Delusions of Grandeur

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Nexon, a faithful pet companion to his mistresses, Jinide and Aracia, seizes an opportunity to witness true dragon magic.

This piece was a writing commission that I raffled off for Zolifer on Discord

This will also be an upcoming episode on my adult furry fiction podcast, Dinner at Yiffany's

Delusions of Grandeur by Ta'kom Ironhoof.

Today is a very special day here in the valley.

Five years ago, while swimming in what I now know to be Hummingsong Lake, I watched the skies from just behind the waterfall as a brilliant blue sapphire dragon with white horns, yellow wings and tail frill soared across the waters of my home. While I had always admired dragons, I knew well enough not to approach one without being told to. Over the many years that I've lived here, the dragons often stopped here to catch fish, hunt game, or just stop for a cool drink, but never had I seen such an amazing and enchantingly colored dragon. I simply couldn't help myself as I began swimming slowly toward the opposite shore where my future 'mistress' now stood surveying her surroundings. I'll never forget the first thing she said to me that day.

"And who might you be, so brave to approach me?"

And with that, I was suddenly aware, to my core, of not only her beauty but also the sheer terror of being within grabbing distance of a dragon.

To make a much longer story short, Jinide was looking for a new place to call her home. She told me her name for the lake, as well as the surrounding area, a forest by the name of Arcvas, all of which lay inside of Arethusa Valley. By sheer luck, Jinide had already gotten her fill from the local creatures of the valley. Upon seeing me, the ferocious dragoness knew I was no ordinary wild animal but a sentient being.

She said, "Your eyes have a sparkle to them and you seem quite resourceful. What is your name, Sharkdog?"

"Nexon..." I said. " behind the falls...your dragoness."

Fright overtook me as Jinide let out a thunderous laugh before replying, "Oh please, my dear Nexon. Call me Jinide...though I suppose you could call me 'mistress'..." Her voice trailed off with a slight grin on her face. As her beauty enraptured me, I could only feel as if her words elicited desire and eased my fears.

"Mistress..." I whispered, but audibly enough for Jinide to hear me. She lowered her head to my level, her eye half as big as my whole body.

"Indeed Nexon. I'll make you a deal, little one. If you continue to be 'useful', I'll allow you to continue living here. Think of it as being my little 'pet'."

I often think about that moment. It was the first time that I can remember becoming erect merely from words but I couldn't help myself.

Regardless, whether through my natural charm or some other reasoning, Jinide kept her word, and life has been good. Shortly after taking over the cave behind the falls, another dragon, uniquely colored, also came to live here. Her name was Aricia. Her head was an aqua color, her neck and mid section was lavender in shade, and her rear was purple, much like her horns and claws. The entirety of her underbelly, to the tip of her tail, was a pearlescent white and her wings were much like a rainbow. Jinide often liked to tease Ms. Aricia by calling her "Skittles", whatever that meant.

It's been an interesting experience living amongst these two dragons. Aricia is often more jovial and juvenile when compared to Jinide. At least two or three times per week, Aricia would ask me to play games or some other fun activity. Sometimes, Jinide would join, but more often than not, it was just Aricia and I. Though Aricia was a playful sort, she would, and still does, often tease me. She often tells me she sees how I look at Jinide and she can tell that I long to be like them; large, proud creatures of the sky.

"And if I didn't know any better, you'd like to be Jinide's mate too, wouldn't you, Nexon," Aricia would say before cackling out a laugh. Though she was joking because it was an absurd desire, Aricia's joke held more truth than she realized. "Just imagine Nexon, being as big or bigger than Jinide...mounting her...burying yourself deep into her slit..." Aricia sure loved to tease me with my most intimate desires, but I doubt she'll ever realize just how right she was.

It wasn't meant to be, however. Besides not being a dragon myself, Jinide and Aricia are also lovers more than just dwelling mates. Much to my chagrin, Jinide has always forced me to leave the caves during those times when, "Aricia and I need a little alone time." It was always obvious to me what that meant, even without the noises emanating from the waterfall. There was only one time I had tried to re-enter the caves during those times. Let's just say that Jinide's wrath was not to be taken lightly. I had never seen her so mad at me before or since. However, this didn't stop me from continuing to fantasize. Never once did it deter me from being as close to the cave as I could and listen intently while my imagination ran wild...and my curiosity along with it.

