[COMM] Growing Issues

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Story Summary: A dragoness and typhlosion couple try out some growth and transformation potions together in their apartment.

Word Count: 17012

This was a fun story to make, commissioned by LunaTheEndlessWitch! It features her characters Luna the dragoness, and Veria the typhlosion.

It feels like most stories I do are related to growth / hyper, but I'm not complaining. They're fun as hell to do, especially when it goes as wild as this story did- not to mention when other fun kinks like multi genitals are brought in. I never thought I'd see a story, or even art, that featured someone with thirty balls or sixteen dicks, let alone it being something I made myself. It was very fun to do~

Tags: typhlosion, pokemon, dragoness, herm, lactating, milk, cum, hyper, hyper pussy, hyper asshole, hyper balls, hyper penis, hyper breasts, excessive cum, excessive pussy juice, excessive milk, flooding, nipple penetration, multi dicks, multi breasts, multi balls

One afternoon Veria the typhlosion was sitting in her apartment, only brought out of her reading trance by a sudden knock at the door. She looked down at herself, still wearing nothing but her pajamas- just a comfy t-shirt and her underwear- and hoping that it was someone she knew at the door. "Uh, just give me a minute!" She shouted, putting her book down and rushing to the door.

She looked through the peephole on the door, letting out a relieved sigh once she saw it was only her roommate, Luna, holding a large parcel. "You uh, gonna unlock the door? My hands are a bit full." The dragoness asked, staring back at the peephole. "O-oh, yeah. Sorry. Welcome home." The typhlosion laughed nervously, unlocking the door and opening it before stepping back. Luna pushed the door open, stepping inside and closing the door behind her, walking right by the pokemon and carefully setting her parcel down on the kitchen counter. Veria stood by her, hands behind her back and her cheeks tinted red. "So.. what's in the box?" She asked, staring up at her draconian roommate. While both of them were quite tall, the typhlosion was still a few inches shorter.

Luna laughed in response, giving the smaller female a gentle pet on the head. "Well I can't tell you just yet, can I? That'd ruin all the fun." She chuckled, picking up the box again and heading towards her bedroom. "Don't worry, you'll get to find out later. Just relax for now, you definitely won't want to be tense for this." She teased, Veria's blush growing as she struggled to find words to respond with. The two of them weren't dating, but were quite a bit closer than most friends were, in more than a few ways. More often than not, they slept together instead of apart in their own bedrooms. Still, she did as asked, getting herself a hot drink and sitting back on the couch, relaxing as much as she could with the intense suspense.

It felt like hours passed while she waited, resisting the temptation to go peep on her roommate, shifting around in her seat. Really, only a few minutes had passed since the dragoness had even come home, but it still felt like far too long for Veria. She nearly lept out of her seat when she heard the bedroom door opening, closing her book and sitting up expectantly. She wasn't disappointed as the dragoness stepped into view, wearing nothing but some tight-fitting, black lingerie that barely hid a thing. Her bra barely hid more than her nipples, and her panties were bulging so much with the shape of her hefty balls and still-flaccid cock that it was a miracle that they hadn't torn apart. Her own, comparably much smaller bulge twitched at the sight.

Her cheeks turned bright red, and she didn't even try to hide her staring. "O-oh my.. Is it hot in here, or is it just you..?" She tried flirting, nervously tugging at the collar of her shirt. Luna cocked a hip and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing up her bust. "You're one to talk, little miss flamey." She smirked. She knew her teasing was working, even if she wasn't trying that hard. The typhlosion's blue flames flared a bit brighter from their dim glow, if only from her embarrassment. "W-well, you, um.." She paused, taking a moment to collect herself. She kept her hands pressed over her crotch, but didn't make any real attempt to hide her blue, humanoid member as it poked out from the top of her underwear. Luna's own underwear was nearly at its limit, her more monstrous nearly springing right out.

"Does this have s-something to do with the box?" Veria asked, poking her fingers together. "Well of course it does. It's no fun if we rush through it all right away though, so.. Let's play around a bit before I bring it out here~" She reached a hand down, barely hooking a thumb in her panties before her cock flopped out, still slowly growing harder and larger with each throb. It wasn't too massive, not quite in the realm of hyper, but still big enough to put most people to shame- not to mention its thick, bulbous shape and the barbs on it. She didn't even have to ask before Veria got onto the floor, slowly shuffling over on her knees right up to the dragoness, her face inches from those cum-making factories. Before she could do anything though, she was given a little poke on the snout from Luna. "Take your glasses off. Remember how hard it was to clean them last time?" She laughed. The typhlosion huffed, taking a moment to set her glasses on a nearby table before moving back to where she was. She wouldn't need her glasses anyways, what she wanted was right in front of her.

She pulled those panties a bit further down, freeing her friend's heavy nuts and nearly drooling at the sight. She cupped those musky orbs in her hands, each one being bigger than one of her fists, leaning in and pressing her face right between them, taking a deep breath in. Even to her, a fire type, the heat coming off of them was quite incredible. She couldn't help but moan quietly, her dick fully erect and throbbing hard, having to resist the urge to touch herself. She looked up at Luna, but couldn't see much past that barbed cock. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of this view~" The dragoness chuckled, looking down at the typhlosion while she slowly stroked her own length. A thick drop of precum rolled down from her tip, dripping onto Veria's head. She didn't mind, instead taking it a step further and giving those slightly-sweaty balls a big lick. She nearly melted, her body trembling as she licked again, and again.

Luna huffed quietly, gently rocking her hips and pressing her heavy balls against that fluffy face. "You really love my balls, don't you? I can't say I blame you..~" She lifted her hips just a bit, making the typhlosion whimper as those balls were pulled away from her snout, only to be lowered back down right over her eyes. "Since you had to take your glasses off, I thought I'd help you out." The dragoness laughed, straddling Veria's face, who could hardly even hear anything between those scaly thighs. In this new position though, there was more than just the heat and musk from Luna's sack. There was the hot, arousing scent of her pussy, hidden behind her balls that were now firmly planted on Veria's muzzle. She didn't hesitate to slip her tongue out, dragging it along the dragoness' slit and making both of them shiver. She rubbed her face against those sweaty balls, precum beading on her tip without her even getting touched.

"Mmm.. you couldn't wait a second, could you? I'm not complaining, but if you won't wait then maybe I won't either." The dark dragoness huffed, slowly pulling her hips back and making sure to drag her balls against Veria's face on the way. Her eyes widened as that thick tip pressed against her lips, giving it a kiss before it was pulled away. She only watched as Luna walked back to her room and swayed her hips, her underwear barely visible on her large rump. "You go get comfy on the couch.. I think it's about time I show you what's in the box, huh~?" Veria could only give a shy little nod in response, putting a hand on her cheek and feeling the heat from her blushing. As embarrassed as she was, she still did as she was told and got up, pulling her shirt off over her head and practically tearing her undergarments right off. Feels good to be naked again. She thought to herself, relieved to finally give her privates some air.

She eagerly awaited on the couch, getting some "alone" time while she could and tending to some needs. Those needs just so happened to consist of rubbing her cock while her other hand played with her chest. She couldn't hold back her moans, closing her eyes and totally forgetting that she wasn't home alone. "You having fun?" Luna asked, one hand on her hip and the other holding onto a cardboard box underneath her arm. She was completely naked now, not that it made much of a difference. Veria made a nervous squeak as she was caught in the act, one arm hiding her chest while the other hid her crotch, her flames briefly flaring brighter. It was only after she was given a confused look that she realized what was going on, blushing more than ever as she took her hands away.

Luna rolled her eyes, casually sitting next to the typhlosion and sitting the box down in her own lap- or at least as close as she could get, with the massive junk between her thighs. The contents of the box clinked quietly, only making the pokemon even more curious about what was inside. "No point in beating around the bush anymore.." The dragoness said, opening up the box and revealing what was inside: A plastic tray containing multiple different vials, each one holding a thick-looking fluid of different colours. "Uh.. what do those do..?" Now it was Veria's turn to be confused, looking up at Luna. She took one of them out, holding the vial up to the light and swishing around the deep blue liquid inside. "I bought a set of potions online. They weren't cheap, but if they work, they'll be worth every penny and more." She smirked, putting it back in the tray.

"B-but.. What do they actually do." Veria asked. She reached over, carefully taking a vial out herself and squinting at it. It had a label, but instead of words it just had a picture of an eggplant drawn on it in sharpie. She started to understand now, huffing and putting the potion back. "They can change pretty much any 'fun' part of your body, as long as that change is making it bigger or giving you more of it. Pretty powerful stuff too, says you'd only need a few drops to double the size of your dick.. It's all permanent, of course. Wouldn't be as fun if it wasn't." Luna laughed quietly, looking over at her friend who couldn't even think of any words to respond with, stammering and mumbling as she felt herself starting to sweat. She was admittedly a bit nervous about such an idea, but she knew that she was even more excited and aroused by it.

After Veria calmed herself down a bit, Luna having patiently waited despite her own arousal, she asked something. "..C-can I try one first? I want to see what it's like to be as.. big.. as you are." She asked in a whisper. The dragoness narrowed her eyes, smiling slyly. "I-if that's okay with you..!" The typhlosion meeped. "Of course, I'd be glad to let you have the first go. I uh, don't really know how you'll feel after taking it." She replied, taking out the potion from the box and handing it over. Veria very carefully held the vial, looking at the mysterious fluid inside it. She pulled the rubber stopper out of it, jumping a bit from the loud pop it made. She gave it a little sniff, a bit disappointed that it didn't have any smell. She held it tight, looking up at Luna one more time, who just smiled back down at her, both of their dicks still hard as stone.

