Plush Love

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Anderson 'Citrus (or Andes)' Johannah finds himself in a 'fluffy' situation, one that leads to him learning more about his best friend.

Comments and constructive criticism are welcome.

Anderson's deft fingers plucked away at the thick steel and nickel strings of his solid-body bass guitar. The low, prominent melody he played backed up the chord and tab progression his friend, Kiedis played on his acoustic guitar. Said progression, he came up with while heading over to the canine's dorm for this joint jam session.

Anderson and Kiedis are two-thirds of an amateur college band called Gutterflower (The name taken from one of Kiedis's favourite albums). The cinnamon-furred otter is the guitarist (mixing rhythm and lead), while his three-tone furred friend took the role of bassist and vocalist (his voice worked perfectly for the post-punk vibes their music went for). The band's genre could be described as a mix of the aforementioned post-punk, with hints of alternative rock and a bit of electronic (thanks to their third member). The trio had performed a few gigs at a local music club/café and were given praise for their music's unique sound. The thoughts of going professional, either by self-publishing or getting a record deal were there, but they had to get through college first.

Besides being an otter with light brown fur. Kiedis's hair was a peculiar, natural silver that was styled downwards, nearly going over his eye, and ending in a quiff. The otter had a peculiar case of heterochromia, his left eye, an elegant sapphire blue, and his right, a raging ruby red. His clothing was simple, a white shirt with a diagonal red stripe, black leather cropped trousers (accented with wallet chains dangling from the waist, bit like suspenders), and knee-high boots, made from the same black leather with silver belt straps.

Kiedis soon stopped playing, followed a second later by Anderson.

"So, what do you think of those riffs, Citrus?" Kiedis asked the canine, calling him by a little nickname he came up with after noting the lemon hairclip he wore all the time. Anderson tolerated that nickname, not exactly going with the punk persona he wanted to have.

"It's pretty good, has a nice sound, but it's missing something," Citrus/Anderson commented as he paused the recording service on his computer, pondering what could be added, resting his arms on his bass. "Maybe if had an acoustic as well it would harmonize better?"

"Nonsense, your bass sounds perfect here," Kiedis said whilst he packed his guitar into the bag. "Maybe I could try using my Stratocaster next time? But, let's see what Reef thinks first," he sat back down on Anderson's bed, looking at the cross-legged owner.

"You're right, maybe he can create a beat that makes it sound much better" Citrus smiled. "Shame we couldn't do a jam session with the three of us, he does enjoy watching us play"

"Yeah, sorry about that, you know how Mr Sullivan gets if I miss his class" Kiedis nervously chuckled, being one of the reasons why the trio couldn't brainstorm together. Their friend, Reef, had biology, and when the period ended, Kiedis would need to head on out to his psychology class. The otter checked the time on his phone, noting that he had a quarter to get to class on time.

"I should get going," He stood up guitar bag slung on his back. "Guessing it recorded alright?" He asked, getting a thumbs up from the bassist in return. He then picked up his bag, but as he did, something fell out from an open pocket, landing on the floor in front of Citrus's bare paws, who just got up to check what dropped. Seeing how the otter barely noticed it, he picked it up.

It was a necklace with a dark, metallic charm on it. The design reminded him a bit of the sun, with three stylized coronas at the bottom, the rest being of that dark metal, with an embossed star on it. The strap was made out of a dark and fine leather.

"Hey, Keidis. You dropped this," Citrus showed him the necklace, knowing he had an inkling for occult and paranormal stuff, with the accessory screaming it. The otter turned around, about to exit the dorm.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, I was gonna give that to you," He answered, turning around to speak with him more. "I found it in that small shop run by that cute, but creepy-looking spider lady. It reminded me a bit of you, so thought you'd like" After explaining the necklace, Kiedis opened the door to let himself out. Citrus was about to speak up, saying how this wasn't his thing, but he was abruptly cut off by the guitarist saying "Seeya," and leaving the room.

"B-But this isn't my..." He sighed, it was pointless to try and give it back (he didn't want to make his friend late from doing so.) So he placed it on his dresser whilst looking at them in the mirror.

half-closed peach-coloured eyes look back at him. His vibrant pink hair with blue streaks was a mess, having not been brushed thanks to the otter's sudden visit. It was a day when the canine had no periods, but Kiedis had his first at 12:00 PM. Deciding to come at 10:45 AM to jam.

