.

"Allow me to box it for you." He walks back to the counter happy and giddy with the cash in his paw, then proceeds to wrap the necklace in the red velvet cloth and place it into a long box.

"Here you are!" He hands me the box, and I take it from him.

With the box in my paw I make my way out of the store, happy and anxious, I get on my bike and make my way home.

I ride into the garage and haphazardly toss my bike aside. I run and make my way into the house and straight to my room. I place the box on my desk and slowly open it up. Taking it out and holding it up, I look it over. It's weighty and feels pretty real. I hold it up closer as I inspect the stone and for a moment I can swear that It emitted a soft glow.

Excited and anxious I put it on, and it sits perfectly around my neck. I turn to look in the mirror hanging on my wall seeing how it looks. I smile and try to think of something I can wish for. Finally something comes to mind and it's time to put it to the test to see if this thing actually works.

"Okay Liam, time to make your wish." I say to my self as I stare at my reflection.

I grab the stone in my paw and say my wish.

"I wish that Blake was my lab partner."

I stand there for a moment looking at the stone wondering if I'm the biggest jerk in existence

I take the necklace off and place it on my nightstand. "Guess I'll find out tomorrow if it works." I head back into the kitchen and clean up everything I missed--the food in the oven, and the dishes from the dishwasher.

I spend the rest of my night reading a book I fall asleep to.

With Liam now asleep the stone starts to glow emitting a soft light that slowly fades.

I wake up in my room but it's much darker than I'm used to. I look around and I'm immediately struck with the feeling of dread as the unnatural darkness fills the room. I start to hear a sound coming from what I think is the living room. It sounds like something shifting about. Hesitantly getting out of bed--I slowly make my way out of my room and head down stairs.

It's still fairly dark but I can make out a dim light coming from the living room. I move closer towards the room and the shifting starts to get louder--the closer I get the louder it gets.

My heart starts to race, and aside from the noise I hear, it's dead quiet. It makes me feel like something is there, somewhere watching me.

With sweating paws and a racing heart I finally make it into the living room. I get to see what the source of light is--the TV. It's on but it's just flickering. I look around some more and notice that that same inky darkness is here too. I hear a tap coming from the window, and looking over to it, I can see that it looks dark out.

I walk over to it and peer out side even though my mind is screaming not to, but all I can see is blackness. I continue to stare for a moment and I swear I can see something looking back at me, but I barely have enough time to see it before what ever it is fades into nothingness.

I jolt when I hear a loud thump crash against the floor just a few feet behind me. Fearfully I look to find the source but I don't see anything. I swallow hard as the thought of something watching me enters my mind again, and with the shifting noise now gone the eeriness of the quiet starts to make me panic. My fur bristles, and I feel a cold chill down my spine--as I get the feeling something is waiting for me.

So me deciding to be stupid and do the one thing I'm probably going to regret. I attempt to make contact with whoever or..whatever is here.

"H-Hello?" I say shakily, the words barely audible.

I swallow again trying to listen for anything, but the more I listen the more I feel that presence. I'm just about to make my way out of the room when--.


I hear something call out my name, and It makes my skin crawl. The fur on my neck bristles and I don't want to turn around.


It calls out my name again seemingly closer behind me. I decide to turn around to see what's there, but when I do--nothing. I start to hear the shifting again and that's when I finally see something--glowing red eyes. They stare at me coldly, and fear courses through my veins.


It shouts my name and suddenly rushes towards me. The last thing I see is a silhouette of its face with glowing red eyes.

I scream and thrash in my bed violently as my dad rushes into my room--desperately trying to wake me up.

"Liam! LIAM. Wake up!"

Waking up to a cold sweat and my heart still racing, I sit up breathing rapidly desperately gasping for air. My dad, sitting at my side, brings me into an embrace. His presence comforts me as I begin to calm down. He caresses my head as I lean into him--tears trickling down my cheeks.

"Shhh shh it's okay." His voice is comforting and it pulls me back from the terror that coursed through my body.

After some time he pulls me away, I sit there like a five year old still tearing up, and I look up at him.

"Hey buddy you okay?" He asks rubbing my shoulders.

"Yeah..." I sniff wiping the wetness from my face.

He stays with me for a moment before getting up.

"What are you doing home still?" I say blatantly.

He chuckles at my question.

"Oh trying to get rid of me huh?" He says teasingly. "I was actually about to leave, but I heard you screaming and came to make sure you were alright."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." I say still slightly sobbing.

"It's okay son, I get it." His voice is concerned but reassuring.

"Oh hey listen, I was going to leave you a note about this but, unfortunately I'm working another double tonight so I'll miss dinner again."

