The Woodland Witch's New Plaything

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Isaac found himself in a situation, stuck in a new location, with magical explanation, no thoughts and blissful relaxation.

Story for FA: FarfLord featuring himself getting stuck into the body of Kenny and becoming the 'willing' plaything of Hecate.

Looking for something a bit kinkier? Well have an omorashi alt~

Inspired by this commission I got from the amazing/wonderful FA: Feline-Gamer

"C'mon..." Isaac muttered to himself. The young adult's right hand clicked that mouse rapidly, eyes fixed on the desktop's monitor, watching what his character was fighting, and the yellow bar which was almost full. He had recently learnt of this new MMORPG that had been released a few days ago, it wasn't as big as the ones he had played, but something about the art style and gameplay had him hooked, he created an account, downloaded the game, and made his character, Kenny Sweetflower.

Unlike most games of this genre, there wasn't the generic option of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. Humans were still there, but the rest of the choosable races were unique, there were demons, robots and human-like races that had animal features, but the rest were full-on anthropomorphic animals. With so many choices, Isaac went with the one that piqued his interest the most: an anthro-bee person. As for the class, Isaac chose his staple choice of rogue for Kenny.

Isaac had spent the past four hours doing quests, continuing the story and having fun in this new RPG. He had gotten to level 15 with his bee rouge, he had spent time learning the crafting system to make the leather armour he donned, and whilst slaying some foes, had found a rare drop, a rapier with excellent stats for his level. Right now, he watched his character slice through giant, sentient mushrooms and wolves made out of wood (fittingly named Timberwolves), all in order to grind. His next quest required them to be level 20, so grinding on the enemies found in an area called 'Wicked Woods' seemed like the best idea.

"Almost there.." Isaac ordered his character to attack one more foe, pressing the hotkeys to use his class skills to fell the enemy swiftly. With that enemy's death, the human's ears heard that familiar congratulatory jingle. "Yes, level 16!" He said with glee, fist pumping in the process. While it wasn't a huge milestone, it did mean he was one step closer to their next quest, it also meant the next dungeon would be unlocked, meaning he could gain some neat loot to use and sell later if needed. "Just a few more levels and I'll take a break," Whilst the idea of continuing was enticing, he had played for almost a quarter of the day at this rate, once he reached level 20, he would log off and make something to eat, playing for that long had made him quite peckish, especially with how appetising the food in-game looked; if only he could try out one of those giant cobs of bread or walnut scones.

He made Kenny walk around for a bit, trying to find more enemies to fight for the reward of valuable gold and experience, whilst exploring the woods, Isaac laid eyes on a more peculiar encounter.

Isaac learnt early on that each area had so-called 'mini-bosses', stronger enemies that are usually the max level or higher of the area they were in, and he just came across one. Located in a large clearing was an anthropomorphic squirrel, fur white as salt and wavy, deep purple hair, garbed in leaf green witches' attire that seemed to leave little to the imagination, especially combined with those fishnets and knee-high boots with pointed ends.

Woodland Witch, Level 20. That was her name, title and level which hovered above the character. For other players, it might be ideal to grind some more before facing a mini-boss, but Isaac felt confident that Kenny could best her. Putting caution to the wind, he ordered the insectoid rogue to fight her, looking forward to the rewards she'll drop. However, he should've thought twice.

The fight lasted under thirty seconds. Kenny's attacks were paltry against her lashes with a leather whip, which dealt triple the damage he did. He couldn't use most of his skills either, each attack drained his mana to the point where he had just enough for one skill, the one he started with. Maybe that could be the ticket to defeating the witch, a swift strike with a high chance of it being a critical hit. All he needed to do was push the button. But he never got that chance. A pulse of demonic energy came from the squirrel's hand, killing Kenny.

'You are dead' that message popped up, alongside a countdown timer til he'd respawn at the last safe location. Like most games of this genre, death is minor, he may lose a bit of gold and gear durability, but at the end of the day, it was something easily gained back. He knew a bit more grinding and he'd be able to win.

"Oh, we're not done yet," Isaac heard a voice, he didn't know where it came from, but soon his eyes looked back to the screen. The Woodland Witch was looking at him, not his character, but him directly, magenta eyes with a demonic red tinge piercing his soul.

W-What the, is this some kind of fourth wall gag? He thought, his cursor hovering over the respawn button, ready to get on with his game.

"Don't think you can just leave," The witch added, her eyes lighting up as if she'd just been possessed. Before Isaac could click the respawn button, it vanished. That surprised him much more than her talking to him.

"I know what you're thinking. You'll respawn, grind up, possibly get some new equipment, and then face me once more, hoping for a better outcome, one where you best me," The witch walked around the 'deceased' bee, all while not breaking eye contact with the human. "But I'm afraid that won't be the outcome, after all, I still want to have some more fun with you~"

The way she spoke that last part creeped him out, like a sinister noblewoman, about to perform a heinous act. He wanted none of this, ready to use ctrl+alt+delete to close the game and send a bug report to the game devs regarding this encounter.

