Welcome to Hell

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#3 of Nerai Pornographic Universe

YET ANOTHER FIC?! Yep, and it's another entry in the Nerai Pornographic Universe! (Commissioned by Nerai himself.) This time, Nerai attempts to scam a demoness and fails. Badly. He then ends up getting hypnotized and fucked by two demonesses at once. What a lucky dragon!

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"Now...the northwest quadrant has the spiral pattern. The one from page fifty-seven."

Cinnamon hung in the still air. The sunrise shone through the room's sole window onto Nerai's face. His ears twitched. His fingers cramped from all the writing. "Like... this?" he asked, and he polished the edge of the summoning circle with his chalk. The dragon then turned to the plush which sat on the table a few feet away.

The plush huffed and said, "No, no, you did it wrong. The spiral goes clockwise, not counter-clockwise. Do it again."

Nerai sighed and wiped sweat off his forehead. He then stooped down, rubbing away the chalk with a clenched fist. He snarled, "I'm doing my best, you know. I'm not exactly a summoner by trade."

Kazimir chuckled from within the plush. "Right," they said, "You're an amateur magician who's using dollar store sidewalk chalk to summon a demon. Good job."

"I could really do without the condescension," Nerai snapped, and began again. One arc, two, three. His palm then traveled over the last arc of the spiral and curled its end to a finish. "There. Clockwise," he said, and stepped back. "Is that it? Are we done?"

Kazimir hummed, inspecting the circle from their vantage point on the table. "Yes," they said. "It should be fine."

"Good," Nerai replied. The dragon stretched his back and cracked his knuckles. Squatting down for hours sucked. He then shook his hands in anticipation, hyping himself up. "I'm the demon master. The master of demons. I can do this. I can do this..."

"You know, I never knew a dragon could be such a dork," Kazimir teased. "And I still don't understand why you need to summon another demon. Am I not enough for you?"

Nerai rolled his eyes. He said, "As much as I've loved the results of our deal, I can't really do much more with you bound to this plush. But I also can't take you out, because...well...you'll just take back your powers. So, I need a new demon to make deals with."

"So you're just going to try and manipulate another demon with a one-sided deal? What, are you just going to keep trapping demons and keeping our powers afterward? That's a very silly plan. Someone's bound to catch on," Kazimir remarked.

Nerai scowled. "Your whole business model is fucking over mortals with one-sided deals. So don't judge me for doing the same to your kind for once."

"Aggressive," Kazimir said, and sighed. "Fine. Go ahead. Open the portal. But I guarantee, this won't end how you think it will."

The dragon smirked. "It'll work," he said. "I'll make sure of it." He reached into his pocket and grasped his wooden silencing charm, then hung it around the plush's neck. "This should keep you quiet," he said, and frowned. "Sorry to use another charm on you, but I can't have you gabbing about my plan once the demon arrives."

Nerai then revealed a pin from his pocket and held it over a lit candle at the edge of the circle. He said, "If I can trick one demon, I can trick others. Just watch." The dragon then pierced the scales of his index finger with the hot pin, allowing a single drop of his blood to dribble into the middle of the summoning circle.

"Here we go."

Just like the first time, the sigils of the summoning circle vibrated. The concentric circles of chalk spun faster and faster, the inner circle turning pitch black and bubbling like a witch's cauldron. The floorboards creaked, the room shook. But Nerai didn't care. This room had been ruined by Kazimir coming through anyway.

A clawed hand then emerged from the tar-like pool, grasping its edge and lifting itself outward. First, a matted head of hair perforated by sharp horns. Then, a pair of glowing emerald eyes followed by a goat-like snout and thin shoulders. Nerai yawned. Honestly, the whole ordeal was scarier the first time.

The figure then fully emerged from the tar and clacked its hooves on the wooden floorboards. They stood upright, sniffing the air and focusing their piercing gaze on Nerai. As expected, the demon stood a full foot taller than the dragon. Their thin, toned body was clad in violet, a frilly top just barely obscuring their breasts. A long, flowing lavender skirt reached down to their calves, showing off their mocha-colored fur.

"I'm sensing strange energies from this place," the demon said. They stared unblinking at Nerai. "Why have you summoned me?"

Nerai's legs shook, but he managed to stand his ground. The wooden binding charm rattled in his right pocket. He needed to make a deal with the demon, then trap it in an inanimate object. Same as Kazimir. If everything went right, he could harness their power without any repercussions.

He extended an empty palm toward the demon. "My name is Nerai," he said. "I've summoned you to make a deal."

