Coming Down Both Chimneys

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#48 of Bondage stories

Santa visits all the good boys and girls and drops off presents for them, but what about the naughty adults that never grow out of being naughty children? Ryoohki thinks he has the answer in this story commission!

Playing the role of a jolly and horny St. Nick, Ryoohki comes down the chimney of the next house on the list, only to find that Nikki, the top feline on his naughty list, is sprawled across the couch, having eaten up the cookie she was meant to leave out for him.

For this most grievous crime, Ryoohki wraps Nikki up in some enchanted garland and gives her a proper punishment, fucking her silly on the couch in front of the tree and warning her that she'll never get off the nice list if she doesn't turn it around. Cheating on her beau probably isn't helping with that, but when Darkpaw comes down the stairs and sees the false Santa pounding into his girl, he reveals that he was in on the whole thing!

As Ryoohki finishes taking her pussy, he goes for the rear entrance, and a whimpering Nikki is pinned between two men that are utterly stiff with holiday cheer...and while she's glad to be the cookie, she's the one bringing the milk to the after party!


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Plenty of people were willing to go the extra mile to make a sexual fantasy believable, and generally, that effort was appreciated and reciprocated.

For Ryoohki to actually set his boots on the brick pavers around the fireplace, pretending to have come down a genuine chimney, was a step above and beyond that...but a certain lady on his naughty list had always wanted to live out the fantasy of Saint Nick coming and joining her for milk and cookies...

...And a little holiday cheer, if she was ever able to stay awake long enough to meet him.

"Gonna have to remember to grease up the chimney ahead of time, next time," Ryoohki groaned, seeing how much soot he'd managed to grab with the softer, reddish fibers of his outfit. Dressed up in threads of red and white fluff, the thick, chubby ursine was missing a few layers of clothing to be out and about in the snow, but in the warmth of his own home, curled up with pleasant company, he felt he was overdressed. "Sure was a struggle to get down that one, but...would you look at that! The best-looking cookies that I've seen since I started my rounds!"

His voice was already powerful and haughty, but in the spirit of Nikki's fantasy, he was glad to give a little extra guff to his words. Speaking from the diaphragm and pushing out as much bass as a kick drum, he wondered how the real Santa Claus would ever have been able to whisper in the first place, but Ryoohki was lucky.

He didn't need to keep his voice down: in fact, he had a feeling Nikki would prefer the opposite.

"I made them just for you, Santa. I sure hope you like them..."

Curled up by the end table, Nikki was so comfortable near the fireplace that she didn't feel the need for clothing--a bold choice, given the company she was expecting.

"They look absolutely delicious , but I don't think we're talking about the same treats, young lady."

"Don't you mean Nikki? Santa knows all the good little boys and girls, doesn't he?"

Though both were grown adults, Ryoohki was happy to play along with the more immature themes of Nikki's fantasy.

What he wasn't willing to do was bend the rules, and seeing a naked, sprawled cat out of bed past her bedtime was the final straw for a girl that had so carefully toed the line of naughty and nice all year long.

"As a matter of fact, he does know them, but he knows all the naughty little children, too," Ryoohki specified. As he spoke, he watched the excitement on Nikki's face fade slowly from a twinkle in the eye to concerned and crestfallen. "I could have forgiven you for forgetting the milk, Nikki, but being up past your bedtime, without a scrap of clothing on you? That's about as naughty as it gets, my dear."

Pushing herself up on her elbow and doing her best to pout, rolling her own cheeks in her palms, Nikki hoped that the pitiful expression would turn the tide back in her favor, but she could already see the false Santa jotting down notes on an imaginary piece of paper.

"That doesn't seem very fair, Santa. It's Christmas Eve...can't you let me have one little break?"

Just asking was bad enough, but when the naked feline pushed up on her elbows, forcing her breasts to hang and the valley of her cleavage to capture Ryoohki's attention, she took a full dive into the naughty list, praying for the best possible outcome.

She wasn't sure if Ryoohki was happy with her antics or not, when she watched the bear's fingertip swirl in the air, collecting specks of molten gold from the environment around him.

"Trying to bribe Santa? You're gonna be on the naughty list for the rest of your life, if you keep up that kind of behavior!"

The jaguar couldn't help grinning at the possibility. "Is it so bad if I want that, Santa?"

