Judging A Book By Its Cover (2/2)

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An elf researcher who studies dragons finds himself fortunate to be the witness to a major battle between an ancient red dragon and a group of adventurers. When they end up being victorious over the dragon he attempts to glean more information on the machinations of the huge creature only to end up with a lot more information when he gets possessed! What happens next is a series of events as the elf finds himself stepping into some very, very large paws.

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Once Ari had convinced Rylin not to kill him, which was a tall order as he was still transforming into the dread dragon while he attempted to calm the silver dragon, he started to tell him the tale of the battle, the ritual, and the subsequent failed possession. When he finished with his most recent transition into the huge fire dragon in a cave not designed to hold such a creature this recent round of changes had slowed and eventually stopped with him being slightly smaller than Rylin with a mix of dragon and elven features. It was bizarre for him to try and speak out of a muzzle that had a tongue bigger than what could hold it once second before suddenly shrinking but having a maw full of teeth but it appeared the fear of being annihilated by the other creature seemed to have the effect of reversing the curse.

As Ari finished up he was once more an elf and still wearing his boots and cloak, both of which had merged with him, and to his surprise the original look of rage and confusion on Rylin's face turned to one of bemusement. "So that's why he was so hard to kill," Rylin mused as he let out a chuckle. "What a fitting fate; after all the elves that he has slaughtered over the years he found his end at the hands of one that had no quarrel with him, it makes me wonder if he was so abrasive on purpose to make sure that anyone who went up against him would have some sort of murderous intent."

"He certainly seemed surprised at the turn of events," Ari replied as he breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm just glad that you believe me. From the way it looked I thought you might kill me because you thought that I was Dramsaro."

Once more the silver dragon chuckled and shook his head. "I don't think Dramsaro would have the capacity to look that pathetic while turning to his ancient dragon form," Rylin explained, the dragon quickly catching himself and looking at Ari. "Sorry, guess I'm still a little abrasive after seeing his face. Anyway it would have been very poor form of me to miss the spiritual presence of the dread dragon, and the idea of an elf taking his body while he's probably watching from the beyond tickles me to no end."

"Well I'm glad that it amuses you, but I can't keep turning back and forth into a creature that you said yourself everyone hates," Ari stated. "I don't even know why it keeps happening; the last time I turned it was because of the ritual and I thought that my body just purged all his essence, but after these last two times I think something it causing me to revert back to his form. Do you have any idea what might cause it?"

"I'm not really well-versed in the magics that Dramsaro was clearly dabbling in," Rylin confessed. "But from what I do know if a ritual backfires and only partially completes it usually latches onto the component that had caused it to do so. In this case Dramsaro made it so that he would take those with anger and rage against him and use it to take them over, since you were the one that did it instead then perhaps it's the same emotional trigger that caused the magic to fail in the first place."

Ari just shrugged at that and said that he didn't really know Dramsaro other than the rumors, and if that was the case it wouldn't make sense if the transformation happened due to indifference. Rylin told the elf to go through what he was thinking the first time that he changed and not to leave out any details. Though it was hard for him to remember with the rush of becoming an ancient red dragon he brought back what he was doing and saying during that time, trying to build the fire while thinking about talking with his host about certain things. After talking about his thoughts on the remarks that Rylin had made about him having a cute elf ice sculpture the silver dragon brought up a paw and made him stop before motioning with his head to follow him.

The silver scaled creature made no indication on what his thoughts were and when Ari asked Rylin just told him to follow and that everything would be potentially answered though. That just left the elf scrambling around the icy cave in his cloak and boots as they made their way through the cave and up into a different portion of the lair. As they went through the icy portions once more he found that he still didn't feel the cold that radiated from the walls, which was likely due to this newfound connection to the plane of fire. It made him wonder just how much of the dread dragon he inherited, though his thoughts quickly shifted to the cavern that he had just been led too.

The entire space was big enough to fit ten ancient dragons and Rylin explained that this was where he would entertain others like him that might come to visit before Dramsaro's reign of terror in the region. Though he couldn't see it Ari could hear the howling wind of the storm outside and guessed that there was an opening somewhere that was probably coated over with a sheet of ice to obfuscate it. Even though he couldn't feel the cold the elf felt himself shiver as he wondered why he was brought here of all places, only to feel the forepaw of the dragon turn him around to face him. The entire time Ari had left his cloak open and Rylin took advantage of that to take his large tongue and lick his entire body in one long slurp.

Ari gasped, not only from the sudden show of affection but that the saliva of the other dragon was cold enough that he could feel it. When he looked down at his body he saw that it had actually frozen on his skin and thought that was the reason that it was becoming discolored, only to have the thin sheet of ice crack away and reveal yellow scales growing underneath. Rylin had figured it out, and as that sinuous tongue coiled around his hips and caused them to bloat he realized too that the trigger for his transformation into a dread red dragon... was lust. It started to make sense to the elf with what the dragon had said about the ritual, with nothing that Ari had personally felt towards the red dragon that had been slain it defaulted to the strongest emotion he had to dragons in general.

