A first for everything: In space.
Hello SF. This is the second installment of my ongoing series "A first for everything". We get to see Jack's journey beginning, a few bumps in the road and an unexpected situation, hopefully you will like it. If you are inclined to I would greatly...
A first for everything: Joining the army.
Hello SF. This is my very first story ever written, so if you are inclined to leave feedback I would greatly appreciate it. Here it goes! Planet: Earth City: Boston Date: 2782.11.27AD20:37:32 It was a cold night in the old city, one...
Benefits of shark biology
The car creaked as Gabriel sat on the copilot seat, leaving the bag with his sketchbooks and other knick knacks on the back seat. The older Alvarez recalled that bag being way thicker with bags of chips and other snacks of little nutritive...