Thrash and Gnash: Reaction Park

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#4 of Thrash and Gnash

Thrash, the radical raccoon, takes a woman on a date to the notorious Reaction Park. His jealous sister comes along to sabotage the event and hijinks follow.

Contains ballbusting

Clean new mirrored sunglasses. Fresh neon colored windbreaker. Killer smile. Check, check, and double check. Thrash Panda was feeling like a million bucks. He stood at the entrance of Reaction Park. It was the most famous theme park of the 80s and by the logic of the painfully anachronistic raccoon the best in existence. He used to spend every spare moment there growing up and could think of no better place to have his first date with Holly. Thrash himself wished he could have felt a bit more prepared physically. His sister, Gnash, had for some reason decided to strut around the apartment while wearing only her panty and bra, and she never failed to interrupt whenever he tried to get some quiet time to relieve some of the male pressure he had in his loins. When his literal cow girl arrived, she was dismayed to find that "Reaction Park'' was not some fancy lesser known restaurant or even a sort of club. It was, in fact, a run down amusement park that she hadn't ever heard of. Still, when she walked to the front gate the young woman easily spotted the colorful raccoon who stood out like a beacon.

Holly, the now retired fighter of the LBBA, walked up in sensible pumps as footwear and a long black dress with a slit that ran up the side of her leg. This allowed ease of movement and didn't kill her surprisingly not cloven feet with the pain brought on by high heels. The top of her dress also did an admirable job holding her ample cleavage in place, but allowed a healthy bounce with her walk, even with the loose coat she had on that had a lovely monochrome pattern of black and white stripes. The woman wore her hair styled in an elaborate cut that flowed below her shoulders. Thrash eagerly waved at her, and she was happy to see him in a better state than before. The last she saw him, the ringtail had ended up with one testicle flattened to a pancake after a boxing match against his sister, Gnash Panda. Despite his pain he did manage to bring the fight to a stalemate via double knockout and halving the reproductive organs of his opponent. She knew from first hand experience that the LBBA offered amazing health cover, so she was assured that the male racoon would regain his full potency again.

"Looking good, babe." Thrash said with a smile, while firing off double finger guns and looking notably at her face and not her generous cleavage.

"Don't call me babe." She said with irritation in her voice.

"Gotcha, how about Holy Molly?" the raccoon said, firing off his guns again with renewed enthusiasm.

"Just Holly." She said, starting to regret her choice of date. "When you said you had the perfect date location in mind I was expecting something a little more-'' Her voice trailed off, trying to find proper words. Failing, she just finished her sentence with "Not this."

With some air let out of his sails at his two strikes at the start of the date with bad nicknames Thrash did his best to recover. "Nah, trust me, this place is amazing. Went there all the time growing up. The whole fam always had a blast here, so I figured this would be the best spot for a real class act gal like you." He stated confidently.

"How did you figure that?" She asked.

"It's got great food, great rides, and it's just lots of fun." Answered Thrash candidly.

Holly considered rebuking him, initially thinking that this little theme park was a cheap option, but she could see how genuinely excited he was. Whatever, she was already here. Might as well see how the day goes. Walking through the main gate Thrash bought them tickets while Holly immediately spotted a certain female raccoon trying way too hard to remain unnoticed. Given how Holly saw her half naked during the fight she refereed, she had no difficulty picking her out in a crowd. Even though she was skulking around in an oversized trench coat complete with fedora she still had those obnoxious sunglasses on. "Is anyone else coming along with us?"

"Nah babe-" Thrash cut himself off "Holly, just us. Three's a crowd, ya know?"

"I see." Holly was definitely curious as to why Gnash would be trying to follow them, but she decided to see how this would play out, as it would be amusing if nothing else. Upon entering the park the cow girl could see the place was not exactly run down, but it sure had seen better days. Next to the entrance, they had to cross an open plaza with a large fountain in the middle, with only some of the water jets not working. There was a fork that led to the left or right parts of the park, but Thrash seemed to know where to go and confidently led to the right. Holly was already thinking that Thrash always kept his heavily tinted sunglasses on as an easy way to talk with her while peeking a bit lower than her own eyes. She did already stand a full head taller than the raccoon, so it wouldn't be hard. The woman also noticed a few random members of the crowd reacting to the presence of the raccoon, with mutterings of 'oh this guy' or 'this should be funny.' She was concerned by this but kept her composure.

