Laying Their Eggs Inside Her

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Both Ropes and Kao have teased Fyr with their egg-laying capabilities - and now it is the dragoness' turn to get stuffed with eggs as they rock her through climax after climax...

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Laying Their Eggs Inside Her...

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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The last egg dropped from Kao's cock in a dribble of goo, though Fyr could not tell just what was going to happen next. All she knew was that her paw was between her thighs, dripping with her arousal, sprawled out and back against the sofa. At some point, her husband's tentacle had teased up and around to her mouth and the dragon sucked on it weakly, though she was sure that strength and energy would return to her soon enough.

Orgasm was like that sometimes, though Fyr could not help but wonder, the sofa creaking lightly under her shifting body, if it was all because of the egg-laying. Not her, of course, but the demonic power that her husband, Ropes, had. It had started with Ropes expelling excess energy from his body, what he had taken in while having sex (with her and others), in the form of huge, fat, round eggs. She'd come across him, originally, in the bedroom, letting them push from all four of his tentacles and his cock too, though Fyr had not known whether to be horrified or not, by her initial finding of him.

It had started something that was out of her control, her horror twisting into sordid, illicit arousal, though a demon of lust surely had that capability about him anyway. Things that she had never thought ever could be possible had come to light with her husband and the dragoness was almost a little afraid to see what more Ropes had in store for her, what the demon would surprise her with in the future.

Almost afraid, but not quite.

Her brother, on the other hand, well... He didn't have to lay eggs, splendidly posed before her with his blue wings flared and a smirk on his muzzle, his dark horns so like those of their mother's. She could only imagine what on earth Sasha would have said about all that was going on if she had known. Most likely, the older dragoness whom Kao was the spitting image of would have wanted to join in.

But that wasn't something that Fyr could delve into right then and there, not even when her fantasies were running amok quite like that. She grunted, looking her brother up and down lustfully, still caught up in her fantasies, the lust of the moment, how everything ached through. It felt right, the twisted, flaring arousal, how Kao's muscled tensed across his chest as he took a deep breath, forcing his lungs to expand and his body to accommodate. The head of his cock still showed a very light gape at the tip, where the slit of his dick was, though it tightened up easily, leaving his dick and the passage within as it always had been.

"Mmmm..." The dragoness licked her lips, stretching out a little further, lifting her shirt up and over her head as if it was the most natural thing in the world, bare but for her red and yellow scales. "Did you really think this all out ahead of time? That's a lot of planning for you, Kao."

Ropes barked a laugh, oddly canine even as his tentacles twisted back and forth, lust wavering in the air, tangled between all of them. He smirked, black lips pulling to the side, watching his wife and her reaction to Kao's egg-laying. It had been difficult, to be fair, for him not to react while his wife had been better hotter and hornier, even when her orgasm had flooded between her thighs. But he could take it all in too, without interfering, a demon of lust enjoying so much more than the mere act of simple sex. Sometimes, he did not even need to have sex himself when there was so much else for him to absorb, even though he did not technically need to do so after spending so much time in the mortal land. Truth be told, Ropes was a very strange kind of demon...

His own kind of demon.

Kao stood tall, his shoulder blades pushed back as he flapped his wings briefly, a cool wash of air flowing across the room. He caught the moment when it brushed Fyr's skin, as if he was stroking her scales even then, and grinned widely, showing a flash of very white teeth in his blue-scaled muzzle. His snout wrinkled in amusement, as if he was trying to smile, grunting thickly in the back of his throat, licking his lips, as if he could taste the lust on the air. It was different, to be on show like that, and the drake found that he rather enjoyed it, even if the egg-laying, for the moment, was done.

"I can think for myself too, sis," he growled, his brow furrowing tenaciously. "But perhaps you're the one that needs to feel this... Fuck, I can smell how turned on you are!"

Ropes laughed.

"Oh, she likes it, trust me. Even if she won't say it for herself."

Fyr rolled her eyes and puffed, a hint of smoke curling from her nostrils. It was not often that her fire flickered up within her, though she must have really been turned on for the smoke to be curling and wisping from her nostrils.

"It's not as if it's all that hard to see that I'm turned on," she scoffed, stretching out a little more, more comfortable in the moment than she had been in a while. "I'm here, getting off, watching you... Just wondering why you guys haven't taken advantage and double-teamed me yet."

Ropes cocked his head with a low growl that, somehow, had a purr tangled up in it too.

