Benefits of shark biology

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A commission I got from a friend with some steaming action between father and son.

The car creaked as Gabriel sat on the copilot seat, leaving the bag with his sketchbooks and other knick knacks on the back seat. The older Alvarez recalled that bag being way thicker with bags of chips and other snacks of little nutritive value.

"Had fun?" He asked his son over the sound of the engine ignition. It was an old thing, but reliable. He soon began the journey back home.

"Sure!" Gabriel smiled, leaning back on his seat. "We had a good campaign. Felix kept Cesar busy with some guards chasing him, so Talia had to fight them two-against-one while my cleric worked overtime to keep her alive. It was pretty epic."

'Papi' chuckled, not quite sure he was following what his son said, but happy that he seemed to have a good time. Some other parents were worried about that silly fantasy game, but in all honesty, his boy could be out there getting drunk, or high, or getting someone pregnant. Making up some magic games with his buddies was much tamer in comparison. But the last bit gave him an idea.

"Talia is the only girl in your group, isn't she? Is she dating one of you guys perhaaaps?"

"Dad!" Gabriel's mood suddenly shifted. At his age, and still embarrassed like a teenager. "She's just a friend, I don't think she sees any of us like... that. I bet she only likes mammals."

"Oh, I dunno. Before I met your mom I had my fair share of mammals, you know? Some of them like having fun with a big and strong shark, maybe you should ask her out." His old man hit him a couple of times with his elbow, getting a groan from his son.

"Mrf... I really don't think she'd want..." Gabriel sulked instead, turning his face towards the window. The highway seemed way more interesting right now.

"Well, if mammals aren't your thing, that's fine. There are plenty of fish in the sea!" Oh, no. The dad jokes. He considered opening the door and just jumping. How far was the car going? Was it worth grating his face against the asphalt?

"Hey Dad, do you know what mom is making for dinner?" The younger shark tried to distract his old man from the conversation. Thankfully, it worked.

"Ah yeah, your 'prima' is having her baby!" His dad answered. Gabriel blinked a couple of times, before beaming the widest smile.

"Aw really? When?"

"We got the call an hour ago or so. Mami and Abuela have got a cab to go help her during the weekend so she can relax. Seems like it'll be just us guys at home." He eyed the upcoming exits. Maybe... "Say, how about we grab the biggest order of chinese, you and I? For once we won't have to hear Abuela complain that she doesn't like how they make the shrimp."

"Mh... I wouldn't say no to that." His dad could make some mean tacos, but take-out food was a rare luxury for them. "Even if I wanted to see the little one."

"Ah, give your Prima a bit to relax. If she's anything like your mom, she'd bite your finger off if you so much as disturbed the baby." They both laughed at the joke. Even if there was a kernel of truth: few things were more scary than a latina mom protecting her kid. Probably only topped by the same latina mom, chancla at hand, ready to scold the very same kid.

Taking the next exit, Papi dropped Gabe at a nearby restaurant he knew to be cheap but still quite delicious. The family of asian fennecs regenting it were a short, but nice bunch; so he trusted his son to place a decent order for the both of them while he looked for somewhere to park his car.

Shame one could not order by phone while driving, those car phones were impossibly expensive. But dropping a son was also an option. Luckily he found a free spot just a couple of blocks away. In fact, right in front of a video rental they frequented.

Well, they had all weekend to themselves, maybe Gabe would enjoy a movie night with his old man. There were some westers he could introduce him to, or maybe one of those fantasy flicks he liked lately. What was that one called from last year? Labyrinth or something? Those thighs did nothing to hide the actor's crotch...

The idea of bulging pants made him take a glance at the porn section. Maybe? Gabriel was more than old enough. Perhaps it might lead to some interesting conversations about him and maybe-yes-maybe-not girlfriends.

"Something with sharks and mammals?" He mumbled, eyeing the lewd covers on that area. It'd be a miracle to find something as specific as a shark and a deer, but he'd find something close enough.

About half an hour later, father and son were setting up the table for two. Cold cokes and beer, dishes, chopsticks and an assorted bounty of stir-fried noodles, fried veggie rice, spring rolls and sweet-and-sour pork. If one knew how sharks could ravage their prey, that's a decent picture of the duo eating. For the first few minutes, the only sounds at the table were the hungry hums of food-chomping, cut by eventual requests of soy sauce getting passed on.

When the first pangs of hunger were stated, they could breathe a sigh of relief, and have some pleasant conversation while sharing a plate of spicy shrimp.

"So, how's class?" Papi asked, managing to catch two at the same time and bringing them to his mouth before they dropped. Those silly sticks were hard to use!

"Not bad. Coach is being a pain in my tail as usual." Gabe groaned, before expertly throwing one in the air and catching it with his jaws. "Always my form this, my times that... I'm still one of the best swimmers on the team."

"For the deep diving division. That dolphin left you eating surf at the speed trials." Papi reminded him. Oh, that was a cruel reminder.

"Mrf... that dolphin is insane. He could stab you with his face at those speeds. But I won at that orca from SoCal at the water polo trials! You didn't hear him brag after that!" He proudly puffed his chest, arms crossed for extra dramatism.

"That's my boy!" Papi smiled, right before reaching and stealing a dumpling from his son's plate.

"Gak! That's cheating!" He quickly reached to steal back a spring roll from his dad's plate, but the older fishman firmly grabbed his wrist, the two playfully struggling to get the upper hand. "You have a ton left!"

"Your fault for eating them all right at the start!" Papi smirked at him. "What are you willing to do for one?"

Gabriel's eyes narrowed. It was a dirty move, but one he could play. "I could remind you how much... Te quiero papaíto." He said the Spanish part with his very best innocent kid voice.

"You manipulative bastard." Papi let him go, allowing his son to retreat with his price, which was happily soaked in way too much sweet-and-sour sauce and promptly munched. Gabriel tried to ask something as he checked, mostly just making garbled, unintelligible noises.

"Swallow, and try again." Papi trew a fortune cookie at his forehead, expertly hitting dead-center. Gabe caught it before it hit the table, cracking it open. The little paper slip read: 'New experiences will come from where you least expect them'. Not very specific...

"I said, how's work going? Got any interesting jigs?" The younger shark threw the little paper inside one of the empty food containers, and just munched on the crunchy cookie.

"Ah, I can't complain." Lies. He could, and he would. "Fix a burn socket here, add some extra wiring there. I'm trying to secure a gig with this large office that wants to install a ton of phone cables for a new call center. Seems they will even set up some of those fancy computer network cables too!"

"Oh! I could ask Fenix if he can get you pointers on that." Gabriel's tail wagged, excited at the idea of being helpful to his father. "Will that job pay well?"

"If I get the contract, yes. It's 'ask for anything you want for your birthday' kind of money!" He proudly smiled, his voice going down a few notes. Some manly pride in his work there!

"As in... I could get a car?" He tried.

"Don't get so greedy. I could get you those GOOD art kits you want, and a whole bunch of books and stuff." He tried to move him back to realistic goals. "And I don't mean the cute ones with tons of colors. I mean the really fancy, professional level ones."

"Wow!" Gabe beamed. "I think I would love you tons, dad!"

"Oh really?" Papi raised a tattooed eyebrow. "And what if I can't buy you that?"

"Uh, then..." Nice job putting your foot up your mouth, shark-boy. "I'd still love my dad all the same, but without fancy sketching pencils."

Later, once they were done eating Papi grabbed a toothpick to remove a leftover bit of dumpling from between his sharp teeth as he sighed, happily patting his now fuller belly.

"We should order this stuff more often." He smiled, getting up and taking what was left of his beer with him as his son finished up with the fortune cookies.

Gabriel watched him down the rest of the bottle as he moved towards another bag. He was about to ask what else he had brought, when the old man pulled some plastic sleeves, clearly filled with betamax tapes. "Oh, you rented movies?"

