Cold City Cuddles

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#2 of The Cuddler

Trouble finds a defenseless wolf as a local gang gang-cuddles him

I was walking home in the coldness of winter, my wolf fur wasn't enough to keep me warm evidently as I needed to wear a winter coat with a pair of jeans to stay warm. It was a troublesome time in the city I currently lived in, crime rates were at an all time high which made walking home at night tough, and it being winter only made it worse. As I walked past the numerous closed and open restaurants and compact buildings and apartments I finally got to my apartment complex. I opened the door and stepped inside and proceeded towards the stairwell.

As I climbed the stairs I thought of how much warmer it felt inside than outside as the HVAC system was just fixed last week due to numerous complaints. As I reached the second floor and began to walk up the next staircase a group of three people caught my eye. I didn't directly stare but I looked at them quickly and turned my head back to watch my step when I walked up the stairs. It was a Cat, Fox, and a excon Dutch Angel Dragon, only reason I knew he was an excon was because his wings and tail were clipped. They do that as some sort of "Punishment".

They all wore shorts and a TShirt, with their height being at least 6 foot, and as I passed them they stared at me. The Cat Orange fur with a white underbelly, red ears and a white tuft of fur on the top of his head, his paws were also red too, with eyes as green as grass. The Fox looked like a standardly generic fox, unusual, because there were rarely any generic colored people around here, besides me. The Dutch Angel Dragon was fully colored a blackish gray with brown lines on his ears and thighs, he had 2 white stripes on each arm with a brown underbelly and white paws, his pupils were a color that matched the sun.

As I reached the top platform of the stairs I walked to my door which was positioned straight from the stairs. As I reached into my pocket to pull out my keys I heard one of the men from behind shout to me.

DAG: Hey Buddy!

I turned around to see the Dutch Angel Dragon climbing the steps with his 2 friends following behind him, they looked like they had something bad in mind to do to me

Me: Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit

I said to myself as I turned around in a panic to try to unlock my door and get inside.

I quickly found the correct key to the door and tried to jam it inside the lock, but in my rush I clumsily dropped the keys to the floor and bent over to pick them up, but when I stood back up I felt a hand on my shoulder

DAG: What you doing man?

The Dutch Angel Dragon turned me around and I saw the 3 men facing me, the Fox and Cat were standing by the staircase so I couldn't go downstairs to escape them

I leaned my back against the door and stared up at the Dutch Angel Dragon with a scared look on my face

DAG: Not gonna answer me? Il repeat myself, What you doin?

The Dutch Angel Dragon grinned evilly at me, noticing the scared look plastered on my face

Me: I-Um, Nothing! I'm just trying to go to my r-room is all.

I said as I slightly gestured to my door

DAG: I couldn't help but notice, but you look like you didn't have a proper cuddle in a while, I might be able to fix that.

My eyes widened out of fear and I felt my heart race. It was the Cuddle Bandits, and they had their eyes set on me.

Me: N-No i'm q-quite fine thank you. I just had a Cuddle With my G-Girlfriend last night.

DAG: Oh? A Girlfriend? What's her name then?

Me: I-Its uhhhhhh...Samantha

The two men by the stairs laughed upon hearing my lie.

The Dutch Angel Dragon chuckled a bit

DAG: Samantha? Well I never heard of a Samantha that lives here

Me: Oh, w-well she's pretty introverted and doesn't get out alot. N-Now if you'll excuse me I have to go inside my room.

As I turned around and started to put the key into the keyhole the Dutch Angel Dragon grabbed my keys from my hand

Me: H-Hey!

DAG: Nice keys you got here, they look pretty cool.

Me: Give those back! It's mine!

DAG: Or what?

The Dutch Angel Dragon stared at me with a stare that could cut steel, I felt fear spike me like someone had stabbed me

Me: O-Or Ill....Uh...

The Three men laughed at me as I struggled to think of something I could do, which was useless anyway as there was nothing I could do against the three of them

Cat: You ain't gonna do jack shit!

