Doing the Right Thing

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#1 of Doing the Right Thing

I've been trying to get back into writing for the past... while. Ended up writing this over the last few days, and actually had a lot of fun. Hopefully you can expect more from me soon! This is a bit longer than most stories I've written, and has a lot more story up front than most of what I write.

I hope you enjoy reading it, and I definitely want to hear your thoughts!


Cameron never would have admitted it to anyone, for fear of sounding stupid, but he really liked grocery shopping. There was something about the brightly lit store, the clean atmosphere, and the sense of familiarity that made him feel at ease as he wandered aimlessly up and down the aisles. He didn't even really need anything from the store, but work had stressed him out, even with it only being a partial day, and he found himself stopping by the grocery store on the way home.

His cart currently only had a case of beer, rice, canned pineapple, and a bag of carrots, but he intended to walk back through the frozen food section and snag a pizza or two. Something simple for the night, so he could just relax and play games. The rest were for some fried rice he'd make when he was feeling a little less lazy.

The doberman was walking back towards the frozen foods when the music in his headphones paused, and his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. Troy. He frowned and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey! Cam. Can you do me a huge huge huge favor?" he heard the voice on the other end of the phone say.

Cameron's frown deepened. Troy was his best friend, but he sounded a bit desperate, and Cameron wanted more info. "Maybe. What do you need?"

"I was supposed to work from six to two, but another one of the EMTs called out and they really really need someone to come in, so I'm on my way to the hospital now."

"Uh huh, and...?" Cameron prompted.

"Mom is out of town until Monday and I was supposed to pick up Justin from school at three, but I'll be at work now." Cameron's voice sounded less desperate now, and more hopeful.

Cameron sighed and rolled his eyes. "Christ, man, you can just open with that. I can give the kid a ride home, it's not a big deal." He'd done so a couple times in the past, but not since Justin had become a senior.

"Awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Do you still want me to come by after I get off work?" Troy asked.

Cameron's mouth quirked up on one side. "I'll probably be in bed. Asleep. You'll have to let yourself in."

"And should I wake you?" Troy sounded a bit smug now, and Cameron grinned.

"If you do, you better put that mouth of yours to good use," he told Troy.

"Deal! I've gotta go now, I'm at work. I'll see you later tonight. Thanks again for picking up Justin."

Cameron was about to respond, but Troy had already hung up the phone. The dobie glanced at the time and sighed. Quarter to three. Justin's school was only a couple miles away, so he could make it on time if he left now. He swung by the frozen food, grabbed two pizzas for good measure, and headed out the door after paying.

He made it to Justin's high school with a couple minutes to spare, right as the buses were leaving. Cameron pulled up to the curb and started looking around to try and spot the kid, cursing himself for not getting his number from Troy before he left. Luckily, he didn't have to look too hard. He rolled down the passenger window and leaned to the side. "Justin!"

That was all it took. The fox's ears perked up rather adorably and swiveled to where he'd heard his name before his head and eyes followed. It took him only a couple seconds of processing before he realized who he was looking at, and he grabbed his backpack off the ground and headed over to the dobie's car.

Cameron had grown up two houses down from Troy and Justin, so they knew each other fairly well, though he hadn't seen the kid in months. He didn't look all too different, except for how he dressed. Bright white fur, black-rimmed ears, messy black hair, and a line of black fur that went down the back of his neck and all the way to the tip of his tail. He'd apparently outgrown the goth-phase that he'd dressed in last year, which was a shame; he'd looked really cute in some of his outfits. Now, though, he just wore a simple black band-tee and jeans, though both of his wrists sported leather cuffs that looked suspiciously like the kind that Troy had bought at the local sex store for fun times. Easy enough to pass off as just another accessory, though.

Justin opened the door and slid in, dropping his backpack down between his legs. "Hey Cameron."

"Yo," Cameron responded, looking around as he pulled away from the curb. "Been a while, eh?"

"You could say that. What happened to Troy?" Justin asked.

"I ate him," the dobie said, patting his stomach with one paw. He glanced over at the fox's unamused smile and couldn't help but grin. "He had to go to work early, so he told me to give you a ride home."

Justin nodded and then grimaced. "Ah, thanks for the ride, but..."

Cameron stopped at the traffic light, waiting to turn left to start the drive back towards Justin's house. They'd moved out of range of the bus routes a year ago, which was a little inconvenient at times like this. "But?"

"I didn't bring my keys with me to school," he admitted, picking at the hem of his shirt nervously.

Cameron sighed and leaned his back against the headrest. "So, you're locked out, eh?"

"Um, yeah." Justin looked abashed.

Cameron caught himself before he sighed. No point in making the kid feel worse about it. "It happens. I've locked myself out of my place once or twice. Hope you don't mind coming with me back to my place, then."

Justin nodded and fidgeted a bit more with the hem of his shirt. "Yeah, that's fine. Sorry."

Cameron laughed and shook his head. "It's really not that big of a deal. I can just beat you at games instead of randos on the internet," he said. The light turned green, and he flicked the turn signal off as he instead went through the intersection towards his own place instead.

Justin seemed to ease at that, and he grinned over at the older dobie. "Oh yeah? You're not too old to play videogames now that you're an adult?" The fox emphasized this by reaching over and flicking the collar of the dobie's polo, making it pop up on one side.

"Hah! At least I'm not wearing bondage gear to school," he teased back, reaching over to hook a finger on the D-ring on one of the leather cuffs, waving the fox's arm back and forth before the kid pulled his arm away.

Justin's eyes went wide, and he hugged himself to hide his wrists beneath his opposite armpits. "Wh-what? That's not what these are!"

Cameron grinned and winked at the fox. "Sure they are. You snatched them from your brother at some point, and he never even noticed. Probably cause he hadn't used them in a while."

The white fox looked absolutely mortified and pulled his wrists out enough to peek down at them. "I thought they were just like... I dunno, punk bracers or something. No one has ever said anything like that about them."

