Rouge's Colosseum 12

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#112 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Blaze and Surge's combat comes to its exciting conclusion!

This is a commissioned piece for <tw:Spaciestcake}. Art is by Blanfrank_  If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. All characters are copyright their respective owners and are written as above the age of 18.

Posted using PostyBirb

With a surge of her own power, Blaze grips the tenrec's mighty ass, lifting her up high into the air and spinning her around.

Surge yowls, desperately trying to get a better grip on the princess, but with that unexpected strength, Blaze finishes the fluid movement by slamming her onto the padded floor and right onto her back!

Stunned, Surge lays there momentarily as Blaze lifts herself up, her chin and lips glistening with Surge juice. The cat lifts up one leg, holding it tightly. "I'm going to defeat you, but it won't be by using my tongue. It'll be by the use of my whole body against yours, and when we are through, impudent troublemaker, you'll know that I am a princess not by birthright but by the merit of my skill."

Surge pants, one eye opening up, her frown growing. "I'll show you how we do things in this world. No rules, no holds barred, just... You... wait!!

Surge frowns, clenching her fists. Her eyes and tits spark. "You try and touch me again, and you'll get the worst shock of your life. Best be prepared to turn up the heat because I ain't letting my guard down again."

Blaze sighs. "Must we play with these puns? This is serious combat. Shall we duel with our bodies in their most sensitive state?"

"The fuck you talking about-oh?" The tenrec obviously wasn't prepared for when the feline fighter lowers herself, holding close to one leg but letting her labia lick Surge's. The princess grinds against the other girl, biting her lip, closing her eyes, and squeezing her leg.

Surge grips the ground, rocking her own hips, watching Blaze and the way her fingers waver and her lips quiver. "Heh... seems l-like... things are really, heh, heatin' up!"

A thin stream of smoke rises up between the two scissoring warriors. The scent reaches Surge's snout a second after the heat goes from an unpleasant sensation to a sharp pain.

"Ah!? You bitch!" Surge snaps at Blaze, shifting positions with her, grabbing her leg, and lifting it up over her shoulder. "Whatcha tryin' to do, burn off my cunt?"

Blaze winces, but the fire in her eyes does not go out. "All's fair in the battlefield of physical delight!" she grunts through the shocks that jolt through her body, her fingers twitching, her lips spasming.

"F... fuck!" the tenrec exclaims, wrapping an arm around Blaze's leg. "If you want more juice, you just have... ngh, to say so!" With that, she pulses a current through her palm, and Blaze's toes extend, curl, and vibrate from the painful constrictions.

"How's it feel not having control of your body, Bitch?" Surge snickers at this, her pupils shrinking. "Every watt you feel is me claiming and conquering you! I'll charge you so much you'll cum for days!

Blaze's tail stands on end, and she curls her fingers, gripping the padded floor beneath her. Her teeth show through her snarl as she focuses on those manic eyes of her opponent. Her hips push and grind against Surge's. Her core tightens as she applies pressure. Her inner energy flows downward toward her womanhood, producing flames that lick against the Surge's shocking Snatch!

Surge puts up an ionic wall between herself and Blaze, which crackles as it diffuses the flames, knocking them away from her precious pussy. The tenderness from the initial touch of heat heightens the sensations from the cat. If she didn't defend herself, her labia would be pussy seared. "F-fucking psycho," she growls, digging her palms into the ground. "You'll actually burn me alive!"

"Not if...aaaaah!?" Her cries jitter as her eyes roll back, feeling the shock rush up from her sex along her spine.

Surge sneers. "Haha, serves you right to try to, aaafuck!"

A flame erupts between the two, making her flinch and shield her eyes.

When the fire subsides, she is greeted by the fiery determination of the princess, renewed, despite the spasms of shocks.

Surge's body heats up from her core to her heart to her extremities. Her teeth grind together as she grinds against the pussy's pussy. Grunts rise up from her as warmth and pressure build up. Her fingers twist, her palms press, and her heels dig into the padded floor as she holds herself together. All the while, she drools out as between her lips drip the sweet sex.

The feline princess also drips between her legs, the flame in her eyes growing as the flame in her hands and between her legs spread, licking over the two of them, clashing with the spasming of her muscles. It's hard enough to control her body, let alone her wits, with the constant assault of shocks hitting her different muscles. The stimulation continues in erratic behavior as Surge's focus wanes, hitting her in multiple spots at once, buzzing and tingling her deep under her fur and flesh, and tiring her out.

Their passions ignite, and soon, Surge's eyes flash, and she laughs, throwing her head back, roaring in orgasmic delight.

"You... you haven't won... yuh... yeee-eet!" Blaze begins to say, but her own sensations overwhelm her, sending her over the edge as the lightning claws up her sides and all the way to the pleasure center of her brain. She shudders and shakes in the abuse of the electricity, her back arching, her toes curling, and just spraying out fire from her deepest being.

Surge screams in pure pained delight as she's overtaken, not just by her orgasm but by the flames. She flies back from the power of the burst of energy from both of them, striking the wall, and sliding down, leaving a burn scar upon the padding.

With flame-singed fur, Surge lays against the wall, slumped over, but she twitches, then she coughs, and then she pushes herself up, standing with her shoulders hunched and a toothy grin upon her face.

Blaze scrambles to her feet, crying, "Are you al... right?"

Surge snickers and cracks her knuckles. "What? Worried about me, princess? I don't die that easily. You, on the other hand... fuck, that's the loudest a girl's ever squealed for me. Not only that... but I'm the first one up after we both got floored!"

Blaze bites her lip. "That's true... I concede. Is our grievance done?"

"So long as you don't get in my way anymore, sure," Surge says, picking up her boxers. "Oh, and if you agree that I'm the top bitch." She snaps her fingers, producing a spark, "which makes you my bottom bitch." Wiggling her brows, she adds. "Now... you and me-we're going to the showers, got it?"

Rouge's Colosseum 13

In the observation room, Clutch whistles, leaning on his cane. "That excitement... that rush. It was incredible. "They almost completely let loose, even though they were fuckin' each other. You can't get entertainment like that, except maybe on the...

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Rouge's Coloseum 11

"Prepare yourself to face me in an honorable duel," Blaze says. "By unclothing yourself." Surge's sparking stops, and she shrugs, grabbing onto her top and lifting it up over her head. She sighs, tossing it aside, running her gloved hands down...

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Rouge's Coloseum 10

The koala pours the tea out for the two sitting on the balcony at the imperial palace. Rouge confidently sits back and sips from the drink while Blaze holds the cup in both hands, watching her odd visitor. "I thank you for the audience,...

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