The Cat shouted at me as he slowly stopped laughing

DAG: Now this is how it's gonna go, 5'4 lookin' ass. Your gonna get CUDDLED you little bastard

Me: N-No!

DAG: Yeah! Your also gonna feel AFFECTION

Me: Please! No!

I raised my left arm to my chest and backed against my door automatically in a horrible way to distance myself from the Dutch Angel Dragon

The Two men by the staircase slowly approached me as the Dutch Angel Dragon put his hand against my door and slightly leaned down to me

DAG: We'll also make sure you're COMFORTED and APPRECIATED!

Me: No!

DAG: But most importantly, we are gonna have you feel BETTER about yourself.

Me: God please, no!

DAG: Hold him for me

The Dutch Angel Dragon moved away from me as the Fox quickly moved to me and grabbed me, forcing me to watch as the Dutch Angel Dragon used my keys on the door and unlocked it and went inside, with the Cat following behind and the Fox dragging me in, but as he went to shut the door I managed to break free from his grip on me and flung myself out the closing door. I then noticed I had unintentionally broken out of my winter coat as I had unzipped it when I walked in, leaving me in just a plain white long sleeve shirt and jeans.

Fox: Hey!

The Fox flung the door open as he raced out at me, with the 2 others racing to the door of my apartment room. I quickly reacted and started to quickly race down the steps as the Fox followed.

Me: Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK!

Fox:Get your cute ass back here boy!

Me: Help!

As I rounded the platform of the stairs that lead to the entrance, the Fox's pursuit was cut short as he had slipped and slammed face first into the floor. I stifled my laughter as I watched his less than graceful fall as I raced down the remaining staircase.

As I neared the door leading out of the building I saw the Fox and the other two men racing down the staircase. I quickly pushed open the door and ran outside and sprinted down the snow-laden sidewalk.

I quickly ducked into an alleyway that had a fence in the middle of it as the 3 men exited the Apartment complex and looked around for me, I had luckily not been seen as I raced towards the fence in the alleyway to climb it.

The banging of me climbing the fence alerted them to me and as I reached the top of the fence they saw me.

Cat: Hey! Stop!

I quickly jumped down from the 6 foot fence and landed poorly, causing me to sprain my ankle. I sprung up and fell against a wall, quickly looking back and seeing the men run towards the fence to climb it. I quickly pushed myself from the wall and limped quickly down the rest of the alleyway as I groaned as the sharp pain from my sprained ankle tortured me.

As I exited the alleyway into another I saw the men jump from the fence and hit the ground running at me, I turned the corner and rushily entered a dumpster, falling face first into the luckily empty dumpster. I heard the 3 men run past the dumpster without thinking of entering it, as I heard their footsteps distance I sighed in relief as I realized something was in the dumpster with me. I slowly turned my head to the side and saw a hobo looking at me with a shocked expression, he was wearing tattered clothes and a dirty beanie.

Me. Uhh, here's some change

I reached into my pocket and took out my wallet, opening it and handing the hobo 20 dollars.

Hobo: Thank you, now can you please leave my dumpster?

Me: Yeah, I'll be on my way now

I painfully exited the dumpster and fell out into the snow and hit on the snow-barren concrete on my side. I groaned in pain as I lifted myself to my feet and limped to the street, the opposite way the 3 men went.

I felt the icey cold chill me to my core as snow softly rained down on me. My teeth chattered and my body was shaking due to the near sub zero weather. Thinking of how those 3 Men bravely embraced the coldness, they must've been acquainted with it.

As I reached the sidewalk I looked left and right and saw no sign of the 3 men, but as I began to limp home I staggered to the ground and fell, feeling something pierce through my left leg as I fell.


I screamed out in pain as I turned myself over and saw a piece of ceramic from a pot sticking out of my leg, I pushed myself slightly further and saw I had landed on a pot that had fallen from an apartment window above. It was uncommon that people forgot their plants outside during the winter.