The doberman chuckled and reached over to pat the fox's head. "They probably don't know what they are either. I wouldn't worry about them."

Justin was quiet for a minute or so as they got stuck at another intersection, this one busier than the last. "So... did he use them with you?"

"Hmm?" Cameron said.

The fox lifted a wrist a bit for emphasis. "Like... um, my brother. Did he-"

"Oh!" Cameron's face heated up and he licked his lips. How to answer that? Justin knew that he and his brother were a sorta-but-not-really item, but it wasn't something they'd ever really talked about. "I mean... yeah, sometimes."

Justin nodded, processing that information. "I just never really pictured Troy being... um, I dunno, into being tied down? Sounds kind of scary."

Cameron nodded along. "Well, it certainly can be the first time. I mean, you have to really trust the other person."

Justin frowned thoughtfully and then he looked over at the doberman, brows climbing towards his hairline. "Wait, have you worn these? Troy tied you down?"

Cameron's face was definitely heating up now and he coughed. "I don't think that you need to hear about that."

Justin beamed and he poked at Cameron's side. "I can't believe it. You're so..." he flailed his arms helplessly in lieu of trying to find the right word. "You know?"

The doberman scoffed. "What? So strong? Rugged? Manly?" he suggested, waggling his eyebrows as he tried to reel his own embarrassment back in all the way.

Justin's nose wrinkled up and he shook his head. "No, none of those."

"Oh, well thanks," Cameron said, feigning hurt.

"Oh, whatever. Confident, I think. Or at least, that's the best word that I can think of." Justin idly fingered the D-ring on one of the cuffs, watching the streets go by as they narrowed in on Cameron's place.

Cameron turned onto his street. "Being confident doesn't mean you can't enjoy letting someone else take control. We're almost there, though. Then I can beat your ass at games."

Justin snorted. "Sure you will. Whatcha got to play?"

"Same things we played last time, probably." Cameron said. He pulled into the driveway of his little house, opening the garage. It wasn't an impressive neighborhood, but wasn't exactly a bad one, either. The house was small, but affordable, and with only him living there, he didn't need much space.

They got out of the car and went on inside. Cameron closed the garage door and disarmed the security system before dropping his work backpack on the table next to the door. "All the games I have are in the living room," he said, pointing through the kitchen. "You can pick through them and find something to play. If it's single player, it won't hurt my feelings. I'm going to go shower and change into something more comfortable."

"Yeah, that's usually what I do, too," Justin said. "I smell like... school."

Cameron snorted and shook his head. "You poor thing. You can shower if you want. I'm sure my clothes will fit you."

"Yeah, like a tent," Justin pointed out.

Cameron was nearly a foot taller than Justin, who took more after his mom than Troy did, who actually beat Justin by an inch. "Up to you! I'll be back." He took two steps through the kitchen before spinning on one paw and marching back towards the garage door. When Justin noticed and raised an eyebrow the dobie laughed. "Didn't bring in the groceries."

Five minutes later he was stripped down and standing under the hot water, letting the smell of work wash off of him. It was more mental than anything else; he couldn't actually smell his work on himself. Still, it felt good to just wash off and soak in the heat for a few minutes. He kept his hair trimmed completely, never liking how it looked when it grew in, so his showers were often quick with his short pelt. He couldn't help but think back to the earlier conversation with Justin, his mind wandering a bit.

Would he enjoy tying the younger fox down? Would he let Justin do that to him? Justin was a good eight years younger than he was, but that wasn't that odd. He certainly liked the kid. Justin was nice, earnest, a bit bratty sometimes (just like Troy-perhaps it's a fox thing?), and he was easy to talk to and be around. Where Troy was hot, confident, and sturdy, Justin was cute, hesitant, and almost delicate. Troy wouldn't care, though he'd probably tease Cameron relentlessly about it. It would be justified after he'd teased Troy for hooking up with that college freshman after a Halloween party.

Cameron stuck his face under the stream and tried to shake the thoughts from his head. It wasn't something to think about now, anyway.

Justin hovered near the archway between the kitchen and living room until he heard the bathroom door shut. Then he quickly slunk into the hallway and into Cameron's bedroom to snoop around. He'd always looked up to Cameron when he was a kid; his older brother's cool friend who hung out and was nice to him and didn't mind if he played games with them. Now he got a chance to snoop through his stuff without being caught. There was just something intriguing about getting to see how someone kept their room, and what they kept in it, and he wanted to see.

Cameron's room was rather disappointing. It was dominated by the queen-sized that wasn't in a corner, making the already-small room feel even smaller. There was a dresser with a couple random knick-knacks, but no end tables. The bedframe had a headboard with some books and plush toys on top, and there were drawers around the bottom of the bed's frame. He pulled them open one at a time finding boring things like extra blankets and sheets. The dresser held only clothes, unsurprisingly, as did the small closet.

Justin slid back out of the bedroom, feeling let down, but he hurried into the other bedroom to check it out. It looked like Cameron's office and was a lot more expressive than the bedroom. There was cool art on the walls; mostly abstract stuff, or animals. A corkboard held random badges from conventions and other mementos or pins, and there was a bookshelf filled with books, folders, and little statues and figures from different shows or games. In one corner of the room was Cameron's computer with no less than four monitors, and a sleek leather chair. A beanbag took up some of the excess floor space and there was a minifridge next to the desk. The fox was about to open up the closet to poke around in there when he heard the water turn off.

He quickly ducked back out of the office and went into the living room to start looking through games. There were plenty to look through for each console, and started setting aside some of the ones that he was interested in.

Cameron stepped out of the shower and toweled himself dry. When he was younger, he'd always been jealous of people with longer fur. Now he was quite thankful that it took him only minutes to dry without the use of a blow dryer. He hadn't brought clothes with him into the bathroom, so he kept the towel around his waist, just in case Justin poked his head into the hallway.