"U-uh, here we go, I guess..!" She gulped, opening her mouth and carefully tipping the small bottle until a few drops landed on her tongue. She sputtered, sticking her tongue out and cringing. "Is something wrong?" Luna frowned. "N-no, it's just.. A lot sweeter than I expected." Veria responded and shuddered. A few seconds passed of nothing, and she took that time to put the stopper back in the vial and put it away. She started to frown, looking down at her crotch. Nothing had changed yet, staring at her throbbing member which had yet to change. "Were they ffaaaa.." She tried to speak, but her tongue flopped out of her mouth, her eyes rolling back a bit and a shudder going down her spine. "Hey, you ok?" Luna asked concernedly, putting a hand on Veria's shoulder to keep her from falling. The only response was a low moan, and a tap on her thigh. She looked down, immediately understanding what had happened. Once the potion had taken effect, the typhlosion's dick had grown quite a bit- not even half the size of the dragoness' own beastly cock- but almost double of what it was earlier, in both length and girth. She gulped, wondering if it'd feel that good for her too, or if it just took some getting used to.

She didn't get to think about it much longer before a hand was put on her head, patting her hair down between her horns. She looked up from the blue member, coming face to face with the blushiest, horniest Veria she'd ever seen. "P-please, Luna! Use y-your mouth, I'm gonna burst any second!" She pleaded. The dragoness was happy to comply, and she couldn't turn down a face like that. She put the box of potions aside, dropping to her knees on the floor in front of the typhlosion and not hesitating to immediately take several inches of that thick shaft into her wet maw. It was already spurting ropes of salty pre onto her tongue, showing that Veria really was on the edge. Regardless, Luna went all out, bobbing her head up and down, sucking and slurping noisily. Both hands were on her head now, and as the pokemon's legs wrapped around her back and wings, she didn't have much choice but to go right to the hilt, her snout pressed against the musky crotchfur of her horny roommate. She tried not to gag as Veria thrusted lightly against her- even though her own cock was much larger, this was more than she was used to. Complaining was the furthest thing from her mind though, especially once she looked up and saw the typhlosion completely lost in bliss, a look of absolute joy on her face. Her body tensed up for a moment before she cried out in pleasure, her hands gripping to Luna's hair and her legs trembling, pumping a hot, thick load of cream right down her throat.

Once Veria finished she relaxed, letting go of Luna who slowly pulled off and took a deep breath in, licking her lips. "Haven't seen you like that since you were in heat.. how you feeling now~?" She asked, still down on her knees. Veria, realizing what she had just done, felt embarrassed all over again. "O-oh! Well, uhm, I-I uhh.. I'm feeling b-better now, I think? I'm still reaalllyy horny, but I can control m-myself now.." She huffed loudly. "I can see that. I wonder just how big you can get if you drank more~?" Luna teased, picking up two vials from the box before standing up, her dick pointing at Veria. One of the potions was handed down to the typhlosion, while the dragoness held onto one herself.

Veria narrowed her eyes at this one, but it didn't take long to determine what it would do. It held an opaque, white fluid, and on the label there was a drawing of a pair of kiwis. She didn't see which potion Luna was holding, but the dragoness had already uncorked it and given it a sniff. "Not much to write home about, huh?" She huffed. "Here, let's drink em at the same time. Remember to be careful." She smiled, still standing as she watched Veria uncover her vial. The two of them clinked their vials together before lifting them to their lips, both being careful to only get a few drops. Luna winced, trying to suppress her reaction. "Ugh, you were right about the sweetness. A bowl of sugar wouldn't be as sweet." She grunted. "I-it's not as bad the second time. I can already feel it starting to take effect, too.." Veria said, biting her lip and reaching a hand down, squeezing her cock with both hands as it throbbed. "H-how do you feel?" She asked, looking up at her friend and still blushing.

Instead of giving a proper response, Luna put a hand on Veria's cheek and went in for a kiss. Her eyes widened as the two of them locked lips, her flames burning brighter and her cheeks turning hotter. Once she felt the dragoness' thick, hot, soft tongue sliding past her lips and filling her mouth, she felt her entire body relaxing. She stared into Luna's eyes and wrapped her arms around her back, pressing their breasts together and drawing out a quiet moan from the dragoness. She was happy to return the favour and more, moving her hand down the typhlosion's furry body until she reached that blue, throbbing cock, completely soaked with precum. It was certainly a lot more than would normally be produced. She moved a bit further down, smiling through the kiss as she felt something quite pleasant indeed- not that Veria could see, with her eyes closed from the pleasure.

Veria's balls had more than doubled in size, looking quite large on her but even then not being quite as large as the dragoness'. She groaned as her large, heavy balls were squeezed by a scaly hand, drawing out a gush of precum to splatter on the floor. She pulled back from the kiss with a gasp, Luna drawing her own tongue back into her mouth and licking her lips. "Wow, they're so big now.. If you had a little bit more, they'd probably be even bigger than mine.. They're certainly making as much already. This is powerful stuff." She chuckled. Eventually, Veria managed to speak, though she was still just as flustered. "W-what did you drink?" She asked. Luna grinned, putting her hands on her hips. "I think it's better if I just show you.." She slowly turned around, slightly bending over in front of Veria and putting her hands on her ass, before lifting her tail up high. The typhlosion's jaw dropped at the sight, at the new, dark-blue, thick, wrinkled donut of a pucker between those scaly cheeks, twitching slightly whenever the dragoness tensed. "I-it looks amazing.." Veria mumbled, considering leaning forwards and just digging right in.

It seemed like Luna had something better in mind though, taking a step back and oh-so-slowly crouching down, stopping once her donut was pressed against the head of the cock below it. She let out a soft moan as she felt that incredibly hot fire-type precum gushing into her, wiggling her hips a bit. Veria was an absolute mess, panting and groaning, though not quite out of control like she was with the first potion. "L-Luna, I can't take it..!" She said, as if she was the one that was about to get her ass reamed. She grabbed onto the dragoness' hips, which seemed to have enlarged a bit as well- though nothing significant- and slowly started pulling down. "Fuck, you're thick.." Luna hissed in pleasure as the first few inches were pushed into her, her legs trembling and her own member shooting precum to be wasted on the floor. She'd taken more before, but that didn't make this time feel much easier. She wasn't complaining though, pushing down some herself without any help.

Veria watched with lust-filled eyes as that thick asshole was stretched around her dick, slowly moving further down her length until it was pressed against her groin, and Luna was sitting in her lap. "This feels a-amazing!" She gasped, her length throbbing and gushing more pre than ever, her balls feeling almost painfully full. She squeezed the dragoness' scaly thighs, who started to slowly bounce up and down. "I don't know how long even I can last..~" Luna huffed, her own cheeks blushing lightly as she gently rode up and down, her stomach bulging just a bit every time she hilted. Of course neither of them wanted to keep it gentle for long, and soon enough the relatively quiet sounds of their mating was replaced by the loud smacks, thwaps, and the creams of the couch from their rutting. Precum was leaking from Luna's stretched rear, making a mess of her butt and Veria's crotch, brought on by the typhlosion's enhanced productivity. The carpet in front of them was ruined by the scalie's precum, not that that was really anything new. Both of them were sweating now, adding to the raunchy scents filling their apartment, but neither of them felt remotely tired and were eager to continue.

At some point it had turned from Luna riding Veria, to Veria thrusting up into Luna, but Luna enjoyed the roughness. "I-I'm really close..!" The pokemon gasped out, having to slow down to keep herself from going over the edge. Luna wasn't having any of that, speeding up once again and throwing both of them over the edge. Crying out in pleasure, Veria dug her fingers into that scaled rump and held it down, her cock bulging out with just how much seed was shooting through it. It easily bloated out Luna's stomach enough to make her look a few months pregnant, and all she could do was sit back and enjoy the ride. For the first time in a while she came hands-free, jets of cum shooting from her tip and splattering across the carpet, even hitting the television- which the two of them put a plastic cover on, after previous incidents. Even with the inflation, Luna's stomach wasn't prepared to hold so much quite so fast, and a practical river of pokemon cum poured from her abused donut around the thick cock that still filled it up, saturating the typhlosion's fur, the couch they sat on, and the floor below. The furniture would be ruined, but neither of them really cared, taking a moment to rest as their orgasms tapered off, still occasionally shooting a few weak spurts of cum.

"H-hah.. I didn't think it'd be possible f-for me to cum that much.." Veria groaned, putting her hands on Luna's cum-inflated stomach and not minding the wings pressing against her. "Agreed.. I've never felt this full before, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel amazing." The dragoness grunted, squeezing around the cock inside her and making both of them shiver. After resting for a bit longer, the two of them enjoying the feelings and smells, Luna finally decided to stand up. "Oh jeez, my legs feel like jelly.. you really did a number on me~" She laughed, putting a hand on her belly as she slowly pulled away, sliding that still-hard blue shaft out of her tailhole. Once the head of the typhlosion's shaft popped out a waterfall of cum followed, pouring out onto the floor below. Veria shuddered at the sight, hoping she'd get filled like that soon.

It only continued for a few long seconds before Luna managed to stop the flow, having lost most of what she was filled with but still having a little bit of chin on her belly from it. "Whew, that was great.. I don't think we're done, though." She paused as she picked up the box of potions, turning towards the hall. "Let's move somewhere more comfortable, shall we~?" She sauntered off, walking into her bedroom, with Veria getting up and following close behind.

The pokemon was happy to get the familiar sight and smell of Luna's bedroom. Most of their nights were spent in here, and the bed was stained with their rich, mixed musk. "Sit down, I have an idea for what we'll do this time.." She demanded, and Veria happily complied, sitting on the soft bed and spreading her legs- less to present herself, and more to make room for her recently enlarged junk. Luna smiled, putting the box down on her desk and taking out six different vials. Veria gulped nervously, even though she couldn't quite see how many there were without her glasses on. "U-uh.. you know I like you being in charge, but could you at least tell me what you plan on doing with six different potions? I-is that even safe?" She said the last part in a whisper. Luna rolled her eyes. "It'd ruin the fun if I told you everything, but yeah. I made sure online before I bought this, it's safe to take multiple at once. They'll still have their independent effects, and the amount you need won't change." She paused, looking at the vials before handing three over. "One gives you a bigger dick, one gives you bigger balls, and the third.. Well, that one gives you more balls, simple as that. You'll want to drink the entire bottle of that one too, wouldn't work otherwise." She smirked.