"Best spot to be in the summer." Thrash said with clear excitement in his voice. "Back in the day me and my bros would hit this place up all the time. We would have to walk out with a limp sometimes but it was all in good fun! They even got shut down for a bit because of me." He finished his recollection with a laugh.

Before Holly could ask what he meant the male raccoon took her hand and led her to a classic game of testing your strength. One would hit a seesaw to launch a metal weight to ring a bell. "Oh, I could never do this as a kid. Wanna try?"

Holly was kinda incensed because she had been prepared to go to a nice establishment and was now being led by the hand to a child's carnival game. There was a line to try out the test of strength so Thrash stuck up a conversation. "So Holly, how did you like things in the boxing league? I'm sure your height advantage must have helped you out a bunch."

Holly looked back at the raccoon suspiciously, trying to see through the tint in his glasses. "I did have a good run of things. I wasnt near getting the championship run but I was making a good living and had some fans. Then they stopped testing for any performance enhancing drugs. Fights got more brutal and the ratings went up. Anyone who didn't start juicing themselves couldn't keep up." Her voice trailed off into a listless sigh. "Needless to say, certain weak points on fighers got a lot harder to hit. Although with those who didn't have an embarrassing shrinkage in their pants they got a sudden swelling in their shirts." Holly stated as she re adjusted the straps of her dress.

Thrash scoffed "I could never do junk like that. All natural for me."

Holly was impressed by the raccoon, who was doing an admirable job maintaining eye contact. "If you ever want to get into the big leagues you may have to change your tune."

"Nah, I've seen it in basically every movie I watch or game I play. 'Winners don't do drugs.'"

The cowgirl was taken aback upon hearing this antiquated anti-drugs slogan. Briefly she wondered if this man somehow traveled to the future. She dismissed that notion quickly. "Those fighters often would shrink, but I think you need one." Thrash kept his goofy smile, taking it to mean that his size was somewhat intimidating to her. Not wanting to explain herself she pressed on. "That's a good attitude to have. When my opponents got bigger I kept losing, so I did everything I could to keep up. Somehow, the staff convinced me to try an experimental growth hormone, hoping it would help me to get some bulk. Instead it all went into my bra. I used to be pretty flat all things considered, but now I'm rocking a 32 JJ cup. Felt like the girls got turned into speedbags in every fight." Her eyes narrowed at Thrash as she remembered he accidently sent a wild punch to her chest during his last match against his sister. The raccoon let out an awkward chuckle, his gray furred cheeks growing a little flushed. "I didn't mean to, ya know how crazy things can get during a fight, and boy are they big targets."

He caught himself and began to stammer out another apology, only to be interrupted. "I'm just giving you a hard time. I've been hit way harder. Besides you took some nasty hits in the fight so I think you learned your lesson. Anyway I've hung up my gloves now. The prospect of a trial for medical malpractice convinced the league to keep me as a referee and color commentator. Obviously plenty of fans are still happy to see me on screen in any capacity."

When it was their turn on the game Thrash handed off the wooden mallet with a cheesy "Ladies first." Holly accepted the tool and slammed it down on the see saw with considerable force. Although retired from fighting she still had power to spare. Gripping the wooden handle of the hammer she reeled back and swung it forth with all her might. As the wood hit the seesaw her breasts were mashed by the sudden movement of her arms, very narrowly forcing her nipples out of the confines of her bra. She hit with enough force that a draft was created, giving the onlookers a brief but lovely view of her bewitching thighs. The metal weight flew up and rang the bell.

"Radical!" Thrash said with much enthusiasm while giving two thumbs up. "And the winner is Holly!" He stated, doing his best to mimic an announcer at a boxing fight.

Holly chuckled and tossed the mallet to the ringtail, who had the weight hit his chest and knock the wind out of him. The racoon gripped the wooden shaft and swung it downward. It rang the bell the same as Holly but given how old this rickety attraction was, the weight got stuck near the top. "Oh cool, it would get stuck back then too. No problem, I got this."

