No shortcuts

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Ok, So I know some of you enjoy the NC stuff. Not my usual cup of tea but I figured I would give it a shot. Don't expect much plot and story from this, and please read the tags as this is a far departure from my usual snuggles, neck nibbles and happy warbles.

hope you enjoy. I am also offering free stories for followers, check my latest journal for details

Lirien was on her first heat, a time when her primal instincts took over and she should be longing for a mate. She had been visiting one of her other dragoness friends and was scared by the stories she was told about her friend's first time with a drake, Her friend had spared no expense about the pain and discomfort of her first time. Lirien was flying back to her territory when she noticed a storm building on the horizon, she weighed up the options and decided she should try and cut the corner of another drakes territory, It was risky but she wanted to get home quickly and she had cut this corner many times before.

Unfortunately for Lirien, her actions had been noticed. A large drake called Zorath had caught her scent and was now moving quickly to intercept her. Lirien flew as fast as she could, her wings beating frantically as she tried to outpace Zorath. But he was a large, muscular dragon, his scales as black as the night sky. He was much bigger than Lirien, and his size and strength made her feel small and vulnerable.

She could hear Zorath's roar behind her, and she knew that he was getting closer. She could feel his hot breath on her tail, and she knew that he was about to catch her. She looked over her shoulder and saw his massive jaws gaping open, ready to claim her as his own.

As Zorath caught up to her, he wrapped his massive claws around her wings, pinning them to her sides, holding her tight. Lirien struggled and thrashed, but she was no match for Zorath's strength. He pinned her body against his and easily overpowered her, his hot breath on her neck.

Lirien was terrified, but she refused to give up. She twisted and squirmed, trying to break free from Zorath's grip. But he held her firm, his powerful muscles flexing as chuckled at her antics. "Don't worry little one, I have got you" he joked. She could feel his hot breath on her neck as he inhaled deeply, taking in her scent.

"Relax, you cannot escape me, little dragoness," Zorath growled, his voice low and menacing. "You are mine now, and I will do with you as I please."

Lirien begged and pleaded, but Zorath only tightened his grip, his claws digging into her scales. "Please, Zorath," she cried out. "Let me go. I don't want this."

But Zorath only laughed, a deep rumbling sound that sent shivers down Lirien's spine. "You will want it soon enough," he said, his voice filled with hunger and desire. "I will show you what it means to be a mate, to be at the mercy of a male dragon's desire."

Lirien struggled again, but it was no use. Zorath was too strong, and he held her firm, his hot breath on her neck as he continued to speak.

"You will learn to love it," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You will learn to crave my touch, my scent, my very presence."

Lirien trembled in fear, but Zorath only held her tighter, refusing to let go. As they soared through the sky, Lirien realized that she was at the mercy of this powerful male dragon, and there was nothing she could do to escape his grasp.

For hours, they flew together, Zorath holding Lirien tight as he spoke of his plans for her. Lirien begged and pleaded offering him her territory and hunting grounds, but he didn't care. He was determined to make her his, to show her what it meant to be his.

Zorath landed in his cave, the entrance hidden from plain sight. He dragged Lirien inside, his powerful jaws clamped around her neck. The cave was dark and musty, the scent of dragon musk and smoke filling the air. Lirien struggled to breathe as Zorath dragged her deeper into the cave. "Please, Zorath," she begged. "I haven't mated before."

But Zorath only growled, his eyes blazing with hunger and desire. "All the better, little dragoness," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You will not want another once I am through with you"

The cave was filled with strange objects, treasures that Zorath had collected over the years. There were piles of gold and jewels, stacks of books and scrolls, and strange artifacts that Lirien had never seen before. As Zorath dragged her deeper into the cave, Lirien's heart pounded in her chest. She had heard stories of male dragons taking multiple mates, of females being forced to mate with male dragons against their will. She didn't want to be one of those females, but she knew that she was powerless to stop Zorath.

Finally, Zorath reached a large chamber deep in the cave, where the air was thick with the scent of dragon musk and smoke. He released Lirien from his grip, and she stumbled to the ground, gasping for breath. Zorath circled around her, his eyes gleaming with hunger and desire. "You are mine now, little dragoness," he said. "And I will make you mine in every way possible."

As Lirien lay on the ground, gasping for breath, Zorath approached her and grabbed her rump with his powerful paws, pulling her up off the ground. She felt completely powerless in his grip, unable to resist as he began to explore her body with his tongue. Zorath savored the feeling of power that came with dominating this little dragoness. He relished the way she writhed and moaned as he explored her body, enjoying every moment of her submission.

Lirien continued to plead and beg for mercy, but Zorath didn't care. He was too consumed by his own desire, too intoxicated by the feeling of power and control.

