Chapter 2: We Aren't So Different, When we are Apart

Story by TheRedFoxCamio on SoFurry

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Warning: This story contains male/male relationships in graphic detail and is intended for adults only. All characters are owned and were created by the author MythosLoki/TheRedFoxCamio, and any resemblance to real events or people is purely coincidental... well for the most part.

I've editted (For the most part.... made my minions do it ^^) not really though... and I revamped the chapter to introduce a new character and more yiff ^_^

Chapter 2: We Aren't So Different, When we are Apart

Nathan awoke with the sun gleaming in his eyes through the crappy blinds. His breathing was fast and heavy, a side effect of the dream he had just experienced. The fox lifted the sheet and stared down at the redness that stood tall and angry between his legs. "Fuck," he muttered softly.

The young fox growled at his erection, hoping it was just a case of morning wood; hoping it was not a result of the dream, because then it would take more than time to get rid of it. Unfortunately, as Nathan continued staring at his prick, it appeared to have been the latter, a full-blown hard-on thanks to the wolf he had been dreaming of all night. 'Goddamn it all!' Nathan yelled loudly in his head, 'Why did I even go to that fucking club!' He threw himself forward angrily, sitting up fast enough to knock his head on the top bunk springs. Nathan heard the otter above him rustle and cough. 'Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!' he screamed at himself, rubbing his head with a paw. He ripped his towel down from the bed frame behind him and drooped it over his erection. His paws slid into the shower flip-flops underneath his bed. As he rose, Nathan made sure to wrap the towel around himself. 'Fuck!' he screamed again in his mind as he tried to tie it around his waist, his erection would either poke through or prevent the towel from being tied. He settled with a hybrid of the two with the towel tied so he could easily hide his hardness in his shower basket. Worried he might end up giving his roommate an eyeful; no matter how many fantasies before now he had thought up between him and his roommate, he did not want to spoil the understanding that existed between them. 'Don't want to have to try explaining this...' Nathan thought pessimistically. As he stood by the door, which was situated on the same wall as the bunks, Nathan took the time to adjust himself so that if any cock were revealed it would hopefully be hidden by the mesh container. The small fox glanced around the room anxiously, his eyes slightly wide before opening the door a crack. Nathan peaked out through the door, staring out into the hallway lit by the florescent overhead lights. The hallway was empty; he only hoped that beyond the corner that he could not see was empty. He closed the door slowly behind him. ************************************************************************

Trevor was jostled awake; his mattress jumping up from the contact of what must be his roommate waking up. The otter stared up at the movie poster on the ceiling and sighed. He rolled over lazily on to his stomach pressing his face deep into the crimson red of his pillowcase. His heavy otter tail swung about in the air haphazardly before coming to a rest against the wall, his red tail hole exposed to the grinning lion on the poster. He pulled up his underwear, which had been pulled down slightly during the night, his paw lightly caressing the tight hole as the cotton was pulled up. Trevor could hear the fox scrambling around the room. He sighed again and wiggled his body around a bit to get comfier in the stiff, rusty mattress underneath him. His cotton bikini covered sheath hit a bump in the mattress caused by a too stiff spring. The otter squeaked at the pressure just as the dorm room closed. Trevor sat up and was greeted by the indigo 9:42. His eyes turned from the clock to the door, back to the clock and lastly into his lap. "He'll be in there for a least a half hour..." he reasoned, watching the rising spot pushing the sheet up, "And... well... I'm off duty tonight... I could..." The otter grinned stupidly at his sheet-covered erection. His otter rod pushed the bed sheet a good seven inches up. He lay back and stared at the ceiling his paw brushing down his sheet covered chest. Trevor's claws lightly pressed against the hot, hard skin underneath the tenting sheet, looking at the girlish male fox in the poster above his bed.

Hot water ran down the red fur as Nathan turned his face up into the stream. His normally curly hair straightened down and brushed against his nipples. Even through closed eyes, he could still sense the presence of his arousal. It had gone down a few inches. Now, only about half of his semi-hard cock remained outside the furry sheath. His knot however, still remained a large bulge at the entrance of his fuzzy wrapper. Every once in a while, a too strong of a tug or movement would cause him to yipp sharply in pain from his swollenness. It was a problem easily solved, unless he wanted to walk back to his room just as he had left. Nathan took several tentative glances at the searing redness that poked out from between his legs. "Might as well, then at least it stands a chance of hiding sometime today," he whispered softly in the spray.

