A Knight to Remember: Cracked Scales

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#3 of A Knight to Remember

Elaine has broken down. After suffering hours of Ranulf's abuse, she's no longer the same kobold that walked confidently through his door. Will she ever be that kobold again? How can she save her beloved Thalia if she doesn't know whether she's worth saving herself? As the night draws to a close, what does the evil wolf sorcerer have in store for her?

This is chapter 3 of a 5 chapter epic about Elaine's misfortunes! The entirety of the story is already written, I will continue to upload it every other week. Please leave a comment if you enjoy the story!

The second time Ranulf knotted Elaine was even worse than the first. When he'd taken her virginity, she'd been dry and unlubricated. Yet, her tender insides hadn't been bruised. When he knotted her again, every tug of his hips was torture for her aching vagina.

This time, Elaine screamed with no shame. Who would hear her? Who would care? Holding back the noises made everything worse. All the pain and suffering had to go somewhere. It was easiest to just let it out.

Ranulf cooed and scratched the top of her head as if she were a child.

The third time he knotted her was just as terrible. During the fourth, she wanted to die.

Ranulf leaned down to her ear and whispered, "There there, Elaine. You'll get used to this. You're a failure at everything else. All your knights and admirers will look at you and see what you really are. No one will respect you. No one will think of putting you in charge of a serving boy, let alone an army. They'll see you for what you are, a pathetic, worthless kobold."

Elaine didn't bother to hide the terrible sobs that interspersed her screams. The knot wrenched out of her with excruciating fire. His words hurt nearly as bad. How could she deny what the others would think? She knew how they hated her. They looked at her with disgust. She was a pathetic creature pretending to be better than her station. Worse, a freak mistake who might confuse more servile kobolds into thinking they deserved better.

She still watched every abuse of her crotch through the magical portal. Ranulf delighted in giving her an excellent view of her defilement.

The knot popped out of her cunt with a gross squelch. Elaine expected to see blood seeping out of her gaping pussy along with the torrent of cum, but there wasn't any. She thanked whatever gods had offered her a sliver of their attention that the monstrous wolf cock hadn't torn anything inside her.

"I want you to know, Elaine," Ranulf said as he dragged his soggy fingers through the mess of semen that spilled out of her ugly, bruised pussy. He fondled the puffy, purple inner folds, sharply tender to the touch. "I don't plan to kill you. I'm not going to keep you forever, either. I'll be bored of making you scream as I cum inside you by morning. I'll let you go then, maybe."

Pain stabbed Elaine's chest as her pussy ached with pounding, agonizing throbs.

"Why are you telling me this?" she croaked through a burning throat. Musky cum trickled down her scaly lips. It had been a while since he'd finished in her mouth. The taste was still so fresh. Why wouldn't it go away? Elaine couldn't focus on that thought. Everything was too awful for her to think.

"Because I don't want you to give up!" Ranulf said jovially. A spike of anger ignited inside Elaine but fizzled like a wet match. "I'm just helping to show you where you belong. Who you really are. It's no fun if you end up laying there still and groaning, without even making a _face_as I cum in that tight kobold cunt! But that's only half of it. Everyone else in your precious Nefelihold needs to see your true self--the disgusting, rape-toy monster underneath all that bluster and pretending.

"You see Elaine, sweety, I don't need to hide my intentions from you like a slimy, thieving kobold. I want to tear apart this pathetic little lie you've told yourself about being a knight. I know you're a dyke and enjoy acting like a boy, but those _lies_don't suit you. Knighthood is a dream that'll only hurt others for your incompetence.

"It's your fault Thalia's in danger. Even if I didn't do this, someday her life would truly be threatened. Then, you'd fuck up and fail to protect her because you're a worthless, weak, runty kobold whore playing at knighthood. Let your betters handle the real work. Do what you're good at. I'll be scrying on you when I let you go. I want to see which brothel you sign yourself into."

Elaine retched, but the wolf's spell stopped anything from coming out. Her vision blurred with a cascade of tears. In between gasps and dry heaves, she sobbed.


Elaine's whole body shook as Ranulf came inside her pussy again. She couldn't stop trembling anymore. When she focused and breathed slowly in and out, she could momentarily still her body. Yet, the moment she was distracted by new, cruel words, the cock moving inside her, or fingers molesting her sensitive places, the trembling returned.

Being strong was hard. Ranulf didn't care if she was strong or if she was a weak mess of tears and sniffling. So why did it matter? After the eighth or ninth painful rape of her bruised pussy, she realized that it didn't. He hurt her just the same whether she was strong and stoic or the wretched mess he wanted her to be.

Maybe sobbing and shaking was a form of strength. Maybe she knew that trying to maintain her collected demeanor in the face of constant, repeated rape would break her apart even faster. Ranulf indulged in her suffering. She gave him what he wanted. She no longer found those petty little victories in denying him a reaction. All Elaine could hold onto was the knowledge that Thalia might yet be safe at the end of this.

Maybe she only wanted to believe this was strength because she was a wretched failure horribly ashamed of her own weakness.

The cock slid slowly out of Elaine's pussy. He didn't knot her this time. That was a relief. The mix of pain and nausea that pumped through her body as Ranulf humped into her was nothing next to the revolting anguish that came whenever he pulled his knot free.

How long had it been? Was it night? Was it morning? Hours had passed, yet it felt like days of sleepless rape.

Ranulf had cum in her pussy dozens of times, her ass about a third as much, and her mouth a little more than her ass. Each rape felt like an eternity she was desperate to escape. In between, the time blurred.

Her scales were a mess. Thick globs of gooey cum clung to her. The shining blue scales now looked like the blueish white of her belly. Ranulf had insulted her lighter coloration when she first arrived, saying they looked like a patch of cum. Elaine hated that he was right.

She lay in drenched bed sheets, scrunched up and mushy with the disgusting amount of semen soaked into them. A pool of it splashed when she moved. It was cold now, thick and gross. Why didn't Ranulf care? His own cum matted half of his fur, and he barely seemed to notice.

Perhaps it was his magic. When he could wave a hand, chant a few words, and clean himself to pristine condition, why care about a little mess? Besides, Ranulf had told her multiple times now that he loved smelling her on him.

Elaine _hated_the reek of wolf cum that permeated her life now. The sharp, earthy musk flooded her senses with every breath she took. She never got used to it--she just suffered worse pains that temporarily distracted her from it.

The taste was even worse. The salty, bitter tang never left her mouth. It never even diminished. Ranulf raped her snout again and again, leaving a fresh coating of semen to cover the lingering taste of piss. Even when he didn't use her maw for a few bouts, she still felt the slow, thick dribble of semen sliding down the roof of her mouth. That certainly didn't help with the dry heaving.

She stared dully at a portrait of Ranulf wearing his nobleman's doublet on the wall. Cum oozed from her holes. It dribbled everywhere. A constant stream of it dripped down her limp form. Had he been wearing that doublet when she came in? It was hard to tell. It was hard to think.

"Blowjob, slut," Ranulf said with a groan as he stretched his legs out towards the side of the bed. His joints strained and made little, satisfying cracks.

Elaine's scrambled painfully onto her knees and crawled between Ranulf's legs. Her mind was a haze. Every movement of her aching limbs had the singular purpose of avoiding the worst tortures Ranulf had casually subjected to her to. If she dallied even a moment, he might beat her or knot her ass again.