Oh crap, Ari suddenly realized as his maleness once more elongated, the flesh stretching out like a python emerging from its nest as it rubbed against the tongue causing it to change, how was he going to live like that? Sure he might be fine in an elven village where he could suppress such things, but how would he explain to the next dragon he might talk to that if the conversation gets too heated he would suddenly become a creature bigger then them with a bad reputation? It was hard for the elf to focus though as the dragon continued to lick him and make him grow in both lust and physically as he tried to grab onto the tongue only for his fingers to already be starting to fuse into paws. The chill that came from each lick only seemed to make the sensations even more enticing to him and as his cloak fused into his body once more he felt himself get turned around and that soft flesh dragged up his back.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Ari managed to ask, shivering as he fell on all fours from his body elongating to the point he couldn't stand as scales started to form on his back.

"You want to rut with a dragon, don't you?" Rylin asked, a soft growl escaping from his throat as he kept up the stimulation to cause a pair of wings to emerge as the transforming elf swallowed hard before nodding. "Well I had a fantasy as well that I didn't think was going to happen until now; while killing Dramsaro would have been just fine for me the entire walk up here I wondered what it would be like to have him beneath me, to be on top of him watching as he let me ride him while he laid there in my complete and total control. The real Dramsaro wouldn't let me do that, but I figure a submissive elf in his body would more than fit the bill."

There was a note of dominance in his voice and Ari could tell that Rylin was greatly enjoying the idea of the red dragon underneath him. What the silver dragon had said was true, compared to the great dragons he would have always seen himself as eagerly letting them take control if he were lucky enough to catch the affections of one of them. Even though this was a completely different scenario to what he had envisioned in his head he wanted nothing more than to have a big strong dragon ravish him, it just so happened that he was becoming a bigger, stronger dragon then the one doing it. But even as his body grew and his muscles thickened with power and strength the dominance that an ancient dragon like Dramsaro might have was lost on him, which was exactly what Rylin was looking for as he got on top of him.

Even though the growth of the elf had been considerable up to that point he was still only the size of a large horse, which compared to the silver dragon was quite the difference in size. His head had almost completely taken on the features of the fire dragon though and from the way that Rylin was huffing and grunting his lusts were quickly taking him over. At this point though he would probably split him in half even there was dragon magic that could keep that from happening, but as he felt the supple silver scales of the other creature's inner thighs press against his body he came up with an idea that would keep his impromptu partner in the mood and maybe even give him more catharsis in the act. As Ari shifted around he heard a snarl come Rylin, only to stop as he nuzzled down the thicker scales of his chest and gave the thick shaft jutting out between the silver dragon's hind legs a lick.

Though it was still too big for him to take in his maw yet the act was not lost on the silver dragon, whose eyes gleamed as he saw the red dragon he had feared for so long between his legs. "So that's what you want, eh?" Rylin said as he reached forward and used his forepaws to wrap around the horns that had just pushed out of the dragon's skull, tilting Ari's muzzle upwards which caused the tongue that had grown past his lips to practically flop out. "You asking for forgiveness for all the pain you caused me?"

"Y-yes," Rylin replied, taking a second as it became hard to form words with his muzzle stretching and bulging out before he was able to speak in draconic back. "I'm sure he'd be... I mean, I hadn't realized how much destruction I was causing until you showed me." As more of the elf's body disappeared among his swelling form, the last patches of skin being covered by scales as his wings and tail thrashed a bit while growing out, both he and the other dragon were able to get more into this bizarre role play. Though it was hard for Ari to do he did try and put in a little of Dramsaro's arrogance in his voice so that it didn't sound too much like a pleading elf in a dragon's body, but it seemed to be working out as he found his proto-muzzle pushed up against the throbbing ridged length.

"I don't think you're sincere enough yet," Rylin said as he took a step back. "You will beg for me to give the honor of taking this cock, and I will not allow you to leave before I do." He's... really getting into it, Ari thought to himself as he watched the silver dragon take a deep breath. When he released it down onto the cavern floor clouds of white poured out and spread along the entirety of the cavern, which as is drifted past his limbs he felt a chill go all the way up from his paws to his new elbows as they were popping into place to give him back his four-legged stance.

When the icy smoke cleared Ari attempted to lift his legs up, only to find that he was unable to. As he looked down at the ground he was shocked to see that Rylin had frozen him to the ground from the forelimbs up, and though he could have used his power to set his paws, which had nearly grown to full size and were already weighing down his still somewhat elven body, he actively pushed himself not to. "You can't just trap me down here like this!" Ari declared, still trying to get into Dramsaro's mindset even though it was vastly different from his own. "I may have tried to make amends but to lower me down by trying to get me to beg you to... indulge in your shaft..."

Ah, there was the horny dragon lover elf in him, Ari thought to himself as he couldn't help but admire the glistening shaft that was presented to his face. Even just the sight of it made him transform further and soon he was almost as big as the silver dragon with his tail and wings growing out enough that it was weighing down his partially developed body. "Your face betrays your words," Rylin said as he took a step forward and rubbed his shaft against the other dragon's mostly-formed muzzle. "Go ahead, suck on it and betray your pride."

