Convergence of Fates

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Mira laid in her bed staring at the ceiling. Being a human was the most boring thing in the multiverse. At least as a dragoness, she got to run and play whenever she felt like it.

There was talking down the hall. Marissa was supposed to sleep over with Mattheiu. The two had rented a movie and when Mira saw them last, they were cuddling on the couch, watching it. Unfortunately, it was what was keeping her awake.

She got up and quickly threw on a set of pjamas. Her vision was clouded through half open eyes. Getting into the living room of the apartment, she tried and failed to straigten her pink hair.

"Hey Lacyus." She mumbled, slipping back to his dragon name. "Turn the T.V.-"

She shut up when she saw the two fast asleep on the couch. Marissa's head was resting on Mattheiu's shoulder. He had his arm around her waist, his head slumped against the armrest.

Mira smiled and simply turned off the DVD player and the TV. She now saw her chance.

Going back to her room, she took her MP3 player and cord and hooked it up to Mattheiu's computer. She downloaded his latest digital voice journal.

Retreating to her room, she played the recording on her MP3 player.

"Lacyus Akival. Date: June 2, 2007. Location: Surrey, British Colombia, Canada, North America, Earth. I don't know what's going on with me. I guess I should just get it off of my chest." He sighed.

"I finished version six of Rykuu's human genetic code. I managed to increase the stability between his regenerator chromasome and the human DNA strand. The only problem is his body extrapolates too much. His transformation happen without warning. I absoultely must fix this error.

"On a lighter note, Sunset and I are engaged." Mira gasped. "I proposed to her when we last went back to Amorphis. I'll never forget how red her face was." The recording laughed. "I told her not to wear the ring I gave her in public. It would look odd. Not to mention disturb Hannah. We're planning to get married when we're twenty five though. Give each other time to live our lives before we commit absolutely.

"And then, there's the issue of my Shadowdragon side. It seems that my powers are increasing exponetially. This presents a problem. They are becoming harder to control, my powers. Lately, I've had to start reaping souls just to keep my mind sane. If this keeps up, I dunno how I'll hide it from Sunset."


The next day


"Guess who!?!?!"

Hannah sighed and peeled his hands off of her face. "It's getting old Eric. Quit it."

Eric sat down beside her. "Touchy-touchy. Looks like someone's a bit horomonal."

Eric was actually Rykuu's human form's name. He had golden blonde hair and cinder red eyes. He hadn't lost his teasing personality. And Hannah hadn't lost the comfort of her dragoness mind. It still resided in the back of her mind.

The group's focus recently had shifted to recovering Hannah's memories. She absolutely no recall of being a dragoness before she was human.. All she could remember was a birthday, presumably hers.

And as Marissa had predicted, she was indeed a water dragoness. Lacyus had taught her martial arts and how to use a bow and arrow. Sunset had taught her how to manipulated spells. Hannah's favorite was Water Spear. In that spell, Hannah would supercompress the water until it was hard as steel and propell it at her foe. She already used a non-lethal version on Mattheiu to great effect.

"This is so cool!" Sunset stood on the ceiling in half dragoness form.

"Shhh. Keep it down." Lacyus also stood on the ceiling. "We're still in school. Hell, we shouldn't even be like this!"

Sunset kissed him. "Com'on Lac. Loosen up a little."

The two were experimenting with a gravity inversion spell Lacyus had created. Lacyus had greatly improved his own spells as far as Hannah saw. His most powerfull attack, though untested and still theoretical, was Radiation Surge. Lacyus would use his mana and convert it into pure Gamma rays. He would grab a foe's body, presumably their head, and use the Gamma rays to cook them alive. Sunset was experimenting with lasers. She would hyperfocus light until it could but through steel. Mira manipulated plasma and the states of matter. Rykuu, like Lacyus, used fire.

There was a grumbling and Lacyus rubbed his belly. "I should have packed a bigger lunch."

"You can have some of my stir fry." Sunset offered.

"Nah. I'll be fine." He sniffed the air. "Although it does smell-"

Lacyus' eye bulged in fear. He dashed forward and grabbed Sunset, using a hand to clamp her muzzle shut. He then pulled her behind a door.

The door opened and two of Hannah's friends walked in. They continued walking until they saw Hannah.

