An Indominable Experience

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Four TF Enthusiasts find themselves in part of the same transformation program, to be turning into prehistoric beasts, with the libidos to match!

Feeling an overwhelming sensation of elation, Fernando rubbed his shoulder over the injection site for what had to be the fifth time in as many minutes. It had only been only a short time since he'd been given his nanite cocktail, but he could hardly wait for the results to kick in. It would take him several days to fully transition, of course. Fernando would have it no other way, given the circumstances.

Naturally, the notion of what would slowly happen to him had an arousing effect, his cock already waving back and forth in the warm breeze. How could it not, being able to experience the fulfillment of a lifetime's worth of dreams? But, he resisted the urge to touch himself for now. There would be plenty of time for that over the rest of his stay here in the park, for however long that would be. And, given how the nanite's influence lined up with his own proclivities, it might be multiple times a day, making Fernando leak all over again!

In his veins was a nanite cocktail that would, over the course of several days, turn him from his human form into a totally non-human animal. Though there were many uses for such technology, the one that had Fernando interested was a series of breeding programs around the world, designed to propagate certain endangered species. The advantage of such programs allowed for people with various DNA combinations to breed in newly acquired animal forms and produce viable offspring. Though there were some facilities where people could enter for short periods of time as animals, there was also a precedent for people to be changed for longer time frames, let loose in the wild to live their lives with the promise of genetic ease and low chance of predation or disease.

Fernando, for his part, opted to take the middle ground in a particular program of his deepest desires. Though, if he was being honest with himself, any such program would really do it for him, for various reasons. But, in the end, it was the most unique of such programs that drew Fernando to this particularly large island, one that would give him the freedom of being an animal with the proximity to turn back in the future. That, and to be an animal that had never existed on the planet in literally millions of years was certainly appealing beyond his wildest fathoming. Or, in his case, one that had never existed on the planet at all, save for the interest of science fiction!

The park for its part was massive enough that it could house several ecosystems of previously extinct species, ones that held particular interest to the population at large. There was profit to be made somewhere down the line, an inspiration from a popular movie franchise for a place where people could come view those who had changed. For now, the inhabitants of the island were allowed to be free and do as they would within the confines of the natural boundaries. There was some expectation for them to breed, the possibility to create new life over the course of the next ten to twenty years or so. It was an experiment of such, though one that was much safer than its Hollywood counterpart for a number of obvious reasons.

In Fernando's case, the species that he was to be could not breed viable offspring, though it was not something that was his particular fantasy. He would be not only a dinosaur but an amalgamate species of several DNA sources, making a real-life version of the Indominus Rex! The change itself would take place over the course of a few days, and he would have it no other way. There would be enough time to learn about how his body was altering, changing towards a non-human being. The change itself would have no ill effects on his body, his anatomy protected with the nanite's recovery program. He would even be able to eat raw meat and drink from lake water without getting sick or catching any sort of disease. Though, he would certainly be inclined to run down the various goats that were released for the predators to hunt! And, best of all, there was no chance of being eaten by any of the predators, their bodies producing a pheromone that would allow anyone to know that they were changed and once human, making them distasteful besides! Not to mention the regenerative aspects of the nanites would heal any attack injuries or likewise.

There was another aspect of the change that came to the forefront of his thoughts, something that Fernando couldn't wait to experience. He wasn't the only one that would be in the park, of course, others had undergone the program and were fully dinosaurs. There would be plenty of dinosaurs wandering around, acting like the animals they were now, and that would be exciting to see. However, more elating was the fact that there were posts on social media that several other transformation enthusiasts were joining the program at the dinosaur park. There was going to be a meetup of sorts that Fernando wanted in on. Fernando would be absolutely ecstatic to meet some people mid-change, especially anyone that was just as sexually aroused by transformation as he was!

The warm sun felt pleasant against his skin as Fernando explored the area around the facility where he had been injected. Fernando had reign of the park, to see what others had turned into and hope that some people were mid-change or just starting their journeys like he was! Still, Fernando couldn't help but check his skin every five seconds, hoping that he would find the start of scales on his features. The change, in reality, wouldn't quite start so quickly, much to his dismay. But, it would happen, Fernando was certain of that. Especially after all the videos that he'd seen of people mid-change. It was a popular thing for people to view, after all, certainly within his own circles. Enough to make sure that he want the experience himself after he had been injected with the nanites!

It took only half an hour of wandering around before the tingling and itching around his arm were enough that Fernando thought it prudent to look down to see what had happened around the injection site. To his delight, there was some discoloration, a greying of the skin that was proceeded by a slight pattern of scales around the itchy spot. Only the beginning of what would eventually happen to him, one of many changes that would alter him into a new life the likes of which he could hardly imagine!

Naturally, his cock was leaking without even needing to touch himself, hanging there as though begging for release. Yet, there was something about waiting as long as he could to touch himself that first time, to need it so badly from the sight of the changes that he simply could not resist. That was the best way to do it, in his mind. Though given that part of the package was to grant him enormous sexual stamina, it wouldn't be a waste of his efforts to cum right now!

As he walked, the sensation of something pressing against the tip where his tailbone was made him elated and leak another string of precum. Was it the start of his tail? Fernando couldn't wait to see! It had to get a little longer before he could properly watch it, and the notion that it was soon to be a permanent part of him was more erotic than he could have even imagined in fantasy. Already, he could feel the weight of it behind him, a prelude to what was sure to come.

While there was some temptation to stay there and play his hands over his body, seeking more changes, Fernando thought it best to continue walking around the island, looking for other dinos and finding any that were still changing. There were distant sounds of lowing that had to be large animals, but Fernando couldn't be sure, never having been around them before. He must have been walking for about half an hour at this point, though it was hard to say without his electronic devices. They were not needed for his new form, anyways, not part of the new life that he wanted so desperately to take on. Still, it had been some time since he left the compound, and yet Fernando felt no ill from the walk. There was no path, but the grass was pleasant on his bare feet. It was as though he was full of energy like he'd had the best sleep in his life and could walk for hours. The level of power that his body possessed was already far more than his usual humanity, be it from the nanites themselves or the changes slowly working their way into his muscles.

The sound of something moving had Fernando turn his head, seeing someone standing nearby and looking off into the distance. Thinking it to be a dinosaur, Fernando walked quickly towards it, not scared of being harmed, naturally. There was no real safety risk, and Fernando wanted to be close to one of the animals that he would be part of soon. Yet, the closer he got, the more he saw that the being standing there was human, at least much as he was himself. Someone else changing? Fernando had to talk to them!

Hoping that the other person wouldn't be too embarrassed by seeing each other naked and aroused, Fernando walked up behind the man, wondering how to say hello. The other person, clearly male, turned about, in the middle of stroking himself off. Yet, he stopped, looking into Fernando with an expression of recognition. As he grew closer, Fernando saw that the man was indeed familiar, someone that he had known outside the island. Someone, he had occasional video calls with, one that shared his particular proclivities...

"OMG, Jeremy, is that you?" Fernando said, looking at the naked form of one of his transformation-enthusiast friends. They had met online over a love of transformation media, Fernando an artist, and Jeremy a writer. They had some video calls together, chatting about TF, and even traded media on occasion. He was a good friend, and to think that anyone, especially someone he knew was on the island and going to transform at the same time was more exciting, and arousing, than anything Fernando had ever anticipated!

"Hey, Fernando! I saw your social media post! I was hoping to run into you!" Jeremy said, keeping his hand on his cock. It seemed that social convention about such things as masturbating in front of your friends wasn't off the table. Besides, they would all see each other's cocks when they were aroused, whenever they were in the same place, while they were fully dinosaurs, after all. Why not enjoy it to the fullest?!

"Oh, fuck, me too! It's so good to see you!" Fernando said, looking over his friend's somewhat pudgy body. Though, Fernando wasn't sure how much of that was his humanity and how much was the start of his changes. Most dinos were pretty large, so it wasn't out of the question that he would be growing a little already. Naturally, he was naked, the only thing that he kept on his form was his glasses. Though, once he was a dinosaur, he wouldn't need them anymore!

But, it was the beginnings of alterations to his friend's form that Fernando wanted to really see. There wasn't much, Jeremy obviously had started a little bit before Fernando himself. But, there was clearly a tail hanging off his backside, enough that he could see it there below Jeremy's very erect cock while he was tentatively stroking off. It seemed Jeremy couldn't quite take his hand off his member, as much as Fernando wanted to touch his own, too aroused by the changes. Not that Fernando could blame the other man, the soon-to-be dinosaur. The whole point in changing was to feel how arousing it could be, after all!

"Damn, your tail's coming along really well!" Fernando said, feeling his cock leaking even more from the sight. At that, Jeremy turned around, showing off the thickened nub that was protruding from above his ass. Fernando felt his heart leap when Jeremy's tail nub started to twitch, as though it had already gotten big enough to be able to do so.

"Thanks! Yours is going to look so good too!" Jeremy commented, cock leaking as he said it. To Fernando's delight, it seemed his friend was as eager about seeing Fernando's changes as much as Fernando was excited about seeing Jeremy's.

Fernando's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the impressive member that was presently leaking into Jeremy's massive hand. It wasn't human, at least not nearly as much as it likely had been. The pointed tip seemed to have obscured the head, foreskin peeled back towards the base in the beginnings of a slit. His balls, too, seemed not to hang as low as they should, though they were certainly plump. It was as though they were being pulled into his body. From what Fernando knew about dinosaurs, most of their anatomy was kept inside, a prospect that excited him to have on himself soon!

"Oh, shit guys, there's two more!" Came another familiar voice, and Fernando looked up to see two more bipedal shapes walking towards them from over a hill. It was obvious that they were a little larger, taller, and Fernando could see the swinging tails behind them, longer than Jeremy's own. Another string of precum came out of his cock at that. He wanted his own tail, to feel the bulb at the base of his spine twitch in anticipation. The notion of having a tail was the most erotic thing that Fernando had ever imagined in his life!

To his delight, the visages of the other two men were familiar, as well. Two other people he had communicated with in the transformation fandom, and also ones that had expressed interest in joining one of the breeding programs around the world. Samy and Alex, or at least who he knew them to be from their online profiles. Fernando wasn't sure what the odds were that so many transformation enthusiasts were on the island at once. The idea that he would watch them all change, and get off on their changes together was almost enough to make him blow his load without even touching himself!

Watching the two of them approach, it was obvious that they were further along in their changes than even Jeremy. Alex, for their part, was scratching at the back of their neck, and Fernando could see something glistening in the sunlight. The same bumps ran all the way down to the base of their tail, which was swinging in eagerness. Their fingers seemed thicker, the nails dark as though bruised. Their cock, too, was altered, larger than Jeremy's, and their testicles were halfway deflated like one was pulled inside of them. And their member itself was bright pink, thicker towards the base rather than uniform in circumference like a normal human's.

Samy looked even more bizarre, his own large swinging tail behind him. It was skin shade, and only a few patches of greyish scales were seen over his arms and shoulders. But, it was his teeth that really did it for Fernando. It seemed as though his dentures were a little larger than what his mouth was able to handle, held open by the size of them. Drooling down to his chin, his fetching goatee was covered with saliva, though the hottest part was thinking about how he was going to look without it as his changes progressed. He, too, had a fetching erection, penis halfway between human and dinosaur, sliding from a slit with no external testicles present. Fernando wanted to look to see if the contours of his ass had merged with his sex already into a cloaca, but couldn't without being too obvious about it. And, besides, his would soon migrate as well, and he would get to experience the full sensation of what it meant to be a dinosaur, complete with a reptilian cloaca and all!

"Damn, this is too much!" Samy said, drooling a little as he did so. It seemed it was all he could do not to touch himself at the sight of all of those changing. And, as Fernando was starting to realize, then why not? If they were to spend an unknown time as horny feral dinosaurs, why not change and jerk off to their friend's changes, enjoying them to the fullest!?

"If you guys touch yourselves, you'll change a little faster," Alex said, still rubbing at their back as though the plates that had formed were getting bigger. "Samy and I found that out already!"

