Nailed and Railed

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#2 of Standalones

A shorter standalone story about a lunch break hookup that I tried to write just to get more gay sex stories out there.

This story contains gay sex between several males. If that bothers you or you are underage, please don't read further.

Sean was bored. And horny. It was a Friday morning, and the tabby cat didn't have much work to do right now. He sat in his cubicle, twirling a pen around in his paw. He heard the quiet workings of the office around him, but Friday was always slow. He thought about what he could do to alleviate his boredom. And since he was horny, his mind quickly turned to all sorts of salacious daydreams.

Sean pulled out his phone. He couldn't do anything in the office, of course, but he had an hour for lunch coming up. Maybe he could find someone to pass the time with, and get rid of his tenting khakis in the process. Sean glanced around to make sure no one was at his cubicle, and no emails had come in, before opening his preferred hookup app. He checked his settings quickly and made sure he was showing as looking for something now.

That done, the tabby started to scroll through the profiles around him. Some were very close - in this building for sure. Sean knew a few of them, but none were favorites of his, and he didn't think any would be down for a quick lunch break fling. What Sean needed right now was someone who'd bend him over the nearest object, fuck the horny out of him, and be done in time for his one o'clock meeting.

On cue, a message popped up in the app. Sean quickly opened it. His eyes were drawn to the thumbnail before he read the message and he tapped it to zoom in. The photo showed a fit panther, all sleek black fur and hard edged muscles. He had on a white hard hat and a yellow safety vest on top of a tight dark red shirt, which was fitting considering the photo was of him on a construction site, standing on some steel beams a couple stories up in an unfinished building. Sean was very excited to get back to the message now, because this guy was his type.

The cat went back to the message and saw a second one had popped up. He read:

Hey! Saw your profile just now, you're pretty sexy. It says you're looking right now, any chance you'd be free in 45 minutes or so? I'll go on lunch then and you look like you're a couple blocks away.

Below that was a second message that had just come in with some more details.

Looking to start the weekend early and fuck away the stress. Your profile says you bottom, right?

Sean felt his heart speed up a little, and his dick respond to the increased blood flow. He quickly tapped a message back.

You read my mind! I can take my lunch break then too and get an hour free. Definitely a bottom.

He tapped his chin for a moment, then quickly sent another message.

Where are you at? I don't have any good spots to meet except the bathroom and maybe my car.

As he waited for a response, the cat opened up the panther's profile properly to take a good look. The guy was everything he wanted right now. His name was just listed as 'Lunch Break?" with an eggplant emoji, but Sean didn't need a life story to get railed. He glanced through the preferences and info the guy had provided. Taller than Sean, heavier than Sean, vers top, everything the slim tabby looked for. He scrolled down to the photos.

The panther had provided about a dozen other photos, more than half of them depicting the construction worker on site. One had him carrying a couple boards in a white tanktop, wearing a toolbelt and jeans. Another showed the big cat standing in front of an empty unfinished elevator shaft, grinning with both thumbs up as he pretended to step off into the pit.

The later pictures were a little more revealing of his physique than his personality. The first Sean saw was a shirtless selfie of the guy laying on a bed, showing off his well defined chest. The picture right after it showed the panther in profile wearing wet swim trunks, clinging to his ass and letting everybody know he had a sheath in the front.

Sean was getting a little heated. Right as he finished looking through the available photos, another message notification popped up. Excited, the cat switched back over to see what the panther had to say.

I'm working on that new building going up at 5th and Chester. No bathrooms here but portapotties and that's not happening. There's some walled in rooms on the first floor though. Not a lot of furniture but I could grab a board and some sawhorses, treat a guy like you right.

Sean snorted as he read the message. He typed back quickly.

Any doors yet? Also, I'd prefer getting stuffed with dick and not splinters.

Almost immediately Sean saw the cat typing back, and he waited a few moments for the reply.

No doors yet, but from some of your profile photos you're not opposed to a little showing off right?

Sean blushed a little. He guessed the panther was referring to the shot of him in a harness and thong on a nightclub dance floor. He'd hesitated about putting it on his profile - but it was a hookup app after all. He wasn't exactly shy about his intentions.

He recovered his composure and went to reply, but the panther sent another message.

As for splinters, I'll be a perfect gentleman. and add a tarp to the plywood board I fuck you on it.

Sean grinned and typed back.

