Different: Chapter 3 - Closer

Story by husky_pie on SoFurry

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#3 of Different

DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual encounters between two males. If you're not into this or are underage, then turn back now! Characters are copyright their respective owners.

Rumbles of thunder eventually woke up Hiccup from his early morning nap. He slowly opened his eyes, hearing the rain hit the windows, and footsteps walking around the house. While under his blanket, he checked his shirt and pants, just to make sure nothing was left on them from the morning. Hiccup remembered it like it was a dream, but it was all too real. His cock twitched with life as he thought of Toothless. Immediately he cleared his mind, trying to keep himself from getting hard, and took a few deep breaths. No stains or wet spots were found. Hiccup finally sat up, and looked around the room.

The fire was going again with something brewing inside one of the hanging pots. A few fish were skewered on sticks, dangling over the flames. Over in the corner, Toothless was sitting down against the back bars. His tail was wrapped around the front of his feet, his wings folded to his side, apparently cut loose. The dragon was looking towards the fire but was staring off into space, his arms resting on his legs and his loin cloth back in place. Stoick came down the stairs making a loud creek at the wood bent under his every step.

"Mornin' Hiccup, glad to see you're finally awake."

"Morning dad, fish for breakfast?"

"And a hot cup of soup. Now, eat up, I have some errands I need you to do for me today while I go out and tie up the boats more. The storm's worse than usual today."

"Alright dad," Hiccup said reluctantly as he pulled off his sheets and got out of bed. Hiccup looked over to the dragon again, still looking at something off in the distance. He walked over to the fire, picked up one of the charred fish, and took a bite. Hiccup didn't mind the taste, since fish was something he would eat on almost a daily basis. He grabbed a bowl and spoon that Stoick laid out for him and ladled some soup into the bowl. He hastily drank the hot liquid, almost burning his mouth and throat on the way down, seeing his father get ready to go outside. The boy put down the bowl, finished his fish, and tossed the bones into the fire. He grabbed an ivory comb by his bed and straightened out his messy bed head.

"Okay dad, I'm ready," he stood patiently waiting.

"Good, I need you to go check on the other dragons and report back to me down by the docks. If I'm not there, then meet me back up here," Stoick ordered. The big Viking walked over to the cage as Toothless looked up at him with a snarl, curling his knees up to his chest, and his pupils become narrower.

"Don't you think about doing anything, devil," he angrily pointed at the dragon. Stoick turned around and walked towards the door, "Come on, and let's get going."

Hiccup quickly put on a hooded jacket and followed behind his father. Just before stepping out the door, he looked back at Toothless. The dragon was looking at him with wide eyes, still wanting to be free again. Hiccup silently mouthed, "I'm sorry," sighed, and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

The wind blew cold rain into his face as he tried to pull the fur-lined hood over his head more. He watched as his father started jogging down the hill towards the docks, holding onto his hood so it wouldn't blow away. A bolt of lightning was seen off in the distance over the ocean, followed by a loud rumble of thunder a few seconds later. Hiccup started running down the hill towards one of the huts, holding onto his hood as well, trying not to stumble over himself. A few other large Vikings could be seen running from their houses towards the docks as well. It was difficult to make out any defining details because the rain was coming down so heavily. After a minute of running, Hiccup finally reached the home where one of the other dragons was kept.

He hurriedly rasped on the door, trying to see if anyone was home. He held onto himself tight, trying to stay at least a little dry from the pouring rain. A woman opened the door, letting Hiccup inside. She was on the larger side with blonde hair braided into pigtails and wearing plenty of make-up.

"Oh, you poor thing," she said with a heavy accent, "you're soaked to the bone! Here, let me take your jacket and place it by the fire."

"Oh, thanks," Hiccup answered as he took off his jacket and gave it to the woman.

"So what are you doing outside this fine morning, Hiccup?"

"My father asked me to check up on the other dragons for him while he ties up the boats."

"Oh, alright. Well, as you can see for yourself over in the corner, it's doing just fine," she motioned over to the red dragon sitting in the cage, "We did have a little trouble last night but it seemed to have calmed down."

Hiccup looked around the room while she was explaining it to him. The area was lit by the fireplace in the center, along with some torches on the walls and the brief flash of lightning sneaking in through the curtains. There was a staircase in the back of the house leading to the upstairs where he guessed they all slept. On either side of the circular fireplace were two large columns to support the house. Off in the right-hand corner, on the door's side, was the cage housing the red dragon the woman was telling him about.

The cage seemed a bit smaller than Hiccup remembered, but then again, it wasn't Toothless's cage. He walked over to the dragon, and got down into a catcher's stance. It was still bound in all places but the rope around its paws was a little black in areas.