"I don't even give a fuck, I need to touch myself so bad..." Jeremy said, rubbing his cock a little as he did so. It seemed the more he did, the more the slit at the base of his cock seemed to open, as his member began sliding in and out of it in anticipation for the orgasm to come.

"Yeah, me too..." Fernando said, stroking himself a little. The idea that jerking off would change them just a little faster was powerfully erotic.

"No need to hold back...right, guys?" Jeremy started, stroking his member as it continued to pulsate out of his slit. "Fuck guys, I want my horns so bad! I want to be a Trike!" He said, answering the question that Fernando had on his mind since coming across his friend. He desperately wanted to know what kind of dinosaurs everyone was becoming!

Alex, for their part, took the cue to start jerking off, and turned about, swishing their tail as they did so. Fernando wanted to see their cock, but was delighted with the view of their back that Alex was giving them all. Fernando could clearly view the bumps that were forming at the end of Alex's tail, four uniform protrusions that drew the term thagomizer to mind. Alex was becoming a Stegosaur or some variant of the species!

Samy, too, was turning to the side so that everyone could see his cock growing and changing. It was a little longer and thinner than the others present, and leaking clear fluids over hands with larger nails than humanly possible. But, it was the sight of the thick spine that was poking from his backside, pushing the skin away to make room for its growth. Even as his tail and his muzzle grew, it was obvious that he was well on his way to spending time as a Spinosaurus!

At the sight of his three friends changing, Fernando could do naught but start stroking his still-human member, feeling a little ashamed that it was still human. Though, the moment that his hands began to stroke his cock was the moment that his foreskin started to peel back, pulling all the way down to the base. It seemed to pool around his cock, before the skin started to part as though he had been wounded. Though, the changes were hardly painful, only dull aches as the nanites numbed any errant sensations.

"Fuck! Yes! Change!" Fernando said, knowing he was in good company to fully indulge in the sensations.

"Oh fuck, I'm changing..." Jeremy managed to choke out, rubbing a spot on his temples where a bump was starting to raise. Another one grew across from it, as though he was getting the start of horns. His tail thrashed furiously as he rubbed his head, as though encouraging the horns to grow. "FFUUUUCCCKKK I want my horns so bad..."

"Let's all change..." Alex moaned, body starting to swell visibly with meat and muscle. Their tail, too, was getting longer, the spikes at the base making it twitch more rapidly. And their belly was continuing to expand, even beyond what eating a large meal could put on their body, especially in the span of a few minutes!

Yet, in the moment, Fernando could only focus on the changes that were overtaking his own cock, the glorious realization that he would be gifted a dino penis to match his friends. His member was starting to vibrate all over, the skin turning pink and almost glistening from the sheer amount of fluids leaking from the tip. Even as the base started to thicken, the slit around it pulled out further, though the sheer amount of blood engorging his cock prevented the opening from getting too big. Rubbing at it seemed to allow it to slide in and out of the small space present within the slit, sending sensual tingles through his body. Added in was the slight numbness in his backside, which Fernando realized was the continuation of his tail. He became elated when he realized he could move it of his own will. He had a real, functioning, tail!

It was more than that, however. Strands of his hair were falling away, sliding and itching down his head. Though Fernando wanted to keep it a little longer, he was far too enraptured by his current changes to even think about regrets. A hand reached up to rub the area, and there were several spikes and protrusions across his forehead that had sprouted in the presence of the empty space. His eyes watering as though the sockets were changing, Fernando felt his orgasm coming and forced his eyes to stare at the changes overtaking his friend group.

"I'm gonna cum! From my dino cock!" Samy called out, and all eyes went to his spasming member as it shot all over his claws. There was a noticeable shrinking of his fingers, and the nails were as thick as the tips of them now, long and pointed. Hardly the size of actual dino claws but well on their way!

"OOhhhhh..." Alex moaned, bending over as their tail shot out another inch and left them off balance. Still, the trio could see the ropes of dino cum exploding out of their cock, leaving them panting from the sheer force of release that had overcome them.

"Fuck...can't hold it!" Jeremy called out and brought both of his hands down to stroke a cock that was far thicker than anything a human might possess. A pop, followed by a slick sucking sound, echoed from his balls as one was pulled inside of him, and he stood there, the force causing his cock to explode all over his chest. Hardly deterred by being covered with cum, however, Jeremy got down, moving his tail out of the way as though preferring to be lower to the ground.

The sight of it was more than he could take. Fernando let himself go, closing his eyes and imagining the dino body that would soon be his. His cock worked like a piston within the newly formed slit, pumping loads of dino jism all over his hands in a thick coat. The release was more than he had ever ejaculated before, leaving Fernando to wonder if it was simply due to his arousal over finally changing or if his anatomy simply could now release more dino cum than humanly possible. Either way, he was elated!

Opening his eyes, one of them seemed to have altered, its vision clearer, making him need to blink to get used to it. The world seemed a little brighter, though a vibrant reddish hue seemed to play over his friends, making him confused. Surely, it had to do with the positioning of the sun, but Fernando couldn't get over such a drastic change already. Was this how an Indominus saw the world? He wanted it so badly to be his view of the world, now!

"Whoa, need to take a look at that!" Jeremy said, the other two nodding in agreement. Fernando gently raised his hands, looking at them for claws as he did so. Nothing yet, but it still made him elated to see the changes to his face, the other consequence of their shared masturbatory sessions! He would get to a lake or some such purpose to see the changes as soon as he could!

In the end, the four of them decided to go off on their own for a while, though promised to meet up again in the next few hours, before the sun when down. Each had their own ideas of how to spend their time, and if they all watched each other change and masturbated each time, they would lose the enjoyment of viewing their own metamorphosis and bring each other to finish the changes in hours instead of days! There was certainly some precedence to watching the rest change in intervals, seeing how much they had altered between the last viewing. Fernando only wished to have it all recorded so that he could watch at any time, though living it was far better than anything he could have experienced from simply watching online!

It took some time for Fernando to find a watering hole, his nose still weak and human as it was. He was sure he'd be able to scent for water like an animal soon enough, though. Fernando was also eager to see some other fully-changed dinos, but none came into sight. Where were they all? The island was rather big, he figured. And, it was later in the day, dinos might be resting for their evening activities. Animals acting like animals, just as they were inclined to do. And soon, Fernando would be just like them, just another dino at the park and free to act like an animal, with all that entailed...

Eventually, Fernando walked out into a clearing, and there was a decent-sized watering hole, a bit dirty looking but water nonetheless. It was at least enough to see his reflection, and at the moment was Fernando's only goal. Still, even knowing there were changes to his face already, Fernando was not prepared for the sight of his altered visage. The sight of his eye, for one thing, was jarring, as though bloodshot. Yet, there was no pain or ache from the process. His one eye was a little larger, as much as it could be with his still currently human skull. And as he squinted, the pupil seemed to form a slit, more akin to the reptile he was becoming, rather than the primate he had been. And Fernando couldn't be more excited to see that as part of his features!

There was more, of course, as Fernando was eager to discover. Several bumps had formed on the sides of his head, running down from the space where his hair had fallen away. And, some of the skin had discolored, a chalky grey that made him elated. It was exciting to see that even in the first couple of hours, he was already starting to get his dino features! Curious, Fernando reached down with his mouth, sticking out his tongue and licking at the water like a dog might. Though he could still cup with his hands, Fernando was sure that dinos didn't do that, and he was inclined to act more the dinosaur he was becoming. So, sticking his head all the way in, he sucked with his mouth, pulling up as much water as he could manage. The water was dirty, but it wouldn't hurt him, at least. The nanites would prevent him from getting any diseases or parasites from the water. He could live his whole life as a dinosaur and only worry about dying of old age!

Fernando was somewhat eager to go find his friends again, but it had only been an hour, and he didn't want to see them yet until they had changed more. So, with that, his goal was to find some other dinos, just to watch them going about their business. There were distant cries, that could have been dinosaurs, but it was hard for him to tell with human hearing. He was sure his ears would soon alter enough that he could tell the species from this distance, but that was not to be the case for now.

Suddenly, a sharp cry from some bushes made Fernando's heart race, and, carefully, he made his way to the other side of it, clearly hearing the sounds of a scuffle. Was a smaller dino there, making a kill? He wasn't sure, but whatever it was, Fernando had to see it!

He was not expecting the sight before him. Before him were two fully formed dinos, some type of raptor the size of humans. The name Dinoecyius came to mind, but Fernando couldn't be sure. They were covered in feathers, like the birds their species likely were the forefathers of. Yet, it was the act they were engaged in that had Fernando's complete attention. They were fucking, one atop the other as they rocked back and forth. And from the sights of things, both of them were male, one cock plugged into the cloaca of the other, enough that the other beast's penis was bobbing against its owner's belly as they rutted.

Fernando couldn't help himself. His dino cock was on full display, and he wanted to stroke as fast as he could, to cum in tandem with the rutting raptors. He started stroking with reckless abandon, not caring that his nails were a little pointed, and that he had to adjust a little as they dug into his skin. Though the flesh was slick with fluids, he could tell how firm it was becoming, how different the skin had altered to be. It truly was a dino cock, like the one he wanted to own ever since he'd settled on choosing a dinosaur form to take on!

The sensation of slick sliding into his slightly indented slit soon intensified to the point that half his cock was pulled in. It was as though the slit had opened up into his internal anatomy, as much as the others had. His balls started to ache, pulled towards the slit as though they were prepared to slip inside. With an intense shudder, they did just that, one after the other with a slight pop felt through his entire frame. It was enough for him to orgasm there, not needing to touch himself too long as the raptors continued to mate and turn him like more than anything had the right to.

"Oh god...I'm cumming from my dino cock!" Fernando yelled, feeling it spray over his belly and coating the hairs still on his chest with sticky cream. It was more intense than ever watching his friends' changes, though he still had their altered visages in his mind as he did so. He found it far better masturbating here on the island, knowing that he was changing and would continue to change until he was the dino of his dreams!

To his delight, no sooner had he cum than the shrill cries of the raptors came to his ears, and the spasming cock of the one on the bottom blew a load onto his belly and the ground. It was obvious that his lover was following, too, cum staining the dino's cloaca as he pulled out. He took a few moments to sniff his secretions, even sampling them with his muzzle before coming to his lover and kissing him in a decidedly human gesture. After all, they had been humans, choosing to live their lives as raptors, perhaps even a mated pair.

One of the raptors ran away, chittering to his mate to follow. But the other one came up to Fernando's panting form, sniffing his crotch with some insistence. Before he could really react, the raptor started to lick the cum from his belly, making Fernando giggle. He was really aware that he was taller than the raptor, perhaps having grown a few inches in the time that he had changed. He reached out to rub the feathery hair, liking the texture and admiring the closeness with the human-turned-animal. It was nice to get a cleaning too, nearly making him come to full erection once more!

Eventually, the raptor chittered and ran off to join his packmate, and Fernando was left standing there, loving the changes to his form. His slit had widened enough to take his deflated cock, and the rubbery flesh soon shut as his arousal decreased for the moment. A lump sat underneath his groin, and, with some surprise, his anus seemed to have moved closer to the opening, leaving him somewhat excited. After all, dinos, like him, had cloacas, and Fernando was eager to get his own to show his descent into dino hood!

It was getting late in the day, and Fernando noted a hunger in his belly that almost matched his sexual delights. Soon to be a predator, he knew that his new form would subsist on only meat from now on and that his meals would be obtained from one of the many feeding stations along the island. That, or goats released for the residents to hunt, but Fernando was not at that level of change, not yet, at least. He was excited to hunt like the dino he was becoming but was willing to wait as long as necessary. The pheromones wafting off the other changed dinos from the nanites would make them more than a little unappetizing, not that he would ever try eating his friends. He was far more included to try fucking them if they offered their rumps!

Thankfully, even without an altered nose, Fernando was soon able to find a feeding station, stepping on a lever to open it. A chamber and a pile of raw meat rose from underneath. Though the raw beef looked unappetizing, Fernando knew that this was to be his meals from now on and took to sniffing his dinner. Part of him wondered what it would be like to be a herbivore, eating grasses and ferns and trees. Though it was a trade-off, Fernando had thought long and hard about what species he wanted to be. Given the choice, he'd make the same one over and over again!

