A Dragon's Love: Growth

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#14 of A Dragon's Love

Three pairings this time! Twilight goes into her first heat and makes a move on Valor, Faith gets back at Valor with a romp with Flare, and Keto and Blaze have a run in with wolves!


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It had been an interesting time of their lives, when the twins were on the cusp of adolescence, Keto an energetic little boy, Blaze a beautiful little girl, and their lives... Interesting to say the least. The goddess was still breathless from her last divine, self induced climax. Her buxom breast rose and fell as she breathed heavily, staring at the blank star field to her side where images of the wonderful dragon family had played out, one of an infinitium of universes. But suddenly she felt her mood, and her hunger for that matter, change. Waving a dismissive hand at the stars nearby, the former of which glistened as soaked digits caught the twinkling light all about, and new images began to fade into view...

* * * * *

The seasons had come and gone with an astonishing speed. Valor watched his first born, his babies, grow into a fine young pair. They were getting so tall... and more. Sitting on the lakeshore, he idly watched the crystal lake, within which swam his beautiful purple-haired daughter and his blonde little boy, the middle child. They laughed and played, splashing one another for whatever reason make-believe dictated at that time. They were so innocent.

His proud smile, however, faded in favor of surprise as his daughter flashed her amethyst eyes in his direction, the both of which twinkled with a look that was not so innocent after all. It was only for an instant their eyes met, but Valor was sure it existed... Or was he? It had to have been a figment of his imagination. That was it, it had to be.

Splashing her little brother, Twilight grinned and called out. "You're it! Go hide! I'll count to a hundred and come find you!" Her voice was not so high any longer, not that of a little girl. It was changing, becoming more feminine, flowing with a naturally sultry tone. It was something Valor assumed came from the girl's mother, sounding a great deal like Faith when she was trying to seduce him, however, Twilight's seemed to be changing into this sort of thing as a norm.

Keto gasped, then turned and swam to the shore, bolting and running into the thick trees as soon as he could find purchase with his feet. He too was growing, perhaps the delicate years just before adolescence hit, retaining some innocence yet. He wore none of the small garments their mother insisted on, not whilst swimming at least, so his bare butt disappeared quickly into the wood, leaving the small pair of shorts there on the opposite shore.

Twilight as well was bare, swimming towards the shore her father mediated from. Her eyes shone with that same lack of innocence from before, causing Valor to blink curiously. This wasn't the same wicked look she had when she was plotting something wicked. He knew that look. Hating himself, he furrowed his brows as he became more acutely aware of his loincloth's sudden tenting.

As her feet touched the soft lakebed, Twilight started to wade slowly from the crystal clear water, revealing her smooth-skinned shoulders and amethyst wings. Her budding breast crested the gentle waves slowly, letting the water dribble over her swelling chest and pert nipples. The breeze that kissed along her exposing skin caused them to harden quickly, as well as coat her body with cute goose bumps.

As her widening hips, still quite narrow for her level of maturity, emerged, Valor noted, against his intention one might add, that her groin was hairless compared to the patch of gloss-black hair on her mother's nether region. Lastly her smooth legs stepped free of the water, letting her stride fully unrestricted along the grass towards her father, her stride letting her hips sway sensually, something he could only guess she had seen her mother do when she was supposed to be asleep.

She paused in front of him and flashed the same wicked smile she had seen her mother give on occasion then slowly moved onto her hands and knees and began to crawl forward onto a shocked-into-stillness Valor. She said nothing as she reached down to idly touch the loincloth covering her father's raging arousal. With a faint pop it blinked out of existence, a trick she had been practicing on other things in the past.

"Twilight, slow down. You don't have any idea what you're doi-..." His eyes widened in shock as she leaned forward to press her lips to his own, kissing him with a fiery passion he knew full well was only a product of her body's rapid maturity. He felt her gentle, moist digits gently gripping his length and guiding him slowly. He raised his hands to her chest to try to push her away only to realize he had inadvertently palmed both of her swelling breast, causing her to gently moan against his lips.

A musky smell touched his nostrils, wafting into the air around him as he realized only to late what was driving his daughter into this uncharacteristic frenzy. She broke the forced kiss only to gasp loudly and arch her back. He felt her tight wetness suddenly enveloping half of his length before he hit bottom and she stopped. She held herself there impaled on her father's cock, her head thrown back and her spine arched obscenely, pushing her breast against Valor's hands which he only then realized he hadn't moved. By then he was to far gone in the pheromones his daughter was frantically producing in her first heat.