"Just need to head upstairs quickly. I'll be right down," he heard behind him followed by the creaking of the stairs.

Must've been what that little bit of trouble was. Hiccup thought to himself. The dragon sniffed the air, snorted at the boy and then looked away annoyed.

Hiccup sighed and had to look away so he wouldn't get too upset. Wherever there were ropes, scales had been missing and the area looked much scuffed.

"Hey," he tried talking to it, "your other friend is doing just fine," the dragon's eyes shifted over to him. The boy looked back, their eyes locking for a brief moment before Hiccup looked away again. Only this time, he stood up and turned around to walk back towards the fire. As he started back, he heard a movement behind him from inside the cage. He looked back over his shoulder to see the dragon now up against the front bars, on its knees, trying to sniff him. Hiccup turned around and walked back over to the cage out of curiosity. As he got close to the bars, he sat back down into the catcher's stance and let the dragon sniff him up and down. When the dragon's head met up with Hiccup's again, his long, forked tongue snaked out and licked Hiccup's face.

"Oh, hey," Hiccup said out of surprise, "t-thanks."

Hiccup looked down up and down the dragon's front body, trying to see the differences between it and Toothless. The dragon seemed to be of a completely different breed but still had some same characteristics. What really caught Hiccup off-guard was when he got down to the groin area; he spotted a slightly tented loin cloth. His face turned a bright red at the sight and he could feel himself starting to get hard.

"S-so you're a boy too," he stuttered. The dragon turned his head in confusion and then perked up his ears at the sound of creaking stairs. Hiccup immediately jumped up, startled, and tried his best to forget what he just saw.

"Doin' alright Hiccup?" the woman asked.

"Yeah, just fine. Everything seems to be in order here. I'll just be leaving," Hiccup replied quickly. He hurried over to the fire, grabbed his still soaked coat, and headed for the door.

"Don't catch a cold out there! Your cheeks are already a little red," he could hear her from behind him.

"Thanks, I'll try not to," he called back to her as he opened the door. The rain had not let up any and neither did the light show. Hiccup sighed as he pulled his hood over his head and went out, closing the door behind him. He was still trying to get his mind off the dragon, but nothing seemed to work.

Why was he getting hard? Are all the dragons like that? Did he smell Toothless on me? I'm so confused... he thought to himself, along with a multitude of other questions. It took him a few minutes to reach the next house, only to see a faint glow of the fire inside. He hurriedly rasped on the door but there was no answer. He tried the doorknob and thankfully, it was unlocked. He rushed into the room and slammed the door behind him, forcing back the wind and rain.

The room was dark except for a small fire in the center. He couldn't see much, but the random flashes of lightning helped his eyes adjust to the darkness quicker. The house seemed to be almost the exact same layout as the previous house he was just in. The only differences were possessions but the house structure was the same. To his right, Hiccup heard a shifting noise and then a clang on a metal bar. He took off his soaked jacked, put it by the fire, and walked over to the source of the noise. Hiccup rubbed his eyes to try to get them adjusted to the dark more so he could make out the figure. It was standing up in the cage, leaning against the front metal bars, looking at Hiccup. The boy could hear sniffing coming from the dragon as it tried to make out any familiar scents. Hiccup stood there and looked over the dragon too, as it finished smelling him; all the while his cock was still hard from the thoughts of the other dragon.

Hiccup could hear a soft purring sound coming from the dragon in front of him. As he looked at the dragon's face, he could make out the blue figure but without a rope binding its mouth shut. His heart rate picked up and he began to take shallower breaths. He knew that with the bindings off, the monster could kill him whenever it felt like.

Why didn't you try to escape with no one here? Hiccup thought. He couldn't concentrate on his question very long when he felt something poking as his stomach. He looked down and saw a pink mass sticking out of the now obviously male dragon. Hiccup's heavy boots froze in place at the sight. He eyes quickly darted up to meet the dragon's.

"G-good boy," he didn't know what to say, "I-I was just checking up on you," shallow breath and looks away, "and it looks like everything's okay. I guess I'll be going," The boy forced himself to turn around and started to move away from the beast. Hiccup heard a whine coming from behind him, causing him to stop. Another whine followed by a murr. The boy sighed and looked back at the dragon. He had his eyes wide open, silently begging Hiccup to come back. Hiccup looked down at his tented pants.

