Tammy Ch 3

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#7 of Cadi, side-stories

I might eventually write a safe for work version of this one... but in the meanwhile, the NSFW reunion between Tammy and her friends will happily live here ;)

With this part of the project figured out, Tammy finally felt like she could take a moment to breathe. She hadn't really been exploring the city much at all, which was really a pity. Heck, she'd not even gone back to Cadi and Dawn's place. She walked out of the palace into... very bright sunlight. She frowned but realized that she was still wearing the N-bracelet. She let out a breath and smiled as her glasses became sunglasses. "That's better..." she said as she walked down the main thoroughfare toward the waterfront.

There was the start of a dock being built along the curve of the sand, but it looked as though it would be more of a plaza than a purely industrial shipyard, at least. Still, it was nice to see that, further down, there was plenty of untouched sand. She'd never really been much of one for beaches, but... fuck it. This was a new life for her.

She strolled on down to the sand, just pressing her feet into its soft warmth, and sighed, shivering at the sensation. She walked along barefoot for a while, eventually deciding to make a nice sun hat for herself and to change her clothes into a bathing suit. It was a fairly modest if elegant one... she wasn't really ready for bikinis yet. But it was just... nice.

She found a little refreshment stand up toward the top of the beach, and she angled her way over there, surprised to find a sign listing the drinking age as eighteen. Her eyebrows raised, and she grinned, ordering a mojito for herself. She'd never had one before, but it sounded nice... and she was very pleasantly surprised by it. She settled onto one of the stools at the stand's bar, just taking a break from walking to enjoy her drink.

While she relaxed there, though, she heard some voices which... felt familiar. "I still can't believe they just lost her!"

"What? You mean the way they just lost the rest of us?"

The first voice made a "Pfft" sound before replying, "So, what? You think she's here?"

"I don't know... we checked at Cadi's place... Shawn mentioned a mouse that showed up the other night but said she hadn't seen her again. Didn't you always used to draw her as a mouse?"

"Yeah... I wondered if it was her when she said that..."

As Tammy had been listening, her brain had been processing the voices and what they were saying. A mouse. At Cadi's place. And the drawings. Her eyes went wide and she spun around on her seat, looking around for the people the voices belonged to.

It took her a moment, but she saw the bold red hair, and she knew. She jumped up from the seat, leaving her drink at the bar before she rushed over toward them. She practically tackled the lot of them down into the stand, and it was only her smaller size and their numbers that prevented that.

They let out undignified yelps of surprise as they tried to figure out what was going on. The red-haired, white cat was the first to turn around, glaring at the person who had 'attacked' them, only to freeze. The others saw her reaction before they registered their assailant.

"Jesus Christ... Tammy... it's... you..." Zella said, sounding like she was seeing a ghost. All of them were just staring at Tammy, unable to believe their eyes, but soon enough, they were all returning the favor for her unexpected 'attack' by scooping her up in a giant group hug, their squeals of delight drawing amused attention from several other beachgoers.

"Tammy! Tammy! When we heard the news about the person who'd become a fur after we'd come here... we were afraid that was you... and then when we heard that you were in jail... and then gone... oh my God..." Avery was just beside herself, talking a mile a minute while Sheri smiled and gently wrapped her arm around Tammy's waist, snuggling in against her.

Brynn was standing next to Zella, looking as proud as anything as she had her arm around the cat's waist, her hand resting on her hip. Tammy took a moment to process what she was seeing, blinking in surprise when she registered a noticeable bulge on Zella's belly.

She stared at her in shock, looking up at her face from her belly. Zella flushed, looking rather cutely indignantly away from Tammy. "Okay... yeah. I'm pregnant..."

Tammy laughed and brought her hand up to her head. "But... you only like girls..." she said incredulously.

"Yeah! Well... you remember what I said to my mom about 'at least a girl won't get me pregnant' on the night that I'd turned?" She asked with a huff and a scowl, "It turns out I was wrong... but in my defense, I didn't know about girls who had... boy parts."

Tammy blinked in surprise, looking around at the others before her eyes settled onto a very proud-looking Brynn, who was grinning broadly before she leaned over and kissed Zella's cheek softly. "Yeah... that was a surprise..." she said with a laugh as Zella huffily snuggled down into Brynn's side, looking so cutely indignant. "Look, even before we changed... we were kind of starting to have feelings for each other, yeah? And... I was good until I started really thinking about Zella... and looking at old pictures of her... and that's... when I turned."

Tammy smiled at the two of them, stepping away from Sheri for a moment to give the two of them a hug. "I'm happy for both of you. You really are cute together. I can see how happy both of you are," she said, a glimmer in her eye.

