Service Call
#1 of stories
An routine work call has some unintended side effects for a cute dragon.
Written by me, edited by
Service Call
"Hello Mr. Hux, I'm heading your way for the Eyepatch security system install you requested. It'll be around 30 minutes until I arrive."
"Thank you son, I'm looking forward to it."
One last call, Kix thought to himself.
Kix drove through a small suburban neighborhood nestled on the outskirts of the downtown area, looking around for his destination. Pulling up to the small two-story home, he parked his van in the empty driveway. Kix let out a soft sigh as he stepped out of the van, straightening out his uniform and tucking his shirt back under his tummy and into his pants again. Another sigh escaped his muzzle as he grabbed his tool bag from the back of the van; making his way towards the front door, down the pathway through the neatly mowed lawn.
Already standing at the front door was a short and stocky dog, blue furred with black hair. Kix walked towards the dog and took in his features as he approached. The dog was wearing a pair of glasses and a gold piercing in his right ear, with a warm smile on his face. Kix approached with his free hand to shake it and introduce himself, but was instead met with a warm hug from the bigger dog. Unexpectedly, he melted a little bit into those arms. He was exhausted after a long day of work calls and let the hug linger as he took in the dog's scent. The hint of lavender was very calming, but the strong scent of baby powder was also very pleasant if unexpected.
"Ah.. Hello Mr. Hux, I'm here to install the EyeWatch system for you!" he said, finally snapping out of it and greeting the dog.
"Hello to you as well, you must be my little helper today! Let me show you where you'll be working." Hux replied as he grabbed Kix's paw and pointed towards the roofline. The dog told him he'd like an eyewatch camera installed to see the front yard and door. He then led him towards the backyard and pointed towards the backdoor as Kix just nodded. He felt like a little cub again being led around the dog's home. As they came back to the front door, Hux led Kix inside and sat the dragon down to pull off his shoes. With how small the hallway was, Hux told Kix to follow him closely to the last location he wanted the cameras installed. As Kix followed the dog, he noticed how plump the dog's ass was; his cheeks turning a little red as he admired the view. The dragon looked forward again quickly to take his mind off the round and puffy ass, only to notice a subtle rustling noise with each step of the dog. Before he could even process what it was, he bumped into Hux as they stop at a door.
"Sorry sir, I got a little distracted!"
"It's alright, here's the last spot I'd like a camera. Just install it wherever you think it gets the best view." Hux said as he opened the door to what looked like an oversized nursery.
Kix was immediately assaulted with the powerful scent of baby powder and lavender, his nose wrinkling up a little. However, before he could actually process the room and what Hux had asked of him, he felt an arm around his shoulder. Hux told him with the faintest smirk across his muzzle,
"It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow to finish the rest of the install? Hopefully you're a little more prepared for it by then."
Kix looked down at his watch and realized an hour had somehow already passed. He thought to himself where the time even went, feeling very confused as he just nodded and said, "Yeah." Mr. Hux handed him his toolbag off the floor and led the dragon back towards the front door. Mr. Hux nudged Kix out with a soft pat on his rump.
Kix rang the office to tell them he needed one more day at Mr. Hux's place to finish the install. He hung up and opened up the back of the van to drop his toolbag off. When it hit the floor of his van, it opened ever so slightly and revealed the corner of a strange, thick, plastic looking rectangle against the backdrop of his well used tools. He pulled it out and his maw dropped open, realizing it's an adult diaper with a cubby print plastered on it. Small little diapered critters bedazzled the soft plastic, a pattern of paws running down the center of it. Taken aback by the discovery, he dropped it on the floor of his van and took a step back, only to hear a distinct rustling of plastic. He closed his eyes as he didn't want to look down; instead just moving his paws down towards his crotch. He felt around only to hear the distinct crinkling again, his expression quickly changing to flustered. The dragon quickly opened his eyes again and closed the backdoor to his van, making his way towards the driver door in order to get in as quickly as possible.
