Daddy Dragon

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#11 of Fan Favourites

Zach has always loved his father.

But, as he grows, he notices that he has a peculiar attraction to the man that made him, not helped by the external influences thanks to the device in his pocket. But while this could easily spiral into a path of degeneracy for Zach, his feelings for Crome only served to blossom within his heart.

Tarnished by the recent divorce, his father, left with a gaping void, accepts his son's love twofold.

...And they both get to be degenerates.

After all, boys will be boys. What goes on between two men is not for the rest of the world to know, not least of all father and son. 'Bonding time', 'quality time', it's all an excuse for Zach and Crome to grow closer to each other - and to delve their hands into each other's pants.

Cover art:

Crome loves to sleep. It's not because he's a nudist (that's another can of worms entirely), but it's simply because it's too damn hot during this summer time. And do you know what summer time means for Crome's son, Zach? That means he's home - his last summer before college. Zach is a young man who prefers to stay inside, play video games, and chat shit online. And his dad, Crome, is teetering on the fine line between layabout and alcoholic - the man did work, but since the divorce with his savings added on top, he's let go of himself. It's why Zach has seen his dad shirtless for more times than he can count, and by Christ, did it jumpstart his sexual awakening! Now Zach is very interested in technology - he's glued to that phone as much as his computer screen. And he soon learned that, much like his father's bulging dick that he sees swinging about in his dirty-ass sweatpants all day long, he's packing. Posting a few dick pics online soon made him into a popular twink on the net, only his lean, defined form and those big, breeding boy nuts in visible in his pics. So, while Zach loves distracting himself with all manner of hobbies, roleplaying until the sun comes up again, and having temper tantrums at League of Legends matches, his mind cannot help but wonder to the smokeshow DILF of a father he has. In truth, he never even considered the possibility of getting down and dirty with his father before one of his friends brought it up. After all, every man starts out as a clean slate - Zach is just heavily corrupted by what's been feeding into him from that 'damn phone' (as Grandpa would state, God rest his soul).

"Hey man, I've got to know you well enough now, and honestly your dad sounds cool as fuck. It's so wholesome that he takes you fishing, and, from the sounds of it, you love him just as much too! ...So, I just wanna ask, can you send a photo of him? For fap purposes? Haha, maybe we could set up something involving him one time!"

The two had bonded over a love for DILFs - a type of porn which Zach has enjoyed since time immemorial. But when Zach revealed his handsome, sexy father to the other man across the keyboard, that's when his world truly changed.

Zach then sent his friend a photo of his father at the beach, smiling wide, in nothing but a stretched speedo.

"...Holy fuck dude! I just had to blow my load to that! Your dad is smoking hot! Fuuuck I love how I can see his pubes peeking out of his speedo. He was definitely wearing them for a reason..."

Zach's eyes were wide as he read his friend's message. His whole world was opening up before his eyes... Or rather, the brain that will soon be full of pervy thoughts about his father.

"N' you're telling me you've never spaffed off to him?!"

While he was busy looking at the several photos of his father on his PC, trying not to drool, he received another message. You see, Zach has always been interested in his dad, but he never discerned why. In all honesty, the thought of sexual attraction didn't hit him until now. And, instead of feeling disgust, Zach can't help but be proud of this attraction. I mean... It just makes sense, like the roleplaying buddy on the Internet says. His dad is 'smoking hot', end of.

"Dude, he's fucking gorgeous. I understand if you're weirded out, but fucking hell, he's got everything you possibly want from a man. Maybe have a conversation with yourself, yanno? Hahaha, I don't wanna be a freak, but with everything you've told me about your dad... Maybe it's about time you get closer to him."

All of sudden, Zach's door opened, and he half-shut his laptop in surprise. Good job he wasn't stroking it right now.

Zach gulped as he looked upon the face of his father, seeing him in a completely different light now.

"Heya son. I'm off to get some takeaway, what do you want?"

Even his father's voice made his cock throb.

Zach closed his laptop and walked up to the door.

"Hey dad... Why do you think mum left you?"

The question struck Crome like a sack of bricks. He tried to answer, but words failed him. His eyes fluttered helplessly.

"I... I don't really know." he said, half-heartedly.

Zach looked deeply into his father's eyes, his purple orbs shining intensely in the dim light of the teenager's room.

"I think you're the best dad ever."

Crome had to hold back tears as his throat closed around him.

"Y-You really think that, son?"

