Rouge's Coloseum 10

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#110 of Sonic the Hedgehog

With Blaze and Surge primed and amped to face each other, it's time to find out what grievances the two ladies have for one another.

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. All characters are copyright their respective owners and are written as above the age of 18.

This is a commissioned piece commissioned by Spaciestcake. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

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The koala pours the tea out for the two sitting on the balcony at the imperial palace. Rouge confidently sits back and sips from the drink while Blaze holds the cup in both hands, watching her odd visitor.

"I thank you for the audience, Princess. It really is an honor to be in such a fine alternate reality," the bat says, chuckling softly.

"It's not often that anyone just waltzes into my audience chamber, let alone someone from Sonic's World. Am I to expect more visitors now?"

Placing the cup down, Rouge responds. "Most people call it 'Earth' nowadays, but it depends on who you ask. As for an increase in tourism and immigration, I'm sure we could work something out if it's something you're interested in."

"Maybe," Blaze says, but that all depends on the security of my empire. I'm sure you can understand. But what's a jewel thief and spy doing asking about such things?"

"Mmm, well, I don't know how time flows on your side of the dimensional void," Rouges says, "But it's been a few years, and a lot has changed in our reality. For the better, many would say."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"But, we suffer from boredom and could use a little spice, perhaps a cultural exchange if you will, and something that requires a bit of power."

The cat growls. "If it's the Sol Emerald you want, you're not getting them."

"Oh, no, no, that's fine. I'm only interested in the gems of my world, and what I need from you is a bit of cultural exchange."

"Such as?"

"Well, the funny thing is," Rouge begins, producing from her suit a tablet. On the screen are writings scanned into it, "Some intrepid explorer once found reference to some of the customs you have in your world that we don't have here. If I could get people coming here to share, and if your firepower could spark a little something for me, I can give to your people such entertainment they had never seen before."

"You are in the business of selling pleasure?"

"Think of it more as excitement. I'm sure your years of peace weigh heavily upon you."

Blaze taps her fingers together. "Show me what you're planning."


Stepping onto the floor of Club Rouge, the Bat and the Cat have a lot to see. "There's a bit more nightlife here in Mobotropolis, but we really lack a sense of culture. Call that the faults of our heterogeneity. Injecting some Sol Dimension specialties could really liven things up. In return, I'm sure we can also give your people some excitement. Now, let me show you the--"

The lights flicker and burst, and Rouge dives under a table, covering her head. Meanwhile, Blaze melts the fallen glass with her flames, narrowing her eyes when she turns towards the back door where the electric figure of Surge stands.

"Hey, Rouge!" she barks. "You seeing someone on the side about adding some sizzle to your show? I thought you said I was gonna be your star!"

"Star...?" Blaze eyes Rouge for a moment.

"Yeah, that's right, pancake, star," Surge says, zipping up to Blaze and flicking the cat's nose.

Blaze hisses. "How dare you!"

"How dare I what, granny? Tell you off for getting into my turf?"

"You will apologize for your interruption and your casual attitude this instant. I have a high tolerance for stubborn individuals, after all."

"Oh, la de da, whatever, bitch. I don't get time for you."

Blaze burns up, sending scorching flames up along the ceiling. Surge sparks and sneers at her, bumping her chest close to the fire, but a moment later, the two are wholly doused in white foam.

Rouge drops the fire extinguisher and approaches the two, her arms draping over their shoulders, pulling them in close to her. "Now, now, ladies, I need both of you to help power my show. No one's being replaced; you're going to work together.

"Together!? Blaze scoffs.

"With her!?" Surge spits.

"Oh, yes, and the payout," she says to surge, "and the humanitarian reward," she notes to Blaze, "Will be astronomical."

Surge smacks Rouge away, pouting with her hands in her pockets. "Like hell, I'm gonna work with her for some namby pampy nonsense."

Blaze brushes foam off of her jacket. "While I wouldn't mind helping you do something to better our worlds, there's no way I'm working with this woman to do it."

"You know..." Rouge says, tapping her cheek. "I think there's something in that old manual about your culture that I read that could solve this little problem."

Blaze blinks. "You mean the right of the duel?"

"Hah, a duel!" Surge says, punching her fist into her other fist. "Bitch, I will smack you so hard you ain't gonna see straight. I'll challenge you to this duel and win!"

"Excellent," Rouge says, clapping, "And I have just the venue and time for it."

Blaze the Cat stands with regal dignification, her back straight and her eyes narrowed at the upstart Surge the Tenrec standing before her. She says nothing to respond to her opponent's taunt. Instead, with the precision of a well-practiced pyromancer, she erupts into flames. Her whole body disappears behind the scorching flame, smoke rising from the cloak hiding her body. Fabric curls and disintegrates into ash and smoke, wafting, climbing, and dancing in the air, stimulated by so much heat.

The Tenrec watches with a saw-toothed grin, hands upon her hips, watching with her face and eyes glowing with the irregular beats of fire.

As soon as it begins, the flames dissipate, and standing where the cloaked princess once was is a princess no longer cloaked in anything. The only adornments left to Blaze are her gloves, her forehead charm, and her headband. She stands unashamed in her lithe and flat form, her tail puffed in anticipation.

Surge clenches her fists, her elbows at her side. Sparks flicker around her, filling the room with pulsing, arcing power streaks. "Neat trick you got there, Princess," she says, "But it ain't gonna save you."

Rouge's Coloseum 11

"Prepare yourself to face me in an honorable duel," Blaze says. "By unclothing yourself." Surge's sparking stops, and she shrugs, grabbing onto her top and lifting it up over her head. She sighs, tossing it aside, running her gloved hands down...

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