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#321 of Commissions

Commission for Sarkethus!

Introducing Anna's big dad, John! Cherno and Obie are going to be such good boys for him. Or is it girls?

Mean and kinky story featuring psuedo-incest (stepdad), some gender TF/feminization, sweat/musk, mind break, lots of cum, oral vore, cock vore, digestion, disposal, and more!

With a gentle sunset trickling through the window of the summer cabin illuminating their naked bodies in orange and pink, the boys lost themselves in an enduring kiss. Cherno and Obadiah hadn't been officially official for all that long, but they'd been getting intimate for a lot longer than that. They knew all about how to navigate each other, where to touch, what each of them liked most. Obie had come alive in such a way Cherno had never seen that small, normally timid possum as soon as they got out of the city and into the woods. That was probably why he was currently on top of the deer despite his smaller stature.

The two of them had the cabin all to themselves for the week. In total isolation, well away from any roads or other homes, surrounded by nothing more than untamed nature, it was the most privacy they could possibly ask for. While Obie initially found himself a little shy to really get into things in a place belonging to his boyfriend's dad, it didn't take long for the clothes to come off. They didn't even make it to Cherno's old bedroom, instead exchanging smooches and tongues alike on the couch in the living room near the front door. The two curvy boys might have both been bottoms, but they always found a way to please each other. Sometimes it involved exchanging mutual favours, sometimes it simply involved following their whims. Obie was all but in position to ride that stiff blue deer dick when someone came thundering in through the door on hooves like boulders.

They were in such a mad scramble to cover themselves up that they didn't immediately see who it was. Soon, there was a squirmy lump of deer and poss beneath the blanket they managed to snatch amidst the panic. Only when they were sufficiently covered - if not exactly inconspicuous - did Cherno peer out from under the blanket to see who had just stormed in like a hurricane. Standing there with what looked like a whole forest of firewood carefully balanced over one of his burly shoulders, bare-chested and showing off his great round barrel of a gut, was the biggest boar either of them had ever seen.

Not that Cherno had never seen him before. He knew John well as a friend of his dad's since childhood, to the point the big pig's daughter was almost a sister to him. It wasn't a surprise to see him in general, but certainly one when he was certain dad had told him the cabin was all theirs until he got back from his trip. The confusion and panic his presence inspired eventually made John chuckle. He set down his impressive haul near the hearth, wiping at his sweaty brow with the back of his hand, and gave a little wave to the naked boys in the blanket together.

"Oh, don't need to get all embarrassed. Nothing I haven't seen before, I'm sure."

Obie hadn't even come out from under the blanket yet. Hearing a voice that definitely wasn't Cherno's dad Olen was a bit of a relief though. He crawled up and poked his muzzle into the open air, but made sure he was still very much covered. Ragingly aroused, he certainly didn't get any softer looking up and down the shirtless body of the absolute hulk standing there sweating before him. John was a big guy all around, as strong as he was just plain fat, and his skin glistened nicely with the gleam of exertion. The possum couldn't find a word to say, so Cherno spoke for him.

"Um. Hi John. Didn't expect to see you here today."

"Could tell!" The boar gave another hearty chuckle. "The feeling's mutual, but I certainly don't mind. Olen told me I could have the place and help myself to whatever I needed while he's off on his little competition. Here I thought he meant the food in the fridge."

He gave a little wink that brought the fading blush on Obie's cheek right back to full force. The possum glanced at the deer and mouthed something Cherno didn't catch, as if to ask if John could even say that. It seemed he certainly could. The boar didn't seem like he was inclined to leave and let them gather their clothes - or finish what they started - anytime soon, which meant they were both caught there, all worked up, trying not to stare at the hefty, handsome dad filling up the room with his powerful presence.

"He said that?" Cherno had no reason to doubt John, but it did seem a little surprising. Olen wasn't exactly the forgetful type, but maybe he'd mixed up his plans on his way to prepare for the big competition. He knew how much it meant to Olen to get the chance to compete for the title of best lumberjack in the whole country.

The boar just nodded. "Mhm. Didn't mean to interrupt. Just pretend I'm not here."

With that, he proceeded to tend to the fireplace. It wasn't like there were many places he could go to give them privacy. It was a quaint cabin, but not especially spacious. Looking him over again and again, with all that desire still flowing through them both eventually got the pretty boyfriends to murmur among themselves.

"Do you think we should ..." Obie began, though his unexpected boldness ended before his sentence could. He shrugged his shoulders while he worked up the courage, eventually finishing with a tiny smirk. "You know. Maybe offer a little ... invite? If that's okay with you ..."

Cherno blurted with relief. "Oh my god I'm so glad you said it first because I was going to feel weird if I suggested it. You, um, you don't mind then I take it?"

"Of course not. I'm not a prude," Obie lightly teased.

"What are you boys conspiring about over there?" John eventually asked them once all the firewood was in place and all there was left to do was light it when the evening grew cooler. If it ever did on that surprisingly sunny and humid spring day.

"Nothing!" Obie instinctively responded, as if he was in trouble.

"Not nothing!" Cherno called back. He took a breath and mustered up all the bravery he had in stock for just such an occasion.. "We were saying actually - well, we were wondering if you wanted to come join us. There's plenty of room on the couch.

John raised his head from where he was crouched down - and still taller than either of them. "Join ya? Well, that's a damn generous invitation. Give me just a sec and I'll keep you pretty boys company."

In the meantime, there remained the question of whether they were going to stay under the blanket. Neither of them could soften. In fact, Obie even stole a little stroke of the deer's shaft while they waited, offering a flirty little smile when Cherno gasped in response. They weren't going to be able to keep it secret how attracted to him they were. It only got worse when the huge, tufty boar came lumbering over, still visibly covered in sweat. They caught his scent and that was that. Their mutual need was sealed.

John went ahead and made the decision for them, stealing their blanket away to toss it aside while he got himself cozy in between them both. He sagged the couch with his weight, settling down in the middle of it, leaving them naturally sliding towards his massive frame. As for their blatant boners, he didn't bother to comment. They both knew what the moment was about. He sighed as he relaxed his bulk, settling in before looking them over one by one.

"Good to see you again, Cherno. And you must be, ah what's the name? Give me a hint."

Rather than leaving him to guess, Obie just nodded his head. "Oh, I'm Obadiah, sir. Everyone calls me Obie."

