Mega Trainer Chapter 20 (X)

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#20 of Mega Trainer

Seth and the gang, having secured their future, decide to settle down. Soul plans a surprise to celebrate.

Seth the Hybrid Trainer

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Eclipse the Zoroark

Eve the Lucario

CHP 20

Seth's eyes fluttered open, the sunlight blinding him as it was shining right into his eyes. Above him he could see movement, the treetops slowly moving by. He was sore as hell and felt cold metal under him. He brought a hand to his neck to massage away the aches. While it was there, he felt something new, a scar like welt on the back of his head. It was in the same place that his aura sensors would connect in his lucario form.

"Hey there sleepy head."

Seth looked over to see Eve walking beside him. "Where are we?"

"We just passed Everlive city a few hours ago."

"Everlive!?" He said, starting to get up.

Eclipse turned around from pulling the wagon. "Yeah, you were out for a few days. You were moved around and made noises every once in a while but otherwise..." Soul came up and gave his arm a lick.

"I was worried about you. The pokemon center said you were fine so we decided to move out. We should be in Breeze town soon."

"How did you know?"

"You told us your home town a while ago. I figure it'd be perfect to rest and recover at your home."

"Well... I didn't exactly leave on good terms, but maybe it's time. Eclipse, hold up. I think I can walk on my own." Seth climbed out of the tiny wagon, surprised that he had spent so long laying in such an uncomfortable thing. "Whatever happened to that lopunny, Laura."

"Here I am!" She cheered, leaping at Seth and embracing him. "We tied so we'll have to a rematch... or several." She said, still speaking quite fast, while a paw drifting towards the crotch of his pants. He brushed her exploring paw away. "Anyways, you don't have a choice in the matter. I'm coming with you. Go ahead and try to stop me~"

She did have a point, Seth could do nothing against her. Maybe all five of them could beat her... maybe.


Later that day, the gang arrived in Breeze Town, Seth leading the way through the familiar streets to his house. He led them around into the backyard and fished around his pack for the key. "Could you all wait here for a bit? I need to go in alone first." He left the other's there and went to the back door. He stuck the key in the lock and opened the door, thankful that the locks hadn't been changed. As the door opened, he heard a scuffling inside, coming from the living room. He could faintly hear the TV as well.

"What is it hun?" Susan, Seth's mother, asked.

Luke the lucario came rushing around the corner, aggression in his eyes, until he saw Seth standing in the doorway. His muzzle dropped open. Seth approached and fell to his knees, now at the same height as Luke, and took him in a tight hug. The lucario was quick to return it. "I missed you... dad." Seth whispered into his ear.

Luke broke the hug and pushed him away, his eyes wide. "How did you..."

Seth briefly closed his eyes, transforming into an anthro lucario. "I am part pokemon, on my father's side."

"Is everything okay Luke?" Susan asked, coming around the corner into the kitchen. "Seth?" She asked as soon as the anthro pokemon was in view.

"You can recognize me like this mom?"

"A mother always knows her son." She said, coming to him and giving him a hug.

"I missed you and dad. I know that Luke is my father." He explained.

"I see how you found out." She said, rubbing at his ears. "When you were born we did research and learned about hybrid humans. We decided it would be best to hide it from you, so society wouldn't treat you like some freak."

"It's fine. I'm glad everything worked out this way." He turned around and poked his head out the door, motioning for the pokemon outside to come in. "Mom, these are my pokemon." He went through their names.

"So this is your house..." Soul said, looking around curiously.

"Nice to meet you." Sky said, walking up to Susan and Luke.

Eclipse did nothing in particular, decided now was not the time to playful.

Eve stayed in the far back, a light blush on her face as she avoided eye contact.

"Nice place. Oh what's in the fridge!?" Laura said, rushing past all of them and opening the fridge, sticking her head inside to explore.

"Seth, are they..." Luke started, before stopping himself, embarrassment on his face.

"Yea... That's how I discovered everything. We've been together for a while now."