"Hey Hannah! How come you're not eating lunch with us anymore?"

Hannah smiled. "I wanna hang out with my boyfriend more. He eats here, so I go with him."

One of them looked Eric over. "What? This immature jerk?"

"HEY!" Eric snapped. "I'm a nice guy!"

The girl made an annoyed snort. "Whatever. So how did you get out of those apartments three months ago."

Lacyus flinched visibly.

Hannah frowned. "I just walked out when the trouble started."

"Oh really! Wow, you're lucky. I heard a pair of lizard monsters were tearing the place apart."

Sunset's eyes flared up in anger. She began to struggle against Lacyus.

"I never heard that."

"Oh well. See ya!"

The two girls walked down the steps and exited the hallway. Lacyus released Sunset and she hurled a mix of English and Aryian curse words at the door.

"The nerve of those two!" Sunset's fists were clenched. "I wanna tear their juggulars out!"

Lacyus dropped off the roof and transformed into his human form. "Calm down and go to your human form."

Sunset sighed and transformed back to her human form. "I need to control my temper a bit better."

Eric piped up. "So were going to Mattheiu's house for the english project."

"And then Metropolis afterwards." Marissa added. "I wanna pick up some new clothes."

Mattheiu sighed and cradled his head in his hands. "Great. Another couple of hours waiting for you and Hannah to pick out new clothes."


After school


Mira had an overall shitty day at work. Her manager at the office had yelled at her. And, imitating Sarah Robertson, she had just taken it. If she had it her way, Mira would watch his blood soak into the carpet after she had shot him dead. However, fantasizing about what could have been didn't help, so she decided to take it out on Mattheiu and Eric.

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

Mattheiu and Eric were in Matt's room. Mattheiu was lying on his bed reading a manga book while Eric was typing away on Matt's computer.

"Finishing my essay." Eric said, still typing. "I'm almost done."

"And you, Mattheiu?"

"Reading." Mattheiu lowered the book. "What's wrong with that?"

Mira was fuming. "Do your damn homework."

"I finished it in my study block."

"Well find something else to do that's fucking productive." Mira snapped.

Mattheiu sat up and gestured to his book. "I am. I'm improving my mind."

Mira's hand snapped out. "Give me the book. Now."

Mattheiu's face suddenly turned red and he quickly closed the book ."No. It's mine."

Mira repeated herself sternly. "Give it to me now."

"I said no!"


Mira dashed forward and pushed Mattheiu away, yanking the book from his hand.

"What are you hiding?"

Mattheiu's face flushed red. "Give it back!"

Mira ignored him until she found the page he was on. She grinned mischeviously.

"Oh-ho! What have we here!"

A naked dragoness was lying in bed of flowers, pawing herself.

Eric looked over her shoulder. "Wow. She's hot."

"Who's hot?"

Eric spun around to find Marissa and Hannah standing in the doorway. He blushed.

"N-N-Nothing!" He tried to grab and hide the book. Mira raised it above his reach.

"You two come here and look at what your mates are looking at."

Marissa seemed to get the idea and she glared at Mattheiu, who sunk into the corner of the room. Hannah took the book. Her eyes went wide.

"What the hell is this!?!?" Marissa snapped. "Explain yourself!"

"Well...ummmm.... You see.... I wanted something to keep myself busy." Mattheiu stammered.

Eric held his hands up. "I never knew he had this! Honest!"

"Sure." Hannah replied sarcasticly, giving him a toxic look.

Marissa took the book and flipped through it. Suddenly her face lit up with delight. "Hey Hannah. Look at him!" Marissa said dreamily.

Hannah's expression brightened. "I bet she's happy he's her mate."

Mattheiu's embarassment quickly faded. "What are you looking at!?!" He snapped, dashing for the book.

Hannah held it away from him. "Patience, patience. You'll get it back when we're done with it..

Marissa stuffed it in her purse. "You guys done yet? The project."

Eric regained some of his dignity. "Uhh, yeah. I just finished the last essay section."

"Good." Hannah grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room. "We're going shopping."

Mattheiu laughed. "Have fun Eric!"

"Oh no!" Marissa seized him by the collar of his shirt. "You're coming too."

"Why me?" Mattheiu whimpered. "Of all the people in the...."