Thrash wrapped his arms and legs around the wooden pole of the test your strength game. Holly was embarrassed by this display, the colorful racoon drawing attention as he climbed the game. It was about twelve feet total and he was quickly able to reach the top by hugging the fixture and shimmying up. Once at the apex he grabbed the weight, wiggling it until it was free. He pushed his body back, allowing it to slide down its rail to fall back in place with a clank. With a cheer Thrash began his descent, bringing his body against the pole once more to secure his grip. With all eyes facing upwards the familiar sound of wood on wood was heard and the metal weight was shot up. With considerable force the metal shot up and slammed into the raccoon's balls. He let out a high pitched yipe of pain. Holly looked around, Holly had her attention called away by some fans of hers, recognizing her face, and chest, anywhere. The scream of pain did get her attention to her date and couldn't help but notice a familiar female ringtail in a conspicuously inconspicuous trenchcoat run into the crowd. Before she could react further she saw that Thrash had begun to loosen his grip and started to fall off the game. She spread her arms and caught the male, who was too preoccupied with pain to worry about things like gravity. The woman felt something within her, noticing how adorable yet handsome he was as she held the raccoon in her arms, pressing his curled up form against her bosom. Before she could worry too much about it she gently placed him down. A few fans who had just asked for photos with the cow girl were now snickering at the misfortune of the raccoon, jealousy of him dating the former boxer fueling their jeers.

After the male regained the ability to stand on his own the two began to walk, one limping, onward. "That was a nasty hit, are you sure you want to stay here?"

Thrash forced a smile, trying to keep his cool despite his voice being a couple octaves higher now. "It wouldn't be a trip to Reaction Park if you don't get banged up a little."

"And why did you choose to take me here then?" Holly asked incredulously.

"Cus it's the most fun place I can think of. Wanted to make sure you had a fun day." Thrash responded without hesitation. Holly couldn't quite believe he was being genuine, but it was nice to be with a man who wanted to show her a fun time rather than just going straight to charm her pants off. Or in most of her experiences trying to charm her bra off. She couldn't help but smile back. "So how are the boys hanging? I guess someone couldn't wait to have their turn." She put emphasis on the word 'someone' showing that she knew that Gnash was trying to sabotage her brother's date. Jealousy was a funny thing.

"Took an excellent hit but I'm doing fine."

"All right then, where to next?" She looked around, eyes squinting.

The ringtail pointed towards a rollercoaster, The Steel Wolf, and as eagerly as he could muster given his crotch pain led the way. The duo once more stood in a line, zig zag of people standing around as they waited to ride the wolf. Thrash saw Holly squinting in the sunlight and took off his shades and held them up to the woman. She smiled and put on the painfully old school sunglasses. "How do I look?"

"Like a million bucks." He said happily. "Only downside is now I can't see your beautiful eyes."

"Corny," She said with a smirk before offering the glasses back. Thrash put them back on "Future so bright gotta wear shades all the time."

"Say, Gilbert, why do you do the whole 'Thrash Panda' thing? I thought at first it was just a gimmick to get attention in the ring but you never seem to turn it off."

Thrash shrugged. "It's just who I am. And I can't be anything other than me. But I suppose I've always been like this. My old lady used to run a fitness studio that was very 80s themed. Ya know, the whole aerobics dance fitness thing. She couldn't afford a babysitter so we would usually spend our time there. I guess I never grew outta the bright colors and flashy style. Growing up I tried to fit in with the normal fashions but it always felt wrong. So I just decided to keep up the old school vibe." He flashed a toothy smile "Gotta bring a little radical into the world. Momma keeps up the studio and me and Gnash pay the bills doing various sporting gigs."

"Oh, so you're a momma's boy?" Holly said with a croon in her voice as she leaned forward, generous cleavage on display. "Did you feel like a momma's boy when I was holding you a bit ago?"

Thrash's confidence was stopped dead as he began to stutter, his train of thought derailed by the mommy milkers bulging in front of him and the sultry tone of Holly. His brain struggled to find an adequate response but he found that the blood that was meant to be running his gray matter was going south to a different organ. Without warning Holly laughed and gave the ringtail a noogie. "Wow, you get flustered easily. It's cute."

Thrash tried his best to recover, fixing his hair. "Uh, thanks for the catch back there. You're, um, very strong." As he spoke he awkwardly hunched forward and took off his jacket to tie around his waist, hoping the growing tent wasn't noticeable. Holly noticed. She already had an idea what the raccoon was packing as he was bottomless during the boxing match, but that when his dong was limp and not standing proud as it was now.

When it was time to take a seat Holly was horrified to see the ride was not the conventional roller coaster where the rider would sit down, but rather one where the passenger stands up, feet planted on the ground with shoulder harnesses on them and a banana seat between their legs. "Thrash, this ride isn't exactly dress friendly."