"That can be arranged... Fat and swollen, like you're pregnant, feeling the pressure of every last one of our eggs grinding up inside you, forcing your belly out and out and out..."

"Unff..." Fyr moaned. "Oh, fuck, yes..."

"Do you think you can go again, Kao?" Ropes asked. "Or do you need a break? I don't need a break."

The cougar smirked, pawing down his jeans so that his hard, bare cock was revealed, the shaft uncut and smooth, though the head gleamed with arousal already. After Fyr had seen so much of him already, she longed for more, knowing what lay under his clothes. Ropes, however, was amenable to her obvious interest, stripping his clothes down with his tentacles, the long appendages glistening with a hint of arousal, as if they were about ready to do more too.

Oh, she didn't want to allow her mind to get away from her, not all that much, though she had to keep going, her need yearning all over again, aching between her thighs. Fyr groaned as her husband stripped down so that the wore nothing but his bare, natural fur, licking her lips, her long, slender tongue smacking out messily against the side of her muzzle. Yet the mess that that little drop of saliva made was nothing at all, not in comparison to the slick mess of cum and goo splattering the living room, as if the whole place had been transformed into a sex den. With Ropes around, it very often was.

Fyr squirmed, biting her lip, the prickle and crackle of demonic magic snapping through the air between them. She could feel it, even if she could not see it quite like Ropes, how it wound around her, soothing her need even as it promised more, that she would have everything she wanted, everything that the aching pit of her loins strove for.


"Relax, Fyr..." Ropes purred, stretching his arms out above his head, muscles flexing and pulling, though he was not showing off in particular. "We'll take good care of you..."

He spent a moment melting away the goo from the carpet, purely as he didn't want to slip. He could do a little more with his powers, but they were most often related to sex and demonic influences concerning his power and place in hell's hierarchy. Cleaning up wasn't usually his thing, but melting away the goo was something, at the very least, that he could do.

Fyr didn't even notice that the mess was gone, not as her husband loomed over her, so tall, so powerful... Oh, it was no wonder that she was so very easily submissive to him. It was better that way, when she could trust him to take control from her and look after her too. Kao was not one that she could trust, not quite as much, to be dominant in that way, but, well, Ropes was there to keep him in line. If it had been up to Kao, the drake would have most likely pinned her in place and fucked her arse and pussy, again and again, until she was sexually exhausted and sprawled out over the living room floor, unable to do anything other than moan.

Ropes drew her down onto the carpet, the furniture already pushed well out of the way so that there was plenty of room down there for them, all three of them at once. On his back, the cougar rumbled powerfully, his body pulsating with the eggs of energy that were lying in wait, waiting for him to let them spill out, though the main focus, that time, would be them oozing and pushing down his cock.

But it had to be sealed away in the needy cunt of a dragoness, first of all, of course... The cougar controlled her, holding her arms and legs tightly with his tentacles, though he did not miss at all how the dragon leaned into the bondage. She relaxed into it, as if it was the only thing holding her firm and in the place that she was supposed to be, even if Ropes left her tail loose too. It could have been such that she was in control in that moment, if not for his tentacle bondage, squeezing her tightly, Fyr's legs stretched over him in a cowgirl position.

"Mmm... Oh, yes... Fuck me, Ropes..."

Fyr was barely with herself in the moment, head rolling back as the tip of a drooling tentacle, throbbing like a tentacle cock all over again, brushed her throat. The smear of pre-cum and goo that it left there gave her a prelude to all that was coming, despite her not being quite able to articulate it for herself. It was a good thing that her husband, if not Kao, knew exactly what she wanted then, just the way she wanted it.


She let out a long, low moan as she sank onto Ropes' cock, the thick length filling her perfectly, the uncut shaft burying itself deeply up inside her. She flexed and clenched her pussy around him, though Fyr's musculature control did not go that far, even if every shudder and twitch of her body led an array of extra sensations through her sex, all for Ropes to reap the spoils of.

And the cougar appreciated it all so much as he thrust, his body working, churning, forcing the eggs out with throbbing pulse after pulse of devious ecstasy. He growled, his jaws hanging open, tongue flickering out against his lips, though no words were needed, not when he knew his wife as well as he did, snarling out a rasping cry.