Even so, now that she was here, she had to take a moment to psych herself up. She gripped the slick, drooling wolf penis in one hand. Her other cupped his hefty, furry sack. When she touched his balls, he was gentler with her. Her stomach churned at the intensified smell of musky wolf cock looming before her. It reeked almost as much of her own pussy as it did his own masculine, canine scent.

The sheer amount of their mixed juices coating the glistening, veiny penis made it easy to stroke. Ranulf's sagging ballsack, however, was a disgusting mess of slimy, clumped fur that Elaine had to slide her fingers through to roll his balls between her fingers.

As awful as touching his penis was, it was better than sucking it. While Ranulf cast a spell that levitated a book into his outstretched hand, she used her hands for as long as she felt she could get away with it.

When Ranulf peered back down at her, that clock had run out. Quickly, Elaine dipped her head forward and wrapped her snout around the thick, meaty wolf penis. It felt so warm and gross. The shape and texture revolted her.

Ranulf smiled with one corner of his muzzle. Then, he let out another low groan, flipped open his book, and began to read.

If Ranulf were directing the rape, he would surely have rammed his cock mercilessly into her raw, burning throat. Her jaw still ached at the joints, but at least she could keep the thick cock in her snout and try to get him off with some inexperienced head bobbing and licking.

Elaine was grateful for the reprieve from the worst of the pain. But it was still insult onto injury. At least when he used her body, Ranulf took the active role away from her. He forced himself on her, threatened her, dragged her sobbing and screaming by her good horn.

Now, he just stretched lazily out on his cum-drenched sheets and read a book while she obediently suckled his penis like a whore. And all he'd had to say was 'Blowjob, slut.'

A shudder of revulsion wracked her. This time, her disgust was pointed inward. She should be fighting. He should have had to threaten her. He should have needed physical force. Why was she letting this happen?

A soft flutter marked a page turning in the book. That simple carried so much debasement and humiliation.

Finally, Ranulf's cock began throbbing more frequently. His limbs twitched. His feet strained out towards the end of the bed. Even though the book obscured her rapist's face, she heard him pant. Although she'd been a virgin just hours before, she already recognized the signs of his orgasm.

He didn't even have to tell Elaine to swallow. The wolf's hip's arched upwards, and the fleshy bulb under her small hand thickened. She shuddered and winced but continued to suckle at the pulsing, straining penis in her mouth. Cum flooded her already slimy maw. A fresh burst of the salty, bitter, and musky flavors of wolf sex overwhelmed her taste buds. The fact that it didn't even make her retch this time was horrifying.

"Mmmh, fuck," Ranulf moaned. The first words since his horrifying command. They grated her ears. His cock continued to twitch and spill cum. "You've got a good snout, Elaine. Just needed a bit of training. Now keep fondling my cock and balls until my knot goes down. And... lick my balls. That'd be nice! Then, ride me. Pussy or ass. I don't care."

Elaine silently obeyed. She gulped down one thick, slimy load after another. Tears streamed down her cum-soaked cheeks as she finally lifted her snout free from the wolf's cock. The reprieve from the intense, awful flavor and texture was helpful, but she couldn't block out the thought of his penis. Not when she had to continue to fondle both it and the sack underneath.

It was so odd how his sack had tightened up during the blowjob. Now it began to sag again, loosening around her fingers. She shuddered. Even simple knowledge that benign felt like a violation.

After a minute, Elaine began to lick the saggy, wet, ballsack. It was even wetter than Ranulf's cock from the quantity of fluids that had dripped down. It was muskier, too, and tasted worse of sweat. The texture of slimy, wet fur on her tongue was the worst. Strands of it caught on her tongue, in her throat, and between her teeth. That finally brought about more retching.

Elaine finally, wordlessly, raised herself onto unstable, wobbly knees. She couldn't fully stand. Her legs felt like jelly and wouldn't hold her weight.

Ranulf continued to read, pointedly not paying attention to the kobold on his lap. That infuriated her. Elaine's mind swam with rebellious thoughts. She should refuse to touch him. He should have to force her to fuck him. She shouldn't give into this. And still, she slowly, painfully, climbed up over his lap.

His penis was still erect and throbbing after hours and hours of rape. She guided the slick, tapered tip up along the lips of her vagina. She expected to have trouble mentally allowing herself to take his cock inside her. Instead, her biggest issue was the simple matter of lifting her hips.

With her rapist distractedly flipping to the next page, Elaine pushed herself down onto his penis. Her passage ached with a radiant, painful throb. The fleshy thickness tugged her insides far too wide. She groaned with misery. A pleasured groan echoed her own from behind the pages of the book.

Slowly, Elaine worked her hips. She had to find the right angle that let her use the muscles in her thighs or the surface of the wolf's firm, furred belly to guide her slow thrusts. Her legs ached too much to ride him like she had at the start of the night. Despite the awkward angle, she forced herself to continue. She just wanted this over with. Every painful thrusting of her hip on the wolf's animal cock was one thrust closer to the end of the night.

Ranulf didn't even bother to buck up into her. He tensed. His legs strained out and back in. But the only sign of his attention was the throbbing of the violating cock in her own pussy.

Whereas the blowjob had come and gone, riding the wolf to completion felt like a torturous eternity. Every muscle in Elaine's lower half rebelled. She shifted after every other thrust to find some set of muscles that had recovered enough to make any vaguely thrust-like motion over Ranulf's penis. His hips had arched upwards minutes ago. His cock twitched and strained with such disturbing clarity within her privates. Even his toes were straining. Why wouldn't he cum? Every single moment was torturous.

Finally, blissfully, the knot thickened underneath her. It expanded against her thighs, splaying her pussy lips, but thankfully didn't stretch her brutalized vagina again. Hot, fresh cum flowed deep inside her body. She squeezed her eyes shut. She would have shuddered if her whole body weren't already constantly shaking with exhaustion and violation.

She let Ranulf fully cum inside her, biting her tongue to distract herself from the feeling of the slimy fluid filling the depths of her vagina. It was so awful.

Finally, when his cock stopped twitching, Elaine wriggled herself off of him. She collapsed onto her side between his legs. Cum spilled from her gaping pussy lips, down her ass, over her thick tail, and onto the sheets to join the disgusting pool of semen half-soaked into the blanket.

She tried to relax for a moment. Ranulf had just cum. He was distracted. She had a moment to herself, to hide away deep inside and try to rest. She was so terribly exhausted.

"Tut tut," was all Ranulf needed to say for Elaine to shamefully return to groping his cock and balls, lapping at his musky, sweaty balls and the length of his shaft that tasted freshly of her own pussy.

Elaine didn't know how much time passed before Ranulf spoke again.


"You've made quite a mess, Elaine. Would you like a bath?" Ranulf asked.

Cold fear surged through the kobold. The thought of a bath should have brought hope, but nothing 'good' that Ranulf offered was ever truly good. What was his game? What new horror did he plan to put her through?

Elaine desperately wanted a bath, though. If Ranulf weren't constantly watching her, she would have feverishly rubbed the disgusting cum from her scales until they hurt.

"Yes," she rasped. A burst of shame flushed her cheeks. She answered Ranulf when asked. Talking through her bruised throat was horribly painful, though, so she kept her answers brief.

"You've been a good 'bold, Elaine. I think we're really getting somewhere. You're becoming a regular little cocksleeve like those kobold slaves I hatefucked in your place when you were being a pesky bitch on the battlefield."