"Unless you expected to spend the rest of the weekend locked up in your room?" The older shark smirked, taking out the one he'd picked. He turned on the TV, enjoying the satisfying feeling of static on the glass screen, and opened the tray of their Betamax player. Oh, typical. One of Abuela's drama movies from Mexico. He left that one to the side, and slid in the rental.

Gabe rushed to sit on one side of the large couch, his long tail flopping to the side over the armrest. "What did you get?"

His question was quickly cut short as the tv began blasting the sounds of moans and grunts. "Ooops, it seems they didn't rewind it!" Papi chuckled as he took a couple of steps back, revealing the sight of a quite muscled shark. Or at least, his torso and legs, because the camera was quite focused on his large, erect twin dicks. And what was being done to them.

A female goat (closest Papi had found to a deer) was busy on her knees with them, masturbating one of the dicks while she lewdly licked the other. She made some quite obscene and overacted moans, while the male groaned and huffed, his pleasured sounds punctuated by some stereotypical "oh yeah baby", "you like cock, bitch?" and "yes girl, so good".

Not like anyone watched those for the plot anyway.

Gabriel was so frozen in shock, eyes staring at the screen like a deer in headlights, he barely registered as his old man sat next to him on the couch, lazily sighing as he rubbed his chest under his sports shirt.

"Good stuff eh? I figured since the ladies are out, we could enjoy something more... adult! Don't tell mom, all right?"

"I-I-I..." His son was clearly lost for words, which only made Papi laugh harder, slapping him in the back a couple times.

"It's fine son. Enjoy! I'm sure you've got your own stash of magazines or something like that somewhere in your room. God knows I had my own at your age."

Magazines... more or less. A good deal of sketches of his own. Many, pretty lewd. Most very, very gay... Gabriel's eyes darted between his old man and the TV, trying to find some way to get out of there. Papi seemed focused on the action, lazily spreading his legs for comfort.

"Eh, Papi?" His voice hitched, he coughed to try to hide it. "Errr... why did you rent this movie?"

"What, can't a dad help his son enjoy his... masculinity?" Gabriel cringed at the choice of words. 'Please don't say it like that' he begged internally. "Well, since we had talked about your mammal friend, I figured you might, dunno, enjoy the idea of..."

"Mrf..." The shark planted one foot on the couch, hugging his leg as a way to create a wall between him and the old man. "I dunno Dad, it's a bit awkward..."

"What, embarrassed? Listen son, it's completely natural." Papi gave him some reassuring rubs on his shoulders, getting a squeaky whine from Gabe. "Say, I didn't have those crazy abs the guy had, but besides that detail, I used to have my mouse girlfriend do that to me."

"You dated a mouse?" He mumbled, face burning hot as the mental picture of his old man with a small furry mammal kneeling between his legs. Oh God, good luck getting that out of his head.

"Yeah, she LOVED bigger men. And believe me, getting head in one cock and those grabby hands on the other... ooh boy, that's something else. Even if my favorite was to stuff one dick on each hole. She was really stretchy, I swear!"

Ah good, that'd be another image permanently burned in his mind. He closed his eyes, trying to morph that to something else. Maybe himself, with a mouse riding HIS cocks. A male mouse of course. Small cute thing, moaning as he impaled himself on shark dick. Or maybe he could be the one riding dick. Or dicks, if he got with another shark...

Oh thanks brain. Now he imagined himself riding Papi's dicks. He pressed his thighs together, blushing harder at the feeling of his slit getting wetter and puffed. He looked down, begging that it wouldn't be too noticeable, and then glanced at his dad.

Papi smirked. He correctly guessed what was going on, but not the actual reason. Still he wanted Gabriel to be able to enjoy the movie, so he tried to put what he assumed were his concerns at ease. With a practiced tug downard, he lowered his swimsuit, and allowed his hard twin dicks to breathe a little.

"Ah... nothing to be ashamed of, right son? Just two guys enjoying a porno. You can let them out."

"DAD?!" The younger shark wasn't sure if he was more ashamed of his dad's nakedness, or his invitation to imitate him. He tried to pull away as much as he could, but the couch only fit so much shark in it.

"Relax son! They're just dicks, you have a pair just like them." His laughter rumbled deep on his large chest, shaking his whole body. "What, you don't like the movie? I got another with shark girls too, if you'd rather have something closer to home."

"Dad..." Gabriel covered his face with his webbed hands. It was becoming increasingly clear that he would not get out of here without being honest with his old man. "I... I don't really like girls."

One could say that when Papi cut his laughter, silence fell on the Alvarez home. But that'd be a lie, clearly noted by the grunts and pleasured screams coming from the TV, as the shark actor fucked that goat woman. Father and son looked at each other. The first embarrassed that he had pushed his son into this situation. The second, that he had to confess such a secret to him.

"Gabriel..." Papi's hand found his son's, taking it firmly, trying to give him his support. He couldn't mess up now! "I'm... happy you told me. I guess it wasn't easy?" He saw doubt in his son's eyes. All right, reel it in, don't make the same mistakes you've seen elsewhere. "I'm not mad, or anything, I swear. I... I guess we should talk."

"I guess. Maybe..." The younger one glanced at him. "...when you don't have your cocks out?"

"Oooops! Sorry!" Papi hurriedly pulled back up his pants, groaning in pain as soon as the elastic hit both his dicks at once. "Ou... la puta..." That did get a chuckle from his son. Good, he might not be able to sire another child after this.

"Sorry dad. Maybe... leave them down. You'll hurt yourself." Papi nodded, finally kicking down his shorts, and simply using a pillow to hide his shame.

"Ok son. Look. I support you, ok? I promised myself that..." He coughed, awkwardly. "Remember the mouse girlfriend I told you about? She... broke up with me when she found out I was also... doing her brother on the side."

"Dad!" Gabriel shouted in surprise. "That... that was very shitty of you!"

"Yeah. I am ashamed of that. But... son, what I meant is, I like guys, as much as gals. And she... she said some very ugly things about me and her brother. Things that I don't want anyone saying about you, ok? So..." He took both of his son's hands in his own, getting him to look in his eyes. "Gabriel, know that Papi will be here for you. No matter what."

The younger shark was amazed at the declaration. His dad was bi? That... didn't seem like him. And at the same time it made a lot of sense. He had never been ashamed to show off, or to joke with Mami about this or that actor being way too hot or stuff like that.

"Thanks a lot dad!" He pulled forward, hugging him tightly. Papi returned the embrace, sighing in relief. This was nice, awkwardness and all. They felt like a huge weight had lifted from their shoulders and their hearts. They had grown closer and could trust each other deeply. Nothing could ruin that.

"Oh yes! Fuck me daddy shark!" Screamed the goat on the TV, reminding father and son that the porno still played on.

"Ahem. Wow. Sorry son." He pulled away, scratching his back. "Had I known, I'd have rented a gay one."

"I don't think they make those..." Gabe chuckled, earning himself a smirk from the older one.

"You just have to know where to look, my boy." He proudly said. "I guess I'm lucky. People don't assume about me since I'm with your mom. And I can enjoy both actors from films like that."

Gabriel dared to glance at the TV. The shark WAS a pretty nice-looking dude. "I wish I could have abs like his."

"I tried when I was younger. Our species isn't really suited for it. I bet that guy is starving." Papi shifted, a bit uncomfortable. He seemed to be trying to cover himself with the pillow at the same time he didn't want to press it too hard against his body. "Mierda, I'm gonna leave a mess." Gabriel looked at him, puzzled. His dad answered with an apologetic smile. "I am REALLY liking the movie. My... 'big eels' don't want to go back to their nest."

It'd been embarrassing, had he not called his cocks such a childish name. Gabriel laughed a bit at it, and then coughed, trying to seem more calm than he was. "It is a very good movie... well, at least the dude is hot. I'd love to... em... be in the goat's place." He rubbed his dorsal fin as he looked for the right words. "We could... watch the movie as you wanted. M-maybe I could ask you for tips and everything."

