A Friendly Proposition - Part 2

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#2 of A Friendly Proposition

After an eventful evening with their hosts Balto and Jenna, engine crew Tramp and Lady arrive at the end of the line in the midst of a snow storm. Despite the fact that business brought them together, it is by no means their only concern. Not with a warm private car and time to kill. What better justification do you need to hunker down and cuddle up?


Art by the wonderfully-talented SemPers

Full version available HERE! If you love the art, leave comments and faves for SemPers!

Looking for more stories in this steampunk world? Check out folwilliar!

1893 - Chattanooga, Tennessee

Lady Dear woke to the sound of three sharp knocks on the door to their little room. Blinking in the pre-dawn gloom, she looked first to the drowsy, gray-furred mutt lying beside her in the GM's private rail car. Tramp groaned and began to stir, but she patted his shoulder and he rolled over. The chill of the night hit her as she slide out of bed and looked around in vain for her skirt, or any of her clothes. Then she remembered she'd left them all in the saloon. What a night. Though her legs were still a bit sore and she could feel her bare nipples stiffening in the cool air, she couldn't help but smile. Then there came another series of knocks, and she bustled to the door, murmuring apologies. Steeling herself, she felt the comforting cl-clack cl-clack of the rails passing beneath the car; they were still moving, so the one at the door was almost certainly not the conductor. Almost certainly. She sucked in a breath and cracked the door, peering around it with (she hoped) a calm expression. There stood the general manager himself, Balto Seppala. The wolf-dog was dressed in a fresh suit, minus the jacket, and he held a small stack of folded clothes in one hand, like a platter.

"Good morning, Miss Lady," he said with a smile. How long had he been awake? How long had she slept? "We're due in Chattanooga in about thirty minutes, and I wanted to give you both time to rise and get dressed. I'm afraid these aren't fresh, but hung up in the bathroom overnight they should at least be free of wrinkles."

Lady gratefully swung the door open and took the clothes. "Thank you, I'm sure we can manage."

He nodded, perhaps a bit too quickly, and brought his other hand from behind his back to reveal a slender pink bath robe. "Jenna thought you might want to relax just a bit longer."

Her face lit up and she snatched the robe, setting the stack of clothes aside and quickly slipping into it. For a moment, she toyed with the rope looped around the robe's middle, then dropped it, leaving it hanging open. "It's lovely, I'll be certain to thank her for borrowing it."

Balto's smile cracked slightly and he pulled at his collar. "I trust you and Tramp slept well?"

"Very well, thank you. It was a wonderful evening." Stepping forward, she put her hand on his cheek and lowered her voice. "I'd love to do it again."

This time, he gulped visibly, but his smile never faded. "So would I, truth be told."

Lady beamed and stepped back. "I don't want to sound ungrateful, but is there breakfast service on this train? Tramp and I aren't usually passengers."

Instantly, any tension on his face vanished, and he nodded. "I've already sent up to the dining car for an extra two bowls of oatmeal and fruit. We'll see you up front in the dining room."

She nodded, slipping back inside as Balto strode toward the front of the car. As she tied the front of her robe, it didn't escape her notice that hers wasn't the only tail wagging.

Barely a minute later, she stepped into the dining room at the head of the private car to another surprise. Miss Jenna was also wearing a pink bathrobe, and the husky couldn't hide a giddy smile as she set her coffee cup aside and swept from her chair.

"Oh, I'm so glad you liked it," she gushed, taking Lady's hands in hers. "I'm sorry we couldn't arrange for clean clothes."

A bit bashful, Lady squeezed Jenna's hands and followed her back to the table. "It's very comfortable, thank you." She settled into the same chair as the other night, as the Seppalas had done. "And don't worry, Tramp and I can manage. I just hope I'm not breaking in something new."

"Oh no, I always bring a spare." She took a sip from her cup. "Two is one and one is none."

"That's an interesting saying."

"A common one in Alaska," Balto replied between spoonfuls of oatmeal. "You never know what's going to happen, what might break. Better to have two."

"Does that include ladies?" Lady asked casually, helping herself to the oatmeal.

The GM set his spoon down suddenly and coughed. Jenna put a hand on his shoulder, but he quickly regained his composure and nodded to his wife before looking back to Lady. "I don't think that's quite what the saying's intended for."

Quirking an eyebrow, she uncrossed her legs just long enough to brush her toes against his leg beneath the table. Though his smile never changed, his brow did raise just a bit. Feigning ignorance, she bent to her breakfast. The bowl and its contents were still quite warm despite the cool draft occasionally finding a crack or a seam, and a small cup of peaches in syrup was more than enough to sate her hunger. As she was finishing her oatmeal, though, she saw Jenna put her spoon aside and glance over her shoulder at the corridor.

"Was Tramp not interested in breakfast?"

Balto followed her gaze, and Lady cocked her head.

"He's probably just being lazy," she replied, scooping up a peach slice. "I did tell him there was breakfast coming, and I've never known him to miss a meal."

Jenna spoke aloud, almost to herself. "Why don't I take him his bowl." She looked first at Lady, then at her mate. "Just to make sure he has something warm in his stomach before we get there. It's cold outside, and the oatmeal won't keep forever."

Balto thought a moment and nodded. "I'm sure he'd appreciate breakfast in bed, if somehow he hasn't roused himself yet."

Jenna gave him a peck on the cheek and snatched Tramp's bowl before disappearing down the corridor. The last thing Lady heard was a quick knock and the door opening and shutting. When she looked back at Balto, the wolf-dog's furrowed brow and set jaw gave her pause.

"Is Tramp just waiting there for her?" he asked.

Lady shook her head. "I don't think so. He's just slow in the morning sometimes." Seeing Balto's expression moderate, she added, "The bed was a welcome change from our usual travel accomodations. He might not want to get out. It was hard enough for me."

She cracked a smile, but couldn't quite manage a laugh. Who was to say that Tramp wasn't simply waiting for Jenna, or her? Plenty of naughty thoughts had crossed her mind since he handed her the robe. Even in his suit he was remarkably handsome. Now that she knew the strength of those arms, she couldn't quite shake those fleeting memories from her mind, especially the sensation of being pinned against the wall. They'd wanted to get Jenna and Tramp wondering about them, but it would have thrilled her even more to try to hide their rutting, even poorly. One of Balto's large hands over her mouth would have been the cherry on top, and she shivered in her seat imagining it. Then her mind shifted, and it was far too easy to picture Tramp doing just the same to Jenna in that lovely pink robe. She was willing to bet the husky wasn't wearing anything underneath, since she certainly wasn't. Blinking, Lady scooped another peach and looked to Balto, slowly draining his coffee cup as one finger tapped on the table.

"Balto, do you trust your wife?"

His frown returned, and he set down his cup. "Absolutely."

Lady was used to stern looks, and raised her brow without saying a word.

Gradually, Balto's dark expression faded, but he kept his eyes on her and nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Then act like it," she replied, nodding toward the corridor. "When she thought of checking on Tramp, she looked at you. She was asking your permission, and even knowing what might happen, you gave it. If I didn't know better I'd say this wasn't new to you."

Balto followed her gaze for a moment, then turned back. "And suppose she knows how her husband works, that he wants her to be happy and is inclined to agree to nearly anything she asks."

She felt an odd twinge in her gut at that, but shook her head. "She couldn't hide that kind of manipulation; someone like that wouldn't have even looked your way." She scooped up another peach. "Besides, you wouldn't have married someone like that in the first place, and you certainly wouldn't think so little of your wife. She trusts you. After all, she left us here alone."

The wolf-dog's face became unreadable for a moment, then he looked down at his empty bowl. "Very well put." He took a sip from a small glass she hadn't noticed among the breakfast spread. "The novelty hasn't worn off, and she's anxious to enjoy this while it lasts." He chuckled softly. "I hope Tramp is ready."

Lady smiled, cocking her head to lift one ear. She couldn't be sure, but she thought she heard Jenna's voice over the rumble of the rails beneath them. Setting aside her spoon, she folded her hands on the table. "You trust her and you haven't changed your mind on our little arrangement. What is it that's eating at you?"

He looked at her for a moment, then took another sip. "I love her dearly, and I know she loves me, but there's still a small part of me that wonders if this is the start of something bigger." His gaze fell to his bowl again. "If someday I won't be enough any more." A long moment passed, then he looked at her with a start. "I shouldn't have said that."