"Oh." The ringtail thought for a moment before giving up. "If you want we can just skip it."

"No, we have waited in line long enough. We will just do the seats at the very back."

The two stood in their spots, with Holly being able to position her dress in such a way so the seat could rise up to position between her shapely legs while still not revealing her panties. The harness that secured the riders shoulders in place had the unfortunate side effect of compressing the the chesticles of the cow girl together. This pushed them together and outward, forcing the cleavage to be even more noticable. Thrash groaned as the seat did not allow his already sore balls a comfortable spot. The referee couldn't help but giggle when she saw that the foam Thrash was sitting on raised the crotch of his shorts so that it looked like he had a sizable erection. "Put that away, you're getting too eager."

The raccoon was confused until he looked down and quickly pulled the fabric of his shorts away so that the bare seat was exposed. Before further comment could be made the ride was in motion. Thrash realized that he couldn't move at all, the seat pressing up and shoulder restraints pressing him down. As such the bumping of the cart as the ride slowly climbed its first hill felt like quick jabs to his sore balls. He was very concerned for how the rest of the ride would feel, dreading every twist and turn to come. As the ride was in motion the raccoon did his best to keep himself off the ground as possible, to help eliminate the chance of him accidentally sitting on his nuts. As they all hit a sharp turn he heard a loud scream. He figured anyone would be yelling at a ride but this was different. Looking over to check on Holly the ringtail felt his heart skip a beat. The woman's breasts had fallen out of her top, bare flesh exposed and bouncing freely. He was stunned for a moment until he saw she was desperately trying to fix her dress and get her girls under control, but the harness was limiting her range of motion. The raccoon reached for his waist and pulled off his jacket. reaching over he did his best to cover up his date, holding the windbreaker in front of her. Thrash turned his head away to not look and made sure to keep some distance between his hands and her chest. When the ride was nearing completion and any rapid movements were done Thash asked if she was good.

"Yeah, I'm decent again." She hissed with venom in her voice. Holly had the suspicionthatThrashhad planned this to get a sneaky glance at her chest, or at the very least to see her boobs bouncing. Typical man.

Thrash quickly apologized. Holly sighed as she left the cart and walked down the exit way. Suddenly Thrash shot up straight, taking his jacket with him and running ahead. The woman was confused but saw that he was running towards a digital photo booth. It was a small shack with a desk and computer on it, equipped with several television screens displaying many happy screaming faces of riders. Her heart sank when she realized that one of them must have taken a photo of her while her breasts were exposed. Thrash hopped on the desk, ignoring the greasy faced cat man who yelled in protest at his workspace being stepped on. Quickly Thrash used his windbreaker to block the view of one of the screens, so none of the customers wanting to buy a photo or passers by could see. "Hey dude, you gotta delete the picture of the last cart real fast."

"What? Why would I?" He said as he looked at his own computer screen. His eyebrows rose as he saw a picture of a bare chested Holly on screen. "Um, actually I can't. Policy and all. I'm just going to print this out." he said with a lecherous laugh.

"Come on man." Thrash said as he kept his arms up to cover the monitor on the wall to keep hiding the picture from the general public. He reached his foot over to push the arms of the cat to stop him from printing. The two engaged in this rather awkward fight, all the while Thrash grew more agitated and threatened to fight the photo man. The cat pulled the keyboard out of reach of the shoe of the radical raccoon and began to order a print. Before he could hit the final button he was surprised to see the very cowgirl he was leering over on screen in front of him. "Oh, I um."

"You really should listen to customers, hun." Holly said in as calm a voice as possible before reeling back her fist and sending it sailing between the thighs of the man. It was a perfect uppercut that compressed his kitten makers between the bones in her hand and the bone of his pelvis. All strength left the male's legs and he crumpled to the ground in a wheezing mess. "That's how I won the semi finals." Thrash and every male who saw the altercation involuntarily winced in sympathy pain. She moved to the computer to delete the photos. The cowgirl was mortified to see that her breasts were on full display but she was surprised to see Thrash. He had the coat in front of her chest, but he couldn't hide everything. What was more surprising was he had turned his head to face the other way so he wasn't perving on her. She smiled and deleted the picture.

The two swiftly left, not wanting to be around if the cat managed to get to his feet and call security. Thrash hung his head low, holding his coat in his hands. "I'm sorry about that. Do you wanna go home?"