"John Dryden. Local big guy." The boar grinned and offered one of his hands. Getting a handshake from him occupied Obie's arm from the elbow up. Once the introductions were all made, he went on. "Guess I ought to admit something before we get going. Name of honesty and all that."

Even as he spoke, he was already pulling the boys a bit closer. Such a grip had them all but tucked into one of his underarms each, bathing even more richly in his uniquely pleasing musk. Obie was polite and restrained enough to keep from outright sniffing just yet, content to simply breathe normally and inhale that supremely masculine essence. Cherno was not. He didn't even hide it, and John didn't seem to mind.

"Olen and I, we've been friends for ages, you know that," John went on. "I think these days though, we're a little more than that. Might even make me your stepdad in a way. Not going to make you feel weird about it, is it?"

Obie watched Cherno for a response. He was ready to go with whatever the deer decided. Cherno meanwhile glanced back at the possum just to make sure he was every bit as into this whole thing as he was himself. The lust in each other's eyes told them everything they needed to know. The deer finally nodded, then instead swapped to shaking his head.

"I'm pretty sure I've done weirder."

"Well, there you go!" John cheerfully said, wrapping the both of them right up and dragging them extra close to his sweat glazed body for a great big mutual hug. "Here I thought you were going to make poor old John jerk off in the bathroom all by his lonesome."

Obie gave a little sigh of contentment with some of that tension released. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Cherno, but he simply could not resist a guy that big. As long as the deer was just as into the whole idea, he could happily snuggle in and swim in the perspiration steaming on the great strong hog's body. He was so instantly doused in boar musk to the point his own gentle scent was almost immediately drowned out. That certainly didn't dissuade him from snuggling close and even sneaking a few little licks, working his way up along John's side with tender applications of his tongue.

"Oh, you want a little more? Such a good boy you are. You know how to pick 'em, Cherno," John chuckled as he lifted an arm to let Obie get right in, leaving him swamped in the thick-tufted boar pit.

The deer just blushed, watching the possum indulge himself. He wasn't jealous for a moment. If anything, it just encouraged him to go in too. He wasn't about to let Obie have all the boar sweat to himself. John just stroked his way up and down their spines while they worshipped him, soaking in the attention while they soaked in him. Licking, slurping, kissing, making out with his underarms, they proved just what musk sluts they really were. It wasn't cheating to either of them. They were mutually enjoying the big guy who just sauntered right into their intimate time.

John didn't have to do much other than exist to get them all worked up. His pants were bulging impressively with arousal, but he didn't bother doing anything about it either. They were working him over, touching everything they liked. Obie demonstrated his other fixations when he ran his hands over the swell of the boar's great round gut. He wasn't even thinking about doing it. Such things came naturally when he was that worked up, his whole face shoved in and smothered under the boar's arm, his senses swimming in pure masculine exertion. Pressing against the initial squish and deep down into the great hard muscles below, feeling just how firm it really was only got the possum more aroused.

Cherno soon joined in, following Obie's example. He got both hands working along that great big boar barrel, massaging at first, groping soon after. It was impossible to take his hands off once he started. There was just so much heft to admire there, and it just made him more and more aroused. He was pretty sure John didn't have mystical hypnotic powers. It was just pure magnetism. He even found himself licking across that round swell without a second thought, cleaning the salty layer of sweat glistening upon the boar's smooth skin, and slipping over the slight rise of the occasional scar in the form of a clawmark or two.

"Something always told me you were a gutslut, Chernie." John ruffled his hair. "I've seen you looking before."

"Yeah ... " the deer said, more or less confessing. "How do you even get so big?"

John shrugged with a grin. "Plenty of hard work. And a whole lot of eating. Never been great at curbing my big damn appetite, but your dad keeps me well fed."

He offered a little wink at that. Whatever the implications, it was successful in making Cherno blush.

"Anyway. Don't you boys be afraid to have your fun with the pigfat. Put your dicks on it if that pleases ya." He lightly spanked them both as he said it, which only served to draw them in closer.

This time, it was Cherno's turn to move first. Obie watched him as the deer climbed up onto that swell of a belly, just as instructed. He was utterly swollen, stiff to the point of straining, and he spurted precum all over the rise of the boar's middle as soon as he started lightly humping. What began as a soft stroke, a slow movement of his hips grew more and more uncontrollable the longer he worked. John's expression was pure approval the whole time. He kept one of his meaty hands on the deer's butt to help him along, and used the other to bring Obie closer so he could appreciate the chub just as thoroughly.

John grunted his delight while he watched the pair of cuties humping away at his middle, thrusting and jostling that heft with their eager strokes. Obie looked hesitant at first, watching Cherno with a shy expression. Seeing the deer absolutely go to town on that boar certainly encouraged him. It might not have been where he saw their evening going, but he was soon just as obsessed as the deer himself. Though it didn't take long for him to give a little whimper, one accompanied by a solid twitch of his cock and an especially urgent spurt of precum to splash across the boar's belly. All the excitement and buildup of the moment was really getting that poss going. John just nodded his head when he saw how close to blowing the cute boy was, all because of him.

"Ah, don't hold back on me, boys. Cum on my fat gut if that's how you wanna do it."

They exchanged a look. From John's smiling face to each other, the girly boys silently considered whether they were feeling shameless enough to make such a mess. Then Cherno's hips started moving again, grinding in at the spot near the boar's navel, soaking his dick in sweat, sliding back and forth across the soft chub so he could feel those solid abs beneath. Humping, bouncing, thumping, and above all whimpering through it, he huffed and moaned his way to a finish with Obie following shortly behind.

John barely moved while they covered him in two impressive loads of cum. Between the two of them it was a constant stream, a gushing, splattering mess that soaked his gut and pecs alike, trickling down to his beltline. They panted and made eye contact in the afterglow once it crashed over them. When Obie reached out, Cherno took his hand and squeezed, making the poss offer him a crooked little smile of contentment. They might have basked together a little longer in that sloppy afterglow if John didn't chime in.

"Look at you, good boys all round. You wouldn't mind returning the favour now would you? I'm right damn pent up today. Missing that deer dad of yours."