Elaine's eyes watered at the thought of other kobold slaves suffering through nights like this. Ranulf was a monster.

"I think you've earned this break," Ranulf continued. He fondled her nipples for a moment before pulling his hands away again. "But first, you ought to clean up this mess. It's your responsibility, after all."

What did he want her to do? Set up a washing rack and buckets? She would if she had to. She would do anything for a respite from this hell.

The wolf smirked, and Elaine's stomach sank. Whatever he was going to make her do, it would be cruel, disgusting, or humiliating.

The spell was short. He chanted for just a moment, lifting his hand and contorting his fingers. To Elaine's horror, a veritable sheet of thick, slimy semen oozed up from the blanket. Unfortunately, not a single drop of the cum on her scales lifted with it.

The cum pulled together mid-air in front of Elaine. The stuff behind her splashed into her back and stayed there, dripping down her already drenched rear and tail.

With another set of chanted words, a pristine, golden goblet blinked into existence underneath the swirling globe of semen. Slowly, the viscous liquid lowered to the goblet until it landed and settled inside.

"Drink it, and you'll have your bath, Elaine," Ranulf said. Casually, he stroked his cum-slicked erection.

Was this another disgusting fetish for him? Was her foe of five years going to get off on watching her force down the mixture of disgusting fluids left over from her countless rapes?

Clearly, he was. And there was nothing she could do about it.

Despair overwhelmed Elaine. Suddenly, her aching muscles were so much harder to move. With a feverishly shaking hand, she picked the goblet out of the air. It reeked of cum, piss, blood, and even her own pussy.

The viscous fluid sloshed down the sides as her hands shook violently. Shame flushed her cheeks. It was so pathetic being unable to simply hold a goblet without spilling the liquid out either side. On any other day, she could have slashed an arrow in two mid-flight with a precise strike of her sword.

Elaine starred at the wobbling cup of cum. Her mind was a haze of musk and pain, disgust and violation. Swinging a sword happened in another life, another time.

That life, that proud confidence, was dead. Even if she snuffed out the child growing inside her, she couldn't return to that world. Elaine was a failure. Everyone hated her. Even if the nobility grudgingly tolerated her presence as a knight once more, she couldn't bear failing Thalia again. Ranulf was right. Thalia deserved better.

Elaine lifted the goblet to her lips and drank. The salty, acrid taste overpowered her senses once again, worse even than when he came inside her mouth. When that happened, cum forcefully burst in her mouth and throat, and she just had to swallow it down. Now, her mind fought against the awful texture. The cold cum mixture was thick and cloying, even thicker than fresh semen. The second the slime oozed onto her tongue, she wanted to spit it out and throw the goblet across the room.

Instead, she swallowed a first gulp of the cum as tears streamed down her cheeks. She tried not to look at Ranulf stroking his penis as he watched her.

The second gulp overwhelmed her. Elaine struggled to keep the goblet upright as she violently doubled over to hack onto the blanket. Her saliva sprayed onto the freshly dried cloth. It oozed down her lips, more cum than spit by now. She heaved. Her lungs burned. Her stomach clenched with dizzying nausea.

Nothing came out, as always. She wished it would. She wanted the cum gone. It felt disgusting churning inside her, laying cold and salty on her tongue, so fully of terrible, earthy musk. She tasted herself, as well. And a tinge of blood.

Elaine gulped, her eyes wet. Wordlessly, she shoved herself upright and hoisted the goblet to her lips once more.

This time, she only made it one swallow before she doubled over with the desperate urge yet inability to vomit.

"Almost there, Elaine! Don't worry, you'll get much better at drinking semen. Maybe you'll even start to like it!"

Elaine ignored him, downing another swallow. The cold, slimy texture didn't go away between gulps. When she brought the goblet back to her lips, she drank as much as possible before the inevitable nausea doubled her over again.

Finally, Elaine set down the goblet. The inside was still disgusting and lumpy with semen, but nothing more would spill easily into her mouth. She balanced the goblet on the now dry blanket and stared down. She didn't want to meet Ranulf's eyes.

She didn't want to watch him masturbate to her suffering.

"What a good kobold! So obedient. Way better than that bitch who walked in here like she owned the place! You're learning your place, girl. I think you've earned yourself that bath."

An echo of anger panged through Elaine. Just hours ago, her cheeks would have burned with fury. She would have had to bite her tongue to hold back a venomous retort, just like she so often did at the castle.

Her anger was like a half-heartedly raised fist. It barely occupied her attention. It was anger because she was _supposed_to feel anger. Because she didn't want to just hate herself.

Ranulf chanted. Elaine stared numbly at the goblet. When Ranulf shifted, it toppled onto its side. A slow trickle of cum oozed out, back to the blankets it had been extracted from. Elaine numbly thought she was supposed to stop it. She barely heard Ranulf's voice anymore. Her ears rang. Her face felt hot. Cold sweat dribbled down clammy scales.

The goblet was so far away. She should right it, so Ranulf wouldn't be angry at her. If he were angry at her, he might knot her pussy again so he could watch her scream as he came inside her and then yanked the knot out.

Her arms were lead. They didn't want to move. She mumbled that she should pick it up, but that didn't help. Everything was fuzzy. The world buzzed with pinpricks of black and white like cotton stuck in her eyes.


Ranulf's voice was so distant. She didn't want to answer it, either. Over there was pain and torture and rape. Already, she could barely feel the throbbing hurt of her crotch. Her scratched throat didn't bother her. The idea of a baby growing in her belly was part of another world, not this one. If she could retreat just a little farther, it might all go away and leave her alone.

"Oh, Elaine. You aren't built for knighthood, are you? So weak. Falling apart right before your bath."

He mocked her. Should she be angry? Hurt?

It was nice being numb. The words bothered her, but the hurt they caused slipped through her fingers. She wanted to put as much distance as she could between herself and the horror that she knew awaited her back in the present.

So, she didn't go back.

A little piece of herself screamed in anger and horror. How could she abandon Thalia?

No, no. She wasn't abandoning Thalia. Elaine was right here being raped for Thalia. She was being abused and mocked, degraded and impregnated. All of it was for Thalia. Why couldn't she just take a minute? Everything was so hard.

The suffering took so much out of Elaine. So much that she didn't have. She had to recover. It was the last thing she could give Thalia, because when she came back, she would be nothing. Not a knight. Just another kobold for her betters to trample over and use for their perverted whims. Worthless.

A steady thrum pulsed in her hips. How long had it been? It was nice to feel nothing. She was free again. Losing herself was easy. She hid like a scared child from her mother with a switch. Out here, there was no hurting.

That thrum grew more prominent. She was being pulled back. She clung to the emptiness, but it her grip was wet and slimy and wouldn't hold. Despair chilled her veins. Something was in her crotch. A faint throb of pain. The feeling grew sharper.

Ranulf was raping her again. Why couldn't she stay away? She wanted to hide. Real life was too much. Every second was full of terrible, overwhelming sensations that assaulted her from every direction.

Elaine tasted the musky cum in her mouth and gagged. The blurry mass that must have been Ranulf loomed above her.

His cock stopped. Then it twitched. The pulsing in her vagina prickled with burning heat, like walking on a leg that just woke up after sitting on it for too long.

Elaine felt each contour of the canine penis inside her pussy straining against her tender walls. Cum spurt inside her, sloshing through her passage. It pumped up into her vagina with every gross pulse.