"Yeah..." Zach replied dreamily, reaching up to kiss his father on the lips, of all places. But Crome stood as still as a statue all throughout. Even as he noticed his son's mouth reaching to touch his lips, he frowned a little, but he let it happen. In fact, he even wrapped his arms around the boy. Once Zach's lips met his father's, Crome kissed back gently. The big dragon then had to deal with the half-chub erection that then ensued. Feeling his father's soft beard brush against his cheek as he met lips with him is probably the most erotic thing that happened to Zach that night.

The boy suddenly became well aware of his boundaries, however, and leaned back onto his feet, looking a little embarrassed.

"I love you dad," he said, blushing and looking away.

Crome was starstruck.

"I... I love you too, son," he replied while staring at the wall behind Zach.

"I'll have a curry." Zach said. That shook Crome out of his reverie.

"R-Right. I'll just pop down and be back in a few," the man replied, taking a few moments to get his balance down the stairs.

Jesus christ, his son just kissed him on the lips. Then he professed his love. He's gonna goon so hard to that tonight.

The meal was a little awkward, but Crome had a smile on his lips all throughout.

In-between eating, when seeing his father's happy face, Zach couldn't help but smile too.

"Good food, right?" Crome asked, grinning at his boy.

Zach nearly choked on his food; he was that hungry.

"Y-Yeah..." He replied, letting out a sheepish smirk. He was even more surprised when Crome reached over the table to ruffle his hair.

"Good boy." He said, sending sparks through Zach. It also stiffened his cock immediately.


Crome noticed Zach's embarrassment and apologised.

"Sorry if I'm a bit much."

"No, not at all..." Zach replied, whispering. He feels like a deer in headlights. Like this is some kind of date.

("Fuck, I can't even look at my freaking dad... He's so handsome, it makes me so horny.")

"You know, you're growing up to be a fine young man." Crome said, putting aside the beer in favour of taking a swig of water.

"Thanks dad," Zach mumbled. He fiddled with his thumbs.

"I... think you look really handsome, too."

The genuineness of Zach's comment surprised Crome, so much so that he had to blink a couple of times.

"Yeah?" He asked, his voice growing hoarse.

"Yeah." Zach replied, his gaze fixated onto his father's eyes.

"Just 'handsome'?" Crome winked.

Zach sighed and figured it'd be best if he laid it out on the table now.

"More like 'attractive'."

Now Crome was the one breaking out into a cold sweat.

"Whoa..." He whispered.

Zach shook his head and made some kind-of half squealing, half please-get-me-out-of-here sound with his throat.

"I gotta go. I just remembered I need to study."

"Alright..." Crome replied, but his son already rushed too far up the stairs for him to hear.

The next day, Monday...

Harsh, exasperated sighs escaped from Crome as he jerked his cock so hard you would think it killed his family or something. His forehead was sweating, even with the water dripping down on him from the shower, for him, nothing was sexier than his teenage son.

"You kissed me on the lips, boy!" Crome screamed, shouting out his frustrations.

"You want your daddy that bad?!"

Crome felt like he wanted to be stuffed with cock and be the one stuffing his cock into his boy at the same time.

"Then you straight up call your father a 'hunk'?!"

Crome's heart fluttered as he jerked his cock - a feeling of love sandwiched between the rampant lust.

"Fuck! You nasty, little shit!"

"Here's what I think! I think you're sexy as fuck! Sure glad I signed you up to that gym class, because you're toned as hell! I don't know whether to breed you or have you pump your pent-up frustrations into me!"

Crome exploded his load all over the tiled wall of the shower, taking good long strokes of his cock to make sure that every drop of cum was squeezed out.

"...And I love that." Crome sighed again, having to stop himself from slumping down the shower from horny exhaustion. The loads he blows to his son are always the best. And he's never regretted a single one. The only issue is that, now, tensions are actually starting to rise, and Crome can't fucking bear it anymore. He needs his boy to cave in, to take the next step forward on their relationship. This isn't about love or lust anymore - it's about both of them, and what they want. Crome is so happy he's got a son that loves him. And lord knows we know how much daddy loves his son in turn...

School days were the best for Crome, because it meant he could lounge about, and/or beat his dick all day. Well, it just so happens that he's almost always jerking it to his son now. And Crome, in his overflowing lust, devised a plan that will give the means for them to take the 'next step', and it is something so innocent, yet sinister...

On Friday, the last week of school...

Zach rushed home without a second thought. A full summer holiday to spend with his father. Just thinking about the fun he would have set him on edge... And it doesn't even have to be fun, per say. Just the chance to look upon his father's exposed form some more, to see his chest hair glimmer in the sunlight, his body that of an Adonis - albeit one who has a penchant for beer.