"Perhaps, but you're not gonna hear me complaining...and no one's gonna hear you complaining, either."

"Complaining about what?"

The magical energy--Ryoohki's own brand of Christmas spirit--continued to swirl around his fingertip as he picked out the targets for his enchantment.

Seeing a long, thick strand of ribbon decorating the top of the mantle, he brought it to life with a single flick of his finger, casting the enchantment to the fabric and forcing it to come to life. It jumped from the wooden mantle with a vibrant movement, almost soulful in the way that it flourished through the air.

Nikki was trying her best not to let such a simple trick dazzle her, but seeing a red ribbon flitter through the air, sprinkling golden dust wherever it moved, she couldn't stop the excitement from lowering her jaw and putting a wide smile on her face.

"About what Santa does to naughty little girls that stay up past their bedtimes," Ryoohki finished the thought as he directed the first ribbon with his same finger, pushing it through the air and forcing it to wrap around Nikki's hanging wrists.

They came together in a tight bind, and seemingly of its own volition, the ribbon wound up her wrists, all the way to the elbow, distracting her from the antics of another ribbon: that one went for her legs, and before she could response to the tickle of the silk against her calves, she felt the wide, thick weight of her thighs being pulled together.

A final ribbon, purely for show, slipped over the middle of her back and wrapped around the underside of her full, supple breasts, propping them up like a present for the big, jolly man to open himself...but the best presents that Nikki had to offer weren't hidden by any ribbons or wrapping paper.

"This doesn't feel like something Santa would do," she argued. With a shudder, she tested the limits of her bondage: much to her surprise, though they were only made of silk, she couldn't find a way to break through any of the new binds. "This seems rather naughty to me, Santa..."

"Isn't Santa allowed to be naughty, once in a while?"

A shatterproof ornament and a final strand of ribbon were coming to life in the background, as Nikki stared down the imposter.

Narrowed eyes were joined by a grin of approval, but before she could voice the same, she felt the ornament pressing against her tongue, right as she opened her maw. "Mrnf! Mnata!" she tried her best to speak through the obstruction, but smooth, shiny plastic settled upon the flat of her tongue, keeping it in place and forcing her suddenly panicked lungs to breathe through her nose, instead.

"Besides, there's nothing naughty about punishing a bad little girl like you," Ryoohki carried on, as if he didn't hear the muffled protests of the jaguar. "Especially not one that's so turned-on by the thought of being bad in the first place."

In the name of the fantasy, Nikki was struggling more than she ever had in proper bondage, but it was rare that she went up against magical enchantments.

Thanks to that, she could squirm and writhe with a degree of sincerity that she rarely knew, and against those binds, she could feel tiny burns forming under her fur, adding to the realism of a fantasy that was scratching a long overdue itch.

"I get the feeling your Daddy wouldn't approve of you leaking on the carpet like this," Ryoohki claimed. Lifting the jaguar by the ribbon around her spine, he pulled her right up from the floor and pushed her over the front side of the couch, arranging her body as if she was the piece of furniture--rough and careless--before he settled with kneeling behind her on a cushion, leaving her chin to lower and rest on the arm. "Since Santa's feeling nice, he'll plug up this leak for you; last thing we need is a naughty girl like yourself getting into even more trouble."

Adding yet another layer to that fantasy, there was, in fact, someone sleeping upstairs, seemingly unaware of what was unfolding in their living room.

Just thinking about that, Nikki's petals were glistening with fresh, fluid arousal. It wasn't so easy to see the same in the darkness, even against the soft, silky pink of her womanhood, but as Ryoohki enchanted the candles in the room to illuminate with a subtle flicker, he could see a single, long drip of natural desire spilling toward the couch.

Thinking fast, he pulled down the scarlet of his slacks, presenting the tip of his cock just in the nick of time. Letting that bead roll down the top side of his shaft, Ryoohki had an immediate and growing appreciation for the warmth of the jaguar; for her piercing gaze of red, her smoky, lavender rosettes and her long, full tail, he was already grateful.

For the intimate heat that he felt when he pushed the tip of his growing member against the natural resistance of her folds, grateful wasn't a strong enough word to describe those sensations.