The booth he was showering used to be a regular bathroom stall before the dorm had been converted from a library. Fox eyes darted back and forth from his erection to the pale white curtain that tried to block the eyes of any onlookers. Nathan's brow wrinkled, his trembling paw sank and wrapped itself around his maleness. He sighed as he began stroking himself, his brow unwrinkling as his arousal won out. The fox gripped his tip, squeezing it tight in his paws. He propped himself up with a paw against the wall, his thin waist swaying as he began stroking.

"Ahhh..." Trevor exclaimed in pleasure as his paw gripped his otterhood. His other paw gently clasped his scrotum, fingering his balls gently. He pushed his head back against his pillow, arching his back into his paws. The otter squeaked as his penis grew to full size in his paw. He let a deep moan out as he caressed his tip gently with his paw. Claws moved to pinch the tip of foreskin, gently enticing his awaiting orgasm. ************************************************************************

The youthful fox cried out as he stroked himself faster with both paws. Nathan's head rested against the shower wall. His muzzle dropped as he moaned into the tiled wall. With each pull of his paw his head was revealed from with in the foreskin and pressed against his other paw, causing shivers of painful pleasure to shake up his spine. His back paw slid back down his fox member and gripped his forming knot tightly. Nathan's eyes closed in pleasure as he felt his arousal leading up to orgasm.

The otter let out a satisfied groan and he thrust his hips up into the air. The paw gripping his testicles squeezed his gonads and Trevor could feel his balls pumping as his seed shot through his body and out of his tip.

Nathan let out a satisfied scream as white splattered against the shower wall. The cum spattered on his paws went straight to his mouth, entering his muzzle to be cleaned. All of the creamy substance painted on the wall slowly slid down the shower wall. The fox's body rested completely against the shower wall in post-orgasmic glow. ************************************************************************

Trevor's thickly packed fur was cover in the white essence. His body was completely loose, his thick tail hanging over the bed like a weight. The otter's eyes were glazed over while the pleasure coursed through his body. He was shaken out of his daze by the sudden buzzing of his roommate's alarm. Trevor took a quick glance at the clock: 10:00. The naked otter gently smelled the air. It did not smell that strongly. Most of it was from the pools of cum on his chest and abdomen from when he shot. He jumped off the top bunk suddenly and gripped his towel tightly, wiping the pools of cum from his fur. The gray towel was then quickly tied around the otter's thin waist and he hurried to the shower.

Nathan walked blushing all the way back to his room. The mesh basket placed delicately in the same spot from embarrassment after making the shower stall sticky white. Nathan had heard the familiar chittering of his roommate as the fox scrambled to clean the good from the puddles it pooled in on the shower floor. Trevor was done and gone by the time the fox had stepped out of the shower with the towel wrapped around his dripping waist. The smaller fox gave a tiny sigh of relief when he entered the empty room. It smelt largely of the combination of the two males' deodorants but there was the faintest smell that Nathan picked up, more primal and wild. His mind went to the imagining his roommate lying on his back, his paws stroking the growing bulge in his sheath. Something else also started to grow before Nathan had the chance to stop thinking about otter cock. Before Nathan could prevent it his paws had gripped his own forming bulge. The fox sheath bulged out the towel completely unfazzled by the fox's earlier attempt to destroy it. Nathan sighed as he dropped onto his bed, the towel falling open and the pink fox-tip peaking out from the fuzzy holder. Nathan bent over, his paws meeting his face as his tears wet the recently dried fur. "Fuck," Nathan muttered as his erection grew to poke him in his stomach. Nathan did not stir when his alarm clock started beeping its fifteen-minute warning. He left it beeping through the next fifteen minutes to the time his class started. Nathan did not stir, his tears beginning to drip to the floor, his paws overfilling. Then someone started knocking on the door. Nathan still remained silent and motionless. Whoever was on the outside started banging on the solid door. Nathan then heard the doorknob turn and the hinges squeak shrilly. The door opened wide and a red form entered and began fiddling with the alarm clock. Once the beeping stopped it seemed to notice Nathan for the first time. There was a shrill yipp and the door closed. Nathan then sat upright, thinking the figure had left. "Oh, dude, I'm sorry! Are you all right Nathan? That alarm clock was driving me crazy!"