"Your aura sensors... did you lose one?" Luke quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah, it was... cut off."

"I won't ask about how if you don't want, but you need to know this. When a lucario loses half of their aura sensors, they lose the ability to manipulate aura after experiencing a massive surge. There is no way to restore it. If they lose all of them they can't even sense aura."

"That explains a lot..." Seth said, rubbing at the stump of a sensor above his right shoulder. "I only came here to say hi. I'm planning on getting in apartment in Everlive. Maybe I'll do contests for money, I did get an offer from Star herself!"

"No way!" Laura screamed, slamming the fridge shut and running over to him. Her excitement totally drowned out Susan's reaction. "You met Star! Star the actor!" She was bouncing up and down in excitement.

They spent the next few hours filling each other in on their lives, though Susan felt left out as she was the only one there who couldn't understand pokemon. To her credit, she was good at telling their intentions despite this. They had dinner together before Seth felt it was time to leave. "Come visit sometime, I'll send you my address." He said, bidding farewell to his parents.

"So Seth..." Eclipse started. "We have a ton of money from the base, so we could buy a house, I mean like a real house, not some dingy apartment."

"It feels kind of wrong to use that money." He fretted.

"It's not wrong if we don't use it that way. Money has no inherent good or evil." She argued.

"I guess... fine. I'll get us a nice house."


One week later, Seth had purchased a sizable house, almost a miniature mansion. The amount of money they had was deceptive. Quantity wise, it did not seem like much, but each bill was large, leaving them enough money to buy the house, and have about half the money left over. The first night in the house was christened with an orgy, Seth and the girls breaking in the bed. Soul however, abstained from the party, sleeping in a different room for a few nights. After a week, Seth had sex with all of the girls individually, and as the same species, but once again, Soul seemed oddly distant. That is, until one night, Seth was in bed alone, starting to drift off while the other's did their own things. He was disturbed by the door opening and closing. He didn't pay it much mind, as the unknown girl climbed in bed with him. As she cuddled up to him, he recognized the shape as Soul. He rolled over and embraced her.

"Soul, have you been feeling alright? I've missed you these past few days..."

"There is something wrong Seth... I'm in heat."

"Why would that make you stay away from me?"

"Because... I wanted to be deep in it, to make sure..."

"I think I understand." Seth said with a kiss. "I would love to." He rubbed into her neck, burying his face in her fluff.

"Seth, please, take me like when we first met."

Seth transformed into his feral lucario form, blue fur rubbing against white. "Soul, make sure not to mega evolve. I don't want to go berserk for this~"

"Me neither. Let's make this a perfect night~" They remained in each other's embrace for a long time, neither wanting to break the loving embrace. The entire time, they planted kisses all over their faces, Soul nibbling at Seth's ears while Seth buried himself under her neck fur to nuzzle at her chin.

"Seth... please..." Soul moaned. "I can't take this anymore!"

"Alright, let's see if I remember this right..." He said, maneuvering around. His fighting type strength allowed him to easily pick up Soul and spin her around, not as though she was resisting though. They ended up with his head at the front of the bed and Soul's rear resting on it, in typical 69 position, and a very familiar one. Once again, his eyes were drawn to a small part in her white coat. Normally, there would only be a tiny patch of blue flesh, barely noticeable. However her heat made her azure lips puffed out and a deeper shade as well. Her blue canine pussy was possibly the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

Now that he was a pokemon, there was something else from her heat affecting him. As a human he could faintly smell something, but it was negligible. Now a thick scent filled the room. A faint sweetness accompanied her indefinable aroma. The closest thing Seth could equate it to was cinnamon. The glorious smell was infinitely more potent now that the source was just above his nose, its potent pheromones filling his mind. Alone, it would have been just arousing, but the fact that it was coming from Soul, his lovely mate, made it maddening. No longer able to admire her form, he dove forward, burying his tongue into her folds and lapping up a storm, collecting all the liquids she had produced while waiting out her heat. His efforts were in vain though, she was producing too much of her delicious honey for him to possibly slurp up. Not as though he really minding his fur being soaked by her.