"It's such a chilly night out there, but you've welcomed me into your home and found a way to warm me up, better than anyone else ever has," Ryoohki mentioned, sneaking a thankful tone into his voice. "Perhaps there's hope for you after all, Nikki. Keep this up, and you just mind find yourself back on the nice list!"

Bound up as she was, the kneeling feline didn't have much of a choice in the matter, but she wasn't put off by that fact.

She loved the idea, and the ursine's willingness to commit to a fantasy that completely took control away from her: one that left her drooling around a ball gag and leaning into a puddle of her own spit, right on the arm of the couch.

And where he takes it next is entirely up to him, she realized. I know he's gonna fuck me, but what else is he gonna do? There's no way to know just how naughty this 'Santa' really is!

Of course, she was familiar with Ryoohki, but she was forgetting what she knew about the real thing, in favor of what the fantasy could present. They'd talked over limits and boundaries beforehand, but the jaguar made it clear that she was okay with hers being pushed, and as her face rubbed against the arm of the couch at the behest of a deep, fulfilling thrust, she knew that the bear would live up to the billing.

He'd given no warning that the pulsing, tapered tip of his member was going to push inside of her, preferring to feel out just how wet the feline was before making his move. Only half of his shaft made the cut for the first thrust, but even that left Nikki groaning around her gag, quietly wondering how she was ever going to take the full shaft of the saber-toothed bear.

"That's a good start, but if you wake someone, you'll end up back on the naughty list, for sure," Ryoohki teased her, hearing those muffled, desperate sounds clearly enough that they tickled his sensitive ears. "Not that I'd mind if you were on the naughty list all the time...could just bring you back to the North Pole with me and keep you around as a tight, curvy cock warmer..."

With a little extra cushion on her backside, Nikki was looking forward to seeing what she could handle when the fake Santa stuffed her stocking properly, but after that first, decisive thrust, he held still and enjoyed the soaking warmth of her inner depths.

The next few inches, then, came with a certain sense of ease as he leaned into her body, forcing her to accept the burden of his girth little by little...

...As pleasurable as that was for Nikki, she knew it was a sneaky form of punishment; with the gag so expertly stuffed in her maw, she couldn't even complain about it.

"Of course, if I did that, I wouldn't be able to get to all of the other naughty little girls like you," he mentioned. "Unless you want to prove that you're the naughtiest girl in the world, for me."

She wished that she could ask what he meant by that, but looking back over her shoulder through a worrisome expression, Nikki had a feeling she knew what Santa was planning on giving her, before the morning sun came up again.

"I checked the list twice, and I saw what you asked for...not the kind of thing that a good girl would ask Santa for, I don't think," he claimed. Satisfied with the grip of her inner muscles, Ryoohki eased just a little closer, until the weight of his sack came to settle against her thighs with a silent pressure. "But just this once, if you're not just naughty...but a dirty little slut for Santa, he'll make an exception."

Squirming against her bondage was all part of the fun, so far, but hearing that, Nikki gave a quick wiggle from side to side, trying to entice him and offer up her body for whatever Ryoohki wanted.

Feeling paws slide back from her hips, cupping either side of her jiggly, supple ass, there was no question that Ryoohki was the one in control, but Nikki was getting the impression that she might be able to sway her secret Santa, after all.

"You sure you're up for that?" he asked.

The base of her tail lifted, exposing the pucker of her asshole--a surefire way to cement that nothing would be off limits--and the tip draped over the shoulder of the ursine, covering up the top part of his shawl.

"Keep that tail lifted for Santa, just might make your way off the naughty list, yet."

Claws pressed against the softer, rounded flesh of a feline's backside as Ryoohki braced himself. Recoiling so far that only the very tip of his manhood still knew the delicate warmth of her sex, the bear held steady, until he could hear a different kind of whimpering from beyond the gag.

Shove it back in, you fucking tease, she thought. _Shove that fucking cock back inside of me, now! _

As if he could hear those thoughts, Ryoohki was stringing the poor jaguar along, letting her settle in against the side of the couch and groan that much louder against her improvised ball gag.

He wanted to see just how much effort she was willing to put into her plea, when she was reduced to the rocking of her knees to get the job done: as quick a learner as anyone he'd ever met, Nikki rolled right back, forcing the first inches of his cock back into her soaking womanhood...

...And immediately, she received her first gift from the false Santa, in the form of a meeting thrust.