Zach loves every part of his father profusely. It is only right that he squeezes his cock to the man that made him; especially if he feels this way.


The door creaked as Zach tentatively opened it.

Inside, his father was slumbering in his favourite reading chair, his gown undone.

"Dad?" Zach asked hesitantly.

His father didn't move, all Zach could hear (over the sound of his own heartbeat, that is), is the small, focused breaths of his sleeping father.

He edged inside and shut the door behind him. He stood there for what felt like hours (but was probably more like ten minutes), until finally he made up his mind to do it. He took off his shirt and trousers then settled himself next to his father.

Zach gasped as he saw what was protruding between his father's legs.

It was his cock, massive and rigid, even while sleeping...

His penis was veiny and it had an inexplicable meatiness about it, as if that daddy dick wasn't squeezed for days.

His horny, pent-up father...

("So this is the reason for my father's love...)

Zach has always wondered why his father's touch lingers on him more than it should. Now, it definitely makes sense. All those times where daddy reached up to get 'something real quick' from the fridge, was just an excuse for Crome to rub his mighty bulge against his son's attractive looking ass.

It's normal for a father to sprout up a boner right next to his son. Even if he may not be immediately thinking it, daddy's mind is on smashing his boy's hole and taking the kid's virginity once and for all. His son, Zach, is now at the age where he's well aware of dick and what it's capable of. The teenager can attest: what would round out a day of school better than jerking off to big-dicked, handsome manly men on the Internet like your life depends on it?

What he didn't expect, however, was his father to be so fucking thick. A proud 9-inch spire of pure, uncircumcised daddy dick, jutting up between his father's thick thighs, and adorned with gruff pink pube fluff to boot.

Hell, even daddy's big fat milker balls have wisps of pube hair on them.

("Dude's so manly that even his balls sprout a bit of hair... Yep, that's my father alright...") Zach thought to himself, instantly noticing the straining boner in his pants. Stupid sexy DILF...

His father always has a habit of doing this to him. Just by his mere existence alone, Zach would get hard at a moment's notice around his dad. This is partly due to hormones, as you can reasonably expect, but it doesn't help that, in his spare time, Zach is slowly building a collection of filthy father x son stories that would make even the kinkiest of man blown away (quite literally). He was always curious, especially as a cub. Now he's of age; he's been exposed to the other side of men on the Internet, and he would very much love to be between a man's legs right now, milking them dry. But, if his father has anything to say about it, his old man will be the one teaching him about cock instead. Porn can only go so far. Some horny sons get to experience the real thing.

His father, Crome.

The fuckin' breeder dragon that's mostly likely well known for making women the world over weak in the knees, often sending many sluts home unable to walk. Now Zach gets it: the reason for his existence. As the young son gazes upon his father's unimaginable girth, an idea strikes him.

("What's wrong with a bit of groping here and there?") He reasons in his mind, justifying his need to touch his father. But there should be no reason needed, as all men love it when curious boys touch them!

Judging by his loud snoring, daddy dragon (as Zach affectionately nicknamed him as a cub before) is fast asleep. Especially with a boner as prominent as that, I don't think Crome would mind to have his son's hand wrapped around his meat, playing with it like a new toy. Because, well, it is. But instead of playing, Zach would be more interested in replicating the handjob videos he's seen on YiffHub.

Crome is probably dreaming about getting a handjob from his son at this instant, because he is also a pervert - just like his son. It runs in the family.

("Fuck it. Time to grab it. It looks so fucking good.")

And that's exactly what Zach did, never moving from his place, just reaching over to wrap his tender hand around his father's fat dick. Crome's dick is so girthy, that his kid's hand can barely wrap around it! The base of his father's shaft seemed to be the toughest, absolutely rock solid, and the fact that he was resting his hand on his father's pubic hair made it all the hotter for the son. He knows he's touching a man. Zach isn't even old enough to start growing extra fluff yet - most dragons don't get this trait until well into their adult years. But that's alright, because his smooth scales will function as the perfect contrast to daddy's naturally hairy, masculine form.

He could hear his dad snoring - so loud that he was sure it was vibrating the walls around him. But for all intents and purposes, the heartbeat in Zach's chest was louder. He's finally doing it. He's finally touching his father's cock; the self-same dick that he's seen swinging about between his thighs, enclosed only by grey sweatpants that Crome wears every morning - clearly getting them on in a hurry to see his son off to school with a mug in his hand.

