Coffee Between Cousins

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Originally posted on the 7th of October 2022, to commemorate FA: Feline-Gamer's 27th birthday.

After a long day at work, Cordell wants a nice, long sleep, however, his cousin/roommate, Robbie wants to hang out at 3 AM. Luckily, an idea comes to the Owl.

Comments and constructive criticism are welcome.

The day was young in the city of Tidalheart. The sun began to peek its head over the sea, men, women and children would soon be bought out of their peaceful slumbers by its rays or by alarms next to their beds to prepare them for the long day ahead of them.

But this wasn't the case for everyone, take Cordell for example. He was an owl who was coincidentally a night owl as well, he works as an administrative assistant for a small tech company, a workaholic at heart, he had enthusiastically taken up a second shift when a spot came open, alongside the regular nine-to-five, he had a nine PM-to-three AM shift.

The night shift had ended and Cordell just got off the morning bus, he tightened his strawberry red scarf, placed his feathered hands in their jacket's pockets and walked away from the stop and towards his apartment block that lay about a mile from the local bus stop.

After a peaceful stroll on the chilly streets and a tiresome trek up the building's stairs (a detour caused by the elevator being out of service) Cordell came face-to-face with the door to his apartment. Grasping the handle it only dawned on the owl how tired he'd become, the caffeine in his veins from many cups of office-grade coffee had left, and now the weight of fatigue was on him.

As Cordell was about to place his key into the door, the feathers above his ears perked up, he could hear the sounds of music muffled by the door, opening it up barraged the bird with the upbeat and loud tunes of ska mixed with punk, the source of it being from his TV, a Gamecube/PS2 was plugged up to it with a classic skateboarding game displayed on the HD screen. The one playing the game sat on the well-used sofa, an orange-feathered bird sporting a vest-coat, chain necklace, and a cap-bandana combo.

"R-Robbie?!" Cordell blurted out, not expecting to see the fellow avian up at this time of day. The titular bird wasn't alerted by the sound of the door opening; instead by the call of his name, he paused the game, but the music still bouted out of it.

"Oh, wassup, Cuz?" Robbie asked the owl, staring at them with sapphire eyes and noting the clear lack of sleep.

Robbie was a rather normal bird, he woke up and got to bed at the regular times, but he had the personality of a radical rascal. His favourite pastimes included skateboarding, chilling with friends and colouring the town up with various graphite tags of his. Robbie was unemployed, he finds jobs to be too much of a burden on his free spirit and instead does a few odd jobs around time, be it cleaning cars or picking up cans and such for a few bucks, it was a miracle that he had a roof over his head. Cordell was his cousin on their mother's side and he was happy as someone antisocial could be for having a deadbeat roommate that could only contribute a few notes and some loose change to the month's rent.

"What's up? Why are you still awake?" Cordell shouted back, not helping the potential noise complaints they could be expecting later on

"Well...You recall I went to bed way earlier than usual?" Robbie rhetorically asked, watching the night owl take off his scarf and jacket and place them on the nearby coatstand, leaving them in their formal black work pants and wine-red vest. "So I thought why don't I wake up around four so we could have some time as cousins?"

Cordell let out a long sigh which transformed into a yawn at the end from hearing his relative's plan "Robbie...You know I'm busy almost twenty-four hours a day, I barely have time for myself and I need the sleep..." He explained, trying their best not to enter a tired rage at them.

Despite his uninterest in forming bonds with co-workers and people around town, preferring to have a tight-knit group of around ten friends. He did enjoy having Robbie around, and though their personalities went together like bananas and mayonnaise, it was still nice to have someone around to keep them company, he was a bit like a pet who was able to take care of themselves whilst he was gone. It was also a grand boon that when Cordell was working his first shift, Robbie was usually out skating around and having fun, sometimes seeing him during the four hours when they were both free to have dinner and chat. It was also good that when he returned from his night shift, the orange avian was fast asleep, but today they decided to wake up early just to be with him when all of his batteries were drained.

