Time on the Bottom

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Not one to break a deal, Tabitha finds herself in a new role between a bear and a kangaroo rat. Will the wolverine like it, or find it oddly therapeutic?

This story features characters that belong to TerraMG over on Furaffinity. She's a fantastic writer. If you'd like to see more works like mine, please check out my Patreon or Subscribestar for more content. Every little bit helps.

Wind pelted the wolverine's leather jacket. The engine between her legs roared as she drove down the highway. Tabitha wished she could be ignorant of her destination. It'd give her an excuse to be surprised and argue against what was coming. But she lived by a code, something that helped her survive vagabond days and she didn't feel right stopping now. Even when others failed to live up to it.

Being flat in the lower part of the Mitten state meant Michigan didn't offer much but wide open landscapes of grasslands with forests in the distance. She took a left turn off the highway onto a gravel-paved road, gritting her teeth at the new noise underneath her tires. The path took her through the trees to where a small farmstead sat across an open field. After parking, she made sure to double-check her phone to make sure this was the right place.

"They didn't look like farmers." As if Tabitha had any right to say that. She didn't use to look like a gym teacher. Granted, she no longer was one. Being a bartender fit her stereotypical style more if she were being honest. Swallowing that bitter pill, Tabitha drove closer to the driveway, unlatching and relatching a wooden gate as she did so. Hopefully, no one would come out with a double barrel to tell her she was on the wrong property.

Part of her hoped for that. If only to prolong her side of the damn bet.

No one stopped her from parking near the porch. Cradling her helmet in her left arm, the wolverine walked up the wooden steps and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. "Fucking imperial knights." the wolverine muttered under her breath. "Three mechs against my entire army. Simple math. Fucking bullshit is what it is."

A smiling kangaroo rat opened the door. Despite her claims of motherhood, Naqi didn't dress like it with her kneesocks, Nightwish shirt, and sweatpants cut off as shorts. Tabitha wasn't sure what she was expecting if she were honest. She'd seen plenty of parents as a teacher, none had a defined look that fit the stereotype. Hell, Naqi could have been one of her odder parents. The collar looked nice on her though, just as it did in the shop. "Tabitha!" Naqi smiled and looped a finger through one of her ear piercings. "Did you find the place ok? GPS shouldn't have made it an issue."

"It wasn't," Tabitha said. "Though I had to stop and check it a few times. Probably should have driven my car instead."

"Your car?" Naqi looked over the wolverine's shoulder and let her mouth drop. "Holy shit, you have a motorbike?"

"Yeah." Tabitha raised her brow at the question. "I thought you knew that."

"We've only seen you drive your car to the shop. I guess you don't have a sidecar to put your armies in so the car makes more sense."

"If I ran imperial knights I could get away with a sidecar." Tabitha meant that to sound sarcastic but it came off aggressive to her. Naqi laughed regardless. Not some awkward chuckle to lighten the mood, but an honest giggle with an approving nod of someone who knew that her husband's choice of the army was overpowered.

"Come on in." Naqi stepped aside and, with exceptional grace, motioned for the wolverine to step inside. Tabitha did with no fanfare, hands in her coat pockets as she looked over the place. It screamed normal, as much as Tabitha hated that word. She found a few nerdy nicknacks across the counter, mostly Warhammer 40K stuff like paints, minis, and paper to avoid a mess. The wooden floors shined as though they were freshly cleaned and the carpets ranged from mock feral skin rugs to designs she couldn't quite place the origin of mixed around the place. "Can I take your jacket?" Naqi asked, hand out.

"What?" Tabitha looked back at the rodent. "Oh, sure, yeah." Naqi whistled when Tabitha revealed her arms. Instead of pride, she felt anxious. She'd always been the hunter, rarely the prey, and never denied she had some attraction. Grungy biker bitch or gym teacher level attraction, so niche at best, but it was there. Seeing others capitalize on it was...different.

"So, you've never bottomed at all before, right?" The hostess asked, having noticed Tabitha's discomfort while putting the jacket away in a nearby corner. "Also, this is a hecky cool jacket. Where'd you get it?"

"Won it in a bet." Though Tabitha had to bloody her knuckles afterward when the guy refused to honor the deal. "And no. Can't say I ever have. Always been a pitcher, not a catcher."

"Not exactly what I meant, but answers plenty of questions." Naqi smiled. Her arm hooked around Tabitha's, "Don't worry though. Me and the hubby will take excellent care of you."

Tabitha's throat went tight despite what she told herself. She'd had plenty of visits with people just to fuck. Hell, before the...the boys, she used to have one-night stands at the local Red Roof Inn. Except she had control then. There had been the idea that she directed how the night would go. Tonight, that wasn't the case and it scared her. She let Naqi lead her on. Tabitha needed to get better at facing fears.