Now that did sound wonderful to Papi. The older shark put away his modesty pillow, fully exposing his twin cocks again. They were indeed begging for attention, fully hard and standing to attention against his round belly; coming out at almost the same angle, pretty well pressed together, they both were leaving a wet trail of precum on Papi's green happy trail.

"Ask away, son. And... feel free to get comfortable. You don't want to leave odd stains in your boxers, don't you?" Papi said, taking out his shirt too. He had a point there. It wasn't exactly a normal situation, but at least he was used to nudity, thanks to all the time he spent at the swimming team, specially with the lockers and drying room.

Gabriel stood up, removing his shirt first, and then undoing his pants. Papi couldn't help but let his eyes wander as his son bent down to push them all the way to his feet. He smirked a bit, giving that exposed ass a soft pinch.

"Nice cheeks, son." He teased him. "Haven't seen those since you were a pececito."

Gabriel fought back, whipping his tail to slap his dad's side. The older man raised his arms to protect himself, both men laughing at their silliness. Gabe finally sat down again, feeling a bit more comfortable with all of this. Just two guys, enjoying some... fine view of a very fine shark. He didn't care for the goat lady, but that was easily fixed with some imagination. He was used to adapting whatever hetero content he could find to his own desires.

Then, a new set of grunts and moans joined the room. His eyes darted to the side, and saw that Papi had curled his hand around both of his cocks and was lazily rubbing them off. He seemed to have quite the technique, thumb and index around one dick, his middle finger between them, and the last two fingers around the other cock. Gabe swallowed hard, making a mental note to try it himself when he got the chance.

"So, are you liking it? You can... you know, enjoy it yourself too." Papi encouraged him, making a jerking motion with his free hand. Like his other one wasn't already doing it! Gabriel coughed again, turning to focus intensely at the movie.

"I-I like it! It's just they're a bit... you know, shy." He mumbled, moving one hand between his legs to feel his slit. He was wet. Very wet. He could feel them throb inside of him, pressed against each other, eager to come out and play, but for some reason they hadn't yet pushed out.

"Ah, that's quite normal, it used to happen to me until I got the hang of it." Papi reassuringly patted Gabe's leg. "I too used to mostly play with my slit until I got the hang of it." He then changed to a more worried tone "They do come out, right?"

It'd be quite a way to discover his son has phimosis at 25. It wasn't unheard of, but he hoped Gabe shouldn't have to go through surgery!

"Oh yeah, sometimes, when I'm very... you know. In the mood. It's way better than rubbing around inside the slit." His son assured him, getting a satisfied nod from his old man.

"Sure it does. Why don't you fish them out? We could see how you compare to your old man." The shameless shark smirked, grabbing his own cocks by the base and shaking them, proudly making both cocks bounce between his belly and thighs. They weren't the absurdly massive tools the porn actor was packing, but they were a decent size for sharks like them, more than enough for their big hands to have quite some area to play, rubbing up and down.

"Fish them?" Gabriel wondered, trying not to feel too excited by his own father's cocks. The same cocks that had made him! He quickly drove those thoughts out of his mind. Last thing he needed was to be reminded of his parents fucking.

"Yah! Handy little trick. With my first male lovers I was a bit clumsy... even if it was nice to let them fuck my slit whenever lefty and righty didn't want to come out to play. But your mom actually taught me how to fix that." Shit, more references to Mami. He glanced at the TV, but the movie was focusing mostly on the goat getting her pussy eaten by the shark, so it did little to hold his attention. With little else to turn, he focused on his dad. "I can teach you. It'll make your alone time much more interesting."

Oh. Wow. Yep, that was quite different from the typical "Dad can you show me?...", those usually involved how to use some tool from his garage. Now dad wanted him to pull out his own tools! He nodded, spreading his legs a bit more to have a proper look at his puffed slit.

"It's easy son." Gabriel's fingers rubbed tentatively around the entrance. "Carefully stick two fingers, and pinch with them. Right under the cockhead, you'll find some purchase there. Then you tug out, once they have more room to inflate, they'll get hard in a jiffy."

The younger shark did as he was told. He had to close his eyes, his mouth releasing a softy and needy moan as he penetrated himself, right before he bit his lips to keep himself quiet. He heard Papi give an amused chuckle, but then he rubbed his leg, trying to reassure him.

"Like that, can you feel them tucked inside of you?" Gabe nodded. "Good, now just pull it out." He did so, but then gasped in discomfort, quickly pulling away his fingers. "OW! Ouch dad..."

"I think you pressed too hard. You just want to guide them out, not rip them off." The older fishman explained, shaking his head. Then, he did what any parent would do. He reached for it, adding: "Here, let me show you..." His fingers stopped right as he brushed that soft genital slit, realizing how close he had been to finger his own son's hole. "If... you want to?"

Gabe stared at that reaching hand, his heart hammering inside his chest. He pulled his arms away, gripping at the sofa covers they'd probably have to wash after their fun. "Will it hurt?" He asked, like he was a little boy again about to get his shots.

"Of course not. I'll be very careful." His dad promised him, that same tone he always used to reassure any of his fears. Once Papi saw him nod again and spread his legs fully for him, he began his exploration.

He started with just one finger, quickly noticing how much it made Gabe shudder. Yeah, it was a nice feeling to get something inside of there. He smiled, confident in his skills. He felt one of the cocks against his fingertip. He pushed deeper, softly rubbing against the shaft. Gabriel moaned, his hand gripping his wrist firmly as he shuddered again, even harder than the first time. The older man waited for him to calm down, noticing how he was growing hard inside of the slit.

Once his son relaxed again he let go of his arm, instead caressing his scales as the older shark added a second finger. The middle one, as he usually used on himself. He heard the thump of Gabriel's tail slapping the side of the couch as he spread his slit open with both fingers, gripping one over one of the cocks, and the other under it. At first he massaged it, pressing from the root to the tip, as if he guided blood to flow into it. He could feel those dicks growing faster and faster, and smiled, a bit proud of his skill in the art of pleasuring a man.

Once it felt properly firm, he curled his fingers, forming two soft hooks that fit right under his son's glans, that notch ideal for the next part. Slowly and careful, giving it the most gentle of tugs, he encouraged the dick to push out. Before Gabriel could realize, one of his shafts was fully out and exposed. Not that he could comment much on it, as the younger shark's mouth was busy giving out a long moan of relaxation and comfort.

"Feels good to let them breathe, eh? It's quite annoying when they get stuck inside and grow too hard."

"Yeah dad..." Gabriel watched his dick, throbbing still between his father's fingers. The old man let go, not before giving it one last caress from the bottom to the tip, and then placed some encouraging pats on his son's ample thighs, leaving a wet stain with his precum and natural lubricant.

"How about you try with the other one?" He invited, getting a nod from Gabriel. Now that he had seen, or more like it, felt how it was done, it didn't seem too complicated. It wasn't rocket science. Just dicks.

He did just as his old man had done, two fingers into his slit, finding the other dick. It was pretty hard already, excited by all the love it's twin had received already. It didn't feel as intense as when his dad had done it. The pressure coming from his own hand, he could keep his composure as he guided his second shaft out, a satisfied moan accompanying the reveal of Gabe's twin cocks.

Papi couldn't help but check them, and compare. Gabriel's were a bit shorter than his own, but he compensated with a tad more of girth. And they spread out in a wider angle than his own, almost parallel ones. Besides that, they were nearly identical, the same grayish pink color, the same way they bulged outwards around the middle, before closing again right before the fat, mushroom-looking tip. And both men were heavy on the precum.

"Not bad son. I'm sure your boyfriend's pretty happy with them!" Papi smirked, as he went back to rubbing himself off. It took him a few seconds to realize he was using his own son's precum to jerk off. Well, it's too late to wash his hand now.