And they say romance is dead. None of your coworkers will care?

Sean heard a noise from his computer, and looked up to an email that had just come in. He put his phone aside and rolled his chair forwards, but it was just a company wide IT alert that planned server maintenance was happening some godforsaken hour Sunday morning.

Sean clicked away and turned back to find a response on his phone once more.

My coworkers will care that I pulled some sexy tail while they sit and eat sandwiches. If they find us and do anything they'd probably try to join in.

Sean unconsciously licked his lips. He typed a little, then deleted it. Then he retyped it because being shy was not the point of hookups with strangers in construction sites.

Any chance we could make that happen? Just one extra guy maybe, I will have to go back to work at some point.

This time there was a longer wait on the reply before the panther messaged back.

You must be one hungry slut, and I like that. I'm going first, but if you're really up for it, I've got a buddy here who don't mind sloppy seconds.

Sean grinned slightly. He responded quickly, and got a quick response in turn.

Does he look anything like you?

Nah, he's a big old bear who likes beer more than the gym.

Sounds perfect.

Sean put his phone aside now that he had his lunch break plans set up and did a bit more work. His heart wasn't in it though. He found himself picking up his phone again. He looked through the profiles around the panther, but he couldn't find a bear. Then he found himself looking through the panther's photos again. He was still bored and still horny.

Finally he reopened the message with his lunch hookup and sent another text.

Got any dick pics? Sitting here bored and horny at work and figured we could do a little foreplay before we meet up.

For a while there was no response. Sean told himself to be patient. Just because he didn't have any work didn't mean everybody else had to drop what they were doing. Of course, when his phone vibrated he snatched it up immediately.

He saw a photo taken looking down the panther's toned body. He was wearing a white shirt with a safety vest over it, but the focus of the picture was the jeans and underwear that had been pulled down and away a bit to expose the panther's sheath. Sean leaned in towards his phone like he could get closer and taste it. There was no cock peeking out yet, and the guy's balls were barely visible, fuzzy black orbs just beneath that thick sheath. As Sean absorbed the photo, already getting himself a little hard, he noticed that the hand pulling the jeans down and away was a big white furred bear paw.

Sean's eyebrows rose, and he looked at the message that had come with the photo.

My big fella is still napping, but I'm sure you can keep the foreplay going and send me something to wake him up.

Another message appeared as Sean read the first.

By the way, since you sounded so excited about it, I got my buddy to help out with the picture. Anything you send back I'm gonna share with him too, since he's gonna help fill you up.

Sean leaned back in his chair. He looked around the office again. Then the cat stood up and headed towards the bathroom. He slipped into the men's room and found a stall. The tabby quickly shimmied his khakis down over the curve of his ass. He swept his tail to the side, arched his back and pointed his camera down. He snapped a photo, then excitedly opened up the app again and sent it.

The photo showed off his ass of course, but it also showed the black thong he was wearing. He typed a message to go along with it.

_Don't worry, I'm set up for easy access today. _

There was another long wait, so Sean decided to use the bathroom and freshen himself up as much as possible while he was there. As he left, he felt his phone buzz, but he forced himself to walk back to his desk. Once there, he whipped out his phone immediately.

_Damn, can't wait to get at that ass. _

Below that, another picture appeared as Sean watched. This was again shot from the top down, but this time it showed two bodies. One was the lean panther, but the other was a big bellied polar bear. Both had their flys open and briefs pulled down to expose their sheaths. The panther had a dark red cock poking about two inches out. The polar bear had about an inch, just the head, of a thick black tip past the opening of his sheath. The polar bear was noticeably thicker, and probably longer, though it was hard to tell with sheaths.

Amusingly, the picture looked to have been taken from the edge of the second or third story of the unfinished building they were working on. In the background of the picture, once he was done salivating over their exposed dicks, Sean saw a beaver staring upwards in a hard hat and vest. He had a middle finger raised towards his exhibitionist colleagues.

Sean had to smile at that. He saw another message appear.

Don't mind Arnold in the back there. You've got us excited, so I hope your ass can deliver because we're not interested in foreplay anymore. Meet us in fifteen? I'll wait at the entrance at the intersection.

Shaking a little, Sean typed back quickly.

Be there soon.