Taking a bite from one of the slabs, Fernando found that it wasn't so bad, all things considered. Whether his taste buds had altered already, or the food was seasoned slightly, Fernando felt compelled to eat his fill, the meat quickly satisfying his larger stomach. If this was to be his dinner for the rest of his time as a dino, save for the occasional goat, then Fernando was content with his choice!

Belly full, Fernando felt sleepy and found a spot to rest, one under the shade of some trees overlooking a field. Though he was tired, it was hard to get even a modicum of rest with the excitement that he would continue to change. Fernando didn't want to miss a moment of the process, even though he needed sleep. The backs of his shoulders felt dry, a sign of spreading scales and forming ridges. His tail was getting longer, the base of his spine aching with growth. And his testicles had moved inside under his pelvis, creating a lump to house his sex. All in all, Fernando was excited that he was becoming more and more the dino he longed to be.

Well into the night, Fernando roused, feeling awake despite the late hour. Something else to have changed, his circadian rhythm seemed to dictate that he be awake to hunt. That, and his one eye was able to pierce the darkness, not able to see color well but aware of the contours of the night enough that he could move without stumbling. With his belly still content, there was only one thing that Fernando wished to hunt for. Surely, his friends were close by, and Fernando found himself hoping they wanted to see him changing as much as he wanted to see them!

It took less than half an hour of backtracking to find what he was looking for. The sound of a human yelling, pleasure, not panic, had him hone in with all the instincts of a predator. "*Huff*...want my spine...want my tail...oh my dino cock..." came a familiar voice, and Fernando tan towards the sound, thinking it was Samy in mid-change. There was no reason for any of them to hold back, as they slowly turned into horny animals. Though, Fernando wanted to be there in time for the show and to help his buddy out!

The sight of his buddy stroking his dino cock had to be the most erotic sight Fernando had seen, save his own transformation. Samy had to be over 8 feet tall and much wider. Though his frame was still human-shaped, there was no denying the predatory gleam in his yellow eyes, teeth still too large for his mouth as he drooled. His goatee was still present on a chin that was relatively scaly, though the rest of his skin was devoid of hair. His tail swayed as he jacked off, almost reaching the ground. Two toes on each foot were smaller, the others twitching and digging into the ground from how heavy they were to hold up his frame. And his finned spine was already so massive, raising from the skin as it parted for the sheer size of it.

Yet, it was his reptilian cock on full display that had really had Fernando enamored. It was pink and wriggling, and Samy stroked carefully, aware of the claws that adorned his hands. He was getting bigger, cock far larger than humanly possible, closer to the size of the dino's cock that he would eventually possess. The sight made Fernando drool, and not just because his own teeth were starting to get a little big in his mouth. His friend was looking so much like a dino already, and it was hot!

Seeing his friend approach, Samy grinned a predatory grin, drooling a little more with a larger tongue and thicker teeth. They were sharp, and a little red, Samy obviously having had a snack of his own. "Dude! You're looking good! Those spines are really cool!" He declared, making Fernando blush a little more.

"You're looking amazing, too!" Fernando said, eyeing his friend's cock with some interest. He loved how much the sight of his changed body was doing it for Samy, just as much as it was doing for him! The speed at which Samy was stroking himself off was all he needed to know that was the case. Fernando's own cock had already slid out of its slit, making him wince slightly from the erotic sensations. Never could he have imagined that owning a dino cock would be this hot!

Fernando was torn between watching the changes and helping his buddy out. Though, there would be plenty of time for that once they no longer had human hands. Besides, he was a little worried about how sharp his teeth were in their current state. Still, there were plenty of ways that he could tease his friend. And, making him change in the process, bringing on Fernando's own changes!

"Damn, you look so good like that...and you're just going to look even better soon..." Fernando said, a little bit of a whisper in his voice.

"Yeah...I don't rrranna change too fast...but I couldn't rrrelp it..." Samy said, a little bit of a growl in his voice that made Fernando shudder. He wanted to watch his friend change, and better yet, be the one to spur on some of those changes.

"Why not, man? You're going be a dino...and it's going to look so hot!" Fernando said, unable to resist lowering his hand to his own cock, wanting to change with his friend. He was powerfully turned on, the sexual stamina in full effect from the change as well as his own arousal from the mere thought of change!

"Yeah, we're both gonna be dinos..." Samy muttered, face cracking outward just slightly as the masturbation made him change. Though it was enough that Fernando could notice it, his face pushing out into a snout, lips pulling back to reveal gleaming teeth. Fernando looked at him with lust and excitement, seeing scales spreading across his face. His nostrils flared and thickened as the bridge started to slide into the skin. It looked very much like his nose was sloping forward to merge with his upper lip more like a crocodile than the human he once was.

"So big...big horny're changing, dude," Fernando said, careful of his hands as the tingles of change ran through them. He could tell that the fingers were pushing out just slightly, and the backs of his hands itched as though the skin was peeling away for scales.

Fernando was well aware that his own teasing was going to make him change more as well, and he couldn't be more excited. A dull ache seeped into his muscles all over as though he was growing. Still smaller than his friend, he was likely going to match him in stature, or even bigger as was his soon-to-be species. His fingers cracked as they changed, and part of him was worried that he wouldn't be able to touch himself with them forever. Though, knowing that he would have his male friends to help him like the animals they were made him relieved, at least. They could play as much as their bodies wanted or needed until their desires were satisfied.

The sensations swelling from his loins were getting more intense, and the entire area started to swell towards an avian-like pelvic area. Yet, strangest of all was the sensation of his anus rotating, his internal plumbing moving to merge into a single orifice that excited and scared him in equal measure. Fernando was about to acquire a uniquely avian anatomical feature, to truly separate him from the mammal that he once was!

"Ah man, rrrub that cock thrrrrough that slit, dude, it feels so much betterrrr as a dino..." Samy muttered, his jaw pushing out ever so slightly, a growling lisp in his voice that left Fernando leaking furiously. He wanted his new orifice, he wanted everything that it meant to be a dino. And the more he stroked off, the more that was going to be the case!

"Dude...your hot..." Fernando muttered, and Samy reached up, rubbing his proto muzzle and growling even more, thicker tongue sliding out between his teeth. His dentures were larger, spreading his gumline and leaving little space for teeth that were sharpening like daggers. Fernando couldn't quite see it in the dark, but he knew that each tooth was becoming serrated, better for hunting and feeding as befit the predatory he was becoming.

More exciting to Fernando, however, was the sight of the spine sticking further and further from his back, his masturbatory efforts making it grow. It rose out of his skin, even running down the length of his tail. It marked Samy as the species of dino he was becoming, and he wanted to see it grow, encouraging his friend to change and get off on it in turn.

"Dude, grow your spine! It's almost there! You're a dino now, embrace it!" Fernando called out, watching Samy jerk his spino cock with fervor. He was going to come soon, and Fernando wanted nothing more than to push his friend the final few steps!

"Yes...fuck...I can feel it... it's growing so big!" Samy yelled, dino cock leaking at the prospect. He was getting closer and closer, cock throbbing as his body grew. It was everything that Fernando could have imagined and more, and he was hardly going to waste the opportunity to watch it happen!

"Let the dino out! Change!" Fernando declared, and Samy was hardly able to hold back any longer. With a grunt and a groan, his cock let loose a torrent of dino jism all over his hand and belly. The sight was more than Fernando could bear, and his own cock let loose with a stream of cum, with a growl that was decidedly deeper than he was used to!

"Damn, we're going to be dinos..." Fernando said, panting from the exertion from the orgasm and the changes. He was sure he was larger, his fingers and toes more converted from before he'd encountered his buddy. But it was worth it to cum and change, and to watch his friends change was his sexual delight. His only want now was to watch his other two friends change as well, perhaps tease out some of their alterations.

With that, the pair decided to part, thinking it more exciting to see how much further they had transformed by some time tomorrow. Fernando decided it best to get some more rest, after taking stock of his changes, of course. He had grown another few inches, he was sure, his fingers longer and his tail hanging longer down towards the ground. Though by this point he was feeling a little fatigued, and he figured that some more sleep was in order.

Eventually, morning came, and Fernando got up for the day, stretching to feel the changes to his new stature. Though, first, he had to take care of his needs and try out his cloaca for its other purpose. Relieving himself was a strange sensation, not used to using the same orifice for one function and then the other following it. But, relieving his bowels and bladder in the middle of the woods was par for the course of being a dino, and at least it was a relatively clean affair with the positioning of his cloaca. All in all, Fernando didn't think too much of it, leaving the area to avoid the smell but little else.

More urgent needs tended to, his attention was then drawn to his new tail, which was almost touching the ground as it thrashed with eagerness. It was so big, so thick, and although it was skin shaded, for the most part, the back of it was peppered with tiny nubs and scales. It was beyond euphoric to actually possess it now, running it with his hands to confirm that he truly had it. Rubbing his new appendage had the added advantage of making him aware that his nails were thicker, coming out into points that almost scratched the skin as he played them over the flesh of his tail. He delighted over them, eager for them to grow into massive, killing talons. A sign of his predatory nature, his power, and ferocity. Though he would not be able to easily masturbate once he had them, it was a small price to pay for being a dinosaur in body as he longed to change into. Besides, with so many friends around to tease him, he'd have the help to make it all the way, much less some fun when they were changed!

While he still possessed the tactile sensations to do so, Fernando reached up to play with his spikes, loving the feeling of them on his head. His hair was slowly falling out but it was worth it to feel the spikes getting thicker, his ridges forming their definition and giving him the menacing visage that he'd longed for. It was amazing that he had changed so much already, and still hadn't really changed at all! There was so much left to go, and Fernando was determined to enjoy every second of it.

Fully excited with the changes, Fernando decided to make his way back to the lake and check out his visage. Crossing his eyes, he could tell that his nose had extended somewhat, to the point he could almost see it if he crossed his eyes. The bridge of his nose seemed to have descended into his face somewhat, and he was sure that his mouth was opening larger than it had been before he'd gone to sleep the night before. He desperately wanted to see where the changes had gone thus far, and imagine where they were going, to some delight!

Finding his way back to the lake was rather quick, his nose seeming to detect water, something the human him would not have been able to manage. And he decided to make 'camp' near the lake, far enough that he would have privacy from those that came to drink but close enough that he could walk to it without too much fatigue. The ability to smell traces of other dinos over the earthy scents of foliage was something that he was just becoming aware of, and it excited Fernando to know that he was becoming such a skilled predator!

To Fernando's delight, the pungent scents of dino musk hit seeking his nose, as though some were nearby and perhaps in a state of rut. Fernando raced forward, though the heavy stomps of massive footprints soon gave him the impression that he wouldn't have to travel far. He could see them over the tree line, two massive sauropods, the exact species unclear to him. But it was obvious they were mating, one on the back of the other as they rocked back and forth, shaking the ground. Even though they were across the lake, Fernando could feel the vibrations of such massive beasts, and he found himself wondering what it would be like to grow that big from a tiny human. It was nearly impossible to imagine, to say the least! If he ever came back, he would love to try to change into as many different dinos as possible just to experience it.

Figuring the other dinosaurs wouldn't bother him, Fernando made his way to the lake to look at his reflection. It was not what he'd expected at all, having been lost in the sensations of playing with the parts of his body he could still see. But, he was nonetheless elated to know that his visage had altered so much, that he was looking more and more the dino that he was to become! Fernando started with his stretched jaw, only an inch out from his face but enough that it allowed it to open somewhat wider. His teeth, too, were longer, dagger-like, not unlike the dentures that his friend developed the night before. And, as he'd assumed, more of his hair had fallen out to make room from greying skin and the development of further bumps and horns. His neck was beefier, patterned bumps forming over the scaly skin that delighted him to touch. Of course, one of the eyes was larger than the other, not too much to make it pop from his skull but enough that he could tell it was presently in the middle of change. The red hue was certainly an indication, as well! He really was turning into a dino, and the visage could help but make his cock slide from its home, dangling in the air and drooling precum.

