Mega Trainer Chapter 13 (X)

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#13 of Mega Trainer

Seth decides what to do with the new addition to their team, however a distraction lies on the path ahead.

Seth the Hybrid Trainer

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Eclipse the Zoroark

CHP 13

Seth's dream were troubled that night. Surprisingly however, they were not about their new teammate. Instead, they were flashes of images, like a slideshow. Each picture was different, but they shared one trait: they took place in what was basically a pokemon jail. It was totally unlike the shock images he had seen of slaughter houses, but the conditions were similar. The pokemon were all kept in small cells and only released to fight one another. The arena where they fought was stained with dried blood, in many differing shades of red. He only saw about ten images, but they kept repeating, over and over, with no end in sight.

Seth awoke from being shaken by Soul. He opened his eyes, immediately noticing that everything was normal size again. Silently thanking that, he rolled his head over to see Soul poking at him. He let out a groggy, "I'm up," before she stopped. She said nothing, instead pointing to the unfamiliar ball. Seth blinked the sleep out of his eyes and slowly became alert enough to form an actual response. "It's... a long story. The short version, that is Eclipse, that one zoroark. She seems to want to join us."

"Hell no!" Soul shouted, causing Sky to come running out of the bathroom.

"What?! What is it?" She asked quickly, looking from Seth to Soul.

"That bitch of a zoroark wants to join us!"

"Soul, deep breaths." Seth said. "She has shown up twice now and both times she could have killed me and she didn't. It's safe to say she doesn't want me dead."

"I don't care! She is the enemy!" Soul said, totally ignoring his logic.

"I do agree that she is suspicious, that's why she's staying in there until we have a plan."

Soul turned and glared at the ball sitting on the bed. "Fine." She said with a huff.

"Soul..." He tried to say, but she turned her head. He packed his things in silence, Soul deciding to go back in her ball. "Sky, how do you feel?"

She sighed. "I trust that you'll make the right decision."

"Thanks Sky." He said as they exited the room.


They walked for most of the day, having eaten breakfast at the pokemon center. Sky was carrying the pack, due to Seth still being in no condition to wear it. Seth estimated they made it half way to Ira town before they called it a night. Their campsite was deep in thick woodlands, and he had to admit, it was kind of creepy.

"Alright," Seth said, taking out Eclipse's ball. "You ready?"

"As ready as I can be." Sky said with a grim nod.

Seth readied himself for anything, and pressed the button. Eclipse appeared before him, shaking her long hair and stretching. "About time, those things take some getting used to." She said with a great deal of sass.

"Alright, you need to explain yourself." Seth told her.

"I told you everything last night. I'm bored and you interest me. I think it'll be fun to adventure with you."

"But why would you leave your friends? Don't you care about them?"

"Not really. I used to..." She said, her tough facade breaking. "I first joined the pokemon adventure society was I was a little zorua. They are the foundation of rescue teams, taking missions from humans and pokemon alike. I was assigned to Team Darkfire with Demon the houndour and Ashes the cyndaquil. Demon was always a jerk, but Ashes and I were good friends. But then as time went on, we drifted apart." A tear formed in her eyes. "She got close to Demon and she started acting like him. Then we started taking bounties instead of helping people. It was fun at first..." She just trailed off, ending her story there.

"I hope you're being sincere, but it's still hard to trust you." Sky said.

"I know. I don't really blame you either. I'll do anything you ask." She said, taking a knee.

"Soul's not gonna like it, but I say we take her on the team. Worst case scenario we have one of their teammates hostage. Best case she can help us fight back." Seth said, Sky nodding in agreeance. "Welcome to the group then." Seth said, holding out a hand. Eclipse took it in her paw, being mindful of her long claws, and he helped her to her feet.

"Thank you." She said, still without her usual attitude in her voice. "You won't regret this."

"Well, we need to talk to Soul, so you should probably go back." Seth said, as he recalled her, swapping her ball with Soul's. When he released Soul, she was already upset.

"So what happened with that whore?" She asked immediately.

"She's coming with us. You don't have to like her, but she's a part of the team now."

"When she tries something, I will kill her!"

"If she tries to harm us, you have my permission to. But otherwise, she seems genuine." Seth said, ending the argument by taking out dinner.

After finishing his meal, Seth looked over to Sky. "Did you notice anything this morning?"

"No... why?" She said, becoming concerned.

"It's nothing bad. In fact," He closed his eyes, concentrating on the form of an eevee. He heard Sky let out a confused squeak as he began to transform. He quickly became a full eevee. All his training helping had certainly helped his abilities, allowing him far greater control over his transforming. Soul's mood quickly brightened upon seeing his small fluffy form.

"You are so fucking cute!" She shouted, rushing in to nuzzle at him. Sky was not far behind, rubbing her face against his fluff ball of a tail, while Soul licked at his ears. Both the girls were much larger than him now, being almost four times his size. Seth couldn't help but laugh from the tickling feelings assaulting his body. The girls caught on to this and used their sheer size advantage to push him onto his back, covering his entire body in licks. Seth was reducing to a laughing, writhing mass under them, unable to put up any kind of fight. By the time they left him alone, he was out of breath and his chest hurt.