Ranulf moaned. His growling, canine voice grated her ears. He fondled her sensitive nipples and squeezed her scaly breasts. The sensations jolted her with intense discomfort to underly the pain of her rape.

"Oh! Are you snapping out of it, Elaine? Your bath's ready. But you were out for a bit, and I didn't feel like waiting. A man should never be bored when there's a kobold in his room!"

Elaine groaned. The hard edges of the world were still fuzzy and out of focus. Her head hurt. And the warm shaft kept pulsing inside her. She felt disgusting. She _needed_that bath.

"I am," she said. It was like someone else had spoken her words. She felt distant. But every second brought increasing, terrible clarity back to her.

"You know," Ranulf said, his words punctuated by moans as he orgasmed inside her. "I could have severed your mind--oh fuck!--all the way back at the start of this. Then, you could've disassociated all you liked. None of it would have mattered."

Elaine wished she had let that happen. Why had she fought so hard? Hadn't she seen that it was all pointless?

She'd been so stupid. She walked into Ranulf's grip with no leverage, just expecting him to strike a deal with her. Now, she was ruined, and she had to simply hope for him to honor his deal.

Was this how life was for a kobold forced into sexual slavery? Maybe she would have suffered this night a hundred times if she had never rescued Thalia and been brought into the castle.

Maybe she needed to learn how to deal with awful, unwanted sex. Maybe it was the only thing she was good for with her dreams of knighthood ruined.

_No!_A little piece of Elaine rebelled. This was wrong. This was what Ranulf wanted her to think. She made an oath to Thalia. Thalia loved her. Thalia _believed_in her.

... But what did it matter if Ranulf wanted her to think that? He was right. She was pathetic. She would only hurt Thalia by continuing her delusions of knighthood.

Wolf cock spurted inside her. The thick knot ground against her labia. Thankfully, Ranulf hadn't knotted her.

"The bath is set for you, Elaine," Ranulf said. He fondled a nipple between two fingers. Elaine shuddered.

She looked over to the side of the bed. A pristine, ivory bathtub steamed pleasantly in a seamlessly connected wooden room. There had been a wall there before, right? Yes, there had been. It must have been magic. She hadn't entirely lost her senses, had she?

"There are soaps, bristled scrubs, and a warm, fluffy towel waiting for you when you come out," the wolf said. He bucked his hips, cock throbbing inside her.

Finally, he drew back. His hands dragged off her breasts after brushing over her nipples a last time. His cock squelched out of her cum-drenched vagina.

"Go on!" He paused. A mean smirk tugged his lips. "But first, kiss me on the lips and thank me."

Elaine shook violently as she heaved herself back to her knees. Her limbs were wobbly, with bones like pudding. Somehow, she managed to hold herself upright enough to lean forward into the wolf's torso.

_Lean_was generous. _Collapse_was perhaps more accurate.

She gritted her sharp teeth, holding herself up on Ranulf's chest with her wrists over his fluffy pectorals.

She turned her head. Gods. The bath was perhaps five meters away. It looked like miles.

Ranulf stroked his paw down her cheek. Her insides turned at the touch. A shudder ran down her spine, but he likely couldn't tell thanks to how badly she shook.

A part of her rejoiced that his faux tenderness still brought her revulsion. It meant that she hadn't given up. A piece of her still powered through with the strength she wished she had in full. It rebelled against every touch. It rejected the numbness. It wouldn't hide from her own body.

Ranulf's cheek replaced his hand, which curved down the ridge of her jaw and over her neck. Elaine just wanted it over with. Kneeling upright was so hard.

She longed for the warmth of the bath, that steaming water. Some part of it must be a trick. But if any of that comfort might be real, she needed it.

The wolf's lips met hers. His saliva was so thin and watery. It was almost a relief to her own snout full of thick, cloying goo.

There wasn't anywhere to look but in his predatory, animal eyes. She tried not to. Her gaze drifted to his muzzle mashed against her own, to either side, igniting a sharp headache. No matter where she looked, she still saw those piercing, yellow eyes.

When Elaine first stood in front of the bed and stared Ranulf down, there had been a grudging respect. Now, the wolf toyed with its meal. The respect was gone. She didn't deserve it.

Ranulf finally let her retreat from the kiss. Elaine rasped, "Thank you." She turned towards the bath.

"Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for the bath," Elaine managed. Her words gurgled, and she swallowed an unpleasant glob of cum down her scratchy throat.

"Now now, Elaine," Ranulf said. His paw slid down from her neck to squeeze a breast. His thumb fiddled at her nipple. "That's not what you should thank me for."

Elaine's mind raced. Her heart pounded. What did he want her to say? She hesitated, and then ventured, "Thank you for... having sex with me?"

"Oh, come on! You can do better than that. Do you want the bath or not? After that fucking stamina potion, I'm good to go again right now. Over and over. Fuck, this is fun as all hells."

Elaine hugged her belly. She tried not to think about the hand fondling her tits, nor the cum dribbling down her body. She needed that bath. Nothing was more important in that moment than making Ranulf happy.


"Thank you for showing me what I really am," Elaine heaved. Her words were broken with a pathetic, hacking cough of phlegm and cum. Tears fell from her red, itching eyes. Sorrow ate at her heart.

Worse, disgust gripped her. It took over her shaking and crying and battered her until she was full of hot shame. She hated herself. She hated that she had allowed her life to come to this. What right did she have to be a knight? She couldn't endure Ranulf's horrors like even a slave girl could. She was weak, pathetic. Thalia deserved better.

Elaine failed to protect Thalia. She allowed herself to be captured and abused without any fight. What kind of knight was that? What kind of woman?

Fuck wars. Fuck knighthood. The only thing Elaine cared about anymore was Thalia, and she had failed her.

"I'm a kobold. I can't be a knight. I'll fail Thalia--I'll hurt her," Elaine rasped.

"That's right! Good girl," Ranulf said. "I knew you had room for some introspection in there. Now go get yourself that bath."

Elaine pushed off of Ranulf and turned to the bath. She took a shaky breath.

Elaine unsteadily shuffled towards the edge of the bed. The sharp cliff jutted an impossible distance over the floor. The kobold lay herself to her side. She swung her legs over the edge. Then, slowly, she lowered herself down.

With a thump, Elaine fell the last foot. Her legs wobbled and buckled as they hit the carpeted floor. By some miracle, she remained standing.

"A display of knightly strength and grace, Elaine!" Ranulf said, laughing. "Try not to fall! Do all initiates have to brave a five-meter walk to the bath? Or are you showing off?"

Heat burned Elaine's cheeks. Ranulf hadn't broken her bones. He hadn't beaten her bloody. Why couldn't she put one damn scaly foot in front of the other? She disgusted herself.

Elaine took a wobbly step. The world spun. Everything moved too fast. Her legs just barely supported her, but they didn't have any balance. Where was her center? She was leaning so far forward but felt like she was falling back.

And then she was on the ground. Her snout stung where it hit the stone floor. A wet _thud_echoed through the stone chamber.

Elaine lay there, heart pounding. Ranulf's cruel, barking laughter hurt worse than a beating.

Tears of shame dribbled down the kobold's cheeks as she hoisted herself back onto her knees with unsteady arms and tried to stand. She almost fell over again but managed to grip the bedside.

"I hate to say it, Elaine, but the standards for knighthood may not be what they used to be!"

Her body shook worse. This was so fucking pathetic. Why wouldn't her legs work? Why couldn't she do anything right?