"Don't be like that." Holly said with a smile. "You were a real gentleman back there. And besides, I had my chest pop out a ton. Know what it's like to suddenly go from flat to all that basically overnight? Speaking of, why didn't you sneak a peek at me?"

Thrash brightened up. "It didn't feel right. Like, I wanna see em, just only if you'd show me."

The cowgirl couldn't help but chuckle. "Chivalrous and pervy. A good enough combination."

"Come, I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh, then I suppose you wouldn't want me to do this." She stated as she hooked a finger inside the top of her dress and pulled it down just low enough to show off the pink of her areola of her right breast. With a giggle she pulled the clothing back up.

"I know, you just look cute when you get flustered." Holly said as she quickly kissed his cheek. She turned and led the way further into the park, eyeing up shirts in a gift shop window. Thrash followed, his mind still processing how soft and supple her full lips felt on his face. Likewise how deep her cleavage was when she had to bend forward to reach his face. If she was any lower her breasts would be at his crotch. Looking at Holly she was facing away but still her boobs were clearly visible even from this angle, their opulent contour wobbling on each side of her ribcage. She gently bent forward and cupped her hands around her eyes to peer through the glass as the glare from the sun made it impossible, her chest also making contact with the window. His mind inevitably started to wander. At that thought he felt his shorts begin to tighten and this sent a jolt of panic as he realized his dick was quickly swelling to full mast. His eyes darted around desperately, seeking something to take his labido away. He saw a small snack stand that sold bowls of flan. Even as the seller handed the treat to a customer he could see the bouncing and jiggling of the soft food in his round container. A tingle in his crotch told him this wasn't working. Looking upward he attempted to seek visual shelter elsewhere, thinking the clouds couldn't be hot. Looking he found one shaped like a race car. One like a skateboard. And that one looked like a shapely woman wearing a top that is one size too small, breasts overflowing and staining against the cruel confines of her top aching to burst forth and-

"I don't think they have anything in my size." Holly said with a tinge of disappointment.

Thash panicked and used all the wit and guile he was blessed with to make sure his date didn't see him pitching a mad tent. When that wit failed him he let his legs give out and fell on his butt, bringing his knees up to his chest.

"Are you all right?" Holly asked as she bent over with her hands on her knees. This had the effect of letting her breasts hang directly down and making Thrash's problem much worse.

"Im good Im good." Thrash said, wishing more blood was available to run his brain rather than his dick. "Got a nasty cramp. Just give me a moment, it'll go away." as he started to rub his calves to sell the lie.

Holly could see how bad of a liar the raccoon was. She cracked a smile "Need me to rub it to help the blood flow?"

Thrash cringed away, knowing that her touch would spell disaster. "No, thank you. Could you maybe get me some water, please?"

"Whatever you say, hun. One ice cold water to help cool you down coming up."

"Thanks!" he said as he raised one thumb and saw her turn away. His mind processed for a moment. 'Did she call me hun?'

The couple moved on, deciding to pay a visit to one of Thrash's personal favorites, the Tarzan Swing. Essentially it was just a rope one would swing out over a large pool dressed up to look like the jungle. Holly crossed her arms. "You're going to ride that one yourself, no way am I getting wet."

Thrash cracked a smile and opened his mouth, ready to spew out nonsense.

