Modern Times in Durik: To Worship The Sly Messenger

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#2 of Modern Times in Durik

A story I've previously uploaded on FA. Behold! Another Ratatoskr story and one that's a prequel to the 1st story I've posted here. Hope those that are new like it and others who have read this before enjoys reading it again.

Welcome to the House of Durik! This magical house is home to a group of +20-year-old idiots who either just started their careers or are in college starting to do so. Protected by Manik, a "benevolent" cat-like demon the size of an imp, this story is one of many in a series of short stories detailing the groups antics and encounters with the esoteric and weird.

Description: Gods aren't real... right? Well that's what Manik finds Karby and Flint arguing about late at night instead of sleeping. In order to not only quell their annoying spat but give them a good night to themselves, the demon leaves them with his summoning grimoire and the whole night to find out who truly wins the bet...

I think a ~4.3k word story is suitable justice for the greatest god in SMITE

Characters in Story:

Karby - A 23-year-old male rat with silver fur and a pink tail. A historian with a love for the occult and magic. Is Durik's 1st tenant. Lives in D-01.

Flint - A 21-year-old male fennec fox with beige fur and yellow outlines. A writer and music composing hobbyist. Lives in D-05 with Rorark.

Manik - A small male cat-like demon with red and black fur and piercing yellow eyes. Acts as Durik's caretaker when none of its inhabitants are present and is commonly requested for his magic. Lives wherever he wants so long as it's within the house.

Other Characters:

Rorark - A 20-year-old male skunk with slate fur and green stripes. A SFW streamer by day and NSFW streamer by night. Lives in D-05 with Flint.

Modern Times in Durik

Story #2: To Worship The Sly Messenger

Characters in Story:

Karby - A 23-year-old male rat with silver fur and a pink tail. A historian with a love for the occult and magic. Is Durik's 1sttenant. Lives in D-01.

Flint - A 21-year-old male fennec fox with beige fur and yellow outlines. A writer and music composing hobbyist. Lives in D-05 with Rorark.

Manik - A small male cat-like demon with red and black fur and piercing yellow eyes. Acts as Durik's caretaker when none of its inhabitants are present and is commonly requested for his magic. Lives wherever he wants so long as it's within the house.

Other Characters:

Rorark - A 20-year-old male skunk with slate fur and green stripes. A SFW streamer by day and NSFW streamer by night. Lives in D-05 with Flint.

Manik sighed peacefully as he heard another door close for the night. Work nights like these were always his favorite. Most of Durik's tenants had to forgo their antics and sleep for the night. Meanwhile, he could settle down on the living room couch with a nice book he barely had the chance to read.

He was far behind the series and needed to catch up to be with the rest of the story's community. He had been meaning to do it for a while, but tonight was definitely THE night to do it.

The cat-like demon smirked as he jumped onto the couch and opened the book. He would begin to enjoy his time of silence for a while. He even managed to get to a particular juicy part on page 46 he had heard about.

Alas, his relaxation could not be permanent. Especially not when he heard the noticeable sound of two voices arguing while approaching his location. He sighed as the voices became closer and clearer.

"... For the last time Kar, they're not real!"

"Of course, they're real! I'm gonna prove you wrong!"

"I just think you wanna get out of wearing the cage!"

"N-No I don't! I just know what I'm talking about!"

The imp sighed and closed his book, seeing a particular silver rat and beige fennec fox walk into the living room. They were wearing nothing but their boxers and t-shirts. "Alright you too! People are trying to sleep for work and classes tomorrow, why are you two yelling and arguing?"

The two tenants paused their spat and looked at Manik. The fennec fox smugly elbowed the rat, and he stepped forwards. "Good evening Manik! Me and this little gremlin here were arguing about whether or not gods exist." Karby smiled at Flint upon saying that with the fennec returning a glare.

Manik gave the two a confused look. "...What?"

Flint immediately started laughing. "Hahaha! See? I told you that would be his reaction! I win~!"

