The OutBreak ch2

Story by Sid burn on SoFurry

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#2 of The OutBreak


Dont know how well this one is going to sound...but here it is anyway. Enjoy!

(I changed the truck Kyle uses from a 1969 auto car to a 1973 Autocar.)

The 4 axle van

Kyle woke up, he was inside his Autocar in bed, the medic had patched him up, and he had bandages all over. He had cuts, bruises, and a small concussion, which was gone now. He was lucky that he wasn't hurt worse. He checked his watch, it was time to bury the dead, and he quickly got up and walked to where they were to lay them to rest. The sun had gone down and was now setting arcos the desert, the wind blew softly.

All the survivors had become integrated with the team fast, they were welcome into the team, the survivors had young children and elder too, which was nice to have more people to talk to also.

Kyle was not eager to see them buried, he was going to be there because it was his duty and he felt it was the right thing to do. Everyone was sad, they had lost great friends, and family, everyone that joined the team was considered part of the family, when one died they honored them as best as they could. But this was a special one way different from any of them, Kyle held his great grandfathers M1 Garand; he was going to fire six rounds into the air.

Alex was already there with the whole team, the sound of people crying softly could be heard, and she was finding it harder to hold back the urge to cry. She saw Kyle coming, holding his M1 Garand. She could see the pain in his eyes, he was hurting like everyone, he stopped in the crowd, and they had just started to lay them to rest.

No longer would they feel pain, no longer the struggle to survive, they could finally rest forever. To wake up and know today is your last day alive and that you're going to die is like freedom, you won't have to fight to stay alive. You can sleep with out fear, knowing that your loved ones will be on the other side with you soon.

Kate stood by her lover's grave, crying hugging a friend, it tore everyone apart. Even Kyle was crying there was no sound only tears flowing down his cheeks, like crystals that shined brightly in the setting sun.

Someone started to play TAPS, the sound rang out into the sky, crying out that brave people have died, and are being honored for there sacrifice. Everyone saluted until the song ended, a lot of them weren't army or any thing military, but they were giving them a military funeral, mixed with there own type.

The crowd around Kyle parted as he lifted and others lifted there rifles into the sky, they pulled the triggers, the shoots rang out loudly, each bullet that fired off echoed across the land, the shots rang out five more times. When the last shot faded out of existence it was over, the dead had been buried but now they were placing items down at there graves, there weapons sticking out of the ground. Kyle walked up to them and placed a bullet and a cigarette down at each grave it was all he had, he wasn't a smoker. He had this incase he was going to die, might as well have a smoke before you die right?

Kyle found it hard to speak but got it out, "Rest in peace, brothers, I will meet you on the other side someday, and when I do we will all drink and have fun like the good old days. We will miss you, all of us." He picked himself up and walked back into the crowd over where Alex and everyone else were; but Jamie walked up to him, he looked sad, he had never seen him like this before. He had never been to a funeral for any of the teams since none of them have died in a year, until now.

Jamie said in a sad voice, "Listen, I'm...sorry for how I was, I have been an ass to you....and yet you aren't, seeing what you did today has changed me, I also want to thank you for saving my sister again, when she told me what happened, I feel horrible for how I treated you. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" He was shocked when Kyle gave him a hug.

"I understand, I never hated you, I just don't know why you hated me so much." Kyle said as he broke the hug. Jamie looked like a different person now.

"The reason was, my sister has a crush on you and I didn't think you were the right person for her, it was foolish of me to try to bring out the bad in you, but you don't have a bad side. And I know you have a crush on her too. Also one reason was she had another person she liked, he told her that he loved her and would be with her forever, but he got killed. It tore here apart." This surprised Kyle a lot; he never knew Sarah had a crush on him!

"Yea I do have a crush on her, but you're wrong about one thing I do have a bad side but, I left that behind long ago, before I even joined this team. No one has ever gotten me to every bring it out. Can you keep this a secret and not let her know, I want to tell her myself." They didn't know that Sarah was close by, and since dragons have better hearing then humans, she heard everything, Kyle and Jamie said. When she heard that Kyle had a crush on her, her heart nearly exploded with excitement!

"Yes, I will, I will not tell her." Jamie said, smiling slightly, glad that Kyle didn't hate or want to kill him. Half an hour later it was over, everyone had left the graves and now were drinking and eating in their honor and singing about them.