Veria nodded, taking the potions and looking down at them. It seemed like she wasn't going to hear what Luna had herself, but she didn't really mind. She silently agreed that the surprise was a part of the fun. She popped open the two that would grow her genitals, and after a brief moment of hesitation, took a small swig of both at once. It was a bit less than half of either vial, and she shuddered as she swallowed the incredibly sweet fluids. Luna looked impressed, though she had a little swig of one of her own. "Mm.. Lay back, Veri. I want us to be in position for when the changes start." The dragoness said as she licked her lips, the blushy typhlosion nodding in response and laying on her back, scooting back so her entire body was on the blankets. She put the two potions she drank from aside, but was still holding onto the closed one that would supposedly give her more balls.

"I-I can feel them starting.." She whimpered, looking down as her humanoid member throbbed, and with a sudden rush of pleasure, shot a gush of precum right onto her face and the headboard behind her. She wiped the pre away from her eyes just in time to see her genitals starting to grow, her dick pulsing and her sack wobbling. Luna climbed onto the bed over her, and Veria's eyes widened (again) as she saw the dragoness' breasts slowly swelling outwards, just over her growing dick. "O-oh fuck, Luna.." She groaned as Luna closed the distance, squeezing her tits together around the still-expanding cock. Her chest was immediately glazed by precum, along with her face, and everything else that was close. "You're making such a mess.. I wonder how much more of a mess we can make~?" She giggled, giving the blue shaft a slow lick and getting a mouthful of precum, dragging her tits against it too. There was a thick gush of pre every time Veria's dick throbbed, only getting larger as her balls expanded. Luna was moving forwards as Veria's length kept on growing longer and thicker, practically right over her by the time it stopped. It reached her chin, and if she looked down she could quite easily suck on it. But she was entranced by the sight of the huge dragon tits right over her, her cock buried between them despite its massive size- if it wasn't for the potion that Luna drank, she doubted that her breasts would've been able to wrap around her own dick. At this point it was much larger than the dragoness'- which she could feel rubbing against hers down below- and though she couldn't see her balls, she could feel their massive size forcing her to keep her legs spread some, how tight they felt and how heavy they were on the bed.

"Feels good, doesn't it~?" Luna huffed, and Veria could only manage a quiet moan in response. "Here, let me help you.." Luna smirked, taking the vial from Veria's hand and opening it, tilting it right into the typhlosion's mouth until she swallowed the whole thing. She cringed as she gulped it down, but only a moment later she immediately felt the effects beginning. "H-holy fuck, I-I.." She trailed off, tongue hanging from her mouth as her head flopped to the side. Luna giggled at that, slowly rocking her breasts from side to side while moving a hand down, feeling those furry, sweaty balls as the pokemon's orbs slowly raised higher. It didn't feel like they were necessarily getting any larger though, and after they stopped she reached further down to find out. She was very satisfied with the results, feeling the second pair of testicles just behind the first, the same size and in the same sack, and just as overproductive. "S-so good.." Veria whimpered quietly, barely keeping herself intact with the overwhelming pleasure, and not caring about her own pre showering onto her. It had gone from strong gushes to a constant flow, pouring out nonstop from her urethra, bathing them- mostly herself- in pre. Her mouth was filled by it and she gulped it all down, enjoying the feeling of her own heat inside her belly.

"I think I'll need more than two tits to take care of this monster..~" Luna growled with pleasure, opening one of her two vials and drinking one whole, lazily tossing the empty glass aside. "Still tastes awful, ugh.. I can already feel myself warming up though, the effects are coming faster." She huffed, still squeezing her breasts together around the ginormous dick and sliding back and forth while using precum as lube. Veria moaned and and gently thrusted up, resting her head back with her eyes closed while she was bathed in precum. She tensed up and gasped as she felt something new pressing against her shaft, a bit below those heavy breasts. That sensation kept growing, and it didn't take her long to figure out why. The dragoness must've drank a potion that gave her more breasts, and it only became even more clear as she pressed them together, letting out a moan and shivering. "Twice the sensations for both of us, huh~?" She huffed, having to lay down a bit thanks to the added weight from her new row of breasts (not to mention their new size overall) but not slowing down one bit.

"Fuck, you're s-so amazing.. We're m-making such a mess, we'll need to buy a new mattress and bedset after this." Veria groaned, struggling to speak as she received pleasure unlike anything before. The heat and softness of those mountainous mammaries against her would be too much for most people to bear, nevermind after they received so many pleasurable changes like she did. "Yes, it's such a sticky mess.. But you and I can do so much better, can't we~?" Luna smiled, not stopping the boobjob even as she uncorked the third vial and quickly gulped down the whole thing. Veria panted as she watched, thinking about what it might've been. "S-so what was in that one?" She asked quietly, having to swallow some pre halfway through her sentence. "I think actions speak louder than words in this situation.. Besides, it's just more fun to find out without needing to be told, isn't it~?" Luna replied, putting her hands on her upper row of breasts and squeezing them together, followed by a thick spray of hot milk onto the typhlosion's chest and the bed around her. "O-oh Arceus.. That's hot.." She mumbled.

"You like it, hmm? Then have a taste~" Luna lifted herself up, moving forwards before shoving one of her upper breasts right against Veria's face, who got the hint and immediately began suckling on that thick, sensitive nipple. The dragoness let out a sigh of pleasure, and almost immediately Veria's maw was nearly filled entirely with milk. She gurgled, swallowing it down, along with the next mouthful, and the next, and the next. It was coming quicker, and the other nipples even dribbled all over the place without being suckled on.

Luna couldn't help but huff and moan, her tip dribbling precum from those sensations alone. She couldn't focus on just her own pleasure, moving her hands to her lower row of breasts to continue stroking Veria with them, who shivered underneath her. The flow of precum hadn't stopped or slowed down in the slightest, and the mess was only getting bigger with the addition of Luna's fresh milk, gushing from her chest with each little squeeze, and even spraying lightly when not being touched. The wet sounds and splats of precum and milk got louder as the dragoness gradually sped up, roughly stroking that monster of a penis while Veria kept drinking the rich milk even with a full stomach, her blushy face buried underneath a mountain of boob. She squirmed a bit underneath, feeling a familiar tension rising in her quartet of balls, but instead of doing anything like trying to get away she reached up, and gave the breast she was sucking on a hard squeeze with both hands.

Luna bit her lip from the squeeze, and without any more warning the typhlosion suddenly bucked upwards, and a massive rope of cum blasted against her own chin, droplets flying all over the place and painting both her own face and Luna's chest white- or rather a different shade of white, as both were already quite soaked with milk. The first cumshot alone lasted several seconds, Veria's head laying in a growing puddle of mixed fluids. Both moaned from the pleasure, though their noises were somewhat hidden by the sound of cum and milk splashing everywhere- and Veria's moans were muffled the rest of the way by the breast she was getting smothered by. Her belly was beyond full but she couldn't stop herself from drinking more milk, not that she wanted to stop either. It dribbled down from the corners of her mouth, getting mixed into the puddle of cum and pre around her head. Her stomach slowly swelled up, not too large yet but big enough for her to feel its bulk pressing against the side of her dick, pushing it up against Luna just a bit more.

"What a waste.. I can't just watch all of this get on the bed without having a taste~" The dragoness huffed, leaning down and sealing her lips around the tip of the pokemon's shaft, getting a blast of cum in the face before it and her mouth getting filled in seconds. Even though she was watching it come out it caught her by surprise, and she could only stay there for another few moments before it started spraying out the sides of her mouth and she nearly choked on it, pulling back and spilling a mouthful of cum onto the top of her chest. She giggled as the flow just kept on coming, moving up a bit and reluctantly pulling her nipple out of Veria's mouth. The milk hardly slowed down though even when he wasn't touching her chest, but she had a better idea anyways. Veria, who was completely lost in pleasure and struggling to stay conscious, barely registered it as her head was suddenly squeezed between all four of those heavenly dragoness tits, buried in that hot, milky darkness. Because of that new position, all of the seed from her climax was splattered into the middle of that quartet of breasts, and because of that it splattered all over her face and into her mouth. In her semi-conscious state she didn't really know what was going on, only that she could keep humping against the soft dragoness above her for more pleasure, and that there was a fluid in her mouth that needed swallowing. She gurgled in delight, swallowing her own cum before slowly getting another mouthful, and another, and another..

It could only continue for so long though, and after a few more minutes had passed her orgasm finally tapered off, a few small spurts of cum still occasionally gushing from her urethra. While she was still climaxing, the dragoness had enough time to change positions a few times- though those changes only really consisted of going down to suckle on Veria's dick again, or force a nipple into her mouth again. Luna seemed to know the pokemon was finished though, rolling off onto her side and squelching the large puddle of mixed fluids on the bed. Everything on her front above the waist was absolutely drenched in milk and cum, almost visibly steaming, and milk was still pouring from her nipples with no end in sight. Veria was even messier, her stomach a little bit bigger than Luna's, filled with liters of milk and cum.

She wiped some fluids off of her face, not that it helped much with how messy her hands were. "T-that was great.." She panted, her flames still gently flickering beneath her. "Sure was. I think I've seen orgies that weren't anywhere nearly as messy as this.. Maybe you'd like to pick how we make a mess next~?" Luna asked, her own face blushing deeply as her chest continued to gush milk onto the bed and her friend. Veria sat up some, feeling her heavy belly and heavier balls slosh around, fluids dripping from her back. "R-really? I'd love to." She huffed, putting a hand on her stomach to keep it from wobbling too much as she stood up. "U-um, wait here." She said to the dragoness, slowly walking over to the box of potions. Fuck, they're so heavy.. She thought to herself, feeling the immense weight of her four balls between her legs. She could even feel sweat rolling down the matted-down fur of her sack, but any of that scent was overpowered by the copious amount of cum on her face. She could taste it on her breath, not that she minded.