Though Ari wanted to act it out a little more the same lust that fueled his transformation also was making his desire insatiable and with his skull still reshaping and swelling out he leaned forward and took that throbbing dragon shaft into his maw. Rylin let out a loud growl of contentment as he leaned forward, feeling the pleasure of that warm maw around his maleness as the dragon beneath him swirled around the sensitive flesh with his tongue. While Ari had always dreamed of doing something like this with a dragon he never imagined that he would be one himself and it was better even then his own self-service session when he had first taken on Dramsaro's form. This spawned a mental image in his head of what it would look like to anyone else to see this ancient red dragon being muzzle fucked by a smaller silver one that had gripped onto his horns and pushed him down.

Even with his size increase Ari was still small enough that the cock that was slid deeper into him had nearly pushed into his throat, which almost as if in response he felt his neck grow longer while the muscles clamped around the silver dragon. With his legs still deliberately frozen in place all he could do was take it as he let out a growl of his own, this one of pure pleasure as he was able to indulge in his greatest fantasy. From the sound of the lustful noises coming from the one above him it seemed that Rylin was in the same boat and after a few minutes of somewhat clumsy thrusting after a little practice and Ari growing even bigger they were able to get to a rhythm as the draconic sounds of grunting and growling turned to gulps and gurgles as the yellow scales of the front of his throat were stretched out with each thrust.

"I... I can't take this anymore," Rylin said suddenly, which before Ari knew it he found his toothy maw empty again as the silver dragon dismounted from his head. Without the scales of the other dragon blocking him he looked back and found that their coupling had pushed him completely into the body of the ancient red that had attempted to take him over, though at the moment he was more concerned with his partner almost manically pacing back and forth. "Ari, I have deceived you, and while I was hoping that perhaps it would remain hidden I can't in good conscience go forward with this lie."

"A lie?" Ari repeated in confusion as he felt the icy bindings melting away from his paws so he could move again. "Rylin, what's going on? What has you so flustered?"

To Ari's surprise Rylin laughed a bit before shaking his head. "To hear that voice say such words is something I may never get used to," Rylin stated, Ari realizing that he was speaking not only perfect draconic but was hearing Dramsaro's voice coming out of his muzzle. "The relationship between myself and the one's body you have was more complicated than the standard one that most of my kind share with is. Do not misunderstand me that he was a cruel and selfish dragon and my feelings of despite were genuine, but much like you I found myself with appetites that were not exactly... conventional. Despite my displeasure of the red dragon I... found himself lusting after his form, much like you do for dragons in general as an elf."

"I see..." Ari said, which as the silver dragon lowered his head he could tell this story was a source of shame for him. "So did you ever, you know, act on those feelings?"

"Are you asking me if I allowed Dramsaro to mount me much like I was about to do to you?" Rylin asked, Ari finding himself grinning sheepishly at the acknowledgement of such a personal question as the silver dragon gave him a wry smirk before it fell away into embarrassment of his own. "I am ashamed to say that I did give into my desires, something that Dramsaro was all to willing to indulge in since that meant a dragon that he could have as his plaything. That's why that morning when I found you I was there in the first place, I had heard the sounds of battle and nothing puts him in the mood more than when he manages to stomp out a group of adventurers, and when you started to turn into him I found myself once more led by my lust for his body to bring you up here."

"This is definitely not something that I was expecting to hear," Ari admitted. "So you laid with him even though you hated him?"

Another loud sigh from the silver dragon confirmed it as Ari could see the shame on the silver dragon's face. "Even when he destroyed that village because he didn't want his plaything distracted by idle fancies I continued to go to him, as you can tell," Rylin confessed. "In fact the night he had done it I was lying asleep on top of that gold hoard of his after we had a particularly intense rutting, which in hindsight I realize that he was so passionate because he knew what he was about to do to me. I suppose the strangest thing was that even when he was an utter bastard when we were together it almost felt real, even though I knew the only dragon that Dramsaro could ever love was himself he at least made an effort to simulate a relationship when we were together."

"Huh, I would have never imagined that a creature like Dramsaro would have a silver dragon as a lover," Ari said, putting his forepaws to his muzzle when he realized he had let his researcher's mind take over when Rylin was pouring his heart out to him. "Sorry, it's just really fascinating to hear this other side of a creature that most people assumed was all fire and destruction. I mean, it sounds like he still was, but at least not to you?"

"I suppose you're right," Rylin said. "It was still lust though, in all honesty when you started to change into him I thought that the gods had given me a gift with this. As I'm sure you can imagine he was the one on top and with an elf I thought that I could turn the tables a little, and I want to be honest that it was really hard to stop when you were like putty in my paws... but I also knew you were trying to be the big bad dragon to soothe something that I had misinterpreted just to get what I want."

The two continued to talk for a bit and Rylin explained that ever since he had moved to this area of the mountain range and found the ancient red dragon in his backyard that he had grown this strange taste for large chromatic dragons. Considering dragon culture he hadn't dared approach but during a chance meeting where the red dragon had thought he was trying to horn in on his territory their fight resulted in Dramsaro discovering the truth about his desires. Since that time the two had met in secret; Rylin making sure no one found out due to the fact that his metallic scaled brethren would never accept such a thing and Dramsaro since he wanted to keep the silver dragon all to himself. When the red dragon had destroyed the village Rylin had gone to the village afterwards, but not to just check up on things but to try and apologize for his role in the carnage.