She took a step and wobbled. The world swam again, but this time she was ready. She planted her feet apart, balancing back and forth as everything lurched.

Ranulf's uproarious laughter echoed off the walls. But Elaine didn't fall over.

She took another step, and then another. They were easier. Her head spun less. Her gut clenched. She fell once more after a few steps, but she managed to lurch the rest of the way to the ivory tub. She took hold of the rim at her eye level. Her cum-drenched hands couldn't get a good grip, but a rush of triumph strengthened her muscles.

The steaming water inside was no trick of magic. Elaine dipped a finger in. She winced, expecting her scales to be eaten away by acid or for a piranha to latch on with sharp teeth.

The heat soothed her. Her battered, shaking body stilled slightly.

Greedily, Elaine heaved herself up the side of the tub. With the ivory lip curved outwards, she had to rely on her grip strength. One foot futilely clawed for a hold on the tub's smooth, white side.

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Her arms trembled with the exertion. They still felt like jelly. She managed to lift herself less than an inch from the ground before her strength collapsed. Her scaly, cum-slicked hands slipped. She fell to the ground.

Elaine gasped. Cum caught in her throat, and she choked before spitting the glob out. Shaking, she lifted herself back to her feet.

A fucking bathtub. She couldn't even climb into a fucking bathtub.

"May I have a stool?" Elaine slowly rasped, looking back at Ranulf.

Humor sparkled in his eyes. He stroked his throbbing cock. The red length glistened with his awful, musky fluids. "You asked so nicely! Of course, Elaine. You may."

Ranulf chanted. He lazily waved the hand that wasn't busy masturbating over the cum-drenched kobold's misfortune. The air shimmered beside Elaine, and a footstool appeared.

Elaine gripped the lip of the tub again with a slippery hand. She raised a shaking leg onto the stool.

"Excuse me! What does a pathetic kobold slut say when her superior does a kind thing for her?"

After a moment of hesitation, she turned back to Ranulf with bile in her throat. "Thank you," she said quietly, hating herself.

"My pleasure, my pretty kobold whore. Go on now, clean yourself up!"

Why was he so eager? Dread gripped Elaine's gut.

She heaved up onto the stool. Hot steam rose from the surface of the gently swirling water.

Elaine wanted to be more cautious. She wanted to do her due diligence. Maybe then, she'd avoid humiliation when the bathtub turned out to be an illusion or full of snakes or any of the myriad of ways Ranulf might be fucking with her.

But her scales were so disgusting. Every time her arms or legs moved, cum squished around her joints. It dribbled continually down her face. It itched as it ran down her body. She shuddered in revulsion.

Lifting a leg over the side took too much effort. Her joints hurt so bad. Elaine didn't have the balance either, especially not with cum slicking her feet and hands. So, she fell forward, undignified, into the hot water.

It was no illusion. The water swirled around her body. Its perfect heat drew away her aches and pains. She wanted to fall deep into its depths and let it numb her to the cruel wolf that waited above.

Elaine held her breath as long as she could. The respite was everything she needed.

As wonderful as the water felt wrapping around her body, it didn't wash away the disgusting spunk coating her scales. Cum clung to her body like cooking oil.

Elaine begrudgingly surfaced. Before Ranulf could pester her, she took in a breath and splashed her face back into the crystal-clear water. She opened her eyes underneath, gazing at the elegant, ivory-white interior of the tub.

Slowly at first, she scrubbed her hands over her face. The gunk trickled off into the clear water, dissipating. It must have been enchanted to not cloud up.

Her scales still felt oily. She couldn't quite get deep enough. Did she need soap?

Elaine surfaced again. She blinked water from her eyes. Her hands compulsively rubbed over her arms and shoulders, then down her breasts and belly. She needed the cum off of her. Nothing was more important than being clean again. She couldn't think clearly under the overbearing scents of musk and sex. She couldn't protect Thalia.

"May I have a bar of soap?" Elaine ventured quietly. She wanted to spit in the tub at having to beg Ranulf for more niceties. He looked so smug when he agreed to her requests, as if it were a grand show of kindness from royalty to subject rather than allowing his rape victim her base needs.

"You may," Ranulf said.

That surprised Elaine. No strings attached? And the bath and water were real, too?

The wolf's sharp, canine eyes stayed locked on her form. His hand casually stroked up and down on his cum-and-pussy-slicked cock. It twitched under his fingers, veins throbbing. A dribble of precum oozed over his damp, furred fingers.

Ranulf didn't get off on making her feel good. Something was horribly wrong here.

A carved, oaken box sitting on a wall shelf clicked as its latch unlocked. The lid rose, and a bar of fine soap floated into the air. A scrub brush that hung nearby rose to join it. She had used a very similar brush at home for her scales. Both lackadaisically hovered to the bath to dangle in front of her.

Elaine tentatively took them. The soap smelled like lavender when she brought it to her nose. The scent nearly brought her to tears again. It felt like an eternity since she had smelled anything other than harsh, musky wolf cum.

Elaine rubbed the soap experimentally over her belly. The movements felt so right. Her other hand followed the soap with the brush. Coarse bristles ground soap into the cum, scouring and massaging her scales. It gave her a prickly, satisfied warmth, like when Thalia insisted on scratching her back after a long, exhausting day.

Her belly still felt oily, so she ran the brush over it again. Her arms were disgusting and slimy, so she soaped them out of the water, hoping to work the soap into the cum. She ducked her shoulders into the water and scrubbed hard with the brush.

Heat flushed Elaine's cheeks. Her head swam, dizzy from the scents, the heat, and the odd combination of pain and pleasure from the rough bristles and hot bath.

Cum spattered off her body. When it hit the pristine bathwater, it clouded into white puffs and dissipated. So much of it fell away, but so much remained. Her whole body was still slimy and disgusting. Her shoulders frothed with cum and soap. The bristles on the brush gunked up with the awful mixture.

They still worked, though. Elaine vigorously scraped at her belly, her tits. Her nipples burned with sharp pain at the rough bristles, but she didn't care. There was cum on them. She needed it off.

Her belly hurt. The scales ached and stung. They still slicked with oil. Her armpits still squished when she moved her arms. She had scraped under them until the skin tore, and the dissipating cum in the water was dyed a light, bloody pink.

Elaine stared at the cracked scales on her belly. She scrubbed vigorously. A thick layer of translucent white semen clung to them like viscous mucous. No matter how much she soaped and scraped off into the water, there was always more.

For a time, Elaine had no longer been shaking. She only realized that when the tremors violently returned.

In desperation, she heaved her gross, slimy tail into her lap and brushed with all her might. She had to be clean. There had to be just one single spot on her body that could feel clean. Why wouldn't this nightmare end?

Ranulf laughed. His cock schlick, schlicked to the beat of Elaine's frantic brushing.

Elaine's face burned with heat. What had he done? Why couldn't she clean herself? Tears of shame and hatred poured down her cheeks.

"Are you curious as to why it won't come out, Elaine?" Ranulf asked her.

"Fuck you!" Elaine screamed. She spewed thick, cum-like spittle with her words. It struck the bath and vanished. "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" She fell into a bout of wretched sobbing. She desperately scrubbed her tail. It hurt so bad. Her scales burned.

"Calm down, Elaine! It's that spell I cast earlier. A real masterpiece of mine. Down in my reliquary, a whole drawer full of gemstones crumbled to dust, just for you. Be honored! That's how special you are."