The tabby was only a few blocks away from the construction site. It was a gorgeous spring day, hot in the sun and cool in the shade. The slender cat enjoyed the walk, but his mind was filled with anticipation.As he walked up the street he saw the new building rising in front of him. He could see figures in yellow vests walking around the unfinished fifth floor, while others looked to be putting in walls on the second and third. The first floor looked mostly intact, just empty holes for doors and windows.

He came up to the crosswalk and waited for the light to change. Standing with a small group of people, he saw the panther he'd been messaging. If possible he looked hotter in person. The black cat lounged gracefully against the fence, tail swinging idly. He was looking around, scanning the crowd. When he spotted Sean his gaze focused in. Sean gave him a wave, and the panther grinned and slid forward off the wall as Sean finally crossed the street.

"Hey man! Glad you showed up." He gestured for Sean to follow him and opened a gate in the fence. As he stepped through, the panther picked up two hard hats. He handed one to the cat, and pulled his own on. "Boss doesn't care if we have an orgy, but helmets on and closed toed shoes at all times. You're not allowed anywhere here without an escort by the way."

Sean nodded. He pulled the helmet on and adjusted the straps best he could. He glanced around and saw they were alone - all the other workers were near the building they started walking towards. He leaned over to the panther and joked "Glad we're sticking with anal. I'd feel like a dork sucking dick in this thing."

The panther raised his eyebrows at the tabby. "But no problems getting fucked in one?" The big cat had a deep voice, deeper than Sean expected for his lean frame.

The tabby shrugged. "I think you'll look hot railing me in a safety vest and hard hat, so I can't complain when I am wearing one." The panther led him up to a doorway into the first floor. As they passed in, he looked over his shoulder. "I'm Kyle, by the way. Mike's the polar bear, he's setting up for us."

"I'm Sean. Nice to know your name first."

Kyle smirked as he stopped in front of a doorway into a room. "Well when you're sandwiched between two guys it'll be useful to know which one you're talking to." Sean stepped into the room. It was not secluded at all. The doorway was in sight of the entrance they had come through, and there were two cutouts for windows on the outer wall. They were definitely going to be seen - or at least heard.

But he knew that already, and it wasn't his coworkers so he'd have to trust the others wouldn't be a problem. Instead he focused on the room. True to his word, Kyle had arranged for a luxurious hookup bed. A couple of sawhorses stood in the middle of the room, with a thick plywood board laid on top. A big blue tarp was just being spread over the contraption by a polar bear dressed similarly to Kyle. He turned as they entered and grinned.

He was bigger than the panther, a few inches taller and much thicker in the body. Definitely still Sean's type though. As they approached, he stuck out a hand. "Pleased to fuck you, pal. Name's Mike."

Sean couldn't help grinning. These guys were great, much better than some hookups that acted like the whole thing was taboo, or tried to keep it formal and distanced. It was just sex, all parties involved consenting adults. "Sean. Pleased to be fucked." He extended his own paw and shook Mike's. The polar bear was nice about it, but he still nearly crushed the cat's hand.

Mike stepped back to the "bed". "Well that's pleasantries taken care of. Kyle said you get an hour, but we've only got another half hour for our break, and we got two big loads to give ya. Wanna paw up?"

Sean raised his eyebrows and looked at Kyle. The panther was rubbing his crotch and unashamedly looking at the cat's butt. "We figured you on your back, that way I can fuck you while Mike gets warmed up with your mouth." He gestured to the hard hat on Sean's head. "Hoping you don't feel like too much of a dork."

The cat rolled his eyes. "You guys have this all planned out. Do you have a blueprint for this or...?"

Mike snorted. "Come over here so you can suck me off, and then we won't have to hear bad construction jokes."

Sean walked over obligingly. Mike grabbed him underneath the armpits and bodily lifted him up, helping the cat lay down on the precarious setup. As the polar moved around to his head, Kyle stepped up to his feet. "Let me help you out of your pants. Gotta keep these clean for work right?"

Sean reached down and undid his belt, then helped shimmy them down his legs while Kyle pulled them off over his shoes. The cat pulled his paw in to untie them, but the panther stopped him. "Closed toed shoes at all times on site, right Mike?"

The polar bear rumbled behind him. "Right. Wouldn't want an accident." Sean tilted his head back to see the bear, only to find him right there, and with his pants open and sheath out. A few inches of his black bearhood were already exposed as he stepped forward and draped his genitals over the cat's face. "Don't worry about your back end. Kyle's got the lube and he'll get you all ready." The polar bear leered down at Sean. "Why don't you focus on getting me ready?