She leaned forward, concern creeping into her voice. "Why not? It's how you feel. Does Jenna know?"

"I could never tell her that." He paused to finish the small glass in a gulp. "What wife could hear that and not feel a loss of trust from her husband?"

"But you haven't lost your trust in her, or your love for her," Lady soothed. "Tell her that, and then tell her what you're afraid of. If she's half the woman you love her for being, she'll understand."

The wolf-dog stared at his empty glass as the seconds ticked by, then looked at her and nodded. "I think you're right. I'll give it some thought today, but it makes sense." Settling back in his chair, he sighed. "I'm sorry to burden you with all that."

"It's no burden at all," she replied. "Don't forget, this whole little adventure was something she wanted to share with you. Sure she gets to have a little fun, but so do you." She smiled warmly as she stood and began gathering their bowls. "And judging by last night, I think you were enjoying yourself just as much as she was."

Balto tried to take the bowls from her, but she twisted away with a grin. So he picked up Jenna's and contemplated the small glass as he set the rest on a tray in the pantry. Uncapping a glass decanter, he poured a touch more. No sooner had he done so then Lady appeared beside him and stopped him from replacing the cap.

"May I?" she asked sweetly, before plucking the glass from his hand.

He blinked in surprise as she downed the glass with nothing more than a hum of appreciation and a little bounce on her heels. Placing the glass back in his hand, she refilled it and set the decanter aside.

"Now, if you'd like to maybe clear you head a bit, what do you say to a little fun in here?" She undid the waist tie of her robe as she strolled past him to the table, then turned to face him. "Something to tide you over?"

She spread her arms and leaned back against the table. With the tie undone, the robe flowed off her body to hang from her shoulders, baring her entire front to him. In the cooler air of the dining room, her pert nipples drew his eyes to her tan-furred chest. Seeing his eyes stray lower for a moment, she crossed one leg over the other and grinned. Balto's ears shot up and he glanced at the corridor, then around at the room.

"I'm afraid these chairs aren't very comfortable, at least not for that." He sounded disappointed. "We could retire to my room, but we only have so long before we arrive in Chattanooga. I do need to look presentable."

"Oh, there's no need for all that. How sturdy is this table?"

"Made of oak, why do you-"

Lady hopped up to sit on the table's edge, spreading her legs as he turned to ask, but never finished his question. His expression made her think of an alarmed deer, moments before it bolts. She gave him no chance, crooking her finger at him beneath the most welcoming smile she could give. Almost transfixed, he set the glass aside and drifted toward her, unbuttoning his jacket. With practiced ease, he slipped it onto the back of his chair and pulled the seat aside, never taking his eyes off her. She squirmed on the bare oak, panting softly as he stepped closer, the bulge in his pants pressing against her waiting sacredness. While he unbuttoned his vest, Lady wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him toward her as she undid his belt. As he draped the vest over the jacket, she unbuttoned his trousers and gently pulled his shaft over his undergarments. He exhaled as she laid it along the length of her slit, pulling his hips against her with her feet. Back and forth she guided him along her entrance, biting her lip as she looked up at him. He grit his teeth and drew back, placing his hands on her waist; Lady parted her lips with one hand and guided his tip to her entrance with the other.

"Eager, aren't we?" he rumbled.

"You have no idea-oh!" Lady gasped as his first thrust slipped low between her rump and the table. "Easy there," she cooed, lining him up again as he drew back and leaned forward. "There'll be time enough for more fun like that later." She sucked in a breath as his tip entered her. "Ease it in, Balto."

This time he slid into her like a hand in a glove, and all the way to her limit. Lady laid back on the table, one hand gripping the edge beside her rump while the other began to squeeze and grope her breasts. Balto bent forward, one hand grabbing the table's edge beside her head. Leaning closer still, he slipped his other arm beneath her head as a sort of pillow. For a moment, they looked at each other, breathing slowly and glorying in each other's body.

"I'm sorry it's not very comfortable."

Lady almost laughed. "You're adorable," she whispered, squeezing her legs around him. "I'm as comfortable as I need to be, now rut me, Balto. I want to feel your cock in my g-AH!"

He hadn't even waited for her to finish her sentence before drawing back and plunging into her again. In, out, in, out, smooth and steady as an engine's drive rods. She bit her lip, giving a muffled yelp each time he came so very close to hilting inside her. Inches above her, Balto rocked back and forth, panting through a broad grin. She squeezed her legs tighter around him, whining and arching her back.

"Harder," she groaned, leaning up to kiss and nip at his neck. "Please, harder!"

Pausing just long enough to shift his legs a little further apart, he slammed back into her, teeth bared as he picked up the pace. Beneath her, Lady could feel the table shake each time he thrust into her drenched passage. A wet slapping sound began to compete with the rumble of the rails. Squirming and squeezing around his shaft, she let her muzzle hang open, her small needy noises growing into yelps of pleasure. Suddenly, Balto drew his arm from beneath her head, slowing his pace to clamp his hand over her muzzle. Her eyes shot open, and immediately his grip loosened, but he nudged his nose against hers with a tender expression.

"Not so loud, Miss Lady, please." He gave a small smile. "We don't need to broadcast ourselves do we?"

Still quivering with delight, she shook her head and he nodded. When he made to pull his hand away, she released her breast and clapped her hand over his, easing it back across her mouth. Seeing his puzzled expression, she pressed his hand against her muzzle and gave a long slow nod. Balto gave a soft pant of breath that might have been a chuckle. She grinned beneath his hand and squeezed her legs around his waist with a soft whine. Nodding, he drew back and thrust into her again, quickly settling back into his rapid pace. Moaning into his hand, Lady clutched the edge of the table as he pounded her deep and hard, his hot breath ruffling her ears as they hung over the edge. She wanted so badly to wrap her entire frame around him, but she dared not let go of the table. One eye cracked to look back at the corridor, knowing that at any moment Jenna might return, or Tramp, or both of them. What a scene it would be; the suited wolf-dog hunched over their dining table, thrusting into the quivering form of a cocker spaniel, bare but for the robe that served more as a bed than a covering. The very thought made her clench around his shaft. Balto gasped but never slowed his pace, if anything he went faster.

"Mrrr, bwtm, mrrrr," she moaned, engulfed by his musk as a familiar warm pressure built in her belly. "Mmf! Mmf!"

With a long groan, she shuddered as sweet release washed over her. Beside her head, Balto's claws dug into the table as he exhaled heavily, his hips pressed against hers as his own release flooded her tunnel. Panting, he removed his hand from her muzzle and they met each other's gaze, tongues lolling from lazy smiles. Tentatively, he dipped his muzzle down to kiss her lips. Lady raised her head to lock their muzzles together, whimpering into his mouth as they kissed, his hips jerking against hers in the afterglow. From somewhere ahead, a whistle sounded, and both of them looked toward the front of the train.

"That's the crossing," Lady murmured. "We'll be at the station in a few minutes."

Balto planted his hands and moved back, eliciting a soft cry from Lady as his shaft slipped out of her sacredness. Before he even reached for his belt, he knelt between her legs, draped over the edge of the table. Glancing up at her, he ran his tongue across her dripping slit.

"A lady should never have to walk around like this," he said with a smile, delving his tongue into her passage.

Lady clapped both hands over her muzzle to keep from crying out. Small aftershocks of release still made her shake and each touch seemed magnified twice over. Quickly, far too quickly, he leaned back and stood up, wiping a hand across his muzzle. As he reached for the small glass of bourbon he'd set aside on a chair, Lady slid gracefully off the table and sank to her knees before him. Before he could say a word, she lifted his softening shaft to her lips and took it into her mouth. He grit his teeth, hissing out a breath as she bobbed her head slowly back and forth. Once their combined love fluids were cleaned away, she leaned back and planted a kiss on his tip. Balto sighed deeply and gulped down the last of his bourbon, then quickly fastened his trousers and set about donning his vest. For her part, Lady watched the raw passion and desire on his face re-frame itself into a carefully-composed, friendly warmth. She was almost tempted to leave her robe open, but the distant whistle decided that for her. Though the shades on the car were all drawn, it wouldn't do to risk anyone seeing. At least, not yet.

Balto was just putting on his jacket when there was a knock from the corridor and Tramp stepped in. Though the mutt was dressed in same worn shirt and trousers, Lady could tell by the way he swiped at his head fur that it wasn't bed head. She smiled at her mate, who gave a sheepish grin in reply.