Papi quickly realized his comment had been, once again, misplaced. The awkward whine that Gabriel made left no room to doubt. "Ah... no boyfriend yet?" He sighed, patting his shoulder as he quickly searched in his brain for an answer. "I thought your friends, Cesar? Maybe Felix?"

"Hah, not a chance." The idea was so silly Gabriel even laughed at it. "Cesar would probably think he's got AIDS if he just saw me naked. And Felix... I don't think Felix even thinks about dating of any type, unless his date has a floppy drive unit."

"Yeah, the dating pool is a bit hard. Not like you can fetch the Yellow Pages and check a listing of 'avaliable gays in my area'. That would be handy."

"Yeah, a list of guys willing to grind their dick into me. I could flip their ads and see if there is any decent one." They both laughed at the silly idea. Only 22 years too early for an app like that. "At least I see plenty of hot dudes at the pool's dressing rooms."

"So that's why you joined?" Papi softly dug his elbow against his son's ribs. "You slick! That's pretty cheeky of you."

"I like swimming too! But... once or twice the guys have had some silly games," He lowered his voice, feeling a bit embarrassed at that. "Like see who's bigger, or even do some quick circle jerk and things like that."

"I see. That sounds like a nice show for you. Did you join them?" Papi went back to rubbing his son's thighs, smiling as he saw Gabriel finally taking his dicks into his hands and joining him in masturbating. Unlike his father, Gabe preferred to take each dick into one hand and jerk them off in opposite directions, one hand going up and the other down, and then reversing. Quite the coordination he got there!

"Yeah, I got hard pretty quickly that day. We had a bit of an argument over if I should add up both my sizes... but then again, we have a komodo dragon in our team, and he had all of us beat in that department." They both chuckled together. No shame in losing to such a massive dude. Neither commented on it, but they were ignoring the movie by now, focusing on Gabriel's story. "He said that since he was the winner, he wanted two of the losers to make him cum."

"Did you offer your hand, then?" Papi almost whispered, his chest puffing out as his breathing quickened.

"I was tempted, but... two other guys stepped up before I could say anything. It was... hell, it was pretty hot. At least he was nice and returned the favor to them. And seeing all those guys beating their meat..."

"Hell Gabe. I would have kneeled right there and given him a certified Alvarez Mamada. You'd become the king of the party right there." Papi proudly announced, getting his son to blush.

"I dunno... I think many would be scared of getting their cocks near my teeth."

"That does take a little practice." He nodded. "So, what about you? Were you happy just watching? Or would you have liked something more?"

"I..." Gabriel swallowed, his mind going back to that day. "I think I'd have liked to jerk them off at least. Maybe if one or two wanted to jerk mine too at the same time..." Yeah, that'd be a nice mental picture. Maybe one of the mammals on one side, that nice soft fur of them petting his right dick. While another of the sharks gave him a more familiar feel on the right.

Talking of familiar feelings, he became quite aware of how close they were sitting together. Both naked men rubbing their scaly skins against each other. "Dad, is this right? What about mom?"

"Don't worry. Mami lets me play with other guys. Little deal we both have." The older shark winked, making Gabriel blush at the discovery that their parents had such naughty fun behind his back. It was then he realized Papi had let go of the dick closest to him, almost like an invitation. His eyes darted between the unattended cock, and his father's face. He was smiling, the same encouraging smile he had while teaching him how to tune his guitar.

"... Can I?" He too released one of his dicks, to point to Papi's. The older shark pretended to be surprised by his son's question, but he nodded.

"Sure, if you want. I could do yours too?" The hand he had kept on his tight traveled a bit further on, very softly grazing on Gabe's dick. That made him gasp just as he was reaching for Papi's, rushing the last few inches and tightly grabbing it. Fuck. He was doing it. Dick. He was touching another man's hard, leaky, throbbing dick inside his hand.

It made Papi moan loudly. And then he realized.

Shit. He was grabbing his dad's dick. His own father's hard and throbbing shaft was firmly located inside his closed fist. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he should just pull away and call it all off and they could forget about the whole...

But then, he felt his dad's hand softly surround his own dick, already wet with his dad's pre, expertly rubbing up and down. And all Gabe was able to do was to moan while his body arched back on the backrest.

Crap. Dad's handjob skills were top notch. Gabriel's whole body shuddered as he tried not to move, half his mind wanting to pull out, the other half to enjoy these pleasures. Getting jerked off by somebody else felt way better than using his own hand!

Even if he had curled forward when he first felt his dad's grip, he slowly relaxed and melted back on the couch, closing his eyes and sighing in pleasure at this all. Gabe worked out his other cock too, his knuckles rasping Papi's as they moved at different beats. It took him a few more moments before remembering he was supposed to return the favor, and rushed to compensate by giving his old man some vigorous pumps, almost like he was rushing it.

"Wow, Gabriel, relax, they're not ketchup bottles!" The older shark chuckled, even as he made sure to spread his legs and pull his other dick to the side to give him an unobstructed reach. It was an odd contrast to both sharks. One dick pleasured by themselves. Constant, familiar control. The other shaft was pleasured by someone else, out of their command. Rhythm and pressure up to the whims of the other.

Still they could manage some sort of wordless communication. Papi would encourage him to speed up by being overly eager in his masturbating of Gabe's cock, getting him to moan loudly as Gabriel imitated him. His dad was more prone to grunt and huff instead, something his son was finding incredibly exciting and manly of him.

They exchanged excited smiles, embarrassed, but willing to look at each other's bodies with lust and desire. Gabriel swallowed loudly, biting his lips as he stared at his sire's cocks.

"Yes, I made you with these. But don't ask me from which one you actually came from. Papi likes to swap them often!" The older man chuckled when he realized how hard his son stared.

"Dad! Don't make me think of THAT please." Gabe whined, his face twisting in a scowl at the mental picture of his parents DOING that. If his old man wanted to kill his erections, he just needed to push that.

"What would you rather think about then? Sexy sharks? You got a nice one on the TV." He encouraged with a nod of his head towards the screen.

"I got one right here." His son answered, getting a heartfelt chuckle from Papi.

"Charmer. How about I tell you of my adventures with other guys? Something for you to look forward to." Gabe nodded eagerly, he never got a chance to have some gay buddy to swap histories with! And now he had one... right at home. And literally in his palm. "All right. First time I got my cocks sucked, it was by this orca buddy of mine. We had met during a summer vacation, and one night we swam far away from the beach and began getting naughty."

"An orca?" His mind raced. He pictured that hot one from the SoCal team. "How was he?"

"Your average orca guy, as you can imagine. Strong arms and legs, white and black skin, quite a big belly. But tons of fun, when he wasn't in a foul mood" Papi closed his eyes for a moment, remembering that encounter. "He liked when I nibbled on his nipples. How could I not? They were those two black dots in the middle of his white pecs. It got him hard, so fast... did you know their dicks are prehensile? It was like trying to jerk off an eel. But you knew you were doing a good job because he'd hug you tight and his cock would, like, curl around your fingers."

Shark dicks didn't do that, but Papi groaned as he felt Gabe's fist hold him tighter. He returned the favor, moving his fingers down his son's shaft to rub into his open slit, giving some love to the root of his twin cocks. Predictably, that made the younger shark gasp in surprise. Little known trick that could take him over the edge any time.

"So, he always said he wanted to fuck my slit, the horny bastard, but I told him that if he wanted to, he better get me proper wet. So he just swam down and bumped his nose right between my legs. Cetaceans are easy sluts son, don't let them tell you otherwise. Before I knew he was basically kissing my lips down there and sucking so hard he pulled both my cocks out! I thought he'd find it gross or something, but instead he went right to work, sucking one like a hungry calf while he kept the other busy with his hand. And then he'd swap, cooling off the sucked dick with the cold ocean waters as the other danced around in his mouth. The bastard kept me on the edge over, and over, and over..."