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" Elaine screamed.

"I spent thousands and thousands of gold so that you could experience the joys of motherhood and so that my teachings would _stick_with you for the rest of your life. It'd take a whole quorum of your pathetic court wizards to undo the enchantment. And why would they waste the effort on you?"

"You monster!" Elaine sobbed through her screams.

A scale broke from her tail into the water. The raw, red skin underneath burned. A trickle of red blood dissipated into the bath. The scale sank. It lay shimmering blue against the ivory white tub.

"You're a fucking monster! Fuck you!"

"Oh, hush. Have you looked in a mirror, my little fuck-toy kobold? Oh, well." Ranulf lazily picked a claw between his sharp teeth as Elaine screamed at him. "The cum won't ever come off. Well, cum or piss. It'll stick to you, cling to your scales. When it dribbles away, the magic will remember and return it back right back where it should be. Even the cum inside you. It's no illusion, either. When you give birth through that nice, cum-lubricated cunt, you'll be seeded right away for my next child. No work needed!"

Ranulf lay back in bed. His legs spread, erect cock complaining to the air about its sudden lack of attention.

Shock mixed with horror and sorrow and disgust and every negative emotion that Elaine knew. Her head swam. She couldn't process it.

"Fuck you!" Elaine screamed.

He snapped his fingers. With a crashing wave of disorientation, Elaine found herself hunched over top of Ranulf. She now knelt on weak knees that refused to support her.

Water evaporated in a heartbeat. Cum and piss remained over top of scratched and broken scales. Blood trickled from places where bristles had torn up scales or rubbed leathery skin beyond raw.

The awful, torturous wolf penis strained in front of her hips. Ranulf took her by her sides, lifted her small body with ease, and then forced her down on his cock. He moaned.

The aching pain of penetration returned full force. The cum inside her pussy lubricated her, but her bruised skin complained. Worse, the feeling of him moving inside her churned her stomach. Her body screamed about the wrongness, that this shouldn't be happening to her. Get it out. Get it out!

Elaine screamed and sobbed. She tried to say _fuck you_again, but her words came out garbled with despair. She wanted to die.

"Want to know the best part, Elaine?" Ranulf asked, a devious glimmer in his eyes as he thrust the kobold up and down against his hips like a scaly sex toy. "I never had Thalia. Not for a minute."

Elaine wailed. A chill rattled up her spine. Then, a wave of nauseous heat turned her stomach and burned her face. What did he mean? Of course, he had Thalia. Of course, he did.

Thalia was the reason she could bear to suffer this torture. Only the slim chance of saving her let Elaine hold on.

"I paid a spy _thousands_to discretely retrieve a lock of her hair. Do you know how difficult that was? Thalia keeps close confidence with her servants. If anyone caught wind of it, the whole plan would have been ruined!"

"F-uh-uh--" Elaine heaved. "--uck you!"

It couldn't be. Thalia was kept so safe. She so rarely cut those beautiful, golden locks. Surely someone would have noticed her hair being taken.

The cock inside her felt twice as awful. The pain didn't even bother her. Everything hurt so much that nothing hurt. Her body was numb. But the violation was a knife twisting in her gut. This vile wolf raped her with a smile on his lips as he told her that it was all for nothing.

"You're such a stupid little whore. You never even asked to see her. You didn't even negotiate before abandoning your armor and Eaglescreech! I should've expected that from a dumb dyke kobold." Ranulf laughed, tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle. His tail wagged fiercely like a puppy. His cock twitched inside her as he thrust her up and down in his lap. "Fuck, stupid enough to lust after your princess. You want what you can't have--what you don't deserve. You're a pathetic, sniveling wannabe. You pretend that you're a person when you're just a monster in lipstick."

Elaine doubled over, retching. She wanted so badly to throw up. It would give that tiny bit of catharsis, removing some of the bile that built up inside her, the awful nausea that rolled through her body in waves.

Ranulf denied her even that. His spell kept her to dry heaving, nothing coming up. Tears splattered on the wolf's belly fur, along with thick droplets of cum that rolled off her. Those, she now knew, would never go away.

"Let it all out, Elaine. You know what you deserve. You know you're nothing. Give up. Give in. It'll be so much easier."

Ranulf rammed her down on his cock. The thick shaft strained inside her, tugging her walls. The knot began to expand. Cum pulsed in her depths, joining the seed of the wolf's earlier orgasms.

Oh Gods, would that cum ever go away either?

Magic struck Elaine like a bell-hammer. Her soul resonated with the noise of the strike. Ranulf's will launched at her like a feral wolf, snarling and tearing. It hunted for the little joints that bound her soul to her body.

How could she live like this? How could she handle the disgust for the rest of her life? The slimy, dribbling sensation over her whole body? The way it oozed out of her pussy?

How could Elaine raise a child herself, knowing that this _monster_was their father? How could she let herself raise a child when she was such a failure?

Elaine was a pretender. She never truly knew what she was doing. She tried her best and fooled herself into thinking it was enough. It was never enough. When she wasn't strong, she lied to herself that her weakness was strength.

And yet, she clutched onto those weaknesses like security blankets. If Elaine broke down in front of Ranulf, was that really strength because it let her last longer through the rape? That didn't take any strength. It just allowed her to give up a little. Did it even let her last longer? Or did she just not want to admit that it was too hard to keep trying?

Ranulf's cock throbbed inside Elaine's vagina. Hot cum pulsed into her depths. Her hips ached as the knot locked them together.

Elaine stared numbly at the projection of magic that overlayed Elaine's perception, the specter of a drooling, feral wolf with a throbbing erect cock pacing around the phantasmal tethers that attached her soul to her body. She had repelled this attack from Ranulf back when she first confronted him. But all of that strength was gone.

The magic ravaged her bruised, battered willpower. Ranulf's spectral form dug teeth into the first tether that held her soul to her body. He snarled in real life. Teeth clenched. With a terrible, otherworldly agony, the first tether to Elaine's soul ripped free.

Elaine was weak for letting Ranulf enjoy more and more victories. She had bared her soul for him to play with as if she were a cornered mouse. She was weak for never pushing back against the nobility who treated her like a kobold slave. She was weak for allowing other knights to put her to the worst duties and exclude her from their circles. She was weak for believing her knighthood was anything but the King's acquiescence to Thalia's demands. She was weak for falling so madly in love with Thalia.

The wolf's teeth gripped a second tether. It gnawed and chewed. Elaine tried to rebuff it, but how could she? Did she even want to?

Elaine screamed at the terrible, searing violation of her soul. Her pussy squeezed around her rapist's cock. The second tether broke.

How did she bear to keep that spark of love burning? It only ever hurt. Surely it would be easier to extinguish it now and move on with her life?

No, it was easier to avoid that pain. Elaine never had the strength to confront Thalia and face the obvious rejection. She never had the strength to fully admit to herself that she didn't deserve Thalia's love. Fuck, she never had the strength to truly admit to herself that she was a lesbian. She hid it all because it was easier to pretend, because then she never had to confront herself and be hurt.

Physical pain was easy to endure. But the torment of being a lesbian among her peers? The horror of having to face Thalia's rejection? Elaine was weak. She couldn't bear it.

The third tether broke with a vast, numbing horror. Elaine felt so sick. So alone. She had no one. No one in the world truly cared about her except for Thalia. Did Thalia even care, or was it just pity? Amusement at a pet monster that would dance on her strings?