Sean obliged, tilting his head back more off the side of the board, and opening his mouth. He let his tongue rasp over Mike's balls, tasting the polar bears sweat and musk from a hard morning at work. He breathed in through his nose, letting the musk get him horny and excited. This was just what he needed.

Above him, the big polar bear spoke. "I've really gotta try that hookup app after this. Can't believe you just found some hot guy willing to come get fucked on his lunch break in like fifteen minutes of looking." He slowly moved his hips as he spoke, trailing his extending cocktip over Sean's chin and rolling his balls over the cat's face.

Sean heard the sound of a bottle popping open from the panther before Kyle responded. "From the looks of things, our kitty cat here was just as excited to find two guys down the street willing to fuck him." Sean couldn't see, but he twitched a little as he suddenly felt a warm paw press down on his bulging erection, still covered by his thong. "Yeah, he's very excited about this."

"Well then put a couple digits in him." The polar bear dragged his dick backwards over Sean's face and then reached down with a paw to smack his tip on the cat's lips a few times. "Open up kitty. We've got maybe twenty five minutes left."

The tabby obligingly opened his mouth, tongue darting out to lick off the precum starting to dribble from the bear's member. Before he could get more than a taste, the polar bear moved his hips forward. He didn't exactly shove it in Sean's mouth, but he wasn't slow or gentle about it either. He just moved forward at a steady pace, and the sheer girth of that black bear cock had the cat's cheeks bulging immediately.

Sean was no stranger to sucking cock, so he relaxed his throat and wrapped his lips over his sharp teeth. He started to breath through his nose as Mike's fat cockhead reached the back of his mouth. The bear wasn't fully hard yet, but the cat could feel several more inches unsheathing into his throat. Once again his vision was blocked out as Mike's hips reached his face and the polar bear's big fuzzy balls settled over his eyes.

Mike grunted and let out a little moan above him. "Fuck, so warm and wet." A little shiver went through his whole body. "Love seeing my cock just disappear into you, Sean. You know how to treat a guy right."

Sean was congratulating himself on pleasing this big stud when he felt a paw grab the strap of his thong and pull it to the side. "Glad he's got a nice mouth, but how's the main event?" Sean heard Kyle say. He felt a trickle of coolness as lube was poured over his hole. He obligingly kept his tail to the side and spread his legs a little more. He was rewarded as he felt a warm digit touch his asshole. It trailed around, gently circling the entrance and slickening everything up, before pressing in.

Sean purred, the vibrations rumbling in his chest. At that cue, Mike started to slowly thrust back and forth in his mouth, only moving an inch or two to start. Sean felt Kyle press into him even deeper. Just like Mike entering his mouth, the panther was a step above gentle and a step below rough. The muscular panther wasn't wasting time prepping him.

A second digit, accompanied by another trickle of lube, pressed in. Sean tensed at that, but he forced himself to relax. Unable to see or speak with the polar bear humping away at his face, the cat was keenly aware of every sensation in his body. Sean was getting into it now. The tabby cat was in his element being used by a couple studs like this. He started to move his tongue as Kyle continued to move his digits deeper and started stretching him, slow circular movements.

Above him, his tongue ministrations were rewarded with grunting and snorting from the polar bear. Mike was now pulling almost half his cock out and pushing it back in. He wasn't facefucking the cat yet. In fact, he was going rather slowly. After another minute, with the cat getting increasingly comfortable on both ends and starting to really get into the blowjob, the polar bear shuddered and pulled back completely. His dick sprung up a little as it left Sean's mouth, saliva and precum trailing off the tip.

Sean licked his lips. He liked the taste of the bear he'd gotten so far. He looked up, still on his back and still wearing his dumb hard hat. "Why'd you stop? You can go harder if you want."

Mike grinned down at him. "Believe me, I want to. But you're gonna make me bust my nut down your throat, and I'm trying to save it for your ass. Speaking of..." He gestured towards Sean's bottom half. The tabby cat lifted his head up and looked down his body to see Kyle slowly pulling his paw back. His other paw was stroking his erection.