Fyr panted, her flicking between Ropes and Kao, though the dragon's cock was plumping up again, heralding the encroach of more eggs pushing down the length of his cock. But she couldn't focus on him, not as the cougar's shaft was already swelling within her, everything pressing on, moment by moment, as if it was without her consent. That consent, however, had already been very explicitly given and there was nothing at all for her to worry about, even if being stuffed beyond the brim with eggs was something that she had never done or experienced before.

Fyr grunted, trying to stay still, but it was all so hard as her husband bent his legs and powered up inside her, stroke after stroke of his cock filling her aching, hungry pussy. But it was not his cock that she was desperate for, but the deeper stuffing, how a huge round of an egg travelled down the length of his cock. She needed more, so much more, but not even the dragoness could have been prepared for the swelling of her pussy as the egg shoved up inside her.

He held onto her tightly as she cried out, head trying to fall back, throat pulsing as she gulped and swallowed. But Fyr had to take the egg as his powers helped her cervix expand, pressing up deep inside her, her womb accepting it. Even as she writhed and wriggled, there was nothing else for it, nothing for her to do, shifting her hips back and forth, her tail slapping the ground between Ropes' legs.


It might have been orgasm that washed over Fyr at that moment, though she wasn't entirely with herself either, not as pulsing waves gripped her, snarling and snapping at her vehemently. Oh, it was so big, the heavy weight of the egg somehow squeezing itself into her womb, though she heaved and grunted, panting as if she was doing something far more strenuous herself too.

Ropes snarled, snapping his jaws, eyes glowing demonically, more feral in that moment than he ever had been before with Fyr, not even when she had caught him laying the eggs initially. A savage thrust of his cock up into her wet, dripping pussy and her clenching around him all over again as she was supposed to, massaging his cock, even then inviting the cougar to lay more into her, deeper and deeper and deeper.

It was intoxicating, something that even he had to lean into as Kao dropped an egg from his own cock, the demonic magic taking hold on him too. He smirked at the dragon, even as he took his sister before him, though it was not as if the two guys had not fucked Fyr together before. There was no shame to be had in their cocks touching either, so that was a good thing indeed, because it was only the dragoness' slutty cunt that was going to be stuffed full of eggs that time.

Maybe they would fill her tail hole another time... But her womb would take every last one.

Kao did not ask permission as he got behind the dragoness' back, pressing her forward towards Ropes. The demon cougar had no reason at all to hold his wife in place any longer, tentacles sliding free, helping her lift her hips up and back a bit, all so that she could get the right angle for Kao to grind in alongside his cock.

Fyr screamed, a growl rippling through the back of it, though she was not trapped there by anything other than their cocks, even as Ropes' tentacles groped her, teased her, crawled all over her. It should never have been possible for her to take both of their cocks at once, the stretch incredible, her mind struck by wave after wave, need throbbing through. She panted aloud, trying to rake every last scrap of air that she needed into her lungs, but her body was trained beyond any limit that she had ever thought possible, aching, moaning, whimpering as her head dropped.

It was just too much, the pulse of an egg moving down Kao's cock. There was no space for it and yet there had to be space for it, her body accommodating as the velvety pussy grasped it, the dragoness' jaws hanging open in a moan that she did not even hear. And yet she was there, locked into the most furtive of moments, trapped between two bodies that she knew extremely well, yet in an entirely new fashion.

Ropes grunted, spearing up into her, though it was hard for him to thrust against Kao in such a position, bearing down against the carpet with two of his tentacles for a little bit more leverage. The drake, however, did not have any such trouble, boldly pressing down over his sister's back with his weight as he forced out an egg with grinding, needy little thrusts of his cock.

"Unff... Ah... Yes..."

Kao was not as used to such a thing as Ropes was, yet the moment was enough to lead him forward, to show him which way he was to go. He groaned softly, licking his lips, letting the ecstasy flow through him as his egg pushed out. There was more resistance, that time, when he was depositing it into Fyr's pussy, letting it sit there and find a place in her womb, though the head of his cock was pressed up against her innermost entrance - where the barrier of her cervix, before, had been tucked tightly down.

There was no fear of pain there, however, not with his uncut cock pressing up softly to Ropes', neither caring. Not when there was pleasure upon pleasure, untold ecstasy throbbing. Fyr's pussy strained around both of their cocks at once as they laid their eggs within her in earnest, one bulge of an egg pushing along the full length of their cocks after the other, moving fluidly as if it was something that they had done time after time before.

