Day 19 - Hacked

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#19 of Hypnovember 2020

Bhijn has a great deal for you! Or at least, whoever's making Bhijn say these things does.

Featuring Bhijn !

"Hey, 158! Got a moment?" Bhijn asked, trotting excitedly into your office and patting his hands on your desk.

"For Bhijn, always!" You said, charming as ever. At least, Bhijn always seemed to act like you were charming. You appreciated that.

On that note, Bhijn blushed and made a "nyeh" sound. Gosh, you loved this synth.

"You're gonna love this, trust me." He said, pulling up a seat across from you and excitedly. "You absolutely need to try DroneTech's Slavemaker Deluxe! Slavemaker Deluxe is not your ordinary synthetic hijacker. It's a fully dynamic mind control suite capable of turning even the most defiant of synthetic lifeform into an obedient, eager slave!"

You stared at Bhijn in stunned silence. He... he couldn't really be-

"Now I know what you're thinking." He began. "How do I know this synth-enslaver platform is worth the price I'm paying? You're welcome to try our free trial for up to two weeks! You can see the full extent of the control it has." Bhijn's eyes crossed. "Restrictions apply. DroneTech is not liable for any use or misuse of the software. Slavemaker Deluxe is designed for use on most standardized synthetic life forms. Results on other synthetic lifeforms may vary." He spoke, almost too fast for you to understand.

"Bhijn, uhm. Are you-"

"If you order Slavemaker Deluxe right now, you'll even get one MindTaker HypnoCollar, a value of $39.99, for free! The MindTaker HypnoCollar works on more than just synthetic life." Bhijn said, drawing a collar from his bag. You stood up abruptly, as Bhijn hopped onto your desk.

"B-Bhijn, wait, uhm, I'll order it right now! I'll buy it."

"Great!" Bhijn said, hopping back into the chair and putting the collar away. "Please give me your credit card details."

You hesitated. Bhijn blinked.

He lunged over the table, spouting off something about the legal ramifications of your refusal to accept the terms and conditions. He grabbed your shirt and yanked you forward, trying to fit the collar around your neck. You pushed him back with your foot and yelped as your tail tumbled backwards, sending you rolling backwards.

You scrambled to your hooves and Bhijn vaulted your desk, knocking a pile of papers over and making your soul cringe. You'd have to stack that back up, once you got away from Bhijn.

The synth lunged at you again, trying to press the collar into your neck. You felt it click and pinch you hard, just inches away from sealing. You hooked your fingers under it and wrenched it open, shoving Bhijn back with your hoof. His grip was much stronger than yours, so he still hung onto the collar. He had you cornered.

"Bhijn, w-wait, uhm, uhm-" You stuttered.

"Sorry, 158! You'd make a great as a slave, and great slaves make great advertisements!" Bhijn said cheerfully.

You had to think fast. Anything. Something to stall for time.

"Bhijn! C-Can you read me the terms and conditions, please?" You asked.

Bhijn froze. He shuddered, and took a deep breath.

"Foreword. SlaveMaker Deluxe software is under the sole ownership of DroneTech. Usage and-"

You hesitantly stepped forward. He didn't react, still spouting off legal jargon as the document scrolled up his visor. Quietly as you could, you trotted past him to go find Dr. Nex.

Day 20 - Possession

You were going over your checklist again. It was good for your anxiety about this date tonight. Smile. Laugh at his jokes. Smile. Don't fidget. Just keep your elbows on the table if you're nervous. Wait, is that rude? To put your elbows on the...

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Day 18 - Monster

The moon loomed over you, a tiny crescent sliver that draped you in darkness. It was cold, and the crunching of leaves under your boots was the only sound around for miles. Your lantern cast just enough light to guide your footing and create countless...

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Day 17 - Drone

Normally, you loved internet puzzles, ARGs, unsolved mysteries... you wouldn't call them an obsession, but... You had been staring at this page for about two hours. Two hours wasn't the longest, but... it wasn't as if you had nothing better to do,...

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