Zach rarely makes eye contact with his father. Do you know why? It's because he's too busy looking at his big legs, and the just-as-big bulge protruding in the middle of them. As if he knew Zach would like it somehow, Crome would continue the conversation unabated, even putting a hand in his pocket to adjust his bulge, enjoying his son's exasperated, flustered reaction. The kid's old enough to know what cock is - he's way past that mark! In Crome's dirty fantasies, he would much rather be treating his son about the wonders of cock right now. Because he, too, harbours a deep lust for his own kin.

Just as the son's love for his father blossomed as he matured into his teenage years, as Zach grew from a cub and into a fit young lad, that's when Crome couldn't ignore the throbbing in his pants every time his son bent over to pick something up, taking his sweet ass time in front of daddy, while also making a point to perk up his big butt to said pervert. Crome was watching with a tightness in his loins...

So-called 'daddy dragon' just wants to cut the tension already and breed his son's inviting virgin hole then and there, but he knows that'll be classified as rape, and the kid's probably not ready to take his father's humongous dick just yet. But that's what Crome thought. As for Zach...? Well, the fact that he's pressing his nose against his father's throbbing shaft right now, his eyes widening at the trickle of precum flowing from his bulbous tip, into his thick curly bush that exudes his distinctive musk every waking second of every day, is proof enough that Zach is ready for his father.

Zach starts sliding his hand up his father's meat club, feeling the ridges beneath the veiny skin, hard as a bone. Then, he pulls down, seeing his father's foreskinned cock retract with another throb. More precum trickled from his tip, and this time Zach thought it prudent to push his finger against his dad's ridiculously sensitive tip and get a nice helping of precum on his finger. Without a moment to waste, he licked up the thick precum, it tasted very bitter, but with a surprisingly sweet aftertaste, almost like honey. Like a caveman discovering fire for the first time, Zach was ecstatic to taste his father's juice; the fruit coming from his loins.

Suddenly, his father's snoring stopped. However, as if controlled by an inner force beyond his will, Zach resumed stroking his off daddy because the big dragon didn't so much as move a muscle. That's good enough to know that he can continue doing this so long as he doesn't wake up.

Zach's lips were pursed together in deep concentration. He's got to do make daddy feel good!

Zach took hold of his much smaller (by comparison) cock and began himself beating off in time with the slow strokes on his father's cock. Every time he saw Crome's foreskin roll back and forth, he was in awe.

("What is a man so handsome doing with a dick this big?") he thought, having to swallow the drool falling out of his mouth as his father's scent filled the air, slowly replacing the oxygen in the room. Little boy, small hands, big dick. Zach is literally just sat there whacking his father off, unable to stop. He knew he was doing a great job, since Crome's cock throbbed intensively and with far more frequency - so much so that Zach swore it could burst at any moment. It felt so big in his hands, so meaty and warm.

Clearly, his father hadn't been giving his blessed manhood enough attention. It feels only right that his son picks up in his slack. Every time he stroked from the base to the tip of the dick, he could see his father's balls tighten and a growl escape from his throat.

"Are you enjoying that dream, daddy...?" Zach whispered, his soft tone barely registering in the room in fear of waking his father up. Crome's expression changed a bit: he was more focused, like he was snarling. A beast enjoying the pleasure of his son... Zach just assumed he was having a dream, nevertheless, he's far too transfixed on the stroking and throbbing of his own father's 9-inch meat pole (which takes up most of his peripheral vision) to think about the possibility of Crome being awake this entire time.

Zach felt a rush of adrenaline run through his body; knowing that he's stroking his father off and getting away with it. Zach shuffled closer to his father, and his dick twitched when he felt the warmth of his father's large thigh tickle against his. At this angle, it looks like Crome's pudgy belly takes up around 50% of Zach's body mass.

Now he's really in the zone - all that's left is to make the big man cum his guts out under the guise of having a wet dream.

Zach's internal monologue is telling him to make daddy feel good. Touch daddy's cock. Make the middle-aged man cum. Make him feel the pleasure of a kid's hands.

("My dad deserves the best...") Zach thought to himself, his expression darkening, rational thought escaping his mind in favour for unrepentant horny thoughts.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through his trance.

"You're doing great son, but don't be afraid to be firm." Crome said, holding back a deep groan. Zack swivelled his head up to look at his father, who seemed to be awakening from a deep sleep - a groggy look on his face. Crome's perverted smirk says everything he needs to know, though.

("Daddy wants me to continue...") Zach was overcome with joy but, at the same time, nervousness to perform.