By means of demonstration, he reached down to give his pants a tug, which made him grunt with the strain of keeping all that boar meat contained. Obie had to ogle at the sheer size of that bulge. Cherno had seen it plenty by then, but he was looking too. The boar was hung enough that it really didn't matter how loose his pants were. He was always showing off, at least a little. While he was staring at that bulge, Obie found himself completely vulnerable to any sort of surprise attack. John took full advantage of that to snatch the possum by the back of the head and shove him straight down into the tightly outlined shape of his big fat balls.

"Gonna be sweaty. More than usual, anyway. Something tells me you boys don't mind."

He said that as casually as could be while he held the squirmy poss smothered against his crotch. Obie certainly minded exactly as little as predicted. He simply couldn't hold still when he was getting handled like that. John kept him there for as long as it took to get his belt unbuckled, and with that he released Obie so he could get his pants off. The result was a wafting warmth of sweaty boar that made them both feel as good as girls in comparison while they basked in him. Obie was stiff again, and Cherno wasn't far behind. They all got to see the great, steamy unveiling of that thick, uncut boar dick, along with the darkly tufted nuts pumping below, visibly churning with tension.

The poss plunged in. This time, he wasn't waiting for Cherno to go first. He had to taste it. Sniffing and nuzzling against John's cock, getting sweat in his whiskers, he soon found himself kissing his way to the bottom where he immersed himself in the strip of dark fur running along the centre of the boar's sack. That was where he lingered for a time, nose buried in the black forest, sniffing away until he was high on pure manly dad. Eventually, he went so far as to get his lips around that extra tuft so he could start sucking the sweat right out of it.

Cherno wasn't about to be shown up. Not that it was a competition. There was plenty of boar for the both of them. He licked his way up and down John's shaft, pausing only slightly when he heard a little click from above. In the process of getting his pants off, the boar had sneakily taken his phone out of his pocket. He might have been a woodsman, but he knew how to snap a few candid shots of the two girly guys absolutely worshipping him, slobbering all over his dick and balls alike.

"Just a few little snaps for your dear dad to enjoy while he's off lonely in his hotel room," John teased.

"You wouldn't really ..." Cherno murmured with embarrassment. He didn't stop licking.

"Don't act like you two have never exchanged a few late night pics." The boar grinned, and then grinned even wider when Obie looked up from his balls to flash Cherno a look of gentle amusement. The possum didn't judge. He had no room for that. John tapped the screen with his thick thumb, then tapped a few more times when his digit proved too fat to get the right button the first time. "And sent."

It was very swiftly followed by a maximum volume notification sound that startled both of the boys.

"He likes it. Says keep going."

"He didn't really say that ..." Obie began, trailing off as he looked at Cherno. "Did he?"

"Honestly, he might have ..."

"He's not going to mind is he?" Obie's eyes gleamed with brief worry, though it wasn't clear over exactly what.

"What would he mind? Have fun, Obie. I know I will."

With that, he demonstrated he was just as much of a musk slut as the possum by sticking his tongue right down into the boar's foreskin. Trapping that blue slurper against John's dick, he worked to slurp and clean it up. Not that it needed it. The boar might have been prone to getting sweaty, putting out plenty of natural musk, but he was a fastidious fellow for such a rough guy. Every trace of scent and taste the two of them indulged in was a pleasant one, and served to send them spiralling even deeper into absolute obsession.

Obie moved up to join his boyfriend in making out with - and around - the boar's dick. The two of them locked lips for brief moments between smooches to John's cock, taking turns sucking on it, alternating between it and each other's tongues. There was so much flavour for them to share, and they knelt there between his massive legs. Now and then they just looked at each other with expressions of mutual adoration - for each other as much as the big dad boar they were worshipping.

Such affection meant they were happy to share the honours of sucking John's cock, one after the other. Cherno went in for a few bobs up and down that fat shaft, followed by Obie doing his best to equal the deer's prowess. The both of them took turns, going a little longer each time, bulging their throats with all that meat stuffed between their lips. Splitting the effort between the both of them meant they could keep the sucking going even while the other was gasping for air. That boar got spoiled by the two good boys pouring all the desire they'd worked up together into pleasuring him. The only question was who was going to get his load.

It turned out they didn't have to worry about that. There was plenty for both of them. Obie felt John twitching between his lips while he wildly slipped up and down that shaft. Though he was short on air, he simply refused to let go. He needed it so bad. Surely Cherno would understand, he thought to himself as he sucked that boar to a snorting, grunting, even moaning finish. He felt that heavy hand on the back of his head, felt those heavy balls clenching up against his chin as he bottomed out with that cock fully down his throat, and then he got the creamy treat he so desperately craved.

The possum was a bloated condom of boar spunk in a matter of seconds. He had to pull off, letting the hose spray all over him for a few moments before Cherno took his place. The deer chugged down as much cum as he could possibly swallow, but eventually his belly was sore and his lungs were aching. Even then the boar wasn't done. He just kept cumming, pumping out shot after shot of boy-splattering seed, soaking them down to hooves and toes alike. They basked in it, nearly blasted over by the firehose unloading in their faces, in their open mouths, all over their chests, their slightly swollen bellies, their stiff cocks.

It didn't take long before Cherno blew again. He wasn't even stroking himself. Bathing in John's cum was enough to make him go off, just like that. Of course, such a release was all but imperceptible amid the storm pouring down on him. Obie took a few strokes to finish himself right along with the deer, delighting in getting utterly drenched. The two of them were like a little pair of ghosts, coated in so much cum they were all but invisible. John's orgasm seemed to finally subside after several minutes of intense shooting, but even then he was still giving the occasional spurt and twitch, stiff as ever.

"Damn thing," he chuckled, giving his cock a little poke. "It'll be like this for a while. Pig thing. You boys going to want dinner? I'll make you up something special."

Despite still giving the occasional spurt, he swapped right over to dad mode after he was satisfied. They certainly were too. Actually eating food when they were so bloated with cum didn't sound immediately appealing, but Cherno knew the boar's cooking well. He wasn't about to turn it down. Nodding his head, with his antlers sticking out from the coating of cum clinging to nearly his every inch, he slowly rose, dripping and soaking, spunk trickling into the floorboards. He was pretty sure Olen wasn't too worried about a mess, but he'd be sure to help clean up once he got himself tidied.