"I hope you enjoyed it," Balto said over his shoulder as he finished the last button on his jacket.

Tramp stopped in his tracks. "Oh, uh..."

Balto glanced back at him with a cocked brow and a grin. "The oatmeal."

"Right, yes, the oatmeal. Delicious, thank you." Tramp brushed down the front of his shirt. "Miss Jenna said she'd just be a minute. Needed to change into her Saturday best."

"Of course." The wolf-dog gestured to the pantry. "Coffee? Or something a little stronger perhaps?"

"Coffee, please. I feel like I'm still waking up."

No sooner had Tramp gotten his cup than Jenna swept into the room, her gray suit jacket and skirt looking astonishingly fresh.

"Two is one," Lady said with dawning recognition.

"And one is none. I keep a spare, just in case," Jenna replied, nodding as she turned to Tramp. "We shouldn't be very long, certainly back by lunchtime."

"I hope so, but I never know with these Saturday meetings," Balto sighed, checking his pocket watch. "Sometimes I swear these folks just love to hear themselves talk. Makes my job easier of course; I just have to sit back and listen. Occasionally I nod sagely or steeple my fingers."

He mimicked the gesture with a very serious expression, bouncing his eyebrows. The ladies couldn't help but laugh. Even Tramp chucked over the rim of his cup. Jenna strode over to the windows and began parting the curtains. Outside, the world was a swirl of white and gray whipping past. Balto checked his watch and blinked in surprise.

"It should be brightening up outside by now, it's nearly seven."

"The storm must be nearly on us, then," Jenna mused, craning her neck to see the sky above. "We'll have to hurry if we don't want to get stuck outside."

"Us too, Pidge," Tramp chimed in, taking a long sip of coffee as the train slowed beneath them. "If we want to find a change of clothes, that is."

"You're welcome to wait here, of course," Balto cut in. "The Endurance will probably be put on a siding while we wait for our evening ride home. I can find something for each of you."

Lady moved over to Balto and put a hand on his arm. "That's very kind of you, but you have enough to do without running errands for us. We'll wait here once we're back." Slipping down the corridor, she called back, "And I've been meaning to find something new anyways."

When the Banker's Special pulled into the station at Chattanooga, the four of them stepped off and joined the crowd hustling for cover amid the thickening snowfall. Balto ducked into the station house as Jenna made for her bank's local branch. Lady and Tramp checked in at the rail office and helped to sort papers for an hour or so. With thanks from the few office staff, they stopped at the ticket counter for directions and made their way quickly to a corner store two blocks away. There was plenty to choose from and not another customer to be seen, so the well-dressed greyhound proprietor took special care that Lady's new skirt and shirt were well-suited to her figure. Tramp received the same attention, and despite the small price each left feeling more comfortable in their clothes than any time before. They'd decided to keep their old clothes on at least until they got back to the rail yard.

Though it was well on toward noon when they finally left the clothing store, the skies were darker than ever. The snow wasn't falling as hard, but a harsh wind whistled down the streets, hurrying the two along as they made their way back to the station. On the way, Lady thought she'd spotted Balto coming into town, but as the figure got closer it turned out to be a terrier mix hunched under a ragged cap. The thick jacket he'd bundled around himself didn't quite hide his worn-out boots, and as they passed each other the terrier met her gaze. She stuck out a hand to stop him and leaned in close.

"Please don't take this wrong, but have you got somewhere to go to get out of this mess?"

The terrier grinned. "I've always got a place to go, miss, don't you worry." He stuck out his hand, wrapped in cloth except his fingers. "I'll be all right, but thanks for asking."

Lady pressed a few coins into his palm as she shook it. "Then get yourself something warm to eat on me."

He nodded and touched the brim of his cap before hurrying on.

Tramp put his arm around her and they made their way to the station. After a short chat with one of the conductors on the platform, they were able to track down the Endurace, tucked away in a shed Balto had guessed. All the lights had been turned down low and the fire had dimmed to a few embers, but with some dry logs and a few coaxing breaths it was soon crackling merrily. Tramp sank down onto the couch just as Lady returned from putting their purchases in their room, and she curled up next to him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and they leaned on each other, staring into the flames. The minutes ticked by, and gradually Tramp's head began to droop. Lady smiled and ran her hand across his chest, tugging at his ascot.

"Looks like someone didn't get quite enough sleep last night."

The mutt stirred and glanced over at her with a lazy smile. "I got just as much as you did, Pidge."

"Mm-hmm, and did Jenna really bring you breakfast in bed?"

Tramp snorted, and a grin split his face. "Not quite. She walked in as I was putting on my shirt." He trailed off, but Lady held his gaze, tracing circles on his shirt with her finger. "I, uh, never really got my trousers on."

"Oh? I couldn't hear you," she replied teasingly.

"I didn't want you to, arrangement or not." He leaned down with a conspiratorial smirk. "But I could hear you."

Lady turned up her nose and moved away from him, settling back against the couch. "Nonsense. I'll have you know Balto and I had a very nice conversation and finished our breakfast while we waited for the two of you."

Tramp cocked his head and raised his brow, with the expression of a school marm peering over her spectacles. "And?"

She cracked an eye to look at him, and his smirk grew. With an exaggerated sigh, she crossed her arms. "And I let him pound me on the dining table."

Tramp put an arm around her, pulling her closer again. "Let him, she says."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, I teased him into it."

Tramp barked out a laugh. "Seems like the ladies are still very much in charge."

"I don't hear any complaints."

"You'll get none from me."

"Does that mean you're too tired for a little fun while we're alone?"

He looked at her in surprise.

"What, you're not used to someone with more fire in their gut than you?" She gave him a playful poke in the stomach. "Getting a bit long in the tooth already? That's not the Tramp I know."

The mutt turned and raised his hands with a playful growl. Lady laughed and grabbed his tie, pulling him over on top of her as she sprawled on the couch.

"The Tramp you know is just wondering," he said between nips at her neck and cheek, "what we'll say if anyone from the railroad comes in."

"We'll tell them the truth, we're here by invitation of the general manager." She tossed her ascot onto the closest chair. "Simple as that."

"Wouldn't it be easier if we moved to our room?" He slipped his hands beneath her. "I could even carry you."

"Doesn't the chance of being caught excite you?" she replied, reaching up to remove his ascot and start unbuttoning his shirt. "Being found pounding your wife in a private car?"

"No, not really, at least not the way it does you." Tramp shrugged out of his shirt and fairly yanked Lady's out from her skirt to unbutton the bottom as she started from the top. "But I'll never tire of loving my beautiful wife."

"Good," she murmured, pushing his pants down with her feet as she slipped off her shirt. "Now hurry up and get to it."

"Mind your manners, Pidge," Tramp replied, reaching up to haul her skirt down and off. "Good things come-"

With great care, she had placed her foot on the tip of his nose. Putting on her best pouting expression, she covered her breasts and wiggled her hips. "Are you really going to make me wait?"

Smiling, Tramp gently brushed her foot from his nose and hefted both her legs up and against the back of the sofa. "I could never say no to that face." Wrapping one arm around both legs, he rested the other hand on her upturned hip and stroked her rump with his thumb. Watching her hook her arms back over the armrest and bite her lip trying to hide a grin, he shook his head. "Still so beautiful."

His hand left her rump and guided his shaft to her entrance. With deliberate slowness, he pressed into her, making her close her eyes and hum happily. No sooner had his hips touched hers than he drew back and thrust in again, just a little bit faster this time. Out again, and in again, a little faster. Each time their hips met, she could hear the slap of their damp fur as he hilted himself inside her. Lady's hum turned to a moan that she didn't bother muffling as her head rolled back and forth. Through half-open eyes she watched as her breasts shook in time with his sturdy thrusts. Just as she thought of releasing one hand to squeeze or caress her chest, Tramp quickened his pace, holding her legs against his chest with one hand as the other squeezed her rump. She met his gaze and he grinned.

"You like that, Pidge? Like feeling my balls slap against that cute little rump of yours?" He tightened his grip for good measure, and she yelped, tongue lolling. "Oh? A bit too much you say? We better slow down."

To her dismay, he did. Biting her lip in frustration, she laid her head back, panting desperately.