On the other side, Soul was face to flesh with Seth's rapidly rising canine penis, her heat making him incredibly hard. It was twitching and throbbing furiously, veins bulging out of its surface. His male musk, a powerful smell, permeated her senses. It was not as strong as her own scent, but it was all she could smell, and she loved it. It only solidified what she already knew: He was her mate, he would impregnate her, and they would raise a family. She moved in, extending her tongue to lick at his member, tasting the pre that had collected on the pointed tip. It was difficult to do much to him, as his work on her other end had her mewling and thrashing around as her heat was finally sated.

The influence of her heat was starting to get to Seth, filling him with a desire to seed the nearest hole. His balls reacted accordingly, churning up a healthy dose. It was through willpower and love that he maintained control of his body. He continued to delve deeper into her vaginal depths, his broad canine tongue hitting all her sweet spots. The week of holding in her arousal was rapidly taking its toll, her walls milking his tongue, trying to coax a climax out of it that would never come. Once slurp rubbed the top of his tongue roughly against her clit, causing her body to lock up and her depths to spasm wildly. Seth's muzzle was splashed in her girl cum, his fur too saturated already, making it drip from his face.

Soul took the initiative and crawled forward before turning around, her face just before the lucario's cock. She said nothing, leaning forward to coat it in her saliva. When it was glistening with wetness, she climbed back up his body, face first this time. When they were face to face, they both leaned in, sharing a deep kiss. On the lower end, Soul rose up and dropped down, impaling herself on his eager dick. Seth was caught unprepared and couldn't help but reel back with a gasp.

"Soul, are you sure you want to do it like this? You might not get pregnant..."

"I got a plan," She rose back up and dropped again, starting into a slow pattern. She would stay on him, rolling her hips against him, his member sheathed in her velvet walls, before rising up and dropping back down, only to repeat the actions. She kept her paws on his chest, with his on her waist to help her maintain balance. Her head leaned down again and Seth pursed his lips, expecting a kiss. He was confused when she leaned right past him, burying her head in the pillows his head rested on. The entire time, her hips were locked with his, both their genitals pulsing in sync, along with their hearts. She returned into his field of view with a small box clutched in her teeth. She laid it on his chest and his ears swiveled curiously. "Go on," She said, her gyrations increasing in turn.

Seth took his paws from her hips, his semi humanoid fingers allowing him to flip the box open. It looked similar to a ring case. When it opened, instead of a ring, two berries were sitting inside. "What are those?" Seth asked, not recognizing the small heart shaped fruits.

Soul leaned down and took one of them in her mouth, pulling up and dangling it above Seth's. He took the hint and bit down on the other one. They pulled away, tearing it from the stem, and they both swallowed. "Eclipse got them for me. They are often used by breeders because they cause increased fertility. I think you can connect the dots~"

The effects quickly became apparent for both parties. Soul felt a sudden rush of heat and pleasure rush through her body, the most intense of which were in her womb. Seth could feel this, his shaft throbbing heartily in response. He could feel his balls throbbing violently, swelling up with their contents. The veins on his shaft became engorged, rubbing and being cushioned by Soul's interior. He felt like he was having an orgasm, but nothing came out. His tip was swelling up, the small point becoming as large as the spikes on his body. Soul's walls were pushed to the limit, wrapping tightly around every inch of him. Seth's member filled her every nook perfectly, touching everything she could imagine. His violent throbbing only intensified the feeling. Her cervix was wide open and ready to accept his sperm and his tip was poking just into her womb.

His dry climax ended, though the swelling remained. Both were breathing heavily, the berries doing a number on them, with little input from either party. Soul was still absentmindedly grinding against him while they rode out the aftermath of their pseudo-orgasms. As the afterglow faded, a new heat, a new need, even more intense began to grow. "S-Soul..." Seth stuttered out, his balls feeling as if they would explode.