Papi could hear the way Gabe was panting, faster and deeper. He could tell how close his son was to cumming, so he suddenly pulled out from his slit and grabbed his son's hand. He almost had to struggle to keep him from jerking off. He could feel the dick throb as he held Gabriel's fingers under his.

"Shh... we have all night for this, Gabriel." He whispered to him, in that commanding, fatherly voice of him. Gabe stared in shock for a moment, but nodded. "Say son: what made you get so hard?"

"You're very good with your hands. And your story was so hot..." He confessed, blush showing under his scales. He too released his dad's cocks, not really sure what to do with all the precum stuck to his hand. He ended up just rubbing it on his thigh. "I was a bit jealous too. I bet that blowjob felt amazing."

"Not bad at all for my first mouth. And yeah, I let him have my slit. There was my mouse lover too. He wasn't as big as us, but still packed some heat. He squealed in fear each time I grazed my teeth along those perky balls of his, but you could taste how much he loved it. Now, a bit of advice, son: shark mouths are wide and wet and great for pleasuring a boyfriend. You can eat their whole ass if you plan on fucking it next. But always keep your teeth hidden. Nothing kills the mood like nipping your lover's dick with a sharp tooth.

That did make the young student cover his dicks in fear. They were his twin friends, happy and warm snuggled inside his slit, or wet and ready to party when they came out. He wanted only the best for them, no dangerous teeth!

"He usually took my dick up that tight rodent ass of his, but that day I let him have my slit. Best way to keep your boyfriend happy. Some guys find it weird, but once they try a shark slit... it'll be hard for them to want your ass ever again."

"So, you let guys fuck your...?" Gabe's eyes traveled south, smacking his lips that felt suddenly dry. That inviting space between his dad's cocks. He had heard stories, and he had used his fingers there, but being fucked...

"And I've had the slits of other guys too. It feels amazing, I promise. If you need, daddy could give you some pointers!" Papi offered, like he was going to teach Gabe to ride a bike. "A handsome shark like you should have no problem scoring some hot guys chasing after his tail fins!"

"Dad!" Again, more blush for Gabe. "... Thanks, I guess. Honestly I feel it feels quite nice to have someone... going in there. I'm not even sure how we'd... I mean, my dicks are in the way. And my belly and... I'm a big shark, and there is only so much room in there for dick!"

"You're overthinking it, son." Papi patted his shoulder. The older shark stood up, but he held on his son, keeping him sitting. In fact he added more weight, carefully pushing him to lay on the couch, belly up and exposed. "I could show you the proper moves. It's not that hard."

Gabriel nodded wordlessly, as Papi played his legs to the sides and basked in the view of the handsome and cute shark. All his, for the taking. If he wasn't his son, he'd be pounding that slit by now. "You just relax, it's pretty easy. The only issue is that right now, your cocks are in the way."

Gabriel laughed loudly, looking under his belly at the two twin shafts, so hard and dripping from all the fun he had so far.

"I don't think I could get them down even if I stuffed them in the freezer!"

"I know a trick for that." Papi placed a hand on that belly and slowly traveled down, feeling both dicks while his middle finger rubbed between them. "This will feel a bit weird, but don't worry, ok?"

Carefully, he inserted his middle finger back into that slit, quickly finding the root between both shafts. Gabe gasped a bit, but oddly his dad wasn't masturbating him. Instead, he seemed to be looking for something.

"Feel that vein?" Gabe nodded once he felt the callous fingertip against it. Then Papi pressed firmly, and he grimaced at the odd sensation. "This cuts blood flow to the dicks, and gets them soft quickly."

Gabriel's fingers held tightly to the couch covers, his eyes shutting in discomfort. It wasn't painful, but his shafts tingled like little ants were crawling all over it. Papi held his son's tail in place with his free hand, keeping Gabe from curling it upwards to protect his crotch.

"Hush, it's just a moment. Be strong for daddy Gabe." He whispered lovingly, keeping pressure until both shafts began to sink back into his slit. He had to follow the root back into it for a few inches, until they all disappeared. Gabriel's genital slit still looked poofed, and so wet it almost dripped. Inside, both dicks still had a chub, nowhere near at full mast, but fat enough that they rubbed one against the other, with Papi's finger in the middle.

The older man smiled with the satisfaction of having been able to show yet another trick to his son, and took much pleasure in slowly pulling that finger out, knowing it was rubbing on both of Gabe's cocks.

"Ta-da! See? It wasn't that bad." He patted Gabe's belly, as the poor shark regained his breath and composure. "Now, what did you want to ask me about slitfucking? Come on, this is a time-limited offer!"

"What, I can't ever ask you for sex advice?" His son dared to play along. Oh, a challenge. Should he push the issue? Papi smirked confidently, but then he saw those brown eyes. Crap, he couldn't mess the moment.

"Nah, you can ask anytime. But we have the night to ourselves, so what better time to teach you every trick your old man knows? You gotta impress your boyfriend with something better than your grandma's tamales."

"I'm sure I could make any man fall in love with me if I bribe them with Abuela's food." Gabriel scratched his neck as he imagined how it'd be to seduce some dude with homemade cooking. "But being a good lay could be a nice backup in case they don't like Mexican food."

"If your future boyfriend doesn't like pozole, I'm kicking you both out of my home." Papi shook his head, getting a bit tired of standing there, waiting for his son to make up his mind. "But go ahead boy, today's not the time to be shy."

"All right, all right." Gabe tried to look away, while he raised a hand to play with his nose ring. It felt quite relaxing, even if his dad had said it was a tacky ornament. "You could show me the rest of the slit-fucking thing, since you made the effort of hiding my cocks and all."

"Of curse." He grinned, moving to the side of the couch to stand at his son's feet. Carefully he spread his legs, enjoying the view of that tempting slit. Remembering that it was his son made him stop for a second. Yeah, better not getting too carried away. He was teaching Gabe some tricks, not getting a good slitfucking today.

"It's easy." He told him, getting their hips close so Gabe could see more or less the pose they should have. Papi rested a hand on his son's shoulder as he tried to keep his dick aimed. "If I were to push down from here, it'd slide right in. Then your lover just has to - whoah!"

Piece of advice. If you're holding the considerable weight of your shark "dad bod" with only one hand, make sure the hand is not slippery from your son's precum. As the hand slid like butter on a hot pan, his arm followed and he fell on top of his son, the impact leaving both of them almost breathless.

The older shark felt pressure around one of his dicks, and the first thing he imagined was that he had got it stuck between Gabe's legs. But then he noticed that Gabriel hadn't just grunted at the impact, he was giving a long, strange moan, born of discomfort and pleasure all at once. Not too dissimilar to the noises the boy made as he had pushed his fingers into his slit a few minutes earlier.

Papi shuddered. He could feel a warm, moist environment. Fleshy, living, beating. And almost crushing his dick, he could tell there was the clear shape of two others next to his. His cock was snugly nested between Gabriel's, quite deep into his son's slit. It took him a good second to realize what he should do next.

"Dios! Sorry son! Let me..." He tried to pull himself up, but he was stopped by two pairs of shark limbs, Gabe's arms and legs tightly holding him close. He stared at him, confused, wondering if he had hurt him, or committed an even worse mistake.

"N-no. Wait dad." His voice almost a whimpering whisper, his eyes tightly shut as he breathed at his ear. Gabriel's breath came in swallow hiccups, right across Papi's gills, making the older shark shudder. "Please, don't... move. Not yet."

"Am I hurting you?" Papi asked, the first and foremost worry in his heart. He rubbed his hand on his son's cheek, examining him. No tears, no pained strain. Nothing actually terrible, just some strange expression. Discomfort? Or was he trying to discern what he was actually feeling?

"No. It was... sudden, but it... it feels quite good in there Papi." A breath, almost a moan. Papi knew that type of breath. A relieved exhalation of warm air falling on his scales. Gabe had a bit of his mother in there. She did the same when he hilted hard. "Sorry, we... we shouldn't."