Ryan, like many bears Tabitha had met, was a big guy. Used to being overshadowed, Tabitha didn't find his size intimidating at the shop. Seeing him cradling a baby kangaroo rat in his arms in the living room did make her feel smaller in his presence. He looked jovial upon seeing her and his wife walk in. "Did you find the place alright?" He asked. One of his fingers was embroiled in a tug of war between the two tiny hands of the baby rodent wrapped in a pink blanket cocoon.

"Found it fine." Tabitha forced a smile at the sight of the baby. She didn't hate kids, but babies were something the wolverine never got the attraction of. Sure, she was cute now with her mind occupied and giggling. That'd all change with the need for a new diaper or a cry to pass gas. "It's Tootie, right?" the wolverine asked, pointing to the baby, "Or is that her nickname?"

"That's what his second cousin's girlfriend calls her," Naqi said, taking her baby girl from her husband's offering hands. The illusion of Tootie's exceptional strength made Ryan stand up to keep his finger in her paws. "She's a sweet thing. Kind of quirky in an 'extra' way, but we've all been like that."

"Some of us never stopped," Ryan added. "But yeah, it's her nickname."

"And she is going to get ready for a nap," Naqi said in a high-pitched cutesy voice saved only for babies. Wrenching her daughter from her husband's finger, the kangaroo rat tickled her stomach while muttering, "Yes you are. Yes you are." and blew raspberries. How the baby was supposed to nap with all that giggling she did bewilder Tabitha, though she put that thought aside when she turned to face Ryan.

"So..." Forgetting she handed off her jacket, Tabitha tried to make it look as though she intended to stuff her hands into her pants pockets first. "How's this work? I get on my knees here and now or some shit?"

"If you want," Ryan said. After a pause where Tabitha just stared at him, the bear lost his composure and brushed a big furry paw through the air as he laughed. "No, no, I kid." he pulled out a seat, "How this works is we sit down and discuss limits and stuff like adults. Then we decide how to start."

"Ah." Tabitha nodded absently. He didn't sound too far off from what Helga told her about the times she asked for advice in this sort of play. Though she was topping then, not bottoming. Her fists clenched against her knees as she took her seat, followed but a long breath the wolverine didn't know she'd been holding.

"Want some water?" Ryan asked. "Important to keep hydrated for this."

"Yeah, yeah I could use some."

He motioned for her to follow to the kitchen, which made Tabitha feel awkward about having taken a seat. "So, what's your experience in S&M?" He asked while looking through the cupboards for a glass. "Also, ice or no ice?"

"Ice is fine." Tabitha leaned at the nearest free space on the countertop. Marble, clean enough she could see her reflection. "As for S&M well...I've topped, but I haven't done, like, crazy kinky shit."

"What do you define as crazy kinky shit?" Ryan asked, pouring her a glass from a pitcher.

She thought back a moment, picturing her experiences with Justin and Collin, or did the red panda decide to go by Kathy now? Tabitha tried to ignore that as she took the glass, focusing instead on what her best friends had done. "Well, I got friends who like to tie up their partners for a long time. Never really did ropes. Also don't shock people. I guess it's mostly just the dominance part of the whole thing."

"Fair. So you've never subbed before?" He asked. Tabitha nodded. "Ok, so I guess the best question to ask now is if there's anything you want to experience firsthand."

"Given how this came from me losing a bet, not really," she said, backtracking upon realizing how negative that sounded. "Sorry, what I mean to say is that I'm open to pretty much anything, I guess."

"You never want to say anything for the first time." Ryan narrowed his gaze to look her dead on. She's seen enough guys in the past do the same, so whatever intimidation he had in mind didn't phase her. Well, not as much as he expected. She still felt chills. "How about you tell me your limits instead? The stuff you don't want to happen at all."

Limits? Tabitha took the question with a raised brow, a heavy breath, and a small knock against the marble as she lost herself in thought. What exactly was off the table for her? The wolverine had been in enough fights to know she could take a hit, so any of the sadistic stuff seemed like child's play. Well, unless Allison was doing it, but unlike Helga, Tabitha figured she could take whatever her most sadistic shield-sister could bring. The only reason they never tried was because Tabs didn't want to sub and neither did Allison.

She kept thinking as Naqi arrived and hugged her husband. He whispered in her ear and sent her off with a solid slap across her ass. The kangaroo rat's giggle made Tabitha feel green. Could she have had a relationship like that? Even with...she sighed. There was one limit she was sure of now. Something she saved only for people she cared for. Her cheeks flushed at the acknowledgment of it, her throat went tight as the words reached her lips. "I..." It felt ridiculous to ask but she had to say it. "Uhh...well, I don't want to be, um, penetrated in my cunt." she said under her breath.