The rat glared daggers at Flint and covered his mouth before elaborating. "You know what I mean Manik. You know gods like Anubis or Sobek!"

Manik took some time to think. The names were very familiar...

"... OH! Right those two..."

Karby leaned in further. "Yeah! And others from different pantheons like Aphrodite and Hades!"

Manik nodded his head as Karby listed more names he knew. "... Why do you need to know if they're real or not?"

Flint would be the one to step forwards. "Because of this baby!"

Manik raised an eyebrow as the fennec revealed a chastity cage in his hands.

"... A cage? Really?"

"Not just any cage! This baby's the latest and greatest model from the most advanced sex toy company!"

Karby took the device from the fennec and brought it closer to the deadpanned imp. "Rorark needed one of us to test it for him because he's gonna debut it on his stream tomorrow night!"

Manik was unimpressed. "Why can't you both test it then?"

The two began laughing, making the cat demon more annoyed and confused. He patiently waited for them to stop.

Flint would manage to calm himself down first. "It's got tons of settings that will require someone to experiment on the one with the cage. If we both tried to do it, then we won't have enough time tonight to get through all of the features..."

Karby followed him up. "So~ We decided to make a bet out of it! The wager being, whether or not gods are real!"

Flint smirked. "Obviously, I'm on team Realism. While I can believe demons like you can exist, actual gods able to control the very aspects of reality seem a little farfetched."

Karby shook his head in disappointment. And turned to Manik with fervor "And I'm on team Worship! If you can exist with your powerful magic, and just the very fact that Durik is a magical house itself is all the proof I need to know that there's more out there."

Manik set his book down and walked over to the two. "So... Let me get this straight: If I say "yes" Flint gets the cage and if I say "no" Karby gets it?"

The two nodded.

"... *sigh* Alright, I'll entertain your degeneracy..."

Manik would look at the two's eyes, seeing nothing but anticipation. Manik looked deeply at them both before turning to the fennec fox. "Flint..."

The fennec perked up at his name, a victorious smile growing on his face. "Yes?"

The imp side eyed Karby who was looking more and more defeated the longer the demon kept the verdict. It was kind of cute to see him like that. Alas, the demon was still bound to tell them the truth...

"Flint... You better take that cage from Karby and start fitting it on that cock of yours."

The fennec's eyes widened in surprise as Karby began laughing hysterically. "W-WHAT!?!?"

Manik could help but smile. "Karby is right. Divine beings and gods do exist."


Karby interrupted him by thrusting the cage into his hands and sliding his underwear down. "You heard him, Flint! Put it on!"

Flint's eyes were filled with betrayal. "W-Wait! There's no proof they exist though! M-Manik could be lying to us!"

The cat-like imp sighed in disappointment as Karby responded, "There's no reason for Manik to lie about this topic though~ Stop whining and fit the cage already!"

The fennec went to grab Manik by the shoulders. "You! I-I need proof! Contact one of them right now!"

The more Flint was holding him the more annoyed Manik got. He pulled the anxious fennec's hands off of him and spoke with a bored tone. "Heh. I'm not gonna just contact random gods for no reason. Especially NOT tonight..."

The demon opened his 3rdeye and painted a sigil in midair. This one heavily differed from the other circles he would normally draw. After finishing, he would reach his hand through the sigil, the spell expanding to allow his hand inside.

After rummaging around for a bit, Manik finally found it. He pulled his hand back through the pocket portal to reveal a red-orange book. He thoughtlessly handed the book to Karby and walked to grab his own personal book.

"Flint... If you want proof, you and Karby can use that book I gave you. I'm not in a request mood nor want to do anything else tonight. Just leave the book on either the couch or table when you're done.

Flint would attempt to protest, only to find that the demon was covering his ears and showed no signs of stopping his leave. After a few seconds, the two tenants would find themselves alone in the living room.

Flint looked down at the cage in disappointment while Karby's eyes were lit with joy at the many god names hidden in the book. "You see Flint!? They're all real! And all of them have different requirements to summon them here!"