"Guess I could have a shower before Reef comes," Cirtus said to his reflection. And shower he did, coming out from his bathroom, ten minutes later, and looking at himself in the mirror once again.

His body was a creamy brown, darker around his face, shoulders, hands/feet, and tail. Their chest was on show, the fine, narrow scars from his top surgery were prominent, like a flat wall, permanently separating parts of his fur. Citrus did feel slight discomfort from seeing them, yet he couldn't help but smile, happy that he was getting the body he wanted (his HRT was going swimmingly as well). The bottom part of him was covered by a white towel, stained pink and blue from the constant times Cirtus used it to dry off his hair.

Next up was to get dressed before the third member came; but before he could open the top drawer to grab some underwear and socks, his eyes locked onto the necklace. Picking it up, he wondered if it would suit him. Citrus was trying to go for a punk vibe to his clothing and personality (to an extent), but his love for vibrant colours and the literal fruity accessories (like the lemon hairclip or a full-neck choker with a cherry charm) was hard to give up, in return for going for black leather and chains.

"Maybe I could try it out," It wouldn't be harmful if he tried it out. So with a deep breath, he donned it, letting the charm rest on his chest, feeling the slightest chill from the metal. Looking in the mirror, it sort of suited him, yet he felt like something else would suit him.

Citrus was about to take off the necklace, but a sudden wave of fatigue went over him like he'd drunk some week-old milk. And In a couple of seconds, the canine found himself on the floor, looking beneath the dresser.

W-What's happened? Citrus tried to speak, but for some reason, his lips were sealed. He tried to move, but that was impossible as well like he'd been paralysed by a giant spider. All he could do was look in the area his head was facing, while he could see the dresser, his eyes could watch the door open, realizing how long he'd been unable to move for, able to see Reef enter.


Reef's a blue shark, meaning ocean blue skin with a grey belly, blue eyes, and navy blue hair with the sides being dyed a luscious blond. Both his ears were pieced, each with a golden earring. The t-shirt he's wearing today is a deep grey with thin, vertical black stripes, black cargo shorts over orange leggings and grey canvas sneakers.

The shark surveyed the room, taking off his bandless headphones, allowing the faint sounds of grunge to be heard by Citrus. He hoped that he didn't hear from his friend because of the music.

"You here, Andes?" Reef asked, using his nickname for Anderson (preferring it over the fruit one Kiedis gave him). He starts looking around the room, his feet getting closer and closer to Citrus until...

"huh?" Reef looked down, wondering what he bumped into. He saw the mess of a towel on the floor, but he could spot something resting between it. He bent down to pick up whatever it was, soon holding a rather cute plush of his friend since secondary school and fellow band member.

"Heh, kinda looks like Andes," He thought aloud, smiling before putting the stuffed toy on the dresser. "Andes, I'm here to listen to what you and Ki brainstormed" the shark shouted, knocking on the bathroom door in case he was in there.

I'm right here, Reef! Citrus tried to call out, yet despite being picked up and placed on the dresser by him, the dilemma the canine was in hadn't sunk in, until he saw himself in the mirror. Shock engulfed them. W-WHY AM I A PLUSHIE?! Yet he had no way to scream, just sit there, motionless, with a lifeless smile.

Unable to find him, the shark took out his phone to message him, but that failed when he heard it ping in the room. The only guess he could have was they had a sudden errand and forgot to take it. So the shark gave up searching for him and headed out.

Night soon came, Reef hadn't heard anything from Citrus since this morning. He asked Kiedis and he had no clue either, they were going to meet up tomorrow and talk about his disappearance. Yet the two couldn't realize the truth, that their friend was stuck in the body of a plush. Said plush the shark took with him back to his dorm.

The shark looked at the plush, sighing once more, hoping wherever his friend was, he was okay. It wasn't a good idea of trying to worry about him, the chances of him being in danger were slim after all. Placing the plush back down, he hopped onto his bed in hopes of getting some good sleep.

Citrus had a close-up view of his bestie getting to sleep, having been placed on the nightstand. The desire to call him was still there, but all he can do was sit there, and be a cute-looking plush. He couldn't sleep it was impossible, thanks to his fabric eyes being stuck in an ovular shape.

Reef shuffled around for a while, he couldn't get a wink of sleep. Their mind was being flooded with images of a more, erotic nature. beneath his light-coloured undies; a tent began to form. Whilst half asleep, the shark's hand floated down, feeling that growing bulge.