Now that it was officially his weekend, the dobie pulled on a pair of loose pajama pants, and a ratty old t-shirt that he liked wearing around the house. It sported some blue and red bird of one of the local colleges, and he'd had it since he was young enough to wear it like a dress. Now it just hung down a bit past his waist.

"Shower's free!" He said as he padded back out into the living room, phone in hand. "Don't know if you made up your mind or not."

Justin's ears perked up and he looked up at the doberman from where he knelt in front of the entertainment center. "Oh, um... yeah, if you don't mind."

"Course not. Want me to scrounge up some clothes for you to wear?" he asked, hooking a thumb back towards his bedroom.

Justin put a hand on the coffee table to help push himself to his feet. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

"And what about food? Should I start something now? Or do you want to wait until later?" Cameron asked.

Justin paused in the doorway to the bathroom and shrugged. "I don't care either way, really."

"Later it is. I'll bring you some clothes," the dobie said, disappearing into his room for a moment. When he came back out, he handed a bundle over to Justin. "Enjoy!"

"Thanks," Justin said, and shut the door behind him.

Cameron busied himself with putting the groceries away that hadn't needed to go in the fridge. Then, as an afterthought, he put some rice into the rice cooker to get that ready for tomorrow's dinner, since you typically wanted to use day old rice for fried rice. He got that started, unloaded the dishwasher, and was just about to sit down when he heard Justin.

"Um. Hey, Cameron?" the fox called from the bathroom.

The large dobie padded closer and leaned on the wall. "What's up?"

"Do... do you have a blow dryer or anything like that?" he asked, sounding hopeful.

Ah, yes. It was nice to have short fur. "There should be one under the sink. Troy brought one over and left it here for whenever he stays over."

Cameron heard the doors open and bottles of spare shampoo or cleaners being moved around before the doors closed again. "Yay, thanks!"

"No problem," Cameron said, chuckling to himself as he heard the dryer turn on.

Ten minutes passed before Cameron heard the dryer turn off. Seconds later came a, "Are you kidding me?" from the bathroom.

"Hey, it's probably the closest shirt I have to your size!" the doberman called from the living room.

The bathroom door opened and Justin walked out looking none too amused. He was wearing an oversized pair of sweatpants that would fall off if he tried to put his phone in his pocket, and a black t-shirt that read, "I'm prettier than your girlfriend" in sparkly, cursive script. The damp fox glowered at Cameron who just beamed back. "What?" the dog asked.

"Why do you even have a shirt like this!" Justin said, gesturing at the shirt with the paw holding his phone.

Cameron laughed. "It was a gag gift from Troy. Looks good on you! Could be a bit tighter, though," he teased.

Justin huffed and stalked over to the couch, plopping down on one of the cushions and leaning on the arm. "Have you ever even worn this?"

"Course I have! You think I give a crap what people think? Besides, don't you think it's true?" Cameron lifted his chin haughtily and winked at the fox.

Justin briefly met his gaze, then looked away shaking his head. His cheeks were noticeably pink under his damp, white fur. "If you say so. What did you want to play?"

Cameron leaned forward and snatched the stack of games off the coffee table. "You picked out the stack! What did you want to play?"

"Oh man, I'm not good at making decisions. I'm fine with whatever," Justin said.

"We'll work our way down then," Cameron said, putting the stack to the side and taking the top game, a fighting one with tons of characters, and went over to the TV and consoles to set things up.

An hour went by without either of them noticing the time, and many playful insults and curses were yelled. Neither were particularly good, which made the matches more or less even. Cameron fetched a couple beers from the kitchen and handed one to the fox as he sipped from his own bottle.

Justin took it, frowning. "I've never really liked beer all that much. Mom and Troy gave me some money for my birthday so I could buy something, but it was pretty bad."

Cameron laughed. "Yeah, Troy told me about that. You bought some really, really cheap shit. Sure, you might not like this, but hey, it'll be a lot better than what you bought, trust me."

The fox shrugged and took a cautious sip, face screwing up in confusion as he tried to decide what he thought of the taste. The stuff he had bought tasted like sweat, burnt coffee, and skunk. This tasted different. It tasted kind of sweet, and almost fruity, though he couldn't be sure he hadn't imagined that.

"Well?" Cameron asked.

Justin looked down at the bottle in his paw. "Hef... ewha?"

The dobie snickered. "It's a wheat beer. They tend to be a bit lighter and not as overwhelming. What do you think?"

Justin took another, longer sip and tilted his head to the side. "I don't know if I like it or not. I mean, I guess it's not terrible?"

"Good enough. Ready?" Cameron held up his controller.

By the time the sun had set, which was still relatively early with three weeks of winter left, they'd made it through three different games, and three beers each. Justin was sitting on the cushion next to Cameron, both lazily playing through a racing game. Neither were very good at this one, either, but with the addition of the bots, it was substantially less fun to be in last place together. When the match was over Cameron put his controller on the side table and stretched his arms.

"Okay, that's enough of that one. You ready for some pizza? I'm starving." He pushed himself to his feet and stretched again, his back popping audibly in several places.

Justin nodded and yawned, leaning forward to put his controller on the coffee table. "Yeah, I'm hungry, too."

"Good thing I got two, then." He stepped past the fox and went into the kitchen to start up the oven.

Justin followed along and leaned against the counter next to the sink, just watching. "I texted Troy when I got here, but he still hasn't responded."

"Mm, yeah, I texted him, too. Must be a busy day for him. He might come over after work thought." Cameron fished out a pizza pan from one of the cabinets and grabbed a large roll of foil to cover it.

"Really? He's supposed to get off at like, two in the morning. Wouldn't you be asleep?" Justin asked.

Cameron bit his tongue at that, thinking about what to say. He finally just shrugged. "I mean, sure, but I would wake up for that."

"That?" Justin asked, then his face flushed again. "Oh. Never mind, I get it."