When he says that I frown, and fall back into bed groaning.

"Again dad? Don't they like have someone else that can do the job?" I say annoyed.

I stare at my window, waiting for a response--when he sits on the bed again--it sinking slightly from the weight.

"Liam..I thought we've already been through this. Work is tight right now and I'm the only one with the skill set to help." I say that last part with him--having memorized this speech one hundred times.

He gives me a look then sighs.

I sigh and sit back up--bringing my legs to my chest holding them.

"It's just not fair, you work so much and so hard, and I feel like I never see you anymore." I say in a whine, my voice cracking a bit.

"I know, but If I'm ever going to get that job promotion to animator, I have to put in the hours and show the dedication."

I look away upset. We've had this argument a thousand times, but it still hurts.

"Hey.." He places a gentle paw on my shoulder. I look at him--my face still weary and angry.

"I promise that we'll spend time together one day okay? You just gotta be patient a little while longer." He comforts me again with his words, even if they hurt to hear them.

"Fine.." I murmur my response, looking away from him.

He then leans in and kisses me on the head.

"Daaaad..." I say bashfully--trying to lean my head back from his grip.

He chuckles rustling my hair as he goes to stand up.

"What? Too old for a kiss from your father?" He teases me again--his words playful.

I look up at him shaking my head--letting out a snort.

"Alright well now that you're okay, I think it's about time I head out. I'd give you a ride but, I don't want to be late."

"It's fine dad, I have my bike." I wave a paw dismissively letting him know it doesn't bother me.

He walks over to the door hesitating to leave then turns around addressing me once more.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks reassuring.

"Yes Dad! I'm fine." I say a little annoyed but I chuckle.

"Okay okay, I'm going. I love ya son."

"I love you too dad." I say looking over at him.

With that he finally shuts the door and makes his way to the garage and leaves for work.

I fall back into bed once more and stare at the ceiling. I concentrate on my breathing as my mind recalls the night terror I had. It felt so real, those red eyes looking back at me, and it knew my name.

I shutter at that before my mind drifts to the lab partner pairing today. I think about the wish I made and how stupid I felt.

Wanting to brighten my mood I focus my thoughts on something more comforting--Blake.

I begin to daydream about him again--as my length becomes fully erect. I slide my paw down my belly and reach into my trunks and lightly stroke it. It doesn't last long though as I realize how late it is and I still need to get ready for school. I sigh really wanting to relieve my self but I pull my paw back out and toss the blanket off of me.

After cock blocking my self I take the next thirty minutes getting ready, including eating breakfast.

Finally finished, I grab my back pack and sling it over my shoulder. I get my bike from the garage and head out making my way to school.

With only five minutes to spare until homeroom, I make it--taking my seat in the classroom and waiting to go about my day. Most of the school day is boring up until fifth period, when I made my way into the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom--having to really go I made straight for the urinal. It wasn't until I was ready to leave that five jocks make there way in. Of all the bathrooms it had to be this one. Trying to play it cool I wash my paws at the sink--side glancing as they make their way in. They seem to do their business and that's when I try to make my exit.

Unfortunately I'm halted from my attempt to leave when one of the jocks purposefully blocks me from leaving--causing me to bump into him. He laughs and glances me over.

"Sorry there but there's a toll for using this bathroom." He folds his arms continuing to block my way.

"I'm s-sorry, I don't have much money on me." Intimidated, my words come out in a stutter.

I swallow hard and I begin to feel anxious as the jock in front of me continues to stare me down.

"How much ya got then little deer." He says grinning--his voice low and flirty.

The other jocks walk up behind me and one places a paw on my shoulder causing me to flinch.

"F-Five only five." I stutter again and my heart starts racing.

"Only five..?" He looks at the others and they laugh.

Suddenly the one behind me begins to caress my neck fur. I flinch a bit closing my eyes as my breaths become more rapid.

I'm sorry t-that's all I g-got." I say nervously.

The jock starts to move towards me and he lifts my gaze to meet his.

"That's all ya got? Nah, I think ya have more." He growls lowly, licking his lips.

I'm suddenly grabbed from behind and held into place. I desperately try to break free but it's no use. He holds me there as the jock in front of me extends a paw--bringing it down to my crotch and lightly squeezing it.

"You have so much more.." He grins smiling ear to ear looking at me like hes caught his prey, as he continues to grope and feel me up.

"Please...don't do this.." I say in a whimper as tears begin to well up.

"Don't worry little deer, there's only five of us. We'll be quick and gentle." He says this in my ear and he slowly leans up licking his lips again.