Ryan leaned in closer, ear perked. "Cunt is off limits." Tabitha stated, "That's my limit." She looked him dead in the eyes, expecting the bear to pry and ask why. What business did he have to know? Plenty of herms she'd met didn't like it up their cunts given how tight their erections made them. Plus, she didn't need to explain herself.

But he didn't pry. The bear just nodded, as if he understood her reason without actually saying it. "Anal ok?" He asked next.

Tabitha blinked. Were her concerns not as big as she thought? Ryan asked the question again after a minute of her staring off. "Oh. Right." The wolverine scratched behind her dirty-blonde headfur, "I mean, I don't exactly fuck myself much back there. Maybe a finger or two?" She'd been fucked by a strap-on at least once in her days on the road. "But nothing like a fist."

Ryan held up his big furry paws and laughed. "I don't know many people who see my paws and want me to play puppeteer."

"Not that he's bad at it." Naqi had something hidden behind her arms as she returned and smooched her husband. "I don't think I've had a good fisting since I got pregnant."

"Well," Ryan grinned, "That's something we'll need to fix in the future." He cupped his wife's chin. Tabtiha's green feeling enraptured her as the two nuzzled their noses. They continued on after that display of affection, deciding over what types of play Tabitha was willing to try; Impact and pain, humiliation, bondage, a little anal, and tease & denial. Not a bad assortment, though she snickered at the thought of the couple actually humiliating her. "How about Slaanesh for your safeword?" The bear suggested, following with two raised fingers. "And this if you're gagged."

Tabitha shrugged, "Sure. I can work with that."

"What if her arms are bound behind her?" Naqi asked.

"I'll just cross my toes." Tabitha rolled her eyes at how ridiculous she sounded. "So, now that we've got all of this talk out of the way, where do we start?"

With restrained but excited glances, the married couple looked at each other. "Would you be ok with starting here?" Ryan asked. "Build up some immersion on the way to the playroom?"

They had a whole playroom for stuff? Tabitha shrugged. "Sure, I guess." Looking around the place, she supposed it made sense for a kinky couple with their own farm to convert a space into a playroom. Did they even do any farming? Regardless, the wolverine imagined her friends would be jealous. Not even Allison had a playroom thanks to three kids taking up space and Helga had to convert her basement.

"Ok, strip." Ryan's command came off as friendly but with an underlying edge of authority that Tabitha wanted to rebel against. She grinned instead, pulling her shirt over her head to expose her plain bra before undoing her pants. Ryan whispered something to his wife before walking off in the direction she came from. "Don't worry about folding them, Naqi will put 'em through a wash later."

"Where's he going?" Tabitha asked while slipping her boxer's down her legs. Even soft, experience taught the wolverine that her cock hooked people's attention. Judging from Naqi's glance down her legs, that remained true. While long past the days of cuckolding hapless husbands on the road, the wolverine still winked at the kangaroo rat in response.

Naqi snickered back. "Oh, he's just getting some cuffs. Hubby's good at reading people and figures you're gonna need them for yourself more than us. Speaking of restraints." She pulled a leather mask from behind her back. No, not a mask, Tabitha blinked as she tried to remember the specifics. Helga called them hoods, full-face masks meant to rob the wearer of their identity. She'd seen the pig use latex ones for her girls but knew she had a leather one. The hood in Naqi's hands had studs around the eye holes and mouth for attachments. Pointing to the nearest chair, the rodent ordered the now-naked wolverine to sit.

Taking a deep breath to settle, Tabitha closed her eyes as her hostess pulled the hood over her face. Naqi hummed as she worked, hands skillfully tugging around through loose skin, fur, or hair to avoid any pinches at the hug of leather. It did weigh on her. Even as her eyes went unimpeded by the holes, the scent of leather and the heat trapped underneath it remained ever-present.

Ryan whistled upon his return. "Looking good." Two pairs of leather cuffs hung between his fingers in one hand. The other clasped the wolverine's hooded chin and turned her head from side to side. Tabitha clenched her fists and remembered her bet. "I love this hood. Glad it fits her." His eyes wandered down toward her crotch. She smiled when his brow rose. Too many men were emasculated by her size.

"Surprising, right?" Naqi said from behind. The roo braced a red ballgag against Tabitha's lips before she could comment. Begrudgingly, she let her hostess push it behind her teeth and lock it in place. "Haven't seen someone as big as you in a while."

"And on a small fry." Ryan latched the cuffs to Tabitha's wrists, then bound them together, "But I suppose that's the genetic lottery, ain't it?" She gnawed into her gag and growled at the short comment. Neither seemed bothered by it as another pair of cuffs was latched around her ankles and tied by a chain. Long enough so she couldn't trip over it, short enough that she wouldn't be doing anything short of a walk. Back in her younger years, Tabitha joked with her gang members that she'd end up in a chain-gang one day. This was the closest she'd gotten.