"Oh but cuz, you and I both know that we barely see each other during the day," Robbie told him, wishing he could spend a bit more time with his cousin. "So why don't you drop that business facade and be your fun self for a while, like say an hour or half?" Robbie tried to sway his cousin into spending a bit of time with him, knowing it was a hard sell, especially with how they were.

"C-Couldn't you just wait for the weekend?" Cordell groaned, but he knew he couldn't say no to his cousin, it was a weakness that he was trying to overcome, and it was better to say yes than try to sleep whilst Robbie played video games at this time of day. "Fine...Can I just grab a coffee first" He asked whilst accepting the deal for some bonding, shuffling over to the kitchen in a sleepy stupor.

"Oh, can you get me one too? two sugars and cream, just how I like it," Robbie didn't wait for him to answer, knowing that Cordell was kind like that and just hearing he wants one was all they needed to say.

Cordell filled and popped the kettle on and moved his body towards the fridge, he squinted his eyes as the light of the fridge gleamed to live, all he needed to grab from the fridge was the creamer that only the fellow avian used; yet something else grabbed his eyes, a half-full bottle of sake.

Cordell didn't usually drink, but since he had begun frequenting the local sushi restaurant a couple of streets away, the owl acquired a taste for rice wine, the one sold at the place was five bucks per bottle, but it was worth the price. With this newfound favourite drink, Cordell learnt he was a lightweight, it only took a bottle to get push them into a drunken state, he did hear that he was one of the more 'fun' drunks to be around, albeit somewhat assertive.

As the owl eyed the bottle an idea came to mind, if he was going to be spending a while with his cousin, maybe some alcohol alongside coffee could help him get through this quickly and put him at ease, but it had one, big downside: high chances of a hangover later on, especially on a workday; yet the pros outweigh the cons here substantially. Cordell grabbed both bottles from the fridge, placed them on the counter, collected two mugs from a cupboard close by, and waited for the kettle to come to a boil and make two good cups of early-morning joe.

Cordell returned five minutes later, in his hand were two steaming mugs of coffee for him and Robbie. The skater bird paused his game once more and watched his cousin walk on over to the couch.

"Thanks, cuz," Robbie took the coffee made for him and watched the owl sit down before taking a sip, Cordell followed suit, feeling the faint buzz from his spiked beverage.

"It's alright, not the first time I've made coffee for more than myself today," He admitted, nearly every time he made a piping-hot drink yesterday and today had included him making drinks for others.

"Man...guessin' long work day?" Robbie asked, feeling a bit sorry for having his cousin make even more coffee.

"They usually are, don't worry, I'm used to it" Cordell explained, having another drink from the mug, letting out a relieved sigh, enjoying the bitter taste of joe mixed with the dry and faint sweetness of the rice wine.

An hour passed, and the two birds did some small talk whilst Cordell watched Robbie rack up tons of points with insane skateboarding trick combos in a nostalgia-inducing game. Cordell could remember when this game first came out, watching his cousin once play it like he was now, age bringing made him much better at the game and appreciate it more.

Their mugs were close to being empty, Cordell's much more. The sake spiking it made it quite the delicious treat for the owl; yet with only under a quarter left, the owl was getting tipsier and tipsier, appearing less uptight, and more calm and talkative compared to a while back when they weren't exactly in the mood for staying up any longer, desiring a peaceful night's rest.

"S-Say..." Cordell spoke, the Japanese booze in full effect, his speech slurred slightly. "H-How's that hawk lady you hang out with?" He asked as he leaned closer to him

"Oh, you mean Nilina?" Robbie asked back, knowing it was rhetorical seeing it was the only hawk they knew. "She's doing fine, I think?"

"You think, what did she get in trouble with the law again or something?" the night owl queried, having some knowledge of her already. Nilina could be best described as a loud, foul-mouthed delinquent you'd see in Anime, or Japanese TV shows and games. She and Robbie had a friendship going on, but it was more like a friendly rivalry, the hawk had an extremely competitive spirit that drove her to partake in bets and challenges like races or seeing who can tag more places, no matter what it was, she was eager. Yet her spirit and attitude were her hubris, Nilina had been in trouble with law-enforcement numerous times.