Once inside and seated, he finally looked down and saw a comically large bulge in his pants. Much larger than he was ever used to, if he was being honest. His diminutive cock could never make a bulge that big in his pants. With a bit more privacy in the safety of his locked van, he moved his paws down again to unbutton his pants in order to visually confirm what he was wearing. He knew the answer deep down, but was surprised nonetheless when he saw the same diaper he threw in the back of his van wrapped around his crotch, albeit with some of those paws faded and missing. He felt the diaper, noting just how squishier and soft it was compared to the one in the back. As his paws explored the new and foreign object, the realization that he was wet set in as he felt his teeny cock harden in that soft, plush diaper. His mind felt like it was in a dreamy haze as that exploration turned into something more instinctual. The rubbing quickly turned to gropes, as the squishy front of the diaper molded to his paws and his little cock twitched in that soft and soggy padding. It was maybe only a minute before he made a sticky little mess in the diaper. Embarrassingly enough, he was completely wiped from that little orgasm; better than any pawjob or blowjob he had ever had.
Embarrassed and out of breath, he tried to zip and button his pants back up. The diaper was just far too poofy at this point. With a shaky paw, still recovering from the best orgasm he ever had, he fished the keys out of his pocket and turned his van on. He had a long drive back home.
Even though his little boner was gone by the time he got home, he still couldn't button his pants up. He was going to have to pull his shirt down as much as he could to walk inside without exposing the mysterious diaper he found himself in. Luckily, his roommates were just watching tv and he managed to sneak into his room without much fanfare aside from the usual pleasantries he normally came home to. The couple had made some extra curry for Kix, so he quickly changed into some more comfortable pajamas only noticing the diaper again when it crinkled as the waistband was pulled over it. He waddled over to the bathroom so he could take it off and to his chagrin, the sound of the tapes ripping off the plastic felt like it echoed through the house. He hoped his roommates didn't hear it. The dragon wiped himself off and rushed to the kitchen to fix himself a bowl of curry before it got cold. He scarfed it down and ran back to his room after washing his dishes and helping his roommates clean the kitchen up.
As he walked into the bathroom to shower off his workday, his cheeks quickly turned red seeing the used diaper on the floor. He threw it in the bathroom trash and told himself he would take the trash out in the morning. After his shower he tried to dry off as much as he could and did his usual business on his computer while air drying his fur. Sufficiently done playing games and browsing pawtube he flopped onto his bed and passed out.
Kix surprisingly woke up well rested, though he did have a strange dream where he was a little cub again. Thinking nothing of it, he prepared to head back to Mr. Hux's house. He grabbed the trash with the used diaper in it and tossed it in the bin outside as he walked towards his van. As the door swung open, he was assaulted with the strong scent of baby powder and lavender again; it must have been the diaper he left in the back. He took a seat in the driver seat and ended up taking a few more deep breaths of the scent before it felt like he was in a trance. He stepped back out of the van and headed towards the back, and thought to himself, "I must be more prepared for Mr. Hux today." With that thought resonating in his head, he opened up the door and lay down on the floor of his van with the cute little diaper adorned with critters on it resting it on his chest. The dragon stripped his pants and undies off while that back door was still open. He opened up the diaper and lifted his butt, exposing his little weiner to any would-be onlookers. Fortunately for him, no one was up this early. He placed it under himself before falling back down on it in a seemingly magical puff of powder that was not that before. Another deep breath and he was driving to Mr. Hux's place without pants on, quietly telling himself they wouldn't fit anyways.
Kix arrived once again at Mr. Hux's house, straightening out his shirt after the long drive and tucking it into the thick and poofy diaper before grabbing his tool bag. Mr. Hux opened the door clad in a loosely tied up robe, holding it together with his paws as the brisk morning air rushed into his house; revealing a wet diaper peeking through the gap in his robe. He went in for another hug, proudly proclaiming that he was glad Kix showed up more prepared today. The dog reached down and gave Kix's padded butt a pat. Kix simply blushed in reply.
Hux could feel his own little cock stir as he pulled Kix's dry diaper towards his own soggy padding, before letting the hug end and telling Kix he could get started on the job at hand. The little dragon was the cutest visitor he'd had so far. He didn't want to scare him off.