With a thick rope looped between the binding of her cuffs, Ryan tugged Tabitha up off the chair. "Alright, bitch. Let's get moving." She raised a middle finger. Naqi chuckled as she followed close behind. If they had some police batons and Oakley sunglasses the wolverine might have felt like a proper prisoner in their home.

Naqi's attitude helped. She shoved Tabitha forward whenever the wolverine fell just a step or two behind the pace the kangaroo rat deemed acceptable. "Eyes down, face forward." She'd command whenever Tabitha turned around to glare.

They had to be taking her to a basement. She assumed the first door they passed in the hall had to be a closet. The second she wasn't so sure. By the third, Tabitha felt convinced something was up. A windy breeze from the Michigan outdoors proved her right when Ryan opened the back door.

He kept the rope taut and Naqi had her hands straddle Tabitha's shoulders. "Don't act so surprised." Ryan grinned to his masked guest's terror, "We've got a baby in the house. You think we'd risk our playroom near her?"

Winds buffeted against her breasts. A shrill whimper-like breath escaped her gagged lips when they stepped outside. At midday, the sun sat at its highest perch in the sky. The grassy fields of their home expanded out to backroads, sheltered by a cropping of trees. Tabitha stood out in the grass, naked save for a leather hood over her face and cuffs at her wrists and ankles. She was no stranger to risky sex outside. Getting a blowjob in an alley or underpass, or fucking someone on a garbage mattress. But bound and at the mercy of others? She felt terrified of someone seeing her, someone mocking her. With 40 acres of open land, she had little to hide behind.

"Move!" Naqi's order snapped Tabitha back to reality. Leather dug into her wrists just enough for her to appreciate the fur lining. The married couple marched her behind their house to a shed that was halfway painted blue. "I thought you said you finished painting it?" Naqi asked her husband.

"I said I was almost finished," Ryan said. The bear pulled a key from his pocket and unlatched the lock on the sliding doors. "Probably going to need to restart. Haven't worked on this since Tootie was born. Thought you'd notice by now."

"Hard to when blindfolded," Naqi said with snark.

If it weren't for the gag and her own sense of dread at being naked outdoors, Tabitha would have whistled at what she saw behind the sliding doors. What had looked to be a workshed was instead a personal dungeon. From the tool rack hung paddles, whips, floggers, and other implements of torment, while folded up black furniture like an X cross, a bondage horse, and a wireframe bed with a thin mattress mirrored the other side. Skidmarks across the cement flooring told Tabitha that they moved pieces around to make the most of the smaller space. It lacked any of the soundproofings that Helga's place had, but given their farmstead Tabitha supposed they didn't need any.

Ryan hoisted her arms over her head by way of the nearest hanging hook. She turned her head to see what was behind her, but Naqi stepped up and grabbed her sack with a yank. Tabitha swore into her gag at the sudden pull, to which Naqi only laughed. "Aww, don't worry." the kangaroo rat braced her hand between the dark-furred wolverine's chest, "I just want to make sure you aren't going to spy on us changing. After all, losers shouldn't get to see winners naked unless they decide."

Instead of the sensible option of a blindfold, Naqi took a thin rope, an extra long shoelace Tabitha guessed. The rodent looped her cord around the base of her plaything's shaft, then behind the sack. Tabitha winced when the rope separated her balls by an arch.

Then came the pull. Hands clenched, Tabitha's head flew backward while Naqi took the spare cord and tied the wolverine to a loop on the wall, forcing Tabitha to push her hips forward enough that she couldn't turn around and had to stand on the tips of her paws. "There," Naqi said, satisfied. She pulled the taught rope like a guitar string once to be sure, giggling at the discomfort of her guest. "Oh, don't worry. This is so you won't be bored."

Bored? Tabitha glared at the mouse until Naqi left her vision. Being bored was the last thing on her mind before coming over. She expected to be on the bottom, but not trussed up in someone's shack after being waltzed around like a prisoner. No, even prisoners had the decency of actual clothes! Steadying her breathing, she tried not to imagine anyone else's reaction if they saw her like this as Naqi and Ryan did whatever they were doing behind her. Her thoughts wandered to every person she'd topped, and how they'd sneer back at her position now. Most made her angry. The latest...she shook her head at the latest.

The click of heels against the pavement snapped her back to the present. Naqi untied Tabitha's balls from the wall, but not the tie itself. Gone were the Nightwish T-shirt, kneesocks, and sweatpants, replaced with a leather corset, and fishnet stockings respectfully. New were the wrist cuffs that matched her collar, and the heeled boots. "You like?" Naqi asked at Tabitha's stare. She struck a pinup pose, keeping the rope taut throughout. "First time wearing this one. My old corset wouldn't fit on account of Tootie, but I didn't get to wear that much anyway. Rare for me to wear something so dominant, but sometimes my master has a guest who's beneath even me."