His voice faded as Marissa dragged him out of the apartment. Mira transformed into her half dragoness form and began sifting though Mattheiu's bookshelf looking for more of those dirty books.

'If I'm lucky,' She thought. 'I'll find some hottie to paw off on.'


"How's this look?"

Marissa spun to show off the skirt she had chosen. Mattheiu just stared and almost drooled.

"It looks good."

Marissa came over and batted him on the head.

"You said that for the last five skirts. "What's your real opinion?"

"Shorter is better!" Eric blurted.

Mattheiu and Eric doubled over, laughing.

Marissa walked away, seething with anger. 'It's times like this that I wonder why I ever chose him for a mate.'

*Woah Woah! I can hear you!* Mattheiu shot back telepathicly.

Marissa blushed phyisically. *Sorry. I didn't mean it.*

*No problem. If you want my opinion: the first and fourth skirts were best, and this is incredibly boring.*

Marissa laughed. *At least you're honest.*

Marissa changed back and picked out the skirts Mattheiu had mentioned . By that time, Hannah had finished trying on shirts and she had hers picked out. They paid and headed out of the store.

"Where to now?" Hannah asked.

"Well, I'm off to check out House of Knives and Future Shop." Mattheiu said. "Anyone wanna come with me?"

"I'm going to HMV." Eric said. "I'll pass."

"Hannah. Wanna get a bite to eat?" Marissa asked.

Hannah thought for a moment. "Sounds good. I'm in."

The group split up and headed their seperate ways. Suddenly Marissa noticed someone trailing behind Mattheiu.

"Hannah. Link crystal." Marissa said, tapping her bracelet.

The Link crystal was one of Rykuu's inventions. It allowed two telepatic networks to link together, in their case, Lacyus-Sunset and Rykuu-Nephilla.

*Uhhh Matt. Don't look now, but you're being followed.*

Matt's pace never faltered as his thoughts switched to a cold task-oriented state of mind. *Explain.*

Marissa nodded to Hannah.

Hannah's genetic abberation was enhanced eyes. She could see mana and electromagnetic fields. As well, Hannah could see past disguises.

*Human female, approximately 16 and a half years old. Wearing dark green tanktop and black sweatpants. Colored contacts are brown, but actual eye color is purple. Hair is dyed blonde, but actual color is red.*

*Xenomorph.* Eric commented.

Marissa assumed control of the situation. *Alright. Matt, cut back to the west exit. We'll all meet in full fighting order in the usual alleyway and try to take her down.*


Rykuu knelt on the top of the apartment building. Whatever was following Matt was going to get their ass kicked in short order.

*Target spotted, Range 50 meters.* Nephilla reported.

Rykuu opened a private telepathic line to Nephilla. *You know what I just figured out? You'd look so cute in a skirt. Or a dress. Dragoness or Human.*

A wave of happy embarassment shot back at Rykuu. *Thanks.*

*I'm in the alleyway.* Mattheiu reported. *She's not following me.... Oh shit.....*

Sunset's side of the link went cold in fear. *What's wrong?*

*Some muggers want my money. A little help here please!*

Mattheiu ran for his life and his friends ran too, jumping from roof to roof.

*Hang on buddy! I'll be down in a sec!* Rykuu barked.

*Give me some time and we'll catch them in a fire-water crossfire!* Nephilla offered.

*Ummm... No need.... They're already out cold.*

The group stopped and hopped down from the roof. Mattheiu had a baffled look on his face. Before him stood a female panther, the girl that was following him. The girl walked forward and Mattheiu backed away, letting his friends step in front of him.

"Who the hell are you!?!" Rykuu barked.

"Are you hurt?" The panther asked.

Mattheiu stopped backing up. "No... Who are you?"

"Good." The panther disregarded his question. Then she did something that the group never expected: she dropped to her knee in a formal, royal bow. "We shall be in touch, My Lord." She turned to Sunset and nodded. "And My Lady."

The panther ran off and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

"What was that?" Hannah asked, now in her human form.

"No clue..." Marissa said. "Why did she call Mattheiu a Lord and me his Lady. Not that I'm already his mate."

"Absolutely no fucking clue!" Rykuu said laughing.

"Ahh well." Mattheiu sighed futilely. "There's a good noodle house around here. Let's go get some dinner."