First, those boys needed a shower. There was plenty of room in that old tub for them to share. The water got hot fast in that cabin, which was just what they needed to cleanse themselves of all that musk. Or most of it, anyway. Cherno could still feel it clinging to him as he snuggled and scrubbed with the possum under the steaming water. They exchanged the occasional smooch while the cum washed from their fur, swirling into the drain along with the suds of some nice girly soaps. Now and then they took to groping each other just a little, sneaking touches of hips or butts or balls alike, but it was clear the both of them were utterly drained by then. Obie eventually just smiled, leaning close, speaking against Cherno's chest.

"He's, um. He's really something. Sorry if I got too excited ..."

Cherno grinned and just gave the possum a gentle shove on the chest, followed by a smooch. "I love when you get all excited. You squirm the best."

"Well, shucks." Obie gave a soft giggle. "I guess our holiday took a bit of a turn."

"Mmhmm. You don't mind, do you?"

"As long as you don't."

There was still that slightly anxious tone in the possum's voice. He didn't want to make his boyfriend think someone was better than him or anything. Cherno just squeezed that nervous boy while the water washed away the smell of sex, and the scent of something cooking up in the kitchen slowly infiltrated the room. The boar was hard at work, and their creamy appetizer had a funny way of working up their hunger once the initial bloating settled. By the time they were clean again, it was time to eat.

John cooked like hell and it was hard to even count the ingredients in those massive bowls or rich red stew, served with a side of cornbread. It was far more than either of them could eat, but they were too modest to say as much. Instead, they pressed on, nibbling away with the still-shirtless boar at the head of the table. That was normally Olen's spot, Cherno found himself thinking, but it was no big deal. It wasn't like his dad was there. Besides, everything was delicious, leaving him feeling good and satisfied.

Maybe it was the spice that left him a little tingly after finishing as much of his bowl as he possibly could. He was stuffed and feeling generally content in a way that food didn't normally give him. Maybe even a tiny bit aroused. He looked over at Obie, who gave him that familiar flirty smile, then at John who was busy polishing off the very last bite in the time it had taken for Cherno to eat a third of what he'd been served. When he noticed the gaze, John dabbed his lips and tusks alike with a cloth and spoke.

"You boys need any more?" he asked them, reaching for the serving spoon to refill his bowl.

"Oh, that's all I can possibly eat, sir. Thank you very kindly for dinner" Obie told the boar with a little bow of his head.

"Aw, it's nothing. Gotta keep you good boys growing." He shot them a teasing smile as he rose up to his full, enormous height to collect their bowls. "Now I've got some more work outside that needs doing before it gets dark, but if you get lonely later on you just hit me up."

It was a polite way of saying he was still horny for them, but not one they missed the meaning of. They exchanged a look, then just nodded.

"Yes sir," Obie said.

"Please, you can call me John if ya like."


That made the boar chuckle. He got to cleaning up, waving a hand at the possum as if to bat him away like a fly when Obie tried to sneak in and help. He wasn't having that. The two of them were just going to have to relax like they were supposed to, with a big boar dad taking care of their every need in the meantime. That oddly excited feeling that started as a tingle on his tongue had spread through Cherno's entire body by then. He knew Obie was feeling it too. They interlaced fingers with one another and simply swished off without a word. It wasn't long before they were making out in the deer's bed.

It was hard to say just how long they were there together. They didn't fuck, they simply kissed and rubbed each other until they were horny as hell but doing nothing about it. Maybe they were waiting for John to take care of them. The sun had been up when they began, but it was fully dark before they knew it. Not only that, but they were in Olen's bed instead. It was hard to remember when they'd moved. John was there before long too, even if they didn't remember calling him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Looks like you've been holding it down while I was busy. Got myself another sweat worked up."

He leaned in, pressing his gut against the both of them at once. At his size, he could smother them together, pinning them beneath his sweaty bulk, bathing them in the scent they'd barely managed to wash off the first time. The more they soaked in it, the more it felt like it was going to stick with them. Pure, potent, masculine warmth clung to their fur while he rubbed against them. Eventually they felt his dick grinding against them, drawing the skin up and down while he rubbed it on their backs, their butts, and everything else.

"Hey Cherno. Will your boyfriend do that little hissy scream if I fuck him hard enough?"

The deer just blushed, giving a noncommittal nod. He was hard, but the thought of just sitting and watching John go at Obie in front of him had a way of making him harder. John let him up and he snuggled back into a pillow, just sitting and observing as the boar mounted the squirmy possum. Obie looked a little nervous with all that weight on top of him, but John made sure to support himself so as not to crush the femboy beneath him. It wouldn't have been hard. He took his time to grope and knead the boy's butt, just admiring him before he really went at him.

"Lookit you, all thick as hell for me. I'd say you're already looking even better."

Hearing that made Cherno arch a brow. He might have even put it together if his mind wasn't so clouded by lust and other things. That tingling feeling on his tongue and down his spine hadn't gone away. If anything it just made him all the more aroused while the boar spread those taut cheeks and started stuffing the possum full of dick. Obie was already silently screaming, his mouth open wide in an expression of pleasure and awe alike. He couldn't hold back a happy little hiss - or at least, Cherno knew it was a happy sound - when John tugged on his braids just right. It all made him all the more fuckable for the boar to stuff full of dick, bulging his slender form with the sheer girth shoved into him.

Someone a little more fragile might have tapped out by then, but Obie wasn't about to give up easily. He occasionally whimpered or bit his lip while he took the boar's humping, but he was determined to be a good boy. The bed creaked and sagged while John started thrusting into that fine rump, fucking the possum hard right in front of Cherno while the deer just slowly stroked himself off to the sight. It was hardly necessary. He could probably cum from the sight alone, as that great big boar flexed his muscles and rutted the cute thing he was almost completely eclipsing with his bulk.

Slapping his great fat balls against that butt was going to leave the poss a little sore in the morning, but Obie wasn't stopping for anything. He bounced and bucked and fucked himself on the dick slamming into him. John was relatively careful with someone so much smaller than him, but he still fucked like a freight train, chugging along and pounding that soon-screaming boy right in front of Cherno, right on the deer's dad's bed. All kinds of odd noises were escaping Obie by then. He was blushing hard at making such a scene, but he couldn't help but hiss and screech his way to an orgasm while he got good and thumped by the great big boar dad.