The doberman snickered and pulled a pizza from the fridge. "Nah, you're not the one getting it," he teased. He expected Justin to make some joke, or laugh it off, but the fox's face reddened further, and he tugged at the hem of his shirt awkwardly. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to make things weird."

Justin looked up, surprised. "What? No, it's not that. I was just... uh, I guess thinking."

Cameron tilted his head to one side, leaning a hip on the counter. "Oh? Thinking about me and your brother?" he teased.

Justin squirmed and shrugged his shoulders. "Sort of? I mean, not like- I mean, I don't mean- I just..." The fox covered his face with both paws, groaning. "I just thought that it was sort of, um, hot."

Cameron's ears perked up in surprise. "What? Being woken up by a girl like that?" The way the fox's ears immediately splayed to the side gave him his answer. "Oh."

Justin shrugged one shoulder and rubbed at one arm, not looking in the doberman's direction. "I've talked about it with Troy."

"Talked about what?" Cameron's mind wandered to several possibilities, but he doubted most were what Justin meant.

"Being gay," Justin replied, finally glancing up in the dog's direction before looking away. "I've known for a year or so, I guess."

Cameron was a bit dumbfounded by this revelation, though he wasn't sure what surprised him more; Justin being gay, or Troy not telling him about it. He suspected Troy was just being respectful of his younger brother's privacy. "Does it bother you or anything?"

It was Justin's time to be surprised, and he looked up at Cameron. "What? No. I mean, not that part. Mom doesn't know, though."

"She knows about Troy and doesn't care." Cameron offered up a smile.

Justin sighed and shook his head. "No, but... that was just one of her kids. Both of her kids being gay? What if she's disappointed that she's not going to get grandkids or something?"

That had the ring of something he'd said multiple times before, and Cameron suspected it was probably why Troy hadn't mentioned it to him. "Ah, I see. Well, it's your life. You're free to live it how you want. You shouldn't change who you are."

"Yeah, I know, I know. I just feel bad," Justin mumbled.

Cameron hesitated for a moment before taking a couple steps over and pulling the fox into a hug, squeezing him hard. "Don't have to feel bad or anything."

Justin squawked as he was crushed against the dobie's chest, and he laughed. "I mean, I'm not depressed about it or anything." He pulled his head back to look up at Cameron, cheeks a bit pink near his eyes.

"Mm, if you say so. You seemed pretty bothered," Cameron said, letting the fox go and running a paw through his hair.

"No. I mean, yes, but I mean, I don't know. It's complicated. I want to be who I am, but I don't want mom to be upset," Justin said, not stepping away from the older dog.

Cameron let his paw linger in the fox's hair and then let it fall to his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Well, worrying about something that may or may not happen will only make her worse. Should probably just tell her so that way you at least know how she feels."

Justin nodded and let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah. I plan to, but it's not like there's ever a good time to just say, 'Hey mom, by the way-'"

The oven beeped and Cameron went back over to put the pizza into the oven before setting a timer. "Hey, my parents found out when I grabbed Troy and kissed him at a Halloween party like, six years ago. I was drunk, and completely forgot that they didn't know. My dad ended up throwing up out of complete shock. He was supportive and all that, but he's always had a weak stomach, and sudden surprises can do that to him. I used to get in trouble as a kid for scaring him."

Justin grinned at that and nodded. "Troy told me about that. He said he felt mortified and was afraid about what your dad was going to do."

"Yeah. I probably would have been a bit more worried if I hadn't had so much to drink. Speaking of," he opened the fridge and pulled out another bottle. "Do you want another?"

Justin considered it for a moment and then nodded. "It tastes better the more I have of it."

"That's the spirit," Cameron said, handing him the bottle he was holding before grabbing another. "How are you feeling, anyway?"

"Warm and fuzzy," the fox responded, taking another sip of beer and closing his eyes. "And when my eyes are closed it feels like the room is spinning just a little bit."

Cameron pursed his lips and shrugged. "Well, food will help with that. Just drink that one a bit slowly. Maybe wait for food."

Justin opened his eyes and met Cameron's, putting the bottle to his lips with a cheeky grin.

The doberman narrowed his eyes and took a sip of his own beer. "Brat."

The fox just laughed and put his bottle on the counter. "I'll wait for the pizza."

"Uh huh. Still a brat," Cameron noted. "Want to play anything after this? Or would you rather watch something?"

Justin shrugged and looked back towards the living room. "Have you been playing anything lately? Like, game-wise. I kind of want to just watch you play something and relax."

"I have a few games I could play if you really want," Cameron said.

"Yeah, I kinda suck at a lot of games, but I like watching friends play," Justin assured him. "I watch Troy a lot, when he's not on his computer."

They talked about games for a bit, waiting for food to be ready. As soon as the pizza was done, Cameron cut it and put it on a plate before sticking another in the oven. When Justin quirked an eyebrow at him, the dobie just stuck his tongue out. "Hey, I'm probably going to eat at least an entire pizza. I haven't eaten today."

With a plate of pizza in one hand, and a beer in the other, the pair sat on the couch and started eating. Cameron used a couple paper towels to hold onto his food so he could pick up his controller without having to worry about any grease. He flicked to the latest RPG that he'd been playing off and on and started it up.

He had to pause the game after a little bit to pull the other pizza out of the oven, but soon he was engrossed in the game with Justin sitting at his side, watching and enjoying the food and drinks. They didn't talk much more, but Cameron glanced over at Justin now and then to make sure the fox was doing alright and wasn't bored. Justin seemed content to just watch and relax, though as midnight drew closer, he looked ready to fall asleep.

"How're you holding up?" Cameron asked, finishing off his beer and putting the bottles with the rest on the coffee table.

Justin blinked his eyes and tried to fight back a yawn but failed. "I'm kinda tired... and feeling all woozy and stuff," he said, picking up his bottle from the side table and taking another sip.

"You want to lay down? You can go get some sleep in my bed if you want," the dobie offered.