As he continued to delve into her folds with his tongue, Lirien felt a strange sensation building deep within her. Despite her fear and terror, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pleasure, a pleasure that was mingled with shame and disgust.

Zorath tasted her growing arousal, and he laughed in triumph. "That's it, little dragoness," he growled. "Submit to me. I will show you what it means to be a true mate."

Zorath continued to explore Lirien's body with his tongue, driving it deep inside of her. Lirien had never experienced anything like it before, and the sensation was both overwhelming and confusing. She was scared and uncertain, but also found herself responding to his touch in ways that she didn't understand.

Lirien couldn't help but feel a growing sense of terror. She saw his male parts start to engorge and knew that he was preparing to take her in a way that would be painful and terrifying. She saw just how large his member was and her stomach tightened. It was much larger than she had anticipated, and she knew that it would hurt when he took her. But despite her terror, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of curiosity, a desire to know what it would feel like to be taken by a male dragon.

As Zorath continued to prepare her slit for his shaft, Lirien struggled to make sense of her conflicting emotions. She was scared and uncertain, but also curious and aroused. She knew that she was in a dangerous situation, but couldn't help but feel drawn to this powerful male dragon. But even as she struggled with her conflicting emotions, Lirien knew that she had to resist. She couldn't allow herself to be completely dominated by Zorath, no matter how powerful or desirable he might seem.

Zorath eventually removed his tongue from Lirien's body and pulled her back down to the ground. He used his strong paws to hold her rump in place as he moved over her back, his engorged member pressing against her.

Lirien cried out in terror, begging him to stop. "Please, no," she whimpered. "I don't want this. Please, let me go."

But Zorath only laughed cruelly, relishing the sound of her voice. "Oh, little dragoness," he growled. "You are mine now. You will submit to me and give me what I want."

As he pressed his member against her, Lirien struggled and writhed, trying to break free from his grasp. But Zorath was too strong, and he enjoyed the feel of her struggling beneath him. He continued to press himself against her, reveling in the feeling of power and dominance that he held over her. He knew that she was scared and uncertain, but he didn't care. All that mattered was his own pleasure and satisfaction. He enjoyed the feeling of her struggling beneath him, and knew that he would take her whether she wanted it or not.

Zorath's tip mashed against her virgin sex but he struggled to enter Lirien due to her smaller frame, his frustration growing with each passing moment. "just relax, and submit to me" he growled. "You are mine, and I will have you either way."

Lirien continued to beg and plead with him, tears streaming down her face. "Please, no," she whimpered. "I'm not ready for this. Please, let me go."

But Zorath's frustration only grew, and he suddenly pushed Lirien's chest down to the ground, giving him a better angle to enter her. "Enough of your begging," he snarled. "Know that I will take you, willingly or not."

With a powerful thrust, Zorath finally penetrated Lirien's body, causing her to cry out in pain. He continued to push into her, relishing the feeling of her tight body around him. As he continued to drive into her, Zorath's frustration and anger began to give way to a sense of triumph. Zorath's member struggled to hilt inside Lirien's small frame, causing him to growl in frustration. The ridges along his length caught against the walls of her body, causing her to scream in pain on his back strokes.

Despite Lirien's cries, Zorath continued to thrust into her, relishing the feeling of her tight body around him. He gripped her hips tightly with his powerful paws, pulling her onto him with each thrust. Lirien's body continued to writhe and struggle beneath him, but Zorath was unrelenting. He was determined to take what was his, to claim this little dragoness as his own

He continued to thrust into her, the ridges along his length only served to heighten his pleasure. He growled in satisfaction, knowing that he was dominating and conquering her in every way possible. Despite Lirien's screams and pleas, Zorath showed no mercy. He continued to take her, reveling in the feeling of power and dominance that he held over her. Zorath's breaths grew ragged as he continued to drive into the smaller female, his member finally starting to hilt inside her tight body. He leaned down to her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine.

"You are all mine" he growled, his voice low and menacing. "You are nothing but a small, weak little dragoness. You were made to serve and pleasure me."

Lirien whimpered as she felt her body starting to accommodate him, her hips forced up to meet his thrusts. Despite her fear and pain, she couldn't deny the growing pleasure that was spreading through her body. Zorath's grip on her hips tightened as he felt her body start to give, a sense of triumph swelling inside him. He was dominating her in every way possible, and he reveled in it.

"That's it, Take it all," he said, his voice rough and dominating. "You will do as I say, whenever I say it. You will be my little toy, my plaything to use as I see fit."

Despite the degrading words, Lirien's body continued to respond to him, her tight walls clenching around him with each thrust. Zorath could feel his own release building, his pleasure growing with each passing moment. Zorath picked up his pace, his thrusts becoming harder and more forceful as he neared his release. Lirien continued to whimper and cry beneath him, her body racked with pain and fear.