Kao hissed through an open mouth, wings flapping and flaring, snapping out wide to their fullest extent, though it was not as if such pleasure was anything of a surprise to him, not right then and there. He should have known that it was going to feel good, so very good, but the pleasure and the pressure, the suctioning power of her pussy squeezing around him... It was born from magic, of course, but there was only so much that could be taken there, even as he thrust. It was an instinctive need, something that he ached for, despite everything else, wanting to pump his cock with a paw as he had before, but, well, that wasn't exactly possible with his dick buried in her snatch.

"Unff... Fuck..."

He howled with lust as he slammed into her, though his thrusts were slower and more savage for the clenching, flexing force of her pussy around him, how tight the squeeze of her cunt was. It was his sister, of course, but Fyr was so very much more than his sister in that moment as his thrusting helped both Ropes and himself work the eggs down the lengths of their cocks.

And Fyr's stomach swelled. She was intimately aware of the pressure of every egg sliding down the length of their dicks, though the journey of every egg felt even more prominent as she was faced with the bulging of their dicks within her cunt with every one. Fyr panted heavily, struggling to contain herself then, a moment when all she had to do was to feel, letting everything course through, the throbbing of her pulse, her cunt tight, so tight, licking her lips, goo slickening the path of those very eggs easing up into her womb.

"Agh... Yes... Oh... So heavy..."

She cried out lightly, shaking her head from side to side, as if to roll it from one shoulder to the other, but Fyr did not quite feel that she had that much control of herself. Trapped there, she was pinned, held there lusciously, her brother grinding up to her back, his hips flush with her backside, trembling up to grind his cock deep up inside her. Yet whatever depth she'd thought he'd reached before was unmatched by the weight of the eggs rolling into her. At first, Fyr had tried to count how many eggs were being laid into her, but it had been too difficult to keep track once Kao had started filling her too.

She heaved, jaws hanging open, though she couldn't get enough air into her lungs, not enough to satisfy that aching, burning, leaping need inside her. Fyr tried to rock her hips back, but her legs trembled too badly to even move. Even the light barbs, not enough to hurt but more than enough to stimulate her sensitive walls, had her twitching, grunting, trying to rock back just a little more, though she was caught up there, trapped, a slave to the pleasure they delivered unto her.

The eggs though... The bulging press of them up inside her, how they spilt into her womb, as if she was being stretched from the inside out. First, her womb had to expand as if she really was carrying a clutch of eggs that her own body had made after conception, but her stomach too, even the scales over it... Everything had to make way, giving and swelling, her nostrils puckering and flaring, tail hanging limply.

She didn't have the energy to spare on it.

But that was okay, very much okay, even as she whimpered and moaned, her stomach inflating as if she was pregnant, perhaps in her second trimester, though it was hard to judge the size of it. It was not as if, after all, it was all that easy for her to look down in such a position, her breasts mildly blocking her view of her belly, though it felt quite as if she was craning her neck too, pain blistering through.

No... Better not to look. Better to simply allow that swollen round of her belly to tease down against her husband's stomach while he and her brother fucked her pussy, filling her with eggs. The strain was easier to bear by then, though two eggs at the same time pushing along the spires of their dicks to fill her, straining her to the widest extent so far.

That time, the dragoness was aware of orgasm crashing through her, her vision whiting out for a moment, though she was barely aware of herself, all that she was doing. Her pussy squeezed, but there was nowhere for it to bear down on, panting, licking her lips, drooling, lost in pounding, driving ecstasy. Pleasure ran through her, with every throb of her sex and their rampantly thrusting cocks, treating her as if she was nothing more than a receptacle for their eggs. Fyr didn't even know if either of the guys had cum yet, though with the sloppy goop cushioning their eggs within her, it was easier still for her to take them, to feel the strain, the pressure, her body melding itself to their whims.

It was as it was meant to be, yes, she was sure, yes, so sure... She tried to get one of her paws up from the floor or Ropes' chest, she wasn't entirely sure, and groped for her stomach, surprising even herself at the bold swell of it, how it strained out, as if she was in a third trimester of pregnancy, not even the second!

"Oh..." She whined, words returning to her, if only for a moment, tongue lolling out, dragged back and forth between her twitching lips. "Yes... More... Fill me..."

Ropes, however, had something else in mind with her. For the slimy goo that she had seen trickling from his tentacle cock tips heralded the release of even more eggs. It was a distraction, especially as the pressure inside her increased, her body aching to accept even more eggs. They came more quickly then, her body sore and aching, wanting more, desperate for it, though there was a flicker of pain there too, sensation prickling through the strain.