The demon tilted their head, gingerly shaking the dragon's clawed hand. "A deal," they repeated. "Unorthodox to make deals with lust demons, but I'm open to it. My name is Niya." They then pulled their hand away, leaning it on their side and thrusting their hip outward. They asked, "So, what did you have in mind?"

"I'd like to sell my body to you in exchange for magical powers," he said, trying desperately to maintain his composure. "I'm a magician. And I've been trying to make my performances more... convincing. You could help me with that. If I could just use some real magic, audiences would love me."

Niya looked around the room, as if searching for something. "Okay," they said. "And in return, I get to have sex with you whenever I want."

"Y-yes," Nerai said. He moved his claws over the binding charm. "And I know dragons are valuable to you folk. You could use me as a conduit or... whatever. I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes." He sighed, centering himself. "So, what do you think?"

Silence. Nerai stared intently at Niya's muzzle, but the demon refused to make eye contact. They simply gazed away, uninterested, until their eyes fell upon Kazimir's plush.

Niya said, "See, the thing is, Nerai... you already have magic powers. Pretty strong, too. I can sense it." Their gaze then snapped toward the dragon. They growled, "So I know you're lying to me."

"R-right," Nerai said. His legs squirmed. "I already have _some_powers. But I, um, want more. To make things more convincing."

Niya laughed. They flashed a smug grin. "Lying. Again. You don't need any more powers, Nerai." They turned toward the plush doll and continued, "Demons aren't stupid. I can smell your scam from a mile away." They then calmly inspected the silencing charm which wrapped around Kazimir's neck. Fuck.

"I can sense another demon in this room with us," Niya said. "Now, I wonder why you wouldn't want them to speak up. Let's have a word with them, shall we?"

Nerai's eyes widened. He lurched toward the doll. "W-wait, you don't have to-"

It was too late. Niya had already ripped off the silencing charm. They held the plush in their palm.

Kazimir cleared their throat. Their voice emanated from the doll. "Good to see you again, Niya. Your grip is just as tight as I remember."

Niya covered their mouth with their paw, taken aback. "K-Kazimir? So this is where you've been. The council has been worried sick!"

The plush chuckled. They said, "There's no need to worry, dear. I'm safe. But I've missed stretching my legs. Mind freeing me?"

Nerai's mind raced. He stood affixed to the side, watching the scene unfold. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He never anticipated that Niya would sense Kazimir's presence. Or his powers, for that matter.

There was still a way out of this. If he could just convince Niya to shake his hand and touch the binding charm, he might have a chance...

"W-wait!" Nerai raised his hands. His jaw trembled. "Niya, wait. I have an even better deal for you. You don't have to give me any powers at all. I'll give my body to you for free. No strings attached. That good?"

Niya paused. Embers flashed within their eyes. Their snarl revealed a set of razor-sharp teeth. "I specialize in hypnotic magic," they said. "But it doesn't take a professional to see through your desperate ploy. You will die by my hand today."

The demon then snapped, and the plush disintegrated in their palm. A plume of smoke arose from its ashes and took Kazimir's form. Their body remained the same as when it had entered the doll: wide hips, plush thighs, voluptuous breasts, and soot-colored fur. A low, gravelly voice sang from their maw as their gaze met Niya's.

"Ah, sweet release!" Kazimir raised their paws above themselves, giving their arms a stretch. "God, I've missed having a physical form. It feels strange to breathe again."

Niya's expression softened as they stared at Kazimir. Their arm reached out and grabbed Kazimir's shoulder, ruffling their soft fur. Tears welled at the corners of their eyes.

"Dear...I'm so glad to see you again," Niya said. "I-I thought I lost you." The couple then fell into each others' embrace. Kazimir's smokey scent enveloped Niya, making the demon squeeze their lover harder.

Kazimir chuckled. "Don't be so sentimental, Niya. You know I wouldn't let myself be taken down by some mortal," they said.

Niya grinned. "I can't help but worry about you!" they cooed. They kissed Kazimir. "Everyone's going to be so happy to see you again."

Terror rose to Nerai's face. He hadn't just kidnapped a demon. He'd angered an army of them. His heart pounded. Acid rose in his throat. He took one step backward, then another, his eyes focusing on the door. Maybe if he just made a run for it, he could -

The door's lock suddenly clicked. Niya's head then snapped in Nerai's direction. Their expression hardened once more. Their fists clenched. Their teeth bared. Their hooves clacked on the floor as they slowly neared the dragon, hackles raised. "You can't imagine the harm you've caused," Niya said. They pointed at Nerai's chest. "You will burn."