They were laughing and telling stories of the funny and good times they had, they wouldn't want everyone to be sad about them being gone, they would want them to live on, for that were not truly gone, they were with them by heart and in spirit. Even know they felt them with them, as if they had never left this would. This went on for three hours, they had few people on watch but they were having fun too.

Kyle sat around his friends listening to them tell stories about them; how they became friends, the stupid and funny things they did, etc. he took a swig of his drink, Crown Royal limited edition. Twenty minutes later, he got up and walked back to his truck, no one bothered him. His truck, trying to rest inside the sleep section of the truck, but he couldn't, every time he was almost about to sleep he would think of Sarah and then he couldn't get to sleep. He decided right then and there that he was going to tell her. But just as he was getting up there was a knock at the door of his truck.

"Yes, who is it?" he asked, he had his Jericho in hand, ready.

"Its, me can I come in? I need to tell you something." Sarah asked; this shocked him for a second; he put down the gun and opened the door. Sarah had never been inside his truck ever, she had always wanted to see what it was like inside now she was going to get the chance.

"Yea, come on in," he said as he opened the door, he still had his clothes on, she stepped inside the truck, and she was amazed at the interior. It was all custom; a lot of the original parts were gone. The sleep section had two beds, a small one and a double bed big enough for two people.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" Kyle asked; his heart was pounding now; he wanted to tell her that he loved her so bad, but he didn't know if he was going to be able to. He had going through wave after wave of undead and he still couldn't tell a girl that he loved her, how ironic, but Sarah was having the same problem. She blushed; he could tell she was nervous about something he knew what she was going to say. He was nervous as hell she could see it.

Gordo was and a few others were standing watch tonight, his hawk eyes scanning the dark terrain, the wind was blowing again making a soft wailing sound as it hit the burned out cars, building that had been left to rot long ago.

"Hey Gordo, you see anything yet?" Conaway asked, his voice coming in through the mic, he was on the north-west side of the camp, looking out at the land with night-vision goggles. He didn't like this place; he couldn't wait until morning to when they move on and find more places.

"No....that's what worries me, where in the hell are they, we should have....wait I see something hold on." Gordo said, he slipped on the night-vision goggles, and zoomed in on the target. A large group of undead off in the distance, they were running, that's not normal. Then it suddenly hit him, Crimson heads! "Crimson heads!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs!

A Crimson head was a zombie that if you didn't kill by headshot or separating its spine, it would come back. They were blood red, had large claws on there hands, sharp teeth, can run, and are way more powerful than a normal zombie. Or in a few weeks it would happen but it is very uncommon for it to happen and if there are a lot of them, run! Gun shots rang out into the night, everyone had heard Gordo yell and began to get ready; they flipped the lights on the vehicles on, so they could see.

Kyle jumped up from the bed, pulled opened a drawer and grabbed two weapons and some ammo, FAMAS F1, and a SIG 516 Patrol. He handed the SIG 516 Patrol to Sarah, opened the door and went out to help in the fire.

"God damit, there everywhere! Don't let them grab you!" A man screamed over the mic, everywhere there were crimson heads; everyone was on the roofs of the vehicles so they wouldn't get torn apart by them!

Kyle aimed at a crimson head that was running right at him and fired, it ate the bullets that it was given falling down dead, head full of holes. He climbed to the top of his truck, Sarah right behind him. "Oh, shit...we...can't fight off that many!" Kyle yelled in fear. They were every where; the only way to kill them all is to run them down. Which Kyle was going to do, he opened a hatch that he had installed on the top of the cab.

"Where in the hell are you going?" Sarah yelled, Kyle was halfway inside the cab when she said it.

"We can't fight them like this, only way is to run them down! You should get inside before I startup!" He yelled back, she immediately did as he said. The Autocar roared to life, honking the horn, black smoke belched out of the pipes. "Guys, we need to get out of town now, we can't fight them, and we will be dead if we try!" Kyle said over the CB, he was right, there were too damn many!

More vehicles came to life, they knew there was no way to fight them, and they had to get out of this town. Kyle threw the truck into drive and floored it, running down a wall of crimson heads. He slewed the truck onto Franklin street, the truck already stained with blood, all the other vehicles close behind, the truck shook as it mowed down the undead. He had to cut through Dune Plaza and then onto highway 20, out of they city.