"What's the worst that could happen? I mean... I already did it with Toothless," he said under his breath. He slowly walked back over to the dragon, feeling nervous but in control. He got right in front of the bars when the dragon pushed his hips forward a little and the penis touched Hiccup's belly again. The boy moved his hands over to it and touched the warm, smooth skin. The dragon sighed and purred as Hiccup's soft hands felt him up. Hiccup immediately noticed the different shape it had, compared to Toothless's. His hands moved along the warm flesh, trying to figure out the shape. Moving from the base, where it was wide, he moved his hands to the tip where it gradually became narrower and tapered off at the end. His thumb rubbed the tip, spreading the drop of pre that had formed there.

Hiccup's heart beat was still fast as he started to get down on his knees. He was nervous about doing this again, but it just felt so right for him to do. He looked at the length in front of his face, measuring it to be about eight inches or so. It looked like a dolphin's penis more than anything and curved up. Hiccup leaned in and breathed in the musky scent, a little heavier than Toothless's but still pleasant. He reached his right hand into the cage and placed the sack dangling below the cock in his palm. It was warm and heavy with cum, and the scales were smooth and soft. The dragon thrusted his hips forward, slamming them against the metal bars. He gently massaged the ball sack as he stuck out his tongue and licked the cock from the base to the tip. As he reached the end, he opened his mouth and took the first few inches in. Another murr, followed by a sigh escaped the dragon.

Hiccup gently sucked on the tip as his tongue moved up and down the length. He started to move his head up and down as his free hand moved up and grasped the base. He lightly squeezed it, causing the dragon's cock to jump in his mouth, shooting out a bit of pre. The boy swallowed it after savoring the taste for a second. It tasted a little salty but didn't have much of a flavor. He started to move his hand up and down, from the base to where his mouth was. Every few strokes or so, he would squeeze a little harder, coaxing out the pre inside. Musk started to fill the dimly lit room as Hiccup continued. The boy's suckling got a little harder and his hand gradually picked up speed. A slow dribble of pre was being fed to Hiccup from the tip of the dragon's cock. He swallowed a lot of it bit let some drip out of his lips to help lubricate his hand. He felt the ball sack twitch in his hand as he massaged it more, wanting what was inside. The dragon moaned and held onto the bars with his bound paws for support as Hiccup worked him.

A few more strokes was all the blue dragon needed to send him over the top. Cum shot up his length and into the boy's wanting mouth. Hiccup gagged on the first wave but quickly tried to swallow the rest. It was thicker than Toothless's and bit more salty but still tasted like nectar to the boy. A bit started to leak out of the sides of his mouth from the sheer volume the dragon was letting out. After a few more pulses, it had finally stopped. Hiccup swallowed the rest and let the cock out of his mouth. He used his left hand to squeeze more cum out from the base, bringing it up to the tip where he licked up the rest. The boy quickly licked and cleaned up the cock as it started to shrink back into the dragon. He stood up, panting a little from the excitement.

"I hope that made up for anything the others might have done," he said calmly to the dragon, breathing a little heavily. He brought his hand up and wiped clean the remaining cum that had dribbled out of his mouth. Hiccup licked his fingers, getting the last of it, his face blushed as the dragon purred.

"I need to get going before my dad gets back," he sighed. The aching in his pants became too much and he quickly stuck his hand in to readjust himself. Couldn't feel any of the pre through his soaked pants, but he knew it was there. He was itching for release but knew there was no time right now.

Hiccup turned around and went over to the fire, boots still making wet sounds. He picked up his now warm, but still wet jacket and put it on. The boy looked back over at the dragon who was still standing, leaning against the front bars. Hiccup smiled at him, walked over to the door, opened it, and left.

The rain and wind had lightened up a little but the violent lightning had not. Hiccup started running after closing the door behind him. He paused after a minute to look around the area to make sure he was going the right way since he covered his face with his hood. Not too far away, he spotted Stoick and a bunch of other Vikings returning from the docks. Hiccup ran over to them to see if they needed anything.

"Got everything tied up?" he asked the group but mainly his father.

"Yeah, everything's ok. Dragons good I'm assuming?" it was a little difficult to hear over the rain and thunder.

"Yup, just finished with the blue one. Now what do you want me to do?"

"Here, take this key, take the devil out of its cage, and bring it to Meade Hall. Got it?" Hiccup took the key from Stoick's hand.

"You can count on me, dad."

"Good, meet me there, and don't mess up!" Stoick commanded the boy. He motioned the group to follow him and they all took off towards the hall. Hiccup rushed back up the hill to his house, panting and shivering.