Whether Jinide and Aricia realize it, today is the fifth anniversary of Jinide's arrival and also the very first time that Jinide hasn't asked me to leave the cave. I could tell by the conversation the two dragons were having which direction the evening was headed, so of my own accord, I made my way toward the mouth of our abode. Usually the two ladies of the house don't begin making their guttural noise until I'm well away from the cave, but not tonight.

No, tonight, I had just reached the entrance when I heard the first moans. The wind outside was blowing strong enough to throw water inward, drenching me. It was even strong enough to blow the remote scents of the forest back into the cave. I'm still not sure if it was insanity or my curiosity had just finally gotten the better of me, but I convinced myself to make my way back into the depths of the cave.

"Jinide never asked me to leave tonight," I thought to myself. Slowly, I made my way back to what could be considered the bed chambers of my mistress's home. I walked as quietly as I could, sticking to the shadows the entire way as my heart beat hard and fast in my chest. Admittedly, the beating of my heart wasn't the only thing becoming hard as my excitement grew. I could feel my sheath growing tight as my manhood engorged. It was only fear that kept me from being fully erect at the moment. My head was filled with what I might see once I arrived at where I was going.

Their moans continued to echo throughout the passageways, low and rumbling interspersed with short squeals and chirps. Some sounds coming from them, I had never heard before and would have thought impossible. Besides the noises, a scent filled my nose as I got closer. Something I hadn't picked up before, but on a primal level, I knew exactly what it was; the mixing sexual arousals of Jinide and Aricia.

I paused for a moment and lifted my nose into the air. Taking in a slow, deep breath, my shaft involuntarily flexed, pre-cum also making its way up and out of the tip, now slightly poking out. It took everything in me to not masturbate there and then, however; I took one of my four paws off the floor and pressed it down the length of my sheath. More of my cock was forced out of its warm home and the cool air caused another involuntary flex, this time, pre-cum dripping out and onto the floor. For a moment, I thought I was imagining it, but I heard Jinide speak.

"Aricia, get on your back... now."

With a tone that only the most thoroughly trained sub could muster, Aricia replied, "Yes, mistress."

If I thought I was aroused before, I was officially horny now. I could have never imagined a dragon being... submissive. And then just as quickly, I imagined myself as an equal, a large proud dragon and Jinide submitting... to me. My delusions of grandeur were interrupted as a roar of pleasure echoed throughout the passages. As quietly as I could, I hurried to the entrance to my master's bed chambers.

The fire light poured through the entryway and the humid air was filled with the obvious arousal of the two dragonesses. Though my heart pounded desperately in my chest, the sounds of my movements were drowned out by the moans of the two lovers and the crackling wood of the fire. With my back pressed hard against the darkened entryway, I took a moment to breathe before peaking my head around to witness the sight that, until now, I've only heard from a distance. Their visage was...magical.

Both dragons were laying chest to chest, fully exposed, mouths locked in a deep, passionate kiss and Jinide had her tail plunged into the depths of Aricia. The dragoness was deftly skilled, as made apparent by the continuing moans coming from Aricia, her arousal dripping from her slit and Jinide's tail completely covered.

Without so much as a thought, my cock was once again throbbing hard, pre-cum already heavy on the tip. Unconsciously, with each thrust of Jinide's tail, I stroked myself, matching her movement's while imagining myself also being a powerful dragon.

The dragons broke their kiss and Jinide spoke.

"Aricia...use the necklace"


With no further words, Aricia moved her body around to stand, Jinide's tail still stuffed and pumping within Aricia's slit. It was apparent Jinide liked to see Aricia squirm from pleasure while also trying to obey her commands. Though my mind was still racing with lust, I briefly questioned what Jinide meant. It didn't take long for the answer to come as Aricia reached up to her neck and fiddled with her necklace, a cloud charm that matched her earring and was a gift from Jinide, to represent her. And just as my orgasm was just about to reach it's climax, I stopped pleasuring myself as I watched Aricia's body became...wispy. Suddenly, Aricia was translucent, still in the same shape and color, but appeared to be made of mist. My eyes were immediately drawn to Aricia's vertical slit, a rarity amongst the dragon kind, and I could see the dark color of Jinide's tail through the area where Aricia's flesh once was, still is, but now made of mist or fog. It was as if a breeze had blown through the grotto when Aricia's form swirled around to now 'face' Jinide. And as the now mist like face of Aricia met with Jinide's, the glorious sapphire dragon began to breathe deeply and running her hand through the misty air now surrounding her head.