"Nah, last time I saw her she mentioned going out of town with a friend of hers, some mature vulture lady, if I recall those two were going to some scooter festival, guessin a modder meetup?" Robbie replied, trying his best to recall what she said.

"Older lady, ay?" Cordell was curious, mainly due to his drunken state "You think Nilina's her plaything?" He verbally pondered to his cousin.

"Umm, what you getting at, Cuz?" Robbie was sort of confused, having never seen him this loose.

"C-Cmon, you *hic* know what I mean" He hiccuped out whilst talking to the bird. "Are they fu~cking~" he raised his eyebrows whilst watching Robbie's eyes open wide and a faint blush appear on their lips.

"Ummm, I-I dunno, like I don't think she and her would..." Was the best Robbie could answer with, the orange avian losing some of his focus on the game and starting to get sloppy.

"O-Oh but I *hic* bet you're thinking it. Your best friend must love being with older women, m-maybe she loves MILFs and their mature bodies and fine breasts~" Cordell chatted on about Robbie's friend and her supposed tastes "B-Betting you dream that you could be their boy toy, maybe watch em *hic* fondle their bountiful breasts and grope each other's butts, maybe even..." He stopped speaking to crawl on up to his cousin, face flustered in rosy-red blush and eyes half-open.

Robbie was about to ask what he was going to say, but as he opened his beak the Owl moved right on in and locked his beak with his, entering a sudden, forceful forbidden kiss with his kin. Cordell's passionate action was fueled by the sake that flavoured his coffee, the same sake Robbie could smell on his breath, the strength of the rice wine nearly intoxicated the fellow avian, a slight tipsiness going over him like a sudden wave on an overcast day. Whatever trick combo Robbie had going on was broken with his skateboarder crashing to the ground, along with the controller in his hands now resting on the ground.

The skateboarding bird was able to push away after ten seconds of non-consensual kissing, their beaks connected by a single string of spit as they looked one another in the eyes and panted deeply, it only hit Robbie that Cordell must've been drinking, since he would never try to give him such a heavy kiss, or even start one.

"C-Cuz, what the hell?" He asked, the tension of the moment and the sight of a bulge in Cordell's pants caused his member to begin emerging from beneath the plumage around their crotch. A pure black mast with foreskin still intact, and a petite pair of balls resting beneath it.

"What's the matter, Robbie, not one for being kissed by your cousin?" The owl asked seductively, his actions caused Robbie's face to break out in a red flush.

"L-Like not usual-I-I mean what's with you, since when were you drinkin, cuz?" The orange bird blurted out, still taken back by this whole ordeal.

"Right now," He said nonchalantly with a hiccup. "L-Like after the work day I had, I needed something stronger than just coffee," Revealing the spiking of his drink. Part of his mind knew it was too late to mention he got rather handsy and horny when drunk, having cupped a few feels and drenched the two waitresses at his favourite sushi restaurant.

"B-Besides, Isn't it fair I get to be in control whilst we have sex for once?" Cordell pushed his cousin further onto the sofa, knocking their just empty mug onto the floor, the contents dripping onto the floor and staining the carpet.

"I-I just wanted to play video games and chat with you, cuz" Robbie admitted, looking away, instead of into Cordell's eyes. While he told the truth, his hard-on let the owl know he wanted this deep down.

"C-Come now, I know you're loving this already" Corddel commented, waiting for Robbie to open his mouth to answer, only getting an "I-I," out before their beaks met once more.

It was clearer than glass that Cordell and Robbie's relationship was a fair bit incestuous. Only a few knew about this, and they knew it wasn't them being lovers and more just cousins with benefits. Their sexual interactions were casual, like Robbie helping Cordell relieve some stress by sucking him off, or having fun together in the shower whilst saving water and getting nice and clean in the process. Robbie quite enjoyed casual sexual interaction alongside more riskier situations, like having sex in public spaces. Here it wasn't just a simple stress-relieving time, more a moment of passion driven on by sake consumed by an overworked owl.