Nathan's face went white as he looked up at the plump fox who was shuffling his paws uncomfortably, his tail twitching and his eyes shifting from Nathan's eyes, to his crotch, to the side and then repeated the movement. Nathan slowly covered his crotch, his shaft pushing the towel up obscenely. "Uh..." Nathan began swallowing to try and chase the dryness from his throat, "I-I'm fine Mike..." The small fox looked up pleadingly at the larger fox only partially aware of the mess his face looked from the tears and pressure from his paws.

Mike tried to keep his gaze focused on Nathan, trying to avoid looking at the tall tent in the towel, hoping to keep Nathan's attention above his large waist and not on the growing bulge of his sheath pressing against the black sweatpants. The chubby fox pulled Trevor's desk chair out and sat down. "Why aren't you in class?" Nathan just shrugged. "Why were-are you crying?" Nathan shook his head and looked away from his neighbor. Michael gnawed on his lip nervously as he desperately tried to come up with a way of getting Nathan to respond. "Did you fight with Trevor?" Nathan flinched and turned away. "What did you fight about?"

"We didn't fight!" Nathan growled loudly. "I-I just..."

"Can't stop thinking about him?"

Nathan looked up, his muzzle contorted in a grimace of shame and horror. The pair remained quiet. Mike had only been half serious about the question. He decided to make the first move and sat down beside Nathan. The change in weight distribution on the bed caused the much lighter fox to fall sideways and rest against Mike's shoulder. Mike's left arm wrapped slowly around the small fox's waist. Nathan remained stoic, his face pressed in to the cotton hoody Mike always wore. "That is from him... isn't it?" Mike asked. Nathan nodded, it was already too late to salvage this situation anyway. He rubbed his face against the soft sweater making small murring sounds as Mike comforted him. "Why didn't you just... paw it away?"

"I-I tried... in the shower."

"Would you -... would you let me try?" Mike asked hesitantly.

"You? You're ga-"

Mike nodded, "Me too..."

Nathan just remained motionless against Mike, murring softly. He did not feel quite so scared anymore that another closeted fox knew his secret. Nathan only let off a soft whimper as Mike's left paw caressed his pole gently.

When Nathan didn't object to his big paw inside the towel, Mike swung down to kneel on the ground, pulling the towel away from the fox's uncut member. He licked his lips as he stared unblinkingly at the glistening member inches from his muzzle. He gripped the shaft delicately in his claws, pulling the foreskin back and forth, carefully stimulating the small fox. His jaw slowly dropped open as his tongue slowly pushed up against a warm drop of pre forming on the end of the fox's foreskin. Nathan moaned as the fox kneeling in front of him took the tip of his member into his muzzle. The fox tongue snaked out along the underside of the penis; his muzzle applying eager suction on the head poking through the silky wrap of skin. Mike gurgled pleasantly around the sweet tasting cock as his paws went into his sweatpants tugging lightly at his own smaller erection. His head began to slip further forward taking more of Nathan's foxhood into his muzzle, his tongue swirling around the tender length. Nathan's paw slunk down to Mike's head, rubbing softly around his ears. His eyes were half lidded in pleasure. He applied gentle pressure, letting Mike know he could take more in, and the larger fox slowly slipped on the member until his nose was flushed with Nathan's bulging knot. The small fox screamed out as Mike's muzzle clamped down over his engorged knot, his entire cock buried in Mike's throat. Nathan threw his head back and cried out loudly, his head banging first against the bed frame of Trevor's bed and then the wall. His legs flung out and shook wildly and his cock spasmed hard in Mike's muzzle.

Mike unlatched his muzzle from the fox knot quickly as he felt the cum shooting down his throat. He backed off until only the foreskin tip was in his muzzle and he applied hard suction and sucked the skin like a straw. Michael expertly swallowed the freshman's entire large load and pulled off, looking up at the fox that was holding his head.

Nathan rubbed at his head, feeling a bit of hotness coming from where he struck his head. His eyes opened partially and looked down at Mike kneeling between his legs. He did not see the chubby fox, though; he saw the lithe frame and cheerful otter face of his roommate, licking his whiskers clean of fox spunk. Nathan shook his head a bit and the rush of blood caused him to pass out.