Gently, he began to squeeze her breast, groping and caressing her in a way only he knew how. He hoped to please her in that moment as he could please his mate, Faith. His mind was no longer under his control and though reason screamed at him that this would very much upset Faith, potentially ruin the life they shared, his sudden lust moved onward. He pinched her nipples gently, toying with the hard nubs as she gasped and squeaked, starting to move again slowly.

She lifted herself up slowly until only the tapered tip of her father's length remained inside of her, then lowered herself down again until he pressed firmly against her cervix, squeezing half of his length into her with mild effort. Her hands gently gripped at his arms for a moment, then slid along their lengths to his hands, pressing their palms tightly against her own chest as she rode him, her pace quickly starting to grow faster.

Valor would have none of it. Her lust was one thing, her eager pace another, but neither were things he wanted to control the situation. He suddenly sat forward, pushing her onto her back on the grass. She gasped and stared up at him curiously, as if she had been suddenly scorned. Her cries that followed were not of guilt or shame, however. There was mild pain in the cry, but the pleasure overpowered it.

He began to force his entire length into her frail young body again and again, faster and harder with each powerful thrust. Her cervix had proved little resistance to his onslaught and her womb stretched welcomingly as he took her. He began to growl and moan deeply as he felt her legs wrap around his waist and her small purple wings curl around his body wantonly. She took handfuls of grass against her palms as she dug her nails into the soft mud around them, crying in a passion she had never known until that moment.

Just as quickly as it had begun, it was over. Valor thrust himself fully into her body and held his body there. He threw his head back and called out like some feral beast, roaring his passions to the forest as he filled his daughter's maturing womb with his hot seed. Beneath him, Twilight arched her back and screamed loudly as her body was consumed with her first orgasm. As her father withdrew from her body, she let her back slowly flatten against the grass.

Her vision cleared and she glanced down to her belly for confirmation of what she needed. Grinning wickedly, she set her hands upon her swollen belly, content with the knowledge that her pregnant-looking-tummy was full of seed waiting to take root. She rolled onto her hands and knees with some effort, one hand cradling her laden belly as she did. Moaning deeply, she glanced over her shoulder at her father and gave her bare bottom a little wiggle. "Please..."

* * * * *

That was hardly what a father was supposed to be doing to his daughter! The raven haired angel crossed her arms over her chest, sighing heavily. But... he was a dragon, and Twilight half of one... Perhaps this was just dragon nature? Of course it was, Valor had warned her of the possibilities of such things when they began their lives together... Sighing heavily, Faith turned and started down the dimly lit tunnel back towards the main chamber of the treasure-filled cave. Perhaps she would sit in the nest and knit some. The cave was empty after all and she was getting so out of practi-...

Her eyes widened at what she saw there laying against one of the rims. Her eldest son Flare had discarded his orange loin cloth nearby and was stroking a very dragon-shaped erection. Like his sister and Father, he had no pubic hair. For his age, he was already very muscular, his face a little less child-like, and his head of orange hair no longer cut short. He wanted it long like his father's.

Biting her lip, Faith considered turning and walking away, but... Well, it had been some time since she and Valor had made love... Her eyes dropped to the reason, her gravid belly bulging out before her beneath her dress of shed-scales. She reached her hands up and gently caressed the massive swell. Suppose it wouldn't hurt... It wasn't like she would suddenly have Flare's baby... She turned and made her way to her wardrobe nearby, a chest she kept her clothes in. She would have to get out of the dress... Best not to muss it...

* * * * *

Oh, it felt so good. He could only imagine what the real thing must feel like. Spitting on his palm, he lubricated his hand a little and went back to stroking his six-inch-erection, gasping and softly moaning as he felt himself nearing his second climax. He had discovered masturbation by accident several days ago when he was bathing. He had passed his sister in the tunnel and couldn't help but look her developing curves over. They were all very open about their bodies with one another, but there was something about her nudity that had him hard. He dove in and ignored the erection, but when he swam through a patch of seaweed and it grazed his length, he got a little... curious. What teenage boy wouldn't? The result was as he was now.

He clamped his eyes shut, ready to shoot his seed all over his chest when he felt the blankets shift around him. His eyes opened in fright, fearful he had been caught. He was... His arousal vanished completely. His mother was walking towards him in a heavy robe which still barely hid the bulge of her belly. Uh oh...