The panther was sporting a dark red, almost angry looking cock. Like Sean's, the feline's dick was covered in barbs. Sean caught his breath as he took in the scene from a fantasy. The construction worker hadn't bothered to do anything other than slide his jeans and underwear down around his knees. As he stepped forward, seven inches swaying with the motion, he leered down at Sean.

"You've got a tight ass, kitty. We should both be glad I'm going before Mike gets his monster in you." The panther bent his knees slightly, getting his cock level with Sean's ass. He grabbed the tabby cat around his thighs and shifted him a few inches closer to the edge. "There we go. Now I can fuck you without banging into the plywood."

Sean spread his legs wide, lifting his footpaws up to the panther's shoulders and showing off a little flexibility. He was horny as hell, and he wanted the big cat inside him. "What're you waiting for, a permit? Fuck me already!" Kyle growled. The panther lowered his hips again and shoved forward, his leaky cocktip matting the fur on Sean's ass. The panther slid his tip down until he was pressed against Sean's entrance.

The tabby opened his mouth to say something else, but Kyle shoved forwards. This time he was a little rough. Spurred on by Sean's teasing, the panther was apparently trying to fit his whole dick in the cat in one go. Instead of saying something, Sean just let out a squeak as his whole body tensed around the invading member and a little air was forced out.

Both Kyle and Mike chuckled a little at the sound, although Kyle quickly dropped back into a half growl, half purr as his hips pressed forward until his balls tapped the smaller cat's ass. "That what you wanted?" he purred to Sean. "Tight ass or not, you took me in one go. Good thing you found a couple of studs to take care of you today." The panther reached down and pulled the tabby's thong aside, exposing his own rock hard erection. Kyle's paw was still slick with lube as he started to caress the cat's cock.

Sean was getting his breath back and started to reply, but he felt a big paw on his shoulder that started to push him flat again. "That was a nice break, but I think I'm ready for your mouth again kitty." Mike stepped forward again. Sean had almost forgotten the big polar bear had been waiting with an even bigger erection behind him. "You signed up for two of us, remember? I'm glad you're not having any trouble with the big kitty fucking you, cause I'm the next size up."

Sean resigned himself to not talking and just opened his mouth. Below him, Kyle was purring almost constantly. Sean felt the panther's eyes on him as Mike moved his hips and sank half his cock into the cat's mouth in one go. Sean immediately went back to sucking off the polar bear, swirling his rough tongue all around the girthy shaft in his mouth. As the polar bear got deeper, Sean started to use his throat, trying to swallow around the bear's cock. A part of him wanted to defeat the bear, make him blow his load early. The other part wanted two loads in his ass.

Kyle got to work on the first load. The panther pulled his hips back after a few seconds of watching Mike facefuck the tabby cat. Sean felt himself tense as the feline's barbs dragged along his insides. They didn't hurt, but the stimulation was intense. It triggered wave after wave of contractions on Kyle's cock. The panther growled.

"Figured you'd be used to barbs, kitty. Feels like you're a little out of practice with your fellow felines."

"Barbs and knots, you cats and dogs overcomplicate things." Mike jeered as he thrust repeatedly into Sean's mouth. "All you need is a warm hole and a big pole."

Kyle thrust forward, balls slapping into Sean's ass. Every few thrusts, the panther gently stroked up and down the tabby cat's cock, throbbing in between their bodies. "Bears are boring," he said. "Least felines and canines have something to make it exciting."

Mike growled, the reverberations vibrating his cock as it sat in Sean's throat. The bear took a break from thrusting, trying to cover how close he was, Sean was sure. The cat reached up with a paw and started to fondle the furry balls resting on his face while he breathed deeply through his nose. Mike's growl shifted pitch as the cat started to play with his nuts. "Why don't you hurry up so I can fuck him, and we'll ask our new friend who was more exciting, huh?"

Kyle grinned at him. "Hurry up before you lose it and give him lunch, you mean?"

The polar bear snorted. "Yeah, I do. Guy's got a sweet mouth on him."

Sean felt the panther pick up the pace. Those barbs were raking his ass. If his mouth hadn't been stuffed full of bear sausage he'd be moaning, but all he could manage was a continuous purr. Mike was a big one, that was for sure. He was glad the panther was being a little rough, stretching him out.

It hadn't been more than two minutes since they started, but the tabby cat felt Kyle's cock stiffening inside him. The panther's pace started to get erratic as the big cat got close to cumming. Above him, Mike suddenly pulled back. Sean took in a deep breath as that big cock left his mouth, then he tried to sit up.