"I think we shouldn't since I played that video..." The older shark caressed his son's hair, returning the hug. If he were one of his normal lovers, he'd be pounding by now. But that wasn't normal at all. Nor did he care for his pleasure. Only for his beloved son. "Gabriel, do you want..."

"We've... come this far. It'll feel good?" That cute voice of his, a wishful question, like he was hoping for a fancy christmas present. Gabriel's face was slowly turning into a smile. An exhausted, strained one. But not insincere. Papi returned it, feeling more confident in his son's resolve.

"I promise it'll feel very good." He nodded. "Your dad will make sure of it." Carefully he placed his hands on both sides of his son, shuddering as he felt the cock that had penetrated him surrounded by his son's more squishy ones, rubbing together as he shifted. His other shaft raised up, past the slits and trapped between their bellies, bringing a different type of pleasure. "Are you ready?"

"No. Wait. There is one thing." This time it was Gabriel who used his hand to caress his old man's hair, pulling their faces closer. Papi was shocked when he felt his son's lips kiss him. It took him a moment to react, almost too late, he nearly missed it. He saw Gabe's disappointed face at the poorly-timed kiss. "Doesn't matter. I was just thinking that if a man had to fuck me, I'd like at first to..."

"Come here you hopeless romantic!" Papi cut him short, pressing in for a much deeper kiss. He turned his head slightly, muzzles pressing tightly as both sharks opened their mouths, tongues immediately meeting in the middle, unafraid of the other's razor-sharp teeth. They moaned as they made out, Papi finding it surprisingly difficult to assert his dominion over Gabe's tongue. Arms entwined as they hugged closer, chest against chest, feeling their soft but powerful bodies. So similar, but that only reinforced the small differences they noticed on each other as they touched and kissed.

The younger had never been kissed like this, and it showed. But he surrendered to the experience of the elder. The way their tongues mixed was strange, and some might even consider how much one would enjoy that. But it wasn't the purpose of the kiss. It made him feel wanted. Desired. Loved. Unconditionally loved by his dad. And desired by a fellow shark, who could see the beauty and desire in his, admittedly quite round shape.

"Papi..." Gabriel whispered whey their mouths finally separated and they could breathe again. He chuckled, blushing at what he was about to say. "Wow. You're a good kisser."

Papi mumbled happily, nuzzling the side of his son's neck as he felt more of him. That was HIS boy. Giving up to him. Taking in his dick. He was taking his virginity... that last thought made him freeze, and while he didn't have the willpower to pull away, it stopped him from pushing onward.

"We really shouldn't be doing this." He mumbled, fighting with his ethical side one last time. Still he wasn't sure if he was saying that out of shame, or out of the added sweetness of the forbidden fruit.

Gabe needed a moment to consider the implications. Slowly he pressed his hand on his father's cheek, and guided him to look at his eyes. They could almost see each other reflected on them. Again, the younger gave a peck on the older's lips. Their lips touched, and it felt right.

"I want this dad. It... it feels good. Not just that we're gonna have sex." And he did. What college-aged young man doesn't want that? "It... it is nice to have you. I trust you, and I want you to teach me all of this."

"Better than some clumsy three-pump chump teenager on the back of your gym?" Papi chuckled, knowing, by experience, how terrible actual first times could be. In all honesty, he was impressed Gabe had lasted this long. Maybe a little proud too.

"Yeah. If I'm gonna do this, it better be with someone who has the skills." His legs hugged him tighter, and his cocks throbbed around his dad's invading one. He then relaxed, resting his feet on the couch to leave him space. "Come on, rock my brains!"

Papi needed no more encouragement. If Gabe wanted this, he wouldn't keep his son from experiencing the best fuck his slit could ever want. The older shark made sure to have a firm grip on his son's shoulders this time as he pulled out, slowly, huffing as he felt every little bump and crevice from the inside of the genital pouch catch on his cockhead.

He gave him a reassuring smile, and slammed in hard. Gabe threw back his head, gasping in surprise and a bit of discomfort, but all of that hidden by the intense pleasures of getting his cocks frotted like that. His father's cock pushed the limits of his slit, already puffed by his two half-chubs inside, and wholly stretched it to the limits. It made everything cling together, their sensitive cocks fighting for room inside him, and all of that translated to an intense pleasure and feeling of fullness to the shark. He could feel their bellies slapping when Papi hilted all the way in, their genital lips kissing for the shortest time before he pulled back and hit again.

Each time he rammed it in, Gabriel would moan a different note. He was playing him like an instrument, intensely studying his reactions and adjusting his aim to get the better angle. Hitting lower would press against Gabe's internal testes to bring him new and unexplored sensations. Higher, and he meets his prostate, forcing lower grunts and making him tremble and leak all the harder. He wanted to get as deep as he could into his son, to feel his cocks flank his own and end each thrust by slamming hard into the shared root of both dicks.

The joys of being a shark. More holes to get dicks in, more dicks to feel pleasure with. A larger, stronger body to drive you harder into your partner. Also more endurance, to be able to get railed without fear or worry. Papi would make sure his son ended the night with a complete certainty that he was very lucky to be born as he was. Call it species pride. Call it a genetic gift from parent to child. Call it just the joy of a good fuck.

Gabe tense around his dick, muscles tensing like a vice, suddenly increasing the friction to impressive levels. Papi could do little more than groan as his dick was milked by his son, hips moving on their own, eager to bring this fuck to a clixmas. No. Not yet. He bottomed and held in place, burrowing his face on his son's neck as he grunted and moaned, fighting hard to hold back his orgasm.

"Fuck son. Nearly blew there..." He chuckled as Gabe relaxed, nuzzling him a bit. If this were just another lay he'd gone for his own pleasure, rutting as hard as he felt like and blowing it all into his lover. But this wasn't about him. This was a moment for his son, and he'd make it memorable.

"Same Dad... but I don't mind." Gabe tensed again. His dicks hardened slightly, pressing on Papi's. An invitation to keep going. Gabriel was loving it. He loved the way he felt that large and powerful man rutting into him. To know that just by clenching, he could bring him to the brink.

Papi nodded and began again. When the older pulled back their cockheads nearly caught on, their mushroom-like glands pointing in opposite directions and dragging by the bottoms. Both sharks huffed when they felt that, sharing a smile when they realized how similar their reactions could be. One wouldn't doubt they were father and son, except for the fact that they were currently engaged in a certainly not family-friendly fuck.

"So what, you want me to creampie you?" Papi heaved, his other dick throbbing and forming a small pool of precum on his belly button. He'd never expect to use such language with Gabriel, but then again, this was a night of discoveries. A whole new side of their relationship had been unlocked, and they both were free to experiment with it. "Dirty boy, you want daddy's cum in you?"

Gabriel smiled confidently, trying with relative success to give him a brave and inviting smile. Dirty talk was as much an unknown to him as sex had been. But if he could play the role of a cleric in D&D, he could play the role of a horny foul-mouthed hornball. "I want you to fill me so much I'll be laying your eggs, viejo."

"We gotta work on your dirty talk. That was terrible." Papi smirked, fighting the urge to openly laugh at it. He distracted himself by rubbing his son's belly. He was pretty round, he could imagine him carrying eggs as he said. Maybe not his go-to fantasy, but he could see why some people had kinks like that.

If he wanted his cum, he'd make sure to fill him properly. No more holding back. No more foreplay. He went back to pounding, and pounding hard he did. Their bodies crashed with each thrust, Gabe's dorsal fin bent beneath the combined weight of their bodies, his back dragged back and forth on the couch adding friction while his dad penetrated his slit over and over, his longer and thinner dick perfect to fuck his son, rubbing those fatter but shorter ones he had.

The younger shark could barely speak, anything coherent he wanted to say was cut short by moans and grunts of pleasure. His hands caressed his dad's body. That turf of algae, playing the part of green-tinted chest hair. His broad pecs, born of years of hard labor and a bit of good genetics. His nipples, he gave them an experimental rub and it made his father moan louder. Gabriel found he liked to pinch them to make the older one hiss, eyes shut closed and teeth biting his lip to keep himself from giving a way too evident moan.