"It hurts, please stop," she begged, tears streaming down her face. "I don't want to become pregnant, please stop."

Lirien's cries only served to fuel his desire, and he continued to thrust into her with all his might. He could feel her tight walls clenching around him, her body starting to go limp to his dominance. The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed through the cave as Zorath continued to take Lirien. Her cries and sobs filled the air, and he relished in the power he held over her.

He leaned in close to her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine.

"Don't cry little one," he said, his voice low and husky. "You should be honored that I have chosen to claim your eggs. It is a great honor to carry the offspring of a dragon such as myself."

Lirien continued to cry, her body wracked with pain and fear. She begged him to stop, to release her from his grip and let her go. But Zorath was not finished with her yet. He continued to move inside of her, his voice taking on a more predatory tone as he explained the process to her.

"You see, my little dragoness, once my seed takes root inside of you, it will grow and develop into a strong and powerful dragonling. You will carry my offspring for months, until the time comes for them to hatch from their eggs and join the world."

Lirien whimpered, her body trembling beneath his weight. "Please, stop," she begged. "I can't take any more. Please, let me go."

But Zorath was deaf to her pleas. He continued to take her, thrusting into her with a renewed vigor as he prepared to deposit his seed inside of her. Zorath pounded into Lirien with such force that she felt like she was going to break apart. His heavy thrusts lifted her off the ground, his strong grip on her hips holding her in place as he claimed her body. With each thrust, his massive shaft drove deep into her, filling her with a searing heat that made her cry out in pain and pleasure. The ridges on his length scraped against her walls, causing her to clench tightly around him. As he continued to move inside of her, Lirien felt a strange sensation building within her. It was a deep, primal urge that she had never experienced before, and it frightened her. She moaned and writhed beneath him, her body responding to his touch even as her mind screamed for him to stop.

Lirien's head was slammed into the ground as Zorath pushed further over her, his paw holding her in place as he angled himself for maximum penetration. His ridges swelled inside her, rubbing her raw with each powerful thrust. Lirien's screams turned into ragged moans as Zorath continued to pound into her. The pain and pleasure mingled together in a dizzying array of sensations that she couldn't begin to comprehend. With each thrust, she could feel him getting closer to his goal. Zorath's breathing became more ragged, and she knew that he was close to claiming her eggs.

As his ridges continued to swell, Lirien felt herself approaching the brink. A wave of pleasure washed over her, and she cried out as she felt her body convulse around him. As Lirien climaxed, Zorath let out a low growl of pleasure. He enjoyed the feeling of power he had over her, knowing that he had made her reach the peak of pleasure.

"Look at you, little dragoness," he sneered, his voice low and rough. "Crying out like a common whore. You are nothing but a vessel for my seed, nothing more."

Lirien winced at his words, feeling a sense of shame wash over her. But she couldn't deny the pleasure that coursed through her body, even as she begged him to stop. "Please" she whimpered. "It hurts. I don't eggs." Zorath ignored her pleas, his focus solely on claiming her eggs. He quickened his pace, taking pleasure in her state of agony and ecstasy.

"That's it, my little mate," he growled. "Take it all. You belong to me now, body and soul. Your eggs will be mine, not just this clutch, but the next.... and the next.... .and the next." he said, humping hard into her with each word, driving home the point. Zorath's thrusts became harder and harder, the pace almost frenzied as he felt his own climax approaching. Lirien's body was pushed to its limits, her vision blurring and her mind swimming with sensations.

"I'm close," Zorath growled, his voice thick with desire. "Get ready to become a brood hen, little mate." Lirien's heart raced as she heard his words, panic gripping her. She didn't want to become pregnant, not like this. But it was too late. Zorath was lost in his own pleasure, and there was no stopping him now.

As Zorath's climax approached, the ridges on his shaft swelled even larger, locking him inside Lirien's body and preventing him from withdrawing. With each thrust, he pushed deeper and deeper, his pointed tip aimed perfectly at her cervix. Suddenly, She let out a scream and he let out a roar of ecstasy as he released his seed deep inside her. Lirien felt the hot liquid filling her, claiming her body as his own. It was a strange and powerful sensation, one she had never experienced before.

Zorath continued to thrust a few more times, each one pushing his seed further into her womb. It was clear that he was enjoying himself immensely, reveling in the feeling of claiming her as his own.

When he was finally spent, he collapsed on top of her, his body heaving with exertion.

"That's it, you're mine now. Every one will smell my scent on you, no one will dare take you. I will keep you hear in my cave and I will take you again, and again, and again." he growled into her ear. "You wont be able to walk because you are so full of either my cum, or my eggs."

Lirien lay there beneath him, feeling a mixture of pleasure and pain, but also a strange sense of submission. She had been claimed by this powerful dragon, and there was nothing she could do about it now.