As Mike stepped back, the panther's frantic thrusting started to shove Sean's plywood bed across the sawhorses. "Whoops," Mike said. The polar bear stepped back into position, his slick black cock resting on Sean's shoulder as he pressed his thighs against the board. "Don't want the kitties to go for a tumble."

The felines weren't paying him much attention. Kyle's thrusting reached a fever pitch, each stroke of his hips almost pulling his whole cock out of Sean's ass. The wet slapping noises of their bodies slamming together were audible outside, Sean was sure. The tabby cat was nearly overwhelmed with pleasure, every thrust hitting his prostate, and the panther's barbs raking back over it for maximum stimulation.

Kyle slammed his hips forward one more time. The big cat actually tried to walk forward a step, desperate to fit every inch of his cock into the smaller cat beneath him. Sean felt the familiar warm throbbing inside him as the panther bent over him, his face twisted in pleasure. His own cock throbbed between them, but Sean didn't blow his load yet. He felt each individual pulse as the panther came, filling his guts with seed.

Slowly, they both started to come down off their plateau, although Sean was still a little unsatisfied without cumming. The panther's breathing recovered, and he straightened up. "Damn, that was a good fuck. You gonna be around here every day kitty? Cause I -"

"Alright, outta the way Kyle." Mike interrupted. The bear stepped away, his big cock leaving a trail of precum on Sean's shoulder where it had been resting. The cat noticed a little pool of it left behind. The big bear was very aroused. "We're not doing goodbyes yet, since I still haven't fucked him. And you didn't even get him off either kitty." The big bear wagged a digit as he stepped next to Kyle. "Pull out, and I'll finish the job."

Kyle smirked and slowly stepped back. Sean gasped a little as that full feeling deserted him with the panther's cock. He was used to it, but the empty feeling after being fucked always craved more. As Mike stepped in front of him, Sean knew he was going to get a lot more. Mike bent his knees to line them up. "Hey Kyle, go be useful and stand at his head. I'll knock the board over fucking him otherwise."

The panther hiked his jeans up, leaving the fly open and his cock dangling out. He stepped around behind Sean's head. As Mike poured a little lube on his cock and prepared himself, Kyle leaned down. "You've got a great ass, man. Don't worry about Mike, cause you milked every drop outta me. You're all lubed up."

Mike, hearing the exchange, grinned as he shuffled forward until his tip touched Sean's ass. "He's right. No better lube than another guy's load. You ready Sean?"

Sean nodded. "Go for it big guy. Fuck the cum out of me."

The polar bear nodded. Then he pressed forward. He went slower than Kyle, which Sean appreciated. The cat struggled to breathe for a few seconds. "Damn, it felt big in my mouth. Do you hammer nails with that thing?"

Mike rolled his eyes and pressed another inch forwards. Sean estimated he was about eight in total. "You love your construction jokes, dontcha?"

Sean tried to shrug, leaning back into Kyle's body as the panther stepped forward, pressing his thighs into the plywood as it started to slide backwards. "I've got a thing for guys who work with their paws." Above him, Kyle snorted. His softening cock was resting on Sean's neck.

"We kinda figured that out when you were willing to get fucked on a plywood board in an open room. Either you've got a big thing for us or you were really horny."

Sean grunted as Mike got closer to the base of his cock. "Speaking off, anybody peek in yet? You were fucking me pretty loudly."

Mike nodded and pressed his hips all the way forward. Sean felt his warm thighs touch his, as the polar bear lifted his legs up to his shoulders for the best penetration. "Yeah, Arnold peaked into the door while you were sucking me off. He just tapped his watch."

Kyle grunted acknowledgement. "We still got another fifteen."

The polar bear growled where he was standing. Sean was slowly getting used to the sensation of having his entire cock shoved into his body. The cat felt like he'd gotten a steel bar inserted into him. The polar bear spoke through clenched teeth, saying "I'll be proud if I last two minutes like you did Kyle. This guy's got an ass that won't quit."

Sean managed a grin at him. "Just so long as you get me off too. I'm not doing this for charity."

Mike nodded, then started to pull back. Sean was more prepared this time. He focused on the pleasure, the good feelings the polar bear elicited as his fat cock rubbed his guts. The tabby cat started to clench his ass deliberately.

