Skipping School

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A poem I wrote for an anthology

Here's a story of my high school days

Right around the time of my emo phase

I had myself a girl

Who'd put me in a swirl

She could really spin me, I give her praise

The issue with the cliques was a bit odd

Me being an emo fox, she being a rabbit goth

A bit of societal rue

The occasional slur or two

Apart from that, it was as good as it got

Our sexual life was fairly grey

No penetration, of none to say

But the kink was on

From dusk till dawn

She'd make me cum with some words and gentle roleplay

One day while skipping class

Hanging at the park and smoking some grass

She got a look in her eye

Which I can not defy

My heart skipped a beat while my neck turned to brass

She slowly took off her boot

She took off her sock and stretched her foot

And with so little grace

She shoved it in my face

"Be a good boy and make mama feel good"

I didn't give it much thought

No passersby, we were in a hidden spot

I licked her sole

Sucked on her toe

I did what I was told without any fraught

Her taste - salty and sweet

I've come to enjoyed it as I worshipped her feet

A curve so erotic

A position - exotic

A podiatric meet and greet

Kissing her foot was always a pleasure

Licking and sucking at my own leisure

But when I bit on her sole

I heard a moan so low

My pants were barely a containment measure

When she saw my growing bulge

Her smile was enough to divulge

She had something in mind

It was high time

She was just about ready to indulge

What she was thinking, I could've never conceived

When she handed me her boot, I forgot to breathe

"Look at me and grunt

While I finger my cunt

And you use my boot as your cocksleeve"

It felt so weird and so good

Jacking off with my lady's boot

She slid one of her hands

Down into her pants

And she moaned as I kept nibbling her foot

The pleasure was intense

My heart gripped with suspense

I filled up her shoe

Up to the brim, mind you

And in a moment, her own climax did commence

Breathing heave, she let out a moan

Half-closed eyes and a smile, she was done

With little to no laud

She shoved her fingers in my mouth

We were ready to be gone

We had finished with our fun

She put on her boot filled with my cum

She kissed me on the cheek

"We'll do it again next week

Maybe you can cum on my feet in front of everyone"

There was some love between us

But school love is barely worth a discuss

It was here and then gone

Next up, I was alone

Nothing was left, but unfulfilled lust

And so, 16 years have passed

I haven't seen her since senior class

To this day

I still wonder and pray

If I meet her, will she finally let me tap that ass

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