During their discussions Ari found himself putting a wing over Rylin and as he did he could see that getting what was truly on his chest had managed to make him feel better. While it made the elf glad that he didn't have to pretend to be Dramsaro for some sort of catharsis it did put another facet in their relationship that made things more complicated. With Ari having the body of his former lover and the lusts of the silver dragon clearly still intact for the red dragon it meant that they had to figure out where they were going with this. While the elf wasn't sure what was going to happen to him the fact that even though they had settled down he wasn't transforming back meant that there was a real possibility that he might become the ancient creature permanently.

Even if that wasn't the case if he stuck around with Rylin he would end up becoming a dragon more often then not anyway, especially since the silver dragon had found that their time together and finally having control had caused an excitement layered on top of the lust he already had. But if that was the case then either Ari would have to resume the life of Dramsaro, which meant that everyone would hate him as they would the actual dragon and probably attempt to kill him again, or he would have to stay in hiding. As the two mused on what to do however concerning the other dragons and villages wanting to kill the elf whenever he got horny he suddenly stated that he got an idea. When Ari asked what it was Rylin just got a mischievous grin on his muzzle before he leaned forward and kissed him on his...

In the city near the mountain range there was a city that was nestled far enough away to avoid the attention of the dread dragons, though during that night there was a celebration in the street as one of the biggest threats to their land had been killed according to the adventuring party that had done it. After seeing a portion of the hoard they had taken from the ancient red dragon it was enough conformation for those in the town to celebrate. In the jubilation of the city no one noticed the two elves that were walking along wearily, making their way to the town square in order to try and spy if the group that had killed Dramsaro was still there. During the previous night Ari had turned back to his elven form and in order to enact their plan Rylin did the same and the two had spent several nights traveling down with the silver dragon shapeshifted to make sure their surprised stayed as such.

When they got to the town square immediately identified the group, who were already half-drunk or perhaps had been that way ever since they started spending the dragon's money in order to be the center of attention. That was good that they hadn't left town yet; while they didn't necessarily need them having the group that was responsible for the revelry confirm what they were about to do would help them out. With the pieces in place there was just one last thing they had to do as they ducked behind a store that was closed for the night. No one was back there and as Rylin put the bag that they had been carrying Ari once more looked out at the crowd that was just down the alleyway.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Ari asked as he watched Rylin take out a number of black leather straps and put them on the ground.

"These should conform to your size once things get going," Rylin replied confidently as he placed a hand on them and caused the runes that were magically etched into the material to glow slightly. "This is the best way to make sure that they actually listen to us instead of running for weapons and magic, plus I think that these will make you look really good." Ari's eyes widened slightly and it caused Rylin to gasp at his mistake before gesturing to the crowd. As the elf looked back to the throng of people that they were about to do this little performance for his anxiety rose again, but that was for a purpose as he took a second to compose himself before turning back to see the rest of the gear on the floor.

"Should I ask why you knew that Dramsaro had this in his hoard?" Ari asked.

"Not unless you want to get riled up here and potentially destroy these buildings," Rylin replied with a smirk. "Let's just say that the red dragon really enjoyed the concept of me as his plaything, which is good because it's going to hopefully start changing his, which is now your, reputation around. Now I know this is going to be rough but you're going to have to remain as calm as possible and get out of those clothes, even the boots and cloak."

Ari nodded and took a deep breath before pulling off his clothing, his eyes looking around to make sure none of the revilers would come back here to see an elf getting naked. Fortunately with Rylin in his elven form he found it easier to maintain his composure even as he finished stripping down and felt the first piece of gear get put on him. It was an x-harness that had a few extra straps in the back which would be for his wings, and even though the dragon put a bit of his magic into it to activate them early the fact that they were not made for an elf caused them to hang a bit loosely on his body. They were tightened as far as they could go and while it was still ill-fitting it wouldn't fall off of him and that's what they were going for as they moved on to put several sets of wrist, forearm, and bicep cuffs on him.

This was going to leave him incredibly exposed, Ari thought to himself as Rylin worked on putting the cuffs on his ankles, shins, and thighs next. Though it was there for a reason he couldn't help but think that those who would initially see him would get the wrong idea of what they were about to do but he guessed that would help disarm the crowd. Previous to coming down to the town the silver dragon had spoken at length to him about what they were going to do and if he would leave or they would attempt to start a new relationship, which the fruits of that discussion were him lifting up his legs in order to get the jock strap on that caused him to shiver slightly. Other than a loop that hung down just over his rear he was completely exposed and that made Ari almost thankful for the mask and hood that went over his head that came down to just around his neck.

Though Rylin was trying to keep skin contact with the nearly naked body of the elf to a minimum there were times that he brushed up against him, which caused the flesh to redden almost like an allergic reaction. In reality Ari was starting to get used to seeing the silver dragon even in his shapeshifted form and that would cause his transformation to start up if they were touching one another. They learned this the hard way as they were finishing up packing the gear from Dramsaro's lair and shared a kiss while he was in his elven form, only for Ari's face to swell out and horns to begin growing from his head. While it had only lasted a few seconds it was clear that in the few days that they had spent that their attraction for one another had started to manifest in more the physical sense, even though it was a concept they kept at arm's length until they could win over the valley and the metallic dragons with their plan.