Kix started with the installation of the cameras out front and back first. Everything was going smoothly as all these modern security systems were pretty easy to install nowadays. Mr. Hux came walking out still in his robe, with a tray of drinks for Kix. Kix picked the tall glass of tea to sip on while he worked. He was sipping on the almost empty glass when he noticed a car driving by and saw the driver staring at him, only to realize it must have been because he was still just wearing a diaper and a shirt. He couldn't even remember why he was in just a diaper and shirt, but he started running towards the only person he could think of. Mr. Hux.
Mr. Hux was idly working in his office when Kix came running to him extremely flustered and mumbling about someone seeing him. On queue, Mr. Hux stood up and embraced Kix, his soft voice telling him, "It's okay little one, we can get you dressed up so no one can see them. Follow me to the nursery." Mr. Hux picked up the tool bag and led Kix towards that oversized nursery. Once there, he pulled out a pair of denim shortalls. He unbuttoned the crotch of the shortalls and pulled it over Kix's head and paws before snapping them up so Kix's diaper is out of sight. "There, all better?"
Kix nods.
"While we're in here you can set up the last camera for me, I'll be back in a jiffy!" he said as he walked out of the room.
Kix discovered a newly found appreciation for the chubby dog and the kindness he was shown. The dragon smiled, as he was so happy to find someone cute that didn't mind that he wore diapers, and the possibility of the dog wearing diapers as well was just a bonus!
"Wait, I don't wear diapers." Kix thought to himself. Something was off... but before he could think about it, Mr. Hux returned. "I checked your work outside and it's perfect, just need to check on what you did in here and we can be on our way." The dog looked up at the camera and gave Kix a thumbs up, then Mr. Hux started circling the little dragon, sniffing the air around him occasionally. "Looks like I should check your diaper too from the smell of things."
Blushing and speechless like a little cub, Mr. Hux led Kix by the paw to the oversized changing table in the corner of the room. The dog went in for a hug, so he could get some leverage on Kix's padded butt to lift him onto the table. As if by reflex when he was lifted up, Kix wrapped his legs around Hux's midsection practically squishing both of their wet diapers together. Both of their little cocks quickly sprang to attention. The dog's warm smile was completely disarming to the little dragon, who was very squirmy in the strong arms. Mr. Hux leaned down to kiss that cute boy on the cheek, gauging the big cub's reaction as he said, "You're very cute, you know?"
The little dragon could only mutter out a soft, "You're really sexy yourself," as he hid behind his floppy ears. He knew that much was true after all, he knew it before all this strange diaper stuff started happening, if he was honest.
This gave Mr. Hux a little bit more courage to turn around and put Kix down on the crib, before climbing into the oversized crib himself. This time he kissed the dragon deeply, probing his mouth with his tongue as the dragon explored under his robe. He towered over the smaller dragon, spreading his legs out so he could kneel between them. In a flash, the pair of shortalls he had been wearing were taken off. They continued kissing, the dragon reciprocating more and more as the big dog slowly grinded his soggy diaper into the dragon's own soggy diaper. One of the dog's paws held the dragon's head in place to kiss while the other explored his cute little tummy, going down to grope at the soggy diaper and alternating between the two. Mr. Hux's low grunts and the little squeaks of the small lamb would quickly reveal to anyone how close the two were to squirting in their diapers as they grinded and made out. The grunts and squeaks were starting to speed up as the little lamb was starting to get into it, softly beginning to hump his soggy diapers into the dog's. With a final grunt from Hux, he used both of his paws to grab the little lamb's butt and really grind his soggy diaper into the other one, his little cock twitched and squirted into his diaper. The dragon could feel the dog's powerful orgasm through the two thick and soggy diapers and Kix trembled as he had his own mind blowing orgasm in his diaper. The dog flopped down on top of Kix and nuzzled into his neck. Kix passed out to the rhythmic nature of the dog's warm breath on his neck, instinctively snuggling the big dog like a plush. Coming to his senses, the soggy diaper around his waist was still a surprise to him, but it was a welcome one.