The fennec grimaced at the rat. "I'm not budging until I see a god in front of me Kar."

Karby smiled smugly. "Well... Alright then, how about I pick a god we've both talked about before... Let say... the Norse pantheon~"

Flint began leering. "What are you implying?"

Karby got devilishly close to the fennec. "How's about I summon... Ratatoskr?"

Flint stepped back in surprise. "T-That liar!?"

"Hey! Ratatoskr isn't a liar! He just stretches the truth a bit."

Flint looked deadpanned. "... Just like you Kar."

"And that's why he's my favorite~!"

The rat immediately got to work. Thankfully, having the kitchen nearby made everything incredibly easy. Ratatoskr's summoning requirements were simple: At least 4 different kinds of nuts, and a fake or real potted plant of any size.

Flint would grumble the entire time, preparing to fit himself with the cage on the off-chance Manik's magical book was going to work.

It took a few minutes but soon everything was aligned in place. "Hope you're ready Flint~ Because you're about to meet a god!"

Karby placed the final object down: A note with required symbols to summon Ratatoskr on them.

The ground immediately reacted to the note's placement, the book Karby was holding seemed to become sentient and ripped itself from the rat's hands. The nuts and the fake tree all condensed themselves into the book as it floated to the center of the living room.

The two would watch in awe as the energy warped and condensed into a soft light that slowly fell to the ground. Their eyes widened as the light dimmed, giving form to a squirrel-like creature.

The creature would slowly stand upright and open its eyes. Vibrant black eyes with hints of blue stared intently at the two.

The room was silent as the patter of the creature's paws echoed from the floor. Upon coming closer, the two would notice that the squirrel-like features the creature had were actually ALL of their features. The creature was truly a giant squirrel. Flint stepped forward in shock as Karby stepped back.

Rearing itself upwards completely and seemingly summoning lightning around it, the creature spoke, "I am Ratatoskr! Lord of Creation, Maker of all Living Things, and Destroyer of the Winds of Fate!"

The god padded closer to the two. "Who dares to summon Me?"

The fennec fell down to his knees at the sight of him. "It was us lowly mortals that did."

Karby gave Flint a glance and knelt down as well. "O mighty Ratatoskr, traveler of the World Tree. We have summoned you here because my friend did not believe a god like you was real.

Ratatoskr gave Flint a smirk. "Is that so?"

The fennec looked guiltily at the squirrel god and gave a reluctant nod. Ratatoskr would then disappear and then quickly reappear in his face.

Flint let out a yelp in surprise as the god looked in squarely in the eyes. "So then, friend~ Is this the proof you need?"

Karby would grab the fennec from behind, surprising him even more. "Hmm... I don't think so Lord Ratatoskr. I think he may need more proof~"

Ratatoskr would give Karby a smirk before turning his attention back to Flint. "For once, I think someone other than me is right. You know mortal, most gods have punishments for those who don't believe in them."

"B-But! I do Ratatoskr! Y-You're here, in front of me right now! T-That's all the proof I need!" Flint frantically turned back to Karby. "Okay bro you're right. I'll take the L and wear the cage."

"Cage? What cage?" Flint slowly turned back to the god, only to see him holding the chastity cage with an intrigued face.

Upon seeing the fennec's reaction turn to worry, Rat's face began to smile devilishly. "Hmm~ I think a know a few suitable punishments for a mortal like you..."

"W-Wait! B-Bu- "

Flint couldn't react to the blinding speed of the god's slash. All he could do was look helpless as his underwear was shredded in half with a single swipe.

When the god reappeared, he was looking back at the fennec fox, his bushy tail and beautiful ass in full view. He smugly looked back at Flint as he fitted the cage over the fennec's cock.

Flint couldn't help but shiver at his organ being enclosed within the metal cage. The feeling of Ratatoskr's hands, brush on it wasn't helping either. His erect cock could not reach its full mast like it desperately wanted to.

"Heh~ Very nice start. Now then..."