"I know what you want, Pidge." He gave a hard thrust, nudging her head against the armrest. "You wish Balto was right there behind you, don't you?" Three quick thrusts, making her cry out each time. "Wish we were on our bed, so you could lean your head back and he could slide his shaft into that pretty muzzle, all the way to the hilt don't you?"

Lady slowly lifted her head, still whimpering with each thrust. "More Tramp, please more."

He hunched down, steadily thrusting faster. "I know you, Pidge," he said between panting breaths. "I know you'd love nothing more than a rubber ball in your mouth and ropes around your wrists right now. Or maybe one of those rings that'd let you taste him even though you can't speak a word."

She quivered, not trusting herself to speak, her mind clouding with the need for release.

"You're such a pretty gal, he might just do it, even if you had the muzzle. Can you imagine that, Pidge? Balto filling your mouth while your husband fills your belly? All the while, I've got your legs and Balto's got your hands. Helpless, filled from both ends at once."

Oh how easy it was to imagine. Now she shut her eyes, clutching at the armrest behind her and moaning through gritted teeth. Every stroke of his fur against hers was a hammer blow against her inner dam already so close to breaking. That wonderful warm pressure waited just on the other side of his pounding shaft.

"Yes, Tramp, yes," she gasped. "Don't stop, yes, almost!"

Tramp said nothing, only gave his all for one, two, three deep thrusts just as he climaxed. Both hands pressed her rump against his hips, grinding their fur together, setting off her release in turn. Lady cried out, dipping her head just as Tramp hunched over her, slipping between her legs to lock his muzzle with hers. She whimpered into his mouth as he humped against her, the last of his climax filling her tunnel. Still panting, he leaned back from the kiss and laid his head on her breasts. After a long minute basking in the afterglow, Lady tussled the fur between his ears.

"You really think he would share me between you two?"

Tramp rolled his head to meet her gaze with an incredulous expression. "My gosh, are you always on?" She batted at his ear playfully, and he chuckled. "I don't know, but I bet he'd be amenable."

Just then, there was a soft knock on the door to the corridor. Their heads snapped around, staring as Jenna walked in. She'd shed her coat, and instead of her banker's suit, she wore a dark green off-shoulder dress with matching frills around the collar. Though her ears dipped and a slight flush crept onto her white-furred cheeks, she didn't look away. Neither did Lady or Tramp.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. I see Balto isn't back yet, and I know we'd intended to go out for a nice lunch." A timely gust whistled through the cracks and seams of the coach. "Given the weather outside, I think it might be best if we hunker down here until we know if our train is running tonight." She glanced at the fire, then back at them. "There's plenty in the pantry, of course."

"No arguments here," Tramp replied, lifting himself off Lady's chest.

"None at all," Lady echoed, watching the husky's expression. "If you were hoping to steal Tramp away, he's all yours."

For a moment, Jenna's ears perked. "Oh, uh, thank you." Her ears flattened again, and she looked almost sheepish. "I was actually hoping I might...join you?"

Lady blinked, then looked at Tramp. The mutt was staring at Jenna, mouth half-open. She nudged him with her knee. "Tramp?"

"I, uh..." He glanced at her, and she nodded. "I'll need a minute, and maybe a bit of that bourbon if Balto won't mind."

"Of course, help yourself!" Jenna beamed, her ears perked and tail suddenly wagging. "Maybe bring the rest of the chardonnay, too."

Nodding, Tramp clambered to his feet and helped Lady up after him. "Sure thing. Uh, lovely dress, Miss Jenna."

To her credit, Jenna kept a smile on her face despite their lack of clothes. "Oh, thank you Tramp." As he slipped past her, she wrung her hands and took a half step toward him. "When you've had your drink, perhaps you could help me out of it?"

Lady saw Tramp's ears shoot up at that, but she stepped up beside Jenna before he could speak. "I can help you with that." She squeezed Jenna's shoulder and smiled when the husky met her gaze, dropping her voice as she stepped behind her. "It was a good idea to tease them last night, why not do it again?"

Jenna sucked in a breath as Lady's hands brushed the top clasp on her back. "That would be nice," she managed, steadying herself as she glanced over her shoulder. "I couldn't help but overhear the last bit of your conversation before I knocked." She glanced at Tramp, who was busy pouring his drink. "If you wanted to try the both of them, I'd be happy to excuse myself...or maybe watch and wait my turn?"

Lady's hands froze on the third clasp, but slowly a smile crossed her muzzle, mirrored by the red-and-cream-furred husky. "Now all we have to do is convince the boys to play along. Leave that to me."

Jenna nodded, looking back toward Tramp just as he set his glass aside and moved toward them with last night's bottle of chardonnay. "Just a moment, Tramp, it seems I'm overdressed again."

Obediently, Tramp stopped a few steps away, yanked the cork out with his teeth and strode up to her with a knowing grin. "Then we'll have to fix that."

With the last clasp undone, Lady lifted the dress up by its sleeves and Jenna dropped her arms to her sides, letting her guide the garment down. As she did, Lady let her hands settle for a moment on Jenna's bosom, feeling the ample weight as she revealed the same black lace bra as before. She thought she heard Jenna gasp a quick breath, but the husky said nothing. With Jenna's chest revealed, Lady paused and looked around as Tramp stepped up to her. The naked mutt put one hand beneath the husky's chin and kissed her, then gently held the bottle to her lips and tipped a small gulp into her waiting maw. She smacked her lips appreciatively. Tramp set the bottle aside and dipped lower to kiss her neck, then her shoulder. Little by litter, he lowered himself to trace her neckline down to her chest, nuzzling against the lace fabric as his hands wrapped around to undo the catch. With deft snap and a flick of his wrist, he quickly tossed the lacy garment aside, lapping and suckling at her bosom. With her arms free, the husky began rubbing Tramps ears as he alternated between her breasts, humming happily.

At the same time, Lady guided the dress down past Jenna's stomach and hips before letting it fall at her feet. No sooner had she done so than a powerful scent like vanilla filled her nostrils. No secret where it was coming from. The cocker found her eyes and nose drawn to just beneath Jenna's swaying tail. Dropping to her knees, Lady moved closer, her nose twitching as she lifted one leg, then the other out of the dress and swept it aside. All she could see of Tramp was his hands drifting slowly down Jenna's sides. She bit her lip and traced her hands up Jenna's legs, hooked her thumbs around the panties' hem and drew them down. Almost immediately, Tramp dipped his head between the husky's legs and engulfed her slit in his muzzle, his eyes closed and head rocking back and forth. Jenna yelped, her hands instinctively moving to the back of his head to hold him against her. Lady gave a soft moan at the sight, and for a moment she was tempted to nudge Tramp aside for a taste, but just then another scent reached her nose, a familiar musk. Glancing between Jenna's legs, she saw Tramp's member stiffening, and drew herself up behind Jenna. First nuzzling against her neck, Lady smiled when Jenna looked her way, the husky panting under Tramp's greedy tongue. The cocker reached around and cupped Jenna's breasts in her hands, running her thumbs over her pert nipples. Jenna's eyes closed as she gasped, and her pants became moans.

"Tramp's just about ready," Lady murmured, giving Jenna's bosom a squeeze. "Why don't you warm him up with these while he gets a taste of me?"

Jenna looked torn for a moment, then nodded. Lady gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and stepped back.

Tramp drew back from Jenna's dripping slit with a great show of licking his lips. "Where do you want me ladies?"

Still quivering, Jenna could only manage, "That tongue..."

"It's just one more reason I love him," Lady replied, winking at Tramp as she gestured to the rug before the fireplace. "Right here, dear. Just lie down and let us take care of the rest."

Obediently, Tramp lay down, posting on his elbows to watch the two ladies. Lady strode quickly over to stand astride his head, and he peered up at her with a broad grin. He opened his mouth to speak, but a creak in the floorboards drew his gaze back to Jenna. The husky walked slowly up to him and knelt between his spread legs. Her eyes drifted down to his stiffening shaft and she gingerly took it in one hand to stroke it. Lady couldn't help but realize, though, that Jenna's ears lay flat and her eyes kept resting on her.

"I've always wondered what this looked like from the other side." Lady gave a soft laugh as she sank to her knees, leaving her slit inches above Tramp's waiting muzzle. "I suppose we'll both get a show, won't we?"

Jenna's ears perked and she smiled sheepishly. "I suppose so. I hope it's a good one, for you at least."