My ear twitches as a paw begins to caress it. I feel a snout press against my neck as the jock behind me slowly inhales breathing in my scent.

He lets out a low soft growl as he takes my scent in and slowly pulls away.

"Fuckin hell..." He murmurs, feeling aroused by my scent.

The male in front of me grins, then lifts my shirt exposing my belly. He places a paw just under my navel and slowly begins to slide it up.

"Oh little deer, so tender."

I try to break free again but it only forces the jock to tighten his grip on me.

"Mmm, you're a naughty little deer aren't you? He chuckles "I can be naughty too."

He then moves his paw to the clasp of my jeans and traces a finger around the button, but just before he opens them the door screeches open and in walks Blake. Like children caught with their hands in a cookie jar they all freeze--the male in front of me snapping his paw back from my waist.

He turns to us with a puzzled look that quickly becomes stern and cold.

"What's going on here?" He demands.

"Oh hey Blake, we were just using the bathroom." He says coyly.

"No." He quips in a growl--his voice smooth and semi deep.

"I mean what's going on here?" He gesticulates to us.

"Oh we were just goofing around. Right there buddy?" He grabs me and tussles my hair as I nearly stumble being pulled to his side.

He looks at me waiting for me to give my answer and I look at Blake.

"Is that true?" He glares at me waiting.

I hesitate for a moment before I finally answer.

"Yes..." I say this in a deflated tone but the expression on my face shows otherwise.

Blake quirks a brow, then quints his eyes.

"Alright everyone, out." He says, pointing a finger behind him.

Surprisingly everyone is quick to obey and they all make their way out of the bathroom. I'm left there feeling slightly violated, but I'm glad he came in when he did. I adjust my clothes and then slowly go to make my way out of the bathroom when he stops me.

"Are you sure they didn't do anything to you?" His demeanor changes, hes no longer aggressive and he now looks a little sad and concerned.

"No of course not, I'm fine." I wave a paw dismissively as I reach for the door, but then stop when he extends one onto my shoulder.

"Look, I know they can be trouble. So if they give you crap let me know yeah?"

I want to stay and talk to him some more but not like this, not under these circumstances. The one time I get to talk to him and it's in a bathroom.

I shake my head and pull the door open making my exit. Walking through the hallway, I feel an over whelming urge to cry, but I hold back my tears. The bell rings and I make my way to the science lab.

Entering the class room, I take my seat. Slowly the class room begins to fill from the other students coming in and chatter and laughter can he heard. Blake then enters the room and he makes his way to his table. He doesn't look at me as he takes his seat. The finally the teacher enters the room.

"Okay students calm down." He says getting our attention. "As I'm sure you're all very well aware, today is the pairing for your lab partners."

The students begin to groan and whine after he says this.

"Now now, settle down. We'll have none of that. With that said, need I remind you all that this assignment is worth fifty percent of your grade. So, consider giving it your best effort with your lab partner." He walks back to his desk, grabbing the paired listed he made.

"I will call out two names at a time, when I do so, please find your partner and take your seats at the same table." He pushes his glasses up then glances at the list. He begins to read the names one by one, as I sit there petrified as to who I'll get.

He continues on for the next 10 minutes until he stops and heads back to the desk again. He checks some things over before coming back to the front of the room.

"Blake Tyler?" He looks to Blake confirming his attendance.

My heart begins to race when I hear his name called. I suddenly start to feel anxious waiting for the other name to be called.

"Your partner will be...Liam Bradley." He looks at me confirming my attendance and points at me to Blake.

Blake looks back at me with a blank expression before getting up and walking over to my table. He takes a seat next to me--looking at me briefly before turning his gaze back to the front of the room.

I sit there stunned--my mind racing a hundred miles a minute.

Surly this can't be real, am I still dreaming?

The thought crosses my mind as I continue to process my reality, wondering if I'm still asleep and am about to wake up. But it doesn't happen I'm very much awake, and this is really happening.

I finally calm down and focus my attention on the teacher--explaining our assignment and expectations for the final project. Blake doesn't say a word the entire class, and doesn't even look at me. I debate whether or not to say anything, but decide to just stay quiet too.

The bell finally rings and the students rush their way out. Blake hesitates to stand for a moment, until he finally does. He then turns to me with a slight sadness on his face.

"Can I have your phone?" He asks.

"My phone, why do you want my phone?" I ask confused.

"So we can exchange numbers..for the project?" He says.

I let out a weak laugh as I quickly pull it out of my pocket--then handing my phone to Blake.

"Listen are you free tonight?" He says tapping away at my phone--giving me his number.