"Yea~" She purred back, pushing off of him, spinning around quickly, and hiking her rear into the air. She shook it at him, her tail fanning her heat at him. The sight of her blue folds, slowly closing after having him in her, and pulsing with need, was once a beautiful and arousing sight, but now, it made him want to scream. He needed to be inside her, every moment spent like this was agony. With a feral growl, he pounced onto her back and lined himself up, going to town on her immediately.

His hips were beyond his control, but his mind was still his own. "You naughty little thing~ Getting me all horny so I would breed you proper."

"Yes! Breed me!" Soul screamed, her hips slamming into his thrusts, trying to get as much penetration as possible from each and every movement. Her front end was plastered to the bed, being shifted back and forth along the covers as he pounded her. The scent of sex was filling the room, and the senses of both pokemon, driving them into an even more frantic mating.

"How long have you wanted this, my slutty absol?" He teased, gently taking hold of her neck with his teeth, only doing so for her pleasure.

"Ever since I first found you! I've loved you for so long, and now we can make it real. Seal our union, make me your real mate!" She pleaded, her tail reaching down and trying to force his hips into her harder.

Seth also could no longer hold back. He thrust wildly into her, his knot pounding for entrance. The swelling of him, and the tightness of her made it a difficult task, but soon, with a scream of bliss from Soul, it audibly popped in. It rapidly grew to full size, filling her entrance and sealing everything inside. From the outside, her crotch was visibly bulging from the sheer mass of cock inside her.

Seth swelled even larger for a split second, before the dam broke. A strong spurt of seed blasted Soul's interior. She could feel it hitting the back of her womb, his cum being injected directly into it. It just kept going, wave after wave of seed being milked from his aching balls and being delivered to her fertile body. She imagined she could feel the baby riolu and absol starting to grow in her. Her face was the picture of pure bliss, as was Seth's, as he leaned down to lick and nuzzle at her. "I love you." He purred.

"We're not done yet. It's customary to turn the tie~"

Seth understood and spun around, rear to rear with his mate. His balls rested on her, the lively seeding pulses growing more intense. "That's better~ I love you too, my mate, my stud, my lover. Hmm... I can't think of a nickname right now." Soon her womb was full, the cum spilling out and filling her stuffed passage. His knot was too swollen to let any escape her clutching depths, which was exactly what she wanted. Her belly began to swell with the volume Seth was pumping into her. The tie lasted for a long time, longer than any Seth had ever been conscious for. When his knot began to shrink, their combined juices started to drip out of the now opened path. "Seth, let's stay like this." She asked, carefully moving around and coaxing him to follow. After they finished, they were belly to belly, Seth laying with her on top, with his slowly retreated shaft still in her.

"Seth, I wanna tell you something."

"Go ahead." He said, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"I guess I should start from the beginning..." She said, her eyes becoming wet. Seth put up a paw and wiped away the tears.

"Soul... you don't have to..."

"I need to. I had a trainer before you. We were really close until... another human killed her, right in front of me. The last thing she did was release me. I swore that day to never trust a human again. I ran to the woods and hid. Sex became a way to hide from the pain, so I started fucking everything in sight. When I found you, I was so horny that I was willing to fuck a human. If I hadn't been... I might have killed you. After only fucking small pokemon for so long, having a well endowed lucario was the best thing ever so I came with you, planning to escape after fucking him, maybe even taking him with me. I was so lucky it was you~"

"Soul... I'm so sorry. I never had any idea..." He said, trying to comfort her. "I was lucky to meet you, all the girls. You've made my life so much better. I felt like I had no meaning before we met, and now, we've made life together." He said, rubbing a paw along her bulging belly.

Soul only purred and nuzzled into him, her furry body intermingling with his. Seth clutched at her, holding his lover tight and drifting off to sleep. The last thought that ran through his mind was of how lucky he was. His pokemon had been what was missing from his life. Now, everything seemed right.