Their tongues lashed out and danced together as Robbie got more eager to have some fun with his cousin, whatever was left of the alcohol on Cordell's tongue was passed onto the fellow bird, aiding with the intoxicating breath. Robbie felt his cousin's wing grab his length and rub him off, another dominant act from the usually submissive owl. Robbie just followed suit by feeling his clothed behind, grasping their butt as best he could.

Two minutes of romantic kissing and groping passed before it was broken once more, the orange bird's warm breath clouded the owl's prescription goggles.

"N-Never took you for a kisser, cuz~" Robbie mentioned, out of breath from that long, forbidden kiss

"Neither did, I~" Cordell replied, using his hand to clear away the steam whilst amazed at his cousin's kissing skills. "B-But I do know you something you're good at~" The Avian added, he got back up to first zip down and unbutton his trousers lowering them to present the boxer briefs he wore for his night shift, those soon came down to present his cousin with the familiar view of his length at full mast. The night owl was slightly more endowed than his roommate/related avian, thicker, bigger and a smidge longer, with a dark brown complexion and a reddish glans compared to Robbie's purple, his balls were larger as well, with a tuft of feathers by the front. Cordell's penis shivered and throbbed from being released from the warm confines of his underwear, the faint glistening of pre beginning to appear from the tip, soon forming a perfectly round globule, like a pearl from a clam.

The radical bird got what his cuz was putting down, he knew that the workaholic loved the way his beak felt around his cock; but as he was leaning forward to give him what he wanted, Cordell pushed him down once more.

"Y-You really think I'd leave you throbbing down there, Robbie?" Cordell told his cousin. The owl then turned around and bent over to let his own length come into sucking range for Robbie, while the bird's cock could be reached easily by the Owl.

"Heh, guessin not?" Robbie rhetorically replied back, not wasting any more time and placed his beak up to it and licked the head of Cordell's cock, that drop of pre now painted his glans, before being cleaned right up by the orange avian's tongue, he then opened up and took the length's head right into his maw. His cousin moaned and cooed in pleasure before giving back the pleasure, licking the black pole, making it shine with his spit, and getting a good taste of it, the natural saltiness down there was the perfect compliment to the sake-tainted coffee he had. Soon the two cousins were practically worshipping one another's phalluses.

Robbie's motions were experienced, this wasn't his first rodeo, sucking dick and it wouldn't be the last. Even in a position, he wasn't used to, the bird could easily adapt and make sure every bit of his cousin's mast was coated by a thin layer of saliva. Thanks to Cordell undressing a bit more, Robbie could finally glide his hands over their cute, firm bubble-butt, able to spread their cheeks and hear his tailfeathers lift up from instinct.

Cordell wasn't used to giving oral, having been a receiver nearly all the time, he could only recall two times he had sucked somebody off, the first was with a grumpy avian called Pietro, it was mostly a fun hookup mixed with makeup sex seeing how he did fuck him whilst under the influence that one night, the other moment was with Robbie...right now! Usually, the owl would be careful not to poke the length with his beak and mainly focus on tongue work, here the liquid courage had helped him out by unlocking a part of his mind that kept knowledge of the many times he'd had sex and put them to use. He didn't worry about being careful and more about pleasuring his cousin, smooching and massaging his balls, licking all around their penis, taking it into his maw, and making sure to taste every bit of pre with his tongue, recognizing how it got stronger with every new spurt of the opaque liquid. The muffled moans of Robbie aided in giving Cordell more enthusiasm to give him possibly the best blowjob of his life.

The owl took that cock out of his beak to catch some breath, it was much warmer from the diluted sake he had consumed. He didn't mean to breathe on his cousin's member, yet hearing him emit a different moan and watching some pre be slung onto his face was quite the surprise.