"I mean..I guess so. Why?" I ask.

"Well I want to go over the project with you, and maybe get a head start."

"O-Oh of course." I chuckle at that as he hands me back my phone.

"Your place or mine?"

I hesitate a moment at the offer I'm presented, before blurting out the only thing that comes to mind.

"I mean, what ever is fine." I shrug.


He turns on a heel and quickly makes for the door. I slump at my table looking down at my phone when it suddenly vibrates in my hand. It's a text message and it's from Blake. I swipe to my home screen and click on my messages.

I'll see you at your place.

Seven good?


Okay, text me your address after school.

Will do!

K see you then.


I smile shutting my phone--when I hear my name being called.

"Mr. Bradley? Class ended what are you still doing here?"

I snap my attention to the teacher at the sudden realization that I might be late for my next class. I quickly make my way to the front, and as I head for the door he calls out.

"Best hurry now Mr. Bradley, you don' want to be late." He says, not even looking at me.

I reach for the door to make my way out when I stop abruptly--staring at my reflection in the glass window. Something stares back at me from behind and it smiles--it's eyes red are piercing. I quickly turn around but there's nothing there. I look around trying to see if it's there but, nothing.

"Everything okay Mr. Bradley?" He asks.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." I say dismissively.

I turn back to the door and look at my faint reflection in the window again but I see it's no longer there. I shake my head and finally open the door and leave.

I continue throughout my day uneventful--finally getting to the end, after the final bell rings. I exit the building and head over to retrieve my bike. I get on it and get ready to leave when I happen to see Blake in the distance. He's seems to be talking to someone--looks like an otter. With Blake's back to me I can see the otters face. He catches my gaze, and gives me a look. The wolf turns too and they both look at me. I quickly avert my gaze and start to peddle off in the opposite direction.

Finally getting home I take my bike into the garage, and make my way into the house. I head upstairs to my room and place my backpack on the bed. Taking out my phone, I send him a text of my address. Ten minutes go by and I still haven't heard from him. I continue to wait for a response, but nothing comes. Frowning I toss my phone on the bed and sit at my desk and start drawing.

Thirty minutes later and I finally get a text. I grab my phone and plop myself on my bed to check my messages.

Hey sorry for the delay.

Had to take care of a few things.

I'll see you then.

After reading his texts, I send him my reply letting him know it's fine. I yawn--feeling a little sleepy, so I lay on my back and look up at the ceiling. My eyes begin to feel heavy and Blake is the last thing I think about before--blackness.

I'm lying on the bed, when a body slowly presses onto mine. I open my eyes to a wolf laying on top of me--Blake. His body is silhouetted however and I can't seem to make out his face, but I know it's him. He has my paws pinned just above my head, as he plants gentle kisses on my neck. I moan as he goes lower and lower. He lifts a paw from my own, pulling my shirt exposing my belly--and continues to kiss down to my navel.

He grunts and growls and softly laps at my navel fur. I feel my self get hard, as he makes his way onto my bulge. I call out his name trying to get his attention but he doesn't answer. He continues his low growls--as he lightly nibbles on my bulge. I call him again telling him to wait, and he still doesn't answer. Feeling frustrated, and ignored I attempt to sit up but I can't.

I keep trying to get up but it feels like I'm being held by an invisible force. Panic begins to set in at the thought of something holding me down. MY heart begins to race again, and that's when I look down at Blake. He slowly looks up at me--eyes glowing red, and he has a monstrous grin.

He bares his fangs and begins to crawl on me--his claws digging into my body as he slowly makes his way up. I feel that cold chill again and my fur bristles at the sound of his demonic sounding growls. He finally gets to my face and he lets out a horrific scream. I shut my eyes and I wake up.

I open my eyes and jolt up--my heart racing in my chest as I wake up to another cold sweat. I quickly stand and grab my phone, checking the time. I notice that it's six fifty nine, a minute until Blake arrives.

I slept for four hours?

I rush myself into the bathroom and splash my face with water. It's cool and refreshing and it helps to calm me down. I reflect on the dream, knowing that the wolf is about to show up.

Making my way back into my room, that's when I hear the doorbell. I head downstairs and make my way for the door. When I open it, I can see Blake leaning against the porch fence with his arms tucked in his pockets. His ears perk and he turns his gaze to me smiling.

"Hey." He leans forward and approaches me, his paws still in his pockets.

"Hey.." I smile back at him waving him in.

His tail begins to wag back and forth at that as he makes his way in. Closing the door, we stand in the foyer, non of us sure of what to say to the other. But I finally speak up.

"So my room fine?" I ask, gesturing to the stairs.

