Pocket Fox: Vacation

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#6 of Pocket Fox

Sometimes the characters tell the story. This story wrote itself and wouldn't let me go to sleep till it was done. I hope you enjoy it. The characters really wanted it this way.

Frank awoke next to his big soft fluffy wolf boyfriend. The red fox rolled over and checked his phone: five missed calls from dad. He felt a stirring between his legs as he imagined what his father wanted.

Frank got out of bed and padded to the bathroom, listening to the last recorded message.

"Oh, hey Franky my boy, look, I know we said we'd never talk about it ever again but, but... uh. Your mother and I... Look, this is absolutely not your fault in any way, but your mother and I have agreed we can, you know, explore other options. I mean, we still love each other and we're definitely not getting a divorce, it's just that she's given me permission, to, you know, play the field and there's only one field I want to play in. Oh gosh, that sounds gross, I'm sorry, I don't mean it like that, I mean, hey can you call me sometime? It's really awkward to do this on the voicemail."

Frank sighed and pressed "call back". His father answered immediately.

"Oh, hey Franky! I'm just out shopping with your mum, how can I help?"

"You called me, remember, dad. Did you want me to speak in code?"

"Uh, that's an affirmative, the queen has a direct line of sight to the castle."

Frank rolled his eyes. "Dad, what's this about you and mum breaking up? You can't do that to Corey."

"Uh, that's a negative, the king and queen are both very much still in play."

"Dad, can you just go somewhere so we can have a normal conversation please?"

"Oh, sure, just a minute." There was an awkward fumble for a few minutes and Frank's dad Marty came back on the phone with a much more normal tone.

"Sorry Frank, your mum still doesn't know about...."

"...us?" Frank

"Erk, no, that toy of yours, I mean." Frank could hear him blushing through the phone.

"The toy that connected your cock directly into my butt? Several times?"

Frank's dad made a little noise on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, that one."

"Look, dad, you know I love you, and I've had a long time to think about what happened between us last month. I feel like I've grown a lot since then and learnt a lot about myself." The words poured out, words he had rehearsed many times in his head for this occasion.

"I... don't regret anything we did. If anything, it made our relationship stronger and minus maybe the first time, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm glad what happened, happened."

"Oh, hey, that's really mature of you, son, and so if I could just borrow the toy..."

Frank took a deep breath and continued his rehearsed speech.

"... but I've made a promise to myself that anyone important to me who wants to have sex with me, it's got to be in person, right? Not mediated by technology. I don't just want to be a thing you get off into. So, you're not getting the toy. Not because I don't love you, but because I love you very much, does that kind of make sense?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"You know what, you're right, I'm sorry, I've just been so darn... No, it's not fair for me to lump that on you." He sighed heavily "Hey, I was planning on going fishing this weekend, what say we go for a trip somewhere just the two of us? N..no funny business I promise, just you and me reconnecting. Clear the air sort of thing."

"Yeah, dad, I'd like that, love you."

"Love you too my boy" Marty sighed noisily and hung up.

"How did that go?" Kevin walked up behind the naked vulpine and pulled him into a backwards hug. Frank grabbed onto Kevin's arms and pulled them close into his chest.

"Yeah, gave him the speech like we discussed. I kind of feel bad, he's just lonely, Kevin. I honestly wish I could help."

"You know, you're allowed to, if you want? I don't have exclusive access to this." Kevin squeezed Frank's butt.

"Yeah, I know, and I don't feel any pressure (apart from that squeeze), it's just, if it happens it's going to be on my terms from now on."

Kevin nodded and kissed him between the ears. "It's OK to set, uh, what's those things called again?"

"Boundaries" Frank nuzzled under Kevin's chin.

So it was that the following weekend, Frank turned up to his parents' place with his backpack and a change of clothes. He'd debated bringing the portal sex toy with him, but as Kevin pointed out, it was his butt and whatever he decided to do with it, it should be completely in his control, so he packed that too.

He greeted his mum and loaded himself into his father's car.

"Hey, dick breath" his teenage brother Corey sulked in the back seat.

"What's up butt face" Frank responded automatically. Frank turned to see an unfamiliar, almost sad look on his brother's face. "Hey, man, you doing ok? Everything good with school?"

Corey shrugged and looked out the window. Frank shrugged in return and turned to the driver's seat as his father opened the door.