Jamie and Olson he was the orange dragon, power slid onto the highway not far behind, the car was an 88 Toyota Celica, Olson pressed down of the gas hard, but instead of speeding up it died! He turned the key; it was trying to start but wouldn't turn over!!

"Come on, start!!!" Olson screamed, stomping on the gas and turning the key, it finally screamed to life, he punched the gas, speeding up fast. Suddenly a Hunter jumped onto the car. Olson swerved trying to knock it off the car.

Jamie put his hand out the window, opening fire with his Spectre M4, screaming, "Eat it mother fucker!!" The bullets ripped into the hunter, Olson slammed on the breaks knocking the hunter off then flooring it, running it over it was indistinguishable after that.

A licker jumped in front of a Semi prepping to jump of it but was run down by a VW Hippie van, inside people were gunning down or beheading the undead, laughing in delight, but one of them had the window open when they hit the licker spraying blood on a few of them! The blood would not infect them.

"Die fuckers!!" Connor bellowed, ramming his 1980 Ford Bronco Prerunner into a Boomer sending it flying into a stoplight pole where it exploded. They hit the highway in seconds, it was filled with undead and cars, they had to be extra careful not to hit a car.

A hunter that was hiding inside the group of the undead jumped out and onto Kyle's truck, getting on the roof! Kyle honked the horn, deafening the hunter; he hit the brakes, sending it flying onto the road. It jumped up and screamed at the truck seconds before it was crushed into jelly by the trucks tires.

Alex was having the same trouble like everyone else; her 1984 GMC 4 axle van was like a tank, she looked at her mate, Eli a human, twenty five, 6ft 1 taller than her she was 5ft 9. Eli was strong too; he had green eyes, yellow hair and a scar on the left side of his face.

"God how did we not see all these things coming at us!?" he yelled, he had a deep voice, trying to avoid the rusted, burned out and abandoned vehicles, that were in their path.

"I have no idea, but I'm fucking tired of them......I just hope Kyle knows where he is going."

Eli swerved the car to avoid an overturned bus, plowing into another wall of undead, spraying more blood onto the windshield, making him turn the wipers on. "I don't think he does, he is taking us out of town, so we can be safe."

Two semis came up on both sides of Kyle's truck, smashing anything out off the way; there were now fewer and fewer cars but more undead. Up ahead on the road a loner Charger stood, it started to run towards the trucks charging at them it thought that it could get them it was wrong. BAM! It was sent flying like a rocket, smashing into one of the highway signs, crumpling it inward, blood and body parts started to rain down onto the road and passing vehicles.

Over the CB they cold her Kevin screaming saying a stream of curse words and insults at the undead, one of them was that there mother was a fat whore, and never loved them. Which made everyone crackup laughing. The wave of undead suddenly started to lessen until there was nothing but the sand, road, and vehicles in there path.

"Oh, thank god, I thought there was going to be no end to this wall of undead." Kenny sighed, sagging back into the set of his 1972 Dodge LVT-1000, the tanker trailer was stained with blood, an arm from one of the dead hung on the back ladder, swinging in the wind before it fell off and was pulverized by the thunderous wheels of the Convoy.

"Don't get comfortable yet, we need to find a safe place and by the looks of the map there are a few, we cant stop here, from what I have learned from radio broadcasts a while back is that places around here aren't save, Gary, portage are not safe not at all." Kyle said in a grim tone.

"How do you know that?" Eli asked, how did he know that, he had never even been up here before!

Kyle sighed, it was time to tell them the truth, "Its time I tell you the truth, I'm S.T.A.R.S member." Everyone's jaw drop when he said that, The S.T.A.R.S members were part of the RPD (Raccoon City Police Department ) they were very hard to find, they now were trying to stop Umbrella from any more destruction that was over five years ago!

"You're.....a STARS member?" Sarah asked, in complete shock and awe, so that's how he knew what the Tyrant was! She was sitting next to on of the Legendary S.T.A.R.S members!