"Alright, one last chance," Rylin said once he had finished securing the last strap to the back of Ari's head, which with the hood being as loose to his face as it was would still allow him to communicate for now. "I could take this hood off you and we can disappear back into the crowd, you can go back to the elven lands where its unlikely you'll be aroused enough for your dragon form to reappear and we can continue with the story that Dramsaro is dead and gone."

"Yeah... but as we figured before if I did that then I would never be able to be around another dragon again," Ari replied. "Plus considering I don't feel the need to eat anymore it's clear that my connection to the plane of fire is still active, which means more likely then not my transformation will slowly progress regardless."

"Just wanted to make sure," Rylin stated as he put on one final addition to what Ari had on, his body shuddering as he felt the collar go around his neck. "I think it looks better on you then me personally. You know it's sort of funny; when he had this gear made for me he teased me constantly that he could take me and parade me around the mountainside to show off his little silver slut, so I hope you don't mind that I take great enjoyment in seeing him like this even if I know that it's you inside."

Ari just grinned at that, though he tried to maintain his composure at the thought of it. During the day that they had been formulating this plan the silver dragon found himself enjoying his new position of dominance more and more. Ari didn't mind that he took control since he was technically an elf after all and even his big dragon body didn't change. It was unlikely it ever would, and that was just fine with both of them as Ari put the magical cloak back on while Rylin gathered up his clothing and hid it out of sight. Both hoped that they would be able to come back before the night is out to get it, but that would depend on how the next couple minutes went as the brown-haired elf put his hood up while the silver-haired one grabbed the leash attached his collar and led him back out to the party in the square.

Ari couldn't help but feel extremely nervous as they started to walk out into the street, all eyes on him as Rylin continued to strode confidently to the stage with leash in hand. Though he was supposed to be looking a bit defiant in order to sell the role that he had been assigned he couldn't help but shiver a bit. Most looked at the bound elf in confusion while others chuckled and some even gave him leering looks, and though the reason for their arrival had yet to be reveal it was clear that there were an increasing number of people that looked to them to find out. That was the entire point of making an entrance this way and as they got to the small stage that the adventuring party had set up on to regale people with their tale of heroics even they realized that they were no longer the center of attention anymore.

One of the four, which was a human that Ari recognized as the knight even without his armor, got up from the table and went over to Rylin as he hopped up onto the stage and tugged on the leash for Ari to do the same. "Hey, I don't know what you two are thinking of doing up here," the human said as he waved a hand at them. "But if you're looking to offer something we're good, and if you're about to put on the performance I think you two should go back to an inn."

"I think that you'll find our performance to be one of great interest to you," Rylin replied with a smirk before he turned towards the crowd to address them. "My name is Rylin; I am a silver dragon of the mountains to the east of your fine city, and I've come to show you that while your party is justified the means of which are not. This group has no doubt told you that they were the one's that slayed the red dragon known as Dramsaro?"

"Hey, what are you going on about?!" An elf that was at the table stood up and nearly knocked over the mugs on it as the crowd began to murmur while others answered Rylin's question in the affirmative. "We did kill Dramsaro! Fitch over there cut the bloody thing's head clean off!"

"That may be true, but the dread dragon has far more insidious means of extending his life," Rylin said, once more raising his voice so that everyone around the stage could hear. "I'm sure you realized this, considering the protections that you brought in order to counter act it, but while your group was protected the spirit of the red dragon was not one to be trifled with. Fortunately I happened to sense what happened and while he was in recovery I captured and bound the dragon, which is the one that you see on display here."

"No way," Fitch exclaimed, going up to Ari and looking him over. "This waif of an elf?"

"Indeed it is," Rylin said as he motioned towards Ari. "Behold, I give you the reincarnation of Dramsaro!"

At that introduction Ari could hear the gasps of the crowd and closed his eyes, but as he tried to enact his part of the plan he found himself with a bit of performance anxiety. The idea had been for him to think about the times that he as together with the silver dragon in order to bring up his lust so that he would transform right in front of them, but he had not counted on being half-naked and exposed on a stage in the middle of town while doing so. He had been blushing the entire time he stood there and it was hard to think of anything as his body began to tremble. With nothing seemed to happen the warrior of the group stated that these were just two crazy elves and was about to go and get the guards.

"Ari, what's wrong," Rylin whispered as they could hear the crowd starting to mock them. "Before you were breaking out in scales if I even looked at you with desire. Do you need me to turn into a dragon?"

"I don't know if it would help," Ari whispered back. "I... this is..." Despite trying to keep up the dynamic of Ari being the prisoner of the other elf Rylin put a hand on his shoulder and told him to relax, only to feel the flesh twitch and harden slightly under his touch. When the silver dragon withdrew it they briefly saw the skin had turned red before quickly retracting, which seemed to give Rylin an idea as his eyes flashed silver and his clothes disappeared.

There was a fresh round of hoots and hollers that came up from suddenly having a naked elf on stage, but as Ari looked at him in confusion he could hear the crowd start to gasp as silver scales began to manifest on his body. "Relax and let me help bring out the dragon in you," Rylin said as Ari gasped softly at the touch of clawed fingers on his stomach, which once more caused the crowd to get riled up further as the muscle visibly thickened and his skin turned yellow. "We'll just transform together..."