Fernando flared his nostrils, drinking in the musty stench of dino pre, and for a moment, he was tempted to jerk off to the sight of his face. Yet, eventually, Fernando decided to hold off, wanting to wait until he ran into one of his friends. As much as he was turned on by his own changes, he needed to see what had become of the others, to share in their joy of transformation. For him, there was no other point in changing too fast without his friends watching. Not when they were here at the park with him, something that he couldn't imagine wanting anything more.

It took some time, but the smell of what he was starting to understand was people came to the forefront of his awareness. He wanted desperately to see who it was, wondering which of his friends he would spot changing next. The anticipation had his cock sliding from its slitted home, wanting stimulation desperately. He would masturbate with one of his buddies, changing them both more, and reveling in the changes to each other...

It didn't take Fernando long to come across Alex, standing up on their feet and munching on some leaves. His friend was clearly taller, belly distended as it needed to be for his new diet. And, to Fernando's excitement, clearly more changed than they had been the last time. Fernando couldn't wait to get closer and see them in detail, doing everything he could not to run in and scare Alex off with his predatory visage!

The first thing that Fernando noticed was that Alex was changed even more than himself or even Samy had appeared to be the night before. Their hands and feet were covered with green scales, that of the dino they would become. Stranger still, there there were hardly any fingers and toes present, as though the skin around had thickened to the point of absorbing them. The remnant nails were enough to signal they had been human hands. But it was clear they were useful for nothing more than walking on all fours, as the soon-to-be steggo would be doing!

Fernando stared enraptured at his friend, drinking in all the changes that Alex had undergone. They still had a scruff of their human hair atop their head, marking them as their human self. But it soon gave way to the spines of their back, plates that ran down towards a swaying tail. It was itself adorned with the four-pointed thagomizer that marked them as the Stegosaurs they were becoming for the duration of their stay!

At the sight or scent of the dino man approaching, Alex turned around, lips pulled back over the semblance of the beak they possessed now. Some of their teeth had obviously fused to make it, and their voice came out stuttered. Fernando figured it was OK. They wouldn't be talking as dinos once they'd changed, but that was all par for the course. Their tail was wagging excitedly, happy to see their friend as Fernando approached. There was no trepidation at being in the presence of a changing predator, not that such things matter in their current state of being!

"Dude, is that you? You look so good!" Fernando said excitedly. His cock was out of its slit at the sight of his friend-turned-dino and wanted to play with himself as soon as possible. His next series of changes would come with his friend present and Fernando hoped Alex felt the same way. And, judging by the thick dino erection sticking from their groin, that was sure to be the case!

"Thanks, man, you too! Fuck, you look so good..." Alex replied, reaching down with one stubby hand and stroking at their member. Though, without fingers, Fernando was sure that the efforts weren't giving them much pleasure, not with how much their hands seemed to lack tactile ability. Like a real dino, Alex would need some help to get off. And Fernando was more than happy to be of assistance.

"Need some help with that? I promise I'll be careful with the claws!" Fernando offered, feeling emboldened. He would not normally be so forward, but they were turning into animals, after all, and animals did what they did.

"Sure!" Alex said, tail wagging in eagerness as more clear fluid leaked down their cock. It looked amazing, as erect and prehensile as Fernando's own. He walked over, careful of his claws as he gripped the slick appendage. A moan escaped the Stego's massive body as they shuddered, loving the sensations and placing his stump-like limbs on Fernando's head in a gesture of encouragement. The weight of them should have been enough to pain Fernando, though his body had added enough muscle that it was barely an inconvenience. Fernando, for his part, wrapped his altered fingers around his friend's dick, stroking them off with slick slapping sounds as the changing Stego rubbed his head and slapped their longer tail on the ground. It was growing, thickening creaks moving through Alex's body and making them shiver.

Fernando wanted to taste the fluids leaking from their dino prick but figured that some words of encouragement would help out his friend a little more. "Dude...that's it...turn into a want it so bad, you're gonna be a big sexy dino...not going to be human anymore...just a dino...grow your tail...get your're going to look so good!" Fernando said, and Alex moaned out a "FUCK" as their cock spasmed in response. They were going to cum soon, it seemed, just like the horny animal they were becoming.

The effect was having obvious impacts on Alex's body as their form grew thicker, larger, and heavier with each passing moment. It was obvious their tail was touching the ground, their legs thicker as green scales spread over their body. Their chest was barreling slightly, with human nipples still present and thick on their frame. Their back flared, the plates getting larger as Fernando stroked them faster, encouraging them to cum.

"You want to be down on all fours, like a dino, don't you..." he muttered, and Alex's cock throbbed even harder, spurting a glob of precum onto Fernando's hand. His teasing was working, making his friend harder and closer to orgasm. It seemed like Alex wanted their body to change just as much as Fernando wanted to see it changing, and the thought sent sexual tremors through his body as he stroked the changing Stego with fervor.

"Can't jerk off with those front feet...need your friends to help you now, but we are all ready and willing..." Fernando continued, making the changing dino man moan. "You can have our mouths and our asses at any time...we're all going to be animals now...not going to worry about stuff like that shame..." Fernando continued to mutter, loving how much he was teasing his friend.

"So hot...fuck...gonna cum! Can't hold it!" Alex cried out, cock pulsating faster as their internal testes prepared to expel their contents. Their beak was stretching as Fernando looked on, and more scales were popping up along their arms. They looked so damn hot as a half-dino!

"'re gonna be a Stego... you're gonna look so good..." Fernando moaned out, and that was all the encouragement that Alex needed. With a beastly bellow, Alex's cock unloaded all over Fernando's hands and arm, the thick stink of dino cream surrounding them both and making Fernando's own cock leak even more.

Reaching down with his muzzle, Fernando realized how stiff his fingers were, as though the act of jerking off his friend had changed him just slightly. It was enough that he couldn't quite wrap them around a cock anymore, though, with his friend around, such likely wasn't to be an issue. Surely, Alex would be more than happy to help him out.

"Want me to try out this beak?" Alex offered, and Fernando replied by getting down on his back, allowing Alex to get down with their heavy body and grinning with a toothless grin.

Reaching out with a thickened tongue, Alex started to lap at the tip of Fernando's dino cock, making the changing Indominus moan from the contact. He loved getting oral and loved the attention that Alex was giving him, savoring the fluids like the animals they were turning into. He was going to change even more than he had watching his friend change. Best of all, he could stare at the increasingly Stego visage to get off to as he was sucked to completion.

The tingling of nanite-induced changes started over his skin once more, this time centered in his belly as his Rex erection was sucked with skill and precision. His belly was distended at this point, filling with meat and muscle as though his friend was pumping him full of it with the amazing blow job. Alex's new beak was rather adept. Though they weren't sexual in the human world, the dino version of themselves was powerfully aroused and eager for pleasures of the flesh in a way that defied any human experience. It was pure elation to pleasure their friend in such a manner, arousing as hell to watch their efforts changing Fernando before their very eyes.

"Fuck, I want to grrrow my dino belly!" Fernando called out, the reptilian inflections present in his voice making him close to blowing his load already. Though he wanted to keep back for as long as he could, the truth was he was to be an animal, one that cared not to delay immediate pleasures. And, given the lust he felt for his changes and the visage of the sexy changing Stegosaurs before him, there was little chance of that happening for long!

Still, the changes were not to be done with him so quickly, Fernando feeling his shoulders start to hunch as the changes worked their way. He would not be able to touch himself easily in his new form, current changes indicative of such. But, then again, did that really matter when he had his buddies to help him out whenever he was in need?

"Grrrr...rrrran't touch myself now...suck me off, buddy!" Fernando moaned, feeling his internal testes swell with their load and prepare to blow.

He had little in the way of ability to hold back at this point, Fernando as horny as he was. It was all he could do not to fill his Stego friend's beak with dino semen, though the changes were enough of a distraction to prevent him from finishing right away. Toes were cracking from the force of bone growth within, becoming steadily more flexible as the nails started to thicken heavily over top, encroaching over the tips like the beginnings of the talons they would soon be. It was fascinating to flex them as they grew, to feel their new abilities as Fernando changed.

"My toes, I can feel it!" Fernando growled, digging them into the earth as his end slowly encroached. Waves of pleasure were cascading through his body from the amazing blowjob the soon-to-be Stego was granting him, enough that he was to pop at any given moment. There was some precedent to savor the changes for as long as he was physically able, as much as it caused him distress from experiencing the orgasm such an apex being deserved.

The tinglings of change were relentless at this point, playing over his face as the muscles and bone within started to stretch with painless force. Though Fernando was elated that he could feel every creak, every inch added with the detail that such nanite technology proved to him. It was more than he ever could have dreamed to be here, turning into a dinosaur, feeling his head pushing out ever so slightly, turning into a muzzle. He wanted it so bad!

" face...want to be a dino!" Fernando shouted with conviction, feeling his cock spasm as his end neared. There was no holding back with such erotism in the literal air around him. His reptilian penis spasmed, sending torrents of jism into Alex's muzzle. It was almost more than they could bare, though the would-be Stego was diligent in their duties, taking as much as they could.

With that, Fernando was left to lie there, basking in the afterglow of an amazing orgasm. It was beyond his fathoming to be changing in such a scenario, his body an embodiment of lust and decadence. The world was alive with scents and sounds, though none more predominant than the bouquet of dino musk and cream from their heaving bodies. It made his cock throb a little more from Alex's beak, though the changing Stego could hardly keep it within. Though for the moment Fernando was spent, able to enjoy the changes that had happened without incurring any additional ones for the time being.

With his shoulders in their current stance, it was a little bit of an issue for Fernando to get up off his back. He was hunched over, belly bigger and flanks broader befitting his soon-to-be reptilian heritage. Though he had to struggle to get up, it was worth the changes. Besides, he was well aware that his hybrid anatomy would soon be in a position to allow such motions easily. He was eager to experience getting up with much smaller arms, powerful legs taking most of the slack to move a much larger body.

Alex, for their part, was still licking the cum off their lips like a tasty treat, despite never being much for sexual acts. In their own hybrid state, the action seemed to suit them well, something that would lead them into their new life with the other dinos on the island. But that was neither here nor there as they struggled to stand, well aware now how much their body was not meant to stay upright. The changes seemed to have affected them sufficiently well, leaving them one-third of the way to a life as Stegosaurs. One they were eager to experience if they felt even a modicum of excitement that Fernando did!

"You're going to look so hot on all fours, buddy," Fernando said, and Alex looked at the ground, wondering if it was time for them to get down on all fours. But, in the end, it seemed as though they wanted to make it a natural occurrence rather than something they would force. They lumbered off, asking Fernando to come see them soon before the changes were done, so they might delight in their changed bodies together once more.

With that, Fernando made his way back to the watering hole, his only mirror into what changes had befallen him during their sensual acts. He was not ashamed of his choice to play with his friend, that outcome being literally everything that he could have hoped for. If he had his way, Fernando would make much of the change and the energy to accomplish it playing with all of his TF buddies, delighting in their changes and being aroused by them as much as his own!

Walking was a little awkward in his current state, body top heavy before his legs were really large and muscular enough to keep up. Several times on his way back to the watering hole he almost tripped over himself, though part of it was his hurry to see his face reflected. His muzzle was already partially in his field of view, but it wasn't quite the same as admiring all of the changes in front of his face. Not for the first time, Fernando lamented the lack of a mirror to really see himself, something that if he was to retain his human words he might decide to complain about.

Almost falling over several times was not enough to stop him from getting back to the watering hole, the scent of it heavy in his nose as he finally stepped into the clearing. Several fully formed dinosaurs were present, though none were bothered by his presence. Therefore he was free to find a place where he was able to get in and see the sun reflected on the water, giving him a better view of his face than he could have expected.

The first thing that caught his one red eye was that his muzzle was clearly larger, to the point that he possessed a noticeable underbite. Though at first, it seemed awkward, the more that Fernando regarded it, the more he found the sight interesting. After all, it was the sort of thing that could only be possessed by someone who was in mid-change, that one-third-way point to show that he was transitioning from human to dinosaur!