"You don't have anything to worry about," she replied, leaning forward and dropping her voice. "I couldn't help but sneak a glance now and then last night, and you were a sight to see."

The husky's ears flicked back and her cheeks became bright red. "You're very nice to say that, but you don't have to--"

"Miss Jenna, you are--" Lady paused, the word beautiful on the tip of her tongue. "--very handsome, and I'll have words with anyone who says otherwise."

"Here here," Tramp rumbled, peering from under Lady's breasts to smile at Jenna. "Are you sure you ladies want to be treating me? Seems like it should be the other way around."

"We'll get to that, now lay back." Lady lowered her slit onto his muzzle and cooed as his hands came up to grip her rump. "In your own time, Miss Jenna."

Then, settling back on her knees, she brought her hands up to squeeze and caress her breasts as Tramp delved into her sacredness. The angle was different than usual, enough to make her squirm and whimper like a newlywed, but Tramp just tightened his grip and kept at it. The mutt knew just how to stoke her fires, and alternated between long, slow licks across her entrance and franticly lashing his tongue around inside her. She panted, small needy noises slowly creeping into each exhale as she watched Jenna through lidded eyes.

Jenna dipped her head and wrapped her muzzle around Tramp's shaft, bobbing her head. Lady gasped as Tramps fingers dug into her the flesh of her rump, but licked her lips as Jenna quickly drew back and planted a kiss on his tip. Leaning forward, the husky got up on her knees and straddled the mutt, being sure to drag his shaft across her wet slit as she did. Seeing his abs clench, she paused and planted her hands, working her slit back and forth along his length. Lady gave a squeak as Tramp pressed his maw against her sacredness, groaning as he worked his tongue around inside her. Feeling suddenly weak in the knees, she leaned forward to plant her hands on Tramp's chest. In so doing, she suddenly found herself nearly nose-to-nose with Jenna.

They stared at each other for a long moment, still working their bodies against their mutual lover almost subconsciously. Lady wasn't sure if Jenna was inching toward her or if she was inching toward Jenna, but the result was the same. Their muzzles met, and Lady felt Jenna's tongue dart into her mouth to brush against her teeth before Jenna tilted her head and leaned into the kiss. Lady closed her eyes and did the same. She felt Jenna's breath brush against her cheek each time the husky exhaled through her nose. Better still, she could smell Tramp's growing arousal in the air as his musk filled the room. A distant sound made her crack one eye, but nothing could distract her from what she saw. Tramp's hands left her rump and reached down to grasp Jenna's hips. This time, Jenna moaned into her muzzle as he dragged her forward and back again, ending with a small yelp as her hips met his. Lady grinned into the kiss, working her legs further apart to press herself down on Tramp's muzzle.

Just then, a series of knocks echoed in the room, and they parted to look toward the source.

The rear platform door swung open, and a gust of frigid snowy air whistling through the room for a moment before the door slammed shut again. Balto huffed out a breath, swept his musher's hat off his head and shook the snow from his face. In his other hand, he held a large paper bag that he set on one of the small tables beside the couch. When he finally seemed to take in the scene before him, Lady noticed his smile only broadened.

"Looks like we all had the same idea. Better to hunker down here." He indicated the bag. "I brought sandwiches. They might even still be hot."

Lady meanwhile had been nosing a few new scents in the saloon, and not all of them were coming from the bag. Somehow it was Jenna who asked the obvious question as he went straight to unbuttoning his vest.

"Balto, where's your jacket?"

"Hmm? Oh, there was this fellow just huddled outside the cafe and his coat was nothing but rags. So I gave him mine."

Lady noticed that Tramp's oral ministrations had slowed as even he seemed to be listening.

Panting, Jenna settled on her knees and looked at Balto. But instead of a scolding, she shook her head and smiled. "Oh Balto, you must be freezing. Come warm up here. Ah!" She gasped as Tramp slowly guided her up and down, resuming the rhythm they'd had before. "Mmm, Tramp that feels lovely."

"Yes, please," Lady hummed, lifting herself enough to turn her back to Jenna and kneel down on Tramp's muzzle again. Glancing over her shoulder at Jenna, she grinned. "The fire's warm and so are we." She curled a finger at the wolf-dog, who set his vest aside and strode around the chair to stand before her. His hands had barely touched his belt when she gently pushed them away. "Here, let me." With ease, she undid his trousers and slipped a hand into his undergarments. "Oh you poor dear, you're cold as ice." Guiding his semi-stiff member out, she exhaled a long, hot breath across it, grinning as Balto looked down at her. Whatever she'd intended to saw was sucked into a gasp. She rocked her hips back and forth, her words coming out in an almost frantic whisper. "Oh, yes, ah!"

Without another word, she dipped her head and ran her tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip and back again. Balto closed his eyes and sighed in evident relief. With a smile, she repeated the motion, pausing to plant a kiss on his tip before taking it into her maw, suckling at it like a pup at her mother's teat. Balto groaned, one hand coming to rest between her ears, Lady glanced up and grinned around a mouthful before closing her eyes and letting her body drift forward. Her nose hit his pelvis once, twice before his member began to swell in her muzzle. Mindful of his grip, she dipped her head back and forth, humming and lapping around his length as she moved. Briefly, she drew back and licked her lips as she met his gaze. The wolf-dog was panting just as hard as she was. She was about to nudge him into using her mouth the way he used her cunny when she felt Tramp's lips close around her clit and suck hard. She shuddered and moaned, grinding her passage against him as hard as she could.

Behind her, Lady heard Jenna utter a muffled cry and she turned to look. The husky was rocking forward and back, both her eyes and muzzle closed over a content expression. Between her planted arms, her ample breasts swayed almost hypnotically, and Lady couldn't help but lick her lips before turning back to Balto. She glanced up to offer a word of apology, but he was already smiling broadly.

"No harm in a little distraction," he chuckled softly.

She opened her muzzle just as Tramp delved his tongue deep into her cunny, making her arch up and press her face against his pelvis. A deep breath filled her nostrils with his musk, and her head swam with desire. Before Balto could loosen his grip, she turned her head and began kissing his stiffening shaft, tracing a path to his tip. As she ground her hips against Tramp's lashing tongue, she felt a familiar warmth begin to build inside her. Opening her mouth wide, she lurched forward and took his shaft into her muzzle and quickly began bobbing her head, moaning all the while. Balto's grip on her head fur tightened, but that only prodded her on, and she dipped her head left and right as she sucked his member. Beneath her, she felt Tramp's hands release her rump, and a moment later Jenna gave a happy yelp as steady wet slaps and moans began to fill the room. Tramp hadn't forgotten her though, far from it; he opened his maw and gently clamped down on her pelvis, groaning loud enough that she could feel the vibrations in the pit of her stomach. The feeling nearly made her eyes roll back, and she looked up to Balto, who was panting openly as he met her gaze. Taking one hand off his hips, she seized his free hand and brought it to her head, pressing herself forward a little further with each stroke along his length.

"If that's what you want," he whispered.

She only whined, dragging her tongue along his shaft as he began to thrust into her muzzle. He nodded, and she grabbed his hips as he began to rut her, slowly at first, but faster with every stroke. In moments, she could feel his sack tapping the underside of her muzzle. Jenna's moans had melted into soft yelps and half-comprehensible sweet nothings as Tramp sped up as well. For several long moments, the saloon was filled with moans, panting breath and the wet slapping of bodies backed by the crackle of the fire.

Tramp was the first to reach his peak, grunting into her cunny as Jenna let out a long, soft groan and collapsed on his chest. His shaky hands found Lady's rump and squeezed, pressing her against his lapping tongue and she quivered and moaned around Balto's length as she came. Through lidded eyes, she looked up to see Balto grit his teeth. Dipping low again to practically hang from his hips, she relaxed her muzzle and pursed her lips. With a grunt, rope after rope of his seed splashed into her mouth and she gulped it down. Finally, his hands dropped from her head and she drew back ever so slowly, her muzzle never loosening until his tip slid out. Now it was her turn to make a show of licking her lips. Two soft thumps behind her made her glance back. Tramp had dropped his arms to his sides and lay motionless except for the steady rise and fall of his chest. Jenna lay sprawled across his body, a look of dazed pleasure on her face. Lady saw the same expression on Balto's face when she looked to him.

"You said something about sandwiches, Balto. That sounds like a lovely idea."