"Rylin... are you about to do what I think you're going to do?" Ari asked, though it was clear from the nuzzling against his thickening neck that what the elf was thinking would happen was about to. "This is insane... if you do this now it's going to get back to the dragons..."

"Then let it get back to them," Rylin replied with a growl as he reached down and grabbed the growing bulge that was forming in the leather pouch as even the adventuring party stopped and watched in both shock and rapt fascination. "If anything this will confirm the truth, that Dramsaro is mine. That you are mine."

Such dominant words made Ari shudder and as he felt the scales rub against him both bodies were starting to grow bigger as Rylin continued to coax the red dragon out of the elf. The straps that he was bound with began to glow with the runes etched on them as they stretched to conform to his body rather than be absorbed by it like most magical items. Though the anxiety of having people staring at him was still slowing his growth he was starting to get used to it, and as he heard a rumble of pleasure behind him it made him wonder if the silver dragon was enjoying this. To show off his power over the one that had so readily taken it from him... even as his growth started to accelerate Ari could feel Rylin's frame swelling to match with one notable exception growing faster than the rest.

Even with this happening in front of a group of people the lust between the two was quickly growing past the point where either of them cared, and it didn't take long before Ari felt something push between his still elven butt as a nub began to grow into the loop of his restraints. Rylin was ready to show his dominance of him right then and there and as he fell forward he found himself landing on paws instead of hands. There was a collective gasp from the crowd as his fingers bloated out into something far more draconic in nature, though it could have also been from seeing the thick, silver scale covered thighs of the other elf pushing forward. Everyone else was frozen in place and even the guards were cautioned against getting involved in the rutting of two dragons as Ari's gasping grew deeper by the second.

The adventuring party quickly vacated the stage as a silver tail knocked over the table they had been sitting at, both of them getting bigger by the second as the pleasure being fed to Ari was quickly getting him over his initial trepidation. He could feel the straps on his body tighten slightly but otherwise grow with him as the cuffs on his arms stretched when they became his forelimbs, and as scales cascaded down the bloated limbs Rylin reached forward and pressed them together. There was a brief flash of magic from the straps and Ari let out a noise of pure shock as he suddenly found the straps snake around them and bind them together. Suddenly he could no longer utilize his forepaws and as the hardness around his chest was pushed out by the muscles of his chest and shoulders pulsating and swelling he nearly fell face first into the stage.

But even with the entire town fixated on him as he turned into a dragon all Ari could focus on was the thickening cock that was starting to spread him open from behind. While his flanks were turning from elven to dragon Rylin was developing at a faster pace, which caused his hole to stretch and the red dragon to nearly see stars. He felt incredibly full and his own cock throbbed hard as he could feel it still lengthening while buried deep inside of him. It was accompanied by an icy sensation as Rylin grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back up, not only to thrust deeper into him but almost to show off the huge bulge that was stretching out the partially-scale covered stomach of the other man.

Ari could hear Rylin snorting behind him and as he leaned in once more it wasn't just to get in deeper as he felt the forelimbs of the other dragon pressing against his own bigger sides. At this point as he thrusted his cock deep into his tailhole the shifting of the other man's hips made it impossible for him to stand and if he hadn't already been on the stage on all fours he would have been as the silver dragon manifested his form. Ari wasn't far behind though and grunted through the mask that was forming around his growing muzzle as his hips popped into their new configuration, which only served to squeeze the throbbing member inside of him. The pleasure was so intense that Ari was having trouble keeping focused on the task at hand, though for him it was to remain bound and look fierce as his wings began to grow out.

It wasn't long during their rutting that Ari outstripped Rylin in the growth department, his tail nearly reaching the crowd as their growing forms were starting to get too big for the stage to hold. The town square was not made for two dragons and as their lengthening talons started to bite into the wood to gain a hold for their rocking bodies they could hear that it was beginning to collapse. Neither dragon even noticed the destruction and though the silver dragon had sufficiently gotten his partner to completely transform he continued to thrust his hips forward into the one he had mounted. Most of the crowd was also watching as the site of two male dragons, one of them completely bound with the wings that grew out of Ari's back being covered with the rubbery material as he grew into the bindings.

Though Ari could tell that Rylin wanted desperately to orgasm inside of his dragon's tailhole the silver scaled creature let out a deep sigh of both contentment and frustration as he pulled out and nearly caused the red one to fall flat on his stomach. Somewhere during the time of their mating the restraints on his legs had activated too and with his muzzle completely wrapped up in straps that still showed his sharp dagger-like teeth he looked like a force of nature that was just contained. As he let out a huff through his nostrils the heat from it caused the splintered wood in front of him to nearly light on fire before Rylin used a bit of magic to put it out.

The crowd continued to watch in complete fascination as Rylin patted the flank of the restrained ancient red dragon before his head lowered to the human that had originally engaged them. When asked if he knew elven the fighter shook his head, but the mage that had the outburst before tentatively raised his hand and said that he knew it and could translate. That was a relief, Ari thought to himself as he continued to lay there while the exchange took place, otherwise Rylin would have to shapeshift back in order to use the common tongue that he had originally addressed the crowd in. The mage was more than happy to help and as the red dragon laid there, which filled up most of the town square after his transformation, his golden orbs continued to scan the crowd which caused those in attendance to retreat slightly at catching his gaze.