The sight of his larger form, larger belly, wobbling stance, wagging tail, and spreading scales over his back made his cock slide from his cloaca slightly, already aroused even after the amazing escapades he experienced with his friend. It seemed that the change allowed sufficient arousal to cum over and over. Not even slightly embarrassed by his impressive reptilian erection, Fernando took a drink from his muzzle, the dirty water somehow more palpable to his changed maw than he was expecting. It was a little awkward not to crush his penis between his legs as he struggled with his body and got down to drink his fill. But he managed it without falling onto his face in the water, getting up and eyeing the dinosaurs with more interest than worry he had shamed himself.

With that, Fernando's thoughts shifted to the one friend he had not seen since yesterday, Jeremy, whose journey was taking him towards a Triceratops life. The scent of his dino musk was still in Fernando's nose, the ability to scent out specific dinos rather effortless with his changed nostrils. Even the memory of what little he had scented from the changing man was enough to take in the odor from the watering hole where Jeremy had been there priorly. That, and there was something still human in the scent that made his friend easier to track as Fernando made his way into the woods, erection at its apex from the thought of what Jeremy looked like alone!

To his delight, he found Jeremy standing beside some trees, reaching up with his still-flexible hands to pull some branches down to eat. He, too, seemed to be able to take in his new diet without illness even during the earlier stages of change. But that knowledge took backseat to the fact that Jeremy had changed so much already, even though he could see traces of his friend in the creature had become. He still possessed much of his hair, though the back of his skull was to remain bare, due to the formation of a frill, bumps along the surface as it stretched over his thickened neck.

Even through all the changes thus far, the form walking towards him was clearly Jeremy. He was much larger, about 9 ft tall if Fernando could tell, almost as large as Fernando himself. His lips had peeled back towards the formation of a beak, and his nose had risen with the bump of his lower horn. Two more horns crowned his forehead, wider head, his skull able to accommodate them rather fetchingly. His body was massive, though skin was mostly bare of scales at this point. He was fat, and bulky, though it was likely as much muscle as anything else.

To Fernando's delight, although he no longer had hair on his chest or pecs, his human nipples were still present, much larger and wider over his powerful torso. His tail was massive, swaying behind him and thick enough to match his body. Though he still had flexible fingers, his toes were all but gone, elephantine stubs, the nails thick within their trunks and looking a little unstable for Jeremy to remain on two legs. But, of course, that was not to be his fate for long, given his choice of species!

Yet, the one thing that came to the forefront of Fernando's attention was the rather fetching erection sticking out from Jeremy's groin. It was obvious he was aroused, though Fernando wasn't sure if it was his own presence as the source. All that mattered was that Jeremy was horny, to the point of his detriment. Jeremy's arms, in their current state, could not reach down to touch his cock, hands still too far away and arms restrictive. The poor man must have been pent up for hours before the changes prevented him from pleasuring himself!

"Damn Jeremy, is that you? You look so amazing!" Fernando called out in adoration of his friend's form.

As thorough scenting the presence of the other man, Jeremy turned around, gazing at the changed dino with a look of reverence. Opening his proto muzzle and dropping his leaves, Jeremy grinned, loving the sight of his friend. His cock even started twitching more frantically at the notion, exciting Fernando all the more and making him drool.

"Fuck, you look so good, dude!" Jeremy managed to say, his voice relatively normal if not a bit deeper than Fernando recalled it being the day prior. Taking a step forward, it seemed that Jeremy, unlike Alex, had a harder time staying on two legs. With fattened fingers, it was a little inconvenient for him to stand there, unable to touch the cock slapping against his belly in eagerness. It was obvious to Fernando that Jeremy was likely desperate to with his cock on full display as it was.

"Want to help me, bud?" Jeremy bellowed, beak inching out just a little more as though the lust he felt was enough to change him further.

Naturally, Fernando was happy to oblige, getting lower on his own massive haunches and sticking out a changed tongue to begin licking the dino cream from the tip of Jeremy's cock. Jeremy instantly bellowed his excitement at being touched in such a way, voice getting noticeably thicker the further the tongue moved down his penis.

The oral ministrations had the desired effect on Jeremy's physiology, prompting his hips to widen and his pelvis to move under the skin and bone. It was clearly obvious that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to be able to stand again. But then again, Jeremy surely didn't want to, especially with the promise of pleasure that was to come from being sucked off in such a way.

On that front, Fernando was happy to provide, loving the taste of dino precum and unable to get enough. It felt as though his muzzle was growing in an effort to take more of the massive cock, but he couldn't be sure, lost in the flavor and the sight of his friend's growing belly. He could see, with a wider range of vision, that more of Jeremy's hair was falling out, with Fernando's going with it as well. With the eagerness he felt, the sheer quantity of fluid being leaked into his maw, and the size compared with his neck, Fernando was drooling profusely, saliva leaking onto his chin and dripping on the ground.

Though his hands were largely altered at this point, Fernando was still able to reach up and rub Jeremy's belly, feeling the warm expanding skin under his grasp as Jeremy added on more fat and muscle underneath. In particular, Fernando was eager to reach out and rub the area around Jeremy's nipples, making the changing man moan out his "Yes, please!" It gave Fernando such elation to be teasing his friend in such a way, to bring out more of the dino that he knew his friend wished to be.

Even better was the feeling of pebbly scales playing over his flanks, Fernando took his clawed hands and ran them over the skin, as though trying to make the scales spread. It was warmer wherever the skin converted to reptilian coverings, though he was without his ability to look up and them with muzzle wrapped around his cock. Though it was harder to detect scales on scales, Fernando was excited to do so, to make them the dinosaurs they longed to be. Even as his own claws lengthened and he was careful not to scratch his buddy's skin, focused on spreading the scales and changing him further rather than making him a meal as their prehistoric counterparts might have preferred.

All the while, Fernando's muzzle kept up its work sucking off the dino, making Jeremy's hips snap and crack, pelvis shifting and making sure Jeremy would be on all fours like the beast he was. His tail wagged eagerly, thickening just slightly from the base as his end drew near. Fernando's sensitive tongue was able to feel Jeremy's member throbbing within his muzzle, preparing it to release its load. It seemed as though poor Jeremy had been pent up somewhat, having masturbated himself out of the ability to do so with his current physiology. Fernando found himself hoping that Jeremy would find some other way to sexually pleasure himself when he was fully a dino, preferably a male mate or several. Though Fernando himself would be more than happy to help his buddy whenever he was around once they had fully changed!

'Can't hold it, gonnnnaa rrroooooaaaaa!" Jeremy called out, and the spasming of his cock in his maw was all Fernando needed to do to prepare himself for the expulsion to come. Having tasted dino cum already, Fernando was eager to do so once more, wanting to pleasure his buddy and trigger more of his changes. Fernando couldn't wait to get up and see what changes his sexual activities had offered his friend!

Though he thought his massive muzzle could handle it, Fernando was still surprised at the sheer force of Jeremy's orgasm within his muzzle, and it was a little bit of a struggle to drink it all down. Some of the semen mixed with his copious salvia and fell from his muzzle to the ground. But most of the cum was drank readily, Fernando eager for the taste of dino seed that he'd learned to love from his escapes during the last day. As though a catalyst for further change, he could feel his own hips start to adjust just slightly, enough that it was easier with the new muscle to get back up again, grinning his reptilian visage at his friend, who was down on all fours where Jeremy belonged. At least, that's what he understood Jeremy's interests to be!

With his own cock tended, Jeremy looked up at Fernando with some level of elation. He didn't bother to talk, just reached up with his muzzle and tongue, lapping the tip of the pulsating cock and making Fernando growl. Stance awkward from the recent changes and his offset anatomy, Fernando reached out to try to hold one of the larger trees to balance his weight. But as Jeremy's beaked muzzle wrapped around the tip of his cock and began sucking with the skill of an experienced gay man. It took Fernando everything he had not to fall over as Jeremy performed fellatio, bringing his arousal to its apex and having his internal balls churn with the need to expel. Though he had cum several times that day already, his anatomy seemed fit for it, a sexually charged volcano ready to erupt at a moment's notice.

"Oh yeah...make me a dino...GGrrrrOOOOOAAAARRRR!" Fernando roared, able to do so with a larger muzzle as his hips spasmed and his cock shot into his friend's mouth. Jeremy, too, seemed eager to drink down Fernando's salty load, with care and reverence as Fernando's hip bones widened and his pelvis shifted, making his stance easier as well. He couldn't wait till tomorrow, the waning light making it harder to see the reflected changes. But the morning sun would bring with it notes of what Jeremy's oral ministrations had done to him!

"Fuck...can't wait to see more of your changes..." Jeremy managed to bellow, though it was obvious he was struggling with the words. That was alright. Their sexual excitement for each other would be more than confirmation enough to show their reverence for the changes and the forms they so desperately craved.

"GGgeee too...RRRuck RRRour so RRRood..." Fernando growled his contentment, human words lost in the reptilian baritone that he now possessed. That was OK. He was content to growl out with his changed voice, a sign of what was to come and how much he had to look forward to!

With that, the friends bid good night to each other, promising to find the other in the morning to see what the night's activities had done for them. It was later in the evening at this point, Fernando eager to grab something to eat from one of the dispensers. His changing nose seemed to pick up the presence of Alex somewhere close but decided to leave his friend to his vices for now. Though it didn't bother him in the slightest, he could smell that Alex's more herbivorous diet came with it a fair bit of flatulence, par of the course from eating so many leafy greens. It was one of the reasons why Fernando's preference was for a carnivore, though the other side was certainly not something he shied away from either!

Even in the dim light, Fernando was able to tell how much larger he had become, likely as a result of his buddy's oral ministrations. He was at least 11 feet tall, the added inch or two almost disorientating as he made his way through the underbrush, which he was sure he was closer to not an hour before. His hips and pelvis were wider as well, making his walking gait a little more awkward. Though, it helped with his massive body and stature that balance was more easily kept, especially with his now thicker tail. He had to be almost half changed at this point, and there was so much to look forward to as he made his way into being a fully-formed dino!

Sleep came roughly, dreams of dinosaurs and sex at the forefront of his thoughts. Fernando was sure he was changing in his sleep, and woke frequently, not wanting to miss a moment. Though it was dark, he was able to see areas of skin that were encroaching over his flanks, ashen shaded as spines poked out from his back. Though Fernando figured he could simply sleep it off once the changes were done, having all the time in the world to laze around as the dinosaur he wished to be. For now, he simply wanted to be changing into one!

The intense desire of his throbbing dino cock made sleep almost impossible as the early morning sun peaked out of the clouds. There was no denying his need, burning into his mind and making him red hot with lust. Yet, much to Fernando's chagrin, the changes to his anatomy, compressed shoulders, and longer fingers found they were not flexible enough to get around his penis. He barely managed it, to a small effect though it was soon obvious that Fernando no longer possessed the ability to touch himself as effectively as he could as a primate. Though it was only a small disappointment, given the much larger penis he possessed and all of the potential male mates that were out there.

With that in mind, Fernando was prompted to wander around the park, using his new nostrils to locate potential suitors. Once more, the state of their changed forms made it much easier to locate under the odors made by each and every other changing dino. It took little more than half an hour to know what direction his cohorts had walked in, obviously exploring their new habitat and preparing to exist in their new lives. It was Samy, however, who was closest, and Fernando honed in on the tantalizing scent, cock leaking over his legs as his body swayed back and forth, creaking as the muscles pulsated underneath. Fernando had a mental image of what his friend looked like from their last meeting yesterday, and he could only imagine how much more of a Spinosaurus Samy had become!

Fernando found him in one of the feeding stations, hunched over with back legs much in the same state as Fernando's own. His tail swayed back and forth lazily, about as long as Fernando's, ass underneath and cock tip slipping in and out of the slit as though merely existing in his current state was erotic on its own. Such was likely as Samy looked up, blood and drool dripping from a face that carried an underbite similar to Fernando's own. Fernando grinned excitedly, the similarity in their reptilian forms easy to see. Fernando felt a certain level of elation over the fact; as much as he loved watching his friends change, their quadrupedal forms were harder to tease with his larger predatory body. But as fellow bipedal predators, it was easier to perform the actions that he so desperately wanted to consummate, and could only hope that his friend wanted the same thing.