"One crass joke about being wet and I'll show you how I won my regionals." The woman spoke and cracked her knuckles as emphasis. Thrash quickly slammed his jaw shut. He removed his jacket and offered it to Holly for safe keeping. The line wasn't terribly long and Holly waited by the edge of the pool where jumpers would splash into. She was far enough away from the usual impact zone so she didn't need to worry about getting drenched. She did see a puffy ring tail in a trench coat follow Thrash up to the fake rock that was the swings jumping off point. The cowgirl was both annoyed by the interruption to her date and curious as to what would happen and decided to let things play out. Thrash got his turn, big smile and an arm flex to help him get in the wild man spirit. People who frequented the park and recognized Thrash saw this display and egged him on, expecting a show from the semi famous racoon. Gnash snuck up behind him, taking slack from the rope to tie around the waist of his shorts, the male having all his attention drawn to his cheering and jeering fans. With a running start he leapt off the stone and began his swing over the pool, holding on to the rope with his hands for support. The raccoon let out a bellow to imitate the man raised by apes and let go to begin his splashdown, only for his yell to grow in pitch as his shorts were yanked back and his entire body weight was now being compressed onto his teased and battered nuts. He was forced to swing helplessly for all to see, all the while fruitlessly trying to free himself. On the backswing he saw a fellow trash panda dressed super inconspicuously pointing and laughing at him, among others in a crowd. He couldn't think too hard on this as he heard a loud ripping and his shorts gave way, leaving him bottomless and freefalling into the water below in a painful belly flop. While this hurt his entire front it felt like a swift kick in the nuts due to them already being busted up and shaken. Thrash thrashed in the water before righting himself and bringing his mouth above the water line. He quickly found the lip of the pool and rested his arms over it to catch his breath. Without thinking he climbed out. It was only when several onlookers laughed harder and he felt a particular chill below where a belt would be did he realize he was now standing bottomless. He curled his bushy tail between his legs and hugged it with his arms, hoping the ring tail would help hide his junk. This was completed and he was brought back to reality when he heard a female voice give a sharp cough to get his attention.He could see Holly had taken a fair amount of his splash, causing her hair to be slicked down and pressed against her head. Likewise her breasts had taken a fair amount of the liquid as well, leaving her top clinging to her bosom. Thrash gave an awkward smile and tried to stutter out an apology but was stopped by an upraised hand. "This wasn't my nicest dress. And it wasn't your fault." She said as she gave a harsh glare to the raccoon trying to hide in the crowd. "Do you want to call it quits there? I don't want you to get in trouble for public indecency."

Thrash did his best to smile despite the situation, retrieving his jacket and tying it around his waist to form a makeshift skirt. "Nah this sort of thing happens a lot to me, I know a little shop that sells old lost and found clothes real cheap. But we can grab a bite to eat before the park closes if you like. My treat." He patted at his butt, where his wallet should be. His heart skipped a beat and he quickly searched around, seeing that his ruined pants were on the edge of the water. Snatching them up he noted with dismay that his wallet was missing. Obviously someone had taken advantage of the misfortune and made off with it. The ringtail gave a defeated look and sulked. "You paid for admission so I can get food and new shorts." Holly offered with some sympathy.

Thrash perked up "I'll pay ya back when I'm able. And I know the best eats here."

"You know, I wasn't expecting anything five stars here, but even this is less than I could have imagined." Holly stated as she sat in a colorful booth of the Fivers restaurant. She had one bare foot resting on Thrash's upper leg and he was rubbing the soreness out of it as per her instructions, heels were not meant to be walked sound in this much. Some loud music made the place noisy, even if it was nearly devoid of any customers. The establishment was clearly intended for families as it served mostly cheap pizza and had a main attraction with partly functional animatronics awkwardly singing and moving on a stage.

"Love this place. I get a discount here cus as a kid I got injured by one of the robots. Stuck my head in one of their jaws." Thrash said as he leaned forward and pulled his headband up some to show a small area of scar tissue on his forehead. "Turns out metal teeth are harder than bone." He chuckled "Good times." He sat, forced to wear short shorts clearly intended for a woman as it did not allow much room in the crotch for his male parts. Even if the bright pink of the clothing compressed his sore junk, some it covered everything up. Holly sighed and quickly pulled her foot out of the massaging grasp of the male and moved towards his crotch, her bare sole easily finding his shaft and coaxing it to get harder until it moved free of the feminine pants and was free and exposed. He gasped and almost choked on his food. The woman cooed "This date has been a mixed bag." She slowly rubbed her foot up and down the man's rapidly growing shaft. "This has been a lot of fun, even ifI never would have gone here on my own." She continued to gently press her toes against his raccoon hood feeling how eager it was for any of her attention. "And you did act like a real gentleman during the photo booth."

Thrash slouched back in his seat, letting the pleasure wash over him with a shudder. This was quickly stopped when he felt a sharp pain in his balls as the woman's heel pressed down on his sensitive orbs. He wanted to yell a protest but was silenced by Holly raising a finger to her mouth. "On the other hand you did make me flash anyone who was watching the roller coaster and this restaurant is beyond cheap." She grinded her heel into his testicles to build up more pressure, before raising it up to once more stroke at his dick, alternating between pain and pleasure. "Yet I must admit you are a great guy overall. What's a girl to do?"