"So now you see that Dramsaro is completely under my control," Rylin said as he leaned his huge head back enough so that his breath didn't knock over those he was talking to or cause frost to form on their clothing. "As such I believe we have to talk about that little claim you staked to his treasure."

"Hey, we got that hoard fair and-" another member of their cloak spoke up, only to immediately stop and hold his hands up when Rylin's draconic visage turned towards him. "I mean, with all do respect, we were the ones that killed him in the first place. Would it be alright if we negotiated, my good dragon?"

Rylin once more looked back to the fighter and mage, the latter of which was still translating for him. "I take it he's your rogue," Rylin asked, the others nodding in agreement as his scaled lips curled up in a wry grin. "I have no intention on taking the entirety of your spoils and have in fact plundered quite a bit of myself originally as recompense for the actions of this one here. Normally I would just leave it to you but there is something that I would like to use the gold for and it will require a substantial amount of it. Therefore since you as you said killed the dragon and I have ensnared what would be his next life, which would have caused severe problems for you in the future, I say that it would be more than fair for us to take an even split."

Though it was clear that the one they identified as the rogue was not fond of losing half their treasure as he huffed and crossed his arms the others more than readily agreed to the dragon's terms, and after they were done the group declared that thanks to their combined efforts the valley was safe from the scourge that was Dramsaro. Though Ari once more was made the bad guy as the ancient red dragon as he heard a round of cheers come up from the masses he was fine with that, technically the one whose body he had taken had the bad reputation and with this new narrative he could start to ease into the aspect that perhaps he was good. While he was sure there would be many that would never trust an ancient red dragon it seemed that many in this town in particular were fine with the current state that he was in.

The party continued on and while many avoided the massive red dragon that sat in the square there were others that were bold enough to go up and touch his scales. With Rylin watching over him there was little need to worry about anyone trying anything, especially given the warning that it was possible for breaking his bindings if he had gotten riled up, and between those two it was enough to keep people behaved around him. Ari was also thankful that the hood and muzzle bindings made it so he didn't have to talk as he wasn't quite sure how much exposure this area had to Dramsaro's conversational skills. The two dragons remained in the square until the sun came up with the silver dragon talking to his new adventuring friends about other exploits they had in the mountains and other potential dread dragons they were thinking of going after.

With the festivities going all night it was no surprise that come morning everyone was still in their homes, the two finally alone as Rylin deactivated the bindings on his legs and wings so that he could walk and fly. While the two didn't want to appear too friendly with one another, Rylin grabbing the lead with his muzzle and tugging it along for Ari to follow him. With his huge red dragon body the former elf found it hard to not have his tail smack into things or his paws to accidently crush something as they carefully picked their way towards the outskirts with the silver dragon briefly shapeshifting back to his elven form to pick up the bag they had left behind. He still had the leash with him when he did it and Ari found himself grinning when he imagined someone looking out of their window to see this small elf leading a gigantic dragon that towered over their homes by a leash.

Eventually the two made their way out of the town and managed to get far enough into the mountains were prying eyes wouldn't see them. As soon as they were alone Rylin reached up and took the hood off of the other dragon, allowing Ari to move his jaws freely as they continued their way up. "Looks like things went rather well on your end," Ari commented while they went through the valley. "I think I have an idea for what Dramsaro's gold is going to be used for, and it's not padding your own hoard."

"I figure since he was the one that destroyed it he could be the one to rebuild it using his own wealth," Rylin replied with a smug grin on his muzzle. "It would be rather poetic, and considering that there are a few trade routes and some resources that were lost when they had to abandon that place I might be able to lure them back. There's no guarantee that they will and even if they do that they'll talk to me again after I let it get destroyed in the first place by lying with its destructor, but if they don't then I'm sure another group will move its way in."

"I think that once we give the same display to your old village that we just gave down there you'll entice them back," Ari commented. "At least it seemed that seeing Dramsaro all tied up gave the valley some sense of relief. Who knows, you might be considered a hero to them once they hear about it."

The silver dragon nodded his head but Ari could sense that there was something else there that was bothering Rylin, which prompted him to nuzzle the smaller dragon on the shoulder before looking at him. "Even with the narrative being that I had subdued and made you into my pet this will still not go over well with the other dragons," Rylin explained. "The chromatics are not going to like that one of their more fierce and powerful kin has become the plaything of a metallic dragon, and the other metallics are going to look at our relationship with distain even with the power dynamic being shifted in my favor. I doubt it would be enough for them to attack us but we're going to have to be very careful in the future when it comes to others..."

Ari found himself nodding as he realized that his life was going to radically change. With the fact that he hadn't changed back into his elven form yet, though seeing Rylin in his draconic form and having the bindings against his scales were making it hard to calm down, it seemed they were right about his body continuing to adapt to the essence of the larger creature. It meant that it was likely that he would eventually be a dragon that can shapeshift back to his elven form, and while he could still go to such villages it meant that he would feel more like an outsider then he already was. To him though losing his elven identity was fine by him, especially if that meant he would be sticking with the silver dragon in front of him as they broke through the forest and arrived at a small plateau.