"Wow rrrour rrrail is looking so good!" Fernando called out, though he hardly needed to with his dino musk attracting the attention of his buddy so quickly. Samy looked back, grin on his face that matched Fernando's own. To his delight, the soon-to-be Spinosaur's cock was full out of his slit now, dangling there for Fernando's inspection. He wanted to get his muzzle around that cock. Or, maybe...

"Rrrour rrruzzle is rrro rrrexy...." Samy managed to say, his voice much deeper than Fernando's own. The sound of the dinosaur's inflections nearly made Fernando melt. Samy was more dino than human now, and they still had so much further to go before the changes were done!

"Damn I want to rrrose my voice..." Fernando growled, though his voice wasn't too far away from sounding exactly like Samy's own. Soon, they wouldn't be able to talk, though it was a small price to pay given the dino forms they were to be granted and the unparalleled arousal the change provided them.

Drooling himself, Fernando looked over his friend more carefully, taking in his changes and delighting in those saurian features Samy possessed that had not yet taken over Fernando. Save for the spines, of course, something that was unique to Samy's preferred species. It was his feet, three clawed with one single digit resting on the stretched heels and the other splayed into the dirt, that had Fernando's attention. Fernando knew he would be blessed with such feet soon, but damned if he didn't want to experience it right now.

"Damn your feet look so hot, I rrant to get my own!" Fernando said, articulating the words more carefully so as to make his point heard. Though it hardly mattered, it was simply his excitement for them that he wanted to express.

"They rrrrhy rrron't I rrrrelp rrrou with that..." Samy said, somewhat lustily as he turned around and raised his tail for Fernando's inspection. Though his cock was massive, his cloaca was even bigger, and there would be room enough for his seeking cocktip to make its way inside Samy's tail hole. Just as Samy wanted, it seemed...

Shyly, Fernando stared for a few moments, wanting to take his friend up on his offer but not wanting to appear too needy. Though, his trepidation was soon parted for saurian instincts, growing stronger and stronger the more Samy's dino musk wafted into his expanding nostrils. It seemed to push his head even further forward, as though his rostrum wanted to expand to drink in better. Though there was no fear at the realization that such actions were causing him further change, rather, only elation.

One problem became immediately apparent as Fernando made his way to the other changing dinosaur, looking for the right angle to mount him from. Fernando's flattened feet made such a task difficult, prompting him to reach up to move his cock into position. Looking back after sensing the difficulty that his friend was having, Samy turned around, more hair falling from his head as he did so. Even his goatee was gone by this juncture, though Fernando found his friend looking great without it, skin preparing to become peppered with scales. It served to make his cock even harder, though was unable to do anything about it with his shorter stature.

Even as Samy tried to lower his hips to allow his dino ass to be penetrated, Fernando still struggled with making his cock hit the pulsating pucker. Getting up on his larger toes, his cock head almost reached its goal, and Fernando was able to successfully rub it against his friend's hole. Though with the discrepancy in their stature, there was no chance of them being able to fuck the way that Samy had wanted, and Fernando felt a swell of disappointment. Still, he could certainly get down and suck off his friend, right...?

Before he had a chance to act, however, a surge of growth overtook his feet, the toes separating more than they already had. Their flexibility allowed them to dig into the ground as well, thicker nails heavy of his form. But it was his stretching heels and powerful calves that made his stance enlarge, towards 12 ft tall now and nearly the same height as his friend. If he kept changing like this, his cock would be level enough with his friend's rump so that he could give Samy the fucking he craved!

"RRRESS! Grow! CHANGE!" Samy called out, the growling words enough for Fernando to push forth, erection at its apex and making it possible for him to thrust forward with purpose. The moment that his writhing cock tip pressed inside of Samy's cloaca was the moment that he pressed forward, burrowing deep inside the crevasse and frotting their twin cocks together. The pleasure was more than the pair could manage, growling and drooling their lust in unison as Samy backed into Fernando's dino cock and Fernando thrust forward with purpose. Each pump made both dino men change, the nanites in their systems responding to primal lust and fueling further changes as the pair grew towards the forms they held with such reverence.

Cracks resounded through Fernando's head as the rest of his hair fell away, ridges and scales tingling across skin. Though the demi-transformed skin was more appealing to him, he eventually wanted to be covered with ashen scales as befit his soon-to-be species. Rather it was the shape of his skull that came to the forefront of his thoughts. It was compressing his brain, sliding forward to make up the space for a thickened muzzle and expanding rostrum. Thick wafts of dino musk blew into his nose as the two fucked and growled. Fernando burned this beast's scent to memory to be able to find him no matter where he roamed on the island.

For a brief period, Fernando worried about the changes to his head and brain would make him too much into a dino, not able to remember himself enough to revel in the changes as he always wished to. Though such was silly, he knew. The nanites would keep his awareness intact even as his mind developed into that befitting an apex predator. No matter how much his head altered, no matter the alien urges and impulses played over his head, Fernando remained himself, able to enjoy the combination of human awareness and dinosaur physiology as he'd always wanted!

The cracking and popping of joints in Samy's hands were enough for Fernando to look down, Spino digits lengthening to match his own Indominus ones in shape and size. With his shoulders in their current configuration, Samy was still able to use them, careful of course about his claws, to rub his cock, hissing as his own head started to compress and extend. His visage would be more crocodilian, an aquatic predator more so than the land-loving Fernando. If he was being honest with himself, Fernando found it hot as hell, though would be hard-pressed to find any one of his friend's dino alterations unattractive as they all changed together.

Their view of the changes and the pressure of their cocks grinding together made it impossible for the pair of them to hold back much longer. And there was no point in doing so, given the beasts they were and the months they would have to enjoy their powerful saurian bodies with each other as they lived their lives as dinos in the breeding program. Fernando stared at the increasingly stretching muzzle of his friend, the bump at the front where his nostrils persisted, ridges above his eyes as scales took their place on his anatomy. Most of all, that nearly fully developed spine was still growing, its membranes thick enough to match his aquatic lifestyle. It was all so damn hot that Fernando couldn't help but blow his load into his friend's cloaca!

"GGGAAKE ME A RRRRINO!" Fernando cried out in his reptilian cadence as he came, penis spasming and internal testicles unloading their burden inside Samy's rear. The vibrations against Samy's cock made sure that he was soon to follow, though there were no words in the Spinosaur cry, an ancient feral sound that rang in Fernando's earholes as they both basked in glorious orgasm. Being so large amplified every experience to capacity and beyond, nothing in the face of their human equivalents and everything the pair could have hoped for in the changes. It was nearly enough to make both beasts keel over, their bodies still too top-heavy to remain standing easily with their changes past the halfway point.

Pulling out of his friend's rear, Fernando felt his stomach rumbling, even knowing that he could go days without eating, predator that he was. Though he was to be a well-kept beast, one with plenty of food to eat whenever the urge came. He would certainly burn away the calories from the constant fuck sessions he planned to have with his friends in the ensuing months. Samy, too, seemed inclined to finish his breakfast, only moving to the side enough to invite Fernando to join his meal. The two of them ate in tandem, swallowing large chunks of beef and pork in an effort to quell the beastly hunger than plagued them. Pieces that should have been too hard to lift were possible to do so by the powerful neck and jaw muscles the two of them possessed now. Feeding should have been more precarious, though the nanites allowed their changed anatomies to not only take in the raw meat but enjoy the taste as the two of them fully transformed.

Breakfast over, Samy came up to Fernando, licking his muzzle with a bloody tongue as though tasting more of the meat and cleaning his friend in equal measure. The gesture was friendly and welcome, Fernando licking him back as he might a friend. Fernando was already the larger of the two, but he saw them as equals, more human in nature than the dinosaurs their forms were based on. It was nice, and as much as they likely wished to use words, the time for that was most likely over. It was time to get into the roles they would take on, prehistoric beasts in a breeding program that not only allowed them to fuck to their heart's content but encouraged it. Though they would be breeding other males and not laying eggs, such was irrelevant with the knowledge their benefactors would gain simply by watching dinosaur interactions!

With that, Fernando made the familiar trek back to the watering hole to wash his muzzle and take in the newest changes to his head. Though he hardly needed to, especially with the size of it in his field of view. By this point it was so large that it pushed his eyes back so that he could see his flanks out of the corners of his eyes, loving the saurian view of his body as he settled into his walking gait. Fernando found he was walking a little slower than usual to try and get used to it, but there was nothing to be done for it in his hybrid state. After all, he would soon be walking like this with far more ease, a little larger than the halfway point by now with much more growing to do!

Still, even with all he could see with his own eyes, there was nothing like getting a first-hand view of his reflection in the late morning sun. It was another cloudless day, and the reflection on the water was perfect for Fernando to take in the changes to his form. He couldn't quite raise his hand to touch it, but he was entirely bald at this juncture, ridges taking place over his skull. He hadn't felt them grow, but he now possessed the signature bumps down his neck, with the larger crowns in a row that made up his Indominus physiology. There was more rex and raptor in his visage than human, and Fernando towered over the water, trying not to fall in with his top-heavy body, realizing there was already so much of his humanity taken from him with so much more to lose and enjoy every second of!

"RRR I RRROOK SO HOT!" Fernando called out, not caring what the other dinos thought of him as they went about their business drinking and going off to likely rut. After all, it was his form to enjoy, and he would be willing to share it with any of the males that were inclined that way once he had changed fully!

Fatigue came over him eventually, even though it was mid-afternoon. Such circadian rhythms likely became of the predator he was, so Fernando decided to go with it, belly full and cock sated. Given his lack of sleep the night before, it took him no time to pass out, dreams of dinosaurs and fucking and predatory hunts came to the forefront of his awareness. He was sure his cock was out in his sleep once more, preparing for wet dinosaur dreams. But it was of little consequence with how much he wanted to change and explore his new body to its fullest.

Several hours later, the needs in his body roused him enough that he got up and relieved himself in dino fashion. Such was not as bothersome as he might have worried about, so Fernando did his best not to think about it. Other dinos had it worse in terms of bodily functions, and that did not factor in his choice to be a carnivore! The only thing that came to mind was the taste of his breath, something that he would have to get used to as well though was proving more difficult with his raw meat diet. How he wished he had a toothbrush!

Though that was not to be possible, for more reasons than one. His thicker fingers made reaching up to caress his head almost impossible, and even if he could manage it, his arms were far shorter, a product of the T-Rex DNA in his veins. Though it was hardly an inconvenience, and his body would eventually manage without. He could scratch himself in some places but was careful of the massive claws he now possessed, they being the bridging gap to allow the added length.

With that in mind, Fernando found himself almost lamenting the lack of scales over his body. There were some along his back, his fingers, and his toes, but for the moment, he was largely devoid of them. Such was fine, but with them carried several advantages to his form, ones unique to the fictional version he had become yet ones he wanted to experience all the same. Would he be able to turn invisible, camouflage himself to sneak up on friends before some sexy fun times? Wouldn't that be amazing!?

Walking around a little to wake up, Fernando was made quickly aware of how much more top-heavy he was. Though his legs had grown to the size of small tree trunks, it was still troublesome to support the weight of his body. Thankfully, he knew his tail had some growing to do before it reached the point he wished to see on his frame. It took him some time to get used to the new stance but he managed it, looking around with nostrils sniffing for his fellow dinos. Surely they had changed quite a bit by now, and Fernando was all too eager to see them!

This time, he had some trouble detecting the scents of the other changes dinos, neither one in the same spot they had been the day before. Fernando had decided to detect whichever quadrupedal friend that he came across first, his nose dictating his eventual goal. Imagine his surprise, however, when his olfactory senses picked up not one but both of his friends in the same place! Now that was something he needed to see! Any notions of letting his friends explore their changes in private were lost in the certainty that they would enjoy seeing his own as well, and perhaps get down to some three-way fun to relieve the urges they could no longer handle alone with their anatomies in their current states.