Among an otherwise quiet living room, the pap of his sack against her thick, curvy thighs rang out and tickled her ears with the enticing sounds of their forbidden antics. It was naughty, so much so that she deserved to be on that list, but if she'd accepted that, she didn't see any harm in justifying her place there.

As long as it meant she could feel the full, swollen cock of the bear, throbbing within her treasure and forcing her to moan aloud against her gag, she would do whatever Santa asked of her, no matter how naughty it was.

"Santa didn't tell you that you could move, did he?" Ryoohki asked, letting his words betray the pulse of appreciation that came from his shaft. "But you went ahead and did it anyway, Nikki...that was awfully greedy of you."

And you were being a tease, she thought. I'd say that makes us even.

"Not that I can blame you for taking matters into your own hands like that, but I'm afraid that requires another form of punishment..."

The ball gag came loose so suddenly that it bewildered the jaguar, forcing her jaw to hang open. Errant strands of drool came away with the other end of the rounded ornament, but she wasn't allowed the chance to bite back at her captor for long.

"And just what punishment does Santa receive for going around and fucking naughty girls like me?" she asked, hurrying through the words; she didn't trust that Ryoohki would allow her lips that kind of freedom for very long.

She was a keen woman, and just as she predicted, a new toy was already floating toward her lips, decorated with the same dust of shimmering gold that enchanted the ornament.

This one was decorated with the colors of a candy cane, but at the shape of it, Nikki couldn't help a tiny snicker, even when the hips of the ursine were plunging his cock so deep into her pleasured womanhood.

"Punishment? I'm just doing my job," Ryoohki boasted. "And Santa would never complain about that."

"I imagine not."

"But I would complain about you getting us caught, so-

"You think I'm just gonna open up for that obviously peppermint flavored cock and suck it, Santa?"

Though she was a woman of stature, Ryoohki was far larger than her: it was easy for him to capture the side of her maw at the last word and apply a pressure to the sides of her muzzle.

It was one step over the line that she'd expected, but a fresh, slick jet of arousal--perhaps the tiniest squirt she'd ever given--rushed down from her petals as she felt the bear taking full, forceful control of her body.

Holy shit, that's hot...I think I'm squirting...abuse me, Santa!

As much as she gave it her best effort, Nikki found it difficult to keep up with every delight that Ryoohki offered her. Just as difficult, if not more so, was keeping up with the way that her body responded, but she could have guessed that she'd utterly soaked Ryoohki's cock, in the process of taking it on so many deep, eager thrusts.

She wasn't entirely aware that she was offering a greater trickle of juices, staining his sack and giving him new reason to clench his fangs together as he pumped at her welcoming backside.

"You're already cumming, you naughty little kitten...unless you wanna wake someone, you'd better take that candy cane and show Santa what you'd do with his , if you had the chance."

Unable to properly close her muzzle around his digits, Nikki felt new pressure to accept his orders, when he held onto her cheeks for leverage, instead of her rump.

The tug on her fur produced such a delightful sting that she wasn't sure if she preferred that, or the powerful, overwhelming grip of his massive paws on her ass, but the bear had a point: she was going to get them caught if she kept up her brazen moans without a filter.

Nodding silently and whimpering around his fingers, the jaguar allowed the magical candy cane to fill her muzzle, all the way up to the knot at the base; that was far enough for another set of ribbons to swoop around the back of the toy, before tying themselves together around the back of her skull.

That subtle flavor of vanilla and peppermint provided an aphrodisiac that melted what little was left of Nikki's resistance, but then, she was running out of steam well before she was taken by a cock on both sides.

Just holding out for Ryoohki proved a herculean task, but she was proud of herself for making it that far along, rocking herself back and meeting the bear in the middle of every thrust that she could...

...But when he felt her inner muscles working and milking at his shaft, he was left with his own choice to make.

"If you keep that up, Santa...h-he's gonna stuff your stocking!" Ryoohki stayed in character all the way through, but he struggled to keep his voice down enough; another creature was finally stirring in the house, as the rapid pace of his hips forced his sack to slap against her inner thighs with a greater weight and presence. "Fuck...nnnfuck! Keep grabbing it like that, a naughty little girl...b-be as greedy as you want!"

It would have been the wrong lesson for a growing child, but for a grown woman with needs to be tended to, it was an offer that Nikki had been waiting her whole life to receive.