"And what would you want to do with our guest?" Ryan's thick paw clasped the front of Tabitha's neck from behind. His outward gut braced against the top of her back as the bear's shadow loomed over both her and his wife. She pulled at her restraints on reflex, but they were too tight for her to slip. "After all, it's rare you get a choice when we play."

"You say that as if I'd prefer it." Naqi grinned. Humming to herself, she tapped her finger close to her chin, deep in thought. Eyes peered down at the shaft between Tabitha's legs. "She really is just as big as you. Wonder what it tastes like."

"By all means, little one." Ryan released Tabitha's throat. Before she could breathe, both hands firmly grasped her tits. "Speaking of little, I suppose the cock is to compensate for these."

Whatever words of displeasure Tabitha had to say at Ryan's comment were impeded by the gag and her hushed gasp as Naqi's hands began to pump her cock. Soft, warm, and delicate, so different from the rough hands of the bear groping her breasts. With care, the kangaroo rat slowly peeled back the herm's foreskin, letting her warm breath wash over it before she suckled the fat tip.

Ryan's hands played with Tabitha's tits like they were his toys to do with as he pleased. Fingers pinched, twisted, squeezed, and pulled. Gnawing into her gag, Tabitha wrenched her limbs as her body tried to run from the pleasure, only for the big bear to keep her trapped. "Something tells me," he whispered, "that you don't get your tits played with often." She didn't. Tabitha had always preferred using her dick with people, even as it got her into trouble.

Meanwhile, Naqi's maw had traveled halfway down Tabitha's cock and showed no signs of slowing. The wolverine hadn't been so preoccupied with the bear's groping to notice, but the image she saw surprised her nonetheless. The number of people who could take her without issue could be counted on one hand. Not even Kathoey could do it without help...and Tabitha loved to help. The memory of that blue-haired wah looking up with devotion as they choked on her cock was so familiar yet different from Naqi's confident smirk from halfway down.

"Impressed?" Ryan asked with confidence, "My whore has had a lot of time being my personal cockwarmer. Hell, I've had those pretty lips around the base of my shaft for thirty minutes before she needed to breathe normally. But why should you enjoy it like I do?" He pinched her nipples and pulled, getting a gagged and squirming scream from Tabitha, "Who said you get just pleasure? Debased scum like you shouldn't get any without pain."

Tabitha didn't disagree. Any pleasure she'd had in life came with a painful cost. Sometimes physical, sometimes emotional. She ruminated on those she'd hurt as Ryan left her to grab something. Her former students came to the forefront, as did her best friend. People who trusted her that she betrayed for pleasure, people who grew infatuated with her for the wrong reasons. As if a monster like her deserved love.

No. Monster was too much of a compliment. Scum was better.

Cold metal clamps connected by a chain were latched against Tabitha's tits. Naqi's warm mouth and skilled tongue helped push the wolverine through the pain, even as Ryan twisted a little gear that made them tighter. She got a good look at the bear as he did so. He wore nothing save black leather boots that shined and a tight black thong that left little to the imagination at how close they compared. His wide gut helped sell the fatherly look. Then there was the paddle. Short and black, with the word 'whore' spelled out in pink all-caps. She found the callsign fitting.

His first swing cracked at impact. She flinched in pain, grunting into her gag as her hips lurched forward and buried her cock deeper into Naqi's throat. Tabitha had taken worse in brawls, yet the sting of his paddle was different. There would be no running from pain or attempts to dodge it. Each strike that landed was a test, a punishment that she wanted deep down.

It wasn't enough. Even as her ass pulsed, the wolverine raised her middle finger toward the bear. "Been a long time since I had a smart ass," Ryan said as he returned to his workbench. "So much that I kind of miss it. I love my wife's masochistic glee, but that resistance in your eyes is another flavor entirely." She saw the tools he sorted through with each. Floggers, whips, paddles with studs, and more. None he chose over a thin rod that screamed in the air with a practice swing. "Let's see how long it lasts."

Three taps, then strike. The wooden rod snapped across her fur and flesh. It stung deeper than the paddle, but Tabitha stood her ground. Not for any semblance of pride or falsehoods of toughness. No, she deserved it.

Three taps. Wack. Across her breasts.

She abused Justin.

Three taps. Wack. Her arms were caked in marks.

She tormented Collin.

Three taps. Wack. Her legs shivered under her weight.

She pushed herself into their lives.

Three taps. Wack. Her ass went red.

Worst of all, she made the wah fall in love with her.

Ragged breaths vented from her nose. Ryan lined the rod underneath her chin and forced her to look at him. He didn't smile, nor did he look frustrated. Curiosity fit his expression better. "By now, most people either break or beg for more." His paw reached around her throat, tight enough to feel with every breath. "But you're not doing either. You're a guilty bitch, aren't you?"