"Come here" those words echoed throughout his headphones, her hand beckoned him forward. Isaac felt his chair be pushed towards the desk, launching him off and colliding his face with the screen, everything going black as he lost consciousness...

"Ugh..." Isaac placed soothed their head, the pain of slamming it into the monitor was painful, or so he thought. When he bought his head up, the gamer found himself in a place odd, but all too familiar. He was on grass, instead of the leather office chair he was sitting on, their bedroom had been replaced with a dense forest clearing, and barely any light came through the dense canopy.

"W-Wait is this-" Isaac's verbal train of thought was halted by something else, something obscured their vision slightly, he didn't know what it was at first, but it soon became clear. Hair, coal black hair, this shocked him as his hair was auburn brown, and wasn't shoulder length like it was now. That moment made him realise what had happened.

Feeling the top of his head, they felt a pair of antennae. Looking down, Isaac saw a green vest under leather armour, with a yellow body and thick black carapace. This wasn't his body, it was Kenny's! With that revelation, the human, or now bee, realised where they were.

"T-This is-"

"The Wicked Woods" That familiar voice stated from behind the insectoid rogue. Turning around, he came face-to-face with the rodent witch once again, those eyes piercing into his own once more.

"Y-You are that witch!" He said in surprise, stepping away from the mysterious enemy.

"Oh please, I'm more than just 'that witch'," She scoffed before snapping her fingers. It didn't take long for Isaac to realise that those floating hud elements from the game were still here. He saw her name glitching out, soon returning to normal, but not the same as it once was.

'Hecate Macademia' it now read, beneath it was her old name, now serving as a title for the squirrel witch. But that wasn't the only change that happened to her, the human was so focused on the game elements that he didn't realise her attire changed slightly. It was the same sexy appearance, yet she wore nothing down there, her midriff and lower lips were all viewable to the confused insect, one lat unique sight, besides her partial nudity, was a glowing purple tattoo, placed right where her womb is, the design included a pentagram, same one that was etched into the golden charm on her leather choker.

Isaac was shaking in his...Kenny's shorts, he was fearful of this woman, whoever she was. Were they a new breed of bug that intruded the game, or something more malicious, like a virus a rival company put in to sabotage the game? Either way, he was afraid of Hecate. He stepped further back, unsure what he could do, being stuck inside the body of their own making.

"Oh don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you" Hecate promised Isaac, despite how she bested the rogue he was controlling just a couple of minutes ago. Still, Isaac didn't trust their word, he had to get away from her. Luckily, he knew the layout of the forest like the back of his hand, thanks to checking the map numerous times during gameplay, but he had to sort out Hecate first, if they were able to best his character, they'd be able to beat him as well. But that fact didn't stop him from trying, looking at the ground, Isaac saw that unique rapier he obtained for Kenny, the blade piercing the ground. With a plan prepared, he swallowed their cowardice and ran over to the sword, grasping it in his hand, he rushed at Hecate, prepared to fight her once more.

"Halt," Hecate said calmly, much to Isaac's surprise. Even though he was charging right at them, she didn't show any signs of preparedness, they didn't summon that whip, fling a spell, or enter a battle stance. All the squirrel did, was ask him to halt, and he did!

"W-What?" Isaac was shocked and confused, He was halfway through the motion of piercing Hecate's chest with Kenny's rapier, the closest that sword got was five or so inches away from her. Why did he stop? He wouldn't dare follow her orders, especially since she sent him into the body of his created character in an MMORPG like it was some cliché anime.

"Surprised, aren't you?," Hecate asked Isaac. She watched him struggle to move, the witch moving closer, pushing that rapier to the side, his entire arm followed suit. "It's a simple subconscious suggestion that I implanted within the depths of your mind, whilst you were knocked out after I bought you here," She answered, stroking his chin as he could only scowl at what she had done to him.

"But I will say, that on top of bringing myself here, then you and planting my words into your brain, it has left me quite drained," She added in a manner most sultry.

"Y-You're not from here?" Issac asked, seeming more confused by what they meant by the squirrel not being from the game, was she also a player of the game? Like a scientist or computer engineer that found a way to transfer consciousness into data, using him as an example. That was the only theory Isaac could come up with now, the other sounding stupid, Hecate being an actual anthropomorphic squirrel with magical powers, especially when magic nor anthropomorphic animals were real where he came from.

"Indeed, I'm from another world as you would call it, not like the one you're from. It'll be too hard to explain for someone whose brain's easy to mould like yours," Hecate chuckled, looking into the bee's eyes, watching their anger grow and an annoyed growl escaped from behind gritted teeth thanks to that insult.

"Now...relax~" Those words rang through his antennae, infinitely echoing, getting quieter, yet stronger the further it went into his mind. Isaac groaned, his body feeling weak, his grip on that rapier vanished, the sword dropping to the ground. Despite being ordered to relax, Isaac could still raise his head to look right into Hecate's eyes. Gone were those seductive plum-purple eyes with that blood-red tinge like a demon had possessed her, now a spiral of the same colours were in their place. They rippled intensively like someone had thrown a stone where her irises once were. To the human, they were oddly satisfying to look into, the way they constantly expanded outwards, each irade making an absolutely wonderful pattern, reminiscent of a delectable piece of candy that they couldn't eat.