Suddenly, my arousal came back full force as I watched Jinide inhale every wisp of Aricia. Jinide had re-positioned herself to be standing, leaning forward to reach back and pleasure herself. The vertical slit of my mistress was on full display and my mind _could not_stop. It's imagination running wild with fantasies untold. The more Jinide fingered and rubbed her womanhood, the more of Aricia's misty form entered Jinide's body. And the more of Aricia that became a part of Jinide, the closer I got to once again reaching climax. Jinide's rear legs buckled and a deafening roar escaped her maw, her own arousal clear now as a bead stretched down to the floor. Quickly, the sapphire beauty thrust her hips forward, pressing her paw hard into her womanhood. All the while, the last wisps of Aricia vanished from sight, and my climax brought me to my side. I bucked hard into my paw, ropes of my cum being thrown from the darkness and into the lighted entryway.

For a moment, I felt closer to Jinide and Aricia than I ever had before. Jinide's breathing was heavy. My breathing was heavy and rapid. A calm fell over our entire home and I basked in the afterglow. However, it wasn't long lived. Jinide's voice broke the silence and startled me to my feet.

"So..." she said, now standing up to face the doorway, "'ve disobeyed me, Nexon. I know you're there..."

My voice was caught in my throat, gripped with fear, and yet my erection wasn't being abated. Squeamishly, I replied, "'t..."

A low rumble echoed through the room, as Jinide made a few steps toward the entranceway. "I would have thought after all this time, I wouldn't have to tell you but..." Jinide stopped and brought her head low, peaking the front her muzzle through the entryway and down at my level. She breathed in several times in quick succession. Was she...


"Save your apologies, Nexon. I suppose your curiosity could not be helped." She lifted her giant head back up and turned around before speaking again. "And you are correct. I never asked you to leave tonight. Enter our chambers so that you may witness everything. You've seen more than you should ever have."

With my cock and knot still out of its sheath, I cowered my way into the room, still spurting streams of cum as my orgasm continued to wane. I followed Jinide to the far corner of the room, where one of the mountain streams had been diverted to give my mistresses a place to bathe in peace. Jinide extended a claw, directing me to sit at the edge of the deep pool. Finally, my erection subsided, but I could still feel the slight twitch from within. As I replayed what I had witnessed already, Jinide entered the still waters before us. For her, this was just big enough to cover her body, but for me, it was almost as big as the lake on the outside of our home. I was mesmerized as Jinide almost seemed to be...dancing as she entered the waters. Her body was swaying side to side, causing waves to extend well beyond the edge of the once still waters. Suddenly, she sank beneath the water before poking just the tip of her muzzle and nostrils above the surface. From there, a misty vapor trailed up and out. Before long, the entire surface of the water was covered by a dense fog, reminiscent of Aricia's colors but mixed irregularly.

As I watched, I pondered. "Could this be Aricia? What magic to these dragons behold?"

I was quickly answered as Jinide lifted herself up and out of the water, quickly throwing water into the air and causing it to rain down. Simultaneously, the sapphire creature I so loved swung her wings and front paws around, seemingly erratically. Between the falling water and Jinide's movements, the misty fog swirled and twisted, growing more condensed. After only a minute more, the translucent body of Aricia could be clearly seen floating on the water. Jinide leaned down, putting her muzzle exactly where Aricia's should have been, making it appear they were now kissing. With a click, Aricia was solid once more and her suddenly solid body caused a wave of water to move outward on to the edge of the pool.

I was ripped back out of my own thoughts quickly as Jinide spoke loudly. "Nexon, you've now witnessed our magical bond. You are never to speak of this."

"Yes...yes mistress," I replied, trembling with fear. I knew when she was angry and this was exactly how she sounded now.

However, Jinide never once said that I couldn't write this experience down, so that's exactly what I've done...