Alchemical Experimentation 4: Dinner Guest

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#4 of Alchemical Experimentation

With her last meal digested, a now-mobile Asteria has plans to make herself more at home, while Roland nets her her next catch of prey. A story told in parts, involving vore, pheromones, sexual encounters, and transformative effects.

That evening had been a whirlwind of pleasure that left them both sprawled out in Roland's bed, a tangle of limp limbs stuck together at odd angles. By the time dawn broke, Asteria's belly had flattened out again, just as she predicted, leaving her another half foot taller and thicker all over besides. She couldn't help feeling up her enhanced figure, purring with delight. "That's quite a sight to wake up to," Roland teased when he woke to find her in the middle of her gleeful act.

"Speak for yourself, stud," she teased back, drawing her claws lovingly over his chest. "I think I'm in the mood for a very big breakfast."

"Is that so?" he smiled wider, caressing her jaw with reverent fingers. "You're in luck then, because I happen to know of a traveling merchant that planned to be leaving town today that not many folks are so fond of."

"Oh?" She leaned in closer, eyes lighting up with predatory delight. "Tell me more about them."

"Yes ma'am," he giggled, getting butterflies from that look. "She's a big boar, ate and ran from a few of the local inns, even though she's clearly got the coin to spare for the meals. She gets tracked down and forced to pay. Not to mention, people think her prices are an absolute rip-off. It's ruined her rep and her business, so she has to move on. Guess she was trying to save all the gold she's got instead."

"Perfect," she purred, steepling her claws. "A big meal, and all the money and wares of a merchant for us. I have a plan. I want to make a lair for myself under your property. With my magic I can have it done by sundown. Invite her here privately, just before she's due to leave, so no one will question her vanishing."

"Consider it done. But how are you going to make a lair with magic like that?" he asked in wonder.

"A combination of earth, water, fire, and astral magics to blast and compact the dirt and stone, and teleport away what I don't need," she explained. "It's going to take all my energy to do it, so she might give us more of a struggle than the vagrant. Will you be ready?"

"Oh, yes, I have my own idea there," he smiled wider. "I'll bring her here for a meal. Get her nice and full of food and booze, and she won't put up a fight when she's feeling drunk and slow."

"That's my man," she crooned joyfully, drawing him into another deep kiss. "Once she's mine, I need you to get the rest of my supplies from my cave. Then I can begin testing myself and modifying my potion."

With that, they had another tumble together in the sheets to last them the rest of the day, and then parted to set themselves to their respective tasks. Roland disappeared into town to buy food and drink for the dinner and to track down their merchant, while Asteria started to plan her new lair. She observed the layout of the house, and how much room there was until the treeline behind it. She created a tunnel down into the floorboards from Roland's bedroom, creating an access passage for him similar to a cellar entrance, but kept the flooring intact to hide the entrance to anyone else.

She blasted and compacted a set of stone stairs forged from the soil and mud around her, transmuted through her magic into a stable substance, going a good twenty feet deep into the earth before hollowing out her desired lair size. This was simply the beginning of a much larger planned space, and stayed simple to start, just the vague beginnings of what it was ultimately meant to be. From there, she kept terraforming to create a back way that extended out into the woodlands beyond, giving them the perfect way to come and go the house as she wished, completely unseen. She made this exit plenty big, more like a tunnel to accommodate the merchant's cart for later.

By the time she'd finished her task, she felt how completely drained she was, magic reserves empty. Being so low in magic made her rather sluggish and disoriented, exhausted in body, mind, and soul all. She prayed that Roland followed through on his end of the plan. Carefully, she picked her way back up the stairs into his home, pressing her ear to the hidden door she'd made. She heard deep feminine laughter and smelled delicious scents, and the quieter undertone of Roland's voice. All according to plan so far. All she had to do was wait and play her part when the time came. To that end, she slunk her way up into the bedroom, quiet as a whisper, so she would be ready when the time came.

She tried to relax her weary body while she could, wanting to regain some strength before the struggle that was sure to come. She rested there in repose, eyes closed, keeping her senses keen for when she needed to be ready. And it was well that she did, as she could hear the pair approaching the bedroom not too much later. The slurred and unsteady giggles of the woman were reaching her from here, and she got off the bed slowly, pressing to the wall by the door to be ready when it opened. Seems Roland promised her a wild night from what she could make out. Wild indeed, Asteria thought, taking a deep breath as the door handle turned.

The moment the door was open, she released a thick plume of pheromones into the open space, catching both her guests full in the face with them. Roland seemed to take it well, knees shaking with a soft moan, while the drunk boar trailed off on her talking with slack jawed wonder. She spun unsteadily to look at Asteria, gasping. "A... dragon? Here? How...?" she began to wonder, reaching forward for Asteria.