"Hey, Franky, looking forward to the trip?"

"Yeah, where are we going?"

"Oh, just a little cabin near the water, oh hey Corey, what are you doing here?"

Corey's ears flattened and he continued looking resolutely out of the window.

"Mum said I could go."

"Oh yes of course, you're most welcome, I just didn't think you like fishing..."

"I don't" Corey shrugged, still looking out the window.

"Uh, if it helps at all, I don't like fishing either" Frank added helpfully.

"Great, awesome, perfect." Their dad declared with an unearned air of enthusiasm. "Kensington foxes fishing trip begins!"


It was the mid-afternoon on the first day of their fishing trip. Corey was sulking in his room and Frank couldn't find his dad. He took the opportunity to stroll through the wooded area, thinking about how much life had changed these past few weeks.

Then he felt it: the familiar rush of cold air under his tail.

"Oh my god, Dad, I told you no." Frank gritted his teeth. And made his way back to the cabin as quickly as possible.

I mean, yes, he was sympathetic to the old toddy's plight and yes it had been a lot of fun when they had played via the toy in the past, but he'd made the boundary quite clear and he had to remain firm.

He opened the door to his bedroom and tried to put on his most sympathetic but stern face. He approached the red and white form sitting on the bed and put his paw on his dad's shoulder.

"Look, I told you that's not the way..." he stopped dead in his tracks. His brother Corey looked back up at him with bloodshot eyes, tears streaming down his muzzle.

"I... I'm sorry Frank, I didn't do anything I promise, I wanted to, but I couldn't."

"C..corey" what's wrong? Frank sat down next to his brother and embraced him awkwardly from the side, the wormhole sex toy discarded on the bed for the moment.

Corey sniffed and looked away.

"I'm sorry, Frank, it's dumb, I know it's dumb, I'm dumb."

"Yes, you are dumb" years of fraternal bickering made that response automatic. "But you're my dumb brother and I'm here for you. Anything, you tell me what's going on. Anything, nothing is too dumb for me, right, I'm your dumb older brother."

Corey smiled and pushed at Frank's shoulder "yeah you are" he looked away.

"So, what is it, Corey?"

"Frank, why did you fuck Charlie and not me?"

"Uhh" Frank let go of his brother instinctively and had to shake his head to make things make sense.

"Charlie, Charles, the fennec? When did I, oh right.... Well, technically he fucked me, and that was part of the trial... wait, how do you know that?"

Corey sniffed "he told me, won't stop going on about it, how soft it was, how good it felt, how nice it... tasted."

Frank stiffened and squirmed just a little as he remembered the way the fennec had licked his tailhole, his massive cock and painful knot.

"I... didn't really choose for all that to happen, Corey, you have to believe me."

"Yeah, well, he's all like Franky this and Franky that and I never got a chance to even try."

"Wait what? Why would he even be using my name."

Corey shrugged "oh, I told him about how the toy works, well before he went to the trial."

"You WHAT?"

The young fox grinned up at his older brother cheekily.

"I couldn't keep such juicy gossip from my best friend now, could I? It was too funny a story not to tell." Another big sniff.

"But then he went and joined the trial and he got to try it..."

"That fucking little shit... he knew the whole time? What a little fucker."

Corey smiled "that's kind of why I like him, he's such a piece of shit."

"But wait, hang on a second, let me get this straight, you're upset now, because your straight best friend knowingly fucked your older brother, and you didn't?"

Corey shrugged. "I dunno, I've been thinking about the toy non-stop for like the last few weeks now and, I dunno, it just seems unfair, like, Charlie doesn't even know you all that well and he got to play, meanwhile I'm your literal brother and..."

"You're... jealous?"

"I guess."

"Of your... straight best friend fucking your gay brother?"

Corey shrugged "I told you it was dumb."

"So, why didn't you?"

"Why didn't I what?"

"Why didn't you, you know, use the toy just now."

Corey bit his lip, he glanced at the toy then back up at his bigger brother.

"I dunno, Frank, I... it seemed wrong somehow. I didn't want to just get off, if you know what I mean I suppose I wanted, I supposed I wanted you to..."

"You wanted me to want you."