Avery smiled and sighed, "It's been... a hell of a time since we all started changing... Bakersfield was... honestly, goddamn miserable. At least in Chicago, they actually got some proper city to work with, we were in... pretty much a pop-up settlement. But it's been a lot better since we got here. Did you know the drinking age is only eighteen?"

Tammy laughed and smiled, "Yeah, I was actually just having a Mojito... it's really nice." She saw Zella's pout, realizing that she couldn't drink. "Don't worry, hun. We'll all help you with your little one when they come... and then, you can have a drink."

That got a good laugh out of everyone, and they all went over to the bar to get some refreshments and relax together, chatting about how things had been. When they got to talking about what they were all doing on the island now that they were here, Sheri perked up first. "Well, I've actually been doing a lot of help with the beautification of the city. There's so much opportunity for public art, and everything."

Avery smiled, "I've been working on that, too. More of the sculpting side of things. Still, it's just... exciting to see something you made right out and about for people to see."

Brynn smiled, brushing her fingers through Zella's hair, something that the cat... 'reluctantly' enjoyed. "I've actually been working on the island's IT infrastructure, and Zella... is very eager to start up a punk band as soon as possible," she added with a lopsided grin.

"I can't wait to hear it," Tammy said, beaming at her. "I've been doing some... kind of exciting work since I got here," she said with a little laugh. "I've actually been working at the palace with the tech team there. We just finished our tracking system to find new furs as they appear around the world, so that we can rescue them before the authorities get to them, like they did with me. On top of that," she said, holding up her hand to shake the bracelet at the others, "I came up with this using the same crystals we used for the detectors to make it so that even people who weren't bonded to the magic would be able to use it."

Her explanation of what she'd been doing left the rest of them in dumbfounded silence, staring at her in awe, as though what she'd done in the handful of days that she'd been her just... left them all in the dust. Which... it kind of did, but they knew her well enough to know that she wasn't the gloating type.

Avery blinked as she looked at the bracelet. "So... you can do magic with that?"

Tammy laughed a little. "Well, yeah... anyone can."

Avery was clearly thinking a few things through, but she shook her head. "So, you've got a place of your own yet?"

Tammy laughed and smiled sheepishly. "Honestly I've been sleeping at the lab in the palace... when I sleep." She shook her head, and they all just nodded knowingly.

"Yeah... we remember what it was like when you got really focused on a project at school..." Brynn said with a little laugh. "It was honestly kind of cute."

Tammy smiled sheepishly at that, "I suppose that... if I've 'officially' got a place to live, it is still at Cadi's place... but I just don't... feel like I need to live there anymore. It's supposed to be for people still adjusting to the island, and... I think I passed that," she said with a laugh.

The others joined in the laugh and traded looks with each other. "Well... If you'd like somewhere to live... we're all sharing a house right now. We even... made sure there was an extra room. In case you ever joined us," Avery said, smiling a little goofily.

Tammy lit up at that, excitement on her face, "Awww, you guys! Of course, I'd love to live with you!" She was just wriggling with delight as she said that, unable to contain her joy.

They all had a good laugh at that, and like that... they were a complete crew once more.

They didn't go straight back to the house, but rather just roamed for a bit, introducing Tammy to some of their favorite places around town. They were surprised by just how delighted it was all making the cute mouse. As much as she'd let them in, she'd always been... just a little bit reserved. But here and now... it was like she was well and truly alive.

It honestly made them all happy, getting to see her as delighted at the world around her as she'd ever been in private with just the five of them together. "You know, Sheri... it still blows me away that you drew us all like this... before people becoming furs was even a thing," Tammy said, shaking her head.

Sheri smiled and blushed a little. "I know... it's like I could see what could be... it's been nice for working on the beautification, but... it's just interesting. Kind of a special sight."

Tammy shrugged a little, "Maybe one day, it'll all make better sense. Don't worry, though, I'm not just going to drag you off to the lab to do experiments on," she said with a laugh, noticing that Sheri's cheeks darkened just a touch. Odd.

Eventually, Tammy had several bags of new clothes for herself, since she really didn't have a wardrobe anymore, and they made their way back to the house. It really was a cozy little place, with a nice yard that would be great for the little one (and any other little ones that they had) to play in. The bedrooms were all upstairs, while the downstairs was the... family space. Tammy found it interesting to actually think of all of them as a family. They really had been that even back in Cali.

They showed Tammy up to the room they'd been saving for her. It was still a fair bit of a blank canvas, but as she stood there and looked around it, she closed her eyes. The others saw her bracelet start to glow as she started working with Nothing's magic. Before their eyes, the room filled out like a photograph developing before their eyes.