As I pushed myself down the sidewalk with my one good leg, I left a small blood trail behind as blood dribbled from my leg. Tears started falling from my eyes from the pain I was in and started making my face colder.

Me: F-Fuckkk

Me: I'm gonna die here...

I stopped trying and I pushed myself against a wall, pushing myself up and sitting back on it. I pushed my hand into my right pocket, realizing that my phone must've fallen from it when I had jumped the fence. Realizing how screwed I was, I felt a wave of despair as a grim wave of death flushed itself over me.

I shut my eyes tight and tightly crossed my arms on my chest, a fruitless attempt at trying to retain heat. I shook and cried as I accepted my fate. My eyes didn't stay shut for long as I heard a small group of people talking. I turned to the right and saw the 3 men walking and talking to each other, they had not noticed me yet.

Me: Aw fuck..

Cat: Who said that- Oh shit!

The Cat saw me and as the other 2 Men noticed me he rushed over to me

Cat: Damn bro! You got fucked up!

As the other 2 neared me the Cat started to lift me up, the Dutch angel dragon helped the Cat carry me as the fox walked in front, looking back at me quickly every 15 seconds.

Fox: Come on! We gotta get him to the apartments!

Cat: We're fucking trying you dumb fuck!

DAG: Jesus! Hes so fucking hold! Feels like I'm holding an ice cube!

As they reached the apartments the fox held the door open and the two carried me inside. The fox ran ahead of the group and raced up the stairs. I felt the warm air inside hit me like a ton of bricks.

Fox: I'm going to get some bandages! I'll meet you in his room!

DAG: Gotcha!

The Cat and Dutch Angel Dragon hurriedly carried me up the staircases and to my apartment door.

DAG: Hold him while I unlock the door

The Cat picked me up off my feet like I weighed nothing, as I laid in his arms I felt weaker and weaker as I stared into space.

The Dutch Angel Dragon pushed open the door after unlocking it, and the Cat rushed inside and followed the Dutch Angel Dragon to my bedroom, where he laid me down on my bed.

Me:Fuckkkk, it hurts!

DAG: No shit sherlock, you somehow stabbed your own dumbass with a broken pot!

I heard the door to my apartment slam and lock and lock, soon after the fox rushed into the bedroom with some bandages.

Fox: Aight, this is gonna hurt, but we gotta do this!

As the Fox reached out to pull the jagged piece of plant pot out of my leg the Cat and the Dutch Angel Dragon pinned me against my bed by holding down my chest and right arm.. The Cat Held my arm and my good leg while the Dutch Angel Dragon kneed my chest and let my other arm go unpinned.

Fox: Aight here we go, Three

The Fox gripped the piece of Plant pot in m leg firmly, making me start to struggle against the Cat and Dutch Angel Dragon

Fox: Two!

The Fox surprised me by pulling it out quickly and I screamed in pain, but the Dutch Angel Dragon reacted quickly and covered my mouth with his hand, muffling my screams.

Blood now oozed from my leg as the fox raised it and wrapped it quickly with the bandage he had. Ensuring that blood wouldn't seep out of it he overly wrapped it.

I groaned loudly in agony but due to the Dutch Angel Dragon muffling me with his hand, the screams weren't too loud. I now started to cry a whole lot more due to the pain I had just experienced.

Fox: We're good, hopefully. Don't go getting stabbed with Pottery for now on

The Fox chuckled to himself as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

DAG: I'm gonna remove my hand from your mouth, are you gonna scream?

The Dutch Angel Dragon stared at me in my eyes as I shook my head no

DAG: Good

He slowly moved his hand away from my mouth and both the cat and him started heading for the door.

DAG: Wait...

Cat: Hmm?

DAG: We forgot something...

Cat: What did we forget?

The Dutch Angel Dragon received confused looks from the Cat until he gestured towards me, the Cat smiled and nodded in understanding. They both started to head towards me

Me: W-What are you doing? G-Go away...