Corey nodded silently and looked down at his charcoal black paws. Frank wrapped both arms around him and drew him into a loving hug. They sat there for what seemed like an hour, just holding each other, quietly in each other's presence, Corey rubbed Frank's back between the shoulder blades.

The younger vulpine's paw slowly snaked its way down Frank's back towards his tail, Frank stiffened and his tail stood on end as his younger brother rested his paw conspicuously on Frank's right butt cheek.

"Uh, C..Corey?"

"So, Frank" Corey looked up at his brother with big beseeching eyes. "Do you want me?"

"C..corey, you're s..straight, and you're only 19!"

Corey shrugged "Charlie is straight, and he's a whole year younger than me."

Frank tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "...and you're my brother."

"All the more reason then, right?"

Corey stood up and put his paws on Frank's shoulders, pushing him back on the bed, the younger vulpine's strong arms held his brother's wrists up above his head. The tears still present in his eyes, but the look on his face was determined. Frank lay there on his back, looking up into his brother's big serious eyes and his heart skipped a beat.


Corey took a deep steadying breath, closed his eyes and drew his muzzle down onto Frank's. Their teeth clinked, the kiss unpractised and awkward, but eliciting a low moan from Frank nonetheless.

"Corey... I"

Corey pulled off his own shirt and started pulling at Frank's. As the older vulpine helped with his clothes, his eyes took in his little brother greedily. "Hey, man, when did you get so.. uh, buff"

Corey smiled "thanks, I've always been the sporty one and you've always been the nerd."

Frank cuffed his brother gently on the muzzle and Corey bent down to fumble with his belt. Soon they were fully naked, Frank on his back, chest heaving with arousal and excitement, Corey straddling Frank's hips, his soft white sheath hardening rapidly.

Corey leant forward and kissed Frank again. Much better, more insistent, his tongue entered his brother's muzzle and Frank responded in kind, they moaned in unison.

"I want" Corey lunged forward as if he wanted to stick his cock in his brother then and there.

"Hold on there, cowboy" Frank reached for the lube in the bedside table and squirted a healthy amount onto his brother's turgid quivering member. Was he really going to do this, was this really going to be ok?

Frank lifted his legs for Corey to gain access under his balls, he felt so vulnerable and exposed but much less so than with the toy, this way he was more in control, this way he felt loved.

"Corey, you don't have to do this, you have nothing to prove to Charles or any..."

"Shhh" Corey leaned forward with his muscular arms and pushed his painfully erect cock into his brother's taint.

"Uh, little lower please buddy."

"Shut up, I'm learning." Corey grimaced.

With a cry of triumph, he found Frank's entrance and hilted him instantly.

"Oh my god, Corey, we have to work on your topping etiquette, bro."

Corey chuckled and kissed Frank on the neck. "Charlie said you could take just about anything, and you know what, I know you can big bro. I love you man."

"l...love you too, Corey."

And so, Corey began the slow and deliberate grind of fucking his older sibling, he reached forward and raked his claws through Frank's fur as he pulled himself deeper and deeper into his brother's warmth, they writhed and rolled as one, each lost in the other.

Frank could hear Corey's breathing become quicker, his shoulders rising and falling rapidly with exertion, his moans becoming groans of effort and joy, the cock at his tail hole was painfully engorged, it wouldn't be long now.

"Oh Frank, oh, Frank, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, uh."

Corey leant forward and bit Frank on the shoulder.

"Corey!" Frank yelled as the younger fox bucked his hips and disgorged his balls deep within his brother. He made a cute little chirping noise in Frank's ear as he reached his climax and slowly came down off the high.

A few minutes later, Frank was lying there on the bed, shoulder and ass aching, Corey's head was on his chest, his arm embracing his older brother around the waist, his cock leaking cum into Frank's side. They panted with exertion still and Corey looked up to nuzzle Frank against the neck.

"T... thanks, I've been wanting that for weeks. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Corey said quietly into Frank's fur as he rifled a paw through Frank's chest ruff. I.. I'm glad you were my first."

Frank stiffened and his paw stopped stroking Corey between the ears.

"Oh, Corey" he whispered, "I had no idea."

"Nah, shut it, dick breath, besides, I think this makes you my bitch now."

"Hah, hardly," Frank chuckled a little, then a thought occurred to him. "So do you still like girls or...?"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I still like girls. I guess I'm just..." he smoothed Frank's white tummy fur with the flat of his charcoal black paw "I guess I'm just gay for you" he added quietly, ears splaying self-conciously.