"Sure." He says, scratching his neck fur.

We make our way to the stairs but before we head up Blake gets my attention.

"Oh nice house by the way." He says smoothly.

"Thank you, it's empty most of the time." I shrug.

"Wait, you live alone? He asks confused as he quirks a brow.

"Well..I live with my dad, but it might as well be like living alone." I say sadly.

We head upstairs and make our way to my room.

"Your dad works all the time too huh? He says as we make our way in.

"Yup." I say that with a tinge of annoyance, as the thought spending all those hours working still makes me upset.

"Well look at it this way, at least we get to live in a nice house right?" He says trying to make light of the situation.

"Yeah..I guess." I shrug at that as we look at one another.

He finally breaks his gaze and walks over to my bed. My heart rate picks up at the thought of him wanting to sit there. Thankfully it was made so the embarrassment of a dirty bed was not an issue.

"You mind if I sit here?" He facing me and gesturing to the bed.

And just like that he wants to sit on my bed. It takes me a while to register that but I'm able to break out of my daze.

"Go for it." I sit in the chair at my desk and swivel it around.

Blake sits down on my bed and leans back into the pillows that decorate it. He rests one leg up off the edge and leans on his elbow. Now that I finally get a good look at him, he's wearing runners gear a tank top that hugs and contours his upper body and the lack of sleeves show off his toned arms.

He's also wearing running shorts which perfectly contour his lower half. The way that he sits draws my attention to his crotch area, specifically his bulge. His position on the bed makes it prominent and I can see the creases from the strain barely holding his package.

The wolfs body is incredibly fit and has a lean athletic build, makes sense considering the sports he's involved in. He probably works out too. His fur is also surprisingly short for a wolf, it being almost similar to mine. His neck fluff is the longest hair on him and even that's pretty short. I can also see he has a cute amount of chest fluff.

He's also wearing a backwards cap that just screams 'Bro' but it looks adorable on him. His hair pokes out from the center of it.

I finally break out of the trance of analyzing the wolf, only to see him scrolling away on his phone. Nervously I swallow as the thought of him having seen me looking at him down there crosses my mind. I lean back on my computer chair and finally break the silence.

"So..have any ideas on what we can focus our project on?" I ask.

He slowly looks up at me before he answers.

"Yeah, maybe something involving chemical reactions." He says casually.

"You a volcano?" I quirk a brow at that.

"What? No! I mean, I guess it's similar but.." He scoffs at that giving me a look like I said something bizarre.

We lock eyes for a moment before he looks back at his phone.

"Okay what about methyl orange?" I ask.

"Methyl orange? What's that?" He asks.

"It's a chemical agent that reacts with acid. Maybe we can do something with that?" I shrug.

Blake turns his phone off and plops it on the bed.

"Sure dude, sounds good." He shrugs.

"Okay, now that we have our idea, we can do the research and experiments over the week."

Blake nods and sits back up on the side of the bed. We casually talk about school--namely the wolfs involvement in his sports. He talks about it mostly in modesty but he's got a lot going for him. I focus more on the sports, and ask him questions about that.

"So track and swim team huh? Does it ever get to be too much?"

"Not really, I mean it's a great way to stay fit so. Plus I get to spend time with my best friend. We joined together so it works out."

"Was that who you were talking to earlier? The otter?" I say timidly.

The wolf gives me a regretful look, his brows slightly furrowing.

"Yeah, that's him." He says looking at me.

"He didn't seem to happy seeing me after school."

"Try not to think too harshly, he's very territorial and doesn't like change very much. But I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable." He says, reassuringly.

"I mean it's not like we spoke or anything. It just felt like I got the cold stare is all." I say shrugging looking away from Blake.

"He only did that because I told him we were lab partners and he thought that we weren't going to hang out anymore." He chuckles at that but it falters.

"Aw, sounds like he might like you Blake." I say teasingly, even though I'm the one with the crush.

He scoffs again and shakes his head.

"Nah, it's not like that. Like I said he doesn't really like change much, so he tends to treat every little thing as a threat."

"Well I'll just keep my distance for now. Maybe let him warm up to me you know?"

"Sure, that's fine." He says, giving me a pleading look.

We sit in silence for a moment when I hear my name called out.

"Liam?! You home?!" They shout.

It's my dad, but he's home early. I get to my hooves and walk to the door--gesturing to the wolf.

"Hey want to meet my dad?" I ask.

"Sure." He nods and gets up walking over to me.

We make our way down stairs and there's bags on the table. My dads eyes widen as he sees us coming down.

"Hey dad, what are you doing home already?" I ask as we move over to the kitchen island.