He remained on his back, trying to catch his breath, while the girls backed away, still watching him. The sight of him on his back with his tiny paws in the air got them giggling again. He managed to roll onto his back and trotted into the tent, the girls following him inside and Sky doing the Velcro strap. Seth lied down and was quickly wrapped in the warm embrace of both girls as they curled around him. The softness and warmness led him to sleep quickly.


Once again, he awoke in the night to find both the girls asleep. He wondered why he had woken up when his nose twitched, smelling a sweet scent filling his senses. It was a strange scent, but not wholly unfamiliar. It got him curious, leading him out of the pile of pokemon he was in and to the tent flap. It took some pushing but he got it undone and squeezed out. In the night air, the scent was much thicker, allowing him to smell it far better, and with his pokemon nose, he could tell what direction it was coming from. Curiosity got the better of his sense of danger, leading him out into the woods, in chase of the scent that he couldn't get enough of.

As he tracked, he could swear the source was on the move, evading his pursuits and leading him on. The scent would get stronger, so strong that he could almost taste the sweetness, only to fade away, leaving him yearning for more. Luckily it was moving in a straight line, so he could find his way back. Then, the scent did not get further away, it got closer and closer until Seth burst through some brush to find to find a pink and white creature, with two pairs of flowing ribbons, staring at him. "Um, hi." Seth said upon seeing her.

"Hello little eevee." She said, her voice high pitched and filled with a giggly tone, fitting of a fairy type sylveon. She sniffed the air. "You're not one of my children. Are you?"

"No, I'm just passing through." Seth said, trying to block out the fascinating scent filling his sensitive nose long enough to have a conversation. "I came out here looking for something."

"I know. It's me~" She winked as she said this, a small heart drifting up from her eye.

"Really? What is that smell then? Its-"

"Alluring~" She finished for him.

"Well, I guess I'll head back then, nice meeting you." Seth said turning around to leave, feeling a little freaked out.

"Oh no you don't!" She yelled, winking again. This time the heart fired out, much larger. It didn't look like any attack Seth had ever seen so he made no attempts to dodge it. He had no idea what an attract move looked like, as they were banned on TV and from league matches due to the... results of using it. And this was no ordinary attract either.

This sylveon was the self proclaimed goddess of this forest. She had lived here for many years, having many mates and giving birth to many young eevees. Currently she was deep in heat, and had smelled a male and drawn him to her. When males were uncooperative, she used her signature technique, a fairy type enhanced attract, combined with her heat, to drive males into a mating frenzy.

Seth was hit directly in the face, blinking a couple times as the heart burst on impact, showering him with smaller hearts. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His conscious mind went blank, shutting down under the influence of her attack. His pupils went dull before being replaced with heart shapes. And finally his eevee cock shot out of his sheath, throbbing rapidly. He sat down at the sudden feeling, his sylveon mistress coming over to inspect him.

"Hmm, a little small. But we can fix that, can't we~" She told him. Seth nodded once. "Now just sit right there and let your goddess take care of you~" She brought her head close to his and locked muzzles with him. A lick to his lips was all the command he needed, his mouth opening as they began to play with each other's tongues. She was quite proud of her unique attract. It made the target incredibly horny, but left them vulnerable to suggestion, making it the perfect sexual tool.

Removing herself from the deep kiss, she began to peck down his body, giving quick licks to any sensitive spot she crossed. Every time she did this, he let out a needy whimper, getting louder and louder as she closed in on his throbbing manhood. He howled loudly when she finally touched his painfully swollen dick. He was given no time to recover as she took him into her mouth, tongue wrapping around the shaft and her lips locking around his knot, as she sucked on the whole length. He was small enough that she could easily take the whole thing, even the already swollen knot, which was too small to tie her. Her skilled tongue work, along with the arousal caused by her attract, brought him to an early climax, a small spurt of seed shooting out of his tip and into her mouth. She pulled off, watching as his meat throbbing violently for a few more seconds, but no more liquids came out, being saved for the main event.

As his climax calmed down, her plan began to play out. She spun around, told him "Stay," and shoved her rear into his face. Her abundant juices splattered his nose, giving him an immediate smell of her heat. He obeyed without question but one thing he did do, albeit unintentionally, was begin to glow.

The sylveon felt his body change under her, his muzzle lengthening, fur shortening, and body becoming much larger, matching hers in size. She turned around to see the umbreon, her blue eyes looking into his red ones. She once again turned away from him, walking away while raising her tail. "Follow me~" She said and he did so.