She looked through the box of potions, trying not to drip things into it as she pulled out an assortment of different vials. She couldn't carry them all in one go, Luna watching curiously as Veria went back and forth a few times to set a total of fifteen potions on the bed. "H-here, these ones are for you.." She mumbled, pushing nine of the vials towards the dragoness, who raised an eyebrow. "You want me to drink ten of them..?" She asked. "I-if that's ok with you! Most of them just give y-you more parts anyway." Veria replied, her blush visible even through the steamy cum on her face. There was a few seconds of awkward silence before Luna smirked. "So what position~?" She asked, picking up the potions she was given.

Veria perked up, picking up her own potions and looking down at the dragoness. "W-well, I was hoping we could do doggystyle this time, I really want to be filled.. A-and I might have given you a bunch of potions to help with that.." She said, already getting into position on the bed on her hands and knees, bringing the vials with her. "Sounds good to me~" Luna smiled, suddenly delivering a hard smack to that beautiful poke-rump, hard enough to make her own hand sting quite a bit. Veria yelped, reaching back to gently rub her sore butt and pouting. "You b-big meanie..!" She huffed. Luna rolled her eyes, setting her own potions down on the bed and looking at the labels. "My my, you made some interesting choices.. I'm thinking you should drink yours first, because when I drink all this there'll be no stopping me~" She teased, but she knew she was being entirely truthful. Veria nodded, looking over her choices.

"U-uhm.. Maybe we can drink them entirely? I know the changes are permanent, but.. t-that's kinda why I want to do it." She said quietly, knowing the mess would probably be impossible to clean, and getting even more aroused thinking about it. "Of course, I was going to do it anyway. You take the lead." The scalie replied, putting her hands on the pokemon's rump and flopping her own dick onto that hot butt, slowly hotdogging it. Veria huffed, opening the first of her five potions. She stared at the label for a moment, with a drawing of two watermelons, before chugging down the whole potion in one go. She was more used to the obnoxiously sweet taste now, not that it tasted any better.

She kept herself up on her hands and knees, pushing her butt back as she felt her body heating up. "S-so this is what it felt like.." She groaned quietly, that heat focusing on her chest as her breasts swelled outwards, quickly growing larger and larger. In seconds her tits were resting on the blankets, bigger than Luna's and still growing. "Oh f-fuck, they're so heavy.. I don't know if I can k-keep myself up..!" She grunted, resting some of her weight on her sensitive breasts, squishing them beneath her. "Now you know how I feel." Luna giggled, giving that butt a softer smack. "I-I should drink the rest before I get too horny.." Veria moaned, opening another without even looking at the label and drinking the whole thing.

Her breasts had just finished growing, larger than her head, but she felt them growing just a bit larger and much fuller from the effects of the second potion. It was a bit awkward with the angle, but she could feel her milk already leaking out and soaking into the bed. She gripped tight to the blankets, her toes curling, and with shaky hands she grabbed a third vial. The potion was gone just as quick as the others, completely empty. Now the heat was focusing between her legs, and she couldn't help but squeeze her thighs together. Luna still humped away, shooting precum onto the typhlosion's back. "Goddamn, you're getting so wet.. Uh, really wet." She huffed, feeling her shaft quickly getting wetter and wetter from Veria's pussy juice, dripping down to her balls and onto the floor, before pulling back to get a look and whistling. It looked as if someone poured a bucket of slick lube into the fire-type's pussy and now it was leaking out, soaking her thighs, the back of her balls, and the bed beneath. It ramped up the musk filling the room by a few notches too, making Luna shiver.

"Sorry Veri, I don't think I can help myself..~" She growled, crouching down and spreading Veria's asscheeks, leaning in and giving her sodden pussy a slow lick. She squeezed her legs around the dragoness' head, letting out a loud moan and gushing a hot squirt of femcum onto her face. Luna could only moan and lick again, her hair getting wet from the next hot ejaculation. "If you're getting this hot and bothered from a few licks, I wonder what'll happen when I fuck you~" She huffed, not that Veria could hear her. She kept licking away, opening her mouth a bit more so it could get filled, savouring the delightful taste before swallowing it down.

"H-holy shit, slow down for a sec. M-my hands are too shaky.." Veria groaned, and once Luna eventually complied, she uncorked the second last of her potions and chugged it immediately. Luna immediately went back to eating out, digging her tongue into that tight slit and getting more than enough pussy juice soaking her face and the bed beneath. Her eyes widened as she suddenly felt the typhlosion shove back against her, but she soon found out that Veria hadn't moved an inch- instead, it was her pussy that had grown outwards, plumping up massively and still growing in small spurts. Most of the growth seemed to be her labia, but her clitoris was swelling too, making a perfect target for Luna to tease. She showered that thick, sensitive pussy in licks and kisses, every touch making the pokemon quiver and moan. By the time Veria's pussy had finished growing it was bigger than her head, and would've kept her legs spread if her balls weren't already forcing her thighs apart a bit further.

The growth had made her even wetter, practically pouring from between her legs and running down her balls. The pleasure was overwhelming and she didn't even have the strength to keep herself held up, putting her upper body weight on her chest and forcing more milk out to soak the sheets. She could feel her dick throbbing beneath her too, the head somewhere between her tits with not a drop of precum managing to make it out of her cleavage. "Fuck, you're so wet I feel like I'm gonna drown~" Luna chuckled, pulling back for a breath of 'fresh' air and licking her lips. Veria didn't hear her though, taking the short break from the constant pleasure to drink the final potion.

Luna got front-row seats to watch as Veria's tailhole suddenly clenched tight for a few seconds, before it relaxed, and kept relaxing. It gaped open for a second, wide enough for Luna to fit a finger in without touching the sides (not that she tried), the rim suddenly swelling outwards. Just a few small drops of the same potion was enough to give her a rather sizable donut, so she was very curious to see how much an entire vial would give. She wasn't disappointed in the slightest as it kept growing, but she couldn't just watch the whole time, closing the distance and pressing her snout up against that fat pucker, giving it a big kiss and a little bit of a suck before pulling back with a quiet 'pop', beginning to lick all over it and covering it with her saliva as it quivered and expanded. "T-this feels kinda weird, but really good..!" Veria huffed between moans, her pussy still gushing fluids onto her balls and Luna whenever she tensed up.

By the time it finished growing, it was even bigger than her enlarged pussy- not quite twice as big, but not far off either- always visible even if she were to try to squish her cheeks together to hide it, even though her ass had grown softer overall too. "I-it's so sensitive, please L-Luna I need something.." Veria pleaded, looking back at the dragoness with her face burning bright red. Luna didn't verbally respond, but instead slowly rubbed a thumb against that massive asshole, feeling across its crinkled surface and making Veria shiver. She reached a hand down, wiping up some of that hot femcum all over her hand for lubricant, before shoving a finger deep into the waiting butt. She could hardly feel it squeezing around her finger, unsure if she was even really penetrating it, so she skipped a few steps and held her five fingers together, unceremoniously shoving her hand right up to the wrist. It hardly even felt tight, but regardless the typhlosion cried out in pleasure, her loose hole attempting to clench around the invader. "H-holy fuck..!" She groaned, grabbing onto a drenched pillow and hugging it tight. The dragoness was happy to give more, slowly pushing her arm deeper into that hot ass while her other hand stroked her own length.

She only stopped once she was elbow deep, Veria's donut barely even stretched around the arm. It felt like there was a lot more room, but Luna decided to play it safe for now. "I-I.. I can feel it in m-my stomach.." The pokemon groaned, slowly humping the bed while her fluids gradually soaked the bed further, still laying in a pool of mixed bodily fluids- most of it being milk from either of them. "It's a good thing you chose these potions for me, otherwise I don't think you'd even feel my dick." Luna laughed as she pulled her arm out, leaving Veria's tailhole slightly gaped and giving her pussy a little slap, before standing up and picking up one of her potions. "I'd say this is a good place to start.." She uncorked it, downed it, and tossed the empty vial onto the bed. She licked her lips, grabbing onto her shaft with both hands and slowly stroking it. "Let's see just how big I get..~" She growled, not having to wait long at all before her cock began expanding, gaining inches every time it throbbed. Precum dripped and drooled onto Veria's back, and she looked back and watched with hungry eyes as that draconic member grew.

It wasn't even done growing and Luna couldn't encircle her shaft even with both hands, long enough to reach her lips if she lifted it and still expanding. "It really is heavy.. I'd need a miracle to hide this in public. Not that it'd be any easier to hide my tits." She huffed, letting go of her member and letting it rest on Veria's back with a heavy 'thwap', reaching the back of her head and parting those warm flames as it finally stopped growing. The typhlosion shuddered, feeling just how big that monster was, and very much excited to feel it inside her. Unfortunately she didn't get penetrated quite yet as Luna picked up three identical potions, not hesitating for a moment before drinking them.

"You're certainly kinky, picking these out for me~" She chuckled, struggling to hold back a moan as she felt an intense pressure building in her groin. She stepped back, looking down even though she couldn't see anything past her four, milky breasts, the pressure coming to a peak. "F-fuck.." She hissed in pleasure, and as a few seconds passed she could see something new poking out, or rather some things; She had four cocks now, in two rows of two. They were the same shape as her first one, and were quickly growing to be the same size too, already gushing precum all over the place. "Oh man, I guess this means four times the pleasure, huh?" She grunted, reaching down and squeezing her four dicks together, sending a shiver down her spine and making her wings spread out. The position had her arms squeezing against her chest, pressing her breasts together as well and making milk gush out onto Veria's back.