"Hmm, I didn't expect your cock to be this sensitive, Robbie~" Cordell teased his cousin, giving their pulsating penis a prod with his finger. He didn't expect him to be turned on by his hot breath lashing against his cock; but it was fun to try out some new stuff, and he had the perfect guinea pig~

Whilst Robbie kept up the good work on polishing Cordell's mast and pleasing him well, the titular owl began to do quite more than sucking. He began jerking him off using his spit and their pre as lube, they planted kisses on his balls and length, their tongue licked around, in and out of their foreskin while their beak gave gentle nibbles to it, and he blew his warm breath along their shaft. All of these were making the skateboarder tense up, amazed by his cousin's lack of restraint, it was as if he had become addicted to it! Despite trying to make sure his cuz would cum first, he was now fighting a losing battle, the unhinged, passionate worship their relative was doing vastly unmatched their disciplined fellating. He felt like a boiler about to blow, the pressure built up too much for him to hold it any longer; all it took was a small warm breeze from the owl's beak to make him burst; just at the time they placed the cock right it, not prepared for what's to come...

A torrent of cum fired out of Robbie's cock and directly into Cordell's mouth with the strength of a super soaker. He had tasted his cousin's cum by mistake, yet here it tasted better, this could've been because their goal was to get him to cum and have a great time; instead of catching some in his mouth as he moaned out when he and Robbie frotted. He tried his best to savour the taste and drink it down, the potent flavour helped push him over the edge, giving Robbie his own salty surprise, launching it directly into his gullet.

Once they unloaded their balls into each other's beaks, the two birds moved off each other, deeply panting and embracing the ecstasy of a post orgasm. A small sweat had built up on their bodies from their intercourse and their clothes became slightly damp from their perspiration.

"H-Holy shit..." Robbie said, still able to taste their seed on their tongue. "I-I never had an experience like that before..." He turned to face his cousin, who had leant back into the sofa, they seemed tuckered out; but judging from the way he turned his head to look at him, this was only the first act.

"S-Say...Why don't we remove these clothes and head to my room so I can show you how fun I can be when drunk~?" Cordell placed the offer on the table. It might've been the second-hand tipsiness, the fact he'd been pent up for a while, or just plain curiosity to see what his cuz would do next, Cordell just nodded vigorously, ready to see what he was going to do next.

It took under a minute for the two to fully strip down to just their feathers, besides Cordell's goggles and Robbie's headwear. The orange bird found himself on his back once again. The owl raised his lightweight, taloned legs up and beneath his arms, positioning the tip of his phallus with their tight back entrance. A slight wave of concern went over Robbie whilst he watched their cousin prepare himself to fuck their hole, it had been so long since he last bottomed, they had gotten used to penetrating that his hole had become naturally tight once more, so the fact Cordell wasn't using any lube, or the fact that the owl was more sexually eager and less bound when drunk made it clear that he was in for a wild ride...

"H-Hope you're ready, because when I'm done your butt will be red as your face~" Cordell flirted with his cousin before slowly thrusting forward, watching their pucker spread to fit the intrusion and soon slipping right in with ease thanks to the 'lube'. Once in, he began to thrust inwards and outwards at a moderately fast pace, loving the tight warmth around his member

"Ahh~!" Robbie cawed out, the feeling of his ass being split open like a knife through a loaf of bread was so good, his once flaccid cock became stiff yet again. He watched their cuz look at the blushing, moaning mess he was becoming thanks to the deep ravaging they were giving him. The skateboarder closed his eyes, gritting his deep, the cock inside him went as deep as it could go and it was now coming out, once he opened his eyes he soon found Cordell much closer. Robbie thought he was coming in for another kiss; but soon he felt their cock almost outside their hole, his knees were now on both sides of his torso. It became instantly clear that the owl wasn't coming in for a kiss, instead, he was changing from the missionary position earlier on to a mating press.

"O-Oh!" Robbie's eyes went wide open as Cordell slammed deep inside his ass, causing him to let out the loudest moan of the day, something the neighbours would be complaining about tomorrow.

"Hmmf, what's wrong?" The owl asked, while he used his cousin's arms for support in the rough plapping he gave in "Don't you enjoy having your cute ass torn open?"

"Hng I-I do! Just-" He was cut off by Cordell's length grinding right against his g-spot, it made him moan out in painful bliss. "J-just not used to it being so damn rough,"

"O-Oh... such a shame, because I-I don't think I can hold back~" The words that came out of their mouth sent a shiver down Robbie's spine, he would be needing an ice pack on his ass after this, but he should enjoy it the best he can, after all, he was starting to love how dominant his cuz could be when drunk.