Nerai panicked. He fell on his ass, scooting away from the towering figure. His tail dragged pathetically across the floor. "W-wait! I had no clue you were searching for Kazimir! If I knew, I would've -"

"Silence!" Niya stood directly above Nerai now, staring down at the mortal. Their chest heaved with fury. "You should've stayed in your place. Die. Now." And they raised their fingers, ready to snap.

Tears welled in Nerai's eyes. He closed his eyes, cowering on the floor. He never imagined he'd die so early. The moment lasted an eternity. "I'm sorry," the dragon said, but Niya didn't respond. And so, he waited for the flames.

And waited.

And waited.

But death didn't come. He slowly opened his eyes, gazing upward at Niya in petrified silence. Kazimir's black nails curled around their shoulder from behind. Niya bit their lip, their hand shaking.

"Niya, this isn't wise," Kazimir said.

Niya didn't turn from Nerai. Their voice quivered. "He tried to kill you. What would you have me do?" they asked.

Kazimir rounded Niya, putting themselves between Niya and Nerai. They held Niya's hands.

"He never attempted to kill me. This boy is just a con artist, plain and simple. And he is worth much more to us alive," Kazimir said. They then walked to Nerai, helping the dragon to his feet. Nerai stared at Niya's bloodthirsty scowl, unable to speak.

Kazimir continued, "You sense the energy from him too. Nerai has potential, more than most other dragons. The council may even take an interest in him, if only as a conduit."

Niya scrunched their nose. "We can't introduce a con artist to the council," they snapped.

"We can if his powers are strong enough," Kazimir shot back.

Niya gazed at Kazimir. They lowered their hands. "You care for him, don't you?" they asked.

Kazimir nodded. "Yes, I do. And I won't apologize for it."

Exasperated, Niya shot a glance at Nerai. Their gaze pierced the dragon's soul. A shiver ran down his spine. The demon then sighed and stood face-to-face with him.

Niya said through gritted teeth, "I've decided to let you live, Nerai. If only because Kazimir cares for you. But if you attempt to deceive me again, you will not be so lucky."

Nerai grinned nervously. "O-of course. I'm sorry," he sputtered. "It'll never happen again. I promise."

Kazimir then walked to Nerai's side, placing a hand on his shoulder. They traced their nails along his scales. The demon smirked and said, "You know, Niya, if you're unsure about his power... we could give him a test before delivering him to the council. I think that ought to convince you."

"Test...?" Nerai echoed.

Niya looked askance, thinking about the proposition. A moment of silence. They then turned back.

"Let's test him, then," they said. "But if he is subpar, I will kill him."

Kazimir grinned. "Then I promise he won't disappoint," they said.

Watching this unfold, Nerai gingerly raised his hand. "Um, what's a... test?" he asked.

A smirk flashed on Kazimir's maw. They raised their paw and snapped, sending their and Niya's clothes into a plume of ash. When the smoke cleared, the demons stood naked in front of Nerai, staring down at him with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

"O-oh. This kind of test," Nerai said. He puffed out his chest, adjusting to the sudden shift from mortal terror to arousal. "Yeah, I can do this. I've been training with Kazimir for two years, after all."

Niya smirked. They said, "Things will be a bit different this time. I am going to use hypnosis to assess your power."

Nerai blushed. He said, "Ah, hypnosis. Sure. So, when does that begin...?"

"Now," Niya commanded. And they snapped their fingers, plunging the dragon into a suggestive state.

As the snap met Nerai's ears, he was suddenly struck with vertigo. The room spun, as if he was being ripped from his body. The feeling then quickly receded, leaving his mind in a murky haze. His consciousness blurred, but didn't entirely fade. In the blink of an eye, he had become a guest in his own body. His posture straightened itself. His eyes stared half-lidded at his captors.

Niya smiled and snapped once more, setting Nerai's clothes ablaze. Strangely, the flames only lapped gently at his scales, burning the cloth and sparing his body. Within a few moments, the dragon stood bare.

"I see why you like him," Niya said. "His body isn't too bad for a mortal vessel."

Nerai stared from within himself as Niya inspected his figure. Niya's body was lean, tall, and muscular. Thick tendons visibly rippled under the fur of their legs and arms. Their limbs were lithe and toned, their breasts round and smaller than Kazimir's. Their teeth, however, were notably sharper. A small goat tail flitted above their thick ass.

Nerai's gaze then turned to the demon's package. A thick cock dangled between their robust thighs, covered by a thick plume of mocha-colored fur. The spaded tip of their cock emerged shyly from its chocolate sheath, glints of red and pink meeting Nerai's tired eyes. Niya's testicles were similarly large, hanging low and covered in warm matted fur.

Niya licked their lips in anticipation and ordered, "Get to work."