Justin considered it for a bit and opened his muzzle to say something, but his cheeks went red, and he looked away. "Um."

Cameron reached over and gently took the beer from the fox's paws; it was still half full. "Come on." He stood up and offered Justin a paw.

The fox glanced up and shook his head, pushing the paw away and standing up on his own just to prove he could. To his credit, he only wobbled a little bit. "I'm fine, really."

"Uh huh, sure." Cameron finished off the bottle in one pull and then eased Justin from between the couch and table so he could walk past the fox and into the kitchen. He got a glass of water and brought it out to the fox. "Drink this, then you should probably lay down."

Justin looked like he might protest on general principle, but he apparently thought better of it and took the proffered glass. "Would... um." The fox looked down at the glass and took a sip, then a larger drink.

"Would what?" Cameron asked, starting to gather up the bottles on the table and take them in to put them in the sink; he'd rinse them out before throwing them into the recycling bin in the garage.

"Would..." Justin mumbled something and took another drink of water. When he looked up at Cameron's face, he blushed hard and looked back to his water before finishing it off. "I have to pee." Justin put the glass on the kitchen counter before continuing down the hall and into the bathroom.

Cameron crossed his arms and watched the kid disappear, frowning to himself. He had some intuition about how that sentence was supposed to continue, and he wasn't entirely certain he wanted to hear it. Justin wasn't completely smashed, but his inhibitions were definitely a lot lower than normal. The doberman sighed and ran a paw up between his ears, trying to think of how best to handle the entire situation.

Justin emerged from the bathroom a minute later and stood in the doorway, yawning wide. "Mm, okay. I'm ready."

Cameron raised an eyebrow and stepped closer. "Ready to lay down?"

The fox pursed his lips and considered his words before just nodding. "Yeah. I'm really sleepy."

"Okay, come on." Cameron put a paw on the fox's shoulder and gently pushed him along the short hallway and into his bedroom. There were two light switches, and he flipped the second one, turning on soft, LED strip lighting around the ceiling. Enough to see by, but not enough to be jarring. They cycled through all the different colors as he stepped around Justin and started pulling the blankets back for him.

Justin took a step towards the bed and then grabbed the bottom of his shirt with both paws, tugging it up and baring his fluffy, white fur. The black stripe of black was easy to see this way. When he nearly fell over trying to take the shirt off, Cameron steadied him with a paw.

"Doing okay?" he asked.

The fox grunted and struggled out of the shirt, dropping it to the floor. "I hate sleeping with a shirt on. I toss a bit and then it feels like it's strangling me," he said.

Cameron nodded, but then his cheeks heated up when he saw the fox hook his fingers on the waistband of the oversized sweats and push them down. He opened his muzzle to say something but wasn't sure what he could say that wouldn't be awkward.

Justin climbed up onto the bed and scooted down under the blankets, but not before Cameron got a good look at his sheath and nicely sized sac just beneath. A part of him started mentally comparing the image to that of Troy's equipment, but he quashed that before those thoughts could get too out of control.

"You good now?" Cameron asked as Justin pulled the blanket up to his neck.

"Yeah, but could-" Justin bit his bottom lip and fidgeted a bit, rolling onto his side to face the dobie. "Could you, uh, lay down, too?" he asked in a small voice.

Cameron's nostrils flared, and he imagined just rolling the fox over and having his way with the cute kid. "I'm not sure that's a good idea," he said after a few moments of awkward silence.

Justin risked a quick glance up at the dobie's face before looking away quickly. "I don't mean like, anything like that. But just..."

Cameron knew he should say no, and leave it at that, but the offer was so tempting. He grit his teeth, trying to will himself to say no. He should just turn off the lights, close the door, and go back into the living room. "And nothing else, right?" Cameron asked instead.

"Yeah, nothing else. Just... I want to lay next to you," the fox muttered, ducking his muzzle down under the blankets to hide his red cheeks, though with the LEDs alternating colors, it was impossible to make out anything that subtle.

The dobie mentally yelled at himself before he flicked off the flights. He dumped his phone onto the headboard and pulled back the sheets enough to slide underneath them. "Okay, but nothing else, okay? You're pretty tipsy."

Justin nodded quickly and shuddered when he felt the dog's arm slide over his chest. He tilted his muzzle up to look in Cameron's direction, though he couldn't see him in the dark room.

Cameron carefully pushed the fox's side until Justin got the idea and rolled over, facing away. Then the dobie sidled up behind him and gave him a gentle hug. "Is this what you wanted?"

The fox nodded again, more emphatically this time, and pressed back against the doberman's chest, his slender arms coming up to hug Cameron's larger one against his chest.

Cameron shifted around for a better position until both his arms were holding the fox back against his chest, and his muzzle rested between Justin's ears. "If..." Cameron frowned and picked his words carefully. "If you want to do more, that's fine. But not until you're sober, okay?"

Justin shivered and squeezed Cameron's arms to him before nodding. "Okay," he whispered, barely audible.

The doberman wanted nothing more than to roll atop the smaller fox and pound him into the mattress. Already he'd discreetly shifted his hips so that the fox wouldn't feel his erection grinding against his lower back. He contented himself with just carefully spooning the smaller fox and holding him close.

It didn't take long before he felt the fox's body relax, and his breathing slowed. Justin let out a soft snore and Cameron could feel his pulse slow as he drifted deeper into sleep. Cameron had been a little tired, but ever since he'd crawled into bed with the smaller fox, he'd been wide awake.

His cock was painfully hard in his comfy lounge pants, and he could tell that pre was already making the front rather damp. To make matters worse, his knot was uncomfortably swollen inside his sheath, adding a bit of pain to the strong sense of arousal he felt just lying next to the fox. Cameron chewed on his tongue and tried not to growl. You had damn well better come over after work, Troy, the dobie thought.

An hour passed before he felt like he could move without waking Justin from his sleep. He carefully disentangled himself from the fox and pulled away enough to grab and check his phone. It was almost one in the morning, and he had a response from Troy.