"My-my, I didn't even ask you to gaze into my eyes yet~" She commented, happily surprised by the gamer's accidental compliance. Part of Isacc's stronger-willed mind soon realised the mistake of staring into those never-ending spirals, the longer he looked, the more he felt at ease, safe around the witch. The hate and anger that was targeted at the witch that defeated his avatar, then bought him into the game began to fade. It became harder and harder to recall why they were mad at Hecate, especially when her eyes looked so pretty, like a magnificent light show, made just for him. A dopey smile formed on his face as that hypnotic pattern transferred over to his own eyes, usurping the position held by his emerald eyes

"Good little bee~" Hecate praised Isaac, happy to see her hypnotic spell getting stronger by the second, the longer he stared, the more wrapped around her thumb he became, and the longer he was under her spell, the more relaxed he became, all his worries just slipped away like autumn leaves in the wind. "Kneel~" Isaac followed her command to a T, falling to his knees, the thick carapace on his lower legs protected him from any scrapes or bruises he could've gained from the terrain below. "Keep on relaxing for me, you good boy~" Hecate snapped her fingers, the sound reverberating in his ears alongside a single word: "Relax~" And like the good boy he was, he obeyed, letting his whole body go limp.

The sensation of relaxation was amazing, Isaac didn't realise how much he needed this. The rapid, subliminal commands were starting to become pleasurable, it bought his flaccid length to life, growing stiff and pitching an obvious tent in his shorts.

"Mmm, let's make you much more comfortable~" Hecate decreed, and with another snap of her fingers, a purple aura engulfed the bee, when it faded, so did his clothing. Issac was now in his birthday suit, cock throbbing and dripping thick, gooey pre onto the grass below.

While watching Isaac be lost in a state of pure bliss, Hecate felt her strength coming back. Unlike other magic users, Hecate didn't restore the same amount of mana as they did. The reason was the pact she had made with a demonic creature, she would have to obey her when the time came (branding her with the womb tattoo she flaunted to all who came across her), in return she had vast magic prowess. That was why she hid in the game, to siphon magic from easy prey. The hypnosis was used to make sure they wouldn't fight back, and while the idea of binding them was a possibility, she enjoyed messing with their minds oh so much. The squirrel smirked, watching her own mana bar almost fill to the brim, whilst Isaac's was nearly depleted. But despite their time being almost over, she wanted to have a little more fun with him.

"If I may be curious of you. I don't believe I caught your name at all, you good, obedient bee. May I please know?~," Hecate asked, willing him to answer truthfully.

"I-I-I..." This was odd, despite being mentally ordered to say his name, Isaac couldn't, it was almost as if he was trying to lie to his mistress, the one who blessed him with this indescribable state of pleasure. "I-I-I..." He was still trying to recall his name, while Hecate grew tired.

"Now come on, what was your name, you do remember, little bee?" Hecate asked once more, alongside another firm snapping of her fingers. As that loud snapping sound, entered his antennae, it came to him, like those fingers flicked on a lightbulb in his brain.

"K-Kenny Sweetflower..." That was right! His name was Kenny Sweetflower. They were an insectoid rogue that tried to best Hecate, but he failed spectacularly. Yet instead of snuffing him out, like an ember taking on the ocean, she showed pity, letting all the pressure of fighting bandits and beasts fade away, leaving him with pleasure and relaxation he didn't want to end.

"Kenny. Such a pretty name for a cute, little bee like you~" Her words made Kenny's cock throb, flinging more precum, fertilising mother nature. "Answer me, Kenny. Would you like to stay with me for a while longer?"

"Y-Yes" Kenny eagerly replied. Deep down, part of him was screaming no, like it was a terrible idea to spend any time longer with the witch, but why was that? She seemed like a magnificent lady, one he'd never dare say no to.

"Good boy~," Hecate praised Kenny once again, ready to take the willing bee with her. Her whip formed in their hand, slithering in the air and around Kenny's neck, where it merged to form a collar around his neck, a golden tag dangled from it, inscribed where the words 'servant of the woods' on one side, and the other 'Kenny Sweetflower: Hecate's plaything', in case he'd ever forget who he was and who owned him.

"Stand for me~," She asked, Kenny obeyed, getting onto his feet, the sound of wet squelching beneath as he done so. "Follow~," And he did exactly that as well, following her new mistress into the mysterious gateway to what appeared to be a quaint forest hut, suiting of the woodland witch.

Hecate planned to have a lot of fun, toying with Kenny, but she wasn't going to keep him forever. She intended to release him from his hypnotic trance once she felt like enough time had passed. Once that time came, she'll return him to his human body, only a few minutes having passed whilst they were unconscious, their memory of Hecate and the time they spent wiped, and their original identity returned...hopefully.

The Woodland Witch's New Plaything (Omorashi edition)

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