Coming into the clearing now that he could hear them as well, Fernando was elated to see his two friends down on all fours where they so desperately wanted to be. What he was not prepared for were their forms to be two-thirds of the way changed, knowing instinctively they would be but only having seen them the day before in a more human state. Their changes were coming along so fast, yet just slow enough they could properly be enjoyed!

Jeremy was in a rather fetching state, down on all fours and only moderately more covered in scales than he was yesterday. Greenish brown plates covered his long back, spine stuck under the skin somewhat visible though likely a product of his mid-changed state. Scales covered the end of his tail as well, He was massive, likely close to a ton by now, belly thick and barreled like a somewhat smaller version of the dinosaur he would eventually be. There was some fat, though much was packed muscle as it was fat, he was sure. No scales persisted down there, and to Fernando's delight, Jeremy's human nipples were still present, even more massive on his frame. His pelvis hung down as much as any dinosaur's did, though his cock seemed to be at full erection, cum stains indicative that it was not his first orgasm in such a brief time. Hips and thighs were massive and flattened, connected with his belly as befit a beast of his stature. Fingers and toes were gone, stubs within the trucks of legs and arms, nothing motile left in the nails where former digits sat. Far better for supporting the weight of a ceratopsian than the human Jeremy had been!

But it was the changes to his visage that really had Fernando's attention. His lips were pushed away to form a saurian beak, front teeth missing. Though the drooling, open maw did reveal thick grinding molars in the back that his new diet required. His nostrils were massive on his features, parted to make room for the short stunted horn that had grown where his nasal bridge had been. But it was really the massive horns he possessed above them, bursting from his temples, massive and heavy, though his thick neck was surely able to handle their impressive weight. His chest, too, was nearly as large as the horns were long, skull behind the protective covering unseen from Fernando's angle. Thin wisps of hair still hung in strands above his head, though they were not destined to last long. Eyes were rolled back in his head, likely from the orgasm that he already had moments ago, and his glasses hung dangling on his features, precarious at best.

Alex was in a similar state, also down on all fours for the rest of their tenure as dinosaurs. They, too, still had some hair, and their head was a similar size as their human equivalent. In fact, their head was largely human, though stuck out into a muzzle, lacking human teeth for Stego dentures. But the rest of their body was nearly that of the Stegosaurus that they had chosen to become. Their flanks were massive, former arms shortened and leaving their backside up in the air. Their tail, while not at full length, still waved back and forth, impressive thagomizer fully formed. And while their skin was green along the top, it was devoid of scales over most of their form. Red-veined plates standing up all over their back and looking more fully formed than they had been prior. Like Jeremy's, fingers and toes were entirely gone, having retracted for pointed claws at the end of tree trunk legs. In fact, save for their head, skin, and overall size, Alex was the most transformed of the trio, clearly having been eager to change and act the part of the dino they wished to be. Fernando found himself powerfully surprised and elated in equal measure to see his friends in such a changed state!

The changes were soon to come faster for the pair, it seemed. Jeremy was looking for the right angle to mount his soon-to-be steggo friend, Alex having their tail raised and cloaca on full display for Jeremy's inspection. It was a little difficult for Jeremy to mount him, Alex's back plates in the way and making such contact difficult. But, eventually, he managed it, not crushing any of the plates under his girth as his seeking cock touched the fringes of Alex's cloaca. His member was far longer than Fernando's own, likely needed to reach under tails to mount as his physiology dictated. With a bestial grunt, Jeremy forced his way in, Alex letting out a wheezing bellow of their own as their insides were penetrated.

"RRROOO RRRoU RRROOO RROO RRRAAAWWWW!" Fernando tried to call out, but the more he tried to articulate his thoughts, the less ability he seemed to have to do so. It mattered little at this point, he figured. The two other dinos were aware of his presence by this point, his Indominus musk surely burned into their nostrils by now. Yet, they were too engaged in their own mating acts to cry out and reply, save the moans and grunts they were eliciting in their contentment of rut.

Fernando figured they would not mind a third, and stomped forward, walking up to the Stego with cock slapping against his powerful legs. Alex looked up at him, eyes still human for now but widening as their face started to extend further. It was as though Jeremy was fucking the dino into their face, and their bellows were deepening with each thrust of their Triceratops friend. Though the sight of the bobbing Indominus erection left them to lick their lips, and they reached out a larger tongue to play over the tip, making Fernando roar out with lust. It seemed as though Alex had no issue in pleasuring their friend during a saurian threesome.

Getting into position, Fernando allowed his cock to rock against his friend's face, in effect face fucking the changing Stego, though Alex seemed remiss to care. They did their best to take as much of the cock as they could, though it was far too large for them to take very far in their muzzle. Either way, they seemed eager to try, and the stimulation to the tip, in tandem with the sight of the pair changing, was enough to provide the pleasure needed to reach orgasm. Fernando put his clawed hands gently on the Stego's flanks, balancing himself in place as he was eagerly sucked off.

It seemed as though the combined sexual efforts seemed to have the needed effect to change the Stego the rest of the way. Their face began to push out, the muscle cracking and popping and allowing Alex to take another glorious inch of Fernando's cock. Though their face remained relatively small compared to their body, the rest of their massive bulk was increasing, hips wider, tail thicker, and belly distending. It was as though the bulk was literally being fucked into them, and Fernando was happy to be filling the Stego from one end while his other buddy filled the Stego's rear.

The effect of sex on the changes was not limited to the Stego, as Jeremy's horns thickened from the base, pushing at the skin as they rushed their way to full length. Jeremy bellowed his joy at their development, and Fernando thought he could hear the words "I want my horns so bad!" in the grunts and bellows of ceratopsian lust. But it didn't matter, not when the sentiment was as obvious as the horns on his head, the spreading scales, or the expanding bulk as Jeremy fucked and rutted himself into a Triceratops.

For his own part, Fernando felt his body expanding as well, having to readjust his stance several times to make sure that his cock didn't fall from his buddy's mouth. His heels were even wider, toes thicker and hips shifting further into his pelvis. Knees were closer to his belly now, and more spines were pressing painlessly out of his back, accenting his hybrid anatomy. Tail even longer at this point, Fernando was thrashing it widely as his testicles started to expand and prepared to unload his burden. His head cracked forward even further, and the skin around his lower jaw and cheeks started to prickle with the eruption of ashen scales. Even his underbite was gone at this point, though Fernando was still left to drool from sheer lust and desire.

It was the Stego that came first, cock slapping against their belly as they unloaded with such force that it even reached Fernando's leg. Though he could hardly bring himself to care, the thick waft of dino musk brought him closer as Alex continued to suck him off. The clenching of their rectum against Jeremy's cock was enough to make the Triceratops bellow as well, blowing his burden inside the Stego which such force that he was prompted to fall out, cock spasming on the ground with the release.

The pungent stink of dino musk and cum sent Fernando over the edge as well, hoping only that his Stego friend could take it. That seemed impossible with the size of their head, though to Alex's credit, they tried, gently lipping at the tip as Fernando felt himself letting go. Cock exploded and filled Alex's muzzle to the brim with dino seed. The force of the orgasm was enough that Alex had to let go, but not before taking a significant load of dino jism as thanks for allowing Fernando to get in on their fun.

With that, the three of them rested a moment, the powerful three-way and their changes leaving them in a pile of reeking, musky saurian bodies. They could not sweat anymore, even in areas where their skin had not erupted into scales, sweat glands evidently absent. So, they were left panting, the pungent odor of semen on their nostrils, and nearly bringing them arousal once more. Fernando excitedly watched as even now, scales spread over his friend's skin, as well as Fernando's own, marking them as the dinos they longed to be.

Save for some size and the scales covering their bodies, Fernando was aware that he was almost done, wanting so badly to finish the changes and be the Indominus Rex he longed to see in his reflection. At this point, Fernando was too desperate to finish his changes, even though he would be an Indominus soon enough from his multiple orgasms already that day. It was night now, but Fernando's circadian rhythms felt awake in the middle of the night, red eyes piercing the darkness with ease. Having just had some fun with his four-legged friends, Fernando figured it was time for him to seek out Samy once more, to reciprocate for the amazing sex they'd had that morning. Surely, he wouldn't mind taking their final changes together, likely needing it as much as Fernando did. They could not articulate their desires verbally anymore, but that was of little consequence with how horny they were, how needy.

Fernando left the pair to wander away, elated he had seen them both in these final stages. They looked so damn hot that way! He would carry the memory of their visages moving forward into his new life, unable to believe he had gotten to witness their changes firsthand. Or claw, as the case now may be. They were starving after their rut, massive bodies needing more fuel given their vegetarian diets. Fernando was still full from his earlier meal, though would share a bite with his friend once the two of them were done, Fernando was sure. But not until he was on the receiving end this time, wanting to know what Samy felt taking dino cock up his cloaca!

Finding Samy was no easy feat, even with his powerful nose. Fernando must have crashed through the bush for over an hour in his quest to find his friend's scent. But, eventually, he did manage it, not without something else catching his attention. It was smaller, to be sure, and certainly not a dino. It took Fernando's changed mind a few minutes to ascertain, in fact, not something saurian instincts were familiar with. Though eventually, images of farms and livestock popped into his head, and Fernando was reminded of the live feeders that existed on the island, wondering if such an animal was out to be hunted directly. And if Samy was the hunter...

Trying his best not to make too much noise himself. Fernando crept closer, surprisingly stealthy for a being of his size and stature when he wanted to be. Of course, he would be, predator that he was, though it was a moot point, given he didn't need to hunt in his new body. There was no denying Fernando wanted to, however, hungry and eager to sink his teeth in some live flesh, some that hadn't been human. Surely, Samy would be OK to share, right?

Downwind as he was, Fernando could soon detect the familiar musk of his saurian friend, evidently in the middle of stalking his prey. Though a goat was hardly the proper prey for such a powerful beast, it would be dangerous to tackle anything larger, predation never an easy endeavor for even the most seasoned of predators. The idea of the goat was to simulate that hunting instinct, something that both of them wanted desperately to do. One predator was surely sufficient to take something as minor as a goat. But two...wouldn't that be a fun exercise!

Still, even with his sleek design and surprisingly agile body, Fernando was not fast enough to encroach upon his friend's hunt. Fernando was just in time to see Samy going in for the killing blow, biting down on the goat and lifting it in the air with powerful jaws. It seemed as though the effect only caused struggle for a few moments, as the muscles in his jaw managed to part and reform into the crocodilian that Fernando was sure Samy wanted to wear the rest of his tenure as a dino. His teeth, though covered with blood, were thicker, spaced oddly in his jaw as a crocodile's might be. The overall look was almost the Spinosaur that Fernando desired to see worked into his friend's physiology, though he had never seen such a beast outside of reconstructions and had no basis for comparison. Either way, Samy looked hot as hell!

Having finally devoured his goat, Samy looked up to meet the predatory gaze of his friend, an almost inhuman grin spreading across his features as he did so. He didn't even try to talk, though Fernando's hearing could detect a sort of low hum or vibration, something that Samy was likely eliciting in a form of saurian communication. It meant little to his changed mind, save that Samy was eager to see him.

With that, Fernando could hardly hold back his desire. Relishing the sensation of his cock sliding from its home, Fernando turned around before it was entirely finished, exposing the puckered anus of his tail hole even as his expanding cock engulfed most of it. It was of little matter; he knew from experience how nimble saurian cocks could be and how easy it would be for Samy's to slide into his loins. And right now, looking back at the nearly fully formed dinosaur, Fernando wanted nothing more than to be fucked by him!

Samy, it seemed, wanted much the same, getting into position as his expansive bulk shook the jungle. Samy came behind him, nuzzling Fernando for a moment before trying to get into position. The sensation of a seeking cocktip against his nethers was almost more than he could bear, and Fernando growled, his voice a combination of raptor and Rex as he shivered and waited for the inevitable fucking. No stranger to anal sex, Fernando was unprepared for doing such on such a large scale, and was eager for the penetration and experience he was to receive!

Though he had a clear view of Samy's member before it was planted inside of him, Fernando could not have expected it to be so large, so tight against his cloaca. It was likely its final size, too big for the still-growing dino and making him grunt from the exertion. Though Fernando tried to keep his pained cries to a minimum, not wanting his friend to know of his discomfort. After all, he wanted nothing more than to be plowed, changed by the sexual acts, and to know what it felt like to be on the receiving end!