Crome doesn't want to come across as a degenerate pervert too early, but that'll be a difficult when you've got your 18-year-old son stroking you off with such earnest. Then, overcome with adrenaline himself (horny desire to be exact), Crome held his son's hand firmly onto his hip, the boy using his other hand to stroke that humongous shaft. He clasped his hand around his son, praising him.

"Grip daddy's big dong nice and hard, kid. Whack him off." Crome grunted, his chest heaving with pleasure.

Zach was clearly struggling with just one hand, but daddy was getting such a kick out of it. Seeing that tiny hand, which can barely wrap around Crome's immeasurable girth, nevertheless stroke it, trying his very best to please his father's dong, it creates no doubt in Crome's mind: that sons were made to service their fathers.

"Sweetheart, have you seen a cock like this before?" Crome asked, like he was talking to a cub (he can't help it though, he's just so madly in love). Zach shook his head, words unable to leave his throat.

Crome smirked.

("So my kid's seeing his first 'daddy dick' from his very father no less...")

He's had enough now; had enough of holding himself back. Crome exhaled sharply, demonic grunts coming out of his throat as he shoved Zack into his pube-infested balls, literally giving the boy nothing else to breathe other than his daddy's ball funk. But when Zack inhaled the said scent, he could easily make a life out of it.

"Now that's the fuckin' good stuff..." Crome panted, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he forced the boy's face over his balls. He's finally living the fantasy.

"Now this is where you were made," Crome said resolutely, as if there was no arguing the fact. Zach's eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"When men jerk off or get a nice handjob," he continued.

"They get sweaty balls."

Crome drew his hand down to his plump jewels that stuck to his warm thighs, his cock about to explode at any moment.

("My kid's in front of me. My kid's in front of me. My kid's in front of me. Begging for cum.")

"'N it's up to you to service him," he explained, scratching his balls, a sharp, brush-like texture resounding in the room. Yeah, daddy's balls are hairy alright. Full of spunk too.

"Son..." Crome's breathing was growing hoarse, and Zach could tell from his far-off look that he was close.

"I'm about to make some babies."

Overtaken by instinct and a need to service his father wheresoever possible, Zack braced his hands directly on his father's thighs, noticing his legs starting to coil and thrust up as he gets closer and closer to his orgasm.

"I want to breed a little boy..." Crome whispers, no, whimpers, like a dog; a slave to his lusts.

Zach, with all his strength and courage he could muster, clasped his mouth around his father's throbbing, purple tip (that threatened to turn a darker shade of purple from his much his son's tender handjob turned him on).

Using both hands, he milked the horsecock that is his father's cock, and made sure his daddy's pervert seed in emptied straight into his waiting, young maw. In mere seconds, Zach's maw already overflowed with jizz. Strings were falling from his chin, hitting his father's pube bush or chest fluff, landing on blobs around his body on general, but still Zach continued, his mouth attached on his dad's cock like the expert daddy milker he is.

"You boys know best nowadays," Crome breathed out, his mind clearing of cum. He chuckled a bit, in awe of what he has just experienced. Zach did the same, leaning back with a deep sigh. He splayed himself out on the floor, and Crome cuddled him close.

"C'mere, kiddo. From now on, cuddles with daddy will always be allowed." Crome's deep voice vibrated through his chest, making Zach feel at ease. Zach closed his eyes and smiled, enjoying the warm embrace of his father.

"I love you, daddy..."

A lust-filled Saturday ensues...

Now that his son is rightfully educated about the birds and the bees, aptly named 'daddy dragon' is totally fine with letting it all hang in front of his kid. As he should be.

"No man of the house should ever be ashamed of himself," Zach's father once said, the day after he got stroked off by his son. He then proceeded to undo his robe and casually sip his tea like nothing is happening, Zach's mind and hormones overflowing at the sight of his father's 9-inch erect dad dick.

("Not again...") He thought, feeling much of the same emotion he had when he played with his father's dick while he was "sleeping". The only difference now, Crome is wide awake, looking lovingly at his son as he remarks on how much he's grown these past few years.

Zach can only weakly smile in response as he tries desperately to keep his eyes on his father's upper body, but even that is so unimaginably hot, what with his grown-out beard and fluffy chest hair, which now appears in full view before him. It's just not fair. Fathers can't be _that_hot, right? But they can be. Oh, they can. Because men are men , no matter what. The type of men to knock up bitches in this world are the ones who are always studly and worthy of respect. The women won't take no weak man for a husband.