Nerai felt his legs weaken and give out. He attempted to resist, but his efforts were futile. He fell forward onto his knees and, as if Niya had whispered a command in his ear, salivated at the sight of their cock. He moved himself closer to it, pressing his muzzle against its base and inhaling its scent. Clove, leather, and freshly cut wood mingled in his nostrils. He then pressed his snout flush against their pubic fur, moaning as he smelled their intense musk.

"Enough smelling," Niya commanded. "Prove your worth."

Without question, Nerai took the tip of Niya's cock in his mouth. It was bigger than Kazimir's, laden with thick veins and a round, flaring glans. The dragon cradled it lovingly in his maw, tracing his soft tongue along its ridges and feeling its tip throb against his palate. A stifled moan sounded from his maw. Warm breath flowed from his nostrils along Niya's shaft.

Niya hummed happily, running their fingers along Nerai's hair. "Hmm. He's doing well," they said.

Grinning, Kazimir wrapped their arm around Niya's thin waist and pulled the demon into their clutch. They then plunged their tongue into Niya's maw, groaning in pleasure as if this kiss was their first. Niya's back muscles shifted and tensed in that oh-so familiar way in reaction to Kazimir's embrace. Niya gently caressed Kazimir's breasts in return, savoring every moan and gasp. The demons' tongues danced together as they lovingly embraced, finally reunited.

Niya pulled themselves away. For only a moment, they stared into Kazimir's eyes.

"I love you." And their maws entwined once more.

Nerai felt himself getting hard as he witnessed the two lovers kiss. It was thrilling, seeing someone he cared for so happy. Through the haze of his fractured consciousness, he felt his chest flutter. His whole body shuddered in pleasure. Something in him had broken wide open. Feelings he had repressed came flooding back into his mind.

The dragon then pressed Niya deeper inside himself, filling his entire maw with their flesh and pressing their sheath back with his lips. Salty precum graced the back of his throat and slid down into his stomach, spurting from Niya with each twitch of their dick. He then wrapped his arms around their ass, hugging his maw as close as he could to Niya's base. Their cock plunged deep down his throat, causing his entire body to tingle.

"He's good," Niya remarked. "You've trained him well, Kazimir."

Kazimir scoffed. "I've done nothing. The boy's lust is simply comparable to ours."

Internally, Nerai chuckled at the thought of his horniness rivaling a lust demon's.

But his mouth was too full of cock to speak.

Niya then began to hump Nerai's maw, forming a steady rhythm as they used his mouth. The dragon didn't sputter. His nose pressed against Niya's sheath again and again as he tensed his throat against their shaft. Niya's hypnosis clouded Nerai's mind with pleasure. Each thrust, each quiver of Niya's cock made Nerai's body melt. Every word which flowed from the demons' mouths filled him with lust. He felt himself leak onto the floor as he savored Niya's moans.

Niya's arms tensed. They gripped Nerai's horns and used them to fuck the dragon's maw. "Getting close?" Kazimir teased.

"Maybe if you kiss me," Niya responded.

Kazimir's lips then met Niya's as they toyed with Niya's nipples. The overstimulation spurred Niya to moan into their lover's mouth, butterflies filling the demon's tummy. Being pleasured by a beautiful demon and a draconic cocksleeve... it was the best sex Niya had experienced in years. Their abdomen tensed up. Their little tail wagged.

"I'm done being gentle. Let's see how much you can take, boy," Niya snarled, and stayed themselves inside Nerai's maw. Their glans rested inside Nerai's throat, causing a small bulge to emerge on the outside of his neck. And yet, Nerai still didn't sputter. His eyes simply stared up at Niya, half-lidded and clouded with devotion. Niya couldn't help but think the dragon was adorable. The thought of inseminating the boy made them shiver. His gaze sent Niya spiraling. Their dick flared inside of Nerai, pushing against the walls of his throat. Fuck. They couldn't resist anymore.

A deep, guttural groan came from Niya's maw. Their cock flared deep inside Nerai as their body shook in pleasure. Waves of seed exploded into the dragon's tummy, and Nerai swallowed it effortlessly. He whimpered as he milked Niya for their cum, completely enraptured by the demon's taste.

Niya breathed heavily and chuckled. "I haven't came that hard in years," they said between gasps. "The dragon is impressive."

"I told you he's something special," Kazimir affirmed. "Ready for some more fun?"

Niya grinned. "Of course I am," they said, and pulled themselves from Nerai's maw. A trail of cum stretched from the tip of their cock to the dragon's lips. Nerai greedily lapped at it, relishing every drop of his mistress's love.