"I know right? I got let go early tonight. I was going to send you a text letting you know, but I thought I'd surprise you! I even went to the restaurant and brought back dinner for us."

"Oh yes! I'm starving." I say looking over the numerous bags on the counter. When I do my dad glances over at Blake before looking back at me.

"Oh! Who's this?" He asks.

I quickly turn to him completely forgetting to introduce him.

"Oh that's right, dad this is Blake he's from school. He's my Lab partner." I say gesturing to the wolf.

He steps over to him and they shake paws.

"Nice to meet you, Blake."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bradley."

My dad steps away back to me and gives me a rather coy look.

"So ready to eat?" He says clasping his paws together. "Would you like to stay for dinner Blake, there's plenty here?"

"Okay...I mean if you don't mind." He says.

"Of course you're our guest--my sons guest after all and it would be rude of me not to offer you join us."

We gather everything we need--plates, utensils, napkins and take out the food from the bags. There's so much here, from burgers and fries, chicken and vegetables and of course tacos.

We plate what we want and then make our way to the dining room. We all take our seats and begin to eat the food, when my dad sparks conversation.

"So Blake?" He says, looking at him.

"Yeah?" He says, looking up.

"What are you hoping to achieve in life, you know aspirations and the like?" He leans his elbows on the table clasping his paws together and locking fingers.

Oh my god dad, please don't embarrass me.

That question seems to catch Blake off guard, as he looks back at my dad mid bite of his burger. He slowly lowers his food--continuing to chew and swallow before he answers.

"Oh well, I'm still kinda figuring stuff out."

"Okay that's understandable." He says nodding. "You into anything right now, like any sports, you seem to be fit so I figured."

"Swim team and track." He says, smiling confidently.

I take bites of my taco as he says that--looking at my dad.

"Swim team eh? Track is good too. You know, Liam had a chance to be on a swim team." He gives me a side glace smiling.

Oh god dad, please don't.

"Oh yeah?" The wolfs ears perk at that, and he looks at me with a huge grin on his muzzle. "So what happened?"

"Well he didn't make the cut, on account of having...'accidents in the pool'." He chuckles.

"Accidents? You mean he peed in the pool?" He asked excitedly, his grin now ear to ear.

"Mhmm." He says smiling.

I bury my face in my paws, and slump into my seat. My first dinner with my dad in a long time and he embarrasses me, in front on Blake no less.

Blake begins to laugh and giggle uncontrollably. His laugh is cute but, this is not how I wanted to hear it for the first time. He continues on until I decide to interject.

"Come on, I was like nine years old." I say pleading for the laughter to stop.

Blake's laughing fit finally begins to wane, as he looks at me before responding.

"Dude you're not supposed to go in the pool though." He says teasingly.

"Well...I drank a lot as a fawn, and the bathroom was always so far away..." I say lightly poking at my unfinished food.

"He was always just the cutest little fawn." My dad says, rustling my hair.

"Daaad.." I say blushing. My ears feeling hot.

"I'm so glad, I got to meet your dad today Liam, because I'm pretty sure you would have never told me that story." He giggles a bit.

"You're absolutely right about that." I quip.

Blake laughs some more before the room finally falls silent. We spend that time finishing our food, when my dad speaks again.

"So..Liam." He pauses for dramatic effect--looking at me tentatively.

"Yeah dad?" I ask.

"Lab partners?" He gives me a suggestive look as if implying something.

"Yeah?" I say, quirking a brow.

So, that's what you guys are calling it these days huh?" He gestures to both of us, before clasping his paws on the table again.

"Dad!" I yell, feeling hot. "It's not like that!" We're lab partners for science class!" My voice cracks as the last word comes out.

"Okay, okay I get it." He throws his paws up in surrender, as Blake just looks on amused.

"Cause you know, if it is that, practicing safe sex goes a long way." He says genturing as if giving a lecture.

"OH MY GOD! DAD!" I yell louder this time turning my gaze towards him. "Can you not, please?!"

My body slightly trembles from the outburst, as I try to stave off the whirlwind of emotions flowing through my body. Luckily I'm offered a reprieve when I see Blake suddenly look at his phone before speaking up.

"Oh wow, it's that late already? Perhaps I should get going." He says looking at me.

I frown when he says that hoping this night could go on a little longer.

"Oh...okay well...let me just clean up, and I'll walk you out."

He nods and stands up.

"Thank you Mr. Bradley for allowing me to stay for dinner, it was very...entertaining." He says grinning at me.

"Of course Blake, it was our pleasure." He says smiling.