She licked her lips, ignoring the guys fucking her, eyes fixed on his tentacles as they dropped and twisted all around her. That was better, something to let her ride on the straining passion of it all, even the burn and scrape of the scales of her knees on the carpet, watching the goo and the eggs plop down on the carpet. And there were so many of them, even though the pulsing flow of eggs within her pussy did not slow in the slightest either, not as Ropes filled her, one egg after the other aching down the bulging length of his hard-on to rake more deeply into her still.

"Ohhh... Unff..."

Kao grunted.

"Fuck, you're...ah...noisy today, Fyr..."

But she didn't care, not as pleasure swelled, bliss unlike anything that she had honestly ever felt before. Or maybe that was just her being more caught up in the moment than she realised, though that was all well and good too, nothing at all there to stop her from taking it all for her own. Not as eggs filled the room, Ropes dropping more and more, the slurp and slop of them leaving his tentacles catching her attention more and more. And there was a lot to catch her attention, from tensing muscles to the pressure of the bulk of her brother's body against her back, how his tail lashed, the passage of it through the air making a soft, whistling noise. It was funny the things that stood out in the heat of a moment like that, but it all made it even more prominent, stringent, solid in its reality. For, as much as Fyr's head spun, it was not a dream and it was all very, very realm, the weight of her brother against her back pinning her down against Ropes. Though the swell of her belly, rumbling and growing as the shapes of eggs pressed out through the seemingly thin barrier of her skin and scales was something very much not to be forgotten either...

"Ohhhh... It's... So..."

But she couldn't get the words out and, frankly, no one needed her to get the words out either. She was where she needed to be, her pussy stuffed, aching, though she didn't even feel that her muscles had the strength in them, at all, to squeeze around either of their dicks anymore. The barbs almost pinched in a bad way, but she forced herself through the overstimulation, whimpering, moaning, her throat twitching as if there was something there that she needed to gulp down. But maybe that was just how it felt for her cunt too, the squeeze and the pressure of pushing them into her womb, even if it was not as if she had much of a choice in the matter.

No... Fyr had given that choice over to Ropes and Kao at the very start of their liaison, though it was most certainly going to be one that Fyr was going to remember for an exceptionally long time!

She panted heavily, her chest heaving, breasts rising and falling sharply with every gasp of air that she managed to forcibly drag into her lungs. There was only so much she could do, even then, but the moment was such that she didn't have to consider anything else, not even as white rounds of eggs, freshly laid, filled the room. They bounced and rolled across the carpet when Ropes' tentacles were too high to drop them lightly, but the cougar didn't seem to pay all that much attention to it. If a mess was made while he was taking his fill, expending lustful energy while he took even more in, wasn't his problem.

He growled, claws pricking into his wife's sides as he held her down on his cock, the barbs throbbing even as his shaft bulged, pushing yet another egg down the length of his cock. The throbbing pulse of his body working out the eggs brought on a feral passion in him, showing his teeth, snarling like the demon that he was, needing it, his paw dropping to caress the swell of her stomach. His fingers and claws traced over her scales, though did not linger there for long, not as Kao ground and thrust, pressing over and past his cock in his younger, wilder lust.

The dragon seethed and snarled, closer and closer to his high, though he did not seem to even realise that his sister was close to her actual limits as another egg squeezed out of him. Even that was an added sensation for Ropes, the pressure of another guy's dick against his, though it was the heat of the dragoness that got to him, that made him shudder and groan, letting lust build and build and build. That was one of the best things, even as he sensed and fed on the lust and pheromones in the air, everything swirling and pulsating around, his long tail swinging back and forth, flicking and curling.

Such passion was never meant to be kept inside, after all, and mortals could be so apt for that. They didn't know how to truly let go, to find the lust that sang to them, whimpering and moaning, even as he fed on so very much of it that he couldn't keep it all inside him, from time to time. He teased Fyr by stroking a tentacle across her muzzle, gloopy with the discharge that came along with the eggs, though it was soft and delicious, if one decided to taste it. He could have, but, well, he had other, more lustful things to satisfy his mind.

Fyr groaned, taking one of Ropes' tentacles into her maw, but she was grateful that he wasn't laying an egg through that particular tentacle at that time. That would have been both quite difficult and uncomfortable for her and not something that she wanted to lean into yet, no... Though swallowing the eggs of energy and lust could be different too, something that infused her with that energy until she turned into a bristling, pulsating ball of sexual demonic energy.