Marty came home from his fishing trip later that afternoon "Hey boys, I caught dinner!"

He poked his muzzle into the room to see the two boys asleep, cuddled up in bed.

"Aww, that's cute." Marty felt a small pang of jealousy and pushed it aside.

Dinner was not as awkward as it might have been. Corey sat opposite Frank with a big self-satisfied grin on his face, Frank adjusted his collar to hide the place where Corey had bit him on the shoulder.

"So, what did you kids get up to while I was fishing?"

"Oh, Frank was teaching me stuff." Corey said playfully, eyeing his older brother cheekily.

"Oh? What kind of stuff, Frank?" Frank kicked Corey under the table.

"Just some statistics stuff, you know, market research" he stared daggers at Corey.

The younger vulpine giggled now, his confidence fully returned.

After a delicious meal of freshly caught trout, they all said their goodbyes and headed off to bed. Corey took the opportunity to pat Frank affectionately on the backside as they hugged goodnight.

"You're such a little shit." Frank whispered under his breath.

"Night, bitch." Corey said pleasantly. Frank sighed exaggeratedly.

The russet vulpine lay there naked on his bed, waiting for sleep to take him, the events of the afternoon played out in detail in his mind. It had been a fun day, a great day, he hoped this wouldn't change his relationship with his brother. He bit his lip, but gosh if he was going to fuck like that, maybe he should hope it did, just a little.

As if summoned by his imagination, the door creaked open on its hinges and soft paws padded across the wooden floor, the blanket lifted and Frank felt the naked fox slip in behind him and cold paws wrap themselves around his middle.

"Hey, Corey" Frank said sleepily, "what's up?"

His father's voice rumbled softy at his right ear.

"Hey, Franky, do you think we could talk?"

"Oh, hey dad!" Frank squeaked with a start and rolled over to face his dad, muzzle to muzzle. Now that he could see him in the dim moonlight, Frank could tell it was the more wiry, less muscular frame of his father.

Marty reached up and cupped his son's muzzle in one soft black paw.

"I...I've been thinking about what you said about the...toy and" he looked away, ears splayed in shame and embarrassment. "You're right of course, you're not just a toy for me to use, you're not just something for me to get off into, it's just. It's just..." his voice trailed off wistfully.

"I miss you."

Those three last words came out reluctantly, full of longing, like a prayer.

Frank bit his lip, he had already told himself what he would do if this happened. He leaned forward and brought his muzzle close to his father's. Their lips touched.

At first, Marty's eyes went wide with surprise and he stiffened with fear, but then a long drawn out moan of longing escaped his lips. He flipped Frank onto his back, leant forward and made out with him passionately. Frank couldn't help but compare the father to his son. If Corey was confident but inexperienced, then his father was shy but experienced and full of passion. The older fox gripped Frank behind the head and held him tenderly as their tongues locked and they made out under the moonlight, limbs and tails entwined.

Frank's dad came up for air and looked at his son with a mixture of affection and desire.

"You... have your mother's eyes, you know that? And her... and her..." he ran a paw greedily down Frank's russet sides and Frank arched his back in response.

Gee, thanks, dad, but can we talk about my mom after sex please?

Marty cuffed his son playfully on the muzzle and pressed him down into the bed. He ground his big thick fox shaft between Frank's taint and his tail.

"H..how do you want me..." Frank tested the word in his mind "...daddy."

Frank's dad chuckled at the taunt and rolled his boy over onto his front with one strong firm paw. Doggy style it is.

"It's been so long, I want to go all in tonight, and tonight, you're getting the knot my boy."

"Yes dad" Frank bit his lip and shuddered with a thrill at the idea.

His father entered him gently, expertly under the tail, Frank keened at the familiar feel of his father's cock in his ass. This time, though, it was real, this time he meant it, this time he was WANTED.

Marty grabbed his son by the left hip with one paw and the right shoulder with the other paw. Although he didn't look very strong, his larger frame and muscles meant he was certainly a lot stronger than Frank, and even somewhat stronger than Corey.