A lunge, a grunt, a piggish snort from John, and the two came together. Obie rolled his eyes back to the point it looked like he'd been overtaken by that false death instinct, but he remained squirmy all throughout. Spraying his load all over the sheets hardly compared to the audible splurch of cum shooting inside of him. He swelled and sloshed, filling and rounding out, only to overflow seconds later. Cum gushed out of him in all directions when he simply couldn't hold anymore. John wasn't even done cumming by the time he pulled out of that drenched boy, casually spraying more ropes along his back.

"Hey, think your boy needs you. C'mere."

John reached out and simply took the deer by the face with a single hand, dragging him over rather roughly to put him in position. With the other hand he pulled Obie's tail up high to make sure there was enough room for Cherno's face. He dunked the deer muzzle-first in the ass he just fucked numb, leaving the girly buck to clean the mess from that tender ring. Cherno knew what to do, eagerly eating that well-fucked rump while John slowly stroked his shaft, pouring the rest of his orgasm all over the both of them. They were utterly steaming with his marking scent by the time he was done.

When he was finished, he left them to the cleanup, but not before running his fingers up and down their figures. He took particular care to work their hips and squeeze their butts. Cherno was a little dazed by everything, but he felt like he was even more ample than usual there, maybe even putting on a little weight recently that he hadn't noticed until then. John went so far as to spell it out for him, though it didn't really register.

"You're already coming along nicely. Can't wait to see how girly you get."

It wasn't until a few days later that it all made sense. Cherno and Obie stood together in front of the bedroom mirror, admiring each other from every angle. They were thicker at the hip. Their butts were juicer. To go with the look, their dicks were looking a little smaller, and their chests had gone from trim to a little chubby, a little perky. It wasn't quite tits, but it was notable. They might have remarked more on the changes if they had the minds to think about it. Everything was a little fuzzier, a little simpler in their heads. A little bimbofication was blissful for the girly boys.

John was there to tend to their every need, day by day. Whether it was keeping them fed with his divine, tingle-inducing cooking or fucking them every night, he made their vacation everything they didn't know they wanted. In the process, they spiralled deeper and deeper into the dumb, horny selves they were always meant to be. John recognized that. It was why he had a special offer for them one particular evening.

"How about I put a collar on you two since you seem to like being boar sluts so much? No time to make you up something special, but I bet this will do."

He held up a pair of leather collars with engraved tags that said Good Girl. It looked fairly generic, like it was something he'd ordered in bulk, just for such occasions. Cherno hesitated at first, looking over to Obie, who just gave him a little nudge.

"I wanna do it ... I wanna show him how much I like being his ..." he murmured in a voice that was barely his own. It had changed recently, losing all traces of grit and bass - not that Obie had much to begin with.

"That's my good possy. Come here." John tugged him over with the handle of his braids, helping to affix that collar around his neck. He made sure to snap a pic for Olen too. "Wait until deer dad gets his hands on you. If I haven't taken you all to myself by the time he gets home."

He offered a wink that didn't explain much. The teasing went right over Obie's head. He was just happily kneeling there, ready for whatever the boar had for him. John patted him on the head.

"You've been so good, I'm gonna give you something I know you love. I've seen how eagerly you get your face in my sweaty spots. Get yourself down and I'll make you a seat while I fuck your girlfriend."

He'd casually started calling them girls over the course of the changes. Neither of them could remember when he actually made the transition. It just came naturally. He pushed Obie down and rose up above him. Sitting on someone so much smaller than him was probably a little dangerous, but the possum looked up at him with bright, shiny eyes full of need. Settling his great, sweaty ass down over Obie's muzzle got him good and wedged in there, kissing against the boar's rim, making out with it and licking the sweat off with every stroke of his tongue. It was a futile effort that just left him further buried in the boar musk he so loved.

Once he was comfortably, but safely nestled down atop Obie, John just grabbed Cherno with both hands all the way around the deer's waist. He didn't ask anymore. He simply snatched them when he wanted them. They never complained. Shoving the deer down on his dick like a cocksleeve milked a bleat out of the girly doe-buck.

"Fffff - fuck, John ..." he whimpered.

"What'd you call me?" John snorted, leaning close to Cherno's ear. "Let's try that again."

"Unnn ..." Cherno just moaned at first, scrunching his face right up, as if trying to deny it. Yet that driving thump of cock in his butt had a way of making him say anything John wanted. "D-dad ..."

"Mm. Good girl. I like how that sounds. Don't you?" He rumbled that with satisfaction, taking the time to click that collar into place shortly after. Cherno's role was as good as decided when that single word escaped his slutty lips.

Cherno didn't get a chance to respond. He got stuffed full and thumped hard by those balls spanking his ass. John worked his way into a growling rut while he kept grinding on Obie's face. The possum was really smothered in deep, utterly engulfed in sweaty boar and throbbing hard about it. Well, mostly hard. The changes had left his dick a little softer, a little more drippy, but he could still cum when he was getting fucked. Or when he was sniffing his boar dad.

The boar kept the fucking going, pulling the deer down on his dick over and over. He leaned in to bite a little while he took that deer for his pleasure pet. In the process of nibbling at Cherno's neck, John headbutted those antlers pretty hard, probably by accident. He could be a little clumsy at his size. That whack was enough to knock the crown right off Cherno's head. His antlers smoothly detached without a hint of pain, tumbling to the bed below while he got reamed by the boar. He glanced at them briefly, wondering just how much more he looked like a doe without them, but he was too busy cumming his brains out to think about them for long.

Obie spurted too, squirting that thin stream of cum from his half-hard dick while the boar hotly sat on him all through his orgasm. John maybe put a little too much weight down in the process of blowing his load inside Cherno, but the possum didn't complain. He licked and kissed until he was close to passing out, and even then he didn't stop, only slowed. Meanwhile, John gave Cherno one of those belly-bulging cumshots that quickly overflowed him while he whined and bleated, the new collar jingling as he got bounced around by the boar's orgasmic thrusts.

When he lifted up and pulled out, he laid his cum over the two collared sluts, casually going off as he stood above their panting forms. He took some photos as usual, making sure to get them from every angle.

"Olen's going to be pretty pleased when he hears what you're calling me now," he mused. "Only question left is which of you is the goodest girl. And which of you is lunch."