That could be hot too. She ran her tongue around the tentacle, letting everything smooth over her tongue, her long tongue winding around his tentacle cock, even dipping into the gaping slit at the tip. Still, she had to hold back just a little, considering that more eggs were coming, teasing her tongue inside and sweeping it back and forth, letting the moment envelop her.

To be surrounded by her "boys" on both sides, filling her so very deeply, groaning, grunting, her lips parted as she freed the tentacle from her mouth for a heady groan... Oh, it was more than she could handle, even though Fyr didn't know for how much longer she could take the push and push and push of more eggs up into her womb. The huge round of her overfilled stomach bulged out against Ropes' stomach, but the cougar on the bottom didn't seem to mind the pressure at all, if he even noticed it. On the contrary, he humped and rocked up into her more fervently, while Kao still did most of the thrusting, the drake's claws digging into the carpet and bearing down into Fyr with the headiness of a male in a true rut.

He wanted to cum... Oh, Fyr could feel it, even the throbbing, pulsing ache of his cock something she could sense within her pussy, despite the huge swells of the eggs. They ground up against one another, even as the guys' cocks pressed out, bulging, swelling, demanding more and more attention from her. Still, she was locked there, Kao snarling above her, kicking a leg back, his tail swinging back and forth, though it didn't do much to balance him despite his best efforts.

He didn't need to be balanced, not as he grabbed onto Fyr's shoulders, dragging her back in such a way that forced her to arch her back, pushing her shoulder blades back against him.


It sent tingles through her, as if her scales were prickling and itching all over, lifting at the edges. Yet they were not, her mind merely struggling to make sense of extreme lust, the scent of sex and desire heavy in the air, even to her. The dragoness could only imagine how it felt to Ropes as her chest heaved, snatching at air with all the energy that she could, shoulders rounding, though her body didn't know where to go.

She didn't have to go anywhere, however, swallowing hard, panting, heaving. The swell, oh, the swell... There was so much more, licking her lips, orgasm building, the tightening pulse of desire too much to bear. Yet they couldn't cum until every egg was out - or else they were holding back, it was not really for Fyr to know - leaving the pleasure to her as ecstasy tugged her under once more.

She cried out, though the ringing in her ears overruled all else. There was no sound coming from her lips, not that she could hear, but she needed it all so very much, letting herself go in wave after wave of pleasure, the heat of their bodies grinding up against her. Kao's tail finally snaked possessively around her ankle, locking her in place, but it was not as if the dragoness was free to go anywhere anyway, especially with her belly so big.

They found more and more space in the straining jiggle of her swollen stomach, however, space where Fyr didn't think there should have been space. Her mouth hung open, tongue flicking out over her bottom lip, dangling as if she was nothing more than a common canine. But she needed it, whimpered for it, some sense of sound returning to her ears, her tail flicking back and forth weakly, despite the lustful heat encasing her.

She couldn't tell if her orgasm finished or if she just reached new peaks within it, dipping blissfully into the valleys just so she could recover a little, to enjoy the push of her pussy straining wider around the eggs still grinding up into her womb. Her sex closed and rippled around them, lewd squelches rising as the eggs and the goop were pressed deeper and deeper, surely the slits at the heads of the guys' dicks strained and gaping lustfully. Fyr shuddered, wishing that she could see them.

She could only do and see so much, however, for she was under their control. Just a dragoness body into which she could bear their eggs, laid directly into her womb for their pleasure - and hers too, along the way. Kao gave a particularly savage thrust, spearing deep, his cock seeming to pump and pulse against Ropes' inside her, throbbing, aching, needing everything that her body had to give him. The dragoness knew that she was just a tool, sometimes, a vessel for his pleasure, but it was something that she could derive from him too.

Lust was funny like that, especially with a lust demon. All down to the panting groans that surrounded her, her nose tucked down into the crook of Ropes' neck, the pressure of her brother's scaled body against her back and buttocks. It was needed, yes...all so very much. Her passion mounted all over again as she cried out, her tail swinging back against Kao, though it was still pressed up against his lower stomach where she tried to keep it flipped out, out of the way. She wanted him deep, throbbing, thrusting, grinding, everyone taking her, using her, their egg layer dragoness...