"Lay down," Niya ordered, and snapped once more. Smoke arose between their thighs, shrouding their privates. When the smoke disappeared, there remained a vulva where their penis once sat. "I'm not satisfied yet," they growled.

Nerai whined and laid himself on his back, his tongue lolling mindlessly from his maw. His breathing was labored. Every touch sent his mind into a frenzy. Even the feeling of the floor against his scales made him shiver.

"You've really entranced him," Kazimir teased. They stepped above the dragon and positioned themselves above Nerai's cock, grazing it against their sheath.

"I have," Niya teased. They then walked beside Nerai and stepped over him, sitting lightly on his chest. Their vulva was surrounded by a thick plume of brown fur, its pink insides peeking from within. The dragon's vision was completely obscured by the demonic behemoth.

"You're going to pleasure both of us now," Niya commanded. "Try to keep up, mortal."

And with that, Niya laid themselves on top of Nerai's maw. The boy could breathe, albeit hardly. Their vision, their smell, their taste... it was all overwhelmed by Niya. The same pungent scent of leather and musk filled his nostrils, this time accompanied by a trickle of feminine lust slipping across his tongue.

Nerai lapped at the outside of their spade, working his way from bottom to top. Niya quivered as the dragon's split tongue rubbed itself on the periphery of their clit, harshly gripping his arms to hold themselves up.

"Go now," they ordered.

Nerai reeled momentarily in confusion before a new sensation greeted him - moist warmth had completely enveloped his dick. Kazimir's familiar moans greeted his ears.

"Oh. Just as I remember," Kazimir teased as they grinded on Nerai's groin. "I've missed riding you like this, Nerai. You don't mind if I use you, do you?"

Nerai moaned. Fuck. Being used like this by two demons... he knew he wouldn't last long. But he'd been so thoroughly drugged by Niya that he had no choice but to obey.

The dragon abruptly slipped his tongue inside Niya's sheath, coating himself in their lust. He slithered himself far inside their pussy and pressed toward their tummy, tensing himself the best he could. Niya's body froze.

"A-a prehensile tongue," Niya sputtered. They bit their lip as their hips uncontrollably ground on Nerai's maw. "I forgot you dragons are... mmmph..." A gasp escaped their lips as they felt themselves filled by Nerai. The dragon's tongue danced inside them, pushing itself against their walls in time with the demon's thrusts.

At the same time, Kazimir tensed around Nerai's cock. They laughed at the silly little dragon as they tortured him. Could he really focus on Niya and receive pleasure at the same time? The answer was, of course, yes; but Kazimir loved seeing the boy struggle.

"Getting close, Nerai? I don't think you're alone," Kazimir teased. "I already see Niya's arms tensing up."

"Wh-whose side are you on?" Niya snapped, not ceasing her humping. They gasped and grasped Nerai's scaled arms harder. "F-fuck. Nerai. Mmmmmph." Intrusive thoughts flooded their mind. Perhaps they'd underestimated this mortal after all. He emitted thaumaturgical potential, sure, but there remained something else there. He was lustful, like a demon himself.

Niya thrust themselves harshly onto Nerai's maw. Fuck it. If Nerai survived being drowned in their cum twice, he might be worth bringing to the council.

The demon's tummy tightened as Nerai licked their insides, the base of his tongue

grazing their clit. Their chest fluttered. Their thighs rippled as they tightly straddled Nerai's chest. Niya's heart pounded in their chest, their breathing harsh and erratic. With one final push, they pressed themselves fully onto Nerai's maw. They squealed and threw their head backward as their chocolate fur suffocated Nerai, sending waves of cum onto his face.

Nerai's mind melted as the overwhelming scent of Niya's lust overtook him. The lack of oxygen made his mind hazy. His heart raced. He couldn't hold back anymore. Kazimir's pussy felt way too good. In one last show of strength, he shoved himself upward into Kazimir as cum erupted from his cock. A muffled whine sounded from beneath Niya's thighs.

"Niya, you're suffocating him," Kazimir said.

Niya sighed. "R-right," they said, and lifted themselves from Nerai's maw. His face was dazed, covered completely in cum. His maw was agape, his eyes glazed over, his face red.

"Well, he's still breathing. So that's good," Niya said.

A moment of silence. Nerai's cum leaked inside Kazimir as they waited for him to gain his bearings. After a minute, Kazimir slowly stood and walked to Niya, the boy's seed leaking from between their legs. "So, do you think he should see the council?" they asked.

Niya sighed. They shifted their feet and stared at the prone dragon on the floor. He remained in a subdued haze.

"Yes," Niya said. "As loath as I am to admit it, I agree that he's special. I don't think the council should miss out on this." And they looked at Kazimir.

"Let's make this boy a real demon."