She couldn't help fulfilling it right away, holding steady for the faster, deeper thrusts of the bear. Each crash of his hips forced her further and further over the arm of the couch, until the weight of his thrusts were forcing her breasts to rock against the top of the arm, tickling her nipples with a touch that was just barely too much.

That mingled pleasure and pain bought her a few more seconds, but nothing more than that, as the delight of her first, orgasmic sample was completely overtaken by what she'd come to call 'the big one.'

Offering a long, thin streak of feminine ejaculate to her partner was a welcome surprise, but it was the rapid, uneven grip that finally pushed Ryoohki over the edge with her. "So glad I decided to s-stop down your chimney tonight, young lady...t-take it...take every drop, kitten!"

Inner walls clenched and milked with an uneven pressure, moving not of Nikki's will, but of their own: the strength of her climax was driving every unconscious response, allowing her to simply kneel before the false Santa and enjoy the way that he ravaged her body.

She was expecting him to hold still--to allow her the grace of properly milking the cum from his length--but as the waves of ecstasy spread over her body with every single pulse of his member, he kept on pushing, moving that much faster than he had at the start.

The new pace was impossible for him to keep for a long time, but for that minute, his body was crashing upon hers with nothing short of impassioned chaos.

"Mnnn...nnmhmm!" Nikki gave it her best shot, wanting to encourage Ryoohki to take that chance: to pour every gush of his cum straight into her womb. She could already feel some of the excess splashing against her inner walls and soaking back over his shaft, and finally, when the bear ran out of steam, she had a moment to appreciate just how _full_she'd become.

Milky trails of white spilled over the backs of her thighs, tickling their way down toward her knees and joining an already impressive puddle on the couch cushion. There would be no denying that she'd been a terribly naughty kitten, but even if she was caught in the middle of the act, she wasn't sure she would have been able to bring herself to protest.

She didn't look like she was in control, but at the end of the day, she could have given Ryoohki a signal at any time--a signal he _might_have respected--bringing the entire fantasy to an abrupt conclusion.

"Pretty sure you were raised better than to speak with your mouth full, weren't you?"

Given the topic of her manners, it would have made sense if Ryoohki, still playing the part of Santa, was the one coming after her for trying to speak around the spirited dildo.

The fact that the voice came from someone else wasn't lost on her. For all the intensity Nikki carried about herself when she was being so aggressively taken, her ears folded back in new submission when she looked to the landing of the stairs and saw her husband.

"She's still got a thing or two to learn about being naughty, I'm afraid," Ryoohki chimed in, completely unfazed by his presence. "I did the best I could with her, but perhaps she needs a little help from someone at home, too? Someone to really drive the point home?"

"Hmm...well, who am I to argue with Santa?"

Once more, it was all agreed upon before: the entire setup was meant to seem authentic, but Nikki's husband, Darkpaw, knew that it would be easier to make her believe the rest of the fantasy if he went off script.

Ryoohki was more than prepared to roll with those sudden changes, but Nikki hadn't seen them coming...and from the edge of the couch, she was doing her best to smile bashfully around her mouthful, unsure of what other changes her hubby had planned.

"You got a little something left in the tank for her?" Darkpaw asked. "I know you're able to go around the whole world in one night, but I can't imagine you're doing this at every house on your list."

"If only," Ryoohki joked. "But I've got more than enough holiday spirit to keep this little kitten stuffed until the new year."

Feeling the pressure of a unique shape--the knotted base of the ursine's cock--Nikki looked back for a moment with a cocked, questioning brow.

The stretch of her womanhood came next, forcing her petals to part that much further as the weight of a knot bucked against her. The extra pressure forced a quick, jettisoned river of seed to gush back out of her body, but rather than leaving the bulge there, Ryoohki eased it back again, fucking the curvy feline with every inch of his member...this time, quite literally.

It was hard for anyone to look imposing standing next to Ryoohki, and even across from him, it was no easy task.

That Darkpaw could still capture his wife's attention with the simple act of standing before her and dropping his boxers to the floor spoke to just how intimidating the beastly gnoll could be.

In the dim lights of the room, the golden pits of his eyes twinkled with something greater than mischief: he was looking upon his wife as though she was nothing more than prey to be consumed, and in offering her cookies to Santa, she'd left her own husband nothing to feast on, save for the pleasures of her flesh.