She stopped a foot or so away from him and stared down at him in silence for several moments as if contemplating something. He gulped in fear and took a shuddering breath. What was she going to do to him? Imagine his surprise when she reached up and slowly parted the heavy robe and let it slide along her bare belly. Beneath the bulge was her groomed nethers, that patch of black hair something Flare had rarely seen due to her angelic modesty. His eyes stared at it for a good while until she dropped the cloth to the ground, revealing her laden breast and downy white wings. She was completely naked. Her wide hips, swollen breast, massive belly, and blushing cheeks all laid bare to him. He could only stare up at her in shock.

He tried to back away from her, still slightly afraid she would punish him, as she stepped forward and knelt down to straddle his waist. Her hands reaching for his stopped him though. He was caught. She raised his hands and slowly guided them over her massive belly. She was just about to term after all, and she and papa HAD mentioned the possibility of twins... or more... He bit his lip as he watched her guide his hands up over the curve of her tummy and higher still until his adolescent palms suddenly found themselves pressed tightly against his mother's hard nipples.

Faith groped and caressed her breast with her sons hand's until he seemed to get the point and began on his own. Smiling, she let one hand trail down her own belly to the hot prick throbbing against it's underside. She gently gripped the moist length and guided it to her to-long-neglected womanhood. It slid easily up into her, causing the young dragon beneath her to moan deeply, thrusting out of instinct so his balls were pressed tightly against her flesh. She smiled and nodded. She was growing just as eager as he already was, but... slowly she began to ride him, savoring every inch as she again groped herself with his hands.

In and out, up and down, slowly she rode him, rocking her hips as she did and grinding her sensitive clit against her son's body. It was to much. The feeling of his growing fingers at her milk-laden breast, the sensations his hot, pulsing cock sent through her depths, all of it drove her neglected body to the brink. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Flare's gently, kissing him with a love she had previously only shared with her mate, Valor. He returned the gesture with little prompting.

Something snapped inside of Faith. If Valor and Twilight could share their passions unhindered... Why couldn't she? What about more? What if she decided to pursue a more romantic relationship with the boy under her gravid body? She moaned lightly at the idea. If Valor accepted it... The very idea of being filled by both males at once caused her to cry out against Flare's lips and force her body tightly against his own. Her insides pulsed and milked at Flare for what he was so eager to give. She felt his cock throb and pulse in kind, filling her already full body with copious amounts of hot dragoncum. She moaned deeply as the fire began to subside. She slowly removed herself from her son's body and laid at his side, clutching him close against her sweat-and-cum soaked body. She kissed him again and gasped, feeling him roll and press his cock against her belly. She smiled and stroked the hair from his face as he stared at her breathlessly.

"I want to have your baby, sweet... After I have this one, I want to carry yours... I mean it, Flare..." she said, herself not sure if it was the lust or her true desire speaking. Flare, however, smiled and pushed her onto her back. She smiled and nodded eagerly, spreading her legs for him. She had to help him back into her, but the passion that followed rivaled that of the pair outside, and more...

* * * * *

Keto ran through the forest, laughing and giggling. He had to find some place to hide! He heard a gasp and a growl, however, and stopped, his heart leaping in his chest. What was that!? He gulped and crept through the undergrowth, shaking lightly in fear. It almost sounded like Blazy, but what was the growl? He reached forward to brush aside a particularly large fern only to stop dead in his tracks.

There standing in a small clearing was his sister Blaze. She had learned to change her body from that of a dragonling into that of a more angelic state like the rest of their family had. She stood there in fear, clutching at the tatters of her gown, sparse strips of torn magenta fabric to match her hair, fabric that at one time had covered her narrow hips and flat chest. Unlike her family members, Blaze had not yet grown a pair of wings in this body, so her bare back, facing him as it were, was clear to his green eyes, as was the little pink scaled tail she tucked between her legs. In front of her stood a large black wolf. It growled at her and bared it's fangs, starting to circle her.

It got between Keto and Blaze before the young girl screamed and tried to run in the direction away from her brother. She tripped, however, over a fallen branch and reached out with her hands, dropping what remained of her clothes to land on all fours. The wolf struck. Keto was sure he was going to watch his big sister die as her attacker leapt up and covered her body with his own, pinning her to the ground. He watched in horror as he clamped his jaws over her neck and she again screamed.