Well, she wasn't that kind of dragoness, not yet. She had eggs laid inside her, but laying them for herself was not something that she had yet come to. She wanted that though, to feel just how they could push from her, how much the strain would compare to the pressure of them easing out of her pussy, though she didn't think that it was going to be any harder than having them laid into her. But the pressure and the muscular contractions were all going to come from her when they pushed back out of her.

"You'll have to do it on your own, Fyr..." Ropes murmured, the cougar drawing her attention as his tentacles fanned out again, expelling more eggs as if he had been holding them back, all for some kind of grand finale. "And we'll watch, because you've spent more than enough time watching both of us lately..."

She moaned, tongue flicking out, though they did not kiss.

"Unff... Yes, that sounds... Mmmph... Amazing..."

She'd ask just how the cougar always knew what she was thinking and what she wanted, but, well: lust demon. Some things moved on without her and she shuddered as Kao laughed behind her. With his dick driven so deeply up inside her, she could feel every tremor and every pulse, however non-sexual, from his body into hers, spearing deeply.

He moaned, tail tightening around Fyr's ankle. The dragoness was more lustful than ever, but the building heat of orgasm was waiting for him and he wasn't willing to pull back for all that much longer. It had to come, though with the bulging strain of Fyr's stomach - not hyper-swollen but clearly as if she had gone through an entire pregnancy and was trembling on the edge of popping out all that was in her womb - dictating it more than his lust. Even if the dragon was more concerned with his pleasure than whatever she was going through, he didn't want to pump her through with so much that her body couldn't even contain it.

Her pussy drooled around him, his dick crammed up against Ropes', the dragoness weaker between them, though Kao was sure that his sister would get her second wind at precisely the moment it was needed. He grunted, spearing deep, letting the last throbs of pleasure course through him as his dick ground up against Ropes' soft barbs. Maybe the demon cougar would give him a barbed dick too if he asked for it? But Kao hated having to ask for things like that...

Lust, however, demanded that he put aside his notions of what he should and should not ask for, feeding his own needs and desires. Ropes caught his gaze with a smirk and the drake's tail swung back, drawing out a little, testing the waters.

Fyr moaned.

"Yes, please..." She begged, caught in the heat of lust, her paws braced on Ropes' shoulders, a little across his chest. "Fuck me... I need... I need them out... I need to lay..."

They couldn't deny her that, oh no. Not when she needed it so terribly, her body primed with heat at the point of the grand finale of egg-laying lust itself.

They pulled out of her, at long last, her pussy left lewdly wide, aching and gaping. She groaned, her tail flicking back and forth, though the dragoness was in no position at all to be set aside. The pushing, pulling weight of the eggs within her pussy demanded attention that she had no choice other than to give, groaning as she managed to get up onto her knees.

"Unff... Come on..." She groaned, shooting an annoyed look at Ropes, her legs shakier than she might have expected them to be. "You guys...need to"

Somehow, they managed to get her up and into a squatting position, though it was the weight of her belly that kept her in place, leaning back against the sofa. She would have wanted to get up onto it, if she'd been able to, but she was stuck there, her legs burning and aching, muscular pains that she'd come to again later on, maybe the next day.

They weren't her concern right then and there, however, not as her body pushed, though it was not like going back to childbirth. No... No, it was something different, a bearing down of her passage as something more stringent still drove down inside her. Fyr whimpered, her head falling back, though one of Ropes' tentacles was there to support her, even if the cougar was already standing, his hard-on up close to her face, showing off his lust for her.

Of course, he would do that, she thought dimly, though not even Fyr could stop a smile from pulling at her lips. He wouldn't have been the cougar that she had fallen in love with otherwise, making use of her and his body, though she could only imagine just how much lust she was feeding him at that time. Maybe even enough to overfeed him and force him to lay a load of eggs all over again...

That would be pretty kinky. And a way for her to get back at him, from time to time.


But the need to lay overruled even her need to be present there in the moment, letting lust roll through her, her paws on her thighs as the dragoness groaned and pushed down. An egg eased down her cunt, though at least the gape was already there, even if her body had already started to tighten back up again. Regardless of what a body like hers was put through, a pussy would never be "ruined", no matter what shit guys liked to say about that.

Fyr wouldn't have minded being ruined though in one great sex escapade that cumulated in that, forever rendering her loose after sex. But that was not the case and she grunted as the egg worked its way down, her body taking over for her so that all the dragon had to do, in the end, was enjoy the experience.

After all that she had done so far, at least she felt like she had more than earned that moment. Grunting thickly, the first egg plopped out, though there was no sense of loss that time, not as all the others followed in quick succession, one after the other bearing down.