Hearing that brought them a tingle of pleasure more than anything. It was evident by the little shudder that ran through both their bodies while they were laying there, soaking in his spunk. If they sensed any actual danger in his words, they didn't show it. They just remained there, wallowing, steaming, dumbly smiling up at him with those increasingly glazed looks. They weren't getting any smarter with the way he was treating them.

After some time, their whole days seemed to revolve around him. Their dicks were too small, too soft to fuck each other anymore. Yet they got all the pleasure they needed just rubbing up against his body, especially right after he was done with some work around the house. They bathed in his sweat. They sniffed him, they licked him. They rubbed his belly. Sometimes they came just from worshipping him, without him having to do anything other than just sit back and bask in their attention. Even if they couldn't get erect anymore, their soft dicks squirted their watery little offerings plenty hard.

"Any day now," he told them while they were snuggled up to his gut together. "One of you is gonna make me fatter. Just don't know which yet."

Even stating it so obviously, they remained blankly devoted to him. Stroking him, milking him, helping him relieve the pressure of those constantly pent-up balls. They were his servants and his pets, his new daughters, complete with perky A-cups and useless dicks. Squeezing his cock between their small tits and rubbing his scent deeper and deeper into their fur left them drooling for him, utterly blanked out by the days and days of domination he gave them. He scanned them up and down after drenching them in his raining cum once more, considering the empty look in their eyes, the unceasing smiles of devotion they wore for their musky dad. Then he just confidently nodded his head.

"Alright. Today's the day, turns out. Time for you girly things to become part of your boar dad."

Such a proclamation seemed as if it deserved a less casual delivery, but it wouldn't have made much of a difference to the thoroughly feminized boys. They were crawling on the floor in front of his hooves, coated in boar cum and sweat, limp-dicked, drooling, all but whimpering for their big-bellied master. All he had to do was to reach down and casually grab them by the back of the neck, hauling them up to look over, back and forth. Deer and possum dripped together, offering him those dumb little smiles of adoration as they dangled while he considered which of them to devour first.

"Now comes the hardest question for me to answer," he began, huffing steam over them while they eagerly awaited more of his attention, soft dicks faintly twitching with their inner excitement. "Which one of you boys deserves it nice, and which of you deserves it a little nasty? This gut sure won't be gentle on your pretty selves when I'm this hungry. Been thinking about eating you all day. Don't think either of you mind though, do you?"

Their glazed stares communicated little higher thought, but neither of them were so far gone that they couldn't answer. They babbled together in their soft voices, hardly a trace of their former masculine tones remaining.

"I'd be honoured to join you ..." Obie politely told him, though there was a certain desperation in his vibrant purple eyes. He wanted in that boar so badly.

"I'll do anything you want, dad." Cherno leaned heavily on that word again. Not only because he knew how much John liked it. He meant it, too.

"Bet you will." John offered him a tusky grin. "You know, I'm thinking. It's going to be real bloody nice having Olen - you know, your other dad - rubbing my gut once I've got you jigglin as my fat. Don't you worry though, Obie. I've got a special reward for ya for being so damn good from start to finish. For now you just sit back and watch the show. Maybe polish those nuts while you do."

He slowly set the possum down, who didn't look disappointed in the slightest. If he was still remotely himself, he might have reacted with horror to the whole situation. But he was John's. When the boar spoke so casually of ending the very life of his cervine stepson, Obie just knelt between those massive thighs and pushed his nose against the truly fat balls he'd grown so very obsessed with over the past - days, weeks, however long it had been. He could hardly remember what he'd been doing with his life before he met that handsome stud. It was time for him to sniff and lick some boar nuts again, but he made sure to keep an eye on Cherno the whole time. He wasn't about to miss it.

"Now, you'll have to forgive me for how fast I rush through this one," John told Cherno as he held him there, clutching him by both shoulders like he might have handled a particularly sizable sandwich. "I've been absolutely starving since this morning. Trying to make sure I've got plenty of room for you, you know? Except now I feel like I could gulp you a dozen times over and still want more of that precious venison. It's all been building to this. You know where you belong, don't you?"

John brought the deer closer, laying him across that great big belly like a blanket. He clapped the buck on the back a few times, making sure he was good and cuddled into that great, vast heft the boar carried everywhere. It was as much muscle as it was fat, making for a solid barrel to snuggle against. Cherno's dick was far too limp to properly grind on it, so he just used his whole body to admire it with his constant squirming touch. He could already hear the gurgles beneath the surface. The cabin was engulfed in its usual silence but for the occasional pleasured snort from the boar while the poss licked his nuts. That gave Cherno the perfect opportunity to listen to the constant glrrrrrn of that growling stomach, all prepped and ready for his presence.

"That's right. Always wanted to eat ya. Ever since I first saw ya. You were born to get in my big fat gut."

For extra emphasis, he gave it a hard slap. It wobbled slightly, but it was far too solid to jiggle too much. Maybe Cherno was going to change that. While John was slapping things, he spanked the deer's ass hard, grabbing a cheek in each hand. It was still a tiny bit sore from all the recent pounding, but in the way the deer had grown to love. That grip was all John needed to push his dinner closer and closer to his face. Opening up wide gave Cherno the closest look at that warm, humid boar maw he'd ever had. He was enraptured for as long as he was allowed to keep looking.

John managed to restrain himself a few moments longer, but that was all Cherno was going to get. He needed that girly piece of meat inside him. A good shove, a lunge of jaws, and he engulfed that pretty little face all at once. It just took one good chomp to get down to the deer's neck, nibbling there while he worked to jam and force his meal down his throat. Gulping with such power and speed soon got the curvy doe wrapped up in the muscles of the boar's gullet, smothered in thick saliva, swimming in the heat inside John's body. His breath was just as enticing as ever, sweltering all over the deer's naked body while he got swallowed whole, alive, and absolutely loving being desired so intensely. Every hungry swallow was another affirmation of what a good girl he was.

Being fucked and spoiled and broken for that long meant his survival instincts never kicked in, not even when he felt the boar's tusks glossing along his belly, then to his hips, his thighs. Everything was right in the subby deer's world. Cherno let himself get devoured wetly, messily, feeling the boar's throat pulsing all around him with the absolute need to have him all to himself. One more good gulp that rolled through John's whole body sucked those long, lean legs down, made those hooves vanish between his tusks and lips alike, hidden away from the world in a mist of saliva.