He isn't going to... Much to the shock of the trans canine, his friend was...

It only took a little more feeling before that pair of underwear went down. His twin cocks were fully out of their sharky slit. A bead of pre was still coated into it by his soft hand as he rubbed the top intently, moaning softly from the feeling.

Citrus had seen his friend naked before, hell, he'd seen him erect too! But, he never watched him masturbate before. The inability to move his head meant he could only watch them jerk off, getting more and more vigorous by the second. The canine could tell that whatever lewd fantasies he was having were amazing, seeing how devoted they were to rubbing both his cocks. Citrus was curious as to what he was thinking about in particular.

"A-Andes~" The shark muttered, making the non-existent (or non-movable) ears and tail of Citrus jolt right up.

H-He's thinking about me? Citrus's mind was racing. There was no way his bestie thought erotically about him. Then again, Citrus was guilty about that, but that was one time, and he never acted on that. Yet here was his secondary school buddy, one that knew him before he transitioned, now masturbating to thoughts of him, unclear what they were doing in those erotic thoughts.

In the shark's mind, they were mostly doing foreplay, carefully exploring his transitioning friend's body, his moans encouraging him to do more with that (as Citrus put it) amazing tongue of his. Even with the praise and the way he masturbated, he felt nowhere close to a climax. Ne needed more, he needed something that reminded him of his crush, something like...

His eyes turned to the plush. A sense of guilt waved over them, but all that pent-up lust pushed him to grab that plush.

Citrus was internally screaming at what Reef was about to do. He watched him get onto his knees, bringing their fabric-covered body to their cocks, seeing a bead of precum drip onto his forehead. With a deep breath. he hoped this wouldn't take too long.

Like a blood-fueled shark, Reef gripped that plush form of his friend and rubbed it against his cocks. The silk feeling of the material and the knowledge it looked like that cute canine made him moan loudly. The feeling was invigorating like he was making love to another, his lengths rubbing close to where Citrus's pussy would've been, but their body was all featureless.

"Oh fuck~" He moaned out, believing it was the real deal. The idea of cutting a hole into it came to him, which caused him to get more worked up, watering at the way to get even more intimate with him (or as intimate as you could get when fucking a plush). With all that horny energy and the silk touch of that Citrus plush was just the ticket.

Ropes of shark cum shot all over the body and face of the plush, and Reef's bedsheet. This orgasm was intense, like the kind of orgasm someone would have from one hell of an amazing night of sex. After his internal testes were emptied, the shark collapsed onto the bed, clutching the plushie that resembled his friend, not realizing it was the real deal.

The next day, Reef and Kiedis had the day off, so they decided to meet at a local cafe. Both sat at their usual place, in a booth at the back of the shop.

"So you're tellin' me you still heard nothing from Citrus?" Kiedis asked, taking a good sip of a caramel frappe.

"Yeah, Cit- I mean, Andes left everything in his dorm. Laptop, phone, bass, toothbrush, you name it," Reef was immensely concerned, unable to drink his tea due to worrying too much. "Well, there was one thing I found that I seemed odd,"

"And that is?" The otter cocked his head. He watched Reef rummage through his bag and pulled out the plush which looked exactly like their friend. The cum that stained them was long gone, Reef made sure to clean it before showing him.

"This stuffed toy was in one of his towels, dunno where he got one of these, it's cute though" He smiled, recalling what depraved act he did to such a thing, he may have to do it again, if the mood ever returned.

Rays of sun hit the plushie, and at the moment they made contact. it floated in the air for a moment, and in a flash of light. Their canine friend landed on the table, buck naked. The necklace he wore landed on Kiedis's lap.

"Ugh..." Citrus groaned as he touched his head. His eyes shot open, realizing he was back to his usual self; but that feeling vanished in an instant when he noted all the eyes gazing at his naked body, hiding his chest and groin by instinct.

"C-Citrus?!" Kiedis was surprised to see his friend just up and appear like that. Meanwhile, Reef shrunk in his seat, his blush of embarrassment combating the canine's own as they had unknowingly confessed his crush to his best friend, then used them as a masturbation aid.

"H-Hey..." The trans male nervously said to his friends looking to Reef and blushing more, before turning back to the Keidis. "D-Don't suppose you have any spare clothes on you?" Today was going to be quite awkward for the three of them...

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