Flint's eyes widened in surprise as his face would be enveloped in the darkness that was the god's ass. He blushed and whimpered at the feeling.

Ratatoskr made a slight grunt of effort as he made himself comfortable on the fennec's face. He cleared his voice and boomed out a more commanding tone. "... As punishment for being a nonbeliever, mortal, I'm forcing you to act as my chair for a while."

Flint blushed under the squirrel god's weight. He couldn't help but begin licking and kissing the hole. Even in the darkness around him, the taste of the god's anus was indescribable.

"Yeah! Attaboy~" Ratatoskr began reaching down to his cock. "Mmmh~ It's been a long while since he had something to sit on that wasn't Yggdrasil's branches."

Karby didn't even realize what he was doing until a light scratch appeared on his outstretched arm. The rat flinched away and rapidly shook out of his trance.

His eyes refocused again to find an annoyed Ratatoskr glaring at him. "Hey! I may be hot but hands off my nuts. I didn't say you could yet."

Karby blushed and pulled his hands back to himself. "S-Sorry..."

The god smiled. "Since you also wanna worship me, let me get your friend situated first, okay?"

Karby nodded a stepped back to the couch. He may not have been allowed to touch the squirrel gods beautiful nuts, but that didn't stop his mind from himself basking in them. He thought tented his underwear.

He heard the god let out a mixture of a moan and a laugh. "Ohohoo~ My nuts are that appealing to ya huh?"

The rat blushed as the god saw right through him.

"Go on. Mmh~ I encourage you to take those off."

Flint let out an agreeing moan. Something Ratatoskr was not happy with.

Flint felt the god shift over him, somehow giving the fennec more parts of his ass to be licked. The very scent of the squirrel's pink hole enticed him further.

Ratatoskr looked disappointed at his throne for stopping his service. "Hey! I don't feel you deep enough. Less sounds more licking!"

The fennec obeyed, burying his muzzle deeper into the god's ass. He felt like he was ascending to a higher plane as the majestic ass of the squirrel seemed to envelope his face more.

Ratatoskr waited until he felt the fennec get into a good rhythm before continuing to stroke his rod. He brought himself closer to release but soon felt something missing...

"Hey mortal!"

Karby perked up at the god as he finished discarding his underwear. "Y-Yes?"

"You can now lay your hands on nuts."

The rat's eyes lit up as he rushed over and knelt down to fondle the squirrel god's orbs.

Ratatoskr let out a grunt approval. "Yeah~ That's good..."

Karby got felt himself become fully erect at the touch of the god's fur. It felt like the perfect mixture of softness and fluffiness.

While Ratatoskr enjoyed the service the rat was doing, it was far from enough. "Yeah, your hands aren't enough. Put that mouth to use!"

Karby blushed hard at the order. "Y-Yes Lord Ratatoskr."

He lowered his head and hesitantly gave the squirrel's nuts a lick.

Ratatoskr smirked as the single lick devolved into frantic licking and kissing. Now THAT's what he needed!

Karby wanted to apologize but the scent of the god's nuts and his cock wouldn't let him. They smelled too good to not taste. He wanted to savor every second he could with them.

When a being worships someone's cock, it's always inevitable that that they would end up at the tip. Karby was no exception. The rat lapped at the pre that leaked from the squirrel's cock, finally getting a moan of approval.

"Ahh~ You know what to do mortal..."

Karby needed nothing else to be said as his mouth took all of Ratatoskr's rod. Admittedly, Karby was a bit underwhelmed at the god's length. In comparison to his own, the god was just an inch or two bigger than him and his balls were relatively similar too. Of course, the very feeling and taste of Ratatoskr ended all of the rat's preconceptions. This was the best tasting cock he had the pleasure of worshipping.

Ratatoskr could help but moan in pleasure. These mortals knew how to serve and were giving the god all he could ask for. Such pleasure on his ass and cock was exactly what he needed after his latest run around Yggdrasil. He humped into the rat, getting a gag moan out of him while pressing into the non-believing fennec below him.