"I walked. It was a long way," the dragoness commented, stepping aside and circling towards the bed. Roland closed the door behind them as the boar stumbled, still trying to chase the dragoness. Roland was right. The woman was stocky, broad bodied and thick with soft chubbiness. She had on a simple bodice and trousers that hugged a bit too tightly to her generous frame, looking like they might be a struggle to remove.

"I thought your kind were... were nothing but, myth. Stories. Bogeymen," she gasped, taking another face full of pheromone mist for her troubles.

"Far from it. I'm very real. And I'm very hungry," Asteria almost purred, licking her lips already.

"Hungry... for me?" the woman squeaked, the combination of alcohol and chemicals making her stagger towards the bed, needing something solid to stay upright with. "Gods above."

"You look like you'll make a fine meal. Don't you agree?" Asteria asked Roland as she nudged the boar over fully onto the bed.

"Oh yes, very fine ma'am," Roland agreed, him and Asteria getting to work to strip the flustered boar down.

"I'm fine?" she gasped, surprising them both when she started to help them. "I'm Caroline!" she smiled up at Asteria happily. "This issss... more wild a night than I thought to get!"

"You know I intend to actually eat you don't you?" Asteria raised a brow.

"Just like a dragon of legend!" Caroline said, stars in her eyes. "'n you picked... me! Me! I thought dragons only ate princesses! I'm honored your dragonsssship!"

Asteria and Roland exchanged a glance and a shrug, deciding to count their lucky stars. She leaned in closer with a warm smile, simply ripping the woman out of her clothes instead of getting them off properly, cutting her out of the tight confines with her talons. Delightful boar thickness spilled out of them and earned a gasp from the woman to boot, so she took that as her cue to keep going. "So, how's this gonna... work?" Caroline asked. "Y'just want me ta wiggle down your gullet?"

"If you want to help me get you down, that would actually be very appreciated," Asteria laughed, taking in the curvaceous boar with equal measures of envy and hunger. Those soft thighs and heavy breasts would be hers soon enough.

"Lemme go in hooves first then," Caroline smiled brightly, turning herself on her back and wiggling slowly to the edge of the bed. "So I can help! You just, sit there, n' I'll do the rest love."

"I'll help lift and push too," Roland said happily, coming closer to Caroline to get in position. He released an undignified yelp when she grabbed him and pulled him forward into a sloppy, eager kiss, her thighs rubbing together as her excitement perfumed the air. Asteria took in her scent with a pleased growl deep in her chest, getting down on her hands and knees to give herself the most room to accept this meal. She watched the two of them as Caroline kissed Roland deeper and more passionately, dueling with their tongues. He reached to grope her chest, pinching one fat nipple and earning a muffled squeal from the woman. She couldn't help but be jealous. That should be her he was playing with, not this other woman. The thought was enough to spur her to action, grabbing her calves and lifting to fit Caroline's hooves in her maw.

The boar jumped at the sudden warm breath gusting up her bare legs. She pressed them closer together, waiting until she felt the motion of a swallow to help push them in deeper to Asteria's gullet. They slid in easily, and the dragon had to unhinge her jaw to start getting around the rapidly growing thickness of her prey. Roland took advantage of her pace being forced to slow, reaching down with his free hand between Caroline's legs to draw his fingers up her feminine cleft, teasing through her hot and soaking folds. Her cry climbed in pitch and volume, ending with another ecstatic squeal when his thumb found her clit. She kissed him harder, reaching up to cling to his shoulders even as he pushed her deeper when Asteria was ready for more.

Though she hadn't grown much taller, Asteria already found the extra size making this a bit easier. While she was still straining to fit so much in her mouth, she found she could fit more before it became time to stop and adjust again. Already, Caroline's hooves were brushing the back of her throat, starting to work them down into her dilating neck muscles. Her feelings of jealousy weren't helping either; she felt like she was working faster to give Roland less time with this woman, not wanting to let her steal any more of his attention than she already had. She stole a glance up at the two of them, her gaze hot with desire and hunger, a moan escaping her lips as another swallow brought Caroline into her maw further. She was nearly to the boar's knees now, her body working fast as it seemed primed for this meal.

Perhaps exhaustion was a factor in how fast she could take in a meal and process it, she thought, ears ringing with another porcine squeal as Caroline neared her peak. Roland played with her clit rather relentlessly, knowing he didn't have much time to play, the constant and intense stimulation making her squirm and soak herself in delight. "Can't believe... I get to be dragon food!" she moaned, shivering and shuddering as orgasm robbed her of muscle control. Her release didn't stop Roland from his play, though; he kept squeezing her nipples, rubbing his thumb in slick circles on her clit, overstimulating her until she was a shaking, crying mess.