"S-stop teasing and fuck me already..!" She begged, her face bright red and her whole body sweating, looking back towards the gorgeous dragoness and her many lewd bits. "Well I can't just turn down an offer like that~" Luna smirked, slowly pulling back and squeezing her dicks together, pressing the four tips against Veria's holes- two against her tailhole, and two against her slavering pussy. Each dick was as thick as her thigh, and Luna doubted that even one would've fit inside before the typhlosion took the potions to grow her holes. Precum already gushed inside, and as the dragoness pushed in she felt that swollen anus and pussy clenching tightly around her dicks. As loose as those enlarged holes were, with so much filling them, they couldn't help but get stretched taut around those massive pillars of cock. Luna pushed about half a foot of her lengths into each, slowly leaking and spurting hot precum nice and deep. Veria buried her face in the pillow she was hugging, barely muffling her loud sounds of pleasure as her holes spasmed around those massive cocks, her cunt gushing hard and her dick blasting precum between her breasts- which sprayed enough milk to squirt out to the sides, inches deep in their own liquids. The mattress beneath her was completely soaked through, cream slowly dripping through it onto the floor.

"Still a few more to go.." Luna groaned, picking up the next potion with shaky hands and gulping down its contents, dropping the empty glass. Now that her hands were free she used them to play with her chest quite roughly, twisting and pulling her sensitive nipples and drawing out more streams of milk, most of which rained down onto the typhlosion. She could feel her balls tensing up, the pleasure rising, and her legs slowly being forced further apart. She lifted one of her upper tits to her face, holding it with both hands. It squirted milk onto her, but she immediately latched onto it and suckled hard on her own teat. She didn't let her mouth fill up, swallowing her milk as soon as it came and enjoying the rich flavour. She had to try harder to stand up too, her expanding balls weighing her down and pumping what felt like litres of precum through her multiple dicks. Veria couldn't get a single word out, overwhelmed by the sensation of her gut and womb filling up with precum alone, even though plenty still poured back out.

Luna lost track of time as she drank her milk, her stomach swollen once again and making her look a few months pregnant, the flow of her milk not having slowed down a single bit. She only snapped out of her pleasure-induced trance when the tightness around her cocks doubled, forcing her pairs of cocks together inside the typhlosion. Veria's wetness, or at least more of it than normal, squirted out liberally from around Luna's dicks, coating her balls and the typhlosion's own in hot pussy juice. Judging by her moans, as well as the amount of fluids gushing from underneath her and between her legs, she was cumming again, hard. She thrusted against the bed, making plenty of wet, lewd sounds and splashing around some liquids. "F-fuck, that's tight. I can't even pull back..~" Luna groaned, unable to keep herself from filling Veria with more than enough pre, inflating her belly some. Her cumshots could barely make it through her immense tits, coming out as nothing more than a weak dribble of off-white cream leaking from her cleavage which was then washed away by her milk. The bed was ruined without a doubt, but there was nothing she could do but keep cumming in mindless bliss, her entire body covered in both her own fluids and those of the dragoness.

"Nnff.. I should drink the last of these before it's too late.." Luna mumbled to herself, looking down at the set of five potions on the bed, just barely out of the pool of sexual fluids. "I certainly won't be able to hold back once I get em inside me, that's for sure..~" She had to be careful not to drop them as she picked up all five potions, drinking them one after the other. She spread her legs in anticipation, slightly widening her stance as she rocked her hips. She moved her hands down, squeezing that soft pokemon ass as she felt the changes beginning. She nearly fell down at the sudden shock of sensations, her legs quivering and her eyes almost rolling back. She could feel as more pre was forced through her urethras, the weight between her legs growing as several new cum-churning testicles slowly formed in her sack, delivering precum as it was made deep into Veria's body.

The typhlosion could feel her belly and womb inflating larger just with precum, her womb and stomach filled beyond full and still growing quicker, thanks to the newly enhanced productivity of Luna's twelve balls, sitting comfortably in her massive sack in four rows of three, their massive size bringing them past her knees. There was no way she'd be able to even close her legs like this, and walking at all would be awkward- but it was more than worth the incredible pleasure. She stayed true to her word though, and when the growing stopped she let the pleasure take over, slamming forwards and burying a bit over a foot more of her cocks into Veria's waiting holes. The typhlosion bit down on her pillow, hard enough to tear right into it, moaning loudly as her cervix itself was brutally stretched the two lower shafts and her gut bulged out even with how inflated it was. There was a second, deeper thrust and she pulled back from the pillow, tongue hanging out of her mouth and saliva drooling from her lips, her eyes a bit teary.

Neither of the two of them had to exchange any words as Luna started thrusting away, her numerous hyper-sized balls swinging back and forth with her powerful thrusts and smacking against the side of the bed (as well as eachother). The pressure in Veria's stomach was too much as it kept swelling up, and to help alleviate that tension the precum started going the only other way it could: up. That strange feeling momentarily brought her out of her stupor, closing her mouth. She gagged quietly, and a moment later a mix of precum and milk started pouring into her maw. She groaned as more and more kept filling her mouth, managing to swallow it back down before even more gushed back up. It was a strong, salty taste, sticking to her tongue, but she didn't dislike it. She just let it flow now, slipping back into the depths of pleasure as she opened her mouth and the mixture of liquids slowly poured out onto the pillow and bed. Even with that her belly was still growing, taking a little bit of the weight off of her massive breasts.

"Oh my god, it's.. It's going right through you?" Luna asked, her shafts throbbing harder as she came to that realization. "T-that's so fucking hot..~" She groaned, her words trailing off. She hadn't stopped her thrusting even for a second, and after that revelation she couldn't help but go even harder and deeper. Only about two thirds of her lengths were in now, and the bulges were already reaching up to Veria's chest, slightly pushing apart her soft breasts and making them wobble with each thrust in. Luna didn't even need to touch her breast anymore to bring out milk, gushing from her four teats without even needing to be touched. It sprayed out in multiple directions, though it was mostly lost in the mess of precum and pussy juice. It was a big mess alright, but she wanted more..

With a shaky hand she reached into the box of potions, fumbling around until she found what she was looking for, taking out five vials. "C-come on, just drink these..!" She grunted, stopping her pounding and leaning over the typhlosion, popping open the vials and carefully tilting them into Veria's mouth, making sure she got every drop before holding her mouth shut. Though she wasn't entirely there, she still got the message and after a bit of struggling she managed to swallow down the potions and a healthy gulp of pre- which of course didn't last long as it soon kept pouring out, but it seemed the potions had enough time to be absorbed.

She nearly fainted as pleasure shot through her body, immediately cumming again and tensing up. The amount of milk and cum hadn't changed, but behind her balls was another story. If her pussy juice a minute ago was a stream, then now it was becoming the Nile. It was like someone broke a fire hydrant between her thighs, the force of her orgasm nearly forcing Luna to back up. The pleasure from her ejaculation alone ensured that both of them would be cumming for a good while, her pussy juice jetting out from her stretched slit and making a quickly growing pool on the floor, as if a water pipe had busted. Luna was completely soaked below the waist, and even with the incredible amount of her precum gushing out of Veria's pussy, it quickly got washed away.

The dragoness was grateful for the extra lubricant, not that she didn't have more than would ever be needed, taking the extra help to swiftly hilt her quarter of dicks in the pokemon's body. Veria's eyes widened, the bulge of her womb pushing up under her neck and pushing her pillow back, while the draconic members in her ass had a much more intense result. There was a sudden pressure at the bottom of her throat, which almost immediately pushed further up. Her neck was stretched out obscenely, the pre coming out of her mouth in spurts instead of a slow pour, and just a moment later she felt her tongue getting pressed down from behind. Her jaw was stretched wide as Luna's upper two dicks pushed right out of Veria's mouth, jutting a foot past her lips and gushing precum onto the bed and wall. She sucked and licked them as she was impaled, but with how full and stretched she was it was more like weakly making her throat spasm around those massive dicks.

Luna appreciated it regardless, not waiting a second before she started hammering away, litres of precum gushing from each of her tips every second. Nearly the entire bed was soaked in some sort of bodily fluid, and the floor of the bedroom was almost completely covered in pussy juice and precum. Veria's inflation had slowed down, half of the source now thrusting past her lips instead of just in her stomach, but by no means had it stopped. Now she was filled with enough precum to lift her feet an inch off the floor, putting some more weight on her chest and making more milk gush out, making the pool beneath her grow to go around her whole body on the bed, running off the side of the blanket and adding to the flooded floor below. If she could speak at the time she would've been pleading for more, begging to be fucked harder, but the only sounds she could make were gagging, gurgling, and moaning. Regardless, Luna thrusted harder, not that she could understand a single thing that the typhlosion was trying to say. Hot pussy juice sprayed against the back of her balls from her own slit, making sure they were completely soaked on every side, but her wetness was only drops in the ocean compared to the deluge that came from Veria's hyper-sized cunt.

Minutes had passed since the typhlosion had started orgasming, covered in sweat from the exhaustion and pleasure, not that it was really noticeable with how many other juices were on and around her. None of her own bodily fluids had shown any sign of diminishing, and by now the flood had started to slowly spread into the hallway. Most of her weight was on her stomach now, which was at least twice its earlier size. Luna had to stand up tall to make her hips reach properly, which allowed her to go from a slightly different angle and hit against some sensitive spots deep inside Veria- not that it mattered much since she was cumming her brains out already, and the ones in her ass were still going in and out of her mouth regardless, covered in spit and precum, both of which covered her face. She kept her hands on her massive, sloshing belly, rubbing and squeezing it as each powerful thrust into her sent ripples across the surface.

Luna knew she wouldn't last much longer, having been holding back since she first penetrated those huge, stretched holes. It was getting to be too much for her, watching as her own dicks repeatedly pushed past Veria's lips- her head only really kept up by the force of those thrusts again and again- as well as the bulge that kept pushing out underneath, the typhlosion's womb stretched far beyond what should've been possible. The dragoness' twelve balls had swollen even larger than they already were, filled with gallons of boiling hot seed that was just begging to be released, and if it wasn't for the loud moaning, splashing, and smacking filling the room she would've been able to listen to the noisy sounds her sack was making. The extra weight made her thrusts slower and harder, but as she approached her climax her movements became more erratic.