"Justin's at your place? Well shit. Sorry. I could have had you come get my keys or something. I'll come by after work and pick him up."

The text was only ten minutes old, so Cameron responded, in the hopes that the night had slowed enough for them to talk a bit. "It's fine. He's asleep now. We had pizza, beer, and video games. Was a good time."

Cameron was in luck, because only seconds after sending the test he saw the little notification flicker that his text had been read, followed by the indicator that the other person was typing.

"Oh! That's good. I was worried he might annoy you. He still awake?" Troy asked.

"Nah, he fell asleep. Also... you didn't tell me he was gay," Cameron sent back.

"Hah!" Troy said. "I promised I wouldn't. He's had a little bit of a thing for you. Don't know if he still does, since you don't ever come by much anymore."

Cameron's cock throbbed again, barely having gone down at all as he'd lain there against the fox. "I think he still might. I think he wanted me to do things with him."

Troy sent a couple provocative emojis before texting back. "Oh? And you said no? You don't have to on my account."

"Yeah, thanks for your approval." Cameron followed it up with a little emoji of someone rolling their eyes. "Justin was pretty drunk. Not frat-girl drunk, but enough that it just... eh..."

"Oh. Well damn. That makes sense, then. What are you up to?" Troy asked.

"I agreed to lay down next to him. Cuddled him for a bit until he passed out, now I'm just laying here on my back while he snores," Cameron told him.

"Ooooh? Bet that drove you wild." A winking emoji followed that text.

Cameron tried not to growl. "You better watch yourself. I'm still hard as a fucking rock, and if you're not careful I'm going to take all of this out on you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Troy sent before he sent another. "Gotta go. Only about an hour left, I'll be there soon."

Cameron pulled the covers back and gently eased himself up off the bed, careful not to wake the fox. He closed the bedroom door behind him as he left, and wandered into his office, flopping down in the oversized beanbag to get comfortable. It was large enough to envelop him and was comfortable enough to fall asleep in, if he was tired. Instead, he lifted up his hips and dragged his pants and underwear down, his cock slapping up against his stomach as it cleared the waistband. He pulled his t-shirt off next, throwing it to the side.

The short fur around his crotch was damp with pre, and more was dribbling out from the tip of his shaft with every beat of his heart. He teased his fingers across the taught skin of his sheath, feeling the engorged knot within. He was stretchy enough that he could have pulled it back if he really needed to, though it would be uncomfortable. Instead, he just shifted around to get comfortable and started browsing around on his phone.

Fingers played idly over the dripping tip of his shaft, occasionally giving it a light stroke. The other hand browsed through various stories that he'd saved over the years. He preferred them to most videos and pictures, and it passed the time a lot quicker, too.

Before he realized it, an hour came and went, and the sound of the front door opening, followed by the beep from the security system, told him that Troy had made it over. A phone flashlight lit up the hallway and floor, and a couple seconds later, it was shining in his face.

Cameron brought a paw up to shield his eyes. "Must you?"

The fox let out a low chuckle and stepped into the room, closing the door gently. "I see you started without me," Troy said, ignoring the question.

"Your brother started it, technically. If he wasn't drunk, I'd probably still be in there," Cameron said. He shut off his phone and dropped it to the side.

Troy shut off his phone's light, leaving them in darkness for only a second before he flicked on one of the light switches. This one turned on a similar pair of LEDs, though they were currently set to a dark red. "Mm, I get it. I'm just not enough, so you gotta go and try to fuck my little brother, eh?"

Cameron grinned as Troy intended him to. He watched as the fox started pulling off clothes, kicking them into the corner before walking over to the beanbag to fall atop the dobie. Cameron let out a woof of expelled breath and wrapped his arms around Troy, giving him a tight squeeze. "You're damp."

"I showered before I left. Figured you wouldn't want me covered in random bits of blood and worse." Troy wriggled around a bit until he was sidled up next to Cameron's side, one leg draped over the dobie's. "Speaking of damp," he said, trailing a paw down over Cameron's crotch, a few spurts of pre coating his fingers as he trailed through the copious amount that had left the dog's short pelt a bit slimy.

Cameron let out a low growl and closed his eyes. His muzzle brushed against Troy's and he contented himself to just relax under the fox's trailing paw. "Mm, was it a rough shift?"

Troy was silent for a little bit before nodding. "Yeah. Bit more than usual."

Cameron nodded. Troy wasn't someone to get easily stressed, or bothered by a lot of the pressures of being an EMT, but no one was immune. The fox had seen plenty of bad things happen, but generally could remain positive. "We don't have to do anything, you know."

The fox laughed and Cameron sucked in a sharp breath and hissed through his teeth as he felt Troy's paw squeeze down hard on his knot before skinning back his sheath. That paw cupped the now exposed bulb and gave it an encouraging squeeze. "Nuh uh, knowing that I'd have this to play with when I got off shift helped keep me sane today. Not letting it go that easily," he said.

The dobie pressed his nose in against Troy's ears, huffing out a breath. "Mm, glad to hear it. I've been pent as hell for a few hours now."

"Then let me take care of you first, then we can get rough," Troy said, drawing his head back enough to press his lips to Cameron's. His paw enveloped the dobie's knot, fingers curling under it to give it a good squeeze and a light tug.

Cameron's entire body shuddered, and he pressed into the kiss with some urgency, tongue exploring forward to tease over the fox's lips before entering. He could feel Troy's cock against his thigh, but made no move to do anything. He just lay there, letting those paws work over his needy flesh.

Troy was enjoying himself a great deal. There was something enticing about stroking someone else's cock, feeling it pulse against his pads and make them slick with pre, and Cameron had always been fairly drippy. His paw slipped down further to give the weighty sac beneath a gentle squeeze, and then a light smack. That earned him another moan and he felt a rope of pre land across his side.