Cherno descended as nothing more than a bulge in John's throat, all but disappearing for a moment behind that burly chest. His arrival in the confines of the boar's gut was indicated by little more than a slight jostle of all that fat and muscle. Cherno most certainly didn't make a visible bulge, just an extra swell, an extra sag of that enormous middle. Nonetheless, John still reached off to the table beside the couch for his phone to give one last update to the travelling father buck after snapping a photo of his prey-stuffed belly.

Ate your boy. Couldn't resist.

It didn't take long for that phone to buzz a response.

Good. Send me an update later.


With that, John relaxed, leaning back to stretch out on the couch with his favourite possum son casually worshipping him. He smacked his middle a few more times to send some ripples over the smooth surface. That soon churned up a great big wet belch from his lips. It was every bit the roar of triumph that befit the grand finale of Cherno's total domination. It made John's gut tighter, too. The walls squeezed harshly around the deer, crushing inwards while the gurgling really started. He'd allowed himself to get that far without even the slightest trepidation, and yet it was being trapped down in the darkness and the heat, getting actively digested alive that finally made him remember where he was.

"Oh? Squirming now, are ya? Little late for that, doe boi. I told you what I was going to do. There's no chance in hell I'm spitting you out now."

Despite the dawning horror coming over his former boyfriend, Obie didn't break out of it. He rubbed the boar's nuts and licked the base of his dick over and over, savouring the flavour that had broken him in the first place. John gave another belch, much less spectacular than the first while his gut just got noisier and noisier. It was getting inhospitable in there. He was bathing the deer in digestive acids, and they were far from gentle, just as he said. Cherno went from agreeable to nervous to panicked in a matter of seconds. It didn't feel good to get slowly, messily processed into big pig pudge.

When he whimpered, he got no response. When he pressed his palms against the slippery walls around him, he just found himself overpowered by the constant squeezing pressure. It was crushing him, suffocating him, drowning him, but all such fates would have been a mercy when the tingling grew to itching, then burning, then sizzling through his skin while he melted away piece by piece, detail by detail. John absorbed every little trace he could take from the gorgeous deer, ever so gradually destroying his beauty, churn by wet, noisy, brutal churn.

John didn't remain idle for long. He barely moved, but by then a slight nudge was more than enough to direct Obie where he wanted him. That was with his soft lips pressed right up against the tip of that fat cock. The boar was utterly stiff while he basked in the feeling of finally digesting Cherno. He'd resisted for so long. When he was that rigid, he throbbed fiercely against the possum's tongue. Obie was ready to open up wide and do his best to suck the boar dry once again, but John had other ideas. He wasn't about to deny that precious thing that he'd been teasing him about for so long - he simply had other ideas on how to eat him.

It only took a push. A firm one, but nonetheless a small gesture. That alone was enough to help the possum transition from kissing the boar's cock to sliding down it. His muzzle got caught up in the grip of John's dick, squeezed just as tightly as if being tucked into his throat. He didn't devour Obie quite so swiftly, but as before, he was far too hungry to keep savouring it for long. Or maybe it was more horny than hungry, but either way his nuts were already churning with anticipation. The same hefty, tufted sack he'd been worshipping for days was going to claim him, to shape him and change him, and he couldn't have been happier about it.

The same couldn't be said of Cherno. The deer was all wrapped up in the gradually lethal embrace of the boar's stomach, getting hugged and squished from all sides by the brutal hunger of the pig who ate him. John wasn't giving him much attention anymore, other than the occasional satisfied pat. Once things started to really churn around him, he gasped at first, then moved onto whimpering. His more desperate cries were significantly muffled by the imprisoning pudge. As things grew more painful, he made more noise, even attempting to scream. No matter how deeply broken he was, no matter how utterly devoted to John he might have been, he could never fully suppress those panicking survival instincts. Neither fight nor flight was of any use to him, and the boar merely went on messaging his prey's own father about it.

Don't think he likes it! Making all sorts of noises for me.

This response took a while longer. It wasn't out of shock that Olen delayed getting back to the boar currently digesting his son alive. He was probably just busy with other things, so to speak.

Ah he's tougher than he looks don't listen to his fussing.

From there it was simply a matter of letting his body's natural clenches take over. He dragged the possum down his dick with ease. There was no need to shove at him or stuff him away. All it took was the grip on his pretty muzzle and the rest followed in a series of pleasured pumps and squeezed. The possum got utterly engulfed, dunked straight down into the most potent source of that obsession-worthy musk yet. He was all but blanked out, brain filled with static while he got sucked down the boar's cock, soft-dicked but hornier than ever. From his slender shoulders to his wide hips, his cushy ass, his writhing legs, he slipped and slurped away in a splatter of precum squirting out all around his curvy form. Another meal packed away, swelling John out, expanding the boar's huge sack until it was truly, burdensomely massive. The girly boy was barely even visible in there.

John gave another belch, then reached down to cup his hands beneath his prey-stuffed balls. That possum was getting nice and soft. Obie was sinking as he sloshed, boar balls squeezing in around his form a little tighter, compressing him a little smaller every single time. He was still solid enough to squirm, but he was getting juiced, getting absolutely creamed by the constant kneading of those spunk-packed balls. John certainly didn't need to be any more productive than he already was, but getting to assimilate with that orgasm brewing within the boar was exactly the kind of thing that soothed the possum into total submission. That, and the constant blast of musk pouring into his every single sense, sinking into his skin, clouding his thoughts until his mind was so blank he knew little more than pure sensation.

Cherno's initial panic calmed in time, though it wasn't entirely clear if it was because he was getting used to the treatment he was getting inside the boar's belly, or if he was simply running out of energy. He squirmed less and less while John's gut seemed to only grow more aggressive. It loudly glorped all around the tightly-packed bulge of deer, kneading him, churning him, loudly processing him from the pretty, girly boy he was into something more easily absorbed into the great mass of fat and strength that was his dear boar dad.

Obie wasn't going to last as long as the deer. Not when he was getting clenched right up, squished and squelched, squeezed so tightly he was more or less forced to just be a ball of partly-creamed boy bulging in the boar's balls. Even once he found himself less and less in control of his own body, he still reached down to stroke himself off the whole time. Bathing in the scent of John's cum had a way of getting him excited, right to the very last clench. That jerky self-pleasure got weaker and weaker, slowing down every time those balls hugged all around his diminishing form, but he kept it up nonetheless. Whether or not he managed to cum one last time before those nuts pulled up so tightly around him that something eventually gave way and sank inwards wasn't clear, but he certainly sloshed down to nothing more than a fresh load of spunk with a smile on his musk-drunk face.