She led him into the brush and a few steps away to a fallen log, with a small hole under it, that led into her den. He followed her into the burrow, both their tails wagging excitedly. Before he could get in, she dashed ahead of him. He squeezed his way in, and his view revealed the sylveon, rear raised and head down, with her ribbons flowing around her and fanning her scent towards him. This being her home and with no wind to blow it away, the smell of heat was nigh overwhelming. Seth's mouth hung open with his tongue out, panting wildly. He came up to her and gave a long lick along her nethers, tasting the candy like flavor of her copious juices. Sylveon looked under herself, seeing his chin and faint glances of his lapping tongue, but what really caught her eyes, was his now much larger umbreon cock. It was even more sizable than a normal umbreon cock, swelling both from his pent up needs and her own influence. It was almost two inches longer and at least one in girth. The swollen knot was easily twice the size of his cock and hid part of his low hanging, hugely swollen balls, ready to fill her up. Her mouth watered a bit, desiring to be bred by such a well endowed male. She had been in heat for too long now, and needed a big litter. His knot would definitely solve that problem, but she had to get it in first, swollen or not.

When she had finished sizing him up, she told him "C'mon stud, fuck me~". Seth was, once again, totally under her control and eagerly did as instructed. He hopped up onto her, wrapping his paws around her chest and wildly thrust at her rear. He splattered pre and the remnants of foreplay across her rear end. He even prodded at her tail hole a few times. At this point she would have even accepted that. But Seth, driven by her heat, wanted... needed to breed her. His thrusting became even more urgent, until one lucky strike struck home, lodging him deep into her. The sudden intrusion by such a large dick, rubbing at her sensitive, heat stricken walls, made Sylveon yelp loudly in sheer pleasure. Seth gave her no time to get adjusted and began to pound his hips into her, hard and fast. The sound of squelching, slapping flesh and noises of lust filled the small den, rising in intensity rapidly.

Sylveon was in complete ecstasy with her needs being taken care of and such a large piece of meat stretching her walls. The fact that he was the same species as her, just made it so much better. Just as she started to work up the energy to start moving with his thrusts, he took the nap of her neck in his teeth, gripping it lightly, but enough to hold her still. He then leaned further onto her, her front end going totally flat, granting him total control. She cried out, loving the feeling of being totally dominated. Every other male she had fucked was both smaller than her and was usually so broken by her attract that she did most of the work, but this umbreon... All thoughts of other males were driven from her mind by one violent thrust that almost lodged his knot in and his tip stabbing into her womb. She desperately tried to get control of herself and this only seemed to upset the male, his thrusting becoming near vicious, to try and get her to start moaning again. She got enough breath to speak.

"Please- hah! Knot me! Cum inside!" She yelled out. Seth pulled back, leaving only his pointed tip spreading her lips, before slamming back in, his knot squeezing its way in. It didn't make it all the way, but her copious juices coated it even more, drenching it in her honey. Only then was he able to get it in, his entire cock embedded in her pussy, with his tip firmly past her cervix. She screamed out when the knot entered, not in pain, but in blind passion. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" She kept repeated. He waddled side to side, his knot becoming even thicker inside her, completely impossible to remove now. His short and quick thrusts, along with her begging screams, soon brought him to the edge of climax. When his shaft began to throb violently, swelling up in preparation for seeding, she screamed one last time, "Breed me! Give me our kits!"

With that, the dam broke, a burning jet of cum blasting out of his tip and directly into her womb. The massive filling the first shot gave her caused her to climax alongside him, mixing their fluids together. Her cervix clamped down and her wall milked him hard, coaxing several more filling spurts of his quivering balls. Seth pulled her back into his hips with his entire body, gripping her as tightly as possible. His violent climax settled down, though he was not done by any means. His balls were still quite swollen and the rest would be delivered to her womb over the course of the knotting. He hopped off her back and turned around, placing his pulsing balls on her rear. She could feel them churning as he bred her, matching up to every throb of his cock. She folded her tail and ribbons back to rub, play and squeeze at them, trying to get every drop he had to give. Her belly and rear was already beginning to bulge slightly from the pure volume. She could swear she even felt herself being fertilized by the squirming sperm in her womb.

Seth's eyes fluttered for a moment and his pupil hearts burst, turning back into his normal black ones. He quickly regained feeling in his body. He turned his head back, asking "Wha-" to no one in particular. He then saw and felt the Sylveon attached to him by the genitals. "You- You! Bitch!"

"Oh yes, you certainly made me your bitch, my love~" She purred out, not even looking at him.

Seth turned away and brought a paw to his mouth and bit down on it with his fangs, hard enough to draw plenty of blood. The pain, combined with the end of her attraction induced swelling, allowed him to rip himself out of her.

"What the fuck!" She yipped in pain. "We weren't done yet!" Now she turned, and she could see he was back to normal. She began to blink, a new heart firing out of her eye. Seth saw this in slow motion and quickly dodged, pouncing onto her and pinning her down, forcing compliance by gripping her throat in his jaws. "But... I love you!" She cried out. Her ribbons drifted down and tried to play with his slowly retreated junk.

"You already blew it." Seth growled to her, lightly biting to make her stop. "I would have let you join me, but then you pulled this shit! You essentially raped me!" She started to speak back but he continued on. "I am leaving. If you follow me, I will kill you. I don't ever want to see you, or your children." This emphasis on the product of their love being solely hers made her begin to cry. Seth let go of her, swatting at her face as he got up, before quickly leaving the den. Sylveon just sat there, crying and not knowing how to proceed.