She tensed up, her whole body going still for a moment as the pressure finally became too much, keeping her hips pressed against the pokemon's butt. As she started cumming she sprayed hot pussy juice down the back of her balls, splashing into the pool below, milk gushing from her group of tits without end. Those were practically nothing though compared to the tsunami of cum that suddenly rushed through her urethras, stretching them out immensely. Veria's eyes widened, but she didn't even get a second to properly react before torrents of hot dragon cum filled up her womb, immediately swelling out a bit larger and expanding rapidly, even with how much was pouring from her slit. Her ass was another story. Her stomach didn't have much precum or cum left in it, the amount it previously had having poured back out of her swollen, stretched donut, and the cream going through the dicks that were still there just went right past her mouth.

Two jets of cum shot out, splattering against the wall with great force and showering over the bed and the typhlosion that was on it, some getting on Luna as well, even though she was already covered everywhere below the chest by the river of cum that was gushing back out of Veria's pussy. It quickly added to the flooding floor, thick waves of cum rolling out into the hallway and mixing with the ever-increasing amounts of female fluids. There was no distinction between cumshots, if there was more than one at all. Her orgasm came forth in one (or four considering her other dicks) continuous stream, occasionally surging harder for a few seconds and increasing the flow.

Veria was in heaven, the dragoness' climax having restarted her own even stronger than before, her hyper-sized dick buried underneath her even larger belly and barely any cum escaping from underneath. She could feel herself squirting hard, both from her tits and from between her legs- obviously most of it was from the latter- but she didn't have the strength to move, just taking it all as she was filled and impaled, her plump pussy and tailhole weakly squeezing around the intrusions. Even as a fire-type that bubbling seed felt hot, and she loved that. It seemed like Luna didn't have the strength to move either, doing her best to stay standing as she continued squirting from several different holes, but the force of her orgasm alone brought way more pleasure to her and Veria than her thrusting did.

Even with its growth, the typhlosion's pussy could only hold so much cum, and her growth stagnated as the flow of dragoness seed poured out of her even faster. She barely registered it, not able to do much except for subconsciously tensing her body around those immense dicks and squeezing her arms and legs against her belly. She couldn't keep herself up if she tried, all of her weight now supported by her belly with her tits gushing milk down onto the bed, mixing with the flood of semen. Luna, on the other hand, was managing to acclimate to the pleasure and snapping out of her stupor, though it still took quite a bit of willpower to not fall right back in. Her balls had shrunken, though they were still incredibly large- just managing to release the pressure that was inside them helped a lot. She looked down at the cum-bloated pokemon who'd been painted white, the exception being the blue flames that still burned dimly. "H-holy fuck, Veri.. There's so much.." She groaned, squeezing onto Veria's butt. Even standing on her tip-toes she couldn't keep herself hilted inside those cum-soaked holes, her two upper dicks just barely inside the back of the pokemon's mouth, shooting her seemingly endless amounts of seed across Veria's tongue and past her lips, the bed not even able to hold any more liquids as it just poured over the sides. Luna shuddered, another powerful wave of pleasure going through her body. "The r-room's flooded, I can see it going into the hall too.. Hah, I hope we d-don't fill the place before we're done." She chuckled, trailing off into more moaning.

"I-I wonder.." She mumbled, slowly stepping back and pulling her still-gushing members from Veria's body, filling up the space they took in her pussy and sliding back down her throat. Even then, gallons of cum went up her throat and out of her maw, some even leaking from her nose. She shut her mouth, not that it really changed how much was getting out, swelling her cheeks and spurting from her nose in streams, though plenty still forced its way past her lips. It briefly filled up her stomach, making her belly inflate a bit larger, but Luna pulled out quick enough to keep things from getting too much bigger.

Now that her members were freed they throbbed powerfully, one smacking wetly against her face. She groaned, giving her four shafts a hug and pressing them against her milky chest, giving one a lick. She shivered from the salty taste, getting a mouthful of cum- which continued to rain down on her, her own seed splattering against the ceiling and raining down all over, making a mess of what little furniture in the room wasn't already soaked.

Veria was even more of a mess in several ways, still cumming hard all over the floor. Now that nothing was plugging her up there wasn't anything to keep all that seed inside her, rushing out like a broken dam from both ends. Her holes were gaped hugely, big enough to fit both of Luna's arms in one of them without touching the sides. Even her cervix was gaped considerably. Plenty of cum leaked from her ass and mouth, but even more flowed out from her incredibly overstuffed pussy, her front gradually shrinking down as it emptied. "Nnf.. y-you're so hot, leaking like this.." Luna groaned, biting her lip and stroking one of her cocks, while the others sprayed in random directions, slowly thrusting into her hands.

Eventually Veria managed to control herself, her orgasm coming to an end. She was still dripping from her ass and mouth, especially since the formal was still gaped and quivering, but her womb had plenty to go. "A-aah.. There's so m-much.." She moaned, her voice a bit hoarse after her throat had been brutally fucked and stretched. She looked behind her, but she didn't see her scaly friend anywhere. "U-uh.. Luna? W-where'd you- oh!" She gasped in surprise as she felt a pair of hands brush between her legs, and a warm, wet tongue dragging against the side of her still-gushing cunt. "You're such a mess.. I just finished cumming, but it feels like I'll pop again just watching you empty yourself..~" The dragoness growled, giving another lick closer to the center and not caring about the pussy juice and her own cum splashing all over her face and chest, even getting a few mouthfuls and swallowing it down. By now, Veria's belly was about half the size from when Luna first pulled out.

"B-be gentle, it's really sensitive.." Veria huffed, resting her head down and letting the dragoness have her way, legs slightly trembling. "As if you can't take it when I'm not gentle.. this is enough proof that that's a lie~" Luna growled, putting both hands into that taped slit and stretching it wide, leaning in with her mouth open as the deluge of cum continued pouring out. Veria yelped quietly, trying to keep herself from making too much noise out of embarrassment. It obviously didn't work.

Luna continued to taste and stretch out Veria's pussy as she emptied, giving it soft licks and kisses, spreading her arms inside. She had to resist the urge to stick her entire head in. Before long Veria could stand on the floor again, but she couldn't muster up the strength to actually stand up and continued laying on the bed, her entire body still dripping with thick semen. Eventually the torrent of cum stopped, her belly now small enough for her to not push everything out, though it was still quite a mess- once again, there was much more of her pussy juice than Luna's seed leaking out. "I'm surprised we could make this much even with the potions.. and we still have more to drink, too." The dragoness stood up, lazily resting her still-hard cocks on Veria's back, spurting precum onto the bed and wall. "It's past my ankles.. I'd say it's four inches deep, at least. Looks like it's in the rest of the apartment, too." She chuckled, swishing a foot around in the deep, steaming pool of cum, milk, and pussy juice.

"H-hold on, I have an idea.." Veria grunted, pulling herself onto the bed, turning around on all fours- with a bit of a struggle thanks to her massive tits and cock dragging against the slippery bed- and coming face to face with Luna's messy balls, fighting the temptation to immediately press her face into them. "It uh.. smells g-great down here.." She huffed, taking a deep breath in of that rich musk. Most of it was from the excessive amounts of cum and pussy juices covering both of them, but she still got a good whiff of Luna's more natural, sweaty scent. She looked up at the dragoness, but couldn't see anything past her massive shafts. Still, Luna smiled back down.

"I think I'm getting the idea now.. But I have a better one~" She reached down, putting her hands on the pokemon's shoulders and rather suddenly rolling her over onto her back. Veria let out a quiet 'eep' as she was turned, her cock smacking against her stomach- which was still just a little bit bloated- and resting between her breasts which almost audibly sloshed as they moved, still gushing milk up into the air which splattered back down onto herself.

"G-gosh, I like this.." She gulped, looking up at the group of draconic members above her, hot precum dripping down onto her body. "Mmh, I do too. But I think it's time we drink some more, don't you think~?" Luna chuckled, picking up the box of potions and looking through it. It had more than a little bit of cum inside it, but fortunately all of the vials were air-tight. She didn't waste a second and drank one right away, letting the empty bottle splash in the pool of cum below. "Which w-was that..?" Veria asked quietly, but instead of a proper response Luna just stepped forwards, pressing the front of her huge ballsack against the typhlosion's face, nearly burying her in it.

"You'll find out in a second..~" Luna teased, slowly rocking her hips and rubbing her sweaty, cummy balls all over Veria's face. She moaned loudly in response, her cock throbbing powerfully and her pussy squirting onto the bed, intoxicating musk filling her lungs and salty flavours coating her tongue as she started licking those smooth scales. She squirmed on the bed, gripping tightly to the sheets as she cleaned Luna's musky balls. Unfortunately there was only so much dragoness cream for her to clean up in her position, but on the contrary those massive, heavy orbs only seemed to be getting sweatier. A lot sweatier. It was like she just finished a marathon on a hot day while wearing winter gear, mixing with the cum covering her body and dripping in great amounts. Obviously her smell was getting much stronger, and Veria felt herself getting closer to cumming from the scent alone, gushing from multiple holes and moaning loudly.

"Phew, it's getting hot.. I guess it works, then~" Luna grunted, slowly stroking her two upper lengths while she continued to slowly hump her balls against Veria's face, soaking her fur with musky sweat. That sweat was continuously dripping down into the liquids on the floor, getting lost in the ocean of other bodily fluids. There was enough for the typhlosion to get mouthfuls of it, and she eagerly swallowed it between her licks and kisses against Luna's fat balls. "That feels nice, but I think you should have something else to drink~" The dragoness huffed as she took a step back, reluctantly pulling her sack away from Veria, who frowned but stayed where she was.