It seemed as though, to Fernando's delight, the growth he so desperately craved would be his, feeling his body expanding around the cock in his bowels and growing still. Though Samy used the motion to fill even more of Fernando's rectum, each inch taken eagerly as the beast he was got into their rut. Though Fernando hardly had a notion to care he was being used in such a way, loving the changes that were encroaching over his form. He was getting larger, large enough to take such an impressive cock in his rear. And he still had growing to do!

All the while, Fernando felt growing pains playing over his bones and muscles, numbed but uncomfortable all the same. It was akin to childhood growing pains, though no amount of growth could be so rapid, so transformative. He was literally being pumped full of meat and muscle as Samy's leaking cock found its way deeper and deeper into his insides. For every inch that Fernando gained to his form, Samy seemed to take advantage of it, grinding their cocks together as he eventually hilted the soon-to-be Indominus Rex.

It was the tingling of scales forming that nearly sent Fernando over the edge in his eagerness. He wanted to be covered with them, the only part of the change that had not truly robbed him of his humanity. And they brought with them so much promise, beyond a simple protective coat as with the other dinos. They could literally hide him from view, making it impossible to be seen by prey before it was too late. Though there was little need for them with everything provided in this saurian paradise, it was still part of the form he desired. Even Fernando's love of demi-tfs could not surpass his need to be complete at the eleventh hour of his change.

That finality sent him over the edge, blowing his load before Samy had the chance to fill him up. It was the other dino's desire, as well as the throbbing of Fernando's rectum, that brought him to fill Fernando's rectum with dino cream, the warmth of the viscous fluid making Fernando content and satisfied. Fucking his good friend as nearly changed dinos was better than any fantasy, story, or artwork could manage to elicit. And they had what seemed like an eternity of saurian bliss ahead of them as their forms completed themselves.

Roars echoed through the jungle as both soon-to-be beasts blew their burdens, cum spilling onto the foliage from Fernando's penis as well as the backwash from his cloaca. It was almost impossible to remain standing from such a release, though the pair managed it, Samy's cock eventually sliding sensually from Fernando's backside. It seemed the changes to their physiologies provided by thickened tails and heavier torsos allowed an easier time to balance on their thickened toes, as befit the stances they both longed to possess.

Licking some of the blood off Samy's crocodilian lips, Fernando left, wanting to fill his own belly but more eager to see what changes their sexual escapades had wrought. Much of what had happened, his still spreading scales, his massive jaw, thicker torso, and swaying tail could all be noticed with his increased range of vision. Though he needed to see his reflection, wanted to gaze as the last vestiges of his face were removed for the reptilian visage he longed to possess!

After grabbing a bite from a feeding station, and making it back to the familiar watering hole, it seemed very much that Fernando was all but the Indominus rex he craved to be. Though he was not quite finished yet, there were still tingles of change playing over his form, aches of muscles still expanding. But it was his muzzle at the forefront of his awareness, blunt, rounded, and perfectly situated with his eyes forward facing. It was even better than the movies could have made it out to be, to not only see it here in the flesh but to know that it was a part of him!

Fuck, my muzzle is so hot! Fernando thought, eager to feel the creaks and groans of meat and muscles pulling it out into its final configuration. Fernando loved the menacing visage, drooling in excitement as his cock slid from his sensitive slit once more. It was more than he could bare to think that he was about to cement the final changes over himself, and he wanted nothing more in the moment than to change and be the dinosaur he'd fantasized about for months and months.

The scales, too, were spreading over his form, skin tingling over his rounded belly and moving under his chest and neck, running down his legs, and completing the flesh over his tail. There wasn't much left of the human covering, and Fernando desperately wanted it to be gone. He would be covered in scales, filled with powerful muscles, and sexy as hell. It was all he could do not to touch himself right then and there!

There was no reason to hold back, though he could hardly reach down and stroke himself off. His cock was pointed towards his belly, and even skilled arms as the ones he possessed were insufficient to reach. Though, if he flexed his claws just slightly, Fernando found he could tease the tip, rubbing the pointed flesh sensually and making him hiss. Though he had assumed it wouldn't reach, the size of the penis he possessed still had some growing to do, and to his delight, Fernando felt the tip leak against his skin, removing the rest of the human flesh. Fernando imagined leaking cum onto his body and it infecting him, spreading the scales over the rest of him. Naturally, the effect had him leaking into his claws, thinking that his final orgasm would finish the changes, allowing him to be the dino of his dreams. Best yet, he couldn't wait to show his friends the new him, and see their fully changed bodies as they properly started their new dinosaur lives!

Such elation spread over his form in a wave of warmth, burning into his muscles and spreading the dino DNA through his body, eliminating any traces of his humanity from his form. He wanted to be rid of it, to change all the way and be a real-life dinosaur. Nothing he could fathom could surpass the ecstasy he felt in the moment, how close he was to finishing and cumming. The warmth burned through his entire body, preparing him for the final stretch of scales that would coat his body. The last spines and ridges poking from his neck, the final ashen discoloration spreading across his skin. It was happening...he was going to be a dinosaur...he was going to change...he was going to cum!

"RRRAAAAWWWWWRRRRR!" Fernando called out at the top of his lungs as he came, spilling his load over his chest, belly, and hands, semen coating his new scales and causing them to glisten in the waning sunlight. He felt powerful, bestial, the final release to the form of his dreams. At the apex of living beings, Fernando was left to bask in the afterglow of his body and the changes that he had so willingly and eagerly invoked on himself. No force could touch him, and he could take what he wanted from all other dinosaurs. Not that they wouldn't offer it willingly, of course...

With the changes done, Fernando was eager to explore his body and all it had to offer. Scales had swept over his form, and Fernando walked into the woods, wondering how to trigger the alterations to his hide that would allow him to blend into his surroundings. Looking at his formed through heat-sensing eyes, Fernando delighted in the changing shades of his hide that he willed into being, as though the heat traces were fading. He couldn't tell if he was hidden like in the movie. But he must have been camouflaged, even if he could still see himself with altered eyes. It was insane that he could change his skin like that, to hide from view!

His own changes done, Fernando was sure that his friends would be in a similar state by this point. The scents on the wind all spoke of fully formed dinosaurs, no longer possessed the repulsive musk of humanity that none of them wished to carry. That made it a little more difficult to find, though he was sure who they were, their thick musk burned into his nose to the point that Fernando could trackv them all the way across the island.

It was Jeremy he came across first, Fernando hoping that possibly he would be up for some fun. And as the Indominus grew closer to his friend, it seemed that was to be the case, though not in the way he was expecting. Still, his aching cock did want to survey the sight of what he knew to be mating Triceratops. Indeed, he could tell the male on top was Jeremy, happily breeding another male underneath of him as the two of the wheezed and bellowed their lust. It seemed that Jeremy had found a male mate, same-sex pairs on the island rather common with a penchant for homosexuality in those who loved transformation. Fernando grinned in his own saurian way. Jeremy had found what he wanted, indeed. Though, he knew his buddy well enough that Jeremy would share. Besides, he looked so good fully changed! Fernando wished he could tell him, but didn't want to interrupt the pair. Besides, the erection swaying from his groin was all either needed to know how much the sight of their changes did it for them! Fernando kept his camouflage up, though he was sure that Jeremy could smell him, looking around with eyes that weren't nearly as acute as Fernando's own.

Alex the Stego, meanwhile, was some distance away by the time Fernando found them, browsing on some greens with two or three other Stegos. Fernando was happy for them, able to act and live like the dinos they were. It was a simpler life, being an animal, and Fernando understood that it was easier to give into instincts and allow themselves the basic pleasures of letting the world go by. Alex would likely not be as sexually active as the rest of his friends, though Fernando was sure that they would be up for some fun if Fernando showed up with a swinging erection from his groin!

Right now, however, Fernando's focus was on finding the one friend with similar stature to himself, his quadrupedal friends having found theirs he was able to track down the Spino with little effort, wandering around the area and moving towards him, it seemed. Could it be that Samy was seeking him out as much as Fernando was seeking him? Fernando had no way to ask him, but that mattered little given their saurian bodies and lives. Their intentions would soon be made clear to each other, though with the scents of sex and cum in the air, Fernando was sure he knew Samy wanted the same!

It was almost surreal to see what had to be a fully formed Spinosaurs coming towards him, a grin on his crocodilian features as he realized Fernando was just as erect as he was. The Spino's tail thrashed excitedly, lashing behind him as he looked at the Indominus rex with an expression of longing. It was obvious that the Spino wanted some fun time as much as Fernando himself, and Fernando was eager to oblige!

Without missing a beat, the massive Spinosaurus rubbed his muzzle against the Indominus with a gesture of companionship and mutual respect. Not that they could really hurt each other in the states they were in, though Fernando appreciated the gesture nonetheless and returned it, nuzzling his friend's chin and essentially saying hello. They did not need words in their new bodies when gestures would do just the same!

Soon, Samy pulled away, giving the Indominus a wink as he turned around, bending over and raising his tail to show his massive cock and gaping pucker. Though his cock made up much of the front of the orifice, Fernando knew from experience that his own member could fit inside Samy's cloaca, and was eager to experience such now that the two of them had fully changed!

With Samy to be the one to bottom, Fernando wasted no time getting up to him, now revealing that he was the larger of the pair. This time, his seeking cock tip had no trouble finding Samy's cloaca, and Fernando eagerly pushed his way inside, making the dinosaur growl his approval. For a moment, Fernando thought he heard human words of encouragement coming from the Spinosaur's mouth. Though such was impossible, dinos as they were. Perhaps he simply understood the growls to mean Samy's desire to be fucked, though in the end, it mattered little to their mutual desires and their animalist way to communicate them.

Though the process of change made Fernando immensely horny, there was something about fucking as fully formed dinosaurs that made the experience more real. He was an animal, one that had never existed in all of history, totally unique. And his saurian penis was being sucked inside his buddy's cloaca, massaged by Samy's skilled rectal muscles and brought close to the edge with simple motions. Though beast that he was, there was no reason for him to hold back, knowing he could cum multiple times a day with multiple partners across the island, finding all of his friends and enjoying the new bodies they possessed.

Fernando let out a very raptor-like cry as his cock spasmed uncontrolled and he let loose a torrent of Indominus jism into Samy's cloaca. So much was spewed from the eager dinosaur that Fernando's cock was nearly ejected from the backflow. The Spino growled his approval, grinding his cloaca and frotted their spasming cocks together until, he, too, sprayed his seed all over his belly and the ground. This time his scales were coated instead of skin, and he was carefully able to rub his belly and the semen into them, not caring how messy he was being. He was truly reveling in his release as much as a beast of his power and stature deserved.

Eventually, the pair parted, sharing another saurian rub as they did so. Both had separate lives to live, and Fernando was sure that the Spinosaur had sexual escapades to experience with other members of the island as much as Fernando did with their other friends. But the two of them were sure to meet up from time to time, enjoying the similar stature of their bodies and the ease at which they could take turns fucking. And that, in tandem with his other friend's desires, brought much promise for their futures on the island.

The setting sun made Fernando sleepy, wanting to lie down and rest in his newly fully formed body for the first time. Though, he still found rest difficult, his body full of promise and energy that made him elated to be a dino. Perhaps not one that ever existed on earth, though that was a moot point given his predisposition and excitement for the form he had been given. He was as much a beast as any that had existed, reconstructed with the rest of his saurian brethren. And there was an entire island for him to explore in his new body, other dinos to meet, and perhaps some sexual fun to be had!

As his eyes fluttered shut and Fernando found himself drifting off, one thought came to the forefront of his mind. The notion of being in this body, this form was powerfully appealing. He could see himself enjoying the years of bestial bliss that this saurian body could provide. And was the change itself that was half the fun, after all. And now that he had changed, he would cherish the memories of those first few days for the rest of his life. Except it didn't have to be...a dino's life would be amazing...but there were other breeding programs out there, and other bodies for him to explore...

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New Phase of Life

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