But the wolf didn't eat her. Instead, it started to rock it's hips in a strange way. Blaze tried to wiggle free, but this only seemed to help the wolf. Suddenly it lurched it's hips forward, causing Blaze to scream again, this time arching her back and clamping her eyes shut. What was going on?

Keto gasped as he heard a growl behind him. He looked over his shoulder only to see another black wolf poised to strike. He squealed and stood, rushing towards Blaze and the other wolf. He had to save his sister and they could go home! Maybe they could outrun the wolves, or climb a tree!

He squeaked as something caught his foot. He had stubbed his toe on a moss-covered rock and rumbled forward. He tried to roll and come back to his feet, but instead he simply fell face first beside his sister. He raised himself up on his hands and knees to try and stand and push the wolf off of his sister, but he felt something tug at his shorts. The sound of fabric tearing filled his ears and a moment later the hot warmth of fur covered his back. What the world!?

He swung his tail to the side, ready to swat at the wolf on his back, but this was only the biggest mistake he could have made. When he swung his tail to the side, something large and hot pressed against his tail hole. He tried to move his tail back into place to protect himself, but pain the likes of which he never imagined filled his body as whatever the wolf had was forced into his body, deep deep inside. He screamed loudly and clamped his teary eyes shut, only idly aware of his sister's hand suddenly pressed down against his own, interlacing their fingers.

The wolf pinning him down pulled the thing out and forced it in again and again, harder and faster as time went on. He felt his sister suddenly squeezing his hand tightly and heard her voice scream out even louder and opened his eyes to see why. He noticed the wolf was no longer moving and looked back to see why. What he saw caused him to call out in fright.

His sister's belly was getting bigger and rounder at an alarming rate. When it stopped growing, Blazy looked just like their mommy, big and round. There was a pause and the wolf began to move again, slamming his hips against his sisters exposed rump in the same fashion Keto felt the second wolf doing to him. He hung his head in defeat only to see his male hood, his thing, rock hard, all four inches pointing straight at the ground and beneath and behind it a large pair of testicles. He knew what those were, what with how open their family was. He had seen Flare's and of course his Father's.

What he didn't expect, however, was something even larger than the rod being forced into his tail hole, a large ball at it's base. The wolf suddenly stopped moving as this large mass continued to grow, stretching him painfully. Something hot and wet suddenly rushed into his body, soothing the pain mildly, but an ache began to grow in his gut. It got worse and worse. He clamped his eyes shut, but something dawned on him. What if this wolf was doing to him what the first had done to Blaze? She looked like she was going to have a baby but... He opened his eyes and looked down at his belly in frightful anticipation only to cry out in terror. Like his sister's, he watched his belly swelling and growing until he, by comparison, was even bigger than her. When it stopped getting any larger, the wolf again began to move. When the large mass holding him still popped free, lots and lots of hot white stuff rushed out of his body, letting his belly deflate considerably though it left him kneeling in a gooey puddle.

The young blond dragonling lost track of how many times he and his sister were raped and emptied as their wolf captors switched places. His tail hole hurt so bad and his belly after a time stopped shrinking so much, while his sister's retained it's obscene shape. When the sun set and the stars filled the sky, the wolves sprinted into the trees, leaving the young dragons to clutch at one another and cry into each other's chests.

The following morning their parents, once free of their primal lusts, found them and took them home, nursing them back to health. They wept with the children much of the day, but after a week or so, things had begun to get back to normal... slowly. But not quite. Papa and Twilight had started spending more time together, cuddling and kissing, and so did Mama and Flare. The four of them spent time together the same way Mama and Papa had alone in the past. It was different, but Keto could accept it.

He and Blaze, on the other hand, kept to themselves, often venturing outside to get away from the 'mushy business'. Their bellies had regained their taut, flat shapes after several days, allowing them to console one another more closely than before.

On one such night while the two held each other close with nothing on but a blanket of stars, Blaze looked to her little brother and offered a small smile. "Do you have dreams about the wolves?" She asked him softly, gently running her fingers through his hair in a way their mother often did to calm them down.

Keto looked up at his magenta-haired sister and nodded wordlessly.

"Good dreams or nightmares?" she asked.

"I don't know..."

She paused then nodded slowly, kissing his forehead. "Me neither."