Luna took three vials out of the box, uncorking them immediately. She started to lower them down to Veria, but stopped herself before any of the potion got out. "Come here, Veri. I have a treat for you..~" She smirked, using an arm to part her cocks and staring down at the incredibly blushy typhlosion, who looked right back up at her. Veria's vision was soon blocked out though as the dragoness stepped forwards again, burying the upper half of her face in those heavy, sweaty balls. She groaned loudly, opening her mouth as she sniffed the musk in the air. She as a sudden, sweet fluid started trickling into her maw from above, and even in her lust-addled state she could realize what was happening. Luna was pouring the three potions between her dicks, letting the fluids run down and gathering up sweat and cum before going right into Veria's mouth.

She eagerly took every drop, keeping her mouth wide and letting the potions flow into her mouth while she kept inhaling that hot, draconic musk. Unfortunately the vials weren't bottomless, and even with the slow, lewd method that Luna was using, they were soon empty. It was just in time for the effects to begin, and Veria buried her face in sweaty balls to hide just how much she was enjoying it. It failed, largely since every other part that showed her pleasure was still out in the open. Cream gushed from her two massive breasts in thick streams, off-white precum spurted from her tip between her tits, and her pussy squirted hard against the back of her balls. As the transformations started though, those sprays of hot ejaculate instead shot across the bed, landing on the blankets and pillows, her balls getting lifted out of the way by the sheer hyper-large size of her growing pussy and donut. Those holes squished between her thighs but at the same time forced them further apart, her labia so thick that even with how much pussy juice she was making it couldn't do much more than weakly spurt from her folds, or otherwise constantly leak out and soak her oversized asshole.

Those weren't the only parts of her that were changing though. She quivered and whimpered while her nipples, already quite large thanks to the immensity of her chest, started expanding on her own, becoming a bit longer and considerably thicker, her milk gushing in multiple directions and adding to the already omnipresent mess. "That's hot as hell, you have no idea.." Luna said before leaning over the pokemon's body, just enough to reach her breasts and give her teats a squeeze, or at least tried to. Each nipple was about an inch wider than her hand with all her fingers spread out, and nearly as long. Judging by Veria's shaky reaction, her nipples were a lot more sensitive too. "Your pussy is huge, I can see it from here..!" The scalie chuckled. Veria's pussy was indeed much larger than before, its size, and presumably her asshole as well, nearly reaching her knees.

Luna was happy to play with those big, stiff nipples for a while, squeezing hard and lightly twisting them, drawing out even more milk from within. Veria huffed and moaned loudly, still idly licking the sweat off of the dragoness' balls and squirming as her chest was teased. Luna gently pulled before stepping back, dragging her musky dicks against the pokemon's body, not stopping until her four cocks were positioned infront of that wet, waiting mouth. "U-um.. I don't think this is g-gonna work." Veria gulped, keeping her head upside down as she stared right at the multitude of dicks. Luna was having none of it. "They fit the other way, so technically it should make even more sense this way!" She huffed loudly, squeezing her shafts together and thrusting forward.

Veria's eyes widened as her mouth was forced open much wider than earlier, stretched around four giant cocks now instead of just two. They went right down her throat, stretching it once again, the bulge stopping between her breasts. She could feel precum starting to fill her stomach again, and she squirmed not out of discomfort but out of a burning need for more to fill her. It seemed like Luna wasn't going any deeper just yet though, looking through the cum-filled box of potions until she found what she wanted.

"Might flood the apartment with this, but.. Who cares? It'll feel good as hell~" She smirked as she carefully pulled out multiple vials, shaking the cum off of them. Veria couldn't see what was happening, at least not until the empty potions fell into the liquids covering the floor. She couldn't even ask what they were, her mouth already occupied, but it only took a few seconds before she saw for herself. She could feel her belly starting to fill up quicker as she watched Luna's sack quickly expanding outwards, not from her balls growing directly but rather even more testicles forming. Most would consider twelve far too many, especially if they were as big as hers were, but she wasn't complaining about the thirty, massive cum-factories between her legs, even if only some of them were actually between her legs with the rest being in front or behind. Her balls were nearly against Veria's face now, even though only a fifth or so of her dick was inside.

Of course, with how many balls she had now, she was making much more precum. The pokemon's eyes widened as she felt her throat get stretched further, her stomach suddenly expanding as it immediately filled with gallons of precum and kept on growing. Luna gasped at the sight, and the many feelings it brought. "I should hurry, don't want you to get too full so soon.." She thought out loud, grabbing onto the sides of the typhlosion's head and quickly pushing deeper, sliding inch after inch, foot after foot, filling up and stretching out the fleshlight that was her body. She could feel the bulges somewhere in her stomach, but it was barely over a second before they went even deeper, and soon enough she felt those gargantuan dragoness dicks spreading her loose ass from the inside. With how much her asshole had grown though it was hardly a stretch, simply spreading the folds and making way for those fat cocks to completely impale her body once again, spewing out dozens of gallons of precum as pussy juice leaked onto them from above. The dragoness didn't stop there, sliding deeper still until she had her crotch firmly pressed against Veria's face, her face completely buried under the mass of many, sweaty balls. The thick rim of her pucker was like a small tire, just one side of it being a bit thicker than two of Luna's dicks together. The rest of her body was tight enough though, and the scalie didn't spare a second before she started thrusting again, not quite as fast as earlier but quite a bit harder thanks to the massive weight of the cumtanks between her legs, smacking over and over against the bed and "poor" Veria.

The flood was slowly rising from insane amounts of precum and pussy juice filling the apartment, and the mess only got worse as Luna gave in to the pleasure. She grabbed onto Veria's thick nipples again, using them as leverage to fuck harder and faster, her hands getting very thoroughly covered with milk. That was all Veria needed to go over the edge, her eyes shutting tight (not that she could see anything while buried in sweaty balls anyways) and her body clenching hard around the multiple dicks inside her. Cum spewed from her own cock, splattering against Luna's body and dripping down, and her oversized cunt gushing between her thighs. She couldn't even close her legs, the swollen size of her holes preventing her from squeezing her thighs or knees together. The dragoness blushed at the sight, knowing she wasn't too far off from cumming either. It was only a question of how long she'd be cumming for.

Before long, that became true. With how much semen she was making it was less a matter of if she'd cum, and more how good she could make it feel. The answer was heavenly, and even as her climax began she didn't stop thrusting. She pulled back enough to briefly sink her cocks back into the thick typhlosion donut before slamming back through, and her four shafts nearly doubled in girth as her cream blasted through her urethras. The sounds she made were drowned out by the noises of her orgasm, cum shooting against the wall harder than a firehose and splashing back to cover everything in the room. She got more than a few mouthfuls of her own cum despite being nowhere near her tips, and her other fluids were completely lost in the flood of semen. She nearly cracked the wall with the force of her cumshots, rutting away at the typhlosion's throat like a cheap toy, but even in her lust-induced trance she realized there was something both she and Veria wanted deeply.

It took a great effort to not continue thrusting, but she managed to control herself and slowly pull back even as she kept cumming nonstop. She moved back to where she was earlier, the bulges of her shafts ending right by Veria's chest, her seed getting delivered directly to the cum-tank that was the pokemon's stomach. It immediately distended outwards, filling with gallons in a single second and still growing bigger. Of course more than a little bit still poured from her donut, the rim so thick that it couldn't even gape properly, or gushed back out of her mouth and nose, but most was kept safely in her stomach. Luna watched as it just kept on growing, pushing up Veria's member to point upwards and shoot cum onto the ceiling. "T-that's too hot.." The dragoness moaned, her hands going to her own chest to tease and play with her nipples to help prolong her orgasm- as if it wouldn't last several minutes anyways.

Not long passed before Veria's belly held enough cum to fill a bathtub, wobbling with every little movement- it was already far bigger than what she could hold last round. Her hands clenched tight to the sheets, her mind overwhelmed by the intense pleasure and pressure that was brought by such a situation. Luna slowly moved further back, if only to make room for more seed in place of her dicks, stopping with her tips just barely down that stretched-out throat. "J-just how much can you take, f-fuck..~" She groaned. Inevitably Veria eventually reached her limit, but not before her stomach was as large as the rest of her body, pushing up her tits with plenty of its bulk to her sides, or pressing down her genitals between her legs underneath its weight. It continued pouring from her ass and mouth as Luna pulled out completely, shooting a last few "weak" spurts onto that massive belly before she fell back on her ass in the pool of bodily fluids, which would be deep enough to reach a bit past her knee if she wasn't already sitting in it.

Veria didn't stand a chance at holding it in even with her increased capacity, immediately gushing even more from both ends, plenty spurting from her nose too even with her mouth wide open. It was like a dam exploded, and Luna had to shield her eyes as a torrent of her own semen poured from the typhlosion's lips, splashing all over her and adding to the flooded apartment. "It wouldn't be fair if I didn't help you out~" Luna giggled, wiping some cum off of her face- though it got covered again a moment later- as she scooted forwards, grabbing onto Veria's cheeks and planting a deep, upside-down kiss on her lips.

She happily swallowed her own semen, an entire mouthful at a time, feeling her cocks throbbing hard. She felt her stomach filling up, a bit of seed drooling down her face as her stomach began expanding out, jiggling slightly as she shuddered. The pokemon moaned loudly, her thick nipples gushing milk and her dick spurting some pre onto her huge belly, her rear still emptying its payload of draconic cum onto the bed, mixing with her still excessive amount of femcum and pouring off the sides of the ruined mattress onto the flooded floor below. By the time she stopped leaking it looked like she swallowed a beachball, and Luna's stomach was the size of.. A slightly smaller beachball.

She pulled back from the kiss, strings of spit and semen hanging between them before she licked her lips. "That was amazing~" She huffed, licking a bit of the mess off of Veria's face. The typhlosion groaned quietly in response, still a bit weak from the most recent session. "Y-yeah.. I think I only got one more round in me." She responded, giving a little smile. "Me too.. I think we should make it extra special~" Luna smiled, giving her friend another kiss on the cheek before standing up. "Come on, let's go to the other room. I'll bring the potions..~" She helped Veria onto her feet, a bit more seed spilling from her tailhole. She put her hands on her stomach, starting to slowly wade through the deep flood. "How can y-you stand with those things, let alone walk..?" She asked quietly, looking over at the dragoness' many balls which were mostly submerged in the fluids below. Luna rolled her eyes, picking up the soaked box. "You're one to talk, I could probably climb inside you and take a nap if I wanted to." She chuckled, and Veria pouted, her cheeks bright red. She knew the dragoness was right, after all, every single step she took brought tremendous pleasure, her thighs rubbing against the sides of her juicy pussy even with her legs spread, and her enormous, soft pucker clenching- or at least attempting to.