That was enough teasing for the fox. He broke the kiss and scooted just a little lower to nuzzle up under the dobie's chin. He watched his paw glide back and forth over the dobie's cock, fingers occasionally trailing down to stroke across his knot. Cameron must have been incredibly worked up for him to be this wet, and Troy's mouth watered. He'd intended on just stroking the dog off before they got to other matters, but he had to get a taste.

Troy slid down along the beanbag until he was kneeling on the floor. He dragged his muzzle down over the dobie's stomach and then down against the slick shaft. He could feel the dog's pre smear into his fur, and knew he'd need to take another shower to get clean, but it was worth the shivers of pleasure that the act sent down his spine. Cameron spread his legs, letting him have his way, and Troy gripped the dobie's cock right behind his knot, lifting it up and away from his stomach so that he could sink his mouth down over it. It pulsed against his tongue, firing watery jets of pre against the roof of his mouth.

Cameron arched his hips instinctively, sinking three more inches past Troy's lips. His paws gripped the edges of the beanbag, and he knew by the time the night was over, he'd have to take the lining off and wash it. He wanted so badly to just reach down, get a good handful of Troy's hair, and just start humping away at his face, but it felt so good to just let the fox work his magic.

Troy parted his muzzle wider and slid down until he could kiss the thick knot right in front of his nose. He squeezed down on the bit of flesh behind it, trailing fingers up over the widest part to squeeze and tug at it. The whole length throbbed in his maw, and he could feel pre running back down from his lips. He bobbed his muzzle back and forth, exploring every inch with his tongue and lips until he felt the dobie shivering beneath him.

He dragged his mouth back, letting the hard flesh pop free of his mouth. "Gonna cum for me?" Troy asked, his voice low and husky. He kept both paws moving along the swollen knot and slick flesh, watching as Cameron squirmed and panted from his open muzzle.

Cameron arched his hips forward and back, sucking in quick breaths as he felt his peak rising. The spot just behind his balls started tingling something fierce, and that sensation traveled up long his length. "Y-yes," he said, trying his hardest to hold back, wanting to enjoy the feeling just a bit longer.

Troy had no intention of dragging this out any further, though. He sped up his paws, beating against the top of the dobie's knot with each downward stroke while the other tugged and squeezed on and behind the engorged flesh. He was panting openly, too, and some of Cameron's pre dripped from his tongue. "Go on," he urged the dog. "Let it out."

Cameron's eyes squeezed shut, nose wrinkling up into a silent snarl. He huffed once, twice, and he gnashed his teeth shut to stop from barking out as he finally tipped over the edge. His cock spasmed in Troy's paws, and he heard an audible 'whap' as the first jet of cum flew past his face and hit the wall a couple feet behind the beanbag. The next took him under the jaw, soaking his short pelt and flooding his senses with the stronger smell of cum as he was stroked through his orgasm.

Troy's head swam dizzily as he watched the thick cock in his paws swell just a bit wider before firing off rope after rope of cum. Cameron had always been a shooter, but he hadn't expected the first one to go quite so far. He managed to keep the dog's dick aimed mostly at his chest and face as the next dozen left white streaks of cum against the black and brown of the dobie's short fur. He couldn't help but angle it back up towards the end, sticking the tip against his lips, and feeling the strong jet of warm seed soak into his fur. After his muzzle was thoroughly soaked, he parted his lips and slowly pushed the twitching shaft in against his tongue.

Even towards the end of the dog's climax, there was too much to keep up with, and he let it pool against his tongue until the intense throbbing subsided. He swallowed once, and pulled off, cum trailing messily from his maw and down over his chin as he leaned back.

Cameron was panting hard, his chest drenched in cum, and the beanbag on either side of him had suffered a similar, sticky fate. His chest rose and fell, and his cock lay across his body, dribbling a bit of cum from the tip, occasionally flexing up away only to fall back wetly against his stomach.

Troy took a second to watch his breath, watching the dog lay there, exhausted. He knew Cameron wasn't completely done, though, and he still wanted more for himself. He climbed up on top of the beanbag and straddled the dobie's hips, his cock trailing sticky lines of pre down across his thighs as it bobbed in the air in front of him.

Cameron opened one eye to watch as Troy reached down and grabbed his dick, angling it up under that fluffy, white tail. Cameron shuddered all over as he felt his cock spear into the fox's passage, the sensitive skin stimulated so soon after he'd cum.

The fox didn't pause at all as he pushed his hips down, taking in more of the dobie's shaft until his ring pressed hard against the top of the thick knot. It had taken a month of stretching and trying before he could take the dobie's cock without pain, and two more before the same could be said of the knot.

The doberman just lay there, watching through half-lidded eyes as the fox rode his cock. The pleasure was almost too intense, and his chest rumbled in a low growl at the feeling. "Mm, I think... we need to change positions," Cameron said, running his paws along the fox's thighs, dragging his claws against his skin.

Troy shivered and closed his eyes, head tilting back as drew his hips back and forth in a slow rhythm. "Oh?"

Cameron's paws ran back up to the fox's waist and he grabbed on tight before pulling Troy down against his hips while thrusting up into him. Troy hadn't been expecting the move, and his muscles were relaxed enough that that thick knot broke through without much effort. Cameron snarled at the sudden, enveloping tightness on his knot.

The fox's spine straightened, and he let out a pained yelp as that knot locked them together, though, knowing Cameron, it was only temporary. He sucked in a lungful of air to keep from whining out. It hurt quite a bit, but in a way that made him crave that feeling more.

The doberman rolled forward, feeling some cum drip down his neck and chest as he toppled the fox backwards off the beanbag. Troy's shoulders and upper back hit the floor, his ass still locked on the dobie's knot, and Cameron reached down to scoop him up and turn the pair of them around. He dumped the fox back into the beanbag unceremoniously and ground his hips forward, sinking his knot in deeper as he crouched atop him. "I have wanted to do this all night," he growled softly, brushing his muzzle against Troy's, and smearing his own cum against the both of them.