Hiccup burst through the door and immediately shut it closed behind him. Water dripped from his clothes as he leaned against the door for support, all the while breathing heavily. His small body was not used to running with the extra water weight, but at least he did get some good exercise. A slosh sound was made by the soaked jacket hitting the ground as Hiccup took it off. He picked it up and walked over to the small fire, his boots sloshing and leaving a wet trail behind him. The boy used the metal rod next to the fire to stoke it up and caused some ash to float off into the air. He placed his heavy coat along the top edge of the fireplace and then sat down on a bench. Soon, his boots, socks, shirt, and pants followed suit, only leaving on his boxers. Hiccup shivered a bit as his wet skin was exposed to the cool house air. As he got up, he noticed his member had finally gone down after his most recent dragon adventures. He walked over to his bed and grabbed his blanket, wrapping it around himself for warmth.

He looked over at Toothless who was kneeling down right behind the front bars in his cage. Hiccup instantly knew he was watching him strip the entire time because a bit of pink could be seen from its protective sheath. Hiccup smiled and blushed at the dragon as he started walking towards the fire, the blanket trailing behind him.

"Look what I got Toothless," he took the key out of his pants pocket and let the fire and lightning illuminate it. Toothless's ears perked up at the sight, his tail started moving back and forth, and his eyes widened. Hiccup walked over to the cage as the dragon was starting to bounce on his knees in excitement and licked his lips, binding free. The key was put into the lock and turned until a click noise let Toothless know it was unlocked.

Hiccup didn't know what happened next until he was already on the floor, the wind knocked out of him; the blanket sprawled out on the floor. Toothless had lunged out of the cage door just as the boy opened it and landed on top of him. As Hiccup tried to re-catch his breath, Toothless sat in his knees with the human in between and used his teeth to take off the bindings around his paws, throwing the rope aside. He finally caught his breath and looked up in fear at the dragon on top of him, the pink member fully erect.

"T-Toothless?" his voice shook, "W-what are you doing?" Hiccup tried to use his arms to push against the dragon but they were pinned to the ground as Toothless leaned down and put his paws on them. The human gulped as the dragon's face got closer than ever before. Without warning, the pink tongue stuck out and licked Hiccup's face a few times before demanding entrance past his lips. Not realizing what had just happened, he opened his mouth out of shock and the tongue darted in. Hiccup slowly gave up trying to fight back and went along for the ride, letting Toothless take control. He closed his eyes as their tongues danced in each other's mouths; the dragon's teeth had been retracted. Their breathing became heavier and more in sync as the minutes passed.

The dragon broke the kiss as he sat back up, a small pool of pre had gather on Hiccup's chest from his penis. A sly grin crossed his face as he felt Hiccup's hardness underneath him. Toothless slid his knees back until he was sitting on the naked legs, the boy sat up on his arms to watch what was happening. The black mass bent over and placed his nose on the soft fabric separating the scales from the flesh. Hiccup closed his eyes and moaned as Toothless licked him through the cloth. The dragon adjusted himself briefly as he moved his paws over to the waistband and pulled the boxers down Hiccup's legs and threw them off to the side. He moved back into position on top of the completely naked human and started licking the now exposed member.

Sighs and moans escaped Hiccup's mouth as his nerves shot waves of pleasure up his spine. Toothless licked all the way from under his balls to the head, making sure everything was getting proper treatment. A few times, he took the entire length into his mouth, playing and toying with it, cleaning up the small amounts of pre that were forming. Hiccup opened his eyes and looked back at the dragon when the warmth disappeared. Toothless slid back up the boy's body pausing for a second to let their two members touch and grind against each other. He then sat back up with the boy's cock in between his legs and moved his hips, getting rewarded with more moans.

The dragon lifted himself up a little and used his paw to grab onto the hard flesh and guided it just underneath his tail. Hiccup felt the tip of his cock touch a soft warmth, followed by it being moved in a small circular motion, wetting the area with his pre. Toothless slowly lowered himself and flinched a little as the cock gave way and pushed into him.

"Oh Almighty Thor, Toothless," Hiccup said in ecstasy as the head of his penis entered the dragon and was enveloped in warmth. Toothless paused for a second, trying to get used to the welcomed invader, and then continued. It took the dragon a few minutes before he was finally sitting on Hiccup's hips, stuffed with the boy. Pre was drooling down the front of the pink cock and a bit landed on the flesh below. Toothless finally opened his eyes, purring from the mixture of pleasure and pain shooting up his body. He put his paws on the ground beside Hiccup and leaned forward, kissing the boy again.

"Toothless... This feels amazing," he gasped out between kisses and deep breaths. A murr rumbled deep in the dragon's throat in response. After a few more minutes of their tongues massaging each other, Toothless sat up a little, still keeping his paws on the ground. He pushed up on his knees a little, letting the cock slide until the head was only inside. Hiccup reentered the dragon as he pushed back down until he was fully engulfed again. The human sighed and groaned along with the dragon as he slowly continued.