That would suffice, of course, but it meant that the candy cane, slowly melting away from the shape of a knotted cock, would end up going to waste.

"I'm not sure seeing my wife like this gives me the holiday spirit," Darkpaw confessed. "At least, I wouldn't call it that...but it turns out I'm enjoying it a little more than I thought it would."

Taking his own level of intensity with the act, the gnoll grabbed the ribbons by the little bit of slack they held and tore them away, breaking through Ryoohki's magic with impressive ease.

"Of course, I'm not just gonna stand by and watch while someone stretches her out with a knot, over and over again...I'd rather be in the ring than in the stands," he explained. Grabbing the base of the toy and watching a pair of warm, creamy trails of melted candy spill down his wife's chin, he made it his mission, right then, to give her something that much sweeter to drink up. "Especially when she's already having this much fun...doesn't seem fair to leave me out of it."

"You definitely made the nice list, letting me having a round with her like this. I suppose I could give you one of your gifts early."

"Trust me: I was planning on unwrapping this one with or without you," Darkpaw claimed. A hulking beast leaned over the jaguar in the middle, the patterns of dark browns stretching that much tighter between the gaps of tan fur and a cream underbelly. "But I do enjoy putting on my best performances when I know Santa's watching."

"Sounds like I'm the one that's getting everything he wants for Christmas, this year."

"I feel like I did pretty well for myself."

Nikki looked up at her husband, pulled out of the fantasy for a moment. "You know that this is what I was hoping for, right?"

"And you know that if I wasn't feeling nice, I'd be shoving this thing up your ass in a second," her husband warned her. "Even then...I'm not going easy on you."

Her neck was already tired from holding the massive piece of candy inside for so long, but she always had another round in her when her husband was concerned: the mere presence of him forced her inner walls to clench again, forcing Ryoohki to tie with her for a few seconds; blissful moments that the bear wouldn't have traded for anything were the fabric of the evening, and he wore them about himself like a blanket, carrying a certain, intimate warmth.

"And if I didn't want you to?" Nikki asked, licking the excess sugars from her lips.

She was asking for it as physically as she could, leaving her tongue to hang. A grinning maw stayed wide open as the gnoll grabbed the shaft of his own member, rolling back the foreskin and forcing the tip to drag along the moisture of that soaking muscle.

"Then I guess we're both getting what we asked for this year, love. So much for you being on the naughty must have been a good girl to have earned a treat like this."

Pushing through the remnant, melted candy, Darkpaw forced his wife to drink up the last of her own spittle, still mingled with the last ethers of the candy cane.

Peppermint and naked, untouched flesh made for a better combination than Nikki could have hoped for, but as she worked her head toward her husband's sack, she felt the weight of another change: Darkpaw changed the script again by grabbing a handful of her long, thick locks, holding them in a commanding grasp.

"I'm no Santa Clause, but I know just what my baby really wants," he claimed, stepping into the edge of the couch to force Nikki to take the front end of his shaft--a difficult task, to be sure--but his new posture turned his cock into a living, pulsing gag.

No matter how far back the jaguar tried to recoil, she'd only find herself pushing against the base of Ryoohki's shaft as she fucked further and further back onto the knot. Rocking forward, she'd only find more and more her husband's member, forcing her to drench it with her spittle, all the way down to the base...

...But she'd have no breaks from there on out, stuffed with flesh from both ends.

"You know, I'd be glad to turn her around tomorrow morning and let you have a go at her ass," Darkpaw chimed in, his voice almost nonchalant about the spitroasted kitten between them. "I wasn't kidding about putting the candy cane to good use like that, but I think she'd prefer a sample of the real thing, instead."

"I'd be more than happy to deliver. Nothing wrong with trying both chimneys when the house is this nice."

You're lucky that I'm in the right mood for you to talk about me like that, Nikki thought. And damn, am I ever in that mood. Treat me like an object, boys...fill me up again!

Her silent plea might not have reached past the muffled groans in her maw, but as she worked herself further down her husband's cock, nudging far enough to flick the tip of her tongue over his tender sack, she knew she was getting her point across.