Flint was still lost in his heaven. The sheer taste brought him to the edge of his climax. He just needed a little more...

Karby was the same way. The warmth of the squirrel god's cock and his pre brought him closer as well...

Ratatoskr quickened his pace. The rat's maw coaxed his climax further and further. "F-Fuck~ I haven't felt this good since... since- "

Karby listened intently for the god to finish his statement. However, he would feel a forceful thrust instead. He heard the god let out a relieved sigh as the god's cum flowed into his mouth.

Ratatoskr looked down in satisfaction at his worshipper. The obedient rat drank up all of his seed with half-lidded eyes. What a good boy he was...

"Great work my faithful worshipper~! Did you enjoy my nuts?"

Karby released himself from the god's cock, the last of the cum trickling into his throat. "...Y-Yes. T-Thank you."

The god gave him a smirk. "Hehe~ Not a problem!"

Flint felt despair as he felt the weight of the squirrel ease off of him. He whimpered desperately that the god's ass left his face. A smug-looking Ratatoskr looked down at him. "So... Believe in gods now?"

Flint couldn't find the words to say. He was still processing having such perfection ripped from his face. Thankfully, Karby answered for him. "Haha! I-I think he believes in you now Lord Ratatoskr."

"Ohoho~ Good... Now then..."

Karby's eyes widened as he felt himself tripped on to his back. "H-Huh?"

He looked up to see the squirrel god on top of him, within his hand was a large acorn. His eyes lit up as he knew what the acorn was. "A-An acorn from the World Tree?"

Ratatoskr smiled. "Yeah! Here's your reward for your devotion to me."

Karby's heart quickened as the squirrel god turned towards his cock. He couldn't help but moan and curl his paws as he felt something probe his ass. "Ahahhh~ Y-You're not gonna- "

"Yes, I am mortal! I'm just gonna give you a small taste of how I get off in-between my trips."

The rat moaned louder as he felt the magic acorn stretch his ass more. Thankfully, the bulbous nut wasn't anything close to a dildo. He shuddered in pleasure as the acorn kept his hole stretched.

Ratatoskr took his time to wipe his paws on the rat's leaking cock. Giving it a small taste, he concluded that the mortal's cum was virile but still way below average in comparison to the other gods he's tasted.

"Mmmh~ Pretty average, but it will do."

Karby blushed at the statement. "T-Thank you."

The god would step on the rat's stomach and positioned his ass over the 10-inch cock. "Now then. Let's see if you got big enough nuts to satisfy me..."

With the press of a button, both Flint and Karby began moaning loudly. Flint didn't even know the squirrel god had snuck an acorn into his ass until the magic from it began stimulating his ass. It felt like Rorark was the one fucking him. Then came the vibrations from his cage. He heard the clicking of a button and couldn't help but moan as pleasure flowed into his ass and cock.

The fennec dry-humped the air helplessly as the pleasure quickly drove him to a climax. "Nghh~ Hah-HAH!"

He felt his cock squeeze and pulse through the cage and spill his cum onto his stomach. He shivered as his orgasm passed. He felt the acorn pop out of his ass, getting one final moan out of him. He panted lightly as he felt the magic dissipate from him. The fennec fox's eyes would grow heavy as his glow ended. The last thing he would hear came from Ratatoskr speaking in a disappointed yet coy tone, "Mmh~ Come on mortal. I know you can go faster than that~!"

Karby was trying his best to meet the god's demands. Lord Ratatoskr knew how to ride a cock and was giving him the best one he ever had. The rat felt his cock be consumed by the god's tight, pleasure-filled ass. He had no idea how the god could handle his girth but that didn't matter. What mattered was satisfying the majestic being in front of him right now.

Ratatoskr smirked as he felt the rat speed up his thrusts. His cock felt good. Well... Any cock would feel good after using Yggdrasil's acorns for so long. Now, he could finally get the full feeling he had long since yearned for. "Mmmmh~ Hel yeah! Give me that offering!"