Frank threw back his head and moaned at the treatment, his father's cock slammed firmly into his prostate again and again, over and over. He relished this moment, something he had secretly fantasised about these last few weeks pushing him towards the edge. He imagined residue of his brother's cum still inside him lubricating their father's cock. All this longing, all that desire, it pushed him over the edge and Frank came with a small cry, collapsing into a puddle of his own cum, soaking his front with seed. His father continued to rail him from behind.

Marty leaned forward and whispered into Frank's ear.

"Say my name."





"Oh, daddy fuck me, cum in me please I want your knot!"

Suddenly, with a cry of triumph, Frank's dad pressed his son's head down hard into the pillow and disgorged his cock hotly into Frank's receptive body, he cried out in pleasure and rolled his hips forward with all his might, his knot popped into his boy's tight ass with a satisfyingly wet "plop".

"Aaaaah" they both sighed in unison, tied together for at least the next fifteen minutes, cooling down from their moment of passion panting and sweating profusely.


Frank looked up to see his brother standing in the doorway, his ears askew in confusion, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "What the fuck?"

Fortunately for all concerned, Frank's dad was tied into his butt for at least the next 15 minutes, so he had to ride out the awkwardness and discuss what had been going on. Frank didn't see the point in hiding anything, so he told them both the whole story.

Corey's eyes went wide, "Oh my god, dad, really?"

Marty looked away, embarrassed.

Jeez, no wonder you were in such a good mood that week, I guess I don't blame you.

"And.. Franky, how could you, with your own little brother."

"Hey hey, hey, dad, just let's remember who is in whose ass right now? You're much older than me than I am older than him."

"And besides" Corey chipped in, "Frank was the bitch after all."

"Franky, point taken and Corey, watch your language please" his father tried vainly to sound authoritative while still tied into his eldest son.

Eventually, once dad had calmed down enough to disentangle from him, Frank took the opportunity to replace the cum-stained sheets off the bed and quickly shower the three sets of fox cum from his fur.

"So, uh, what happens now" Corey asked, when Frank returned from the shower, clean but worn out.

"Well, I think we should let Franky decide" his dad said quietly. The two muzzles turning to him in unison.

"Decide? Decide what, dad?"

"Decide which one of us..."

"No, don't be a dork" Frank waved a paw dismissively. "This is not some kind of dating game. Besides, I already have a boyfriend" he added self-consciously. I don't see why there must be a choice. You're both family, I love you both."

Corey grimaced "well, there ain't no way I'm fucking dad, ew gross!"

"Hey, I could say the same to you, young man" Frank's dad was indignant but smiling. "I think we can agree this is not an all of us thing... this is definitely an, uh, us and Frank thing."

Frank felt a little thrill of pride and satisfaction at the thought.

"You know I love you guys" His dad leant forward and kissed him on the forehead, his brother knelt on the bed and kissed Frank square on the muzzle, his dad grabbed his muzzle and drew him into a long passionate kiss.

Uh, hey guys, this is not a competition for who can get Frank most worked up please. I love you both, now can we please go to bed, I'm tired.

"Yeah. OK my boy."

"Sure, night night."

Without a word, Corey climbed into bed with the other two foxes, nestling warmly into Frank's arms "hey, dickbreath, my ass is a no-go zone, ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I know", Frank nuzzled him on the neck "go to sleep asshole."

"No, you're the asshole" Corey retorted sleepily, Frank chuckled.

"Night boys" Frank's dad kissed Corey between the ears and licked Frank on the side of the muzzle "thanks for the best holiday ever."

"Yeah, night" Frank sighed contentedly, nestled warmly between two of the most important people in his life.

Pocket Fox: Initiation

Frank sat naked on top of a pile of towels in the passenger's seat of Kevin's busted up old car. Kevin raced through the dimly lit streets as fast as he dared, glancing over with concern at Frank every few minutes. "There's a party in my butt and I'm...

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Pocket Fox: Objectification

Frank approached the stairs to the imposing green building with a small amount of trepidation. He couldn't really remember exactly the nature of the contract he had signed with the portal sex toy startup, but he did know he seemed to have his work cut...

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Pocket Fox: Relation

"Corey, what the fuck?" Frank's face under his fur was beetroot red with range and embarrassment as he yelled into his phone. Corey's voice came back as smooth and calm as honey. "Hey, big bro, what's up?" At 19 years of age, Corey was three years...

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