The Cat and Dutch Angel Dragon stood on opposite sides of the bed as the Cat felt my forehead

Cat: Jeez, you're still cold as an ice block! We can't leave you like this!

The Cat said in a fake sounding tone.

DAG: You're right, we can't! I guess there's only one way to help him.

Me: No no no, I'm fine, really!

The Dutch Angel Dragon climbed into bed and held me, he laid on his side as I lay facing the ceiling. The Cat followed shortly after by climbing into bed and pulling the covers on top of me and him, the Dutch Angel Dragon pulled the covers on top of himself as well

The Cat hugged me firmly as I said

Me: Please! Is this really necessary? I'm fine! Honest!

DAG: If you want us to leave, you're gonna have to make us!

The Dutch Angel Dragon chucked to himself

Cat: Yo Fox! Come in here!

I heard footsteps come from my couch to my bedroom door, the fox opened it and entered

Fox: What is it- Oh!

The Fox giggled as he saw me being Cuddled from both sides by the other two men.

Fox: What do you want?

Cat: Turn off those lights and come go sleep on the couch!

Fox: The couch?! Come on..Why can't I join?

Cat: You got the last one all to yourself, you hogged him you cunt!

Fox: Fine...Goodnight you three

As the Fox turned off the lights and exited the room, closing the door behind him I said to the two men

Me: I'm straight! Please don't make me sleep like this!

DAG: Oh you're straight now huh? Too fucking bad then!

Cat: Yeah! Your in for a night of CUDDLING

Me: No!


Me: No!

Cat: I'll be right back, im gonna get some more blankets

DAG: Alright, hurry back.

The Cat let go of me and sat up on the edge of the bed and turned his body to look at me

Cat: Where do you keep your blankets?

Me: Im n-not telling you!

Cat: ohhhhh. We got a fighter eh?

Cat: Heres whats gonna happen you pint sized fuck, your gonna tell me where your spare blankets and pillows are, or im gonna make this cuddling 10 times WORSE

ME: Fuck you!

Cat: Oh so that's how it's gonna be huh? Dutch, you know what to do

The Dutch Angel Dragon turned me on my side and pulled me to his chest, holding me firmly there

Cat: You're being spooned now buddy! Just tell me where they are and will stop

Me: F-Fine! It's in the closet there!

Cat: Now was that so hard?

The Cat walked to the closet and pulled out 2 extra blankets and 2 pillows. He covered up Both me and the Dutch Angel Dragon and put a pillow behind the Dutch Angel Dragon's head and climbed into bed, placing my head on his chest and held me by my lower back.

Me: W-What are you doing? Why aren't you stopping?

Cat: Stop? You dug this grave yourself

Me: No! Stop! It's too much cuddling!

DAG: Oh shut up and enjoy it! Quit your bitchin

Me: Fuck you too

DAG: What did you say? Speak up, I didn't hear you

Me: I said, Fuck you too!

The Dutch Angel Dragon and the Cat tightened their grip on me, making me feel more safe in their grip

Me: Okay Okay! I yield! Stop!

Cat: Shut up and go to sleep. Bitch.

Me. F-Fine...

I fell asleep an hour later, after they both fell asleep. I grew tired of resisting and accepted the cuddles. I woke up early in the morning and was surprised at first, but I remembered what happened last night. I closed my eyes as a smile came across my face, knowing I was safe, for now, in their touch.

Besides, you can't argue with a good cuddle!


Overdue George: You wanted to see us, Sir? Said George as Sai followed behind him into the Administrator's Office Administrator: Yes, Please come in and have a seat. The Administrator said, as George and Sai sat down in the two chairs in front of...

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Cuddler P1

I approached the 2 story house, it was in a decent neighborhood, not too rich, not too poor, just right for a burglar like me. I tried the door knob first, just to see if it was unlocked, and lo and behold the door came wide open. I step inside the...

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