It took a second for Ari to realize where he was; initially they were going to get above the tree line and then fly up to Rylin's lair, but he saw that they were actually at Dramsaro's instead. When the silver dragon looked back and saw the look of slight shock on his face he chuckled and said that while his abode was big it would probably be uncomfortable for him in his new form, not to mention that the radiant heat coming off him would melt the ice faster then he could refreeze it. Ari found himself nodding his huge head in realization that Rylin was right and as the two walked into the huge cave they eventually got to the hoard pile and he saw the silver dragon scratch his claws through the claim that had been written on it while exclaiming that this place belonged to an ancient red dragon. Ari felt himself blush slightly at this and it grew even more when he was lead by the leash over to the huge pile of gold that he had originally been found in and was told to lie on his back.

The red dragon did what he was told and with the feeling of the gold coins pressing against his scales as well as the sight of the lustful silver dragon on top of him he could feel his cock sliding out of the slit that it had been in. Once more it began to press against the leather pouch that had somehow contained it but as Rylin moved around him Ari felt his forepaw press against it. In short order it was removed and allowed his thick member to spring free, except as the silver dragon maneuvered himself around it was clear it would be sheathed inside something else very soon. Though it was a bit harder for full feral dragons to go chest to chest the smaller dragon was able to position himself so that he was lying on top of the bigger creature with his tailhole pressing against the thick cock.

"I think you deserve a little reward for being such a good sport down there," Rylin said as he managed to get the tapered head of the ridged member to push up into him, Ari gasping as he felt the insides of the other dragon pressing against his length as the silver dragon leaned in. "But it still feels so good to be on top of you that I thought we could give this a try. Go ahead and thrust as much you want, but remember that I'm still the one in charge."

"You got it!" Ari exclaimed exuberantly, his deep voice sounding strange with such a needy tone to it as Rylin continued to lower himself down. With the way that the two dragons were angled on the pile of gold it was a bit hard for the ancient creature even with his muscular form to push up, which meant that the silver was mostly in control of their pace. Just the sight of looking into the face of the silver dragon was enough to get Ari riled up and before the silver could sink too far down he leaned forward and their two muzzles met in a kiss.

Even just the act of kissing caused Ari to squirm in profound pleasure, hearing the coins that were also stimulating him fall around them. It seemed that Rylin knew of the red dragon's enjoyment of treasure around his body as the continued to slide more of them against his head and chest, eventually causing him to get partially buried. The weight of the coins also had another effect that the red dragon hadn't thought of until he tried to move. Between the dragon on top of him as well as the treasure it was getting harder to move, which only excited him more as the entirety of his shaft was engulfed by the tailhole of his lover.

Steam began to rise up between the two as their dichotomous nature of hot and cold caused tendrils to rise up over their bodies, though once Rylin was done plunging his tongue into the huge maw of the other male he leaned back and affixed the straps once more to Ari's muzzle. With the dragon effectively gagged he got another handful of gold coins poured on top of him and soon only his nostrils were exposed as the rest of his upper body was completely covered. If his massive draconic paws weren't straight up in the air and his hips still pumping up to get deeper into the tight tailhole of the other dragon he probably would have been buried entirely, though as his tail attempted to thrash about from the stimulation he found that had gotten pinned by the run off.

It seemed that Rylin wanted to enjoy the treasure of the dragon one last time before they gave it away to rebuild the city, though as the silver dragon pumped his hips up and down on the huge member stretching him open he commented that it wouldn't have to be like that. With Ari restrained all he could do was listen as the dragon commented between pants that with Dramsaro's gold rebuilding the entire city he would be staking his own claim on it, which meant that a portion of the trader and other guild profits would be going back to him. They would rebuild the red dragon's hoard and that would be where they would rut, with Ari enjoying his time being the plaything of the silver dragon who was eager to get him to orgasm. It seemed as though Rylin was going to fit into his new role just fine, Ari thought to himself above the haze of mounting lust, and wondered just how much of Dramsaro rubbed off on him.

Or perhaps Rylin had always been that way, perhaps his lusts after the ancient red dragon were more than just in his physical form. Either way the silver creature seemed to be getting exactly what he wanted and in a way Ari was too. He had always known in the back of his mind that his interactions with dragons may cause him to end up being the servant of one of them, which even metallic dragons often took those of other races and allowed them to serve their needs in exchange for power or some other privilege, but he just didn't count on being one himself when it happened. A particularly hard push downwards that had the scales of the two dragons rubbing together quickly ended his musing and brought him back to the present, where he was about to cum inside the other dragon just like Dramsaro had done so many times before but in an entirely different position.

Once they were done Rylin would take advantage of the trapped state of the ancient red dragon and as soon as he pulled off he would plunge his own cock into Ari's tailhole. They would rut for days and soon rumors of the two began to spread far and wide of a silver and red dragon cohabitating. Those that would investigate would be surprised at the bound up ancient red being the plaything of the smaller silver, and each time it would bring a smile to the two as they put their Rylin's plan into motion.