But his perdition came when Gabe found Papi's free cock still bouncing between their bellies. His hand closed around it, not even needing to jerk it off, since his dad's humping made all the work for him. Papi gasped, looking at him with surprise. Sock? Betray? Or just a bit of regret for not being able to hold back so much?

He moaned. Hard. If the neighbors hadn't heard it yet, it'd be a miracle. The older fishman firmly took Gabriel's hand and pulled it away from his dick. They struggled, but his dad's authority seemed absolute as he pulled his son's arm up, holding it above his head as he stopped, panting for air. They both could feel their cocks throbbing, so close to blowing. The one outside of them leaked like a faulty faucet, leaving such a mess that some lines of shark pre had streaked to the sides of Gabe's belly and were staining the couch by now.

"Trying to make me blow even faster?" Papi growled with an amused undertone. It was a little game to add to their fun. This struggle between wanting more sex out of it, and wanting to shoot like fire horses.

"I wanted more of you." Gabriel explained, using this momentary pause to caress his father's side. Muscle and gut meet in such a delicious-looking shape, so pleasing to the eyes, even more to the touch. He was greedy. Gluttonous on his desires. And there was yet another thing he had left to explore. Something so common among gay men, but still... "I want both of them, dad."

"You're nuts. I can barely fit one in there. Your twin barrels aren't exactly giving me a ton of room for guests in here." He emphasized his complaint with a single rough thrust into Gabe's slit. His son's cocks were growing hard even while trapped in there, both cocktips slightly poking out and making it even harder for Papi to screw around.

Although, he could admit, he liked the way they poked his own slit when he hilted all the way. Maybe they should practice mutual-fucking someday. God. He was already imagining there would be other days where he'd fuck his son.

"I have another hole..." Gabriel spread his legs further to prove his point, using his large and muscular tail to lift his ass higher against his dad's crotch. "I have played around in there before. N-nothing crazy. Just..." He chuckled, the blush once again returning to his face. As if admitting to sticking things in his ass would make any difference at this point. "A couple fingers and... stuff."

In moments like this, Papi was glad he had gone through tattooing himself some eyebrows. It allowed him to dramatically raise one in mock surprise.

"Stuff. What sort of stuff?" He smirked, softly caressing Gabe's ample belly until he reached that bellybutton of his. He could dip his finger in all the precum that had pooled there, warm and gooey. The perfect lube, and best of all, it was free! He then traveled lower, using the back of his hand to caress his son's tail while keeping the precum he had scooped pooled in his palm. He could tell Gabe was shuddering.

"My hairbrush. The handle is quite wide and rounded, and I thought it'd be the right size..." He smiled, meekly. Papi could imagine his boy like that, stuffing that improvised toy inside of him. He'd wanted to help. Like right now, as he pushed a well-lubed finger into him.

Gabe threw his head back to moan, eyes closed and his mouth slightly agape. Just as Papi imagined he'd do. The younger's butthole opened wide up, welcoming his finger with ease. He expected it to be difficult, but Gabriel was a natural at bottoming! So, he didn't wait long to insert a second finger, finally meeting some resistance. It took a bit of wiggling around, carefully spreading his fingers to open up that tailhole.

Once there was a decent gap, he began to use his other hand to push in as much precum as he could. His cocks throbbed, anxious of joining the fun, but they'd have to wait. At least until he could see that Gabe took two fingers with ease, and could move them around without eliciting gasps of pain from him.

"You feel good Dad." Gabriel's voice sounded strained, but also mixed with a throaty moan.

"Better than the hairbrush?" He couldn't help but be a dad. With ammunition like that, he HAD to poke fun at him.

"Way better th-MGHHMMM!" Poor little shark. Gabe couldn't finish his sentence. Papi had waited for the right moment to press his fingers right at his son's prostate. From down there it was much easier to find, and it was a success. Gabriel's body tensed and arched, his hands clutching at the abused couch covers as he rode that new wave of pleasure.

It was like music to his father's ears. The older shark couldn't hold himself back any longer. He pulled out his fingers, and immediately grabbed his free cock and, with a bit of strain and effort, aimed it down, the tip kissing his son's pucker.

"Ready?" He asked him, again holding himself steady with his free hand on top of Gabe's shoulder. He gripped him hard, partly as a sign of fatherly support. Party because he didn't want to lose this deliciously fuckable shark.

"Yeah." His son nodded. "Put it in, dad."

Papi didn't need to be told twice. He started with some soft pressure, and luckily with all the natural lubrication he had and the stretching they had practiced, it slid in almost effortlessly. He grunted, his mind almost going into overdrive with the mixed feeling of both his cocks entering those warm and inviting holes. Twice the stimulation was a confusing and maddening experience. It was actually hard to tell which one was getting which feelings. One rubbing against Gabe's own dicks, the other getting a much tighter embrace inside that ass.

Gabriel too was at a loss for words. It felt filling, yes. But in a different way. The one in his slit felt like he was fingering, like frotting his dicks against someone else's in a tight confine, along with the added pressure inside his skin pouch. But the one in his ass was another tale altogether. It opened up muscles that he didn't even know he had, firing nerves he had never played with before. At least not as deep as Papi could reach. This was way better than a hairbrush handle.

Seeing he wasn't getting complaints, Papi kept pushing in further and further. Just the cocktip quickly became half of his length, the moment when he could notice he had hit a particular bump in the way. He didn't need to ask Gabriel if that was his prostate. The young shark had immediately moaned at the top of his very large lungs, his arms suddenly clamping around the older one, involuntarily forcing him deeper in and making both men moan in bliss.

"¡Mierda!" The older man grunted. This was a difficult angle for Papi to penetrate. His cocks had to bend a bit as they pulled down on Gabe's slit, and up on his butthole. There was a gap between them that he couldn't do much more than hotdog the bottoms of his cocks between his son's cheeks, but he wouldn't complain on how deeply Gabe was taking him on both ends.

"Ah... ah..." Gabriel panted as he got used to having both holes stuffed. As soon as he regained his composure, he chuckled and switched to a teasing tone. "Language, Papi."

"Brave words for someone stuffed with his dad's cocks on both holes, mijo." Papi's tail playfully slapped Gabe's, both of them laughing at their silliness.

"Brave words for a dad that's sticking both his dicks into his son." Oh, his son was getting sassy! Papi knew how to put him in his place. By slightly pulling out, and then pushing right back in hard. Both sharks grunted at it, the older releasing a soft huff at the feeling of two fucks at once, while the younger moaned wantonly, his poor prostate crushed by both of the invading dicks on either end.

They exchanged looks, wordlessly asking each other if they were ready to go all the way. Gabe gave a little nod, and Papi lunged at him, lips clashing together as both sharks grinded their bodies together. Their bellies flattening each other, their gips gyrating as Papi tried to find a nice angle and rhythm to penetrate both holes at once. Gabriel helping him by raising his hips with the help of his legs and tail, willingly offering both his holes to be used.

They moaned in their passion and pleasure, words muffled by the other's mouth as they licked, kissed and wrestled in there. Papi moved his arms to hold himself by the elbows, his hands busy rubbing on Gabe's back and neck. The other had his arms around his old man's neck, pulling him close for that kiss that he never wanted to end.

Papi knew he couldn't last like this. He was panting hard, having pushed himself nearly to the edge so many times already. His tongue pressed hard around Gabriel's mouth, the taste of Chinese food long gone, replaced by the flavors of their mixed saliva, the feelings of their tongues entwined as they expressed their passions.

Gabe didn't care. He could notice how his father's fucking was becoming erratic, seemingly indecisive if he wanted long and deep thrusts, or quick humps instead. He could sense his body tensing, his moans getting loud, too unashamed of himself to even care who might notice the lewd noises. He held him close, turning his head to the side in a desperate bid for air.