Tabitha swore at him in her gag. He spat at her. The chains went taut. The bear's furry paws grabbed her face and proceeded to slap the wolverine again and again. The leather shielded her from the blow. Many years of fights told Tabitha that he held back with each hit.

"Careful, master." Naqi bowed her head, brushing her forehead against the wolverine's saliva-drenched cock, "You'll make her safeword too early if you keep that up."

"She already would have." Ryan let go. "In fact, I think this living punching bag deserves some kind of reward. Give her a taste, slut."

Nimble fingers and soft paws massaged her cock. Pressure rose between her legs so quickly the wolverine tried to run. Naqi laughed and ground her palm against the dark tip of the wolverine. "I think you're right on the guilty part. She's afraid of pleasure." The rodent's tongue lapped at the tip before suckling it. Chest heaving, chains rattling, Tabitha felt the dam about to burst.

Then Naqi stopped. Right over the edge, the kangaroo rat left the big black cock alone to twitch in the open air. Whatever high Tabitha felt crashed to a pathetic stop as white globs of cum dripping from her rod like a leaky faucet.

"Were you expecting a real orgasm?" Ryan chided with a pat across their playmate's back. "Be thankful I ever let you have a ruined one before I've had my fill. Slut, get the bitch ready for..." He turned down as did Tabitha following his head. Naqi sat on all fours, face against the floor licking up the puddle of splooge. "Hey!" Ryan pressed his boot against his wife's scalp, "I didn't say clean it up."

"Sorry, master." The rodent feigned her pout, "Force of habit."

Caught by Naqi as Ryan unlatched her bindings, Tabitha took deep breaths to retain herself before the rodent pulled the rope around her sack. Wincing, the wolverine was laid against a bondage bench in their direction, allowing the couple to lock her limbs at each corner. Removing the gag from her jaw, the bear let his durable toy rest for a moment while Naqi scrambled for something just out of sight. She'd turn to look if Ryan didn't keep her eyes centered on his crotch.

The comparison to size fit. Tabitha had met plenty of big guys in her heyday, though she never found her nose inches away from one to smell the musk seeping out of his tight black thong. "How's your oral game?" the bear asked, possessively scratching behind her ears.

"Not my sty-" Tabitha yelped at the sudden intrusion of something cold, wet, and hard slipping down her asscrack. Ryan's firm grip prevented her from turning to see, though she still heard Naqi's soft excited squeak. "H-Hey! I said no cunt."

"She's not going for your cunt." Ryan pulled his thong away with his thumb, letting the pink throbbing cock flop out. His musk smacked her like a wave, challenging her for dominance as the organ grew to mass with a casual pump of his hand. "I gotta say, I was really looking forward to pounding your ass. I'm sure you know why, right?" His shaft brushed against her nose from side to side, like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. "After all, I can bet there's been plenty of people you've seen crumble to whimpering masses after you've dug into them. Right?" His rod swung faster and harder, battering the wolverine's cheek like a warm baton. "Right? You get a kick out of seeing people squirm under your weight? Like some budding sadist taking in her latest conquest?"

Pre-cum slipped in her eye at her attempt to glare up at him. "Fuck yo-" Ryan's paw clamped her maw shut, muffling her squeal as Naqi's finger prodded her backdoor.

"She's really tight." Naqi sounded surprised. "I think I'll need to use one of the small ones. Like, the really small ones."

"The baby dicks?" Ryan raised his brow, then smiled as he looked down at Tabitha. "That makes sense. She doesn't scream catcher. Shame, really wanted to make her squirm that way."

"Not sure she can take you orally either, hon."

At that, Ryan pulled a device from behind him that looked more fitting in a dentist's office than a dungeon. "Oh, like that's ever stopped me from trying." Strapping metal bars behind her teeth, Tabitha's jaw stretched with a click for each gear. Her tongue lapped at the air with every twist of the device, until her mouth had been the widest it could be without breaking. Just like at the dentist.

And, like a dentist, Ryan commanded dominion over her mouth by laying against her tongue. Except instead of latex-gloved fingers or a wooden stick, his fat cock took its place there with salty pre-pooling underneath it. Every anxious breath she took sucked in his masculine scent. For a moment, she thought about submitting wholeheartedly. Then she glared up at him, straining her bindings while the bear looked down with smug satisfaction. "Let's see if you're as tough as you act."

He started slowly, sinking his rod inch by inch over her tongue, into the wolverine's maw. Tabitha tried to steady her breath, but the cold fingers pushing her ass open had her stammering. If not for the gag, she'd have bit him by mistake.