After the four canines gently disentangled themselves, the ladies donned their robes and Tramp his trousers and shirt. Balto left his vest aside and led the rest to the dining room. There he busied himself filling glasses of water and the last of the chardonnay. The sandwiches were lukewarm at best, but no one spared a breath to complain. In record time, the sandwiches vanished, along with the waters and most of the chardonnay. Everyone still had enough for a toast when Jenna raised her glass and looked to each in turn.

"To timely storms and new friends."

Lady beamed as they tapped glasses, glancing around at the others. Balto was nodding and rumbling his agreement. Tramp gave a lazy smile beneath drooping eyelids as they finished their glasses. The toast done, he slumped back against his chair with a contented sigh. Lady looked over at Jenna again, and the two of them shared a small smile at the sight. Outside, they could still sometimes hear the howl of the wind through the shed, but between the few shades not already drawn there was little to see but the shed's dimly-lit inner walls. She almost wished the car had been left out in the yard so they could see the storm swirling around them, but the structure did give them an extra layer of privacy. She shivered slightly as a small gust whistled in from the pantry.

"Now that lunch is over -- thank you by the way, Balto -- could we go warm ourselves in the saloon?"

Jenna was already rising eagerly and Balto nodded, but Tramp held up a hand.

"Before anyone gets any more fun ideas--" He looked meaningfully at Lady and raised his brow. "--I'm going to go lie down. If the morning is anything to go by, I'll need to be rested by the time dinner gets here."

The others chuckled, even Balto, as Tramp stood and nodded before turning to go.

"Anyone's welcome to join me," he called over his shoulder, "but you should know I sometimes snore."

Another round of laughter followed him out into the corridor, and moment later Lady heard their door open and shut.

Balto set his empty glass aside and stood from the table. "Maybe we could all use a rest." His gaze went first to Jenna, who looked suddenly crestfallen, and his expression fell. "Oh, did..." He glanced at Lady, then back to Jenna. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No dear, not exactly," Jenna replied, stepping forward. "It's just that we, well I was hoping that we could give you the same sort of treat we gave Tramp."

Balto held out his hand and started to shake his head. "You really don't have to--"

"And what if we want to?" Lady cut in, gliding up to him and placing a hand on his arm. "What would you say then?"

She batted her eyes and cocked her head to the side. Balto glanced at her, then at Jenna, who had raised her hands beneath her chin in what seemed to Lady an adorable, imploring expression.

He gave a soft chuckle. "I'd say lead the way."

Almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth, she and Jenna each took his hand and lead him out of the dining room, past the Dears' room and lavatory, and through the open door into the Seppalas' room. Lady paused to adjust the gas lamp to a dim glow just bright enough to see by, and to set the mood. Jenna meanwhile led Balto over to the bed and began undoing his shirt buttons as they shared a kiss. Lady strode over and undid the last few buttons at the bottom and guided the shirt off his shoulders. Tossing her robe aside, Jenna climbed up onto the bed and sprawled on her stomach to undo his trousers. No sooner was that done than Lady drew them down to his ankles, along with his undergarments. He looked down at Jenna, both of them smiling, as Lady helped him step out of the garments. Jenna began stroking his length and licking his tip, as Lady crouched down beside him after shrugging out of her robe. With only a glance at her, Jenna began kissing along the other side of Balto's length while Lady wrapped her muzzle around his tip and began bobbing her head. Back and forth the ladies went, one moaning and suckling his length while the other kissed wherever the other couldn't reach; stomach, hips, balls, each felt their warm touch. When her nose didn't quite reach his stomach as she took his length into her muzzle, Lady knew he was as ready as he'd ever be. Drawing back, she looked at Jenna and gestured to the bed.

"I think I've been stealing him away from you too much. Go on and lie back, you should have him first."

The red and cream husky's face lit up, and she glanced at Balto before tumbling gracefully onto her back and moving to the edge of the bed. When he moved up to lay his shaft along her slit, she arched her back and whined, wrapping her legs around his waist. Lady rose to her feet and stepped up beside him to kiss his cheek. She hummed happily as he put his arm over her shoulder and pressed his muzzle to hers. Held against his side, she felt Balto began moving his hips forward and back, sliding his length along Jenna's slit. The husky moaned softly, one hand coming up to squeeze her breast as she watched him tease her. Just as he broke the kiss with Lady and reached down with his other hand to press his shaft into her, Jenna held up a hand.

"W-wait, just a moment darling." Her gaze shifted to Lady. "Would you climb up here with me? It's much more comfortable, and I'd like to try something."

Quirking an eyebrow, Lady smiled and clambered up onto the bed, lying on her stomach beside Jenna. Being so close, she could see the husky's chest ripple as Balto moved against her, hear her soft whimpering. The idea of being so close as they coupled sent an eager shiver down her spine, and she raised her legs behind her and crossed her ankles. Just as she went to lay her head on her folded arms, Jenna touched her elbow.

"Would you..." the husky hesitated, patting her own chest. "Would you climb up here?"

"Oh." Lady felt her cheeks flush, and she looked over her shoulder. "If Balto doesn't mind the view."

Balto was looking down at her, and probably Jenna too, in surprise. Though his ears lay flat, his cheeks grew red and his tail swished behind him. "I feel like whatever I say, I'll upset one of you, but if you want to try this Jen--" He looked to Lady. "--and you don't mind, Miss Lady, then I won't complain at all."

Lady felt Jenna squeeze her hand as the husky made a small gleeful noise. Almost before they locked eyes again, Lady was on top of her, straddling her waist and brushing her backside against Balto's stomach. With a quick glance and a wink at him, she turned to Jenna and brought one hand up to cup her cheek while the other kept balance. Tentatively, she leaned forward, moaning as her breasts mashed against Jenna's. The husky closed her eyes and hummed, reaching up to squeeze her breasts together and trace her hands up to Lady's chest. She leaned up, her muzzle capturing Lady's in a kiss. The cocker whined as she felt Jenna caress her bosom, groping and teasing. In return ran her thumbs in circles around the husky's nipples, making Jenna arch her back. They might have continued like that, except Balto drew back and rocked his hips forward, bumping into both of theirs. Jenna broke their brief kiss with a moan.

"Mmm, yes Balto, that's it, right between us there."

Lady caught her meaning and shifted her legs further apart, sprawling on Jenna's chest and sandwiching Balto's shaft between their wet slits. Jenna rested her hands on her rump and pressed her down, squeezing gently. As she looked back, Balto's hands came down to rest on Jenna's, gripping hers at the same time. With a low groan, he began thrusting between them, their arousal coating his shaft. Lady's fingers gripped the sheets beneath them and she bit her lip as the teasing began to take its toll. Beneath her, Jenna was writhing and moaning softly each time their hips met, looking up at her. Lady meanwhile was glorying in the new sensations all over her body. Tramp had sometimes teased her the way Balto was doing now, but she'd never felt the warmth of another girl's cunny on the other side, never mind the press of fur against hers that was somehow both thick and sleek. She ran her hands over Jenna's chest, marveling at how the fur became short and smooth and velvet across her bosom, highlighting the pink nipples stiff with excitement. Dipping her head, she extended her tongue toward one and looked up to Jenna, who took only a moment before nodding a rapid yes. Tentatively, Lady ran her tongue across one nipple, then the other, grinning as Jenna bit her lip and squeezed her rump a little tighter. With a quick pause to kiss each breast, she took one nipple between her lips and suckled like a pup, and Jenna whined.

Behind them, she felt Balto slow his pace and draw back, leaving a sudden gap between her body and Jenna's. She turned her head in time to see him kneel down and nudge his muzzle beneath her tail to run his tongue across her sopping slit. She gasped and arched her back,grinding her hips against Jenna's. In response, he moved down to his mate's entrance, kissing it before plunging his tongue into her. Jenna moaned, still gripping Lady's rump tightly, and leaned up to capture her in a kiss that she enthusiastically returned. Again, Balto leaned back, but this time he barely paused long enough to shift his hips before moving his tip between them and slipping down into Jenna's entrance in one smooth motion. His hands joined Jenna's in pressing the two of them together and holding them in place as he began to thrust.