Thrash failed to find words, his body yelling at him to beg the woman to keep going as he was getting close. Before he could say any more a waiter walked up, twenty something clearly bored out of her mind. She seemed like a brat who spoke and chewed gum at the same time, asking "Do you guys want a dessert?" After she got done speaking she blew a pink bubble and quickly popped, causing Thrash to wince as the sight of a burst ball reminded him too much of the abuse his own orbs were in.

Holly nonchalantly pulled her foot away from the man and without missing a beat responded. "No, thank you. I believe we have had enough." Thrash could only nod in agreement, breathless and on the edge. The waitress walked away and the cowgirl brought a straw to her mouth, making eye contact with the raccoon through his shades.

"I, er, think I gotta use the bathroom real fast." He sputtered out.

"Fast eh?" She smirked, and leaned forward to rest her breasts on the table, making her generous cleavage spill out some on the table. "I can see you're pretty tense. Were you hoping I would help relieve some of your tension?" She asked as she slowly, achingly, rubbed her food up the twitching member of the ringtail.

Thrash re-positioned his coat to try and cover himself up and absent mindedly agreed, the innuendo flying well over his head. He stood up and made his way to the restroom. It was a single unisex room that only had a toilet and sink within. The raccoon quickly moved inside and slammed the door behind him, locking it. He sighed and looked at himself in the cracked mirror. "Keep it together. You're not acting very radical out there. Looking like a total dork. Just gotta turn up the old Thrash master charm." He looked down at his stiffy, its full six inches throbbing eagerly. "You're not exactly helping." He sighed and reached down to grasp his shaft, figuring there would be only one way to stop it from interrupting things again. He slowly began to pump, letting his hand work the shaft up to the head. His mind wandered, thinking how good it felt when Holly had her foot on his penis. Before he could get too far the door to the bathroom shot open, revealing the cowgirl now dressed in a neon spandex leotard, frizzy curly hair, and colorful leg and arm warmers. Thrash couldn't react as Holly approached, big colorful earrings in various shapes dangling down as she slowly got to her knees.

"I can't resist anymore, let's get physical big boy." She brought her soft feminine hand up and grabbed hold of the raccoon's dick and began to jerk him off. He shuddered in pleasure, looking down and seeing the busty woman working his shaft like it was one of his old warn out porno tapes. She moaned out in a haughty voice "Don't hold back, let your body rock." She said as she took his entire dick into her mouth, bobbing back and forth rapidly. He moaned, unable to keep quiet. The big earrings she wore began to swing back and forth, hitting his nuts. They swung faster and faster, until they started to actually hurt.

His concentration was broken and he snapped back to reality, where he was alone in the bathroom and the imagined 80s Holly was nowhere to be seen. He saw that he had moved towards the bathroom entrance where the door handle jiggled frantically, smacking his nuts as it did so. All of a sudden the door swung open, revealing the waitress from before. Her face was that of concern, then quickly to shock, then quickly to anger. "Fucking perv!"

Thrash could only manage an ineffectual "Um..." before the woman swung her sneaker between his legs, stopping any hopes of blissful release and forcing the male down to the ground in a heap. His nuts clenched, acting like they wanted to pump out their saved up load but only allowing his dick to dribble out a single pearl of pre cum. He moaned in bizarre pain and pleasure. The waitress stormed off, yelling that she hoped they both popped before going to the phone to get security. Holly managed to calm down the single worker at the restaurant, assuring her that she would make sure the radical raccoon got what he deserves later. She pulled a bill from her bra and handed it to the waiter, who judging by the younger woman's reaction was more than enough to cover the measly bill.

The couple walked out of the park to reach the parking lot, with the sun setting on this eventful day. Holly spoke "After you went to the bathroom some mysterious trench coat raccoon went up to the waitress and said she was worried someone was having a stroke in the restroom."

"Why didn't you stop her?" Thrash asked as he cradled his aching manhood and limped on.

"Oh it definitely sounded like you were having a stroke in there."

Thrash hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry. You must think I'm a huge pervert."

Holly brought a finger to his chin and raised it to meet her gaze. "No, I think you are a reasonably horny male. I was just playing footsie with you under the table and I could feel how eager you were. I like a guy with that much energy. Besides you never acted pervy to me. I wouldn't mind going on another date sometime."