"Ah! Dad! Dad, ngh... Papi..." He moaned as he panted, the older man using his now-free mouth to pamper his neck with kisses, licks, and even the eventual little nibble between his terrifying sharp teeth. "Papá, do it."

The older man turned his sight to Gabe's face, slowly pulling away from that wide neck of his to look at his eyes. "I'm... ah... ¡puta madre!" He could barely speak amid his pleasured gunting. "I'm DOING it Gabe!"

"No papá." The bottoming shark insisted, offering him a reassuring simple. This was fine. No need for him to act more macho and force himself to hold back on his behalf. "Please... NGH... cum in me!"

Papi's pride might have wanted him to hold back. To make his son squirm and beg under him until he felt the boy cum hands-free from his virile fucking. But the honest truth was that he was way too gone for that. He pushed in again, his lips meeting Gabe's one more time, both of them murmuring with love and satisfaction as Papi's hips went wild, slamming as fast and hard as they could go.

And then, the dam broke. Gabriel felt his father's fingers grip him tightly as the older man shuddered so hard one might fear he was suffering. He felt his father's cum shoot from both his cocks, one of them soaking his own hard dicks with the warm cream, the other hitting the inner walls of his backdoor.

The older shark moaned as loud as he could with his lips firmly pressed to his son's, hips slamming one last time as he buried his cocks deep into Gabe's orifices, his whole body tensing each time they contracted, rope after rope of white cream filling him, until it finally reached a tipping point and spilled from the younger's slit, dripping low between his asscheeks to the base of his tail. Gabe shuddered when he felt it, adding those tickling caresses to the intense orgasm his father was feeling on top of him.

Shoot, shoot, shoot. Eventually the long ropes of cum dribbled down to meager droplets as the older man relaxed on top of his son, his body slowly unwinding and going limp. That did include his cocks, exhausted after all the excitement they began to relax, shrinking and becoming softer, pushed out of Gabe's body by pressure, and his own imperious erections.

Beaten, Papi rolled to his side and carefully kneel on the floor, next to Gabriel's panting form. He basked in the view, his son's large body covered in sweat and traces of precum, both his holes dripping with the much more intense white of his own father's cumshots. His cocks had fully risen again, angrily throbbing as they too were bathed in seed. It was a glorious image. And one that brought him a queer type of hunger.

There was no word exchanged between them to agree on the next step. Papi just reached forward, hands on Gabe's belly and leg as he parted his jaws and dug in for his feast. The shark's tongue began with the cock closest to him, starting at the bottom and methodically licking upwards, like he was tasting a delicious ice cream.

His hands in tandem went for their target. One rubbed upwards on his torso, past his belly and found the young's nipples. He recalled how Gabe had enjoyed playing with them, so he decided to return the favor, softly massaging one of them. The other climbed from the knees up the leg, soon reaching the crotch. He teased with his fingertips the other cock, but instead he went down, pushing on the slit to release as much length of the dicks as he could.

"Dad?" Gabe could barely muster before he had to cover his own mouth to hide another moan as his father went for the kill. Papi had suddenly kissed the tip of the dick, only for him to open his mouth wide and swallow it all the way down. Carefully with his fangs, he surrounded the dick with as much tongue as he could, the tip hitting the back of his throat as the other shaft rubbed on his cheek. His eyes looked at it for a moment, examining it close, before looking up to his son's reaction.

Papi gave him a smile, almost predatory, enjoying the look of intense pleasure his son had. And then he twisted his nipple, dragging another long excited moan out of him. He felt his cocks throb, he tasted Gabe's precum among all the salty, buttery flavor of his own spilled seed. He gave no quarter, immediately starting to bob and suck, dragging his tongue and lips across that poor needy dick, while the other was grabbed by his hand.

He felt Gabe's hands rush to his head, and not for a moment he worried he'd ask him to stop. But he would not let him dictate the rhythm. He was sucking and jerking, and slightly different beats to make it even more maddening intense and confusing to him. After a few moments he pulled up for air, and suddenly switched hands, jerking the one covered in spit and swallowing the other one, while he used his cum-soaked hand to pleasure the other nipple that had yet to receive attention.

"Dad. Dad please." Gabriel whimpered, unable to will his hands to push him away while the older shark gave him such an expert sucking. Papi did slow down too, his gaze wordessly questioning his son. Was he doing something wrong? "You don't have to do this for me. I ca - MMMH!" Papi stretched his arm and closed his son's snout before he said any other dumb thing. No way in hell he was stopping without milking him dry.

Now that he was properly erect, he could admire the girth of his son's cocks. The boy was packing some heat there, and he bet more than a handful of men would count themselves lucky that he was a bottom, because those cocks might be quite a challenge for some of the tight-assed species. It made him proud, in a silly way. Blood of his blood, and all of that. He felt somewhat responsible for it.

Or at the very least, he hoped his son would have a ton of fun using those dicks of his. Speaking of the devil, there came the little pelvic thrusts. He knew the signs, the way Gabe was trying to bury his cock deeper, the way it throbbed against the roof of his mouth. He spit it out, dedicating one hand to each cock as he panted.

"Are you close, son?" The younger one nodded as he panted. Papi gripped his cocks harder, making him moan with need. He was so close, he just needed that little push to go over the edge. He watched his reaction. The whole body tense like a cat about to pounce, the look of intense desire and immense need in his face. He had to make it epic.

In a quick and determined motion, he pressed both dicks together, aiming them as straight as they'd go, and went down on them. It was quite the jaw-aching effort, but they slid in, pressing against his cheeks as he sucked his son with all his might, nearly gagging when they touched the back of his mouth. He did it. He was kissing Gabriel's slit, and all it took was for him to stuff himself silly with twin dicks.

Gabe didn't expect his dad to be such a cock-sucking beast, but he would not complain. The old man could barely bob a couple of times before that well-known pressure built up on the back of his dicks. "Dad!" He tried to warn him. "Ah! Dad! I'm cumming!"

Papi chuckled to himself at that old line, but he'd have no time to reply, nor that he had any room left to speak with the twins inside. Gabriel's hands pulled hard, and this time he actually gagged when they were forced deeper in. With his nose planted firmly on his son's crotch he felt his dicks throb, the salty flavor of his cum immediately flooding his mouth. He tried his best to swallow, but they were shooting way faster than he could drink it. Not like he could warn Gabe. The boy was in complete bliss, whole body tense like a rock and moaning at the top of his lungs.

Yeah, the neighbors would suspect one of them had scored tonight.

Between orgasmic throbs, Gabe's hands slipped and Papi managed to pull himself back, coughing and gasping for air, only to be rewarded with the last strands of cum shooting freely through the air and falling on his face. He groaned, bringing a hand to his snout to try to wipe it clean.

Gabe needed a punishment. And he knew just the thing.

"Hi Cumming. I'm dad." He smiled, oh-so satisfied with his terrible dad joke as Gabriel's post-orgasmic bliss was ruined by the awful pun that forced him to groan in second-hand embarrassment.

"Dad! Did you really...?" He covered his face with his hands, unwilling to look at him.

"Suck both of your cocks dry? Yep, I told you your old man is a pro!" Oh, he so would rub some more salt in the wound. Yeah, they had just had a night of homoerotic passion. But that didn't mean they had stopped being father and son just because of that. And that sort of relationship came with its own set of rules. Dads made bad puns, sons hated that. A tale as old as time.

A first for everything: In space.

Hello SF. This is the second installment of my ongoing series "A first for everything". We get to see Jack's journey beginning, a few bumps in the road and an unexpected situation, hopefully you will like it. If you are inclined to I would greatly...

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A first for everything: Joining the army.

Hello SF. This is my very first story ever written, so if you are inclined to leave feedback I would greatly appreciate it. Here it goes! Planet: Earth City: Boston Date: 2782.11.27AD20:37:32 It was a cold night in the old city, one...

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