Lady felt her own arousal growing and moaned into Jenna's mouth, tracing her tongue along the husky's teeth. Between the grinding of three hips together and the wonderful sensation of her chest against velvety-soft fur, she felt like her body was experiencing too much and not quite enough at the same time. The joint grip on her rump, two people she only really knew by reputation just a day ago both holding her in such an intimate position was enough to make her tail quiver. Breaking her kiss to lavish Jenna's breasts with her tongue, the cocker blushed at the soft, needy noises the husky made. After one particularly hard thrust that gave the cocker the brief feeling she was the one being penetrated, Jenna threw back her head and yelped, her tongue lolling out as she writhed under Lady's tongue.

"Ah, yes Balto yes, harder!" One of her hands came up and cupped the back of Lady's head, pressing the cocker against her chest. "Please, keep doing that, please!"

Lady was all too happy to oblige, running her tongue in circles around the nipple before sucking hard enough to make Jenna arch her back. Her free hand mimicked the gesture as best she could on the other breast. Jenna squirmed beneath her, the words she whispered melting into frantic gasps and half-stifled whimpers as Balto's hips pounded against theirs faster and faster. Glancing back, she saw the wolf-dog's eyes were shut and he was gritting his teeth around a grin.

"I'm almost there, Jen." A breath, and his eyes opened. "You both feel amazing."

Lady smiled and turned back to Jenna.

"Incredible," the husky echoed, her voice a breathy moan.

Laying her head between Jenna's shaking breasts as their bodies rocked from Balto's increasingly frantic thrusts, she met her gaze and hummed. "Wonderful."

The three held onto each other, panting and moaning as Balto slammed against their rumps and let out a long sigh that Jenna matched. Lady felt the husky quiver beneath her, felt Balto's hips jerk once, twice as Jenna went limp, a lazy smile on her face. She felt a twinge of disappointment until Jenna cupped her chin and drew her down into a kiss, still huffing through her nose as she sought to catch her breath. Though it was short, the tenderness she felt in the kiss made her close her eyes. No sooner had Jenna collapsed back onto the bed than Balto leaned his head down beside Lady's and nudged his nose against her cheek. With a soft chuckle, she turned to kiss him as well. The touch was gentle, but his larger, squared-off muzzle and the way his panting made her ears flutter just reinforced the wolf part of this wolf-dog. As their lips parted, Lady wiggled her hips against his stomach.

"Is it my turn now, big guy? I'm not too proud to beg."

"I'd never leave a lady wanting," he replied, hefting himself up and slowly stepping back.

A soft gasp from Jenna signaled his withdrawal, and she spoke up. "Could I have one last taste before?"

Lady glanced back at Balto, then at Jenna, who met her gaze with a small smile. The cocker shifted off of her and knelt on the bed as Jenna leaned up to sit face to face with Balto. She gave him a small peck on the cheek and sank down to the bed again, but turned herself so her head hung just off the edge, right next to his softening shaft. Without a word, she opened her muzzle and waited. She didn't have to wait long, as Balto's gaze became fixed on her. Gently, he caressed her chin, running his fingers down her neck and back up to her lips as he moved in front of her. With one finger, he nudged her muzzle open just a bit wider as his other hand laid his tip between her lips. Jenna kissed it and seamed to strain for a moment to move closer, but just as a small whimper escaped her, Balto leaned forward and his shaft slid into her mouth accompanied by the thump of her tail on the bed.

Her cheeks flushing, Lady wanted suddenly to sprawl on top of Jenna. Maybe Balto would alternate between them? Glancing up at the wolf-dog, she saw his eyes drift closed as a long sigh escaped his muzzle. His tail, briefly stilled after their mutual climax, began to drift back and forth. Jenna hummed and slipped one hand down to her soaked entrance, toying with her nub as his furry sack tapped against her nose. Jenna moaned, and for a moment Lady was sure she could see the husky's neck bulge just a bit. A shiver raced down Lady's back and she brought one hand to her breast as the other hand pressed against her aching mound. Another slow thrust into Jenna's maw made the husky groan around his length, and Lady barely muffled a whimper. Still, Balto blinked and looked her way. She imagined she must be the picture of a deprived pup, but she managed a sheepish smile.


Before Balto could reply, Jenna reached up and put her hand on his stomach. Catching his breath, he drew back and his shaft slipped from her muzzle with the sound of a broken kiss. Jenna licked her lips, panting slightly herself, and rolled away onto her stomach.

"No, that's on me, dear, but he's ready for you." She glanced down at his shaft standing fully erect. "Very ready for you." She patted the bed in front of Balto, and Lady scrambled over, tumbling onto her back.

Jenna shifted up on her forearms, moved to the edge of the bed and slipped off, testing her balance for a moment before bending over to pick up her robe. The motion put her dripping sex on full display, and Lady heard Balto give a low hum. Jenna glanced back and lifted her tail with a smile.

"Always happy to show off your handiwork, dear," she murmured, plucking the robe from the floor and pulling it on. "Don't keep Miss Lady waiting."

"I wouldn't dream of it," he rumbled, a grin crossing his muzzle as he turned to the cocker and rested his hands on her hips.

Crossing her ankles behind him, Lady drew in a deep breath and licked her lips as his shaft rubbed against her slit. She closed her eyes and let out a breathy moan, opening them again just as Jenna passed by Balto and glanced her way. Something in the husky's eyes caught her attention, and she blinked.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us, Jenna?"

She felt strange even as she said it, but the brightening features of the husky's face cast aside any doubt she had.

"I think so, at least for now," she replied, pausing with her hand on the chair's armrest. "But I wouldn't be opposed to watching." A glance over her shoulder. "If you two don't mind, of course."

Lady nodded almost without realizing. Then her eyes snapped over to Balto, and at the moment she couldn't say who was more surprised. Yet, it was Balto that spoke up first.

"You...want to watch?"

Jenna turned to face him and gave him the sweetest smile Lady had seen, pacing toward them with her tail drifting slowly back and forth. "It's not every day I get a chance to see my loving, pleasing, caring husband show me what it looks like to love me." She stopped nose to nose with Balto and Lady's nostrils were overwhelmed with the scent of vanilla and musk as Jenna's confident smile gave way to what she might almost call a pout. "Would you show me, dear? Show me what it looks like to let a wolf rut you?"

Balto gave an almost imperceptible nod, his smile returning as Jenna's face lit up. She captured him in a kiss before prancing back to the chair and settling back against the cushion. In all the movement, she'd never tied the robe closed and didn't seem to care. When Balto looked over at her, Lady offered her own smile and jerked her head toward Jenna again. A small exhale and he straightened.

"How do you want us, Jen?"

His fingers dug into Lady's hips and she shivered, tilting her head to see Jenna purse her lips before replying.

"However you do it," she almost whispered, "could you both turn toward me, please? I'd love to see your beautiful faces when you...get going."

Almost at the same moment, Lady and Balto turned their gaze back to each other. He gave a crooked smile and released his grip on her hips to giver her a gentle nudge.

"Up we go Miss Lady." He climbed onto the bed and guided her up onto her knees with him. "Why don't you rest on your arms here?"

She bent at the waist and planted her elbows on the thick blanket, resting her chin on her hand and batting her eyes as Jenna. "Like this?"

In the dim lamplight, Jenna crossed one leg over the other and leaned back, smiling. "Lovely, Miss Lady." Her gaze shifted up and behind her. "Go ahead, dear, I think she's been kept waiting long enough."

Fighting the urge to look back, Lady kept her eyes on Jenna and let her other senses feed her imagination. The bed creaked and she felt the mattress sag between her spread legs as his hands came to rest on her rump. His thumbs brushed against the base of her fluttering tail and he gave a gentle squeeze. She let out a soft hum that made her smile wider just as a whiff of his musk reached her nose. With Tramp, there was always the lingering smell of smoke and coal that never quite washed out. Balto smelled of sweat and cedar. Not exactly romantic, but not terribly dissimilar from her husband. Then at long last she felt his tip against her quivering sex, and her careful expression cracked as she whined and clenched her eyes shut.

"Please, Balto," she gasped, "I can't wait any longer."