If he doesn't have a smidge of chest hair or a deep voice, it's a hard pass. Luckily, Crome has both. Age has only made him sexier. He's like a fine wine. Now, it would be expected of me to continue this train of thought, but imagine yourself in Zach's shoes for a second. When you sit in the kitchen only for your dad to come in with an open robe, morning wood and a musky air about him, would you even be thinking about anything at all? No. As a matter of fact, the only thing running through Zach's mind right now is when can he next masturbate. What excuse can he make up to rush up to his room to crank out a quickie to his father before school, knowing full well he's nothing but a few metres away from him?

The strangeness of father son relationships... I'll be honest, I don't think it'd be uncommon for you to masturbate to your dad. Because it's not just about looks. It's the type of person he is. When Crome is the supportive father he is, Zach cannot help but feel enthused with love for the 45 year old DILF.

It's love - plain and simple. Once you spank it to your dad, you realise you've got a preference. Now, to stroke him off and make him bust his nut high and hard in the air from your inexperienced hands? That's something only Zach has gotten to do. Lucky bugger...

Zach swallowed the lump in his throat as he attempted to make a semblance of a conversation.

"Uh... So how's wo-"


Crome cracked his back and moved his body around, seeming uncaring to his loose robe, and even giving his fuzzy balls a quick scratch, the sound of his scratching reaching the young dragon's ears and reminding him of what happened yesterday.

"Mhm... Nice day out, ain't it, son?" Crome nodded towards the window, the steam from his freshly brewed tea rising.

Zach did not turn his head. In fact, he did not break his gaze at all. He continued staring at his father's handsome face.

Crome looked back at Zach for a few seconds, meeting his dead-lock gaze, and his face flickered with embarrassment.

"Tch... Fuckin' horny kid..." He whispered as he walked away.

"I'll be ready soon, kiddo." He called out.

"...O-Okay..." Zach responded, clearly not himself, the tent in his pants being the only indicator of any sign of life in him for the moment.

Now it's 40 minutes before school and Zach has got a boner so hard that it refuses to go down. All thanks to his undeniably gorgeous father. He loves everything about him. His very presence makes Zach's heart soar. The way Crome carries himself, the way he casually brushes off things that would inconvenience most people, sitting him down every night to talk about his grades and schoolwork, only to end the conversation with "Yeah, there's no way I'm taking that phone off of you. You gotta spank it to de-stress, kiddo."

Despite his outward appearance, Crome will make every effort to support his son. Even if the father himself is scrolling through the very same stories as his young boy every night, secretly wishing he could find another father that thinks the same as he does. Now that Zach is growing older, it's getting harder and harder for Crome to hold his instincts back. Sometimes he just wants to go full apeshit and scream in his face about how sexy he looks when he sees him out of the shower. But no, that would complicate things. Better to handle it naturally and maturely.

Crome thought of a plan. He would stroke off his son as he sleeps. Chad move, I know. But it's time for payback. If his kid has enough confidence to openly stroke off his father without barely knowing anything about sex as much as he does, then it's time to be himself, and let himself give in to these feelings for once. Because, when Zach did it, it just served to strengthen their relationship. What's to say that Crome giving his son such a good handjob that it causes him see stars won't make them fall in love? You see, this logic is irrefutably sound.

Crome swerved on his feet before he left the room, ready to say one last thing to his son, who seemed to be staring off into space with a visible bulge in his sweatpants.

"Remember son, you scratch my back, I scratch yours," he said with a wink.

Zach looked completely lost.

"C-Cool, good to know..." he stammered out.

("Yeah, there's nothing going on in that head... Damn cum-brained kid.")

When the opportunity finally arrives...

Crome reached for his son's morning wood, seeming to look around 7 inches now that it's fully erect before him.

"Christ, to say you've grown is an understatement. What's up with you, son?" Crome was clearly flabbergasted by how much his son has grown between the legs. He didn't know that teenagers could be so hung. But it's true. Crome was just like his son at some point. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That is to say, if your father has a big dick, you'll get one too. Zach inherits his massive cock and perverted instincts from his father, of that there can be no doubt. But does he inherit the older dragon's gut? No, not yet - in fact, he has something far more attractive to his old man: the fountain of youth.

Zach propped himself up with his elbows, looking at his father with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"I dunno, dad. Maybe I just take after you." He replied.

Crome's eyes fluttered, his breath growing more ragged and heavier for every second he spends in the presence of his ridiculously hung and cum-smelling teenage boy.

"Thanks," he smiled, reaching his other hand out to stroke his boy's cheek.

"But you're far more beautiful than me," he continued.

"You have your mother's looks..."

Crome's faced inched forward to his son's until his snout touched the boy's small nose.