Karby moaned as he felt the squirrel god press down on his cock, rapidly bringing him closer to fulfilling the god's command. "Hah hah, yes sir!"

He slammed hard into the god. The stimulation of the acorn sent him over the edge. He moaned as he felt his seed flood into the god's ass.

Ratatoskr let out another relieved sigh as he felt the rat's cum flow into him. The fluid felt so good, rivaling the magic of his acorns. "Mmmh~ Good boy~ You really do got nuts~"

Karby moaned as he felt the pressure in his ass release and the sounds of the acorn echoed as it hit the floor. He fought through his failing endurance to respond to the divine being. "T-Thank you Lord Ratatoskr..."

Ratatoskr gave him a smug smile. "You're welcome~!"

Karby moaned as the squirrel god would pull himself off the rat's cock, excess cum leaking from the gods tailhole. Excess cum that Ratatoskr wasted no time shoving in Karby's face. He didn't need to think, he only needed to clean.

Ratatoskr allowed the cleaning until he was certain no more of the mortal's cum would leak out of him. Afterwards, he would climb off of the rat's crotch and gave him a smirk. "You know mortal? You're quite possibly the best worshipper I ever had. 2nd to only your sleeping friend over there."

Karby panned his eyes over to Flint. The beige fennec was sound asleep in a small pool of his own cum, a wide, relieved smile plastered all over his face. He then looked back at the god who was holding the acorn he had inserted into him previously.

"As a reward for your devotion to me, I think I'll let you keep one of my nuts..." Ratatoskr placed the nut on the tired rat's stomach. "They're very nice. Especially if you need something quick to satisfy you in the moment~"

Karby felt so elated at the squirrel god's gift. "I-I don't know what to say~"

Ratatoskr gave him a smirk. "Hehe~ You don't have to. Consider it the Mighty Ratatoskr's generosity to his loyal worshippers. You promise to summon me again?"

Karby's eyes lit up. "O-Of course! W-We'll summon you every single time!"


Karby's eyes followed the god as he padded to the center of the living room. Ratatoskr would look around the now silent room until his ears perked up. "Ah! There it is!"

Ratatoskr would jump into the air. However, instead of landing on the ground, the god seemed to be standing on something akin to a tree branch. The god would then hop to another branch, seemingly becoming brighter.

As he jumped to a 3rd branch, he glowed the brightest he ever did. Before he could disappear, he turned back to look at the rat. "Oh! And before I forget!"

The god reached into his bag and pulled out the remote to Flint's cage and tossed it to Karby. "Make sure to teach that bandit more lessons."

Karby sluggishly nodded in response. His vision became heavy as he saw the squirrel god jump to the 4th branch and disappeared into pure light...

A few hours later...

Manik would walk back into the living room. Being a demon, sleep was just a suggestion for him. He loved the peace he got while he managed to not only finish his book but managed to catch up all the way to the current book. A very accomplishing night overall.

Manik's smile would dissipate upon looking at the unkempt room. The book was haphazardly laying on the ground with a fake plant that belonged to the corner of the room right next to it. Cum littered the flooring along with the two annoying dumbfucks he had left to their own devices for the night.

"*sighs* You two couldn't even put the plant back?"

The imp didn't get a response, nor was he expecting one. Having sex with any divine being would be taxing on a mortal's body. He shook his head and walked over to pick up his summoning grimoire. He flipped through the book, scanning over the various names of gods and divine entities. Everything looked the same, until he got to his Norse section.

There, he would find the name of a certain sly messenger greyed out. He looked at Karby's and Flint's sleeping forms and gave them a smile.

"Ratatoskr huh? You two have good taste..."

Modern Times in Durik: All for Self-Indulgence

Manik grunted slightly as he heaved himself onto Lowen's bed. He reached into his pocket dimension and pulled out a full bucket of popcorn. He wiggled and settled down on the bed. He was now ready to watch one of his most favorite shows: "D-02, the...

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