"Oooh fuck," Mike panted. "Please kitty, let me have a couple minutes before you milk me dry."

"So much for the dominant bear," Kyle teased. "Brought to your limit in less than a single thrust."

"Fuck off. You woulda blown your load in his throat if I'd gone first."

"Maybe. Actually, that's not a bad idea." Kyle tilted Sean's head back to look at him while Mike thrust back in, groaning in pleasure. "I'll give you a little helping head while Mike hangs on for dear life." And the panther leaned forward, showing off his feline flexibility as he bent himself over and started to lick at Sean's abandoned erection.

"Oooh" Sean gasped. He tried to say something else, but Kyle quickly got bored of licking and just slurped up his whole cock. Sean's eyes bulged. It was a lot to take in, the big bear stuffing him with his thick cock while the panther used his own raspy tongue to bring Sean to the edge. "Uh, Mike? I'm not gonnnnna last long either." Sean said shakily.

"Then I'm gonna cut loose and fuck you hard, sexy."

The polar bear was true to his word. He stopped with his slow strokes and pulled out sharply, only to thrust back in hard. The jolt pushed Sean's cock deeper into Kyle's muzzle. Both the tabby and the polar bear moaned as they picked up the pace. Kyle was a pretty good cocksucker, bobbing up and down and swirling his tongue around Sean's leaking tip. He wrapped his lips tightly around the tabby's shaft and pulled upwards while he turned his head side to side, stimulating his own barbs.

Sean groaned, eyes rolling up. He slumped backwards against the panther's hard abs. "Kyle I'm gonna cum any second," he warned. The panther didn't react, just bobbing down again. Sean felt the polar bear inside him stiffening, throbbing with every thrust. The cat clenched down repeatedly as he tried to focus on the rutting bear instead of his own orgasm.

The panther would not be denied. With a shuddering yowl Sean came hard, his dick throbbing as he shot jets of cum into the panther's hungry muzzle. His clenching ass set off Mike, who was already at the edge. The polar bear was quieter than Sean, but he let out a grunting growl as he buried himself inside the smaller feline and orgasmed. His cock throbbed in Sean's guts like a hot iron, every pulse painting his guts white, mixing with the panther cum already filling him up.

Sean yowled again as Kyle bobbed down on his sensitive dick. He tried to sit up and push him away, but the muscular cat didn't budge. The motion put pressure on the steel bar still throbbing in his ass and Mike grunted. "Woah there kitty, let me ride it out," he said.

Panting, Sean found his voice. "Kyle, get off, pleeeeease!" His cry drawn out as the panther gave another swipe with his tongue. Finally the big cat relented and straightened up. He looked down as Sean let his head flop backwards. Kyle licked his lips with a grin on his muzzle.

"Tastes pretty good buddy. I'd have another drink."

"See, now we can do the chatting and pillow talk," Mike said, leaning forward a bit. The motion translated into his still embedded dick and Sean winced a little. "This building is gonna take a few more months to go up. Think we can arrange this again?" the polar bear asked.

Sean was still getting his breath back. "I'm not here for a relationship, guys."

Kyle smirked. "A business partnership, all parties involved equally satisfied. Right?" he asked, gesturing to Sean's limp and receding dick.

"Very satisfied. And I'm sure I'll be here agai-"

Sean was cut off as a voice from the window said "Somebody get hurt down here? We heard somebody yelling like they were dying."

All three of them looked the side to see two construction workers peering in through the window slot, a coyote and a kangaroo. As their eyes adjusted to the relative darkness inside, Sean saw their eyes go wide at the scene, Sean still impaled on the big polar bears dick while Kyle stood with cum on his muzzle, pants down at the tabby cat's head.

Mike gave them the finger. "Yeah, we took him to heaven and back. We're fine, thanks for asking."

Blushing straight through his fur, the coyote turned immediately and stepped away. The kangaroo started to turn, but he glanced back. "Where's a guy sign up to take him to the pearly gates?" he asked.

Kyle grinned down at Sean. "Any chance we can expand that business partnership in the future?"

Territorial Dispute

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Pair of Coaches

Alan walked into his office that morning with a smile he could not keep off his face. Everything seemed a little brighter today. The weather was gorgeous for August, a nice crisp hint of fall to come, with the sun in the sky but a cool breeze keeping...

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Assistant Coach

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