They plopped out of her, but, to her mind, they were larger and harder than they had been when they had entered - not that she was going to think about something like that. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted heavily, her tail swinging back and forth, but she was too caught up in the moment, her eyes cast up to Ropes and Kao.

The cougar enjoyed the show, pointing at her face, another egg slipping out, though he didn't have all that many left inside him, no. They still had to make sure that every egg was expelled, even if the moment was heated, lust swirling around and around, dragging them deeper and deeper into the illicit depths of depravity. That was a place that Ropes never thought he would end up going, considering his heritage, but a demon could do as they willed, one way or the other.

Her tongue flickered out to brush the head of his cock, easing through the goo around the uncut length, and Ropes hissed through an open mouth, his tail lashing the air. Oh, the agitation was building, thrumming up from deep, deep inside him, but it had only one way to come out. Need rumbled, deep inside, his eyes sliding, only briefly, to Kao, just to see if the drake was in the same state as him. Kao, after all, would always be a bit different, even if he was feeding him a little with the dark power of demonic influence.

The dragon snarled and rounded his shoulders forward, orgasm rolling through him. He couldn't stop it and neither did he have any desire to, though it was more an escalation of all the pleasure that he had been rocking and throbbing through so far than anything else. One moment he was jerking off, pointing his dick right at his sister's face, and the next he was exploding in ecstasy, the final egg falling as a volatile jet of cum poured over her.

The drake's wings flapped and he was not, even if he would never have admitted it, in control of himself and his movements at that time, a veritable stream of cum flowing from his cock. It was cum and it was good and it was slick and it was messy - and there was nothing that he could do about it. There was nothing at all that the dragon wanted to do about it as he coated his sister in cream, marking her face, her tits, more cum than his body ever had produced.

It was wrong on so many levels but rendered him so over productive that the dragon could not help but lean into the headiness of it all. He didn't often feel the need to ramp up his cum production (there were things to eat and things to do - he didn't really look into it all that much) but he rather liked the flow of it, how each spurt came thickly, gloopily, as if it was trying to outdo the one that had come before it.

Kao, however, was only competing with himself, tail knocking into the coffee table as he snapped, Ropes too joining him in climax. It was one that the cougar, clearly, was better able to hold himself steady through as he yowled, tentacles holding his cock and jacking himself off, though he hosed Fyr down with the intent of a demon on a mission. He growled, licking his lips, though had more in store than merely a coating of cum.

They were more infatuated with their climaxes than they were productive, which was more than fair enough, Ropes jacking off his shaft with all four of his tentacles at once, even though there was not really room there for him to use all four of them at once. He just wanted that aching lust, that devious pleasure, how it throbbed and flowed through him, every last one of the eggs finally out of him and his system. The cougar's black lips pulled back in a snarl as he revelled in it, though Kao would never know that Ropes was ever so slightly (okay, perhaps more than a little) smug about holding out for longer than Kao.

The guys let their cream drip down her muzzle, pouring and trickling, marking her scales, though Fyr revelled in it. It was all good, it was all okay, everything was as she wanted it to be, hissing through her teeth, bearing down on the eggs through the grip of another orgasm. With her head light and fuzzy, there was only so much she could do, letting it wash through her even with the press of more and more eggs popping out of her strained pussy.


The groan teased forth from the back of her throat, yet desire tingled, desperate for that rising flood of passion to come, again and again. Oh, they had her addicted to it, well and truly, as if there was nothing she could do to escape, though Fyr didn't want to escape either. Her husband and her brother could push and guide her through every last little twisted thing that they could ever have wanted her to do and she would do it gladly.

Her tail curled back and forth, drooping to the carpet, sweeping through the messy goop and the eggs, swirling them about. A huge mound of eggs lay under her body, though it was not as if she had been trying to make the pile neat or anything like that, it had just happened that way, without her realising at all. Her pussy tensed and flexed and ached and twitched in an overflow of orgasm, though the dragoness would not want it to be over so quickly, oh no. The last few eggs popped from her pussy as she salaciously lapped off Kao's cock, swirling her tongue around and around, dragging it to the head and caressing it lustfully.

Passion was too great. And why should she ever try to hold it back? It was for her, all for her, always for her.

And it was sure, by then, that she was going to ask them to lay their eggs again in the future...

Fyr wouldn't have it any other way, when lust was involved.