The two wordlessly opened their lips and lost themselves in a deep kiss. Zach's heart was pounding. So was Crome's.

This is how it's meant to be; the true love between a father and his son. Or so Zach thought. As for Crome, he's wondering when he can claim the kid for himself. Hopefully, that would be now...

Even Crome couldn't contain himself. Spurred on by the erotic sight of his son's young, handsome face and his naturally feminine form, he could easily imagine his kid as the woman he once loved. But once his groping hands reached the boy's firm front, his fingers running over his taut abs, that's when he knew. He's not touching a woman. He's touching a growing boy in the midst of puberty. But, still, Crome continued to make out with his son, overcome with his feelings of lust. (Again, chad move.)

With his father's large body hovering over him, his very existence casting a pall over the inexperienced youngster, Zach felt like he was drowning in lust. He's literally just lying there, in his single bed, his father's fluffy beard brushing against his face like he always dreamed of. Dude's just straight up making out with his kid. And he ain't stopping... until now.

Crome pulled back with a string of spit connecting both their chins, each man as set in lust as the other.

Crome wiped the drool falling from his mouth, and his eyes looked like they were filling with tears.

"Heh. Looks like we're both going to need a bigger bed."

Zach threw both of his arms over his father's back and hugged him close. Even if it felt like the bed was going to collapse from their weight, Zach did not care. All that matters is showing his father how much he loves him.

"I love you dad," he whispered out in the dragon's ear, holding back tears himself.

"Sorry my gut's crushing you." He wittily replied.

Zach smiled and closed his eyes.

"I like it."

The next day...

After their emotional experience, Crome sought to take care of his son's morning wood once and for all.

He would wake him up like last time - by pulling down his PJs and stroking his fat fuckin' teen dick, covered by his grey briefs.

Even his son's balls were starting to hang out of the underwear.

"Bloody hell kiddo, have you thought about getting something bigger?"

Zach stirred awake from the sound of his father's deep, attractive voice. Judging by his previous dream, in which he was breeding a crush from school, once he woke up and ascertained the reality of his situation, Zach easily put two and two together. He only nearly had a wet dream because his father was stroking him off in his sleep. What a cock hound. Don't let his age fool you. Crome is every bit the cocksucker as his son. They're both men after all: destined to service each other.

Zach was a bit embarrassed when his father discovered he was still wearing briefs that were given to him when he was younger, but he likes how they make him seem bigger.

"N-No, I..."

"It's alright, son." Crome interjected, his fingers trailing up the boy's slender thighs.

"Daddy's here to make you feel better now."

Zach squirmed delightfully from his father's touch. His dad was stroking his big dick like nobody's fuckin' business, his eyes focused on his son's dick more intently than anything else he's experienced in his sex life. Crome is really really into the thought of beating off his 18-year-old son. He wants to make him blow his hormonal spunk so hard that his balls will ache. Crome wants to see his boy's thick white ropes of cum trickle down his defined front. He wants to make the kid cum hard. Judging by Zach's squinting expression, and the growls escaping from his throat, he's already well on his way to having the best orgasm of his life. His little legs parting and closing, Zach's cute butt squirming into the bed as his body is wracked with all of these newfound feelings.

("Yeah, the kid's having the time of his life, alright...")

"You're a man now, boy." Crome huskily stated, breaking the silence.

"And I wanna see how much you've grown." He growled.

Crome used his other hand (that he regrettably had to stop groping his son with) to pull down the boy's briefs, and out flicked his massive 6-and-a-half-inch hormone-filled, mid-puberty cock. Crome's nostrils instinctively flared. The whole room smells like a cum den - anyone in their right mind would be able to tell a teenage boy lives here for at least 3 hours a day, fapping his life away.

"Fuck. You smell ripe, kid."

Zach blushed.

"Is that bad?" He asked.

Now that his father's nose is pressed up against the base of his dick, inhaling the scent like a drug, Zach would reasonably assume no.

"It's totally fine to have a fat dick and jerk off at every possible moment when you're that age." Crome said in one breath, like he was reciting some old rulebook.

What came next surprised Zach. His felt his father's mouth wrap around his uncircumcised tip, his throat enveloping down to the base of his cock in one gulp. Zach was very nearly overstimulated, breathing in so much air that he felt like he was about to burst, but Crome held him steady, pinning his chest against the bed with his arm.

"Stay calm, son. Daddy's going to drain you dry, alright?"

It's not like Zach had a choice in the matter.

