Doberman and Throbbin, Part 3, Daniel's Story

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#3 of Doberman and Throbbin

Doberman and Throbbin.

Written by Wolfie and Kasa Steel.

This story whilst it sounds like a version of Batman and Robin is in no way connected to the TV shows or Movies bearing the Batman name, all the characters that appear in the story are property of myself (Wolfie Steel) and my co-writer and mate Kasa Steel, and should not be used without our express permission. The story will contain mild violence, some bad language, the use of powers, and also homosexual acts, if you are not old enough to view such work or any of these acts offends you in anyway then do not read any further.

Part 3.

Luke and I get into the back of the car and just huddle together to keep warm, Luke gives me the sweetest of licks to my muzzle, the action catches me completely off guard, I smell Luke's musk as it begins to fill the car's interior, pretty soon I know that we will both be putting out an immense amount of musk, so I role the passenger window down just enough to allow fresh air into the car, once we are set, we both get back into the cuddle and fall fast asleep.


A few hours later we both wake up and to my surprise, Luke is murring, I then realise why he is murring, it seems that during the night my right paw has found itself a new home, cradling Luke's now very aroused package. I quickly pull my paw off Luke's groin and scoot across to the other side of the car.

"Luke I'm sorry I don't normally get so fu......."

I was stopped mid sentence by a gentle claw to my muzzle.

"Daniel, its ok, as you can tell your paw wasn't unwelcome, and besides we've already gone through the first stages of coming out to each other, we both know how we feel for each other so it was only natural that physical contact would be the next step, now hun, lets head into the next town to get something to eat and then we'll get some other day to day supplies, obviously we have to try and keep a low profile, but if we are going to try and make this cave habitable we have to get out and about at some point"

I nod and we both get into the car and drive out of the cave and down the forest path to the main road. Once we hit the road we head into the next town, I notice a small cafe on the left just as we enter town, Dillon's Cafe, at least that's what the sign above the door says. I park the car and we both head into the cafe, as we enter we're instantly hit with the smell of fresh coffee and bacon and eggs.

The smells make both of our stomachs rumble, so we quickly head to the counter and place our order, a small Dalmatian stands behind the counter with a notepad in one paw and a pencil in the other.

"Hi guys, welcome to Dillon's Cafe, I'm Dillon the owner, now what can I get you?"

I look at the menu boards that are on the wall behind the Dalmatian and make my choice.

"I'll have a full English please, bacon, sausage, fried egg with all the trimmings, and for a drink, I'll have a coke with no ice please"

The Dalmatian writes down my order and then turns to Luke. Luke scans the board and makes his choice.

"I would also like a full English breakfast, but I would like extra white toast dripping with butter and for a drink, I'll have a latte coffee please"

Again the Dalmatian takes the order; I get my wallet out to pay for the orders when the Dalmatian stops me.

"This boys is on the house, I recognise you both from the news, you are the guys who helped rescue so many furs from the train wreck, its only right that I give two genuine heroes a well earned feed"

Both Luke and I blush madly, and then Luke speaks up.

"Hey Dillon, we're kind of trying to lay low for a little while, we appreciate the free feed, but would ask that you don't announce that we are here"

Dillon looks at us both.

"Guys, don't worry, your secret is safe with me, now go get a table and I'll bring your breakfast trays out as soon as they are ready"

Luke thanks the Dalmatian and both Luke and I head for a table at the back of the cafe. Once we find a table we sit opposite each other and begin to plan our next move.

"So Luke, once we have done with the breakfast, we'll head to the local hardware store and pick up some things for cave exploration, hard hats, torches and stuff, I think it would also be a good idea to get a generator strong enough to run some portable lights and heating because I don't know about you, but I can't sleep another night in the car"

Luke lets out a giggle, but then sighs.

"So does this mean that I won't be sleeping with my sexy Doberman tonight then?"

I gently place my paw on top of Luke's paw and reply.

"Hun, you have to admit that it was a little uncomfortable last night, but I was thinking of getting us some sleeping bags, maybe one big enough for two, so the chances of us sleeping together again tonight are high, this time though it will be because we want to and not because we need to keep warm"

As I finish my sentence the Dalmatian appears with our breakfast trays, I quickly pull my paw away from Luke's but the Dalmatian giggles a little.

"Relax guys I may be straight as a ruler but I can see that you both care deeply for each other, and well you're not harming or interfering with any of my other customers, and they don't seem to be taking any notice, so don't stop on our account"

My tail wags a little and again both me and Luke blush to a real bright red. The Dalmatian leaves us to eat our breakfast and goes back to his counter. After breakfast Luke and I head back out to the car and we drive to the local hardware store, once we arrive at the store we head inside and proceed to scan the aisles for the equipment that we need.

The journey around the hardware store was a long and expensive one, but it will hopefully provide us with some temporary comfort. Luke and I head to the cashier station and I begin the process of purchasing the goods. With everything now paid for we begin to load everything into the car ready for the journey back to the cave that is going to become our home for quite a while.


We arrive back at the cave and we begin to set everything up. We have been working for about half an hour when Luke's ears perk up.

"Hun, stop working for a little"

I do as he asks but I have a questioning look on my muzzle.

"Hun, don't ask me how but I can hear someone coming, they are quite a way off, but they are definitely looking for us"

I begin to growl softly, we both decide to head out to see if we can locate our pursuer. Using the tree line for cover, Luke and I head down the main entrance path towards the main road, once we get there, we see the German Shepherd cop from the train wreck. Before the German Shepherd gets our scent I quickly pounce him and knock him to the ground.

"Ok, you got five seconds to tell me why you have both mine and Luke's home looking like something out of Armageddon"

The Shepherd looks deep into my eyes, a look of sheer fear and shock on his face.

"Mr Beach, please, I don't know why your homes have been cordoned off, or even who is responsible for the fact that you can't go back to your normal lives. I will tell you what I do know but could we go somewhere a little more private, like you I don't want the wrong eyes finding your location"

I let the Shepherd stand and the three of us walk back to the cave, as we walk back to the cave I look to Luke and speak.

"Ok Luke, how did you know that we had a visitor?"

Luke makes his reply.

"I know it sounds like bullshit but I heard the feint sounds of paw steps. I don't know why but since the train wreck, my hearing has been so much......stronger"

The Shepherd interrupts us.

"There is a reason for that, I have done some checking into that liquid that got spilt on you both, apparently it was supposed to be a revolutionary new fuel, but it was found to be too volatile for general use so it was being taken to a nuclear recycling plant to be disposed of. I would say that your augmented hearing is a by-product of your contact with the fuel; it's also likely that Daniel will also have some strange augmentation. I don't want to say it, but the exposure to the fuel seems to have made you both into some sort of super heroes"

Both Luke and I scoff at the idea that we are some sort of super heroes, but then the Shepherd gives us both a reality check.

"Guys, think about it, at the crash scene you both lifted things that were way too heavy for you to normally lift, Luke, you ran a little faster when you boarded the wrecked train, and now you heard my foot paw falls when you were nearly a mile away from me"

The more Luke and I think about it, the more we see the changes that Oliver is talking about, can it be true? And if so, what do we do with our new powers? What is for certain though is that the once plain and ordinary lives of a Doberman and a Wolf/Husky hybrid will never be the same again.