The rest of us finally stand--my dad, helping me into the kitchen with the plates and cutlery. We place them into the dishwasher, and put away any leftovers that remain. With that Blake and I head for the door and exit.

We hang out for a bit on the porch--wrapping up the evening with idle banter.

"Listen Blake, I want to apologize for that back there. My dad can be a bit coddling sometimes."

"Nah it's fine, I get it. It's what parents do right?" He shrugs putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah I guess.." I say deflated. "It's still embarrassing though." I let out a sigh--leaning on the wall as I look up at the night sky, my paws tucked behind me.

"True, but I have to say, hearing your dad tell that story? It's kinda funny." He says smirking at me.

"Peeing in a pool is not funny dude." I say, unamused.

"It's a little funny." He quips--his paws still in his pockets as he shuffles around on the porch.

"It totally isn't." I sneer--folding my arms looking at him.

He continues to shuffle cutely until he stops in front of me.

"Come on bro, it was funny." He says looking at me--still with a grin.

My heart begins to race as he stands there just a few feet away looking into my eyes. I begin to feel hot, and my ears feel like they're on fire. All I can think about is wanting to kiss him. If there ever was a time it would be now. Even if the feeling isn't mutual. I'm not entirely sure were even friends to be honest. I mean we've only just had today to hang out, and even though we had a good time, maybe this is the best I'll get with him.

God I hope not.

"Okay fine you win, it was funny." I say in surrender, smirking.

His grin grows wider, and his tail begins to flick quickly behind him, seemingly satisfied that I gave into him. It's cute that canines have that reaction, but being this close, and seeing him do it, makes it even more adorable.

"Alright, I guess I should get going." He says, walking to the steps.

"Okay." I nod.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class I guess." He shrugs, looking back at me.

"Yeah, looks like it." I say smiling.

"Later." He waves.

"See ya."

He turns on a heel and skips down the steps from my porch. With his hands in his pockets and tail still slightly wagging, he sets off home.

I linger on the porch a bit as I watch him disappear in the distance. When he's no longer in view, I head back inside the house closing the door gently.

Dads still up, sitting in his office. Heading over there I gently knock on the door.

"Come in!" He shouts.

I walk in and I see him working on some art for work. I walk over to get a closer look.

"Hey dad, still up?" I ask.

"Yeah..I have to finish these designs by tonight, the deadline is due tomorrow." He sighs as he continues to diligently work on the samples.

"Okay, well I just wanted to say good night since your still up. I think I'm going to turn in early myself." I say pointing a thumb back at the door.

He stops for a second to look up at me. He smiles and just stares..

"What?" I say shrugging sheepishly.

"So Blake, he seems nice?" He folds his arms the smile never leaving his face.

"Dad..." I say bashfully, looking away from him.

"What? I think it's great that you made a friend."

"Well..we're not really even "friends" exactly. We only just hung out today to get an idea for our project." I say frowning, my ears drooping at that realization.

I tuck my paws into my pockets and shrug.

"Oh? "Well I do hope it works out for you two. I hate to see you all cooped up in the house all the time."

He seems sincere in his desire to want something good for me, but it's still weird that he assumes that I like boys, even if it is true. He may joke about it but, what if that day actually comes and maybe Blake ens up being my boyfriend. What will he think.

M dad jokes and prods about things like that, in that he assumes it's not the case, but he'd be wrong. The biggest thing for me right now is that I'm still closeted, and I don't know how to even go about telling him. I don't want to lose him too.

"Liam? Everything okay?" He asks.

His question snaps me out of my daydreaming and I shake my head.

"Huh?" I say hazily.

"Well you seemed to be thinking about something. alright?" He asks.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." I say dismissively.

"Well I'm going to finish up here, you best get to bed."

"Okay." I nod.

I turn on a heel and open the door but hesitate before leaving.

"Goodnight dad." I say turning back to him.

"Goodnight son." He winks at me, before returning back to his work..

I close the door and head upstairs to my room. I change into my pj's and then plop onto bed.

Laying there, I recall today's events, but Blake is all I can think about. I take a deep breath in and I'm suddenly hit with an amazing scent. It's Blake, but more specifically it's his cologne.

I continue to inhale as the scent gets stronger and stronger. Finally I find the source, it's the pillows he laid on. The smell is all over them. I continue breathing that in for a few minutes before my vision fades to blackness.


I jolt up from my bed to sound of my name begin called. It's my dad and he sounds a little angry. It's dark again and there's barely any light and that same darkness permeates my surroundings again and I cant help but feel dread.

I make my way downstairs and head to the den this time. I can see antlers peaking from above the chair he's sitting in. I get that feeling that something is watching me again as I approach my dad sitting in the chair.