"Yes, I was one of the survivors of Raccoon city, I was a child at the time, out of my family I was the only survivor, and I barely made it out alive. I joined S.T.A.R.S at age seventeen, I was an expert hacker, that's why I was able to join, I wanted to stop Umbrella from causing any more death, and suffering. About five years ago I was able to hack into an Umbrella mainframe and found the location of one of there bases in Russia. Kyle paused for a second to let them take it all in. "We thought we did it, we thought they were gone for good, but we were wrong. When the outbreak happened...the one that caused all this they sent a Tyrant after me to kill me, it was a Nemesis Tyrant like the one that went after one of the S.T.AR.S members, Jill Valentine. She was able to kill it but it wasn't easy, it took me three and a half tons of explosives to kill it, which was over kill but I had to be sure it was never going to come back after me. After all that I joined up with you guys, I can still remember that hellish nightmare the one in Raccoon city, Russia, Florida, and a few other places. I will never forget it." He let the last words slip out of his mouth in bitter anger at Umbrella, they destroyed his life, family, and everything he once cared for and loved all gone, now they screwed up everyone's life and the world too! But in the dying fire of the old world he rose back up like a phoenix from the ashes, ready to start anew, like everyone else was trying to do in this never ending nightmare of a world.

Everyone was in a state of total shock, awe and sorrow, he had been through this shit way before any of them and at a young age he lost everything in one night, but he was still able to pick himself of and move on. Even the hardest man would have broken down under that much pain, but he had already been broken down. Even after all the horror end he was still fighting it but fighting for the people of the world, he didn't want the shit that happened to him happen to anyone else, but...they least they tired...

Eli was the first to speak, "Holy...shit I never knew.....You have been through hell, a hell none of us can ever imagine." They felt bad that they had even asked him, no one should ever have to relive that.

"Don't ask me any more about hurts to talk about it. It really does." Kyle said in a cracking voice, the pain in his voice could be heard clearly, they had already gone a far distance but they couldn't stop just yet.

"Shit, I'm sorry I said anything." Eli replied back, Sarah knew how it felt to lose your family, but it hit him harder, he probably had to be the one to pull the trigger on his family that turned undead.

"No, no it's ok, I should have told you guys this a long time ago." Kyle reassured them, he felt better now that he had talked about it, as if a great weight had be lifted off of him. "We should go at a few miles more."

They drove on for what seem hours, before one of them called out, "Guys I can't go any further I'm starting to nod off."

" too, I can't stop closing my eyes." Kenny, muttered, if he was getting tired that was a sign to stop now, if he wreck, a lot of them could die in the fiery explosion.

They immediately pulled off to the side of the road they were near the town of Peotone, ten miles away from it. Kyle was so tired that when he got up from his seat he fell, he slowly picked himself up.

"Kyle? Is it ok if I stay here for tonight?" Sarah asked waking up from her short nap. If he said yes then she could get closer to him and tell him how she felt, which he already knew. But she was deeply in love with him.

"Yea...go ahead, take the double bed I'll take the small one" he said, before tripping again, he manage to pick himself up and into the small bed, he left his clothes on.

Sarah slowly shuffled over to the double bed, falling face first onto the soft bed, in a little bit she was going to make her move, but they both needed to rest before that would happen. Kyle grabbed the remote from the floor and pressed the light switch, the cab was now into total darkness, they both feel asleep fast.

Kyle awoke with a jolt, he still couldn't sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about her again! He didn't know what Sarah was having the same problem, she had to tell him or she feared she would go insane!

She sat up and looked over were Kyle lay, it was now or never to tell him but he already knew, she just wanted to get it out of her system.

"Kyle, you awake?" Sarah asked in a soft voice.

Kyle shifted, starting to get up, "Yes, I am......there is something I have to tell you."

She turned to face him, ready for what he had to say, ever muscle tensing with anticipation.

"I have wanted to tell you this for a long time now, I just have been too nervous to tell you goes nothing....Sarah I love you. I have since the day I met you." Her hearted nearly exploded when she heard him. Kyle was shocked when she jumped at him wrapping her arms around him in a fierce hug.

She broke it saying, "I love you too, I was near by when I heard you talking to Jamie, and I heard everything you said. It was the same with me, I was shy of you at first but today I had the courage to confront you but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth." After saying the last word she instantly kissed him, he wasn't even able to get one word out.he leaned into the kiss it lasted for over a minute.

"Wow that was one amazing kiss. I didn't even know you were nearby at the time." Kyle said breathless, making Sarah blush, she crawled into the small bed with him, and they just fit. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over each other; he then wrapped his arms around her as they settled into the bed, they both fell asleep fast, happier than they ever have been in a very long time.

Chapter 7 Town under attack

Chapter 7 []( this is the link for the guns so you can see what they are and what they use. sorry this took so...

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