John gave a satisfied grunt, arching his back with pleasure as he polished off the possum. His balls gave an instant swell as they got packed taut with cum. They were perfectly smooth and tense, flexing and audibly sloshing with the engorging contents. He couldn't help but grip his dick and run his fingers up and down its length a while, but he didn't make himself cum just yet. He still needed a hand free to slap and squeeze his gut while it churned up Cherno, dissolving that cute deer in his freely-flowing juices. The general grumble and hiss of his stomach working over that girly piece of meat only got louder, drowning out his groans of pleasure while he liquefied his stepson for his own satisfaction.

His gut was already getting a little smaller, the indistinct swell of prey smoothing over after enough gurgling. Cherno's body faded to the point he could only twitch, melting down, simmering to nothing more than bones inside the boar's gut. One more good, wet belch stole the very last of the air from the chamber, but it wasn't suffocation that finished the deer off, exactly. It was the combination of melting away, getting his softened form crushed flat, and drowning in the thickening digestive juices that sloughed away the meat from his bones until he was shuddering to stillness in an inelegant, unceremonious way. After that, there was no sign of life from the meat he was, only the noisy gurgles of assimilating him into the boar's bulk.

"All done, boys? Guess that's that." He patted his gut, then caressed the surface of his incredibly tight balls. They were tense and swollen, twitching with the need to unload."Phew. Gonna enjoy letting you out, little poss."

It wasn't as if they hadn't made a mess already with all their activities all through the cabin throughout the week, but he still had the consideration to look for a condom before he ended up blowing Obie all over the walls and ceiling. Standing up produced a sound like someone shaking a jug of water. It was hard to say whether his gut or his nuts were sloshing louder. He jostled the liquefied contents of his former stepsons while he moved on those heavy hooves to find a condom. There were plenty tucked away in a drawer, and they were even in his size. Which was to say, excessive. They were for those times when he didn't feel like mopping the floor after jerking off, and they'd serve well to catch the load that used to be a possum.

Slumping back down onto the couch, nearly crushing it under his extra weight, he spread his thighs wide and leaned back to lay into himself with a double-handed grip after getting his dick all wrapped up in stretchy latex. It hardly looked like that cover was going to be adequate given how plump his balls had grown, but he was going to have to trust it. Once committed, there was no stopping him. He huffed and snorted while he jerked himself to a sweaty finish, going manic on his cock once the tense urge to blow his load grew almost unbearable. Thankfully, it didn't take much to milk out all that prey-jizz.

He was going to be cumming for a while. John gave a loud, boarish cry when his cock erupted, bulging with each shot travelling up to the tip. He filled that condom in a second, blasting jizz into it until it sank down and expanded like a balloon between his hooves. Everything was uniform and smooth in that load of pig jizz, until something shot up from his dick that made it abundantly clear it wasn't just some regular orgasm. That was Obie in there, as demonstrated by the clean white possum skull all packed with boar cum that ended up floating there inside the condom, pressing against the side precariously. One little puncture with those teeth would have been enough to spill the contents everywhere, but thankfully it held out until the boar's initial cumshot slowed down.

It was far from done, of course, but he could at least relax with some of the tension let off like that. He was just going to have to hold that position, condom wrapped around his dick while he kept shooting another jet every few seconds or so. Rubbing his gut while he waited helped it settle down. He could feel the clatter of deer bones inside him, but those would go too, in time. It was still going to be a good few hours until his body was done processing Cherno into taut boar fat and bulk, so John eventually sighed and laid back with his eyes closed. Dads like him knew a good nap opportunity when they saw one, even if it meant sleeping with his orgasm still ongoing. He was satisfied enough to fall into a loudly snoring sleep even while his dick kept on twitching, spurting out another shot of all the cream Obie helped him make every so often.

The jets slowed from seconds to minutes, but he was still stiff for another half hour, until the condom was utterly swollen. It slipped off his shaft near the end, leaving John cumming down its sides in his sleep. A minor mess compared to what could have been. His gut kept on churning all the while, pushing Cherno through his big boar dad's intestines. He made John even heftier over the course of a brisk nap, padding out that bulky body even thicker. By the time the boar woke, he had an even bigger gut that he simply had to clutch and heft, jostling it up and down to test just how much it bounced. In the process, he bumped that condom full of cooling cum, spilling some of the contents on the floor before he could snatch it and tie it off safely.

Most importantly, that skull stayed floating inside, along with another less recognizable bone or two. It was just enough to make it abundantly clear who it used to be. As for Cherno, it remained to be seen just how intact he was. After enough digesting, John was ready to get rid of him. There was plenty his body didn't. He used what he could and packed that deer on as more fat, and the rest was going to involve a lengthy bathroom trip. A short stretch and yawn, and off the boar went, still naked, striding loudly through the cabin. He had the whole place to himself.

Settling his prey-thickened ass down on an extra-large toilet - one built for guys like him and Olen, and their particular tastes in big meals - he opened up a nearby magazine. Reading up on some exotic hiking trails kept him engrossed while he relieved himself of Cherno. With tufted tail lifted high, John casually started shitting his stepson out, reaching back to flush now and then just out of instinct. It wasn't his first rodeo. He sent the thick logs of former deer swirling down to the pipes below, along with a few fairly intact bones nicely embedded in the dense waste. Cherno certainly wasn't quite so pretty as a load of pigshit, but he brought John some grunting satisfaction while he got rid of the former femboy.

A little straining helped him squeeze out that anlter-less skull in time. It packed down with the rest, softened to the point it would probably flush with the rest. Hopefully. Before hitting the lever again though, John took the time to reach for the phone he'd left on the edge of the nearby sink, just so he could snap one more photo of Cherno before that churned deer was gone for good. It was quite the crude monument, with that skull partly buried in boar shit, It was the last anyone was ever going to see of him. For just a moment, John hesitated to send that one along to Olen, wondering perhaps if he was going too far. Then he just shrugged and added an extra little message, pressing enter and hitting the flush shortly after.

Do you still get to be called a DILF now or do we have to figure out how to make more?

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