"Dad? Is everything okay?" I say timidly, holding my arm.

He slowly turns the chair around and looks at me.

"I have something I want to say."

His voice is calm but there is demeanor about it that makes me feel uneasy.

"Okay, whats up?" I ask nervously.

"Is it true?" He asks, squinting his eyes.

"Is what true?" I ask, confused

He chuckles a bit, but there is something off about the way he laughs. Like he knows something.

"Oh Liam, don't play coy with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about." He says calmly.

I swallow again and my heart rate begins to pick up. I start to feel that cold chill again and it makes me feel uneasy. That presence is here again.

"Actually dad, I don't kno--"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He stands when he shouts that, slamming his paws onto the desk.

I flinch closing my eyes, as my skin begins to crawl from the sudden outburst of rage. I whimper a bit, and I feel frightened by his presence.

"'re scaring me. What's going on." I ask timidly

"You know exactly what's going on. So, I will ask you one final time. Is. It. True?"

His voice is calm but I'm starting to get he feeling that it isn't him.

I shake my head--my body trembling from his presence.

"Is what true?" I ask., trembling as tears begin to well up.

"THAT YOU LIKE BOYS?!" He shouts.

I flinch again and my heart sinks. I begin to shake all over and my body begin to feel colder. I don't know how to respond. I don't know how he found out.

Yo __U_ l I k E_ _h I_m...

Suddenly I hear that voice again in the back of my mind. It sounds like it's right behind me.

hE __dOeSn' __T lIkE_ y O u..._

I grab my head as it begins to throb. It feels like something is picking at my mind.

"I take back what I said about you two Liam."

I try to look at him when he says that, but the throbbing in my head makes it difficult t focus and see.

"You don't deserve friends, and you certainly don't deserve him. You disgust me."

His words fueled my hate and disdain, reverberate within my mind, adding to the pain that already swells up inside me.

"He'll never like you...Liam. He didn't even know you existed."

Ma __K_ e Y o U r_ W __i_ S_h...

"Stop....please stop.." I say whimpering.

"What, did you think you can just make that wish, and he'd fall madly in love with you?"

mA __k_ E h I m_ _Y o U r S..._

Suddenly I'm grabbed by my arms by my dad. With my head still throbbing, I try to focus my vision and look at his face. I manage to focus and when I do I'm met with a terrifying sight.

His form is silhouetted and his eyes are like looking into the void. As I continue to look, I can see faintly glowing red eyes begin to fade into the centers of his sockets. Looking at them makes my skin crawl, and it sends a cold chill throughout my body. It paralyzes me while my heart pounds in my chest.

"You're not my son anymore, you disgust me."

He suddenly lets me go, and I drop to the floor. I manage to crawl a few inches, when I begin to hear that shuffling sound again. I look up at my dad and before I can even process what happens next, he rushes at me letting out a high pitches scream that makes me shiver. The last thing I see is his distorted face screaming, rushing at me.

I wake up in my cold sweat again--breathing heavily. I swing my legs over and get out bed, making my way to the bathroom. I turn on the water and douse my face again. Looking in the mirror, I stare at my reflection and I frown. I begin to wonder if the nightmare I just had is really how my dad would react. I stare at my self for a while before getting ready for school.

I get to school and park my bike outside. Looking over at the front entrance, I can see Blake and his friend talking. The otter glances over at me and Blake follows shortly. They look at me for a moment then shuffle inside the building. I wanted to wave to him but I didn't want to make it awkward.

The mornings were boring as usual and sixth period couldn't come fast enough. I was hoping that I could talk to the wolf again, and more about our project.

Finally sixth period came, and I'm the first to arrive out of the two of us. The other students slowly begin to fill the class and then Blake finally enters. As silly as it is, I try not to make eye contact for fear of being clingy so I just glance at him once or twice. He takes his seat but doesn't really say anything. Confused, I begin to wonder what could be wrong--more so if I should be the one to say something. Maybe I'm just a lab partner and nothing more.

The class carries on, but I decide not to say anything. If he's having a bad day, I don't want to add to that. It saddens me to sit there the whole time and us not say a word to one another.

When the school day ends, I head home a little defeated, but it doesn't compare to what I feel for the next couple of weeks. Everyday is like a punch to the gut and it keeps getting worse and worse. We occasionally hang out to work on our project but it's never really been as eventful.

He would just came over, we'd work on the project and then he'd leave. I recall the nightmares I continue to have, which seemed to have started ever since I bought the necklace and made that wish. Something wanted me to make another one, maybe I should...