Without a word, he shifted forward, plunging his shaft into her up to the hilt. She gave a breathy cry that sounded like the wind being driven from her lungs and nearly dropped to the mattress right there. Seeing Jenna's brow shoot up above a broad grin, she managed to keep her elbows planted but nothing could keep her tongue from lolling out as Balto began thrusting, slow and steady as the tide. Her moans pitched up to soft cries each time his hips met hers. In the quiet between their bodies connecting, she could hear him panting as well. More than once she swore her oversensitive back caught a drop of saliva. In her mind she saw him slack-jawed just as she was, soaking in every moment and craving more with every heartbeat. Just as she felt that familiar warm pressure begin to grow in her belly, Balto's shaft pressed against the limit of her tunnel, and only barely felt his fur against hers. Knowing he would be driven even further, she gave a yelp at his next thrust.

"Just a moment, dear," came Jenna's sweet voice.

Balto stopped with only the tip of his shaft inside her, and Lady had to stifle a shout. Why now? She'd been so patient, why stop now? She squirmed, trying to press back against him, but she might as well have tried to move an engine's drive rods by hand. Shaking her head, she looked to the chair. Empty. The creak of wooden drawers snapped her gaze to the dresser nearby and the sight of the female husky in nothing but a robe, even from behind, was enough to calm her temper if only for the moment. What could she be looking for?

"I'm sorry, Miss Lady, I know there's a room between us but we should try to let Tramp sleep, or else we won't get to have our fun later."

Balto's grip shifted on her rump and his panting breath quieted for a moment, but before he could say anything Jenna turned to face them. In her hands were two bandannas, one dark blue and the other bright red.

"I thought maybe something to cover your mouth, if you're comfortable?"

In spite of the aching need she felt, Lady's tail beat a cadence against Balto's stomach to match her racing heart. The moan that escaped her lips made her smile sheepishly. Jenna grinned, though it turned to a frown when her fingers traced the blue bandanna.

"Oh that won't do." She held the bandanna up with both hands and Lady spotted several holes. "I don't remember those."

"Not entirely surprising," Balto rumbled, giving Lady's rump a squeeze.

Jenna bundled the bandanna up and wagged a finger at him over a playful scowl. "You hush now, mister." Tossing the blue accessory aside, she held out the red one and stepped up to the bed. "If I could just lift your ears a moment, Lady."

"Here, it'll be better this way." Lady opened her maw and tossed her ears back.

After a moment of hesitation, Jenna stepped forward and looped the bandanna across her open jaw and tied it behind her head. Lady smacked her mouth a few times and gave a little shake, then looked back at Balto and whined. The wolf-dog set his jaw and leaned down, brushing her cheek with his hand.

"If it becomes too much at any point, get a hold of one of my fingers and bend it back. I don't care if it breaks."

Jenna's voice was a whisper. "Balto!"

"I mean it, Jen, this is different." He turned his eyes back to Lady and raised his brow. "Is that all right, Miss Lady?"

Lady met his gaze and nodded, then looked to Jenna and mumbled something into the cloth. Her point was made when she arched her back and strained back against Balto's hands again. "Pweem."

"Oh goodness, of course," Jenna replied, settling back on her chair. "Balto dear, why don't you let Lady have a taste of your wolf side, hmm?"

Again the bed creaked beneath them, and Lady closed her eyes as Balto slid ever so slowly into her. Rather than pick up where they'd stopped before, though, he leaned over her, planting one hand beside her elbow on the bed as the other wrapped across her bosom. His voice came from just beside her, and he nuzzled against her cheek.

"I'm going to rest my weight on you, Miss Lady. Nod if that's all right."

She nodded eagerly, whimpering into the bandanna as the wolf-dog settled atop her. His free hand squeezed her breast and traced a finger around her nipple. The tender gesture was quickly forgotten as he drew back his hips and thrust them forward again, eliciting a muffled yelp from Lady. A short huff of breath ruffled one ear as he kissed her cheek.

"Hold on," he said softly, and his grip across her bosom tightened as he drew back again.

By the third stroke, Lady forgot her desire to pose and dropped her arms to the bed to grip the blanket. The bandanna muffled any sweet nothings she might have said, but she couldn't have cared less. Even as his hips met hers over and over, she nudged against his cheek when he leaned close, hardly believing this was really happening. Little by little, she began to throw her hips back to meet his ever-faster thrusts. He seemed to notice, and his pace rose as his soft gasps became pants like a laboring engine. Lady felt her eyes drifting closed as the pure pleasure of his shaft pounding her overwhelmed everything but the need for release, but a sound from in front of her made her perk her ears and open her eyes. Jenna lay sprawled against the back of the chair, her legs spread and one hand cupping her mound just as the other covered her muzzle. The husky's cheeks flushed as their eyes met.

"Amazing," she whispered, barely loud enough for Lady to hear.

Just then, Balto gave a small whimper, and even as Lady turned to look he growled out two words.

"Getting close."

"Give her everything, dear," Jenna murmured in a dreamy tone. "I want to see it all."

Balto gave one massive thrust and Lady squealed into the bandanna as he ground his hips against hers, nudged his muzzle against her neck.

"Lean back with me, Miss Lady."

The words were half-command, half-plea, and she obeyed. With his free arm wrapping her up and hefting her back, she thought for a moment they would finish kneeling. Instead, with his shaft still buried deep in her sex, he settled back on his rump and pulled her into his lap, then traced his hands down her sides to grab the back of her knees. Every movement made his member press against her sacredness in different ways, and she felt her inner dam straining against the building tide. Dazed, she looked down just as he leaned even further back, lifting her legs off the bed entirely until they were hooked behind his arms on either side of her head. Then his hands settled on the back of her head, and despite her hands resting on his stomach behind her, she had the brief feeling of near helplessness, and she groaned as her eyes slipped shut, tail wagging furiously.

This time there was no easing into it. Balto must have been as close as she was, and just as eager to finish. He pounded her deep and hard, making her yelp with every stroke. His ever-increasing pace and the feel of his furry sack slapping against her upturned sacredness sent shock waves through her quivering body. Her inner dam was beginning to crack.

"Mmph mmh gwwmm, mmph, mmgmm, mmph, MMPH!"

Release crashed through her just as Balto snarled and slammed her down in his lap, his hips jerking against hers as he filled her sacredness. Even as his shaft throbbed inside her, his hands dropped to her hips and he slowly lowered her legs until she was sprawled comfortably back against him. Gently, he lifted her hips and she gave a muffled cry when his shaft slipped out. Just as she laid her head back on his chest, two soft hands brushed her cheeks and undid the knot on the bandanna. When she opened her eyes, Jenna slipped the bandanna from her muzzle and kissed her nose.

"Absolutely lovely," the husky breathed, "but I do think we all need a rest just now. Balto, would you be a dear?"

Before Lady could move, he shifted again and like the night before went from his knees to lifting her into his arms. As they slipped from the bed together, Jenna pressed the bandanna into Lady's hand.

"Better for you to keep it. I can never wear it anyway, too close to my own color."

Lady nodded lazily and murmured a thank you as Balto nudged the door open. In the few paces to her room, Lady glanced up at the wolf-dog and cracked a grin.

"That was some trick you pulled at the end there, big guy."

"I hope it wasn't too much," he replied, but his smile told her he was more certain than he let on.

"Not at all. You even gave me a few ideas."

That did make him raise his brow, but he still spoke over a smile. "Oh dear."

True to his word, Tramp was sound asleep when they entered. Lady tossed back the covers with one hand and Balto laid her gently beside her husband before covering her again. Just as he reached the door, she called out in the lowest voice she could manage.

"See you at dinner, Balto. Leave room for dessert."

This time, she was sure he winked at her before shutting the door behind him. With a sigh, she cuddled up against Tramp. Even in his slumber, he smiled at her touch and his arm came up to wrap around her and pull her close. Almost as soon as she closed her eyes, the distant sound of the storm lulled her to sleep.

A Friendly Proposition - Part 3

**1893 - Chattanooga, Tennessee** It was the subtle tremor beneath them rather than the distant clang of metal on metal that woke Lady from her nap. There was the briefest sensation of movement, then the familiar cl-clack cl-clack of the rails...

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A Friendly Proposition - Part 1

**1893 - Atlanta, Georgia** At the very-most southern point of the Western & Atlantic Railroad, Terminus Station, styled "A Cathedral of the New Age" by her city, bustled with all the activity of an evening rail hub. Travelers and porters hustled...

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The Hot Springs - Part 2 (Balto/Jenna)

The next day, Balto went into Nome to speak with the doctor. The old man had mentioned, in passing, a need for more frequent deliveries that the mail team just couldn't keep up with any more. Morning found the wolfdog seated in the doctor's office,...

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