The Worst...

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Some days you just can't win, can you Spooks? I wanted to write something self-indulgent, and this was the result. Hope you all enjoy~

The worst days always seemed to start with the phrase 'Is that so?' In retrospect, maybe he shouldn't have been so difficult, but in his defense, he was tired of constantly being treated like glass. It was a pain to have to go through the same routine every day or week... Still, Spooks realized that he'd rather that than this... Normally, the darkness surrounding the sickly white and black cat wouldn't bother him so much, but knowing what lurked inside of it was currently making him quite uncomfortable. "For fucks sake, I know you're there..."

"Now, now, Little One, lets not start with that language...~" He ground his teeth in response to the overly saccharine voice. The next hour was going to be utter hell, but there was no point fighting it. Grim had made this box to contain him at his worst, and he was far from bursting with magic today. With his colorless eye still covered by his bandage disguise, that left only his bright orange eye to scan for whatever was surely about to spring out at him. It wouldn't long...

Sure enough, the floor suddenly gave way beneath him, but before he could even begin to panic, something had already scooped him up. Whatever currently cradled his body was soft, quite plushy, in fact. Under less stressful situations, he might have allowed himself to get comfortable. However, as a hand seemed to phase in from seemingly nowhere that thought flew right out the figurative window, and he tried to grab it, only for a new pair to restrain him, instead.

"Shit..." He released his frustration with a rough sigh as he was slowly being stripped. There really was no point in fighting this...

"Easy, now; it's not so bad~" His maw curled in disgust.

This thing had always treated him like a child, and knowing that it was held together and powered by Grim's magic only made him question what she thought of him deep down... He could handle being cared for; Spooks realized full-well that he needed help some days, and again that it was therapeutic for Grim to be the one to see to him, but this was just fucking overkill... Still, there was no point in bargaining, either. Literally all he could do was take it as it came. He pulled in a deep breath and tried to just shut off. In truth, he almost had, but as his newsboy hat was pulled off to reveal his short horns, and the bandages covering his 'good' eye were removed, discomfort set in again. Now Spooks felt cold and truly naked. Surely she wouldn't force him to summon his wings as well...right...? It seemed less and less likely as the hands forced his arms down to his sides, and the plushy surface he'd been laying on wrapped around his body.

Now thoroughly cocooned, the voice began to coo at him again, "Alright, how about some formula to start, while I get your bath ready, hmmn~?" He wasn't given the option to respond as a baby bottle headed strait for his face. He did, however, turn his head in attempt to avoid it. 'This isn't funny, Grim...' he mentally growled, monochrome tail twitching irritably beneath his thick, blanket-like confinement.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small, circular, wooden bathtub form out of the abyss and begin filling with water and foam, making good on J.O.Y.'s 'threat'. Pure and simple, this was the worst kind of torture... He'd drink the awful-tasting liquid out of a cup of his own volition... Hell, he wouldn't like it, but he'd take a syringe to this... Bottles were reserved for Grim on days he just couldn't handle anything else...

It wasn't long before yet another hand extended to hold his face still, and he was chided once more, "Oh, now Sweetheart, I know it's not the best tasting thing in the world, but all the nutrients are so good for you~ Can't you be a good boy for me, and open up~?"

His black, fluffy ears pinned all the way back in protest, but he said nothing. Spooks knew a trap when he saw one, and besides, he refused to acknowledge the feminine voice until it stopped treating him this way - which, of course, he knew it wouldn't. As the seconds ticked by, an uncomfortable feeling began to gnaw at the small feline; something had to give. It always did, and he wasn't exactly able to be the dominant one in this situation...

As if in response to his thoughts, J.O.Y. sighed softly, "Alright, then; how about we get your temperature, first, then...~?"

'Oh, god...' Another reason he knew Grim had to somehow be in control of this horrible thing was because, if for some reason, he found a way of blocking something it wanted, it would find a way to 'cheat' - just like she always did. This was no exception...

The blanket around his lower legs loosened just enough for a pair of hands to take hold of his ankles and force them together, then the cocoon loosened a bit more so that they could lift them up and back, towards his chest. Embarrassed heat spread across Spooks' face as he realized what he had gotten himself into, but he tried to focus it into rage. 'Fuck you, Grim...'

"FUC-!" There had been no warning what so ever - intentionally, he was sure - and as the thermometer was pushed into his rectum, the bottle was forced into his mouth, mid-expletive. His body shivered uncomfortably as the watery, unpalatable liquid touched his tongue.

"There now, that's better~"

He wanted to scream. 'She better fucking hope that I'm still tapped out by the time I get out of here, or so fucking help her ass...' He would be, and they both knew it, but he was angry enough to hope, for once. Spooks sucked the vile concoction down as quickly as he could, and prayed it would stay down; tasting it once was bad enough.

"Let's see, now...~" He felt the thermometer being removed, and exhaled through his nose with relief. "Mmmn~ Well, it looks like you're temperature's normal; that's very good~"

'No bloody, fuckin' way...' As if that would have come as a surprise...

The instant he'd finished the bottle it was removed from his maw along with the blanket holding him still. Now he found himself being lifted by the scruff and carried towards the bath, which he was unceremoniously plopped into. To be fair, he didn't hate baths when they were done properly...but this whole situation was just agony; the soap suds were around his shoulders for fuck's sake! But before he could voice any complaints he was assaulted from all sides. Warm water poured down over his head from a bucket that had poofed in out of nowhere, and it seemed like ten hands - each with a soapy brush - all began to vigorously scrub every inch of his body save for his face and nether regions...which he suspected would get some sort of - just as uncomfortable - special detailing...