The powerful, passionate pressing kept on going for what felt like ages. Each time Cordell slammed his length in, their butts and balls kissed, they even shared a few more steamy smooches, as who knows when a time of passion could happen again. The pleasure was enough for Robbie to cum once again, firing his spunk all over their plumage, staining his orange chest with streaks of white.

"H-Heh, you look cute with all that cum on you~" Cordell complimented his cousin, watching him look away and blush in return. "Speaking of cum..." He smiled, and with four final thrusts of his cock, he shot another load right inside Robbie, this time inside their heavily fucked hole. Ropes and ropes of seed coated the inside of him white, the amount proceeded to gush out of his anus and onto their feathers and booty, Cordell then pulled out, using the last of his cum to paint their ass with some white streaks to match the ones on their chest.

"H-Holy shit, dude..." Robbie said, eyes heavy and beak quivering. Finally spent, both the birds felt the fatigue from intense sexual intercourse weigh them down like sacks of bricks, with the last of their energy, Cordell got off his cousin and rolled beside him and fell asleep with him.

The ear-intruding sound of an alarm woke Robbie from his slumber. He groaned and slammed the button to shut it up, in the process he realized Cordell wasn't next to him. The bird got off the bed on wobbly legs, he recalled what happened earlier on, knowing it was true by the stains on the bed sheet, he really needed a shower as he could still smell the time they had together in the room and on him.

Walking out of Cordell's room he soon came face to face with the titular owl as he sat there on the sofa, naked with his flaccid length between his legs.

"Morning, Robbie," Cordell greeted his cousin, beckoning him over to sit beside him. Robbie did exactly that, when sitting down he winced, feeling a sting of pain from the rough fucking they had last night.

"Still sore?" They asked him, handing them a coffee he made earlier on for him that was on the small table in front of the TV.

"Yup..." Robbie replied, taking his drink from the owl and sipping, on the TV was a morning talk show that was filmed in Rippletide. "Honestly cuz, I didn't expect you to go all wild on me like that,"

"M-Me neither..." Cordell mentioned, he was back to his normal self more the most part, he did have a small headache, but that was the least of his worries. "I-I'm sorry about earlier on..."

"What do you mean?" Robbie was confused by his apology It was a totally great time, cuz, you have nothing to be sorry about!" He scooched over and placed his arm over their shoulder and gave them a friendly smile.

"Y-You're right, more I just don't know how to control myself when I'm intoxicated. Last time I was like that I ended up on the floor of a restaurant after an orgy," The owl explained, still feeling regretting his actions back then.

"For real!?" Robbie shouted out, surprised that his cousin could be such a sexual deviant when sauced, he'd have to see if they could share a drink one day and see what else he was capable of.

"Y-Yup... That was the reason we had to budget a bit more for groceries a few weeks back. Though I can't lie, I did enjoy the time I had with those sweet ladies~" He also admitted, the orange-feathered bird was about to as a question, but soon saw the time on the TV.

"WAIT IT'S 10:30 AM?!" They belted out, looking at Cordell who had placed a hand to his temple, the volume not helping how he felt at all. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I-I called sick, told them I came down with a fever and wouldn't be able to work," The owl explained, moving their hand away from their temple to drink again, "So I don't have much to do than just lie around here, watching TV, cook dinner, and get a good night's sleep," That fact did seem to annoy him, as he did prefer if he could go in later or at least do the night shift, but then again, coming to work with a hangover may be a bad idea.

"I-I see..." Robbie was unsure what to say until an idea came to mind. "Say, why don't we go down to the coast and get some lunch by Java Bolt," He then picked up his phone from the table and opened the app related to the café. Showing Cordell the screen, he presented how many points he had gained from the times he could go there, enough to buy two of their warm lunch deals. "This one's my treat?" He added, he was saving it for him and Nilina, but he knew his cuz deserved this much more, the sight of it bought a smile to his tired face.

"I'd like that a lot,"

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