They stopped in the living room, Luna setting the box down on the kitchen counter and Veria standing close behind her. Though the pool of bodily liquids was just as deep as the bedroom, every other surface was spared- for the time being. "If what I read was right, then these potions will let us do some.. new things. But, before that I think we should get into a good position~" Luna hummed, taking more than a few vials from the box. "Here, drink all of these and sit down." She smiled, handing them over to the pokemon. Earlier, she would have hesitated or at least asked what they would do, but this time they barely left the dragoness' hands before Veria tore the tops out, immediately swallowing the potions- or rather letting them just flow down her throat, after all that "practice"- and carefully putting the vials on the counter.

"A-ah.. I'm s-so excited..~" Veria groaned, grabbing onto her tits and giving them a big squeeze, making streams of milk gush out onto the counter. "You might want to spread your legs, I think these ones will hit you hard..~" Luna smiled, crossing her arms as she watched the effects begin. "I-I think I get it now.." Veria moaned, looking down between her tits and below her junk, watching as her massive pussy continued growing. She couldn't see it, but she could sure as hell feel her donut getting bigger too. It didn't take long for her parts to double in size, and still growing. "That's.. More than I expected. I'm not complaining~" Luna whistled, taking a step back to give Veria some more space. "F-ff.. y-yeah.." Veria groaned in response, suddenly falling back on her humongous asshole and pussy. She didn't have to fall far though, her colossal cunt already having been touching the floor, and her wrinkly donut was just as large.

It felt like she was sitting on a big, soft beanbag chair, submerged in the liquids that filled the apartment. She cried out in pleasure, the sudden weight against her holes sending shivers down her spine. "..Maybe I gave you too much. Hm." Luna wondered, watching closely as Veria's pussy and pucker continued growing, subconsciously lowering a hand to one of her dicks and slowly stroking it. Veria was unable to make any words, lost in delight as her holes finally stopped growing. Even sitting on her big, squishy holes she was nearly as high up as Luna, her feet unable to reach the ground around her drenched pussy. "I might not be able to fuck you at this point.." Luna mumbled, but as she kept thinking, a wide smile spread across her face. "Hey Veria, what would you think about trying something new~?" She stepped right up to the typhlosion, gently rubbing her thick nipples and easily coaxing out even more milk. "P-please.." She responded quietly, slowly rocking her hips and attempting to grind her hyper-sized snatch and backdoor against the floor.

"Before that, you need to drink these. You know the drill~" The dragoness smiled, taking a few more vials out, and quickly feeding them one by one to the pokemon. Right after that she drank a few of her own, her body heating up as the multiple potions began to take effect on both of them. Luna grunted as a familiar pressure grew in her crotch, looking down as many new cocks sprouted outwards, barely having enough room between her legs with her thirty balls. They soon grew to the size of the four she already had, giving her sixteen total. She wasn't making any extra fluids, but the extra urethras allowed her to at least release fluids quicker, precum gushing out onto the floor below. This feels amazing..! She thought to herself, though she was barely able to form that thought at all with how horny it was making her. Veria's changes were a bit more dramatic. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, her eyes rolling back as her body was wracked with intense pleasure. It was a good thing she was already sitting down, as the rising weight on her chest likely would've made her fall. A second row of tits was growing out beneath the first, quickly expanding to the same size, but that wasn't all. She felt all four breasts aching for a moment before her already prodigious amounts of milk, which had just doubled thanks to her new breasts, then at least tripled over that without her chest even being touched, her endless milk quickly adding to the flood. The numbers weren't done there, and she nearly came on the spot as she felt the unusual sensation of more nipples growing on her breasts, just as big as the ones she already had. Soon enough she had four, massive teats on each of her four breasts, each gushing her hot cream. And of course, her already enormous nipples each grew about three times longer and thicker, and many more times sensitive.

"T-this is crazy, but.. I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to." Luna mumbled, stepping forwards and carefully positioning her dicks in a way that would make her plan work. She had one of her dicks positioned in front of each nipple, milk and precum splashing together and splattering onto the floor. Veria was starting to get the idea, but she didn't make any attempt to stop the dragoness as she pushed forwards, pressing her many dicks against those many nipples. She could feel the milk gushing against her sensitive cocks, but as she pushed harder the flow of milk was cut off. It seemed that the pressure behind her precum was stronger than the pressure of Veria's milk, and she groaned out as her tits began to slowly fill up with pre, the pressure and pleasure driving her wild.

Neither of them were satisfied with that, and with a silent agreement between them, she quickly pushed forwards. A few inches of each cock slid right into the pokemon's breasts, giving both of them some unusual but very welcomed pleasure. "Oh f-fuck, it actually worked.. I was worried for a minute.." Luna groaned, looking down at Veria's nipples stretched around her members before she kept pushing deeper. Unlike her asshole or pussy, Veria's teats felt incredibly tight, constantly squeezing around those pre-gushing cocks. "P-please, g-go hard..!" She begged. Luna nodded- she was going to go all out anyways, it felt too good for her to be gentle.

Putting her hands on Veria's shoulders, Luna slammed in deep, hilting all of her cocks in one swift motion. Milk and precum gushed back out from the increase in pressure, not that there was really anywhere on their bodies that wasn't already coated. So soft.. Luna thought as she started thrusting away, making those giant mammaries shake and wobble as they gradually swelled larger, filling up with precum. Veria couldn't do anything but press her hands into the sides of her breasts, continuing to slowly hump against the floor and gushing from her oversized pussy, her asshole clenching around nothing.

It didn't take long at all for the typhlosion to begin orgasming, most of her fluids getting lost in the pool below, but barely any of her milk was able to get out of her stretched nipples, her own milk adding to the growth of her breasts. Luna was introduced to a special kind of pleasure, the pressure increasing around her shafts as she thrusted, as if they were being squeezed in a new way. "H-hah.. So fucking good.." She moaned and started thrusting even harder, her thirty, massive balls sloshing around in the pool below- it was halfway past her knees to her waist, and she hadn't even cum yet. It didn't take much longer, the pleasure was just too good for her to hold back.

All sixteen of her cocks bursted with cum at the same time, filling up Veria's tits and filling them up far beyond what they were prepared to hold, starting to grow them much faster than any of the potions did. Hundreds of gallons of cum and milk poured out from each overstretched nipple, the already flooded apartment getting even more full. Veria's chest grew and grew, starting to push Luna back from its sheer size, her orgasm showing no signs of stopping. Each one of the typhlosion's breasts was probably as big as her body and still growing, the pool of mixed bodily fluids nearly reaching to their shoulders. Both of them had given themselves completely to the pleasure, humping and grinding against eachother, lost in the throes of orgasm. The weight of all those fluids filling the apartment started to take their toll, the doors and windows creaking and cracking. Seconds later all of the doors and windows burst, Luna and Veria's fluids rushing out into the hallway or out over the sides of the building, but they still had a long time before either of them were done cumming.

. . .

Some time later, the two of them were back in the bedroom. There wasn't any surface in their home that wasn't plastered with thick cum and milk, and that included their bodies especially. After all of the potions they'd taken, there wasn't really a chance of them ever not being horny again. But after their most recent orgasm, they at least had a moment of relative calm. "Mmh.. that was amazing, Veri. I can't believe we made such a mess~" Luna chuckled, her arms wrapped around Veria's chest, between her two rows of tits. The dragoness' own chest was pressed against the typhlosion's back, still leaking milk. "Y-yeah, it- mmmff- it was." Veria huffed in response, putting her hands on her massively bulging stomach. For them to spoon like this, Luna had to tuck her dicks away somewhere, and Veria's vast asshole was the perfect place to keep them- even if it made it hard for both of them not to cum again, even if they were holding still. The size of Luna's ballsack certainly made it awkward, but she managed to get into a position where she kept her balls behind her thighs, taking up most of the bed.

It took a while for them to even get to the bedroom, Veria's pussy too big for her to walk normally.. And each of her already enormous tits were inflated to twice the size of her body, nearly having buried Luna earlier. They at least managed to deflate most of the way, pouring the cum and milk that had built up inside them all over the apartment, but they were still bigger than the potions had made them and still making quite a mess. Veria even had to keep her hands away from her nipples to keep herself from climaxing. Fortunately, she had her breasts off of the side on the bed, gently resting on the floor as they continued to leak. "I hope you're right about these never wearing off, they all feel amazing.." She sighed, relaxing in the embrace of the dragoness. "They won't, trust me." Luna replied, giving the pokemon a gentle kiss on the cheek. "We aren't done yet, though..~" She smirked, and the typhlosion looked back at her with a blush. "W-what do you mean?" She asked nervously. Luna chuckled, giving one of those hyper tits a gentle squeeze, bringing out a quiet moan from Veria. "We still have a lot more potions to go through, after all."

[COMM] Lazy King

It was a hot, sunny afternoon in a desert town, and Idri the siamese cat was standing at the entrance to their king's temple. Nobody ever saw the king unless they were a servant or guard, so he knew nothing about what he looked like. He didn't even...

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Recycle and Reuse

It was a quiet evening around town, most people already being in their homes for the night. The exception were the guards that constantly patrolled the village, and of course the raccoon and snake that were sneaking around together and occasionally...

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[COMM] Flygrowth Drive

Xavier the flygon was in his room, setting up his camera and microphone on his computer. Though he considered himself good with computers and programming, and played games often, he'd never really tried his hand at streaming. He was planning to make a...

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