As Crome deepthroated his son's cock, his phone fell out of his hand by the side of him. Crome briefly looked over at the screen, finding it to be a page filled with text. At the top was the title of "Jerking off Dad". At least daddy dragon knows where his kid gets his inspiration from now.

That just made him deepthroat his son harder. His damn kid is into incest. No fucking wonder he loves his dad so much. Zach cried out for his father to slow down but Crome simply couldn't. He was salivating on his son's big fuck-stick like a monster. Drool pooled down into his patchy growing bush of soft pubes, snaking down his shaft in thick goops as Crome continued to suck up and down like a machine on his teenage son's cock.

Milking his son. That's all that matters. Making his toes curl at the feeling of his fluffy beard hitting his balls. Making Zach happy knowing he's getting sucked off by a man twice his age and then some. It's what he's always wanted. What they've both wanted.

Hearing his father's deep growls as he sucks him off set Zach over the edge. He couldn't hold back anymore and had to pump his father with ropes of hormonal spunk.

"Take my fuckin' jock bro spunk, yo!" Zach cried out, imagining he was a hung jock teenager in one of the stories he loves to read.

That just lit a fire in Crome, a heavy shot of precum bursting out of his cock. The father's lust was made even more prevalent when Zach, in the midst of his orgasm, slapped his father's ass while the other was holding him down by the neck in a weak grip.

"Your ass is so fucking fat , dad!" Zach cried, finally admitting all of his desires and fantasies to his father.

"You've got a fuckin' dumptruck of an ass, you fat, sexy pervert!"

Crome was mind-blown. He popped off his son's cock to speak to him, but he was interrupted mid-sentence by a shot of cum shooting in his mouth.

Zach snorted at this, clearly impressed over his new dominant attitude.

"Yeah, take it, you sexy DILF! Shut up and suck my fucking cock!"

Crome then proceeded to suck his son's big nuts, knowing he won't have chance to speak so long as his cum-brained gooner of a son continues his mini roleplay. Tch, 'roleplay' my ass. His son is the type of dude that deserves to cum all over his father's handsome face and show the grizzled old-timer who's boss.

"Don't underestimate the younger generation, punk! We've all got fat dicks and shoot spunk like a horse!"

Crome was almost baffled by what's coming out of his son's mouth. Just how much of these filthy stories has he read? But no matter... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And Crome, evidently, can't wait until his son's Adam's apple forms, so that way he can truly start spouting crap about being on par with his father.

The way daddy dragon sees it: until his son grows into full-on adulthood, he's still got a lot of growing to do, a lot of things to learn. But at least Zach loves the sex as much as his father does.

One day, when Crome was teaching Zach how to properly masturbate...

"Now then boy. Just give it a good ol' rub, like how daddy's doin' it."

Crome grunted as he casually stroked his penis in front of his naked teenage son. God, it's all so fucking erotic. Seeing his slender body, his awed little face. But nothing is little about Zach... As the massive cock and testes between his legs would attest. His cock was bigger than most of his friends at school, but that is not surprising at all, considering he hails from the town's once-heralded 'bitch-breaking dragon god' (his father), now degenerated into a gay pervert. But that's not a degeneration. More like an evolution.

Zach had a slim frame that made him look younger for his age. However, that didn't stop him from being mature beyond his years, and having a cock to rival his father's.

"Dad..." Zach breathed out.

"You're so fucking hot." He whined, leaning against his father, feeling the tickle of his father's puffy belly hair against his stomach.

"Yeah?" Crome grunted, still openly jerking off his cock in front of his youngest.

"You're fine as hell, too." He replied, grasping his son's bony shoulder with his big hand.

The two continued masturbating together, looking lovingly into each other's eyes. And anyone who says incest isn't the best is fucking lying.

"Why do you like me so much anyway?" Zach asked, walking closer to his father.

"Are you some kind of... Boy lover?"

Zach felt the hot air from Crome's nostrils blow against his face as the man let out a dark, strained huff to that question. Crome's brow furrowed.

"A p-pervert? N-No way." He stuttered.

Zach gave his father another peck on his lips, this time not pulling back as he spoke to him in a whisper.

"It's okay dad... You don't need to label yourself. But if I was to choose..."

Zach then licked the side of his father's sinewy neck, coursing with veins.

"Then I'd say you're a perverted god who knows what your cock wants."

A Hrothgar's Welcome

## **A Hrothgar's Special Welcome** _Written by AlexNightmurr_ _Edited by MercerV & Whitefluff_ * * * In the Copperbell Mines, there is no shortage of work needing to be done, and there is none more suited to the task of mining than Hrothgars....

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