Still riddled with pleasure, but having come down from her peak, Nikki was in a form of obedient control once more, commanding her body to respond accordingly to the demands of her lovers. She clenched and squeezed at the knot of the bear whenever she heard the messy spop of that knot pushing through a soaking entrance, and whenever her husband tugged on her locks, she lunged forth, forcing Ryoohki back out of her womanhood, in turn for taking every inch of Darkpaw's member into her throat.

The boys were already being rough with her--brutal tugs on her hair and full, thick spanks across her ass were just a few examples of how they came after her body--but she was still desperate for more than that, without a way to convey that they could have given it a truly merciless effort.

They couldn't break her, as far as she was concerned...though she would have welcomed them to find out, if she wasn't so busy having her tonsils brushed.

A rush of precum splashed against the back of Nikki's throat as she kept herself in place, favoring working on her husband to bucking back against Ryoohki. She felt it better to treat the gnoll, knowing that he arrived late to the party; that was to say nothing of her own greed, as holding still forced Ryoohki to pump into her from behind, working out the last of his sexual frustrations on her flesh.

"Perhaps you s-should stay through the new year," Darkpaw suggested. "She's given me head plenty of times before, but the way she's going at me right now...s-she must... really be enjoying herself!"

"I'd be glad to park the sleigh here for a few nights, if you'd have me," Ryoohki offered. "Gonna take a while for your kitten to get herself back on the nice list, anyway."

"Good," the gnoll spoke up quickly, finding it harder to contain himself with every pump of his hips. The shaft of his member was already bowing out his lover's throat, showing off just how much of his flesh she was able to take, but the greater secret remained hidden as his flesh throbbed within her overstuffed maw. "She's gonna h-have to earn it...and I wanna see her work for it, Santa!"

Massive paws gripped around the cushy flesh of the feline's backside, as the false Santa bucked himself right over the edge. A second load of seed was already pushing out the first, forcing streams of cum to squirt back and up, soaking Ryoohki's own tummy in the process...and giving Nikki another sensation to deal with, as trickling streams dribbled over the curve of her ass.

"Trust me, w-we...can make her hard as you want!" he offered, glad to know that Nikki, in the middle of at least her third orgasm--she'd lost count by then--appreciated his services. "It's the least I can do to thank you for such a warm...s-soaking wet welcome!"

Once more, the rapid pap of flesh against an eager jaguar came to a slow and satisfying crawl, until their bodies were resting against each other in heavenly exhaustion. Only the squelch of cum trying to find a place to stay could be heard on that side, and in the front, Darkpaw pounded deeper still, until the firm press of his pubic bone became a little too much for his wife.

Just a little too much, in the heat of the moment, was exactly what she needed, and the overjoyed sounds of her release came around a subtle ulp ; she was able to swallow in the very next breath, as the first gush of her lover's cum sprayed right down the back of her neck and into her gullet.

"Who wouldn't leave their welcome mat out for Santa?" Darkpaw asked, his question straining through his teeth like wet sand through a balled fist. "Especially when she's been so excited to meet you..."

Slumped over Nikki's back, Ryoohki found nodding to be a bit too much trouble, but he gave it his best, all the same. "I'm honored that she still believes in me."


The couch was just wide enough for three larger bodies to share it, side by side.

With that, the couch was entirely filled out, with the jaguar still seated in the middle of her dominant partners...and still bound in ribbon, helpless to stop the pleasurable assault on her breasts.

From the tip of her nipples, intentionally left alone until that point, milk was beading over from the swollen glands...and two sets of gentlemen's fingertips were working that excess into glasses, enjoying it with the Christmas cookies.

"You know, this doesn't seem fair," Nikki argued, though her protests were derailed by a quiet gasp; pleasure and pain came together in a _delightful_blend, whenever milk was drawn from her body. "I'm the kitten here, and I'm the only one that isn't getting any milk!"

She would have been glad to drink her own yield, but as much of the warm, slick fluid as she produced, Ryoohki and Darkpaw were ever ready to drink up that offering.

"I thought cats preferred cream," Ryoohki mentioned. Seeing another bead spill from the end of a distended nub, he came in close and suckled right at the teat, eager to drink it fresh from the source.

"And you just had two servings of it," Darkpaw finished the thought, cupping the other breast to himself and leaning in close for a fuller taste.

"You t-two are insatiable ," Nikki groaned. "And...I couldn't be happier..."