Tabitha grunted as his tip slipped into her throat. Naqi's toy pushed in from behind. Both sides filled, while she rattled the bindings on reflex alone. Ryan didn't stop for long, clutching her hooded head tight until Tabitha couldn't breathe. "Disappointing." the bear pulled out, not even a quarter of his cock covered in saliva. With the way Tabitha's chest heaved, she swore the entire thing was inside her. If there was anything she'd learn from this, it'd be respect for those without a gag reflex.

The break came short-lived as Naqi hilted into Tabitha. Her gag held her jaw open, turning whatever words she uttered into an incomprehensible mess. "Jeez, this is a thin one too. She really isn't used to catching."

"That hasn't stopped us before." Ryan's cock returned to Tabitha's maw, "We always find a way to make use of holes, no matter how tight or loose."

In the midst of the married couple taking her from both sides, Tabitha found herself thinking about that hole comment. She'd referred to lays as holes more than once, that's how she saw most one-night stands. Just pulsing holes to stick her cock in. Ass, mouth, sometimes a cunt, all that mattered to her was how much she enjoyed it, and how much she made them squeal. How many actually enjoyed her though? How many wanted her to be softer while she went hard? Naqi's thrusts were like Tabitha's younger years. Wild, lacking grace, and all too focused on how hard she could slam. The only difference was that Naqi didn't have nerves across her cock.

Rarely she'd been like Ryan. The bear savored his time inside the wolverine's maw. Delighted with every grunt or whimper she made. There were few she let just suck her cock without devolving into a skullfucking. The blue-wigged wah was one of them. Tabitha pushed her maw down the bear's cock, determined to gasp for air rather than think of the person she ruined. The person she thought she loved.

Tabitha didn't deserve love. She was toxic and knew it.

Two inches further down her gullet were enough to threaten hurling. Ryan pulled out, smiling while pumping his cock. Her saliva coated his pink cock, mesmerizing her in its glory. Too late did she notice his hand going faster and faster, pre-cum trailing down the shaft before he pointed his member right at her face. Naqi's wild thrusts robbed her of any strength to jerk away, forcing Tabitha to look forward.

He growled as his seed plastered her face. Strand after strand hit the hood. None got in her eyes, at least not directly as whatever pooled above her traveled down and slipped between the creases of her hood. Two strands filled her maw, forming a puddle she couldn't spit out without tilting her head. The first facial she'd ever had in her life. So deep in shame and humiliation, Tabitha barely noticed Naqi had pulled out of her and went to town on her husband's cock. Ryan unlatched her gag, letting the wolverine stretch her jaw while her other bindings were undone.

"So, up for more?" He asked, "Fine if you aren't."

Her out was right there and the wolverine didn't take it. "I can take more." She said. Tabitha deserved to take more. And more they gave. Whipping, spankings, electricity, Tabitha's throat ached so much that a ballgag was a godsend. Tied to the wire mesh bed, the wolverine shook her hips from side to side as the married couple tormented her erection with matching wands. The cry of a baby had Naqi shoot up.

"Tootie!" She grabbed the baby monitor and kicked off her heels. "Hubby, just a sec. Tootie needs Mommy."

Ryan pulled away his wand as Naqi left, letting Tabitha's erection twitch as it stood upward. She didn't think to ask for her gag to be removed nor to be untied, even as seconds turned to minutes. The bear leaned into his chair, further cementing that they were on break.

Not that she deserved a break. Actually, any break they could offer her was better reserved for some long-lasting pain, like tying her balls to a ceiling beam so she'd be forced to stand on her tiptoes. Was that the kind of shit Helga liked doing to her girls? Was that what Collin wanted?

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, sinking into the cheap cot of the mattress. Tabitha ruined the wah. They were a top student and she had to stick her greedy little paws into them. Even if the age was legal and they came to her to actually fuck, she knew it was her fault he was messed up more. Maybe it'd be better if the married couple just never let her leave their shack? Throw her in a cage and toss the key away. Give her the prison sentence she'd been too chickenshit to give herself.

"I gotta say, it takes courage to do what you're doing right now," Ryan said out of nowhere. Tabitha turned her hooded face over to see the bear smiling, legs crossed while looking down. "It's true. Not many 'doms' I've met are willing to let themselves sub for someone else. Sure, you're doing this for a bet, but you had plenty of ways to walk out of it, even if we did see you at the store again."

She blinked. Was this some new torment? It confused her more than anything else. Leaning in, Ryan's heavy paw wrapped around her shaft. With a firm grip, the strong bear started pumping her cock slowly from base to tip.