Thrash's trademark smile returned and he was about to say more when he saw someone fishing a coat hanger in his car window. The vehicle in question was an ancient Ford Pinto, complete with terrible flame paint job, fuzzy dice in the rear view mirror, and old cans of drink and empty snack bags all over the back seat. He ran up to stop them, grabbing hold of the carjacker and turning them to be face to face with him.

"Gnash? What are you-"

It all clicked in his head and he put together that she was the one who tied his shorts and called the waitress. "What the hell, why are you trying to ruin my date?" He asked in a huff.

"Cuz the date was meant for me. You only won cuz you cheat at rock paper scissors." The female yelled as she shoved the male.

"You can't cheat at rock paper scissors. Besides, why would anyone wanna date a flat-board like you?" He shoved back. The two continued to yell and hurl childish insults at each other, even beginning to noogie or yank each other's tails. Holly sighed, somehow picturing the two fighting each other like this a lot. With a swift motion she shot her hand out, one grasping a sore and full testicle, the other pinching the hood of her clitoris. Both raccoons gasped and became silent, looking over at the cow girl.

"That's quite enough. You're both acting very immature." She turned her attention to Gnash. "You, I understand being let down by not being the one to go on a date, but that's no excuse to pull pranks like this. And you got my dress all wet."

Gnash lowered her hands to the cow girl's wrist, trying to pull it away from her stinging womanhood. Holly tightened her grip. "Move your hands or you'll see how hard I can squeeze."

Gnash gnashed her teeth and forced her arms to obey, moving them slowly away from the source of her pain. Holly nodded. "Good. Now apologize to your brother."

Not finding a way out she swallowed her pride. Looking at her brother she forced the words out of her mouth. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for?" Holly led her on, giving the small feminine organ in her hand a slightly harder pinch.

"Sorry for trying to ruin your date!" She yelled out as quickly as possible, wanting the pain to stop.

Holly loosened her grip, leaving it as just enough to make sure the female raccoon couldn't escape. "Good. Now you apologize, Thrash."

"What did I do?" He asked impetuously.

Holly yanked down on his nut, eliciting a groan of pain. "Don't make fun of a woman's chest."

He moaned in pain, and likewise turned to face his sister. "I'm sorry I called you flat."

"Very good!" Holly said with a smile. "Now kiss and make up."

The twins froze, unsure if they heard the instructions properly. Afraid of another squeeze they slowly began to move their heads together. Holly quickly let go of both crotches and patted their shoulders. "Kidding, kidding. I am glad I could help patch things up here. You two better get along better."

The two nodded and let out a simultaneous "yes, m'am." The referee turned and walked off. Gnash rubbed at her sore cunt, some amazement in her voice "You got a hell of a girlfriend, bro."

Thrash held up his ball that was yanked down. "You're telling me." There was a brief pause. "I'm not driving you home."

"Fuck you shrimp dick!" Gnash yelled in annoyance.

"Shut up flat chest!" Thrash yelled back.

Holly suddenly stopped and shot an evil glare back at the twins. The racoons suddenly stood bolt upright adopting a friendly smile on both faces. They then shook hands, showing that they were not fighting and were in fact very friendly with each other in a practiced motion that they used to try and save them from punishments growing up. Holly chuckled and continued to walk off, hailing a taxi and disappearing in the bright yellow vehicle.

Thrash was ready to unlock the shared family vehicle but his heart once more sank as he realized his keys were in his other shorts. "So, I guess we are both walking home."

"Dummy, you lost the keys?" Gnash yelled.

"Dummy? You're the one who made me lose em!"

The duo engaged in symmetrical violence and struggled against each other until the sun completely left and they sat panting under a street lamp, both nursing crotches from several cheap shots given and received.

"So when she yelled at us it was kinda hot, right?"


Thrash and Gnash 3

"Order, order!" The flabbergasted judge yelled out, slamming his gavel down hard enough to cause the sound to echo in the courtroom. He was an older kangaroo, fur starting to gray. He doesn't have the same hop in his step as he used to but he still...

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Thrash and Gnash 2

A heat wave was striking the city and with the air conditioner broken all the radical trash pandas could do now was chug water and soda to beat the heat, having already made their way through plenty. The duo had sweated their way through most...

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Thrash and Gnash 1

Thrash narrowly ducked a punch thrown by his twin sister Gnash. She tried to reel back her arm to defend but the gloved fist of her brother hit her across the face. Gnash stumbled back but remained on her feet. The crowd roared in excitement at this....

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