It was a bit of a warren, with lots of tech and workstations tucked in here and there, while the bed was... still nice and big. Lots of space. It was interesting to think what she had in mind with that. Still... they knew Tammy pretty well... and this was Tammy's kind of room.

When she opened her eyes and looked at the room and then at them, she smiled, turning to face them. "So..." she said, taking a deep breath before letting it out. "What do you guys like to do for fun here?"

They all laughed and smiled, shaking their heads as they went downstairs together. The living room was really nice, with a recessed kind of seating pit, with a long couch around the back arc of it, and a giant flat-screen TV at the wall. There were low tables in front of it, and what looked to be several consoles connected to it. Off to one side, there was a breakfast bar along the counter that divided the kitchen from the living room, but there was also a dining table in its own room off to the side.

She whistled at the setup they had here, grinning from ear to ear as she strutted over to the sitting pit, jumping down to flop onto the... dangerously cushy couch. "Mmm... I'll... come out of here eventually..." she said with a little laugh.

Avery laughed and flopped down beside her. The others came down the steps into the pit, coming to sit around them. "So... some Jackbox?" Bailey asked, and there was no argument at all.

They played for quite a while, enjoying getting to do this all together once more. They all won their fair share of the games, Tammy surprising them with some of the bold jokes she made. They were delighted to see more of this. As the evening went on, one or another slipped away to the kitchen to make some snacks for the group, though Tammy did her part by summoning up a cooler with nice, cold soft drinks in it.

This was how things were supposed to be for them.

After a while, when they were just kind of done with the games for the moment, they lay there, sprawled out on the couch, just bullshitting with each other, laughing and smiling. It was really wonderful. It filled Tammy with joy. Though, she remembered something from earlier in the day.

"Avery... earlier... you asked a question about what I could do with my bracelet... you... seemed like you had an idea."

Avery laughed and blushed at that, smiling sheepishly. "Well, yeah... I mean... I always kinda wondered what it would be like to have a dick... and with Brynn packing... I got a little jealous," she said with a smirk, looking at the hyena, "No offense."

Brynn waved it off, "None taken."

"Anyway, I just kind of wondered... would you be able to use that to... y'know... give me a dick?"

Tammy looked a little surprised, but she was so relaxed at that point that it really didn't bother her. "I... huh... I don't see why not..." she said, holding up the hand that had the bracelet on it, turning it from side to side for a moment before she turned her focus to Avery.

The bracelet glowed, and the cat gasped sharply, flailing a little bit as she scrabbled at her pants, which... had been a little bit snug on her to begin with. A moment later, she had them off, only her panties covering her bulging sheath as she stared down at it in amazement. "Holyfuck..."

Brynn looked over, nodding her head in... approval? "Mmm... not bad... kind of impressive," she said with a laugh, getting batted at by Zella, who just snuggled closer in against her mate.

Sheri was the only one not really verbally reacting and joking around about it as she made her way over to sit closer to Avery, her eyes focused on the bulge in her panties.

"Hey... Sheri? What are you doing?" Avery asked, a slightly concerned tone in her voice, though the bulge in her panties... seemed to be getting a little bit bigger.

Sheri didn't say anything, she just reached out, brushing her fingers lightly over the bulge, getting a stifled moan from Avery. "Sheri... wh... don't..." she said, though there was a pleading tone in her voice as her hands moved to clutch at the back of the seat.

Sheri didn't stop, her fingers moving to take a firmer hold of the bulging sheath, stroking it slowly. Brynn was watching appreciatively, grinning as she slid her hand down to grip Zella's ass, getting a sweet mewl from her love. Even Tammy was watching intently, feeling... a hunger inside of herself? One that she'd never felt before. Whatever it was, her hand was drifting down to her own lap, slipping between her legs to lightly rub at herself, the bracelet continuing to glow.

Brynn licked her lips and slid her hand down to unfasten her own jeans, lifting her ass up off of the couch to push them down off of herself, along with her panties. She sighed as her own bulging sheath came into full view, drawing Zella's eyes down to it. The cat took a moment to look up at her love, a questioning look in her eyes, getting a confirming nod before she brought her hand down to hold and stroke Brynn's sheath to coax her dick out of its sheath.

Meanwhile, Avery was mewling very prettily for Sheri, who was smiling and nuzzling into the side of Avery's neck as she stroked. She was watching intently as Avery's cock started to poke free of her waistband. Sheri leaned down, nuzzling at the tip of the emerging shaft, licking softly at it. She mewled as she tasted it, her hand working to coax the cock further free so that she could suck it into her mouth.