"See, one thing a lot of people don't understand about these kinds of relationships or dynamics is how the other's gotta be feeling. A top needs to know how a bottom feels, and vice versa. Best way to do that is to experience it, but then it becomes a question about pride." His thumb ground against her tip. Tabitha bit into her gag from the pressure, hands clenched as if she could run from what was building. "So many doms think that they play bottom once and they'll lose all respect and power, which says more about themselves than anything else. And subs? Well, subs that refuse to try domming once I'd consider lazy. Not like it needs to be whips and chains, just simple commands and shit."

He kept pumping her cock. Tabitha's breath shortened as pleasure pooled inside her. "I can tell this play isn't enjoyable for you. You'd much rather be topping my wife, I get it. I've only subbed once and I found the situation to be boring." The rhythm of flesh pounded Tabitha's ears. "But through it, I learned to dom better. Just like you are. I'm sure that special someone you got kissing your boots will appreciate you for it."

She'd lost that special someone. Guilt swelled into her gut while an orgasm pooled. All Tabitha had done in her life was make mistakes. Ruined other people's lives for the sake of her own petty desires. There were few good things in her life and one of them she'd ruined when trying to help. Tears stained her mask at the thought of the wah. Their cute eyes, the way they blushed when she nuzzled up against them, how they melted with a smile to her aggressive touch.

Spurts of thick cum stained Ryan's paw as Tabitha cried. She wrenched at her bindings, failing to curl up into a tiny ball to be forgotten and abandoned like she damn well should have. "Woah, woah, easy." The authority in the bear's tone vanished. Unlocking her bindings, Ryan pulled the wolverine to his chest. She hated it. Hated it so much that the wolverine buried her waterworks into his pecs to hide her shame, fingers tucked tight into him.

"There, there." His paw patted down her back, "It's ok. You're ok." She wasn't ok but didn't correct him.

Tabitha thought she'd gotten better. She had a new job as a bar owner, talked more with her friends, and even dug deeper into new hobbies. But all that kept her busy, kept her from thinking about how she didn't know what else to do or what she could do anymore. Why did she even play Warhammer? Because Collin liked it? Because she wanted to be close, even as the wah stayed away? Or to find some replacement in some other cute nerdy boy? Not that anyone could replace them. Nor did she want a replacement.

"Did I miss something?" Naqi asked. Tabitha turned her head just in time to see Ryan shush her. "Oh, ok." Nodding, the rodent pulled out some water bottles from the stocked fridge indoors. She passed one to Tabitha after she'd taken off the gag and hood, "Shame I missed the fireworks."

"Sorry..." Tabitha let the cool plastic weigh in her hands. "I'm not...not usually a crier like that."

"Don't worry about it." Ryan rested his hand against her shoulder, "There's nothing to be ashamed about with some tears. That's what aftercare is all about." Tabitha nodded, having heard something similar from her best friend when talking about the lifestyle. So many things she still didn't understand. Internet research wasn't cutting it. "So, did you enjoy it?"

"I mean...eh?" Tabitha said hazily, waving her hand from side to side. "No offense to either of you, but I don't think I'm cut out for subbing. I was more annoyed than having fun. I think I prefer to top."

Nodding with understanding, the bear added, "Yeah, I could tell you were more pushing through the pain than looking to enjoy it. Surprised you didn't bother safewording it."

"I've been through worse." She thought about telling a story about one of her scars but decided against it. Turning to Naqi, Tabitha asked, "Tootie alright?"

Naqi brushed the concern away like dust on her shoulder, "Oh, she's fine. Just had to burp is all. Should be good to nap for another hour if you want to do something else."

A lightbulb turned on in her mind at that. Tabitha leaned over to the rodent, getting as close as she could without touching. Naqi kept smiling but leaned back, giggling in confusion. That small little blush, the way she anxiously looked at her husband. Tabitha preferred fucking guys, but after Naqi's pounding, she felt a need. "Well, how about I take a turn with you?"

"Oh?" Naqi curled a finger through her hair, "Well if my master says it's ok, you just might."

"So long as our guest knows that your cunt is off limits." Ryan stepped behind his wife and cupped her chin. "What do you think, Tabs? Mouth or ass?"

"Both." The wolverine's cock slowly grew at the thought. "But I'd like to actually cum down her mouth this time."

Out with the Davises

"So, you looking forward to the party?" Allison asked from the front seat. Despite sinking into the backseat like a nervous child, Rebecca nodded. Her paws tightened around the seatbelt that protected her, tugging fruitlessly to rid herself of anxiety....

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Lost for Breath (Commission)

Alek took one long whiff from the twin coffees in his carrier tray. Nothing bested a fresh brew. He smiled and tried not to skip with the pep in his step as he headed down to Mistress Hazel's dungeon. She said he could come early, and after leaving his...

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Limits: Chapter 11

Hearing Amethyst at the edge of tears shook Helga. It took her a minute to hit the road. Most of that time was spent staring out into space from her front seat, contemplating what was about to happen. Driving did not prove to be a good distraction from...

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