He sighed and laid his head against her chest so he could listen to her heartbeat for several moments.

After a while, Blaze sat up and stared down at him for a moment before she smiled and gently kissed the top of his head. "Do it to me?" She asked inquisitively.

Keto blinked at her and tilted his head, not quite understanding. "Do what?"

Blaze watched him, then hesitantly slipped away from her little brother and positioned herself on her hands and knees. She held her tail to the side and looked over her shoulder at him. "Do what the wolves did. Please?"

Keto blinked for a moment, then slowly nodded. His body shimmered and melted, reconstructing itself, one might say, into that of his green-scaled-dragon body. He was much larger than a wolf like this, but if his sister wanted it... He stepped forward, perhaps the size of a miniature pony and stepped over her body in the same way the wolves had repeatedly weeks before. The way her body pressed up against his and the way her tail gently brushed at his groin... and the memory of being fucked so many times, strangely enough... urged his long cock free of it's hiding place.

He pressed the tip against his sister's rump, but couldn't quite find the abused womanhood she so wanted filled. Her fingers aided the prick in it's quest though and within moments he was slowly pushing himself into her until seven of his fourteen inches filled her and pressed against her cervix.

She moaned lightly and gripped at her flat chest for reasons she couldn't understand. All she knew is it felt good. "No... not slow... Like the wolves, Keto." she urged, rocking her hips back against him.

"Are you sure?" he asked, not quite so himself.


He blinked at that and removed himself almost completely from within her tight body. He hesitated and thought for a moment about his own experience. The wolves had pushed every single inch of their cocks into his ass and throat without hesitation... Fine, if that's what she wanted, then... He slammed his draconic hips forward, obliterating her cervix and stretching her womb. She gasped loudly, but not in discomfort. Her belly stretching to accommodate his length was not painful. She was used to it after having so much cum inside of her before. She rocked herself back against him just as quickly, matching his rhythm as she moaned and nodded her approval.

"Faster... Harder... please fuck me Keto!" It wasn't a word they had either of them used before, but it was one she had overheard her father speaking with their mother and siblings in a hushed tone over the course of the last two weeks. She had a pretty good idea what it meant. "Fuck me! Fill me! I want to be full again, Keto! Make me round! I want to feel it in me!"

She begged in a way one might have heard a whore in another land, moaning and tensing her body to better squeeze her brother's impressive cock. This body was, after all, much, much larger than his angelic form. He was happy to oblige her, driving his cock into her body faster and faster. His passion rumbled in his chest as he grew closer to a climax he had yet to feel in his life.

The way her young body milked him, squeezed him tightly and refused to let him pull away had him writhing and quaking above her, but it was the way her warmth suddenly washed over him that sent him over the edge. He never heard her cry out in passion as the fire building in his gut suddenly filled her belly, causing her to grow even larger and more round than had the wolves.

He didn't remember what happened next, but when he regained his senses, he was laying on his side as a little boy with his sister's back pressed against his chest and her hands pressing one of his own against her laden belly.

"Keto do you think if we go into the wood again they'll find us?" she asked. He couldn't answer. He didn't know what the write thing to say was.

"I'm going to try it... I want them to fuck me again... I want to feel them both inside me again... In my slit and my tail hole..." She said in a dreamy state, sounding at that moment much more like her sister and mother than the young prepubescent girl she was.

* * * * *

Blaze ventured out into the forest again after that, after he belly had gone down. She found the wolves, or they found her she wasn't sure which, and they fucked all day. She continued this for several days, but the damage was done. Her mother gave birth to twins, two beautiful gold-scaled dragon chicks, her big sister had discovered she too was pregnant and she... After a time her belly stopped getting smaller, stopped shrinking. Her parents were so afraid that the wolves had impregnated her when they raped her, so oblivious as they were to their daughter's... weekly activities.

They could not be happier when they helped their daughter lay a trio of green and pink dragon eggs.

The goddess watched the lot of them raise their new babies, help Twilight through her own pregnancy which later produced triplets, and share in their newfound sexuality, trading partners often and more often still, sharing all of one another's passions at once. The orgies that consumed their lives sent the goddess screaming and arching her back again and again as she drove at first her fingers, then a shiney phallus-shaped-gold-cast into her divinity repeatedly. She began to wonder if there was any end to the wonders this family could produce, as similar as each universe was to the next, but after a moment she realized she knew without question there was none.