Tears flowed a river down the kobold's scaly, sapphire cheeks. Her whole body shook.

Did she still have control? Did she want control? It could all go away. She would never have to pretend to be strong again. She would never have to lie to herself to hide her own weakness. Ranulf could torture her, abuse her, force her body to serve torturous whorehouses of disposable slave girls. But Elaine wouldn't have to_do_anything. She could hide numbly in her mind and never have to pretend to be strong again.

Another tether broke. Elaine hated herself.

Why did Thalia like her?

She was a worthless monster. She was a failure who couldn't ever hope to protect her princess.

Why did Thalia stand up for her?



Elaine stood in the forest. She was small, young. Her arms lacked the lean, powerful muscles of years spent in vigorous training. Her stance was poor, emulating what a knight might look like from the outside rather than how a warrior should fight. Her hands shook as they gripped the knotted tree branch over her head.

The human girl behind her lay dazed, defenseless in the cradling roots of a great oak tree.


Elaine loved the stories of knights Mom always read to her before bedtime. Before Mom and Dad died of the scale rot, they told her of honor and compassion and bravery.

When Elaine first heard the piercing howls in the forest, she wanted to run. But then, a girl's screams joined the midnight chorus. And Elaine decided that she was a knight. She was brave. So, Elaine ran towards the sounds, hunting for a weapon.

After a sharp clunk, the girl's cries stopped. Elaine's reptilian feet pattered over crackling brush.

The stick shook in Elaine's hands. She hefted it in front of her. Piercing, hateful yellow eyes glared from the twilight darkness between the trees.

A man's voice cried, "Thalia! Thalia!"

He was too far.

A snarling mass of grey fur, drooling yellow fangs, and dagger-like claws burst from the forest. Its tongue lolled from its mouth, drooling onto the leaves that crunched beneath its paws.

Elaine held. She didn't breathe. Her shoulders tensed. The stick stopped shaking. The world seemed to slow down.

More yellow eyes glared from the forest. The wolf leapt. Her branch swung.

With a devastating crack, the thick knotted branch bashed into the wolf's face. Its eyes widened with a human expression of surprise. Broken teeth burst from the side of its mouth with a spray of blood. However, even as the creature twisted in the air, momentum hurled the shaggy mass of beast into Elaine.

She crashed into the earth, winded. The beast snarled and flailed on top of her. The weight crushed her small body. Claws dug into her scales. Teeth gnashed inches from her haunch.

Elaine wrestled her arms free, tugging the stick. She ignored the piercing pain of claws gouging into her body. Instead, she waited for the snarling face to turn towards her, and then rammed her stick into its eye.

The wolf yelped. It whined and snarled, and then yelped again, squirming away from the pain. Elaine dug the stick forward, grinding it into the wolf's mutilated socket.

It darted back, yowling. More wolves emerged from the forest behind it. Elaine heaved herself up to her feet.

Blood leaked down her body from deep gashes, running in crimson rivulets between her scales. A thrill coursed through her. She didn't feel the pain, only a hot, numb prickling. She hoisted the stick in front of her, waving the gory end towards the wolves. They cautiously stepped back.

"Thalia!" A man in armor crashed through the brush. The wolves lunged. Elaine snarled and swung her stick.

Searing pain burned through her. Teeth ripped scales from her shoulders. Claws slashed down her chest. More teeth tugged her ankle.

... Another tether broke under the arcane wolf's teeth. Elaine wailed.

Elaine swung her stick until teeth tore into her arm and the stick clattered out of her grip. She punched snouts with her other hand and dug her fingers into eyes. She bit the wolves back, ripping an ear off with her own sharp teeth.

A sword cleaved through the pack. The teeth that clamped on her shoulder slackened as the wolf's head separated from its body. Elaine kept pounding her fist into its face, her heart hammering.

The grip on her ankle slackened. The beast looming over her dropped limp. Hot blood oozed down its sides.

"A kobold? Huh. Shit," the man muttered to himself. He gripped Elaine by her scruff and heaved her out of the mess of wolves. "A kid. Fuck. Heh, trying to go through the princess's pockets while she was down, eh? Bad timing."

"She did no such thing, mister Benton!" Thalia's voice was clear and stern even as a child. "She saved my life! Don't look at her like that, you meanie! Give her a potion! She's bleeding."

They argued. Elaine's mind fuzzed.

The healing potion helped. Elaine could walk again, though she still ached and stung from her injuries. Thalia insisted on taking her arm, even though she got blood on her dress.

"Got all ripped up in the chase, anyway!" Thalia said when Elaine voiced concern. "I've got lots more. And the royal tailor likes making me new dresses. I'm his favorite!"

Elaine pulled close to her while they walked. Thalia spoke in a hushed voice so that Benton wouldn't overhear.

"What's your name?" Thalia asked.


"Where'd you learn to fight like that? You looked so amazing and heroic! You swung that stick like BLAM! And the wolf's teeth went everywhere!"

Elaine bashfully looked to the ground. Her face heated. "Mom told me lots of stories about knights. I used to play swords in the woods, but no one played with me."

Thalia nodded thoughtfully. She squeezed Elaine's arm. "I can make you a real knight. Then you can use a real sword, and you'll always protect me. You'll see."

A smile tugged Elaine's cheeks. Her pounding heart calmed as Thalia told her of knighthood and castle life, which knights were jerks, which were pompous, and who was her favorite.

Strange looks met Elaine when they returned to the camp. Merchants and soldiers milled about with the royal guard of knights. Some looks were uncomfortable, some curious, others downright hostile.

Thalia marched up to a man in gleaming armor. He looked taken aback.

"Uncle Cedric, Elaine saved my life, she fights super good, and she's going to be a knight or else I'll tell daddy about your other wife!"

Sir Cedric paled and sputtered. He spoke some hesitant, conciliatory words.

Elaine's head swam as Thalia brought her over to the fire.

"See? Told ya, Elaine," Thalia said, grinning. "I think you'll be such an awesome knight."

Elaine's heart surged. She swallowed.

Bravery. Mom said knights were brave. They were honorable.

Elaine looked Thalia in the eyes. "I'll be the best knight you ever saw. I'll protect you every single day. I'll never let anyone hurt you."

The next tether broke. But a fire burned inside the kobold.


Elaine flexed her fingers. They still worked. She wasn't gone yet.

Wearily, she watched the spiritual manifestation of her soul being ripped free. Ranulf's wolven specter stalked towards the last little cord that bound her soul to her body. Drool dripped from its lips. A throbbing feral cock dribbled cum between its legs.

"Thalia is safe," Elaine said. Confidence burned in her veins. Her shaking stilled.

"That's right, you dyke slut!" Ranulf said with a barking, canine laugh. He sounded more hyena than wolf. "She wasn't even in danger. You're fucking pathetic. Worthless. Useless!"

His teeth worried her final tether. Sharp claws raked over the ephemeral cord.

Thalia was safe. Elaine hadn't failed.

"I'm a lesbian," Elaine said. Her eyes continued to spill. Her fists clenched so tight that claws dug between scales and drew blood. "Maybe I shouldn't love Thalia, but I do."

I'll tell her. Next time I see her, I'll tell Thalia that I love her. I'll accept whatever happens to me. I can bear it. If I've endured this torture, I can endure anything.

"You can't break me." Elaine said. I'm strong.