Troy was holding his breath, trying to relax his body for what he knew was about to come. His paws gripped the sticky fabric of the beanbag on either side of him, and he forced himself to take a deep breath right as the thick knot under his tail was yanked free with an audible pop. A low whine escaped Troy's lips and he arched his back away from the beanbag. "Fuck... oh fuck."

Cameron growled and bit down on the fox's trapezius, muffling another snarl of pleasure as he humped forward again, wanting to knot the fox, but it only slid in halfway before his hips jerked back. He started up a quick, hard rhythm, never pulling out more than a couple inches as he forced his knot to stretch that ring repeatedly.

Justin's eyes flicked open as he heard noises coming through the wall. They were faint, but a loud bark caught his attention easily. He reached a paw out and felt around the bed, but found he was alone. His head was cleared a bit from the night's earlier activities, and he listened for a moment longer before his brain finally registered what those noises were.

The young fox crawled out of bed and quietly opened the bedroom door, stepping into the hallway. He could hear the sounds more clearly now, and heard the 'schlick, schlick, schlick' of something wet moving back and forth. His face heated up and he stared at the door in morbid fascination. He should be disgusted knowing that it was his brother on the other side of that door, but the sound of sex, and two people grunting and moaning was more intriguing than anything. He wanted to know what was going on, and who was doing what. His brother's whining gave him a pretty good clue, but he had to know for sure.

He stepped closer to the office door and put a shaky paw on the cold, metal knob. It turned soundlessly in his paw, and he pushed forward, taking what felt like an hour just to crack the door open a mere few millimeters. It took his eyes a second to adjust to the red light in the room, but what he saw stopped his breath. Cameron was hunched over the beanbag, thrusting away into Troy, who was laying on his back, legs held up and to the side, whimpering in what was either pain or pleasure. Judging by his brother's cock bouncing around, slinging pre everywhere, he guessed it was the latter.

The angle was perfect for him to just watch without really being seen. He wished he could get closer, and see Cameron's dick, but maybe he'd get the chance some other time. He could hear each thrust, and each whine coming from his older brother's mouth. Cameron was grunting pretty hard, too. Jutin hadn't even realized that he'd started touching himself until he was dragging his sheath down to expose his swelling knot. He knew it was wrong to watch them, especially with one of them being Troy, but it was just too hot, and he wanted to be a part of it too badly.

Troy gasped as Cameron's knot finally slid back into him fully, stuffing him for a second before it pulled back out. Tears ran from the corners of his eyes, and he couldn't take a steady breath without making a pitiful noise. He was going to be sore as hell in the morning, but for now it was indescribably wonderful. This angle left the dobie's knot mashing his prostate and he knew that he'd cum in moments if the pace kept up. The fox's arms were above his head, holding onto the edge of the beanbag to try and keep himself in place as the dog rutted him.

Cameron's balls beat a steady tempo against the fox's rear, and his knot spread the fox's entrance to its limit. Troy was the only one who could take him like this, and only with months of practice. Nothing ever felt quite as good as popping his knot in and out of a tight hole, and even though he'd just came, he could feel his climax building swiftly. Part of him wanted to slow down and drag it out just a bit more, but the more feral part of his brain urged him to go faster.

The doberman's forehead pressed into Troy's throat, teeth bared as he humped away, feeling his balls draw up close to his body. With a snarl, he lifted his head up and away, unloading into the fox beneath him while barely slowing down. Cum poured into the tight passage, slopping back out as Cameron's knot forced its way back and forth.

Troy squeezed his eyes tighter, toes curling in the air as he endured the rough treatment. A strangled yelp came from his maw as his cock suddenly started throbbing and jerking, ropes of cum spraying up between them and dousing Troy's chest and face. One went wide and landed in a thick line away from the pair, along the floor towards the door. Cameron kept humping away as they rode out their orgasms together, bodies nearly on fire from the amount of sensation wracking their bodies.

Justin's paw flew over his cock as he watched his brother cum. He could see more running down the edge of the beanbag between Cameron's legs, and he imagined that it was him in that beanbag instead of Troy. When a thick line of cum landed on the floor in his direction he felt his balls draw up sharply. He panicked, not wanting to cum all over the door where the others would certainly hear it, and he took a quick step into the bedroom, falling to his knees and groping in the dark for the shirt he knew was there.

Paw still jerking at his cock, he managed to find the shirt just in time to press it against the tip of his cock. His hips jerked forward as he unloaded all over the soft, cotton fabric. He'd never cum so hard in his life, and his balls ached as he knelt there, almost forgetting to breathe. When he was certain he was through, he carefully pulled the shirt away, wiping up the last bit of cum trailing from his dick. Now with a sticky, wadded up ball of evidence, he edged along the wall until he found the hamper he'd seen in his earlier snooping. He dumped the shirt inside, hoping that Cameron would never notice what had happened.

Cameron collapsed atop Troy, knot still lodged deep inside the fox. They were covered in sweat and cum, and panted as if they'd just ran a marathon. He knew they should probably get up and go get cleaned, but he was so worn out now. After being so wide awake the past few hours, thinking about nothing other than burying his bone deep in one fox or another, those two climaxes had drained every last ounce of energy from him.

Troy draped his arms over Cameron's shoulders, hugging him tight before going limp. "We... we should probably go shower."

Cameron nodded weakly and nuzzled Troy's sticky cheek. "Mm, in a minute."

The fox grinned and rubbed at one of Cameron's ears. "You'll fall asleep. Come on. Tug your knot out before my body gets too used to it. It'll hurt less right now."

It still hurt, but Troy only shuddered in satisfaction. He had to squeeze down hard as Cameron's cock pulled free, and still felt a healthy amount of cum drool out against his tail. He pulled his tail up between his legs to catch more of it as the dobie pulled him to his feet. They wobbled on tired legs and gingerly stepped out into the hallway, neither noticing that the door hadn't been latched.