Tammy was making sweet sounds as she stroked herself through her own shorts, soon feeling the need to unfasten them and slip them off, pulling her shirt up over her head so that she was just in her bra and panties. She crawled over to Sheri, nuzzling against the dog's backside, kissing at the back of her skirt, kissing at it while her hands shifted to grip the waistband of it to pull it down off of her body, along with her panties.

When she had her friend's ass bare right there in front of her, she couldn't help but smile, licking her lips before she nuzzled right in between Sheri's cheeks, licking at her asshole while Avery desperately tried to pull her panties down, needing to free herself from the fabric. It was getting rather uncomfortable as she slid free of her sheath.

Brynn was sliding free of her sheath as well, her thick, canine cock sliding out into the open. Zella felt Brynn's hand at the back of her head, guiding it down toward the glistening shaft, which the red-headed feline went to take into her mouth eagerly, having long since fallen in love with suckling on. While she suckled, Brynn pulled her shirt off of herself along with her bra, tossing them to the side as she shared a smile with Tammy, who was looking at her from behind Sheri, a glimmer in her eye as the mouse ate her ass out.

She would never have thought she would enjoy anything like that, but here she was... new her, right? She liked this new her. She moved from between Sheri's cheeks to give the pup's ass a nice, firm bite, drawing a loud moan from her as she suckled on Avery's cock. She was truly caught up in this moment. And Tammy... she was just getting started. The bracelet glowed again, though, this time it was a little dimmer than before, it seemed as the mouse straightened up behind the dog.

Her hands gripped Sheri's hips, running her hands over her ass slowly as she gave it a nice spank. She brought her hips in to press against Sheri's backside, rocking herself against her friend, the tip of her new cock poking up from between her cheeks. Brynn gave her a grin and nodded her head as Tammy licked her lips and brought her hips back down so that the tip of her cock pressed against Sheri's entrance.

She tightened her grip on Sheri's hips before she thrust her hips forward roughly, driving deep into her friend's pussy. She wasn't a virgin, it seemed... but still, her walls were... amazingly tight around her shaft. She panted hard as she started to pump her hips back and forth, just needing so badly to fuck her friend's brains out.

That only spurred Sheri on to suckling Avery's cock for everything it was worth, her lips wrapped around the base of her shaft while one hand slipped below Avery's balls to play with her pussy, not wanting to leave that out. The poor little feline was just mewling away like a cat in heat, her claws digging into the back of the couch as her cock throbbed powerfully in Sheri's mouth.

Tammy didn't know if she could last very long, the new sensations of pleasure working to quickly push her toward an orgasm. It wasn't that she'd never played with herself before, at least... but she'd never been with anyone, and she'd never spent... all that much time playing with herself. Too much else to focus on. And poor Avery... oh, she was fit to burst.

Tammy had a sudden impulse as she reached over and grabbed the back of the cat's head, pulling her into a hungry kiss as she slammed herself deep into Sheri's pussy, pumping jet after jet of her hot cum into her friend's body, filling her to the absolute brim as the kiss threw Avery's concentration off well enough to send her spiraling out into an orgasm, herself, filling Sheri from both ends.

That was more than the pup could take, herself, and she began to shudder and shake as she came, trying to guzzle down as much of Avery's cum as she could. Brynn was very much enjoying the show, and as she watched her friends hit their climax, she tightened her grip on Zella's head, holding it down on her cock as she came as well. Zella didn't falter one bit, just started guzzling down the cum rushing into her muzzle like a seasoned pro... which... she kind of was in this regard. She had quite a bit of practice at it.

When they all collapsed onto the couch, feeling thoroughly spent, Sheri turned around, wanting to help clean Tammy's cock... and with a little encouragement from Brynn, Zella went to help clean Sheri as well. The hyena laughed softly, shaking her head. "You see... now I get why you've got such a big bed in your room, Tammy... might need you to use that bracelet to upgrade the rest of ours as well, if this is the kind of household we're going to have.

Tammy laughed and grinned, holding up the hand that had the bracelet on it. Only... it wasn't there. "Wh... where did it go?" She asked, blinking and looking around to see if it had fallen off. But it was nowhere to be seen. Even all of them looking for it couldn't find it.

"That's fucking weird..." Brynn said, looking perplexed.

Tammy, though, had a strange feeling in the back of her mind. She held her hand out and just kind of flexed her fingers as she tried to focus. She turned her hand palm up as she focused on there being an apple in her palm.

To everyone's surprise... an apple appeared in her palm. "I... absorbed the bracelet?" She said, her voice stunned as she tried to process that. "That's... unexpected..."

She heard a little bit of a chuckle in the back of her mind, "Expect the unexpected around here. I appreciate what you've been doing... and now you have... my blessing."

Parson Ch 5

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