Ranulf tore at her last tether. His attacks grew frantic. He dug his claws in to rip and tear. Still, she held.

"You're growing my child inside you." Ranulf shouted. He snarled, drool splattering from his lips. "It's _my_child! Think of me every fucking time you look at him! You can't be a knight. Your life is ruined. You're nothing! Everything you've done is for nothing!"

The spittle splattered Elaine's cum-soaked face. He'd defiled her scales to the point where the saliva didn't make her flinch.

"I will do what I can, Ranulf," Elaine hissed. "I beat you three times out at war. Four when you failed to break me before you raped me. And now this makes five."

"I raped you, slut! I fucked you. It's my cum on you, my child inside you! I could kill you now if I wanted to. You're mine. I have power over you. You're an insignificant fucking lizard!"

Elaine stared him down. I'll kill your child. I'll rake my own cunt and bleed it out. Or I'll strangle it when it arrives.

"I defeated you every time you've fought me. That's why you did this. Because you need me to be weak and defenseless to pretend you've won. Because you can't win in a fair fight."

They were wholly in the real world again. A heaving sense of relief washed through Elaine as her nearly severed soul began to stitch back together.

A fist bashed into her jaw. Pain blossomed like a thorny rose. Her head turned with the blow.

She won.

The next fist struck her gut. Then her shoulder.

Ranulf beat her onto her back. She screamed as he tore his knot prematurely from her vagina.

The scream felt good. The pain felt like victory. Ranulf lost. He needed to hurt her to feel better. Just as he'd stood before the walls of Nefelihold, shouting slurs and blasting the countryside, so too did he beat her like a sackcloth dummy. His anger vented in fists like a petulant toddler.

Elaine burned with pain and triumph.

Ranulf raped her with the knotted cock freshly torn free from her battered vagina. He thrust into her ass. It hurt. Elaine wasn't ashamed to scream.

He rammed his fist up her vagina. Her scream grew hoarse. The pain was intense. Elaine pictured the wolves tearing into her shoulder. The satisfaction of knowing that she'd protected her princess.

Elaine had protected her whole kingdom from this monster. What if the spoiled, rotten Tommas had led the fight against Ranulf? Could they have won? Fuck no.

Her body didn't hurt any less. The fist pumping inside of her pussy seared her with agony. She wanted to vomit from the overwhelming sense of violation. She was disgusting. Her body shook. Tears continued to pour from her puffy, red eyes.

That was okay. That wasn't weakness. Ranulf was a weak man. He hid behind his power. He refused to acknowledge who he was, his devils and demons. He justified his own failings through Elaine. He couldn't accept that she beat him. He needed to win. So he told her she was nothing, that her victory was a fluke. And then he hurt her to feel better.

His cock pounded into her battered ass. His fist pumped excruciatingly inside her vagina. His other hand punched her face, her breasts, her belly over and over.

Elaine hurt. Ranulf's knuckles bloodied as they bashed into her. Her scales cracked and bled. Ugly purple bruises sprouted underneath the sapphire blue.

Ranulf came inside her ass. He knotted her again, and it hurt horribly. He tugged his hand out of her pussy and beat her with that one, hanging the other, already bloodied fist limp at his side.

When his other knuckles bloodied, he wrenched her ass off his knotted cock and then jammed her face into his crotch. He demanded she suck him clean.

She wrapped her mouth around the awful penis. She tasted cum, piss, and other, worse flavors. Her lips sealed around the horrible shaft. Ranulf bucked into her mouth, bashing his tip past her throat.

It hurt to swallow. Elaine wept at the pain. The taste made her retch again. Her throat convulsed around his penis in dry heaves. Her stomach tried to empty, but couldn't. His magic plugged her throat.

His cock pounded into her face. Her nose mashed up against the gross grey-furred sheath, wet with semen and vaginal fluids and blood. The scent repulsed even Elaine's cum-stuffed nostrils. He ground her face into his crotch, cock pulsing deep in her throat.

She choked as his knot expanded in her poor bruised throat. She felt like her snout might tear open, bleeding out onto the elegant blankets. She couldn't breathe. The thick, awful penis crushed her windpipe.

And still, Elaine knew she won. The pain didn't matter. She could deal with pain. She could deal with torture. Ranulf abused her because he was weak.

"You bitch! You're fucking worthless. You're a fuck hole, a rape-toy! I won. I beat you!"

Cum spurted down Elaine's throat. She gagged and heaved. The awful, hot slime burst deep into her belly. She gagged and tugged back. She struggled to breathe, choking on his cock.

Ranulf moaned loudly.

That wasn't pleasure in her suffering. It was pleasure in the power he had over his own failure. He wanted to prove that he wasn't a failure. Elaine made him lose. By making her hurt, he could pretend that he'd won.

Elaine choked on his penis. Her vision hazed. Her mind slowly blanked. She convulsed, wondering if her last moments would be with a thick knot blocking the back of her throat and her nose stuffed underneath a disgusting, slimy canine sheath.

Just before she passed out, she found herself half a foot higher in the air, falling down to splay over Ranulf's lap. She heaved in air, tainted with the flavors of musky cum and filth.

Elaine retched. Ranulf beat her. He shouted. She couldn't make out his words. She curled into a tight ball, trying to minimize the hurt. Fiery pain burned her whole body. Every bruise screamed in agony. And still, Elaine held onto satisfaction. She won.

"Bitch! Fucking bitch! Dyke! Pathetic whore lizard!"

Cum roped over her face and body. Ranulf smashed his elbow against her jaw. Her teeth cracked. Blood tricked out of her mouth.

Ranulf stopped fucking her. Instead, he just beat her with bloody hands. He struck her with elbows. He threw her back against the bed and pounded her belly.

Maybe Elaine wouldn't even have to dig her claws in her pussy to abort his spawn. Maybe he'd do the dirty work for her.

Elaine bit back bitter, hateful words. She wasn't Ranulf. She didn't need to gloat. Instead, she stared at the canopy, taking her beating and the agonizing pain.

The terrifying assault faded slowly. More and more time passed between each strike at her body. First moments, then seconds, then minutes. She took a sharp, piercing slap across the face. And then nothing.

"I'm fucking bored," Ranulf growled. Elaine heard the simmering hatred in his voice. She cheered silently underneath her horrible pain. "I could use any other kobold whore. They'll be more fun, give me more of a reaction. You're a boring dyke slut, like raping a sackcloth dummy."

Elaine didn't respond. She stared at the canopy. Every inch of her body flared with agony. But that didn't matter.

"You need to walk home. You need to deliver _my_children," Ranulf grunted. He wrenched open her mouth and poured something inside. The haze of pain lessened. Her bones reknit. Her bruises lightened.

The wolf continued with a growl, "Fuck you. You're nothing. I win. I win! I fucking win, you bitch!"

Ranulf forced her hands behind her back. He chanted. Her wrists stuck to each other like glue. He dragged her tail up to her neck, and then splayed her pussy lips. When his hands left, Elaine's scales remained stuck through an arcane force.

"Show your kingdom who you really are. Disgusting dyke whore. Monster. Vermin. They'll hate you. You'll beg the heavens for me to take you back, because no one will want you. You'll be raped and left on the side of the road to die. And I'll get to watch every fucking second of it. You should have given in and gone to the whorehouse. Fucking whore. Dyke bitch!"

Elaine blinked, and the bed was gone. She lay on the hard dirt road outside Nefelihold.