Toothless's motions picked up pace as he got more and more used to having Hiccup inside of him. Pleasure was shooting up the dragon's spine every time he touched Hiccup's hips as his prostate was being hit. As he got faster, he sat up all the way and put his paws on his knees, helping himself stay balanced. Hiccup looked at the length in front of him and couldn't help but lean forward and lick the pre, wrapping his arms around the black waist for support. The dragon stopped momentarily as he felt Hiccup's tongue touch him and looked down to watch. The eager boy moved his mouth up and took in the head of the dragon's cock and placed his hand on the shaft. Toothless put his paws on Hiccup's head and started up slow again but quickly sped up, almost bouncing on the boy's lap as his member was pleasured by the warm, wet mouth and hand.

It didn't take too much longer until Hiccup couldn't take it anymore - too much pressure had built up inside him. He moaned around the cock in his mouth as his own shot hot cum into the dragon's hole. Hiccup's pleasure sensors had become over loaded with the overwhelming sensation and made him a little light headed. As Toothless felt the cum hit his prostate, he couldn't hold his in any longer either. He let out a loud roar as he shot his load into the boy's mouth, pressing down on his head to try and take as much as he could. Hiccup didn't gag on the cum this time but it quickly became apparent he couldn't swallow it all. White cum dribbled down the side of the dragon's cock as it leaked out of the boy's mouth.

After a few more waves, the dragon had finally finished and let go of Hiccup's head. He pulled off quickly and inhaled sharply, catching his breath again. After getting back to a steady breathing rate, he leaned back down and cleaned more of the dragon. The salty taste was like sweet nectar to the boy as he cleaned the top half of the cock, not able to reach the rest. Hiccup stayed on for a few more moments as it shrank back into Toothless, leaving some cum drizzling out of the black, scaly sheath. Hiccup looked up at the dragon who had his tongue hanging out of his mouth in enjoyment, eyes slightly closed. Hands crawled up Toothless's back, around the wings, and to his head, pulling him close, the dragon tasting his own seed in Hiccup's mouth. They shared each other's breath, becoming intoxicated with one another. Their kiss ended when Hiccup pulled away and sat back on his elbows, looking over the dragon on top of him.

"Heh, quite the mess you got me into," Toothless responded with a murr. He pushed up against his knees and let the softening cock out of him with a pop. Warm cum dribbled out of Toothless and onto Hiccup's member, making both of them gasp. The dragon leaned forward and stretched his legs out around the human legs. Hiccup got onto his back and let Toothless lay on top of him, feeling the dragon's tail between his legs and the soft scales against his chest. They kissed again as their stomachs became messier from the cum left in Toothless's sheath.

"You do realize I need to take you out, right?" he said with a smile. Toothless sighed, slid down the naked body and started licking it clean. Hiccup moaned a little as his cock was covered in saliva now instead of cum. After another minute of licking, Hiccup was clean of cum and Toothless slowly stood up. The human followed suit, taking the blanket with him and used it as a towel. He then went over to the dragon and got down on his knees to return the favor. His tongue touched the soft scales with every stroke as he made his way down the body. When he got to the sheath, he stuck his tongue inside it to clean that as well. He felt the tip of the cock and licked that too, but quickly pulled off, not wanting to do things again. Toothless turned around and bent over a little, lifting his tail so Hiccup could get a nice view of the puckered, pink opening. The warm tongue pressed against his hole, licking it clean, and then murred as he felt Hiccup enter him. The boy pulled back and cleaned the rest of his own cum off the dragon's leg.

"There, you're all clean too," he chuckled as he stood up and Toothless turned around, "I really don't want to do this, but now I'm going to have to put the ropes back on you and take you to my father," Toothless groaned and frowned at the mentioning of the ropes.

"I'll make a deal with you then," Hiccup winked, "if you deal with my father today, I'll let you have me again," Toothless's ears perked up and then went flat again as he looked at the rope. He then went over, picked them up, and gave them to the boy to tie. Toothless held out his paws together as Hiccup did so, and then dropped them in defeat once he was done. The boy readjusted the loin cloth to cover the place he didn't want to hide.

"There, now go put on your other rope while I get back into some clothes," Hiccup turned away and went back over to the fire. His clothes were still a bit wet but not as much as before, but at least he could feel the warmth from the fire as he put them back on. He finally grabbed his coat and put that on as well.

"Okay Toothless, let's go," he motioned to the door and Toothless soon followed. Hiccup grabbed onto one of Toothless's leathery wings, just showing he had control. He opened up the door to the pouring rain, stepped outside, and closed it behind them.