He was forced to stop and let her go when Asteria worked her way up to her hips, rocking her jaw back and forth slowly and surely to work herself around her all-too-willing prey. She closed her eyes and a soft purr began to rise in her throat as Caroline's hooves slipped into her belly. She could feel scales stretch and start to bulge, a loud rumble of hunger rising from her middle. She felt like she was starving, when her meal was so very close at hand, like having it nearly there suddenly amplified her hunger several times over in a flash. She took hold of Caroline's hands, putting them to her hips to make the boar as streamlined as possible to slide down inside her. She seemed to get the idea easily enough, keeping herself in the right position with Roland scooping under her rump to lift her up and help Asteria start to wrap around her hips. With how hefty Caroline was, this was slow going, and it wasn't going to let up anytime soon. At the very least, Asteria was getting to soak up Caroline's feminine cum that was coating her thighs, groin, and rump; it was a hint sweet, a bit earthy, and heavily musky, making her eyes flutter closed happily as she took it all in.

Inch by inch, Asteria was beginning to fill with her prey. For every bit of progress that was made, her belly strained a few inches further, and Caroline only got more and more excited. She was a squirming, moaning mess as her body was enveloped more and more by Asteria's warm, soft, slick gullet. Roland kept her insensate by playing with her tits, kissing her, whispering to her about how she was just like a princess in all the tales of dragons growing mighty and powerful. It made Asteria want to roll her eyes, but she had to admit that the effect was working just as they desired. The merchant was a huge meal, though, far bigger than the previous she had, and the minutes were nearing a full hour before Asteria finally snapped her jaws closed around Caroline's head. She'd been rendered more belly than dragon once again as she struggled to swallow the boar the rest of the way down, her muscles constricting tightly to press Caroline into a tight package deep in her gut where she could be digested properly. Her arms and knees were tired and sore from holding her position so long, and with great effort she hefted herself up into Roland's bed with his help, laid out on her side to keep so much weight from bearing down on her from within. "I was starting to think she was going to be too much," she groaned, panting quietly and wrapping her arms and legs around her ponderous belly.

"I was wondering the same, but you did great," Roland said with a smile, stripping himself naked before climbing into bed behind her. One of his arms wrapped around her chest, pressing her back into him, while the other threaded under her arm to rub her belly lovingly. They could both feel how Caroline twitched and squirmed, making herself comfortable, which made Asteria's stomach gurgle and grumble in an almost constant wave of noise.

Asteria released a low, rumbling belch that made Roland's cock jump against her back where his already hard manhood rested. "Couldn't have done it without you," she murmured, grinding her hips back against him in a slow, teasing roll. He moaned softly, pressing in tighter and rubbing himself against her on mating instinct. "Give me a good fuck to cap the night, handsome."

"Yes ma'am," he answered readily, shifting down her body to bring his hips lower than hers, finding the right angle to claim her without her having to move a muscle. He took his cervine length in hand, guiding himself to put his tip against her vent. His heat and closeness was enough to make her immediately moan and push back, begging to have him inside. She was soaked with her own pre already, dripping and warm from such a long teasing process eating Caroline had been. She didn't want to admit it either, but she was extra excited to have him after getting so jealous before.

He rolled his hips forward, sparing her from any teasing with how needy he knew she was in the moment. His length sunk into her, a slick glide as he fed her inch after inch, her head falling back on the sheets with a high pitched keen of pleasure. Despite her growing taller and thicker he still fit her like a key to a lock, her channel gripping him like a velvet vice. He started to thrust, picking up the pace as he got more comfortable and confident, bracing her body against his where had her held; in one hand he kneaded her breast, squishing and rolling the soft fine-scaled flesh and working down to give her nipple a teasing pinch and pluck. The other stayed anchored on her belly, helping to keep it from jostling too much. Each hard thrust was met with sticky wetness and a soft clap of their hips meeting, the force enough to shake free the occasional deep and throaty burp from Asteria between her moans and cries.

Roland indulged himself in every small pleasure he could think of, lost in the heat of the moment as he was. His tongue traced loving patterns down her back scales, his fingers sunk deep into soft and giving curves, his legs twined through hers to keep their bodies as tight together as possible. All of it together, along with the symphony of scents and sounds coming from their joining as well as the deep pleasure of getting to service his mistress, was almost too much. He could feel his muscles tensing, sweat beading on his brow. A tight pinch of his kegals kept him from blowing too quickly. He didn't want to disappoint her, though according to Asteria he hadn't yet.

She reached over her shoulder, threading her fingers through his hair as she cried out harder, sounding close to her own peak. With her long and slender neck, she was able to snake her face back closer to his. Seeing the look of concentration on his face, she smiled through the haze of her pleasure, knowing just what to do to him. She opened her jaws, teasing him with the sight of her open and inviting maw. As he leaned in closer unconsciously, she unleashed a room-shaking belch, bringing with it a wave of her sweet pheromones gusting hot over his face. His eyes crossed and then rolled back, the combination sending him over the edge in an instant, hips locking against hers as he came like a geyser. Each rope of hot deer seed shot warmth deep into her belly, and the sensation made her muscles clench as she soaked him in return with her own sticky release. They were a hot panting mess, tangled together in his bed, and exhaustion swiftly overtook them and sent them to blessed sleep, still entangled in the most intimate of ways.