The instant he started to protest, a fresh pair of hands grabbed his wrists again. "GRAH! KNOCK IT OFF!"

"Shhh, Spooks-Honey, just be still for me; you're almost done~" The pleasant tone of voice was somehow all the more irritating. Unlike Grim, it wouldn't verbally fight back when he got nasty; it just continued to treat him like a spoiled kitten at the vet for a checkup. If he'd had the energy to do so, he would have given Cartel a run for his money and flailed. Unfortunately, he didn't, but as always, J.O.Y. was truthful, and soon all but four of the hands disappeared.

He was still being held still by one pair, but the other split, and one hand now gently cupped his chin, while the other used a soft washcloth to clean his face. J.O.Y. moved along at a decent pace, and it wasn't long before his ears were carefully washed as well, despite trying to move them out of the way. That only left one thing...

Promptly, he was stood up, his arms now being held just above his elbows. Spooks twisted as best he could to watch the hand with the washcloth move behind him - there would be no surprises this time - but it was gentle as it cleaned him; the only discomfort this time coming from the lack of consent. Finally, the hand worked its way towards his front, and its mate gently took hold of his shaft, causing him to pull in a short breath. Spooks would readily admit that he was unused to being touched by anyone other than Grim, so the foreign sensation of this intruder was annoying, but also mildly stimulating...especially as it began to gently wash his privates.

His dark brows furrowed as he could do nothing but watch. Just about the time he thought he might be able to start enjoying the bath, it was promptly stopped, and he was yet again doused with water from above. Grim was definitely still in control... Spooks wasted no time in spitting out the soapy residue that had managed to get inside his mouth, "Could you fucking warn me next time...?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sweetheart; I didn't realize your mouth was open~ I'll make a note to warn you next time~"

Sure it would... 'Bullshit...'

With his bath apparently finished, the water swiftly drained, and he was speedily dried off with a towel before he could get too cold, and then blow-dried. Looking down at himself, Spooks suddenly remembered why he hated the blow-dryer - It was humiliating to be this fluffy... Fortunately - or unfortunately - he was then brushed, which allowed his fur to become much more tolerable. The tub was then removed, and he was laid on his back. With a sigh, he accepted his fate. There was only one reason Grim ever laid him on his back after a bath - "the works".

In quick succession, he was lotioned, powdered, and then towel-fluffed again. His claws were then neatly trimmed, his ears were carefully swabbed, and his teeth were properly brushed. And while he thought that should just about be the end of this misery, Spooks was wrong.

Once again, his ankles were lifted, and a soft, thick all-in-one was then placed under his rear. He was used to being diapered before bed most nights, and he understood why, but this was a ritual he and Grim alone shared, and he'd suffered enough humiliation already. Twisting his upper body, Spooks tried to free himself, but a hand was gently placed against his stomach, and a new pair held his wrists to the floor just above his head. "I know, Baby, but you're almost done~ Just be nice and still~"

That same, uncomfortable heat from earlier began to spread across his face again as he was forced to remain still and be diapered. All he could do was grind his teeth in irritation as J.O.Y. coated his genitals in rash preventative and talcum powder before sliding the - admittedly soft - cloth up, between his legs, and snap it into place. It was only then that he was allowed to sit up, which he did without any indication. Before he could move too much, however, a thick, light-blue ribbon was tied into a bow around his neck - an indication to him that this torture was done, and to Grim that he was clean. Finally.

One of his long-sleeved, white shirts was then pulled over his head, and the annoying voice started into him again, "You did very well, Spooks; I'm sure Grim will be very happy with you~"

"Just open the damn door..." J.O.Y. only chuckled in response, but did as it had been ordered to, this time. Ears pinned back, the small feline wasted no time in exiting the awful void, only to find himself face to face with the very person he wasn't sure he wanted to see...

His tail thumped the floor loudly as it flicked back and forth, "What do you want now, Grim...?"

Taking a step closer, the tuxedo cat adjusted his bow, "All cleaned up now, are we...~?" He slapped her hand away, and for a moment she looked hurt, but that expression was quickly replaced with a more understanding one, "Oh, now, Spooks-Honey..." Crossing both arms over his chest, Spooks turned away from his partner, his tail now curling around his lower legs, defensively.

It wasn't long before he felt her arms wrapping around his middle, and her lips pressed to the back of his head, "No matter what..." she began softly, "...I will always love you..." He felt her rough tongue gently groom the back of his head, "...but need to understand that your words do have consequences...even with me..." Her long, prehensile tail moved to coil around his, hugging it almost.

For a long moment, the pair was quiet before a soft purr began to emanate from behind him and Grim's calm voice broke the silence, " I still really that bad...?"

With a long sigh, he finally relaxed against her and slid his hands down to entangle with hers, "The worst...but as long as it's you...I'm okay with that..." They shared a brief nuzzle until she nipped at one of his ears and pulled back. As Spooks turned to question her, however, he saw her tilt her head toward the bedroom door, and he immediately understood her meaning. Tiredly, but with a much more comfortable heat crossing his features, he followed after her, his tail swaying with contentment as he closed the bedroom door behind the two of them and tottered toward the bed.